2013 Media Kit

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brand-building Partner 2013 Supplier Partner Guide & Media Kit


Build Your Brand. Align your organization with the National Apartment Association— America’s leading advocate for quality rental housing—and build your brand among the largest group of influential multifamily housing professionals in the country.

NAA represents:

56,000 75,000 6.3 million $78.6 billion multifamily housing companies



collective annual spending power


Source: NAA Readership Study, Ruzinsky Research, Fall 2012

Build Your Business. When you partner with NAA, you make an investment in the association and its mission to support and expand the apartment industry. NAA members are engaged and passionate— and look to NAA and its industry suppliers for products and services that will improve the performance and profitability of their companies.

units Magazine The NAA award-winning monthly publication is the most read magazine in the multifamily housing industry, and the cornerstone of your integrated advertising plan. See page 6. NAA Digital Keep your brand top-of-mind with the NAA robust digital opportunities: naahq.org, NAA e-newsletters, and units digital edition. Details on page 12. NAA Education Conference & Exposition Enhance your experience and exposure at the largest trade event in the multifamily housing industry. Page 19.

ď ž

NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition Take advantage of these marketing opportunities and connect with decision makers before, during and after the conference. See Page 22. NAA Green Conference Show the apartment industry how your products and services can improve their energy efficiency. See page 24. NAA National Suppliers Council Become a member of the National Suppliers Council (NSC) and access unique opportunities to showcase products and services to NAA members. Details on page 26.

Contact us today to create a custom cross-platform, year-round advertising program and get measurable return on your investment. Liz Barrett, National Sales Manager | 301/215-6710 Ext. 114 | naa@townsend-group.com 3

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

All the right people Seventeen

Multifamily housing Industry Leaders

Average years professionally involved

 Property Manager - 57%

in multifamily housing industry

 Owner/President/Principal - 18%  Regional Supervisor/Manager - 14%


 VP/Corporate Executive - 11%

average number of employees


70% Female 30% male

Average number of units operated by an NAA member organization

Type of Property Garden Apartments


Market Rate Apartments


Luxury Apartments


Affordable Housing


High Rise Apartments


Seniors Housing


Single Family Home Rentals




Student Housing


Military Housing


Extended Stay Housing


Source: NAA Readership Study, Ruzinsky Research, Fall 2012 4

NAA Members across the country  South - 52.6%  North Central - 19.3%  West - 24%

 Northeast - 4.1%

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

Serious purchasing power $78.6 Billion

NAA Members Spent on goods and services last 12 months

Architects and Engineers




Pest Control


Athletic and Exercise Equipment








Key Control/Security


Promotional Products




Kitchen Equipment and Appliances


Property Management Software




Laundry Services


Resident Screening




Lawn Care/Landscaping


Shade Structures








Employee Training


Lock Sets/Finished Hardware




Exterior Design




Swimming Pools/Products


Financial Services


Maintenance Products and Services




Fitness Equipment




Trash/Recycling/Waste Management




Paints and Wall Coverings






Payment Processing


Yield Management Software



influence the purchasing process


Authorize and/or approve purchases

Unrivaled Market Coverage the nation’s 50 largest apartment owners and apartment managers belong to NAA

Type of organization  Property Management Firm - 52%  Owner Firm - 22.2%  Independent Owner - 15.1%  Developer/Builder - 1.1%  Rehabber/Renovator - 0.5%  Other - 9.1%

Source: NAA Readership Study, Ruzinsky Research, Fall 2012 5

The most read magazine in the multifamily housing industry.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

The most read magazine in the multifamily housing industry! units is the first publication decision-makers turn to for coverage of the best practices and newest trends in the multifamily housing industry. Every issue is packed with valuable content that covers all aspects of residential property management and ownership. Advertise in units and you’ll reach the largest market of multifamily housing professionals—guaranteed!


qualified circulation

units readers are loyal, engaged, and look forward to every issue.

 81%  76%  75%

do not receive any other industry publication measured agree units is relevant to their professional needs read at least 3 out of 4 issues

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext. 114 or naa@townsend-group.com.

