I International Confercnce of the Round Table on lmagining the twenty first century archivist: education and ItlLTt 17 - 21 November lntercontinentol St Julion's qq, ,.F {
Chairman: Charles J. Farrugia, National Archivist
lVlembers: Joseph Bezzina, Assistant National Arch ivist
Henry Cachia, Doreen Vassallo-Grant, Alison Borg-Hili
Ray Baldacchino
Supporting staff: Joseph Amodio, Pauline Cortis, lVario Camilleri, Noel D'Anastas, IMarlene Gouder, Alfred Farrugia, William Zammit
Volunteers: Tony Bonello, lvan Ellul
Friends Committee: Max Farrugia, Steve Borg, It/artin Hampton, Gerald Bugeja, George Cassar, Frederick Cauchi
ICA Secretariat
David Leitch
Christine Martinez
Annick Carteret
Didier Grange
Nathalie Florent
Christophe Jacobs
Thanks to
ICA led by President lan Wilson
CITRA Bureau led by Nolda Romer-Kenepa
It/inistry of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport
Ministry of Finance, the Economy, and lnvestment
Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism
Malta Tourism Authority
Committee of the Friends of the National Archives
National Archives Council
Chairs of Sessions
Design for CITRA publicity: Marlene Gouder
Photos: Kevin Casha; Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport; lnternational Council on Archives
Welcome lt/esso
Hon. Dolores
I&msd LJ bv the rlslino
Minister for Educotion, Culture, Youth ond Sport
Eear participants,
fulalta is proud to host the 41't CITRA conference fr"om Novernber 1 7 to 21 , 2009. The event provides us with an excellent oppodunity to share with the international community the wealth and diversity of archival records we treasure on our islands. lt is also an opportunity for our National Archives to promote its activities and strengthen its relati*ns with the international comrnunity.
Alcng the centuries ltdalta has played an irnpodant role. Being at the cross-roads of civilisations, l\ttraita abounds with records deriving from different admi*istrative systems and cultures. These are all cared for in our archives, the repositories of the collective ffiemory of the i\4altese nation"
,As Minister responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport I am proud to have archives under rny responsibility. lt is a fascinating sector. lt has the dual duty of protecting the heritage of our country, while taking on the adminiskative aspect. Good record keeping is the eornerstone of accountability in"public administration. This all fits in the general mission of rny ministry, that of assisting peopie realise their full potential. Having archives funetioning aiongside edu*ation and culture rnakes it possible ta exploit extensively the educational and diverse poiential of ihis sector.
I arn ciosely following the work of the local organizing committee and I am positive that the CITRA programme will offer the right balance between the professional input and also the opportunitv to get a feel of Maltese culture and lifestyle.
We look forward enthusiastically to welcome you and offer you the hospitality fu4altese people are renowned for.
Chdres participantes,
Chers participants Malte est fidre d'etre l'h6te de la 41e CITRA, qui se tiendra du 17 au 2'l novembre 2009. Cet 6venement est une excellente occasion de partager avec la communaute internationale Ia richesse et la diversit6 des archives que nous pr6servons dans nos iles. C'est 6galement une occasion pour nos Archives nationales de promouvoir leurs activit6s et de renforcer leurs relations avec la communaute internationale.
Tout au long des siecles, Malte a jou6 un r6le important. Situee au carrefour de civilisations, liilalte abonde en documents provenant de diff6rentes cultures et systdmes administratifs. lls sont tous conserv6s dans nos archives, les d6p6ts de la m6moire collective de la nation maltaise.
En qualite de Ministre pour l'Education, la Culture, Ia Jeunesse et les Sports, je suis fidre d'avoir les Archives sous ma responsabilit6. ll s'agit d'un secteur fascinant. ll a la double mission de prot6ger le patrimoine de notre pays, et de prendre en charge la gestion administrative. Une bonne gestion des archives est la pierre angulaire de toute responsabilite publique. Tout cela s'inscrit dans la mission g6n6rale de mon ministdre, qui doit assister la population d r6aliser pleinement son potentiel. Le fait d'avoir les archives aux cot6s de l'6ducation et de la culture permet une large exploitation du potentiel 6ducationnel et divers de ce secteur.
Je suis de prds le travail du Comil6 national d'organisation et j'espere bien que le programme de cette CITRA vous offrira un juste 6quilibre entre les activit6s professionnelles et les occasions de d6couvrir la culture et le style de vie de Malte.
Nous nous r6jouissons de pouvoir vous recevoir et de vous offrir l'hospitalit6 pour laquelle le peuple maltais est renomm6.
Wmtrrmrnffi frmm thm L{mst mt f;lTffiA 2trffiP
ffihmnH ms J. ffimrruffiEm
Dear cr:li*agues,
It is rny pleasure to invite you all to fu'laita for this yeals Infernallonai Confsren** ilf llie Rcund Iable on Archives iCITRAi.
Ten years ago I participated in my firsl CITR,{ meeting in Budapest. lt was an exp*rience that for the first lime brought me in conlaci with the internatianal dimension of the profession. Since then I have built a go*d rapp*rt wilh a nun:ber of authnritativc n:embers in this line af work.
Nt wes ciuring my first pafiicipatiCIn in the CITRA meeting that i dreami of the day when thls forum of professlana! friscussion will be h*stcd in [u{alta.
h{alta has a l*ng standing tratlition when it ccmes to arrhivai hoidings, with ihe oiclest records *n the islancis g*ing back to the twelfth century. lt has also had a numbei"of archiuists who made a nsme fcr themseives in the international sphere The names that imm*diately *rop 1o mind are th*se of D*n Giovanni Pietro Agius de $*lcjanis, whn in the eighteenth *entury ca;'ried out archrval waris fcr ihe Order of ihe Knights cf fu{alta in Rome anij who *ventuaily became the first librarianlarchivist cf their naiional library in I\{alta; ard of Dom h4aurn lnguailez, whel f*r four deradss o{ the twentieth c*ntury was archivist of {Montecassino, ltaiy.
