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Employment Affairs

Employment Affairs

Training Availability

Hopefully in the not-too-distant future we will be returning to some sort of normality. In the interim, a number of providers have temporarily suspended training. Others are continuing to offer a reduced service with strict Covid-19 precautions in place.


Those staying open must continually review their Covid-19 procedures to ensure that they are operating safely in line with ever changing government guidance.

All centres will be responding to telephone and email enquiries and anyone with concerns about upcoming course bookings or rearranging training dates should contact their training provider directly.

CISRS is calling on Build UK, employers and those responsible for site access and card checking procedures to show leniency towards those holding CISRS cards which have recently expired and allow them access to work, until wider centre capacity is readily available. We would urge those with cards approaching expiry to make the necessary bookings to schedule/reschedule the relevant training and assessment.

Apprentices and other trainees can continue to work on site. Their training is suspended, however End Point Assessments are possible.

CITB Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) testing centres in England and Wales will remain open; however, those in Scotland have closed.

CITB HS&E LITE on-line Test is still being accepted as an exemption for course attendance and card issuance.

Change is on the Cards

From February 1 2021 the wording of certain endorsements and the order in which they appear has changed on most CISRS cards.

From this date the first endorsement on all cards will show the card category (e.g. Advanced Scaffolder)

Any following endorsements will show additional training modules/qualifications held by the cardholder at the date the card was issued.

It should be noted that endorsements showing the route to achievement for Scaffolder and Advanced Scaffolder cards e.g., Pt1, Pt2 Vq2, Assessed Route of Entry etc will no longer appear on cards.

Cards can still be checked by calling the CISRS Helpline on 0844 8157223 or online by going to www.nocnjobcards.org/CISRS/

S/NVQ Review

In recent months several NASC/ASITO members have been involved with the industry wide occupational working group reviewing the National Occupational Standards for Accessing and Rigging Operations – Scaffolding.

Work is nearing completion and it is unlikely that wholesale changes will be made to the current qualification.


In 2021 CISRS will be collaborating with approved providers to offer a series of subsidised CPD courses across the UK. Courses will be available for only £50. Dates and more details to follow.

NASC funding (£125) is still available to members to offset the costs of employees who have completed COTS and CPD training. Up to £1,000 of NASC funding is available for anyone taking on and training ex-military personnel.

For more on these and other NASC training funds go to the Members’ Area of the website.

Pre-Employment Training Schemes (PETS)

We are looking for members across the UK to get involved with various local Pre-employment training schemes. To give advice, support, work experience, interviews, job offers etc to new entrants into the industry. Rules of engagement vary but most will offer the chance to give an opportunity to someone with basic pre-employment training and a COTS qualification.

Please contact henry.annafi@nasc.org.uk for more information.

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