Added-value  Your ad will be included in the NAA units digital edition, pushed out to 50,000+ readers at no additional charge. Turbo-charge your ad with a digital enhancement. See page 14 for details.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

units 2013 editorial calendar MONTH





Ad Space: Dec. 1 Materials: Dec. 8 Mails: Jan. 8

Maintenance Supplies

What’s In & What’s Out in 2013; Preventive Maintenance; Appliances and Laundry Services


Ad Space: Jan. 2 Materials: Jan. 8 Mails: Feb. 8

Student Housing Utility Management; HVAC Systems & Water Heaters

Innovative Hiring Strategies; Student Housing Management; Crime Prevention and Safety; Staff Hiring, Education & Retention Pest Management Special Section Bonus Distribution: NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition

Ad Space: Feb. 1 Materials: Feb. 8 Mails: Mar. 8

Show Preview Technology & Software

Social Media, Internet Marketing, Mobile Marketing; Capital Expenditure Decisions; Property Management Software; Ancillary Revenue Opportunities Technology Trends Supplement

Ad Space: Mar. 1 Materials: Mar. 8 Mails: Apr. 8

Mobile & Internet Marketing

Green Apartments; Pool Maintenance & Management; Resident & Employee Screening; Exterior Design, Playgrounds, Bark Parks Bonus Distribution: NAA Green Conference

Ad Space: Apr. 1 Materials: Apr. 8 Mails: May 8

Ancillary Revenue; Flooring, Finishing Touches

NAA Education Conference & Exposition Highlights; Repositioning a Property; Security & Key Control

Ad Space: May 1 Materials: May 8 Mails: Jun. 8

Show Issue Lawn Care

NAA Education Conference & Exposition Highlights; Pest Management; Financial Management Tools; Interior Design Bonus Distribution: NAA Education Conference & Exposition

JULY NAA Education Conference & Exposition Recap

Ad Space: Jun. 1 Materials: Jun. 8 Mails: Jul. 8

Marketing Tools

NAA Education Conference & Exposition Recap ; Resident Retention Tools; Common Areas Ideas; Make-Ready & Turn Tips; Curb Appeal


Ad Space: Jul. 1 Materials: Jul. 8 Mails: Aug. 8

HVAC Systems; Lawn & Landscaping

Creative Marketing Ideas; Tax-Credit & Affordable Housing; Revenue Management Services, Tools & Software; Apartment Career Management & Development; NAA PARAGON Award Winners: Recognizing Industry Excellence


Ad Space: Aug. 1 Materials: Aug. 8 Mails: Sept. 8

Budget Strategies; Revenue Management

Income & Expenses Survey; Economic Industry Trends; Financing Strategies & Measuring Investments; Financial Services; Acquisition Due Diligence; Web-Based Budgeting Ancillary Revenue Special Section


Ad Space: Sept. 1 Materials: Sept. 8 Mails: Oct. 8

Paint, Floor & Wall Coverings

Repositioning Best Practices; Green Building ROI Renovation, Restoration, & Development Special Section


Ad Space: Oct. 1 Materials: Oct. 8 Mails: Nov. 8

Billing & Collections

Industry Outlook; Leasing Techniques; Human Resources & Workforce Issues; Marketing to Residents Bonus Distribution: NAA Assembly of Delegates


Ad Space: Nov. 1 Materials: Nov. 8 Mails: Dec. 8

Resident Screening; Specialty Housing: Military, Senior

Student Housing Development; Renters’ & Owners’ Insurance; Telecommunications

NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition Show Issue MARCH NAA Education Conference & Exposition Preview APRIL NAA Green Conference Event Issue MAY NAA Education Conference & Exposition Pre-Show Issue JUNE NAA Education Conference & Exposition Show Issue

NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition Preview

units reserves the right to modify its 2013 editorial calendar without notice.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

units Departments & Columns units department and column categories appear every month and include the latest news, commentary, data and best practices that apply to these critical aspects of apartment management. >> >> >> >>

Management Insider Finance Insider Marketing Insider Green Insider

>> >> >> >>

Maintenance Insider Political Insider Market Place Chairman’s Message

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

Paul Bergeron

Liz Barrett

Director of Communications paul@naahq.org 703/518-6141, Ext. 137

National Sales Manager naa@townsend-group.com 301/215-6710, Ext. 114


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

Special Advertising Opportunities March 2013 Annual Technology Trends Supplement Keep apartment industry leaders up to date with the latest in technology and property management software by promoting your latest products and services. Mailed with the March issue of units magazine, this popular desk reference also contains informative articles on today’s technology trends. Call today to reserve your space!