Th* twenty lirst **ntury has braught with it a reviva! in the l\,{altese archives sector. The {irsi liatronal Archrves ,Act {19S0) wes revamped in 20il5. This wss the same yearwhen arci:iv*s ard rscoreis management cour$es were introriuced for the first time at the University nf ltilalta The f*cus on the educatian and ttaining *l arthivists tc c*pe with the ehallenges cf the twenty first century is very relevant to i\,4altese archivists and records managers.
I lcok farward tc welcr:me you in l\4alta ane{ to shere wiih you some magical mory:enls that ar isianej with 7*00 years cf history can cf{er to prrfessicnals lrhose intrinsr* duty is ine preservation of heriiage.
Cher-e-s collegues, ,.i'ai le plaisir de vous inviter toutes et tous i t\4aite pour la Confdrence lnternatianale de la Table Ronde (CITRA) de cette annde.
ll y a dlx ans, je participais i Budapest & ma premidre CITRA. Cette exp6rience me permit d'aborder pour la premiere fois la dimension internationale de notre profession. Depuis lors, j'ai conskuit de bonnes reiations avec un certain nombre de membres importants du milieu professionnel.
Lors de ma premiere participation * une CITRA, j'ai r6ve de voir un jour cette rencontre prolessionnelle se tenir & [/alte.
fi4alte a une longue tradition en matidre d'arehives. Les dccuments les pius anciens de nos iles remontent au Xlle sidcle. Lln nombre important d'archivistes maltais se sont faits un nom au niveau international. Les noms qui me viennent imm6diaternent i l'esprit sont ceux de Ean Giovanni Pietro Agius de Soldanis, qui, au XVllle sidcle, effectua des travaux archivistiques pour I'Ordre des Chevaliers de fodalte, A Rome et qui devint le premier Bibliothecaire/Archiviste de leur Bibliotheque nationale d Malte, et de Dom Mauro lnguanez, qui, durant quatre ddce nnies du vingtieme siBcle, fut archiviste d fulontecassino, en ltalie.
Le vingt et unidme sidcle a amen6 une rrlsurgence du secieur archivistique maltais. L-a premidre Loi nationaie sur les Archives (1990) a 6t6 revue en 2005. La mdrne ann6e, cles ccurs d'archivistique ont rii6 introduits pour la premi&re fois d I'Universiid de l\4alte. L'accent mis sur la formation des archivistes et leur capacit6 ir affronter les d6fis du vingt et unidme sidcie est tout dr fait pertinent pour les archivistes maltais.
Je me rdjouis de voLrs accueillir d hdalte pour partager avec vous quelques moments rnagiques que ces tles riches de 7000 ans d'histoire peuvent offrlr;i des professionnel-le-s dont la mission est de prdserver le patrimoine.
VVmle*ffiffi frmm thm ilffimA Vlcm-Prmsi*ffirlt
Nm$dm ffiffiffimtr-Kmffiffiroffi
ilear collea.gues,
It is time io prepare t* attend CITRA 20S9. This year's vefiu* is Maita. The them* is "imagining the Twenty first Century Archivist: new slrfilegi€s for educaticn and training".
The archivist in orrler to proserve rts plofessional ldentity musi be prepared i* rreet {h* chalienge* pused by the ever developing technclcgies and the rising expectatrans of employers, decision-makers and th* general pubiic"
ClTfqA 2il09 wii! he an oppofiuilily {or iiou ta get acquaint*d with the activities of the Pr*gram Comn:issinn of the ICA {PilAM} dedr*aterj t* educatian ancl training, t* get infnrmation *n the aclvuncem*nt and ncerjs in archival studies and aiso a p*ssibility for y*r tc giv* your **niributicn in autlining lhe ccmp*iencies that the archrvist shouid possess in tne early 21sl century.
Pienary sessions wiii alternate witrh parailei sessions and rcund tahles that give participant* ample npportunity to share infarmati*n anri experie nce wrtn coileagues and members cf related prof*ssions.
in ths historical envircnment of fu{alta r,ve wiil find a pet'ect venue for the annuai iCA round table tr: cilncentraie *n how tc cLrltrvate n new g*n*ratian of Google and You tube archivists" ICA is must grateful to the Government ancl th* lJati*nal Archives of i\,{alta {lr hasting CITRA 2003.
Cher-e-s colldgues
Le temps de prdparer la CITRA 2009 est venu. Cette ann6e, nous noils tekouverons ii Malte" Le thdme de l'6vdnement sera i< imaglner l'archiviste du vingt et unieme siecle : des nouvelles strat6gies pour la formation >.
Pour pouvoir pr6server son identit6 professionnelle, l'archiviste doit €tre prdt i relever les defis eonstituds par le developpement des technoiogies et les attentes de plus en plus fories manifest6es pat les employeurs, les d6cideurs et ie public.
La CITRA 2009 constituera une occasion unique de prendre connaissance des activit6s depioy6es par la Commission de Pragramme (PcOfui) dans le domaine de la formation, de recevoir des informations quant aux besoins et d6veloppements en matirire de formation en archivistique, et de contribuer au d6bat sur les compdtences que devraient avoir les archivistes en ce dribut de vingt et uni*me sidcle.
Les sessions pl6ni6res alterneront avec les sessions paralldles et des tables rondes, ce qui donnera aux participants de multiples occasions de partager des informations et leur exp6rience avec des collegues ainsi qu'avec des membres d'autr"es professions.
