NAM Newsletter 11 (2007)

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La Porte Royale a la Valette by Louis Ducros ( 1748­1810) ­ Pen and ink, water colour, the figures hightened with gouache. The

development of City Gate and its surroundings will be discussed during this year's public lecture. Credit to Mus6e Cantonal des

Beaux­Arts, Lausanne. More details on back page.

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Welcome to the packed October issue of the National Archives

14 August 2007 ­Donation of World War 11 casualties index

Newsletter! During the last few months we had been busy working

compiled by john Agius MBE. (From left: Dr Mark Agius, Mr Charles j. Farrugia, Ms. May Agius and

on and launching several initiatives at the Archives, A security

Mr Henry DeMarco)

system was installed at the Legal Documentation Section in Mdina.

Wth the support of the Ministry for Investment, Industry and

Information Technology we are also working on our new website. We hope that this will be launched by the end of the year and will provide our clients with new services and better accessibility to our holdings.

Another area of activity was the constant promotion for our institution through the organisation of guided visits to our

repositories, Documents from our holdings participated in exhibitions both locally and abroad. More sorting and cleaning

of records was carried out by volunteers and students on work placements.

Underthe 2005 Archives Actthe provision of training in records

management to public sector employees is also part of our remit, We kick­started initiatives in this area through an introduction to

records management course, Due to the impressive response


i­ffl ­r­+ ­­.,­>­`+jng=FEEEiE I 27 june 2007 ­The Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Dr

for this course, we had to add another training session to the one

Alfred Sant during a visit to the National Archives. From left:

originally planned.

Dr. Alfred Sant, Dr justyne Caruana, Mr Steve Borg, Mr Max

In this issue we are publishing an account of the activities held

Farrugia, Rev. Dr. joseph Bezzina, Mr Charles j. Farrugia.

by the Gozo Section during Notte Gozitana, the Santa Marija festivities, and also the preparations at hand for future events. Dr

Anton Bugeja, one of the researchers who makes extensive use of our holdings writes about the value of the records we have relevant to archaeological research. We are also publicizing the events that will take place during

the Awareness Week 2007. This year's awareness week will be

held between the 22 ­27 October 2007. The theme chosen is `Archives: Bridging the past and the future". The Public lecture will

be addressed by Architect Michael Ellul, a long standing researcher

on architectural history,

The month of October also sees the next intake of students for theDiplomainArchivesandRecordsManagementattheuniversity of Malta, I would like to congratulate the first four students who will

graduate at Diploma level in Archives and Records Management in

25 May 2007 ­U3E students from Gozo visit the National

the coming weeks.

Archives as part of the course `L­Arkivji Maltin', organised

at the University Gozo Centre.


Visitors at the National Archives some half an hour before midnight

joseph Bezzina, the Assistant National Archivist, welcoming Dr Lawrence Gonzi, Prime Minister

Mr Anton Tabone, Speaker of the House of

of Malta (right) to the exhibition

Representatives; and to joseph N. Tabone

joseph Bezzina indicating some exhibits to


Guide Books Exhibition August has been synonymous with Gozo since time immemorial.

series, Nadur ­the village of the rising sun, came out on 28 june

Heavy ferry traffic from the Grand Harbour to the port of Mgarr in


Gozo is recorded as early as mid­summer of 1598. People flock to

The exhibition was inaugurated by the Honorable Giovanna

the island for the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

Debono, Minister for Gozo, on 9 August and ran up to 25 August.

Mary, known as Santa Marija, the festa par excellence.

