Titanfall Game Review
Magic 2014 Tips #4
Captain Phillips Movie Review
Community Pic of the Month
Announced PC Game Releases
Website Makeover - The Website received a complete overhaul this month, including an updated logo. One of our most exciting NEW features is our 'Tazer Play’s' page. Designed to display not only our Let's Play Videos but also the community's. With the ability to upload/send us your videos or YouTube URL's we can help your video reach more people than ever before. Available to everyone NOT just members.
Tazer Trailer - We have created a new Tazer Trailer for the YouTube channel and Website to give new visitors an idea of who we are and what we do. Haven't seen it yet? Go check it out under the HOME tab on the website.
Old Gamer Gazette Reviews Reviews from 2013 Issues of the Gazette have now been added to the website for all visitors to view them. We will be releasing all of our reviews like this from the Gazette every six months.
(April - May)
New Videos - We've had time to do lots of Tazer Play’s Videos this month and I hope that that is something that we will be able to continue every month. This month's videos include; Kim and Nathan Play Nazi Zombie Army 2 (Part 1 and 2), Titanfall 'First Look', Surgeon Simulator 2013, A New Beginning Final Cut, Ghostbusters: The Video Game and South Park: The Stick of Truth. Easter Giveaway - This month sees the launch of our first Quad-Core Edition Bumper Pack for the Gazette. Readers will receive Issues 2-5, extra content AND a chance to win 1 of 9 games we have to give away with the 'Unique Entry Code', which will be printed inside the Quad-Core Edition Magazine. Released 2/4/2014.
been getting steadily worse, so I'd say that they were about even.
Titanfall Game Review By Nathan Scullard For those of you who have followed Tazer for a while, you will be aware that its background lies in competitive Call of Duty, and that it originated as a Clan that unfortunately did not work out. But with that in mind, first-person shooters (FPS) are in the ground roots of everyone at Tazer and is how we all met each other. So when a new FSP game comes out, we are understandably picky and poke holes in it from every known angle, and Titanfall is no different. Especially when this game is being dubbed as the 'COD-Killer'. A brave statement to make. So in this review we are going to use that statement as a direct comparison between the two games. I could chuck Battlefield in there too but it seems a little like putting Mike Tyson in the ring with a couple of puppies. Battlefield is miles better then COD and Titanfall...well I probably could compare it to Battlefield, but to be honest I don't want to get bogged down as there is a few things, basic things that Battlefield do better than Titanfall, but that's because they have been out a while and had a few instalments where as this is Titanfall's first attempt. I can hear all the COD fans screaming now saying; "COD has been out for a while too." Well, to put it bluntly COD's best instalment was their first Modern Warfare: COD 4 and since then their instalments having
So, let us begin! For those of you who know nothing about Titanfall, the game is an FPS based around two competing factions; the IMC and the Militia. In the campaign you play through the stories for both sides, and play them in a very unique way. I cannot recall ever seeing an FPS like this playing through the campaign in an online-lobby style level by level process, with actual real opponents as well as a multitude of computer-controlled bots. Each mission has an objective for each side and the players must try to complete the objective to win the game, in a style that somehow reminds me of a paintball day out...except with large robots! However, whoever wins the game doesn't seem to affect the outcome or what happens next in the story, which would have been a really nice addition if they could have imputed that into the game.
And just like every other FPS, as you win matches and complete achievements you gain XP, which in turn allows you to level up, unlock more weapons and equipment etc., for you AND your titan. But what did surprise me was the use of cards in game. While you're trying your damndest to be the biggest badass going by free running across literally everything, turning invisible, jumping in and out of Titans and killing an absolute shit-ton of bots, you actually gain cards, which can be
equipped and then used between spawning to give your guy or gal an extra boost. There are hundreds of different cards too, ranging from a simple 'better gun' to being able to infect all the bots around you with a 'WiFi Virus' that puts them on your team’s side. The cards do take a bit of getting used to and for ages I didn't have a clue what I was doing, until Kim shouted, "It's really not that hard to
understand, man!" Which resulted in me thinking I was being more thick then...then...well something very very thick! I then went out and learned the card system and it really isn't that hard. You equip the cards you want before the game (Maximum of 3) then when or if you die remember to pick a card to use, and then you get that ability or whatever the card says until you die again. Easy! But just a heads up, it’s SO annoying when you pick a good card and them get spawn killed, which can still unfortunately happen in Titanfall. I think the best game I have seen to prevent spawn killing is Killzone: Shadow Fall when you have a shielded base area with indestructible automated turrets that guard the outside around the shields. But at least it's not as bad as the spawn killing in COD when sad people memorize the spawn layouts just so they can camp and shoot people as they pop up, I mean seriously, if you paid £40 for a game just to sit on your arse and be a douche bag then you need to be shot...for real!
