7 Steps to Finding the Best Roommate
Searching for a compatible roommate can be just as stressful as finding ideal apartment rentals. In many ways, it feels like dating. You need to find someone who you are fairly confident that you can live with because it goes without saying that your home should be a comfortable, tranquil environment. So before you decide on a complete stranger as your future roommate to rent an apartment with, familiarize yourself with these seven steps to help you find the best roommate: Consider people outside of your circle of friends. If you truly believe that you and your friend would make great roommates, particularly in regards to lifestyle compatibility, feel free to ask. However, more often than not, living with friends can cause a rift in the relationship once it becomes painfully obvious that the two of you have conflicting lifestyles and expectations during the apartment rental. For this reason, it’s always good to explore resources like free newspaper ads and online roommate matching services to widen the pool of potential roommates. You can also ask your friends for roommate recommendations based on people they know and trust. Interview your potential roommate in person. Meet up with your potential roommate at a coffee shop or a bar to conduct an informal interview. The meeting should feel more or less like a platonic date, where your sole objective is to establish some reasonable expectations for one another. Be sure to ask the person a number of questions that will give you a firm understanding of whether the two of you are compatible. Ask questions about the individual’s employment status, if he or she has had roommates before, whether the individual smokes, how often the person has people over, and how comfortable he or she is in sharing common spaces as well as household and food items.