Several hundreds visited the exhibition and the archives during the

This year the National Archives (Gozo) in conjunction with

fortnight that it was on.

the Friends of the National Archives held a special exhibition as an

added attraction to the thousands that visit Gozo at the time, The exhibition consisted of a collection of one hundred guide books

related somehow to the islands of Gozo and Comino. The idea of the exhibition was of Max Farrugia, Chairman of the

Friends Committee, who put his collection of guide books at the Archives disposal. CIther guide books were provided by the Public

Library ­Gozo, courtesy of George Borg, Senior Assistant Librarian. Pride of place was taken by the original copy of jean Quintin

D'Autun, /nsu/ae Me//.toe Descri.Pti.o ­a guide to Malta and Gozo published in Lyons in 1536 from the collection of the Public Library

­Gozo. Abbe jean Quintin was born in Autun on 20 january 1500,

ln his twenties, after being ordained priest, he joined the Order of the Knights Hospitallers of Saint john. He was in Malta in I 530 some

months before the arrival of the first Grandmaster and it was at that time that he began taking notes for this guide book that was to help give future Knights an idea of the islands that Emperor Charles V had donated to the Order. jean Quintin died in Paris on 9 April 1561. Other exhibits included George Percy Badger, DescrJ.PtJ.on of Mo/ta and Gozo ( 1838); a copy of the earliest illustrated guide book, j.E. Gatt, to Gozo (1937) that by Edgar G. Montanaro, On

the trail of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in the island of Gozo ( 1950) and the six guide books to as many villages published

Mr Anthony Borg (third from right), representing the Honorable

Giovanna Debono, Minister for Gozo, being shown round the Guide Books Exhibition; with (from left to right) George Borg, Senior Assistant Librarian, Gozo; Mr Anthony Attard; Mr Max Farrugia, Chairman, Friends of the National Archives; Magistrate

joseph Cassar, Chairperson, National Archives Council; joseph Bezzina, the Assistant National Archivist; Charles I. Farrugia, National Archivist; and Chev joe M. Attard.

by joseph Bezzina, the assistant National Archivist, The /ast of thi.s

The Citadel I the Crown of Gozo The Gozo Gtadel will have its own Master and Conservation Plan that forms the basis of all future interventions on this historical

for the year 2007 would be related to the Gozo Citadel. This year the exhibition is being sponsored by HSBC (Gozo).

site. Funding has been recently secured under the EEA Financial

Gozo has been inhabited by humans for the last 7000 years and,

Mechanisms with the Ministry for Gozo already having set up a

it is possible, that the Citadel has been the main centre of activity

working group to formulate the necessary tender for the carrying

since early times. Its position together with its covering of red top

out of the required studies. The project was launched on 10 May

soil made it an ideal temple site but successive generations wiped

2007 during a press conference by the Honorable Giovanna

away any remains. The present buildings and fortiflcations date to

Debono, Minister for Gozo at the Citadel, By a lucky coincidence,

late medieval and early modern times. The Gozo Citadel, it was

the National Archives Gozo section had planned some months back

affirmed by Minister Debono, is important both as a heritage site, as

that the exhibition on the occasion of the Archives Awareness Week

well as a tourist attraction.


Archaeology and the National Archives' by Dr. Anton Bugeja By its very nature, archaeological excavations are destructive to

with an attentive eye to such related subjects as toponomy, persons

the context of the evidence they uncover. Like discussions related

and land disputes may provide additional knowledge and background

to the study and preservation of antiquities, if the work done goes

to the subject under study.

unrecorded or made publicly known, an opportunity to foster knowledge would be irretrievably lost.

In view of the above, the records and documents created during

In the CSG0l and CSG8l sub­series, the organisation and referencing of the files is indicative of the evolution of archaeological

management in Malta. For the period prior to the establishment


of the Museum Department, files are found spread under many

remains) become the only way by which future generations will have

categories including (amongst others) the Lieutenant Government,

an opportunity to know what happened, what was found on the site

Police, Gozo, Education and Works department sections. The picture

and how it was found,

provided is that archaeology appears to have been dependent on the initiatives taken by each of these departments. With the establishment

Although records from explorations and excavations are rare at the National Archives (NAM), for anyone interested in the history

of the Museum Department flles become concentrated under the

of archaeological research, development of archaeological sites

Miscellaneous section, slowly gathering under a separate section

and preservation of antiquities in Malta, the documents preserved

reserved for the Curator (of the Museum Department) as the years

in this archive provide an indispensable tool. Together with the

went by.

