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Website Recommendations
The NASC now operates two websites; the main NASC site and the Scaffolding Careers site. We’d like to issue reminders relating to both of these sites.
Main site
Website managers are encouraged to add content to their member profiles if they haven’t already done so. This includes uploading a company logo, short promotional description and contact details.
Many website managers have successfully completed this task – ensuring visitors to the site get a more detailed and personalised understanding of NASC member businesses. However, only a small number of website managers have fully updated their list of users within their organisation and assigned areas of interest as applicable. These areas include Audit, Marketing and Safety. Website managers can assign multiple areas to each user.
Please make the most of this facility as it will help the NASC tailor its correspondence to the most appropriate contacts within your business.
Currently, to ensure NASC correspondence reaches every member, we’re sending e-shots out to every contact on our database – meaning you may be receiving information that isn’t particularly relevant to your role.
We want to phase this approach out as soon as possible, replacing it with a much more efficient and targeted approach. So, if you can give this your attention at some point soon, we’d appreciate it.
Members’ Area content
The Members’ Area of the website has more content than ever before. Pages include: • Employment Affairs • H&S Toolbox Talks Suite • Legal Advice • Marketing Materials – videos and tender submission form • Taxation Issues • Training Fund Application Forms
The Members’ Area is updated on a regular basis, with additions communicated via e-shot.
Careers site
The scaffolding careers site is live. Members are encouraged to upload their job vacancies to the site (via the simple Post a Job Vacancy form in the Members’ Area). While all vacancies are welcome, we would particularly appreciate roles that appeal to jobseekers looking to join the scaffolding industry rather than progress in it.
This will strengthen the proposition to target audiences such as school leavers, Armed Forces personnel and ex-offenders.
Please make sure to send details of any careers / recruitment news you may have to simon.robinson@ nasc.org.uk or henry.annafi@nasc.org.uk. This will help us keep the news page current and show site visitors that the industry as a whole is working hard to bring new recruits in.
Lastly, please make sure to follow, engage with, tag in and share the NASC social media channels:
Twitter: @NASCscaffolding Facebook: NASCscaffolding LinkedIn: NASC – National Access & Scaffolding Confederation Instagram: nascscaffolding