The multiplayer for Titanfall is pretty similar to the campaign apart from the different game modes and I didn't like that to be honest, I would have preferred that they made the two experiences feel completely different to one another. I also thought that on the whole the campaign was a little short and really needed bulking out a bit. On the other hand I actually liked COD: Ghosts campaign, it is always something they usually do well, but their multiplayer system just continues to get worse and worse. But on a little side note, the game mode 'Last Titan Standing' was awesome. But where Titanfall really stands out from the crowd is the mechanics, the in-game animations and just all the little minor details which make this not only visually stunning but one of the most enjoyable FPS games I have ever played. The maps are big but not too big, which has always been my main problem with COD and Battlefield. COD's maps are too small and Battlefield's are too big. But with Titanfall, due to all the running and jumping options, and the ability to be carried around in or on a titan, it means that a large map suddenly turns into a good size map. And there can't be
too many low roofs on the maps either as you need to be able to call in your titans, so you can literally go anywhere. They have the same warning messages as Battlefield for when you are exiting the war zone, which I have done occasionally, but I would much rather have that then invisible walls and really linear map
layouts. It really makes for interesting gaming because instead of people ‘camping it out’ and waiting for people to come around corners where they know lots of people come, it has quite the opposite effect because you have no idea where they will be coming from. Everyone just runs around all the time, desperately trying not to get shot, assassinated or stepped on by the giant metal behemoths! Which is amazing because the warzone looks really alive and vibrant, that coupled with the bots roaming around and individual incidents you run into throughout
the maps, such as two enemy soldiers fighting or one executing a captured foe. Mean that this is a really exciting and engaging way to game. The ability to use a controller is a plus for me, and it works really well, not once did I feel outmatched by the other players using a mouse and keyboard, which was another problem I had with the PC port of Call of Duty, it just doesn't work well at all. Overall I thought this game was a great start, it already beats Call of Duty hands down, but is it a 'COD-Killer'? Well...No. Is the simple answer, I actually thought that this was a really great middle ground game with a few extras chucked in for good measure. It sits quite nicely between both Call of Duty and Battlefield, but when it comes to making you feel good, making you feel epic and a total beast with a big metal monster to play with,
Titanfall is King, and I look forward to seeing what they will do with it in the future! Thanks for taking the time to read my review and I will see you all next time! -Nathan
Hi again people and welcome to another one of my Magic 2014 articles. It's going to be a bit special today as I want to talk about the deck called Mind Maze. But before I go on I just have to say this is probably my most favorite character in the game. I just like the look of him, and the blue ghostly aura that surrounds him its just awesome. He's the only one I can really relate to, if I was a summoner I figure I'd be the one using illusions and not the big scary monsters. He's just cool in my mind. Anyway this is the man to the left and in my mind he looks mystic and at the same time, like a bad ass too. Now this deck is a bit special and I want to adress these things first before getting into the cards. First of all, all the creatures in this deck are illusions and have this one overall rule that reads something like "As soon as this creature is the target of a spell or ability, destroy that
creature." This means that even if a spell does one point of damage and your creature has ten in toughness it will still die. This is a bit hard to deal with in my opinion but on the other hand the deck can be kind of fast if you get the right cards. So hopefully you won’t have that kind of problem with too many spells. Secondly most cards in the deck can be played with three mana. It’s like a rule I don’t know if I was intentional or not but if you get 3 or more lands out you can use most of the creatures in the deck. Still it is nice to be able to play more then one creture at a time in any one turn, and I will advice against using only a handfull of lands in the deck, it did not work out well for me. The first card is Jac'e Phantasm. Its not the best card by far especially not in the beginning of the game. But it does carry the name of the summoner himself, and as I liked the character I liked the name. For a single mana cost you get this 1/1 with the flying and Illusion rule. But if you get it later in the game let’s say when there’s ten or more cards in your oponents graveyard this small little 1/1 gets a nice +4/+4 bonus making it land on a 5/5 in the end. And a 5/5 for just one cost in mana is nothing to be sniffed at. As I stated earlier though, it still suffers the same instability as all the Illusions but I still like the card, just be carefull for