Petitions to Government (CSG02), the Departmental files (CSG0 I ) provide the main bulk of material that can be used to study Maltese

Other documents in the CSG fonds are also of interest although to a lesser degree. The CSG03 and CSGO9 sub­series may prove

archaeology. Few and far between before 1881, government

useful, with the Schedules of Service of Government Employees

files (CSG01 ) become more frequent following the impact of the

(CSG45) providing a practical biographical resource.

discovery of the Rabat Roman Domus and continue to be found until the year 1921 at the NAM, Indeed, in matters related to the

Correspondence to (GOV I ) and from (GOV 2) the Colonial Office may be found in the series commonly referred to as the `Dispatches'. Here most references encountered are related to

study and preservation of antiquities, a glance at the yearly number

of files related to archaeology reveals the impact events in the early

proposals to preserve and survey the Maltese megalithic remains,

1880s had on government policy. For the years following the grant

but mention of an unsuccessful plan to survey all the cart­ruts on

of self­government to the Maltese in 1921, the whereabouts of

the islands and correspondence related to the 1910 Antiquities Law

the documents becomes problematic. It is rare to encounter a file

makes interesting reading.

related to archaeology in equivalent fonds for the 1920s, but the

Documents coming from the Public Works Department are

occasional file for the 1930s may be found at the National Museum

another important resource of information. In relevant pages,

of Archaeology, where a more complete series of files is at present

the Public Works Reference Books (PWD 66 through PWD 136)

stored in cabinets according to year for the early post­World War 11

period. For the following years, files appear to be preserved at the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage2. For files up to the year 1921, a similar situation affects the

provide indispensable information in case of missing files. Initials after

each entry often become useful to identify the persons making the

relevant comments in cases where signatures entered in the CSG fonds are undecipherable, With a neater handwriting throughout, the

Petitions to Government (CSG02). The files preserved at the NAM can be used to obtain information and insight on the relationship

between people and the emerging archaeological practices on the islands. Salvu Mallia's work in the 1970s related to Father Magri's

contribution to Archaeology3 was a pioneering work while Daphne Caruana Galizia used her family's original copies of petitions for her

thesis when she assessed the contribution made by Antonio Annetto Caruana to the study and preservation of antiquities4. Various lout letters' (CSG04) should be useful and it is wise to

consult this material when a reference is made to it, as rarely they

provide unexpected decisions not recorded elsewhere. Index registers for the government files (CSG81 ) and petitions

(CSG83) are a useful browsing tool when document preservation allows them to be consulted. These may contain the only information

A photograph of f]agar Qim by Captain Lyons

in cases of lost files (CSG01 and CSG02 respectively). Researching

(1870) ­NAM PHO 1835

Discovery of a Roman Pavement at the Santo Spirito Hospital ­ NAN CSG0 I ­12637/ 1882 = ,.,,­ <.< ,,,,,­­..­­ ~,,<=c< ,2,;=`c,,(,,~ ,< ,,,, ',


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PW series could also be used where illegible entries are encountered

Delattre with Magri go a long way to prove this point. A few words

elsewhere. Rarely as in what appears to be the earliest reference to

however are appropriate on material in local and foreign collections

megalithic remains at the Tarxien Temples (PWD 86 folio 202), they

that complements fonds present at the NAM. When viewed with

provide the only reference to the subject. For the problematic period

documents of the Colonial Office, now preserved at the National

following 1921 (see above), files of the Public Works Department

Archives at Kew (London), information contained in the dispatches

(MPW, PW) become very useful particularly as the archives have

(GOV I and 2) can be interpreted in a wider perspective. Indeed,

produced various indexes available to researchers. Likewise letter

the archaeological value of the documents formerly belonging to

books of this department (PW 189 to PW365) provide material

the Colonial Office has been acknowledged for some months in the

where the CSG fonds are lacking. Although only a few Public Works

website of this institution8. Plans and sketches referred to in files at

dcx:uments are here being referred to, the other documents should

NAM may be consulted at the Project House of the Public Works

also be consulted.

Together with the above, other fonds can be consulted with benefit. These include the GMR (General Miscellaneous Reports and the CUS (Customs including arrival and departures) fonds.