Buy one page, get one free!

Deadline: February 1, 2013

February, September, October 2013 Special Focus Sections Special focus sections provide a unique opportunity to advertise your products and services in a two-page format. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity if your company aligns with one or more of the categories below. February—Pest Management Deadline: January 1, 2013 September—Ancillary Revenue Deadline: August 1, 2013 October—Renovation, Restoration, & Development Deadline: September 1, 2013

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 10

Market Place Ads Cost-efficient and effective, Market Place is a product and services directory featured in every issue of units magazine. Apartment industry leaders often use this section to identify companies for RFP distribution. Include your company today! Total column inches

Width x Depth


2.375” x 1”


2.375” x 2” or 4.75” x 1”


2.375” x 3” or 7.25” x 1”


4.75” x 2”

market place Net Rates







Prices per column inch. For total, multiply the net rate, according to number of insertions, by total column inches.

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

units 2013 Rates & SPecs Four Color Display Ads





Full Page





1/2 Page





1/3 Page





1/4 Page







Premium Placement* (non-cancelable) Cover 2



Cover 3



Cover 4



1,3,5,7,9,11,13 & 15



*Four color included. Black & White display Ads





Full Page





1/2 Page





1/3 Page





1/4 Page





All rates are gross. Other guaranteed positions add 15%. Special discounts for 2013 exhibitors: May, June, July issues. Call for information. Ad size



Full Page, No Bleed



Full Page, Bleed



1/2 Page Island



1/2 Page Horizontal



1/2 Page Vertical



1/3 Page Island



1/3 Page Horizontal



1/3 Page Vertical



1/4 Page Horizontal



Spreads, tip-ins, cover sticker and polybagging are available on request.

Finished Trim Size: 8.25”x 10.875” Printing Process: Web offset, perfect binding Line Screen: 133 lines per inch Color Available: Four-color process. Convert spot colors to CMYK-color build. Four-Color Proofing: Four-color proofs must be furnished. Lase and ink jet prints are not accurate methods for color proofing. The advertiser will be charged $50 for any proofs furnished by the printer. NAA and its printer are not responsible for incorrect colors when an ad is not accompanied by a SWOPcalibrated color proof. SHIPPING: All materials must be shipped in protective packaging with an insertion order and labeled with advertisement name, units publication issue date. Send to: units Advertising, NAA, 4300 Wilson Blvd, Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22203 File Format: Digital files are required. Preferred format is PDF with all images 300 dpi or higher and all fonts embedded. PDFs must be distilled from PostScript files generated using the Acrobat settings and PostScript Printer Description (PPD) downloaded from the NAA website at www.naahq.org/ publications/units. Other acceptable file formats are: Quark (up to version 7.3); Illustrator (up to version CS2); TIF (minimum 300dpi at 100 percent); E-mail files that are less than 9MB. Use FTP site or ship files that are greater than 9MB. All required trapping must be included in the file. Graphics for ads must be submitted as final, 300 dpi, CMYK or grayscale, TIF files. All fonts must be included (in Illustrator files, fonts should be converted to outlines). Avoid TrueType fonts. Files should be supplied on a CD, with a printed directory listing all files on disc. To ensure proper color, the files must be accompanied by a color SWOP proof at 100 percent size. If files are submitted via e-mail, a color SWOP proof should be shipped separately. NAA and its printer are not responsible for incorrect ads when the advertiser does not submit a SWOP-calibrated color proof. For additional information, see www.naahq.org/publications/units. Cancellation Policy: Cancellations or rollovers to a future issue must be received on writing 30 days before space closing date without penalty. Cancellations received within 30 days before space closing deadline will be charged 30% of gross space rate. Cancellations received after deadline will be charged payment in full. Changes or corrections must conform to closing and material deadlines.


NAA Digital robust digital media opportunities for the saavy marketer.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.