those spells. Still for a one cost card it’s a good diversion for your stronger cards as well. Phantasmal Bear is another low cost card, again costing only one point of mana. But gives you a 2/2. It has no special rules to give it any better survavability, but it does have a value in it as a blocker. Its very inexpensive and it’s still a 2/2. Think you also have a few of them and if I remember I had one of these (or something similar to it in one of my old starter decks for magic way back in the Onslaught series, as well as something called a Vizzerdrix 'A bored wizard once created a vizzerdrix out of a bunny and a piranha. He never made that mistake again' hope I remember that right). Now this one is a bit special, Veiled Sentry is a one cost card and its an enchantment in all respects. But as soon as your oponent plays a spell card Veiled Sentry becomes a Illusion creature with an power and toughness equal of the spells converted mana cost. Could be a 1/1 or a nifty 10/10 if your lucky. Depending on your oponent and the amount of spells thay have, this can be a nifty thing. Phantasmal Image is a spell that creates an illusion of a target creture of your choosing. It’s great to get a few extra creatures up or to add another Lord of the Unreal. As well as
countering an enemy power. And when and opponent summons a powerful creture, you can copy it to your own hand, so it’s a win win. It does however gain the Illusion rule so you will have to keep it from spells of any kind. But if you can do that, it’s a huge bonus. Now since I brought him up, Lord of the Unreal has the ability to empower all your Illusions on the board, giving them a nice +1/+1 for every card named Lord of the Unreal in play. Copy this card and it will add another one of them and even more power to the rest of your creatures. Its not an Illusion itself though, so will not benefit from it, but on the other hand it does not suffer from the "get hit by spell, dies horribly" rule. Not only that, it also gives all Illusions Hexproof, this is the one card that you will want, it will solve all your problems with the rule mentioned above, keep in mind this is only a 2/2 so you will want to keep it safe from other creatures and spells. Krovikan Mist is a mere two cost creature, but can snowball to great strength. It will get strength and thoughness equal to the number of Illusions there are on the field. This also means that once you have to remove one from the field, it also weakens. And will be a 1/1 if played on its own. Still it’s a great card that can fastly suprise your opponent should you have many Illusions on the field.
Ovinize is a kinda fun card as it turns one of your enemies creatures into a sheep, a 0/1 sheep at that. Its an instant and only lasts for one turn, but timing it right will still be a very useful card. For example turning a attacking creature right before you block it. A bit of timing to make it worth your while but it’s a good card nonetheless. And to see that dragon become a sheep is worth it lol. Phantom Warrior cant be blocked. This is a 2/2 that your oponent can’t block even if he wanted to. It’s not the strongest, but for a 3 cost card its not that bad. It’s also one of the most common cards in the deck so you will be using it a lot. Unfortunatly its only a 2/2 and will easily be picked off by your oponent due to its low health. Illusory Angel is an angel creature, a 4/4 for the cost of 3 mana. But it can’t be played unless you already played another card before it. So you will need a minimum of 4 mana in order to play it. Making it a little less valuble, but still in my opinion a good card, a 4/4 is never wrong, unless its in your opponents hand that is.
Halcyon Glace is an Enchantment but every time you cast a spell it becomes a 4/4 Illusion creature with flying until the end of the turn. It having flying means that it can usually attack something at least in the turn that you get it. And as you will get it for free every turn you play a spell it’s a really good investment. Chronozoa is a special one. It has the rule Vanishing 3 meaning after 3 turns it will die, but if it does die this way it will create 2 more of itself. So it gets to a never ending way of self-replicating as long as it’s not killed off in the beginning before those 3 turns are up. Keep in mind that the copies will take another 3 turns untill it copies again. Leyline Phantom is a strong Illusion with a good 5/5 as it enters play. But it does have one weakness. After it makes combat damage to a player you have to return it to your hand. And use it again next turn if you can. Its not a bad card, and I use it mainly for defense but I still attack with it if I need that extra 5 damage or believe another creature will be blocked in its stead. Bit of a set back to have to play it again but its strength usually makes up for it.
Omniscience an Enchantment with a powerful ability. It’s a whoping 10 cost to play but after you do, all your spells are cost free! How awesome is that? It’s SO good, unfortunatly that its high cost usualy means I don’t get to use it that often as the game has usually ended by then. Still a card to look for though, if you have a feeling that you will be in the game for the long run, try to get it out, its awesome.
That’s it for this deck. It has a lot more to it then this but again if I were to talk about it all there would be very little else I could do in my days. Hopefully it has given you all some insight into the deck, and I hope that you will be able to use it and like it as much as I do. Happy gaming people and I will see you soon again.
safely say that it probably didn't go all that well. Captain Phillips vessel was boarded by Somali pirates, who were unsuccessful in gaining control to the entire ship as the Captain and the crew had managed to lock down the controls before they got to the bridge. The crew then proceeded to hide in the engine room. But not wanting to leave empty-handed the pirates reluctantly agreed to swap Captain Phillips for one of the other pirates who had been captured while searching for the crew, but (surprise surprise) the pirates double crossed them and kidnapped Captain Phillips and made their escape in one of the ships lifeboats. From that moment on the situation escalates into a hostage situation, and was highly publicised and involved huge efforts from many different agencies.