Dans l'envirannement baignd d'histoire de fiIalte, nous trouverons un contexte ideai pour que la table ronde annuelle du Conseil lnternational des Archives se concenke sur la mani4re de cultiver une nouvelle g6n6ration d'archivistes iiee * Google et i You Tube. Le Conseii lnternational des Archives est hds reconnaissanl envers ie Gouvernement et les Archives nationales de fr/alte d'avoir propos6 d'6tre l'hate de la CITRA 2009.
1 7 '21 November LUUJ ,,tbr+fry
Schedule of meetings ond sessions I Colendrier des reunions et seonces
Sunday 15 November / dimanche 15 novemhre
17H00-19H00 Registration / lnscriptions
Monday 1 6 November / lundi 16 novembre
08H00-16H00 Registration / lnscriptions
09H00-12H30 CITRA Bureau lVleeting / R|union du Bureau de la CITRA - CDC2
09H00-1 2H30 l\i eeting of the Chairs of Sections I Reunion des presldents des Sections - AzlDC2
09H00-12H30 lVeeting of the Chairs of Branche s I Rdunion des pr6srdenls de s Branches - l',lDC3
09H00-17H30 lt/eeting of PCOIV / R6unlon de PCOI',I * l',lDC1
14H00-15H30 Joint lVeeting of the Chairs of Branches and Sections / R6union conjointe des pr6sldents des Branches el des Sections - l'/lDC2
14H00-17H30 MeetingoftheBureauofAIAF/ROunionduBureaudeI'AIAF- l',4DC3
14H00-17H30 lt/eeting of the Bureau of SPA / Rdunion du Bureau de SPA - Saturn 1
14H00-17H30 lVeeting of the Bureau of ACARIV I R6union du Bureau de I'ACARI/I * Saturn 2
14H00-17H30 lt/eeting of the Bureau of EURBICA/ Rdunion du Bureau d'EURBICA - CDC2
20H00 Dinner for the members of the Executive Board / Diner des membres du Comit6 executive Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar
Tuesday 17 November/ mardi 17 novemhre
08H00-20H00 Registration / lnscriptions
Wednesday '18 November
08H00-1 2H00
09H00-1 0H30
1 0H30
1 '1 H00-12H30
14H00-1 5H30
1 5H30-1 6H00
1 9H00
Executive Board lVeeting I Rdunion du Comit1 exdcutif * CDC3
ACARII/ Seminar / S6minaire de I'ACARlt/l - Saturn
Executive Board lVeeting I R1union du Comit6 executif - CDC3
Opening Ceremony at the Intercontinental, St Julian's
C6r6monie d'ouvefture tt I'Hdtel lntercontinental St Julian's - CDC
Opening of the nformat on marketplace followed by a reception Ouverture du l/larchb de I'lnfonnatton suivte d'une reception CDC Lobby
I mercredi 18 novembre
Registratron / n scription s
Breakfastfornewpartcrpants toCLTRA/Petlld1leunerpourlesnouveauxparttctpantsdla
H ar r u b a Re sta u rant. I nte rcanti n e nt al
CITRA P enary Session 1 I CITRA 56ance pleniere 1 - CDC
Break / Pause
CITRA Paralle Sessions I CITRA S6ances paralldles ^lDC1/2/3
CITRA P enary sessions 2 I CITRA Sbance pl1nidre 2 CDC
Break / Pause
CITRA Para el Sess ons I CITRA Slances paralldles MIDC1/2/3
Depadureforavrsittotheoldcapital lVdnaandnearbyRabat. Delegateswill havetheoppo(unitytovistthe National Archrves.Thevistswil befollowedbyareception. /Visitedel'anciennecapttal AtldtnaetdeRabat. Les participants auront la possibilit(: de vtsiter les Archives nattonales. Les visiles seroni suivles d'une reception.
Thursday 19 November I jeudi 19 novembre
09H00-1 0H30 CITRA Plenary session 3 / CITRA S1ance pl1nrdre 3 - CDC
1 0H30 Break / Pause
1 1 H00-12H30
CITRA Parallel Sessions / C/IRA Sdances paralleles - lvlDcl/2/3
CITRA Plenary session 4 I CITRA Slance pl6nidre 4 CDC
15H30-16H00 Break / Pause
CITRA Paralle Sessions / CiIR4 S6ances paralldles l'/lDC1/2/3
CITRA conc us ons / Conclusions de la CITRA CDC
19H00 Gala dinner / Diner de Gala (La Valette Hall. Itleditenanean Conference Centre, Valletta) The Gala d nner will be preceeded by a tour of the multiv sual show N/alta Experience. I Avant le diner de Gala. pr6sentatton du ftlm audtovisuel I',4alta Experience.
Friday 20 November / vendredi 20 novembre
08H30-09H30 Joint lVeeting PCON/ and Branches / Rdunion conlointe PCOII et des Branches - ltlDC2
09 H 30- 1 0 H 30 Joint Nleet ng PCOIV and C ITRA Bureau I Rlunton conjointe de PCO\.4 et du bureau de la CITRA - l,1DC2
09H30-12H30 CO|V|VA Ed torial Board meeting I R'union du Comit' de r6dactton de COI/llu|A - Neptune 1
09H30-12H30 Nleet ng of the Dutch lVemory of the World Arch vists / Reun on des archivistes du monde sur la memoire needandaise Saturn
09130-10H30 EURBICA Annual General IVeeting / Assemblle g1ndrale EURBICA - l',lDC 3
09H00-1 2H00 SAE Seminar / Seminar SAE - Neptune 2
1 1 H00-12H30 AIAF General Assembly / Assembl6e gdn1rale de I'AIAF l/|DC1
1 1 H00- 1 2H30
ACARIV General Assemb y / Assem bl6e gendrale de I'ACARIi,4 llDC3
11H00-12H30 SPAGenera Assembly/Assembl1egdn1raledeSPA CDC
1 1 H00-12H30
Joint N,4eet ng PCOIV and Sections / Reunion conjointe de PCOM et des Sections lu\DC2
Annual General lVeeting /Assemblle gdndrale CDC
15H30-16H00 Break / Pause
1 6H00-1 BH00
20H00-21 H00
Annual General N/eet ng /Assembl6e g6n6rale - CDC
Executive Board lVeeting I Rdunion du Comitd exdcutif CDC3
National Arch ves Annual Public Lecture / C onference Annuelle Publique des Archlves Nationales - CDC112
Saturday 21 November/ samedi 21 novembre
09H00-1 6H00
'15H00-1 7H00
Deparlurefromlntercontinenta forahalf dayvisittocapital ctyValletta. Thevisitincludestheopenngof anexhibition at the National Library and a visit to the Grand lVastefs Palace.