The NAA website provides news that helps multifamily housing leaders stay informed about their industry and information that helps them in their jobs. Now it offers a great way to generate leads, build awareness, and drive customers directly to your company’s website.

Unique Monthly Visitors


Total Monthly Visits


Monthly page views Google Analytics, January- September 2012

Interior Page Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Home Page

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 13

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

units Digital Edition Readers love the units digi-mag. It’s portable, easy to use and available online 24/7. Use this exciting media platform to interact with and engage our readers. Build awareness of your products and services with one of our powerful advertising options and drive customers directly to your website.

Promotional Email for units digital

50,000+ Circulation


Average Open rate


average click-through Rate

Digital Edition


Your Ad Here Top Banner

Your Ad Here Your Ad Here Your Ad Here

Additional advertising options available! www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/naa/salesbook

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 14

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

NAA E-newsletters Industry Insider A weekly e-newsletter sent to more than 44,000 NAA members, provides a quick summary of noteworthy articles pertaining to the apartment industry.

Your Ad Here

 Circulation: 44,000  Average Open Rate: 13%  Average Click-Through Rate: 3.5%

HotSheet Contains apartment industry state and local legislative news, sent to all NAA Industry Members (all members except for supplier members).

New e-newsletter topics arriving in q2 2013!

 Circulation: 30,000  Average Open Rate: 12%  Average Click-Through Rate: 0.17%

Leadership News Summary of ongoing activities, projects and information from the NAA headquarters, distributed monthly to NAA Leadership, including: NAA staff, board of directors, current delegates, committee members and Association executives.

New Ad units arriving in q2 2013!

 Circulation: 730  Average Open Rate: 26%  Average Click-Through Rate: 2%

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 15

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

Digital Ad Rates & Specs naahq.org Ad Unit

Ad Size



Image Size


Medium Rectangle

300 x 250



40 K

Three loop maximum

Leader Board

728 x 90



40 K

Three loop maximum

Wide Skyscraper

160 x 600



40 K

Three loop maximum

Naahq.org is sold on a cost per thousand (CPM) basis. The minimum buy is $3,500 net for 50,000 guaranteed impressions. Rates are net.

units digital edition Ad Unit

Ad Size



Image Size


Promotional Email - Exclusive

160 x 600



40 K


Promotional Email - Top

300 x 250



40 K


Promotional Email - Lower

300 x 250



40 K


Left of Cover

550 x 480



40 K


Belly Band

Please call



40 K



120 x 600



40 K


Rates are net.

ď ž 16

Advertising Sales: Liz Barrett, 301/215-6710 Ext. 114, naa@townsend-group.com Production Contact: Kala Burke, 301/215-6710 Ext. 108, kburke@townsend-group.com

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

Digital Ad Rates & Specs Industry Insider Ad Unit

Ad Size



Image Size


Leader board

468 x80



40 K

Not accepted

Top Story

468 x80



40 K

Not accepted

Industry News

468 x80



40 K

Not accepted

Legislative/Legal news

468 x80



40 K

Not accepted

NAA Announcements

468 x80



40 K

Not accepted

Rates are net.

NAA Digital Advertising Policy NAA reserves the right within its discretion to reject or remove from NAAHQ.org any ads for which the advertising materials or the website to which the ad is linked do not comply with its policies, or that in the NAA’s sole reasonable judgment, do not comply with any applicable law, regulation or other judicial or administrative order. If digital advertising materials are not received by the advertising deadline, the NAA will begin to charge the Advertiser on the insertion order start date on a prorated basis based on the full insertion order, excluding portions consisting of performance-based, nonguaranteed inventory, for each full day the advertising materials are not received. Advertiser may cancel the entire digital insertion order, or any portion thereof, with 14 days’ prior written notice to the NAA, without penalty, for any guaranteed deliverable, including, but not limited to, CPM deliverables. NAA will track delivery through its ad server and, provided that NAA has approved in writing a third-party ad server to run on its properties, Advertiser will track delivery through such Third Party

Ad Server. Advertiser may not substitute the specified Third Party Ad Server for measurement. The initial invoice will be sent by NAA upon completion of the first month’s delivery, or within 30 days of completion of the insertion order, whichever is earlier. Advertiser will make payment 30 days from its receipt of invoice, or as otherwise stated in a payment schedule set forth in the insertion order. Materials Instructions: Please forward all materials in accordance with the deadline schedule. By signing, the advertiser agrees to abide by all Terms & Conditions as stated in the Advertising Agreement. Please make a copy of this agreement for your records. Send ad materials, advertising agreements, and insertions orders to: The Townsend Group 2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 900, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Phone: 301/215-6710 Ext. 114; Fax: 301/215-7704 naa@townsend-group.com 17

NAA Events Valuable Face time with the industry’s top decision makers.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

The largest trade event in the multifamily housing industry The ultimate networking event experience and the very best place to showcase your company’s products and services before key decision makers. In addition to a first-class trade show with more than 325 suppliers, the exposition is paired with a three-day Education Conference, offering the best education sessions in one place. Click here to download the NAA Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus.


attendees expected

Increase your exposure! Program & Exhibitor Guide More than 6,200 San Diego attendees will receive their Program Guide at registration and will depend on this onsite resource for the schedule, exhibitor listings, maps and more. Your ad can be included in this handy attendee reference. Couple this advertising with online and enhance your brand and booth traffic! Ad Unit

Ad Size


Cover 4

7.75” x 10.25”


Cover 2 or 3

7.75” x 10.25”


Full Page

6.5” x 9”


Half Page

6.5” x 4.5”


Space/Materials Deadline: April 30, 2013

Covers 2, 3 and 4 include bleed. Interior full and half page ads do not bleed.

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 19

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business. Enhance your NAA Exhibit Experience NAA Onsite Show Daily Great news! We are enhancing the editorial of the onsite daily to include not only the hottest breaking news at the 2013 NAA Education Conference & Exposition but also thoughtful trend articles for attendees. This tabloid is distributed in high-traffic areas of the San Diego Convention Center and in three major hotel lobbies. This is a daily “must read” for attendees—so you don’t want to miss out. Space/Materials Deadline: June 1, 2013 Ad Unit


Full Page


Half Page


NAA Attendee Pre-Event and Post-Event E-newsletter Get early exposure with your target audience by advertising in the attendee digital newsletters! NAA will send six mobile-friendly event issues in advance to prospective attendees, past attendees, and registrants. The editorial includes event highlights and exhibitor advertising that will drive web traffic to your booth description and increase booth appointments that you can pre-qualify through the myNAA Planner. During the event, three issues will go to attendees and non-attendees with event highlights, including the NAA TV episodes. A post-event issue will provide an event wrap-up. Deadlines vary. Please contact us today for more information and to reserve your space!


Advertising Options


Premier Exhibitor $950/Email (Limit 1 per email)

• Premier Exhibitor designation with company name and booth # in header • 125x125 company logo/banner with button links on right hand column of email • Exhibitor listing with 75-word description at the bottom of the email • Featured Exhibitor designation in the onsite NAA Show Daily (Thursday & Friday only)

Basic Listing $550 Per email (Limit 5 per email)

• 125x125 company logo/banner with button links on right hand column of email

Basic Listing Upgrade Add $200 (Limit 3 per email)

• Additional banner placed in-between sections of the email in the main body • Featured Exhibitor designation in the onsite NAA Show Daily (Thursday & Friday only)

Rates are net. A 3-issue minimum applies.

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business. Drive Traffic to your booth Online Exposition Enhancement Packages Interested in attracting more attendees to your booth and generating qualified leads? Make it easy for attendees to find you by upgrading your exhibitor listing to include video, or banner advertising. Upgrades start at just $799! Enhance your listing today!

Level 1 (basic listing, A $500 value) Complimentary with booth purchase and includes: • Access to high-quality opt-in sales leads and statistical data generated from your listing (limit of 25) • Display of your company name, booth number, address, phone/fax, email address, website, and description • Display of your company logo or trademark, press releases, and up to three (3) product categories • Ability to display two image/text panels • Ability to set up appointment times online so attendees can schedule meetings with you

Level 2 - $799 Level 1 features, plus: • Access to high-quality opt-in sales leads and statistical data generated from your listing (unlimited) • One interactive product display panel for multimedia • A highlighted corner peel graphic on your booth on the floorplan • Priority placement on the show website search results • Product Gallery - Upload an image for the NEW NAA Online Product Gallery • Display of 2 additional product categories (5 total) • Company logo or trademark printed next to company listing in onsite Program & Exhibitor Guide • Inclusion in the Featured Exhibitor search

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com.