Captain Phillips By Nathan Scullard Captain Phillips is a movie about a true event, and some of you may already be aware of what happened, but I will briefly go over the basics. Captain Phillips is a captain in the Merchant Navy and transports goods all over the world. He was incredibly experienced and had been captaining ships of this sort for many years. And as such was well aware of the risks involved, such as being boarded by pirates. No not the kind that carry a parrot on their shoulder and walk with a limp, but pirates all the same. The most notorious of these are the Somali pirates, which also happened to be the exact place that Captain Phillips and his ship were scheduled to go. And seeing as they made a movie out of it, I think we can all
I don't want to go into too much of what happens because those of you who followed the story will already know, and those of you who didn't should either research it or watch this film. It is a great film and an interesting story, Tom Hanks in particular is fantastic as Captain Phillips. Not 100% accurate to how the real Captain Phillips is as I have seen interviews with the real Captain Phillips, but still portrayed a convincing and impressive interpretation.
Quite a lot of what makes this movie stand out is how it was shot. I should have researched this before, but in typical "me" fashion I didn't, and I can't remember who the director was. But as an example of what I mean, the director managed to get the identical sister ship to the actual one that Captain Phillips commanded from The Maersk Group for realism and also used real Somaliborn American citizens as the actors for the pirates, who by the way were fantastic. Not all of these guys are professional actors but they did a brilliant job. In one scene they had to jump onto a ladder attached to the hull of the ship from their moving fishing boat, and guess what, they did most of their own stunts, and if I remember right from the special features this is actually one of the stunts they did. As another example of the great way in which this movie was shot, one of the best scenes in the film was the very last scene, which is good in itself as it means you're left with a memorable impression of the movie, but what really makes it good is that it was completely improvised. They had had some emergency service members on the set anyway just in case there were any accidents but they decided that they would use them in the last scene.
a decision that was. We were left with an incredibly powerful and believable end to the film that even had a hint of poignancy to it. Although I am aware that this film will not be to everyone's taste, and the story isn't SO amazing that you'll want to watch it again and again, but it is a great film and certainly deserves a decent score. So I am going to give it an 8.5 out of 10, based purely on the quality of the cast and the directing. The story was the weak point to be honest, it wasn't an action packed adventure that'll keep you coming back for more, but then again real life isn't like the movies!
Thanks for taking the time to read another Tazer Movie Review, and don't forget to sign up to the website and Subscribe to The Gamer Gazette so as not to miss out on more great reviews. See ya later!
Captain Phillips has just been rescued and is in a notable state of shock, which by the way Tom Hanks did really well, and they had no set lines they were just told to do what they would do if they were on a real job and what
Magic is a game of cards, and everyone has an equal chance winning the game, unfortunately for the opponent of Ekorrsele not all players are created equal. If you would like YOUR screenshot featured in the Community Pic of the Month, then please go to the Community Homepage on the website and Submit your pictures via the upload function at the bottom of the page. Even though we can't feature all the picture on the Community Pic of the Month we will show all of them on the website's Community Photo Album.
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate -Deluxe Edition PC Action Warner Bros. Interactive April 2, 2014
The Elder Scrolls Online PC RPG Bethesda Softworks April 4, 2014
Daylight PC Adventure Not Available April 8, 2014
War of the Vikings PC Paradox Interactive April 15, 2014
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood PC Action Microsoft Game Studios April 15, 2014
Moebius: Empire Rising PC Adventure Phoenix Online Studios April 15, 2014
Life Goes On PC Platformer Independent April 16, 2014
Trials Fusion PC Racing , Action Ubisoft April 24, 2014
Dark Souls II PC Action , RPG Bandai Namco Games April 25, 2014
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 PC Action Activision April 29, 2014
Bliss (Enlightened Games) PC Adventure Enlightened Games April 2014
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock and the Son of Crawmerax PC Shooter , First-Person 2K Games April 2014
Monochroma PC Platformer Nowhere Studios April 2014
Killer is Dead PC Action Deep Silver May 9, 2014
Wolfenstein: The New Order PC Shooter Bethesda Softworks May 23, 2014
Watch Dogs PC Action Ubisoft May 27, 2014
Monster Madness Online PC Shooter Trendy Entertainment May 2014
Kill the Bad Guy PC Puzzle Exkee May 2014
1849 PC Simulation SomaSim May 2014
MouseCraft PC Puzzle Crunching Koalas May 2014