MOBILE APPS DEVELOPMENT IOS Apps Development We at iMedia Designs are proud to announce that we are very competent in IOS apps development for this world wide phenomenon (IOS).
ANDROID Apps Development We at iMedia Designs cater your simple or extensive requirements with our experience and zeal for developing great apps and innovative designing
Blackberry Apps Development Our apps for blackberry are focused n providing ease to business process and simplified business communication. We provide simple, effective and efficient applications that readily adapt on all blackberry phones.
Process involved in mobile application
Ideation Product Strategy Design Project Management Development Quality assurance (QA) Delivery
OUR TEAM App Strategy Our strategy team creates innovative game plan for your App success, through discovery & brainstorming coupled with extensive research App Design
Our talented designers & artists create visual influences that set your App apart, through engaging, easy-to-use & rich user experiences
App Development Our technology team develops secure, stable, scalable multi-platform Apps by fostering technological innovation and flawless engineering
Toronto 481 University Street, Suite 703 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E9, CANADA +1-647-799-0657
Montreal 1396 st Catherine, Suite 210 Montreal, Quebec, H3G 2B7, CANADA +1-514-819-7709
New York 275 Madison Ave, Suite 702 New York, NY 10016, United States +1-646-701-5877