7 Tips to make Professional Website Design 2016 Simplicity attracts the people. In a survey, Google revealed that complex web design leads to fewer conversion or sale as compared to simple web designs. Complex layout increases the confusions for the people but the simpler the website, the more conversions that website earned. The simple and clear website makes easy for the visitors to understand clearly and navigate a website easily. All the visitors are always in a hurry and they need quick information from the internet. So, they just click the website and stop where they find the suitable information and best satisfied with the web site design. You can include many elements to impress visitors but sometimes new invention or the implementation might be a bit risky. However, by taking the risk, you become more familiar with the visitors and you come to know the greater engagement element on your website and business. You must be capable of differentiating the various categories where people are showing more interest. Following are the tips that matter a lot for the visitors. Include Engaging Factors: The most important factors on the website are content, images and features that directly encourage visitors to convert. In order to attract the visitors, you need to focus on the elements included in the website must have a purpose. Your webpage must have all the important things or define your business exactly what the visitors looking for. Convey a Clear Layout and Navigation: Creative implementation of design elements on your website adds a shine to your business. The website that delivers a familiar layout and clear navigation that visitors find easy to move from one webpage to another reap the most conversions and sales. The easy navigation helps visitors to find their way around the site. The confusing website difficult for the visitors to understand and how it works. Color Strategy: When you need to simplify your website design visually, you need to focus on color strategy. Use shades of the same color. Light color for the background and dark color for the header and menu items. When the colors distract the eyes, visitors do not love it whether the content is of quality and your all effort goes waste. Limited number of Pages: The less number of pages on your website gives a chance to the visitors to explore and click around. So, you need to get rid of unnecessary pages or you need to keep them separate that does not disturb the visitors. Make the points of the key things or include important stuff for the visitors and it is easier for the visitors to focus on your content. Use of Call to action elements: