November 1999
Number I
CONTENTS MESSAGE by the Minister of Education .„„ ..... „.„ ....
FORWARD by the Director
Published by
of Libraries & Archives .,...
The National Archives of Malta Hospital Street, Rabat RBT 12 -Malta
FEATURE by the Head of
the National Archives...
LOCAL news
Tel: (0356) 459863; Fax: (0356) 450078 e-mail: charles.j.farrugia@
Editor: Charles Farrugia B.A. (Hons), M.A.
CITRA 99 Report on Event ................ 8
Message from the Minister of Education Hon. Dr Louis Galea B.A., LL.D., M.P.
THE publication of the National Archives Newsletter came at a time when reforms in this sector are being contemplated by my Ministry . Such a newsletter is a much needed development and should serve to promote the functions and activities of the National Archives while acting as a link between researchers, both locally and abroad. Archives are not only about long term memory, about history, about culture. By ensuring the proper management of information, archivists see to it that government departments keep a corporate memory, and preserve records that become, manageable, retrievable and usable. Thus, by supporting archives, the state contributes to economy and efficiency in its own administration whilst nurturing the collective memory of its people.
The present state of archives in Malta was scrutinized during a two day seminar organised by my ministry last June. A paper on the subject by the Head of the National Archives, and the lively discussion that followed, placed before us the strengths and various weaknesses of the present system. A marked consensus amongst the participants indicated thorough reforms in the whole sector as the only way forward. The running of an archive requires a radically different approach from that of managing library collections . Consequently one should actively consider the best ways in which to invest in human resources in this regard. Malta's bid to join the EU should stimulate our country towards more co-operation in the field of archives as a common European cultural heritage, and European partnerships should be sought. It is in such
partnerships that synergetic effects, that have more output than the sum of the inputs, can be instigated and sustained. In this respect the participation of the Department of Libraries and Archives in the Round Table Conference organized by the International Council on Archives, held in Budapest in October, was a step in the right direction. One should also consider the spectrum of new developments which are transforming the international archival scene. The use of systems giving `access from distance' will become increasingly important, both for the use of finding aids, and for the access of records themselves. All these aspects have to be taken into serious consideration in the development of a comprehensive and effective National Archival policy. Let us all strive to promote our archives as common European cultural heritage , a heritage which needs to be safeguarded and appreciated. The issue of this newsletter is surely a step in that direction.
Minister Louis Galea (fourth from left)
during his speech at the National Archives on 2nd Aiigust 1999.
(from left) Mr. Charles Farrugia, Head of the National Archives, Mr Gu2e Cassar Pullicino, H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco, Mr. Michael EIlul and Mr. Philip
Borg, Director of Libraries and Arehives.
The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
Forward by the Director of Libraries & Archives Mr Philip Borg DPA
SOME months ago I was told that the Archives Department intended to publish a yearly newsletter. I encouraged this initiative because surely this is a move in the right direction. Through this initiative the goals of the National Archives institution, that is: • to preserve and organise public records of historical and research values, • and to make such documents available for study and research purposes
are very much appreciated and the public, especially the researchers, will get to know more about the activities organised by the Department.
The officer in charge of the Archives Department, together with his staff have learned a lot from their predecessor Mr. Joseph Caruana. This archivist has worked hard and made many personal sacrifices to collect and analyse the enormous amount of documents from the different departments and everyone was
pleased to see the inauguration of the Department of Santo Spirito, Rabat in May 1994. I am confident that Mr. Charles Farrugia and his staff at Santo Spirito will continue to work on these lines for the benefit of the Department.
The Archives Department in the next months will witness a lot of activities and work for the upgrading of facilities and services at the Department in order to conserve and preserve the historical documents and create a hazard -free environment for the documents. I am confident that all members of the staff will do their part to see this very much expected project become true. I augur that this newsletter, besides helping to keep contact with the public in general, will also serve as a link between researchers and act as the first steps towards the establishment of the concept of archivistics in Malta.
The National Archives Annual Public Lecture Futur bla passat? Il-Qaghda ta' I-Arkiuji f'pa}}izna
by Prof. IIenry Frendo Ve»«ef Exhibition Centre, National Archives Hospital §treeE, Rabat Da\ef 26th Novelmber 1999 TEtnef
6130 pin
The general public id cor@ialdy ineite@ The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
The National Archives of Malta by Charles Farrugia B.A. (Hons), M.A. (Head - National Archives)
HE objectives and functions of the National Archives are defined in the National Archives Act (Act no. IV of 1990), and are primarily focused on collecting, preserving and organising public records and making them available for study and research purposes. The main seat of the National Archives is in Rabat, at Santo Spirito which was formerly a hospital. The Santo Spirito archives comprise the nucleus of the former Palace Archives, Valletta, augmented by records brought over from various Government departments. The Palace Archives grew out of the original colonial collection preserved in the Office of the Chief Secretary/ Lieutenant Governor. They were moved to their present location at Santo Spirito in 1989.
The documents preserved at Santo Spirito date back from the early days of the British rule. They are arranged in groups which include over a thousand volumes of Chief Secretary's files, over 3,600 volumes of Customs Department Arrivals and Departures registers and other correspondence; ADC's general correspondence files; and various other smaller groups. Amongst these one can mention Letters Patents, Education Department files, Public Works files, passport applications, Medical and Health Departmental files and Audit Office files. Apart from these there are also submissions of designs for competitive infrastructural projects such as the proposed building of the Royal Opera House in the 1950s. A collection of film and video documentaries related to Malta's history is also being built up. At present research facilities are available both at the main premises of the Archives in Rabat, and at the Banca Giuratale in Mdina. The archives in Mdina are opened on request and any person interested in researching there must make an appointment with the officer in charge. An extensive repository situated in Hal Far is the latest addition to the infrastructure of the National Archives. The National Archives which falls under the Libraries and Archives Department, currently offers reading room facilities and photocopying services. One of the shortcomings which the present set up results from long years of inadequate recruitment and lack of training in the Libraries and Archives Department. Notwithstanding, major infrastructural projects are being carried out both at the National Library and the National Archives. The Fire Detection and Suppression system is in its final stage of implementation at the National Library in Valletta and a similar project is in the pipeline for the National Archives at Santo Spirito . Lately , a systems analysis project for the automation of the National Archives' catalogues was commissioned by the Department. The final aim of this project is to provide on-line catalogues for the archival collections falling under the responsibility of the Department, including those at the Gozo Section of the National Archives.
The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
SOME OF THE RECORD GROUPS AVAILABLE FOR RESHARCH Banca Giuratale Repository, Villegaignon Street, Mdina ~ (tel: 459919) Law Courts Cases covering the period 1530 -1899. All cases dating to post-1899 period are still in the custody of the Law Courts, Valletta.
Santo Spirito Repository, Hospital Street, Rabat -(tel: 459863, Fax: 450078)
Agriculture Department volumes mainly related to public gardens - Air Raid precautions (1934-1945)
ARP 88 -BlueBooks (1821-1938) CA - CrownAdvocate(1817-1969) CCP - Corradino civil prisons Documents (1850-1970) Charitable Institutions ( 1817-1956)
-Records of the chief secretary to Government (1813-1921)
Customs Dept. - including Arrivals and Departures of persons (1814-1960s)
Debates - Council of Government / Senate / Legislative Assembly / House of Representatives (18761970)
Education Department (1922-1969) Electoral Register (1900 -1987) GMR - General & Miscellaneous Reports (1813-1970) GOV - Despatches fromandto secretary of state (18011950)
London Gazette (1816-1948) MFA - Passport Applications (1838-1969) MGG - Malta Government Gazette (1813-1990s) Monte di Pieta -(1784-1920) MRF - Malta Relief Fund (1940-1960) OPM - Office of the prime Minister (1921-1969) Ordnance Dept. Drawings ( 1814-1960) Ordinances(1814-1970) PD 1 -Private Deposit: Biagio Tagliaferro company papers ( 1853-1868)
Photographic collection POL - Police Department (four Districts) PWD - Public works Department (1921-1969) TreasuryDepartment(1921-1969)
Vella Gera film reels
OPENING HOUFts Sant® Spirit® M®nday to Friday: 8.15am -4.15pm (10 0ct -15 Jun) 8.15am -1.00pm (16 Jun -30 Sep)
Saturdays= 8.15am -i.00pm
Banca Giuratale on request only
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ACT ( IV - 1990) `all documents of a public nature which are no longer in use for the purpose of administration, shall
be properly preserved and reasonably accessible to the public for the purpose of study' Access to documents is conditioned by.. • A Closure period of 30 years applies to all public documents. • A closure period of 80 years applies to confidential material. • The Minister responsible for Education may from time to time make regulations regarding the access to documents. The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
Erom our collechons...
Pen and ink drawing by an unknoum artist forming part of the report of the arrival of Sir Thomas Maitland in Malta - Letters Patent, Vol.I, p.1
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##f%-Zfl± List of shop owners dated 12th June 1804 -Misc. material
Design of a commemorative marble slab with proposed emendments -extract from CSG documents.