Rotating Banner Ads - $1,695 Level 2 features, plus: • Exposure - one 360 x 45 pixel piece of real estate on the online floor plan application (three rotating banners per spot) • Banner Ad Stats Banner will follow attendees around throughout the online application Product Category Banner - $1,695 Level 2 features, plus: • Exposure - one 180 x 150 pixel piece of real estate on three product categories of your choice • Stand Out - your listing will be at the very top of the category search results • Banner Ad Stats Hall Banner - $1,695 (Exclusive) Level 2 features, plus: • Exposure - one 250 x 250 pixel piece of real estate on the online exhibit hall • Banner Ad Stats • Stand Out - your brand will own the entire online exhibit hall Floor Plan Application Banner - $2,295 (Exclusive) Level 2 features, plus: • Exposure - one 900 x 80 pixel piece of real estate on the splash screen of the Official online floor plan application • Banner Ad Stats • Stand Out - your brand will own the entire online exhibit hall


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

The Premier event in the student housing industry Join us for the NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition, February 25 – 27, 2013 at the Aria Resort, Las Vegas. Off-campus student housing is one of the apartment industry’s most important niche markets. As providers of and suppliers to student housing, we are in the unique position of continuing to grow during a national economic downturn. Capture the attention of your market and boost your company’s profile by becoming an exhibitor or sponsor. Click here to download the Student Housing Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus.

Attendee Profile Primary Business

Job title

 Apartment Management - 49%

 Owner/President/Principal - 31%

 Apartment Owner - 21%

 VP/Management Executive - 18%

 Apartment Developer - 11%

 Regional Supervisor/Manager - 16%

 Architect/Engineer - 4%

 Property Manager - 16%

 Asset Management 3%

 Leasing Consultant/Director - 4%

 Leasing Company - 2%

 Asset Manager - 2%

 Real Estate Investment Trust - 2%  Government Housing Agency - 1%

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 22

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business. Increase your exposure Onsite Program & Exhibitor Guide The NAA Student Housing Conference & Exposition Onsite Program & Exhibitor Guide is a valuable resource for conference attendees. The guide is given to each registered attendee, and offers a complete listing of exhibitors, education sessions, speaker profiles, floor plan, maps, ads and much more! Space/Materials Deadline: January 31, 2013 Ad Unit

Ad Size


Cover 4

5” x 9”


Cover 2

5” x 9”


Cover 3

5” x 9”


Section Tab: Conference Information

5” x 9”


Section Tab: Mon Feb 25 Highlights

5” x 9”


Section Tab : Tue Feb 26 Highlights

5” x 9”


Section Tab: Wed Feb 27 Highlights

5” x 9”


Section Tab: NAA Exposition

5” x 9”


Full Page*

5” x 9”


Half Page*

2.5” x 4.5”


*Ads are placed randomly in guide

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 23

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

green initiatives and resources for the mulitfamily industry The 2013 NAA Green Conference is intended to bring together industry professionals so that they can network and share insight on strategies that can help to improve their energy efficiency through environmentally friendly steps and policies. For multifamily onsite professionals, this conference will provide real-case, best-case practices from communities that have discovered powerful ROI through the steps that they have taken, including saving money on energy and satisfying their environmental-conscious resident base. For suppliers, this conference creates opportunities for them to share with industry professionals the ways that their products and services can affordably enable such practices to occur, as well as them sharing the strategies that they see in their clients’ efforts. Visit www.naahq.org/green for more information.

For more information, contact Liz Barrett at 301/215-6710 Ext.114 or e-mail naa@townsend-group.com. 24

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

89% of renters would pay $25 a month higher rent to live in an apartment unit with basic energy efficiency measures like a programmable thermostat, efficient lighting,and low-flow showerheads.

“Green� is the 4th most important feature renters look for in an apartment unit, behind closet space, storage,and upgraded appliances,and ahead of open kitchen floorplan, high ceilings and hardwood floors.


NAA National Suppliers Council Join today and get access to Exclusive benefits and Opportunities.


2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

Become a member of the National Suppliers Council The NAA created the National Suppliers Council (NSC) in 1979 to continue the development of a strong relationship between the multifamily housing industry and national businesses and corporations that supply goods and services to the apartment industry. Prior to becoming an NSC member, you must become a member of NAA through your local affiliate. Join today for just $1,700 per year!

2013 National Suppliers Council Executive Committee


Vice Chairman


Dave Schwehm, Time Warner

Peter Regules, CORT

Tony Sculthorpe, Coinmach

For more information, contact NAA’s David Edwards at 703/797-0689 or e-mail davide@naahq.org. 27

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

NSC Membership Benefits units Magazine

NAA Education Conference & Exposition

units introductory article. As a new member of the NSC, your company will have a onetime opportunity to be introduced to our membership in units magazine.

Priority booth selection. NSC members approved prior to the Education Conference & Exposition will receive proprietary booth selection for future expositions based on their number of years as an NSC member and years exhibiting consecutively. In order to receive this benefit, the NSC member company must be in good standing with NAA, have exhibited consecutively each year of their membership and must sign-up within 30 days of the current year’s conference.

NSC Directory of products and services. In the back of each issue of units, you will find company listings and contact information for all NSC members, organized by business category. Subscription to units magazine. NSC member contacts receive a complimentary subscription. Additional subscriptions are available to members for $28 each.

Additional recognition. NSC members stand out from the other suppliers with special signage on the show floor and additional designations in exhibitor descriptions.

NAA Online Buyer’s Guide The official NAA Supplier Buyers Guide is located on the homepage of the NAA Web site: www.naahq.org. The NAA owner and management company member can find all the product/services they need all over the country. They can just click on the Buyers Guide icon and search away. As a benefit of being an NSC member, each company is given the use of the NSC Partner logo to be placed next to their company name. If the NSC member would like the additional opportunity to include their company logo it is just $395.

Committee Involvement NSC members are given the opportunity to serve as NAA committee liaisons. By having an NSC liaison on every NAA committee, council members are given the opportunity to keep in touch with all aspects of NAA and its members. The NSC Executive Committee appoints NSC liaisons. We encourage you to participate in this unique opportunity. There’s no better way to learn about the needs of our members and get acquainted with association leaders than through committee involvement.

For more information, contact NAA’s David Edwards at 703/797-0689 or e-mail davide@naahq.org. 28

2013 Supplier Partner Guide

Build Your Brand. Build Your Business.

NSC Optional Benefits NAA Mailing List The NAA list contains information on more than 50,000 multihousing professionals and is only available to National Supplier Council Members for an additional fee. You have the opportunity to rent the NAA mailing list an unlimited number of times throughout the year to market your latest products and services. NAA protects the privacy of our members and will only send mailing lists to a bonded mail house. Samples of your mailing pieces must be sent to NAA for approval. The mailing list cannot be sent directly to NSC members. Rentals are for one-time use only and you must allow 5 days for processing.

NSC Opening Party Sponsorship NAA Conference attendees flock to this opening event with special entertainment to celebrate the start of the conference. Be a part of the NSC-Sponsored opening Party. Contact sales@naahq.org.

NSC Directory Added Value Additional categories. You may also be listed in up to two additional categories in the NSC directory in units magazine. Published 12 times a year, this gives you added exposure throughout the year.

Enhanced Listing

Enhanced listing. Stand out and get noticed before your competitors with an enhanced listing in the NSC Directory. $50 per enhanced monthly listing or $500 for annual subscription (includes two free listings).

For more information, contact NAA’s David Edwards at 703/797-0689 or e-mail davide@naahq.org. 29

NAA Advertising Sales Liz Barrett, National Sales Manager 301/215-6710 ext. 114 Fax 301/215-7704 naa@townsend-group.com

NAA HeadQuarters 4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203 703/518-6141 Fax 703/248-9441 www.naahq.org

Sales Customer Service sales@naahq.org

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