D6part de I'Hotel lntercontinental pour une excursion d'une demi-journde de la capiale Valetta. Cette visite comprendra I'inauguration d'une exposition d la Bibliothdque nationale et une visite du Palats des Grands A,/aiires.
SAE Annual General lt/eeting /Assemb/6e Gdn6rale SAE- CDC
CITRA Bureau l\4eet ng / Rdunion du Bureau de la CITRA CDC
Notes : Each event is open for the respective members. Delegates are elig ble for al coffee breaks, unches, and the full social programme. Accompanying personsareeigibeforthesocial programmeonly(seepagell). Nametagsaretobewornatall times.
NB Chaque manrfestation est ouverte aux membres respectifs. Les delegu6s sont rnvit6s a toutes les pauses cafe, les d6leuners ainsi que le programme social.Lespersonnesquiaccompagnentlesd6leguespeuvent seulementasssterauprogrammesocial(voirpagell). Leportdubadgeest ndispensabed tous moments.
Code of rooms
CDC Cettina de Cesare Ha - Level 2
IVDC : N/aurice de Cesare Hall - Level 1
PKN'NIG CIRffiel1M[\{Y
Welcome speech by IVlr Charles J. Farrugia National Archivist
A/lusic lnterlude: - Flute Trio - Composer: Alichel' Angelo Vella
Speech by IVrs Nolda Romer-Kenepa CITRA Vice-president
htlusic lnterlude: - Scherzo - Composer: Carmelo Pace
Speech by IVr lan Wilson, President of the lnternational Council on Archives
Speech and inauguration of conference by the Hon. Dolores Cristina, [Vinister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Opening of the lnformation lMarketplace followed by reception
Players: Ackn ow le dg e m e nts fo r l/l u s ic :
The Flute Trio, The Johann Sfrauss School of Music Silvio Zammit, Clara Galea, Laura Cioffi Cathedral Archives, hrldina; fulgr John Azzopardi; Fra' Prof Richard Divall Anton Farrugia
THm CC&4pm$rm$
Michel'Angelo Vella (1710 - 1792)
Idirhnt'&nnnln \lnlir., il ?]trtr 1 *rnft1 ,v*o'v, r\r ,y",,* V$llU tillu^ llYlj
Vella was born in Senglea and his musical compositions qualified him as one of the most celebrated Maltese musicians of the eighteenth century. ln '1730 he left Mlalta for Naples to study at the Conseryatorio Pieta deiTurchini. On his return to lMalta he reformed musical education. As an organist and maestro di cappella Vella accepted numerous temporary commissions in the most important lValtese churches before obtaining permanent employment as maesfro dicappella at the parish church of Cospicua in '1762. His extant works reveal contrapuntal craftsmanship, and his concern with the place of plainchant in an era of rapid musical innovation is evident in his sacred works. The manuscripts of the Sonatas were discovered in Dresden by Fra' Prof Richard Divall of The Order of Malta, who has thus far edited into print the complete known works of Vella, The 24 Sonatas and his String works are in the process of being published by Lyrebird Press and the first volume is already published.
Carmelo Pace (1906 - 1993)
One of the twentieth century's most eminent li4altese composers, Pace was born in Valletta. His five hundred compositions which cover the whole spectrum of musical genres atkacted local and international acclaim and awards. He studied under a number of prominent local composers and joined the Royal Opera House orchestra as a violin player in 1928 by which date he was already composing. Amongst the various awards he was presented with the National Order of lvlerit in 1992. He bequeathed his music archives to the Cathedral [i/useum, while the manuscript scores of his four operas are preserved at the lVlanoel Theatre.
q q , r I A^AA AA r^n L/ hlfilrat'rl1*. 'lill u ,trri"{till &!lvl l &V. lvv !, {'n*}rn* l1n f 'er*rn tr-i^ii i^i^,^^^,'^^*"i.^.1 f.! i",11,.^r^ lf liHi;IJt;
)l -i5t;'',
I n i r t\l\ i r
1, i flrm$5in l"rftr# I lvi lA - ivv 4i \.l'L,ll I I l\-rl\J { \-/tkr\*, I
/ V\./ | , f \./f
09H00 - 10H30
Chairman: Nolda C. Romer-Kenepa
Prof Henry Frendo, Professor of Hlstory, University of lllalta
Key note speech: Past for the Future: Some Thoughts on the Preservation, Accessibility, and Divulgation of Knowledge.
Plenary session 1
Session pleniere 1
tu{atth*w Gatt
What do employers expect from archivists today?
Qu' attendent les employeurs des archivistes auiou rd' hui ?