The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
LOCAL NEWS New Exhibition/Lecture at the National On 3 September 1999 an exhibition of contemporary sculpture was inaugurated at the National Archives in Rabat. The exhibition was organized by the Rabat Local Council and also
served to launch the new exhibition and lecture centre of the National Archives. This centre is intended to be used for cultural activities and also as a venue for the holding of lectures by leading local and foreign scholars. The September exhibition was `Dynamic Constructivism' by Rabat-born artist Charles Farrugia. Parliamentary Secretary Jesmond Mugliett inaugurated the exhibition and the lecture centre.
Rslur STul.ERTS pRACTIctxpl Six University students did this year's practicum at the National Archives. Helga Depasquale, Richard Mallia, Maria Depasquale, James Palmier, Robert Galea and Phylisienne Gauci worked on a database for passport applications ( 1930s), sorting of CSG files and continued the catalogue of the Co#so/a/o c7c/ Mczre ( 1720s). Three students following the Di-
plomainLibrarianshipandlnformationStudiesattheUniversityofMaltaalsooptedfora100hourpracticaltrainingatthe National Archives. Max Farrugia, Anne Vella and Nathalie Yubi Formosa followed a half-day seminar organized by Head of the Archives and worked on three different projects. Max Farrugia worked on the Prisons documents, Anne Vella on the Banca Giuratale collection and Nathalie Yubi Formosa on the General and Miscellaneous Reports.
COURSE ON ARCHIVE The National Archives congratulates AZAD for organising the first ever course on archives open to the general public. Such a course should help in promoting archives as a very valuable resource for history writing and also as important cultural heritage of the nation.
Jazz Ni Another activity organized by the Rabat Local Council at the National Archives was a Jazz Night held on 7 September 1999. The main courtyard of the Archives provided an excellent setting for such an event. The band was made up of Bernard Scerri (bass), Charles (City) Gatt (drums), Sandro Zerafa (guitar), Joe Debono (piano).
^NT^ vENEnIA 14oc^L coLJNcll. The Mayor of Santa Venera, Mr Michael Caruana, announced that a Municipality archives was being set up by the Santa Venera Local Council. This is a most welcoming news. The National Archives has already offered to give advice on the best ways in which such an archives should be set up. A preliminary meeting will be held in the near future. Well done to Mayor Caruana and his Council!
The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
Malta's Participation during CITRA '99 & ACARM's Annual General Meeting ih Budapest HE Conference of the Round Table on Archives (CITRA) is organised by the International Council on Archives
(ICA) on a yearly basis. The venue for this year's meeting was Budapest in Hungary. Malta was represented by the Head of the National Archives Mr Charles Farrugia. This year's conference was the XXXIV CITRA and dealt with `Access to Information: Preservation Issues'. During the
concluding session the participants were informed that the next CITRA will be held in 2001 in Israel. (Next year's session will not take place since the lntemational Congress, which will be held in Seville, is due.)
Resolutions During the CITRA Administrative Session held on Saturday 9th October 1999, eight resolutions were agreed upon. The main resolution, encouraged National Archives to make the appropriate representations to obtain the support of their respective governments: (i) to ratify the 1999 Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, adopted in The Hague in 1954, (ii) to encourage the creation of national committees of the Blue Shield, and (iii) to include the protection of archival heritage as part of national programs on Disaster Control.
ACARM Annual General Meeting The Libraries & Archives Department of Malta is also a member of the Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers (ACARM). ACARM's mission is to support and give advice and help to Commonwealth countries, and to serve as a forum where Commonwealth archivists share their experiences and pre-occupations. During this year's session an agreement was reached that during the coming year the ACARM will commission a study on
parliament buildings in Commonwealth countries.
Groundwork for new Initiatives During his stay in Budapest Mr Farmgia met several colleagues from amongst the 200 delegates from 70 different countries present. Amongst these, Michael Cook (who visited Malta in 1992 to compile a report on the state of local archives for the Maltese Government), Michael Roper, George MacKenzie and Anne Thurston showed great interest in the archival situation in Malta. Ms Thurston offered the full support of the Intemational Records Management Trust (IRMT) and future co-operation in the field of records management for local Government Departments was agreed upon. Other contacts were made with Dott. Gigliola Fioravanti and Prof. Salvatore Italia the Italian delegates during the Conference. Dott. Fioravanti proposed that a cooperation agreement be signed between the National Archives of Malta and the Ancfez.v!.o cJz. Sfczfo in Rome. Discussions between the
Department of Libraries and Archives of Malta and the Ancfo!.vz.a dz. Sfczfo are expected to start
early next year.