September 2000
ISSN 1605-7058
CONTENTS The `Friends' and the National Archives
Student Placements at the Archives
bT Hello Jean Bartolo .....................,.............. 2
From the Photo Collection
of the Archives .....................,........................ 4
Records at the Banca Giuratale
Activities at the National Archives ............. 5
by Charles Farrugia
bv Kers{in Haker
The Friends of the NationalArchives..„ .... 8
Number 2
The Executive Committee Of the Friends of the National Archives Of Malta
during the inaugural press conference held at the National Archives on 31 July 2000. From left: Noel d'Anastas (P.R.O.), Ruben Tlealing
(Treasurer), Charles Farrugia (Vice-President), Heua Jean Bartolo (President), Max Farrugia (Secretary), Lino Cuschieri (Member) - Maj. A. E. Abela (not in photo).
¥ELe `FTffieHdis' amdi #EL€
RIationaE fiff€ELives by Heua Jean Bartolo B.A., M.A. (Lond)
The methodology of research for the writing of contemporary history depends on several sources amongst which are two important pillars... archives and the protagonists, if available, who made such history. The researcherthistorian has to sleuth these two mediums with meticulous prodding to web the true story that can be written. The 1990 Malta National Archives Act was the first legal instrument dealing with Administrative files after Malta's Independence in 1964. When the economic and social history of the post independence Malta will be written from local sources these records will be called upon to give testimony.
other important goal which the Friends hope to embark upon as these give substance to any official version of history usually untraceable in books or memoirs.
The present collection of files from the different Ministries under the same Act is a Herculean task for the present archivist-incumbent at the National Archives and it is the objective of the Friends to assist in this task and to encourage and create an awareness on the retention and preservation of such archival material. The aim of the Friends is to provide such resources as are want to be unavailable under the current constraints. These include voluntary indexing of collections by members, printing of finding aids for researchers, cataloguing of collections already held,
purchase of books for the reference room of the National Archives, purchase of related equipment for the reading room, the list is endless.
Contemporary history to be transparent and meaningful requires documentation/records. The collection of private papers is an-
On behalf of The Friends of the National Archives I appeal to all who participate in Malta's administrative, legislative, social, economic and cultural life to pass to the nation their private papers for the benefit of future researchers and historians.
Eventually Local Councils can work hand in hand with the Friends indicating the depositories in their areas. Oral History projects can be undertaken by ad hoc sections that would benefit both the locality and the nation. One final appeal is that we need more altruistic volunteers to come forward to preserve the collections that are already claiming our attention.
* The author of this article is the President of the Friends of the National Archives of Malta, Vice-President of ARMA International-Kansas, and Deputy Chairperson of the National Archives Advisory Committee.
Nfitiflmal rfurchives rfudivisfiry Cormmitt€e 288SH$3 Chairperson:
Dr. Albert Ganado
Mr Michael Ellul
B.A., M.A.(Lond)
Rev. Mons. John Azzopardi Li.c.D., Rev. Dr Joseph Bezzina Dip.Arch, Dip. Bibl., B.A.(Hons)HED Dr Charles J. Boffa B.Ch.D., B.Pharin, FICD, Ph.D.
Ms Maroma Camilleri
Mr Charles Farrugia
B.Ed(Hons), Dip.Arch
Mons Fortunato P. Mizzi fr.f.D. Mr William Zammit
B.A.(Hons), M.A.
Mr Josep.h Caruana
B.Ed(Hons), DLIS, M.A.
B.A., LL.D., K.M.
Deputy Chairperson: Ms Hella Jean Bartolo
B.E.&A, Dip.Arch, Fr.Hist.S., A&CE
Prof Stanley Fiorini B.Phil, MA, Ph.D.
The positive feedback received after the publication of the first National Archives Newsletter in November 1999 inspired us to publish the second issue on the same lines of the first. We would have preferred to issue this newsletter at more frequent intervals, however considering the limited resources we have, a decision in favour of quality rather than quantity had to be made. The past eight months witnessed continuous progress in the field of archives in Malta. Most of the developments are still to be seen in the coming months, since a lot of ground work for future progress was done. After a very good turn out for the National Archives Annual Public Lecture 1999, work started on the proceedings of that event, which proceedings were published last month. In January we welcomed the first foreign student who opted to do her degree in Archives practicum at our repository. The second-archives course at AZAD spanned from February to April and was attended by more than 25 students. Concurrently we witnessed the decision at the Ghaqda Bibljotekarji Annual General Meeting to change the name of the association to MaLIA - Malta Library and Information Association. This move can be seen as a sign of recognition towards the contribution of archivists, records managers and those involved in the information professions in the development of the association. On 3 April 2000 the National Archives Advisory Committee was constituted and had its first meeting with the Minister of Education Hon. Dr Louis Galea. An innovation this year was the setting up of the Joint National Library and National Archives Action Committee. This committee brings together the Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons and Secretaries of the two committees together with the Minister himself and the Director of Libraries and Archives. Meetings are held every second month and members have the opportunity to share their views and suggestions with the Minister.