Chairman: Adrienne Thomas - /VARA
C,hainnan, lldJIA, &{ajfa Th* lligit*l ,&g* Archi,;i*t
Kuan Wah Pitt
The ideel Singapcrear"r An*hivist fi:r the 21st eentury
Drre*t*( fui*#*nai Archives cf $ingapor*
Parallel session 1
Session paralldle 1
Developing a competency model
D6velopper un moddle de competences
Chairman: Thijs Laeven - Consultant
tserndt Fredriksson A L4odel lor a Fr*file: A l\,{ethodolngy {or eonsttucting Archivlst Compet*:tcy profiles iV*f&:nai Asser*laflcn f*r Archivisis cf St,i/edefi
lvlike h4al*h
A,R|\*A's Internati*nal Pnr:fessi*nal *r:mpeter':ci*s far Reeorels l\danagers anej Archivists Reeords &,4enagem*nf #*nsulfanf
Parallel session 2
Session paralldle 2
$harnn Thib*cieaLl &IARII, IJSA
,"lczo lvanovic
Developing a training policy
D|velopper une politique de formation
Chairman: Severiano HerndrndezVicente - Spanish National Archives
B*ycnr* Acaciem*: D*veloping Cor:rp*tcnei*s in Arehival lnsti{Litioils
Mefionaj Arc&jves *f 0roa#a
l-{*cii JaNleb National Archives of Tunisia
11H00 - 12H30
Parallel session 3
Session paralldle 3
Pnllfique de fcrnralrcn prof*sslnnnelle d*s Aieftfyes ltfafl*nafes de eroafl*: unc approehe du eynfe de c*mp*fences
l-'ar*hivist* *t l'edr:linistrati<.rn : nouveaux r6!*s ; ncuv*aux d&fis. L'*xp6ri*nce ,,. ^;^:"-^^^ tuiltStet!iltr
What is the relevance of archival education and training for indigenous and marginalized communities? La formation archivistique est-e//e relevante pour les communaut6s rndigdnes et marginalis6es ?
Chairman: Daniel J. Caron - Libraries and Archives Canada
Setareki?*lc &l*fional frrc*lues cf Fryi
Sreedom nf lnfonmatlcn: l?eadying tn* i-10ru* and *art in ]eveloping Nati*ns
mf snlll*nl f;n( \d NRf; IFI ! i tl .l I UVId /nrf fi t I 1' I I I5t t ! hUIJ \/ urlng ilTmA ?fi
Shadmk Kmtuu #ccioral Siudeni
Anike Oke Hul/,?lsf*ry eonfre
14H00 - 15H30
Plenary session 2
Session pleniere 2
Archiv*s and R*cor$s Educaiiutt and Training in Afiica: a )reem deferred?
Pcsitive iirterv*nticns: Tho Conn:ecting Histcries Exp*i ls:rce
Training and education: what have we got and what is needed?
Formation : oi en sommes-nous et gue/s sonf /es besoins ?
Chairman: Geir l/lagnus Walderhaug - SAE, ICA
lneke Eesern* 0*cforal Studenf
$ii"nnn Chu
Asias,4m,hives Prr:fessionaJ Aclton
fu{aria Teresa Bermudez {"tnluers$y of eosfa-fiic*
16H00 - 17H30
Parallel session 4
Session paralldle 4
Ann* Thursion l&fl,{r
[-onking int* th* fuiure cf ar*hivai edu*aticr':
IASTICA's Arcl:ival Hducalion Prr:gren: in l-{ong-Kong: A Viable Option?
Guels s*ni l*s lypes d'ens*rgn*n*rl archivislrque disponlbl*s? QuelJ*s en sorf les lscunes ?
Training in developing countries, needs and expectations
Formation dans les pays en voie de d6veloppemenf, besoins et attentes
Chairman: Helena Leonce - University of Trinidad and Tobago
Suilding Exc*ilonc* in Ei*rlrq;rnic R,ecards i\lanag*rneni in [nglish-speaking Afri*e
Je*ln-\,Xli l*itl ffi ertrand &lafiona/ Arefulves nf Fl*lfl
16H00 - 17H30
Parallel session 5
Session paralldle 5
la f*m'iaffun d*s arcfolvlsf*s da*s i*s p;iys du sud : ,&llan el p*rspectlres
Associations and professional development Assocrations et d6veloppement professionnel
Chairman: Henri Zuber - SPA, ICA
Chnstrne ll{;lrtinez l{sso*iaiion *f Fr*nc& drcliirisfs
Joan Antoni Jirnenez ilelalan Hoa/f,h Seryl**
Aly Aclerne Pam S*:clely *f ;trctoivisfs, $ene6tol
16H00 - 17H30
Parallel session 6
Session paralldle 6
le esnfrs de forrxail*n de lHss**rafi*r d*s;tr*,'llvisf*s fron$ais : J$ ans au se,ryice du ddlr*l*ppemenf profusslcnn*l
ehallengee tn the new Glnhalizeej $ttci*ty
LIn domr'-si$ci* de pi*idoy*r porur la prontoflnn dss arehlvss el des bih#offteE{Jss fi{J SSneE*l
Round table / Table ronde
Sharing of expertise and mutual benefit-learning from other professionals
Partage d'expertise avec d'autres professions ef profession nels pour le b6n6fice commun
Chairman: lan Wilson - President,lCA
,Anna fr,4cria Tamntaro {IFLA}
fdu*ating library and inrf*rmatiun prr:rf*ssion*ls fot the futur* {-l,rluersify of Farma, /faly
Kr:rt fteggeller (*eAA&)
A,ftr&,f 0tr1,4 Y, St*td:ertrand
,Jcan ffieadas 1 Haset ilCA) ft{un;tipa| Archlt,isl Glrona
Th* enntnbutisn of int*rnational llG*s to tr*ining in audi*vi*ual arahlving
\&ihat ric people n*ed? Adapt on Cisnppear!
09H00 - 10H30
Plenary session 3
Session pleniere 3
Developing new curricula and training programs to meet the challenges of the modern profession Divelopper de nouveaux curricula et programmes de formation pour r6pondre aux d6fis d'une profession moderne
Chairman: Lillian Sciberras - National Archives Council, A/lalta
[4*rgaret Turner ,Soclefy of Archivis/s, UK
l/aria Guercio University af Urbina, ltaly
11H00 - 12H30
Parallel session 7
Session paralldle 7
The $ociety of Archivists and the Accreditation of Training Programs
lnnavations in curricula for digital *urators. A cross Atlantic comparison
New developments in archival training courses Nouveaux dfveloppemenfs dans /es cours d'archivistique
Chairman: Charles J. Fanugia - National Archivist, lllalta
Andre Porto Ancona Lopez firasilra University, Erazil
Luciana Duranti Universtty of Enitsh Calumbia
Charles J. tanrugra Aiafroral Archlvlsl llda/f a
Parallel session 8
Sesslon paralldle I
Builcling th* Pr*f*s*ional Fi*ld rn Erazil
Hdu*ctlng th* f;xtrern* ,{tthivist: ls lt P*s*ibN*?
Ar*hival Srecl*a1* !-ducation in fi,tXalt*
A new Vision and a new Tool for Training Trainers
Une nouvelle vision et une nouvel instrument pour la formation des formateurs
Chairman: Peter Horsman - University of Amsterdam
Peter Horsman University af Amsterdam
Thijs [-aev*:r
Train th* Tr*iners in Reccrdr tu{*negement (Xi
Train the Trainers ii: it*c*r'ds futanag*mier:t (lli R***rds &l*nage,';rsnf Ccrs*lianf
11H00 - 12H30
Parallel session 9
Sessron paralldle I
Round table I Table ronde
Certification: What is the Need? What are the Benefits? Certification: guels sonf les besoins ? quels sof les b6n6fices ? Chairman: Trudy Huskamp Peterson - Archives Consultant
$arah Wickhaffi ,$*eroiy of ;4rchlvlsfs, UK
Trudy Fiuekamp Fe?erson Arc&jvss Censulienf
t:'eci vcn Kan
D*vc1*prng pn*fes*icncls: r*gistered rnembership of the $r:ciety nf Archivtsts LIK cnd lreland
lndivirJr:el fiertifrcetian: Frovidin6 the Archrval ill*or
C*dif!*atir:n uf Archiv:sts in The N*the rle nds R.ayai Dutch.4ssorialion of Ar"cht'risls
14H00 - 15H30
Plenary session 4
Session pleniere 4
Archival education: our vision for the 21't century
Formation archivistique: notre vision pour le 21" sidcle
Chairman: Jozefina Ineke Deserno - PHD candidate, A/lonash University
q i I H ffi M & E tr
Christophe Jacobs t\"4
Anne Sast
ffim*rging jabs, digital natives and reconr::ls : A new quarrel betwe*n th* ar":eients and nnoderils ?
Born iligit*i? Thnughts ficrn a 2lst eentury Archivitt-in -lrarning Sen Fra*cisoo &,fuseum of rlle dern ,4#s
tri^^1 nr A ^^-r^^ l\tiut u rlildltd) fusll*naf ,4mhlv*s rf &",ialfa
16H00 - 17H30
Parallel session 10 Session paralldle 10
Arcl:ival Hdueati*n: th* Pempe*tiv*s nf u l\4alt*se Archives Graduatc
Online education and training programs, an opportunity to be developed La formation en ligne, une possihilit6 d d{velopper
Chairman: lbrahima Lo - EBAD, Senega/
Patnicia \&lhatloy Univ*rxify of Sund*e
A ^^- C-{,.i,,h.."" nlil to u/ tslu|vl &laffnnai #niuersitry cf Cordo$a
Vict*na Br:rg 0'Fleh*rty Aj*fronaj,Arcfiivss of St Krlls
16H00 - 17H30
Parallel session 11 Session paralldle 11
[r!c bau*danes? The *hali*rigrs *f cn iine riistcnc* learning and iea*hrng The vrrtuaI platf*rm as e *hal!*ng* f*r Univer*ity arehivnl *ducali*n
Disian*e [-eal.ning Fersp*ctives kom lhe Pcriphery
Continuing professional development (CPD)
La formafion continue
Chairman: Marie-Andr6e Corcuff - lnstitute Nationaldu Patrimoine, Paris
lViargaret Crockett €eeords &/anegemenl f,o,rsulianf
kXartin Berendse ffaffonal Archivisl fil*fheriands
Christoph*r Ferzina &#lirrsfryr af trducatian, !,$alla
eonilr:uing Flrof*ssi*nal llevel*pm*nt: l\,4ark cf ilintin*tion or Unneeessary *urden
,Archival tcnke of Exc*ll*n*e: Y*u lnse one. vou win one
An [Jnenmprorlrixing Attitucl* to l-e*rning
16H00 - 17H30 Round table I Table ronde
Parallel session 12 Mentoring, a different way to train new professionals
Session paralldle 12 "Mentoring" une voie diff6rente pour la formation des nouveaux professionne/s Chairman: iussi Nuorteva - Director. National Archives of Finland ,irl:l l!lrr*';* ilLlr,:n*li*r $;h*n:n l*r" Y*r;t,, .:: ,... "-.t :, :. -,., ;t
-L: :.'. .:l,i ,.i,. i.;:,:l,ri: ,,, .i.l''i',t ,, il1" i'',1i,. ',:i..':' '" ''
lJn*rilr:ii l,l,:ni*r'ir-rc" a ).ff*r*lli rlruy l*]:i*ili n**.' Pr*irlsl*fialr .'...: I.. ,'. ' U: ,i. ,' ..: ni..";-* Lj..,, l\i^ ., ," " [:,t. ,' j.,.. , -'1,:l**Sl*lgl* lr?rril.ri *l +trlla/i l,
Nolda L. Romer-Kenepa and Lew Bellardo
: .; .tt
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I & Nffiv#mhen X*ffiP
Dinner for the members of the Executive Board. Diner des membres du Comit| executive - Palazzo Parisio, Naxxar
Opening Ceremony at the lntercontinental, St Julian's Cdr6monie d'ouverture a t'Hltel lntercontinental St Julian's - CDC
Opening of the information marketplace followed by a reception
Ouverture du lr/tarch6 de I'lnformation suivie d'une rbception - CDC Lobby
Visit to the old capital Mdina and nearby Rabat. Delegates will have the opportunity to visit the National Archives. The visits will be followed by a reception.