During its first five meetings the National Archives Advisory Committee formed a Sub-Committee which is visiting Gov-
ernment Departments to report on the present state of records in each registry. The Advisory Committee also identified four factors which are hindering the progress of archives in Malta, mainly; inadequate legislation; lack of professional training; shortage of storage space at the Archives; and inadequate administrative structures. Suggestions on how to remedy these deficiencies were put forward and action is being taken on each proposal.
Another more recent achievement was the setting up of the Friends of the National Archives of Malta. The first meeting was held on 4 April 2000. Work on the statute has been completed and the membership campaign is currently underway. In the near future a program of activities will be announced and the official web-site launched. I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Executive Committee for their voluntary work and initiatives. Other initiatives take by various organizations can also be commendable as the sowing of seminal seed for the future development of our country's archival heritage. One such initiative was the setting up of the oral history project at the Department of History of the University of Malta. A second initiative was the setting up of the Foundation for the protection of Malta's Cultural Heritage by Maltacom.
This publication is another attempt aimed at informing the reader about the latest developments in the Archives sector in Malta. Special thanks go to all those who are supporting our efforts to move forward and build new structures and practices for the management of archives in our country.
The National Archives Annual Public Lecture 2000 Hospitaller Baroque Culture: The Order of St. John's Legacy to Early MDdern Malta by Professor Victor Mallia-Milanes Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Head of the Department of History University of Malta Venue: Exhibition Centre, National Archives, Santo Spirito, Hospital Street - Rabat Date: 19th september2'000 Time: 7.00
The general public is cordially invited Refreshments
Publicity for a performance at The Royal Theatre in 1848 - Donated by
fiooessiolts €
Sr. Daniela Micallof
11 I Special Constables gathered at the Potice Wartime Headquarters , Vincenzo Bugeja Institute, Fleur-de-Lys, 11 November 1939 - Photo donated by Mr Angelo
I-¥- ¥
Msida Church - Photo donated to the National Archives by Mr Anthony Abela
Floriana Church dunaged during the 11 Worid VIar - Photo donated by Mr Peter Reynolds
al Are
of Malta Newsletter
AofivREes at
the National Archives Artist Anton Calleja lecturiiig to a group Of students at the exhibition cel.ire Of the Natioiial Archives
The violin col.cert I.eld at the Natioiial Archives. The concert was part of `A voyage throiigh Sacred .Malta. organiz;ed by AZAD in December 1999
Mr Charles Farrugia welcomes cultural ambassador and renowned violinist Miha Pogacnik
Part Of the audience preseiit f or the fiiirst National ALrchives Annual Public lecture - 26tl. Noveiiiber 1999
The President Of Malta H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco signing the visitor's book during his visit to Arthur Rizzio's retrospective exhibition opened on 18 July 2000 at the National ALrchives. The President is accompanied by Dame Frangois Tempra who organiaed the exhibition, artist Arthur REzko and Heed
Of Archives Charles Furugin
The National Archives of Malta Newsletter
==n[e]fRng?=_T_a?=ITE]+_F=T=_=_¥±IqniE_-F=-_-Engir One Of the main collections Of records uirder the custody Of the National Archives is the haw courts cases record group held at the Banca Guiratale. The col,kection coivers the yetl[rs 1530-1899 and provides local and foreign researchers with a wealth Of historical material still to be analyzed and published. During the summer months we were chle to open the Mdina repository on a drily basis. Work was continued on the indexing Of the Consolato del Mare under the guidance Of Dr. Carmelo Vassallo. This article provides a compitedon Of information about the main record series within the courts Of I±ow collection currently aIVcaiaoi€ available for |or research res€arcn ar at tne the nanca BancaUIA Guratale in Mdina.
Curia Gubernatorialis
d'Atti, four ordinary clerks and five
The Court for the Island of Gozo, presided over by a Judge to deal with
Vergcz (I1-Hakem), the Chief Justice, who
/I.c7ccommz.ssczrz.c cases and those within
portieri, so divided in two rote to accelerate court business. It was empowered to adjudicate: a) all crimes punishable by death penalty or life imprisonment; b) in an appellate jurisdiction all judge-
presided over the Consiglio Popolare and was responsible for the administration of justice and for the local militia. He was assisted by an Assessor (Chief Judge or Assessor of the Law) and four
the competence of the si.;!¢//i.¢ and the secretia.
ments delivered by the Corfe Cczpz.fcz#cz/c aLnd Gubernatoriale., c) those caLses re-
Judges or Gz.wrczfz..
sure a consistent development of the fortifications, the Convent and the city. Pre-
Curia Capitanalis Presided over by the Capz.rcz#o cJc//cz
Officium Primarum Appellationum Presided over by a Judge cZz. pr!.mc
civil and criminal cases of the inhabitants of Gozo, except feudal and
lated to the liberty and ransom of slaves;
Officio delle Case Existed since 1531. in order to en-
sided by two Comm7.ssd7.7. wi(h the com-
empowered tojudge within the limits of
petence to deal with disputes regarding houses, shops and cellars. especially in the new City of Valletta.
sci. o7tcc (1455), subsequently with no limits (1458). The Maltese were not
Magistrato degli Armamenti
appc//czzJ.o#z., nominated by the Viceroy,
obliged to sue anybody outside the Island for a First Instance, with the exception of feudal lawsuits, crimes cJ!. /csa #3czcs/a, and others against privileged citizens.
Officium Secretiae A Judge presided over this tribunal which was responsible for the valuation of rents and leases of lands belonging to the reign. The Sccrefo was the collector of rents. The passive cases and all cases related with scisa were dealt by the Judge of the These Scgrefz. used to
have their lieutenants, assessors and notaries, and had to refer to the
d) feudal and/I.c7ccommz.ssczrz.c cases; e)
controversies related to the jurisdiction of the inferior courts; f) appeals of civil cases decided by the tribunals of the island; g) appeals in cases decided by the U#z.vcrsz.fd, with the consent of the Gz.wrcz/I., and in the case of the U#i.vcrsz.fd
of Valletta, with the approval of the sz.r}z.sccz/co; h) other various controversies.
Founded by Grand Master Alof de Wignacourt: 17-6-1605. It was consti-
tuted by four Knights of different langues and a secular Judge nominated by the Grand Master, to hear and judge all the controversies between privateers and corsairs, with a second and last appeal to Rome.
Syndacatus Ven. Cong. "}Iunium et Belli" (1646-1798)
Instituted to raise funds for the defence of the island and for the upkeep of the walls, and to deal with permissions and controversies related to these matters.
Officium Sancti Indulti Bull. SS. Cruciatae Founded by Pope Benedict XIV in 1743 (1744-1798).
Suprema Curia Appellationum Supreme Magistral Court of Appeal.
Curia Capitanalis Notabilis It was the court with the jurisdiction to decide over civil and criminal cases of the inhabitants of Notabile and of the surrounding casali. It could not inflict any corporal punishment without the approval of the Grand Master.
A4czg#cz Ci!, that is, to the supreme tri-
bunal o£ £±nance (tribunale de conti).
Later on it was substituted by the Officium Magistralis Secretice (L5701798).
Conso]ato di Mare (4-9-1697) It was the mercantile tribunal of the country. The tribunal was composed of various Consoli and an assessor with competence over commercial matters.
Supremum Iustitiae Magistratum
A. With the consent of the Grand Master
in 1777, it was composed of a President, six Councillors, a Secretary, two Maestri
Founded by Grand Master De rohan
Magistratus Civitatis Notabilis It was composed of four Giurati, as an appellate court to deal with judgements delivered by the Corte Capitanale. It also hadjurisdiction to deal with matters involving the U#z.versz.rd, funds or cwmw/I., the hospital of Notabile, the transgressions of the bcz#c7z. and other
cases within the limits of Notabile and its district.
8. According to the Statutes of the Order
Caste]]aniae Curia A Tribunal of First Instance which was composed of the Ccrs/c//¢77o and two Judges, one of whom had the jurisdiction over civil and the other over criminal cases. It was presided over by the Cc7s/c//¢#o, always a Knight of the Order, a Civil and a Criminal Judge, an Exchequer, a vice-Exchequer, two notaries and several clerks. In the event of an appeal the case was referred to the Appellate Court, which was presided over by one Judge, which Court formed a different tribunal in the same Court or
the Procurator of the Grand Master, sixteen Knights, two from each langue,
plete jurisdiction over the entire institu-
called LJd!./o7-I. c7cr. Co7t/i., and a secretary.
tion in Malta and abroad. The Co#c7./7.!f777
Tribunale della Siniscallia
Co;7tp/c/win was the supreme court of appeal whose decisions were final.
Chapter General, and exercised com-
Venerable¢/co and a councillor, with the
competence to deal with all cases related to the land forces, the servants of the Palace, of the Customs, of the U77z.vcrsitd, the Judges, the solicitors, the
financial procurators and the notaries. In case of appeal redress could be sought atthe Supremo Magistrato di Giustizia, an Appellate Court.
Sacra Audientia Supreme Tribunal of Appeal. It was
presided over by the Grand Master, the Council. the Giudice Capital.ale, the Cc7s/c//¢;7o, the Judges of Appeal, and others according to the case treated.
Tribunal Mixtum Pubblicae Audientiae Composed of the Council of the Order, the Castellano and a Judge, to hear the appeals of cases decided by the Offi-
Tribunal Debitorum Religiosorum Ordinis Sancti Ioannis
Camera Computorum Communis Aerarii
Hyerosolimitani ( 1777-1798) Instituted specifically to deal with cases related to debts with or against the
cio delle Case, the Magistrato degli Armamenti, and of the Camera dei Conti.
Syndicatus Officialium
Founded in 1440, with competence and jurisdiction over any matter related to the financial administration. It was composed of a President, two Procurators of the Treasury, a Chief Treasurer`
Sacrum Conci]ium The Conciliiim Ordinarium waLs the
supreme authority after the Pope and the
Instituted by Grand Master Claude de La Sengle in 1554 to deal with cases of challenges to presiding Juridical Officers and other related matters.
Personal Hxperiences of a German Stud€mt working at the National Archives As part of my study in archival science at the University of Postdam, Germany, I had to do a practical training for a duration of 22 weeks. I decided to divide it into three
Besides, I registered the Photographic Collection, which contains photos covering a wide assortment of subjects,
parts. The first part I did at the "Academy of Arts", section `Expressing Art and Film' in Berlin. During my second part I was in the State Archives of Lucerne, Switzerland.
the Breakwater" at Migiarro, Gozo.
e.g. "Their Majesties. Visit" in 1912 or the "Extension of
And my third part, I wanted to do at the National Archives of Malta. My work at National Ar-
chives was mainly concentrated on preparing a "Guide to the Cata-
I enjoyed my time at the National Archives very much and learned a lot. I would like to say thank you very much to all members of staff, but special thanks go to Charles Farrugia, Head of the National Archives for the help and especially for giving me the
1ogues". It is intended to
help researchers get general information about the archives and the way to use it, necessary information about the records which can be found at National Archives and it also refers to other archival institutions which can
provide information related to Malta.
In addition I gave a lecture for the course "LArkivji: Livell Avanzat" organised at AZAD, about the subject of Paleography - the science of writing and its development during his-
Ms Kerstin Haker working at the National Archives ii. February 2000
possibility to do this placement at the National Archives.
FRIHNDS OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MALTA e-mail: fnam2000 The Friends of the National Archives of Malta is a volunteer organization that exists to support the work of the National Archives. Its members are people who strongly believe that understanding and appreciating our past will help us meet the challenges of today and tomoITOw.
Mission •
The mission of the Friends of the NationalArchives ofMalta is to help the National Archives in performing its duties of safeguarding Malta's documentary heritage and promoting its study and research.
Aims •
to support the activities of the National Archives of Malta to ac-
quire, preserve and make available archival records of national significance; to promote awareness of Malta's archival heritage and the pro-
• •
grams and activities of the National Archives of Malta; to generate revenues and raise funds, and; to carry on related business activities.
The Head of the National Archives would like to thank: Mr Michael Ellul, Mr Noel Fabri (for book donations), Mr Max Farrugia, Sr. Daniela Micallef, Mr Anthony Abela, Mr Peter Reynolds (for archival records donations), the Rabat Local Council, Farsons Foundation (for sponsors) and the committee members of the Friends of the National Archives for their commitment towards the professional development of the National Archives
Annual Membership Fee Basic Membership: Lm2 per individual Life Member: Lm25 per individual
Member Benefits • • • • •
National Archives Newsletter Regular circulars and Newsupdates from the Friends Invitations for activities organized by the Friends Regular postings from our website Opportunities to meet friends with similar interests
Payments (depending on type of membership or equivalent in any currency) can be made by cheque payable to: Friends of the National Archives of Malta and addressed to:
The Secretary: Friends of the National Archives of Malta, c/o National Archives of Malta, Hospital Street, Rabat RBT 12, MAIJTA
Executive Committee 2000-02 President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: P.R.0.: Members:
Ms Hella Jean Bartolo, B.A., M.A. (Lond) Mr Charles Farrugia, B.A. (Hons), M.A.
Mr Max Farrugia Mr Rueben Teeling Mr Noel d' Anastas Maj. Albert E. Abela, M.B.E., F.R.Hist.S.
Mr Lino Cuschieri
National Archives' Annual Pubtic Lecture Pubtication - 26 November 1999
)fAyhh Printed by Union Print, Marsa
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