Visite de I'ancienne capitat \tttdina et de Rabat. Les participants auront la possibl/lf6 de vislfer /es Archives nationales' Les vrslfes seronf suivles d'une r1ception'
Itr A'{*vffirY'}hmr ?mmtr
Gala dinner
Diner de Gata (La vatette Hall, Mediterranean conference centre, valletta) The Gala dinner will be preceeded by a tour of the multivisual show Malta Experience. Avant le diner de Gata, pr6sentation du film audiovisuel Atlalta Experience.
National Archives Annual Public Lecture Conf1rence Annuelle Publique des Archives Nationales
Departure from lntercontinental for a half day visit to capital city Valletta. The visit includes the opening of an exhibition at the National Library and a vtsit to the Grand Mastels Palace,
D6paft de t'H6tet tntercontinental pour une excursion d'une demi-journde de la capitale Valetta. Cette visite comprendra I'inauguration d'une exposition d la Bibliothdque nationale et une visite du Palais des Grands Atlaitres.
lffi hiffiqfffimhmf- trffi#W
?ffi $Nffivffiffihmr tr*#P
trl $q$mvmmhmn Xm*$
The lntercontinentol N olto Level I
The lntercontinentol N/olto Level 2
c: =5" {"(} :3 Z e Z E E 9Z ie * * * Y,,.T..:.a..v :.,* * 3 -g -; sq 9H =H 3 6E qa al: o i' r I a c a a 6E' 84 *. G. .,9. ! i I \ ti I.r lr 'ar !l I ! i I ! rl ,i l! I t I I i g s a o B. q l: 3 I iE Ri7 qii 12 l' ::fl. 6' a q ! : ll1icrl)mllon lllftkslpl$e ; r a ; e I q *i i!{
L6ro$ mf ffiKm$m$fffirs
The scope of the information marketplace is to showcase products and services tailor made for the archival community. Some exhibitors are also sharing with the wider archival community the benefits of international collaboration through programmes in which the National Archives of Malta is a partner. The Marketplace opens after the opening ceremony on Tuesday 17 November 2009 at around 21 H00.
Associotion of Commonweolth Archivists ond Records Monogers ACARM
Dr. Teresa Bastow email : HonSecretary@acarm.org
Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers c/o lRtvlT, Rm 14-15, 88/90 Hatton Garden, London EClN 8PN, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 4101
Fax +44 (0) 20 7831 6303 email : newsletter@acarm.org website: vvww.acarm.org
ACARM provides a vehicle for sharing strategies and for addressing professional issues of concern to its members. lt also provides a link for archival institutions, archivists and records managers across the Commonwealth. The importance of this link is the common heritage of legal and administrative systems, and hence of record keeping practices, which the countries of the Commonwealth share with each other and with the United Kingdom.
Dr. Ann Thurston
lnternational Records Management Trust, Suite 14115 2nd Floor, 88-90 Hatton Garden, London EClN 8PN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 4101
Fax+44 (0) 20 7831 6303 email info@irmt.org website: www.irmt.org
ffi ffi ffi
assists governments and organisations in moving safely from a paper to an electronic environment through building reliable, trustworthy records systems as the basis for data integrity to support: Financial management; Human resource management; Land administration; Health care management; Justice and courts administration; Services for citizens; Anti-corruption strategies; Access to information; Protection of rights and entitlements; Management information systems. lnterncti*nml R*cords &rtrmn#gffrr]snt Trust B re &AT ffi 13 5 F o E U ol ag ad odt ]: ad o ,6,\ q'q a
fulr. Peder Andren
email: peder.andren@riksarkivet.ra.se website: www.apenet.eu
The APEnel Project's aim is to provide EU citizens, public authorities and companies with a common portal to enable to find out Europe's archives and archivai materiai. APEnet (,Archives Portal -urope) is a Best Practice Nelwork project supported by the European Commission in the eContentplus programffe and iis objective is to build an Interulef Gafeway for Socumenfs and Archives in Europe where trvelve European hlational Archives in close cooperation with the EUROPEANA initiative will create a common access point t0 European archival descriptions and digital coilections.
P0 Box 5884, Ahu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB Tf\dIRATES
Tel +971 2 4'183333, Fax +971 2 4445811
URL: www.cdr.gov.ae
email: dg@ncdr.ae
website: wrvw.ncdr.ae
The objeciives of the organization are to develop the Gcvernment Archives; build its t-loldings and preserve them; Process Coliections and Enhance their Accessibility; lncrease Public outreach; Develop its Enabling lnfrastructure.
Dctc Disc s - r-* I - DATA DISC dlgital stmnaee s*rvices
Direttare: Sig. Antanino Caggegi Datadisc.lT S.r.l. Siracusa viale Scala Greca, 333/4 961 00, Siracusa Sicily ITALY
email: info@datadisc.it URL: www.datadisc.it
Data Disc s.r.l. is one of italy's leading companies specializing in the digitisation of archival records. They operate in a number of countries and provide the whole chain of services from the capturing of images to long term preservation. ln the lasi few years, the company has invested in high technology and its machinery and software is prcvided by Kodak. Amongst its major projects there are works in several archives in ltaly and at the National Archives of lVlalta.
APffinmt Arc hlrr#s F3mntm $ ffiL,B rffi p# }} .IT fal ffiEry M ffi @
h ,r; [. Gi k" "rr k n 1_ ffi 3}!, j[\ e L9l gt:@ ; \".\\
C m ffi Nufional Center far
& Reseure
n I
ffiesrnfestaqaCI s Ftigienizcqcc" Lde:
Mr. Jorge Mamede
EXPM - Desinfestagio e HigienizaqSo. Lda
Rua Prof. Dias Valente, Ed. Copacabana,32,4oB 2765-294 Estoril
Tel: +351 21 466 19 10 Fax +351 21 4661523 email: geral@expm.com.pt website: www.expm.com.pt
EXPIVl, Ltd. is, an European company working with Anoxia systems for disinfestaiions rf cultural items, in ,A,rchives, Libraries and lriluseums. Anoxia systems are a clean, safe and ecoiogical system of dealing with pest problems. Anoxia disinfestations process allows the documents and objects to be heid and manipulated immediately by the *nd of the treatment. There aren't residual dangers neither to users nor to the environment. EXP[\4 works with integrated pest conhol menagement and monitoring of insect pests activity, pr*viding systems for controlling and treating incorporations and remaining cellections. Anoxia systems have been tested and are in current use in Europe, LISA, Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Brazil and Austraiia.
ffienscle>giccl Smcfety CIf Utch ffiSU
FamilySearch / GSU,
50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA
Telephone: 1.801.538.2978
Fax: 1.801.240.1448
Website: www. gensocietyofutah.org
FamilySearch, historically known as the Genealogical Socieiy of Utah, is dedicated to preserving the records of the family of mankind. Our purpose is simple-help people connect with their ancestors through easy access to historical records. We gladly join with others who share this vision.
For over 100 years, we have served record custodians around the world. We pioneered industry standards for gathering, iniaging, indexing, and preserving records. Advances in technclogy and the emergence of our digital world now provide an opportunity {or us to combine the resources of GSU and FamilySearch.org under a single name: FamilySearch. FarnilySearch works together with records custodians to help them provide timely, economic, secure, and broad access to their records while maintaining access control and identlty.
Hill MuseL.rm & &4nnuscnipt ttbrcry
Dr. Theresa Vann
email: tvann@csbsju.edu
Hill fi/useum & tulanuscript Library
Box 7300
Bush Center
Saint John's University
Collegeville, tviN 56321-7300 USA
Teiephone: 320'363-351 4 Fax: 320-363-3222 hmrnl@csbsju.edu website: www.hmml.org
HhIML is the home of ihe world's largest collection of manuscript images and of The Saint John's Bible, a handwritten, illuminated Eibie in modern English. Hfullvll's coilections reveal how varisus cultures express their religious, artistic, and inteilectual experience. lt makes these resources available ts students, researchers and visitors through advanced technology for imaging, cataloguing, and teaching. One of its extensive projects is ai the l-egal Docunnentation sectisn of the llationa! Arehives of Malta at [r/dina.
ffiXPfut l l
'r (, ,.+0. L! -'$(cnffi ."r{,git- i-i ,i,. <i iri F > Z ! F," * u Z (: d E 3 rl t--, e" d4 E,I U: >E v) d Fl -l 15.
ffiwffifr8 j&
lWffiE@ a
Mr. OriAiny
email: oria@idea-alm.com
Mishmar Ha'Emek, 't9236
Tel: +9724-9896199
Email; sales@IDEA-ALM.com website: www. idea-alm.com
IDEA is a leading sofhrare provider for the preservation, management and exposure of heritage assets. Based on its integrated state-ofthe'art ALM (Archives, Libraries and Museums) platform, IDEA provides an end{o-end solution, covering all aspects of heritage assets management for archives, historical museums and research centres.
HCHUDI rschudi +cie AG (Feinpoppen)
CEO Mr. Hermann Lippl
Tel. +41 55 em 26 30
Bahnhofstrasse P.O. Box
Tel : +41 55 646 26 26
Fax: +4'l 55 646 26 27
ls a company which specializes in paper board and its application. Amongst its services is the distribution and processing of special boards - coloured cardboard; acid free board; acid free storage boxes; presspan / pressspan i pressboard; hardboard; embossing board; deep-drawing board; surface-conduction cardboard and packing; rigging board for bank note printing; project accompanying; archival aid/storage; jacquard cards
The National Archives of Malta knows its origins to the early 1970s when a central archives was set up. lt was given a legal basis by meansoftheNationalArchivesActof1990,andwasreformedbyvirtueofActlV,2005. ItisamemberoflCA,ACARManOEURA|CR.
Address: Head Office, HospitalStreet, Rabat RBT1043 - MALTA
Tel: +356 2'145 9863; Fax: + 35621 450078; Email: customercare.archives@gov.mt; Web-site: www.nationalarchives.gov.mt
FNAM The Friends of
the Notioncl Archives of Molto
The Friends of the National Archives was set up in 2000 as an NGO with the purpose of supporting the National Archives. lt acts as a lobby group, co-ordinates volunteers, and also organize fund-raising activities. During this yea/s CITRA conference the Friends of the National Archives are sponsoring the visit of delegates to the repositories in Rabat and Mdina.
Address: c/o NationalArchives Head Office, Hospital Skeet, Rabat RBT1043 - MALTA
Tel: +356 2145 9863; Fax: + 35621 450078; Web-site: www.fnamalta.org
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tr * * = @ s. o IA o g o q' t) t o q o o NAfut Nmtfr*mffi$ Armh$vms ffif &dmfitm i({$i iF :; L,I :: ri
Minisiry ol Educaton Cuture Youth and Spod
Ministy ofFihance the Ebnohy and lnvestmeht
,mt Archives, {+3so) zt