Department in Floriana. A copy or resume of the most important

entries from files related to the Museum Department together with

several folders of correspondence are preserved at the National Museum of Archaeology. Although they have been organised by

A few months ago a miscellaneous collection of documents of

the present author, work still remains to be done to catalogue fully

archaeological interest was acquired by the NAM, They are now

this important collections. On the other hand, a copy of the letters

provisionally referred to as the `S' fond after being catalogued by

relating to archaeology in the CSG01 fonds exchanged by Caruana

Professor George Camilleri. An inventory of items on display at the

as Librarian may still be consulted in the relevant letter books at the

newly established Museum, financial accounts, and other material

National Library in Malta9.

related to the Museum Department should serve as a useful resource '`

for anyone interested in the subject. When further conservation work is done on these documents, it is the intention of the NAM to make them available for consultation to the public. The NAM also contains a useful library of published documents

that could be utilised to provide further information. The Malta Blue

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Books can be used to obtain information on Government employees and financial estimates of projects. The Malta Government Gazette may be consulted for the same reasons, with the electoral lists proving

useful to trace person movement. Other sections in the Government

Gazette should not be overlooked as they are important to trace dates of appointment of key persons in archaeology, calls for tenders

and government notices. The Annual Reports of the Museum Department are also found in this publication. On the other hand, the

]i: +. `..ndriiir._p.nsFFFTT"­I­J:*alffi A plan of Borg I­Imramma traced by Fr Emanuel Magri NAN CSG02­2819/ 1905

Debates of the Council of Government and the Legislative Assembly

provide the background or the consequence of the discussions and correspondence found recorded in the CSG01 sub­series.

Needless to say, research for material related to archaeology

I. Dedicated to joseph Attard Tabone, who was the first to encourage me to take up research at the National Archives, 2. Personal communication C. Michelle Buhagiar, Superintendence of Cultural

Her,tage. 3. S. Mallia 1985. Fr. Manwel Magrl's Contribution to the Conservation of Malta's

does not stop at the NAM, but should continue in other collections local and abroad, public and private. Giving a list of these goes

beyond the scope of this article and it would limit the creativity of

researchers, who are encouraged to discover and recover collections that are likely to answer their specific questions. Seminal work done

by Attard Tabone on Traveller's accounts and the Gozo Stone Grcle5, the project undertaken by Vella and Pessina to publish the

Archaeological Heritage, Me``to H`storico Vol. IX No. 2, 145­170. 4. D. Caruana Gal.iz.ia 1997. Antonio Annetto Coruono: the Incidental Archc]eologist.

Unpublished B.A. (Hons.) dissertation, Unlversity of Malta.

5. I. Attard Tabone 1999. The Gozo Stone Circle re­discovered. In Mifsud, A. and

Savona Ventura, C. (eds.) Facets or Mo`tese Prehtstory. Prehlstonc Society of Malta' 6, A. Pess.ina and NI.C. Vella 2005. Lulgl Morlc] ugolini. An ltolion Archc]eologlst in

Mo`to. Malta, Midsea Books.

7. I. M. Briffa 2005. New light on Fr Magri's exploration of the hypogeum. Mo`to Archc]eologicol Review 6, 41 ­46.

photographs and documents of Luigi Maria Ugolini6 and the retrieval

8. http:/^^^M^r.nationalarchives,gov,uk/catalogue/rdleaflet.aspsLeafletlD = 40 I &j = I

by Briffa of correspondence exchanged between Wallis Budge7 and

9. Use of these letter books may be observed in c. Sagona 2002. The Archoeo`ogy orpunic Mc]`to. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 9. Leuven, Peeters

EDUCATION DAY 24 October 2007 For this year's Education Day, students from different schools who are studying History as an optional subject have been invited to spend a whole day at the Archives. The participating schools are: Maria Regina GjL, San Anton, St. Aloysius College, St, Michael & St. Theresa GjL,

The theme for discussion is `The Development of the Grand Harbour facilities'.

Students from Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School have been roped in to help prepare for these activities such as the Exhibition about the Grand Harbour (see photos above). These older students will share their research with the participants and help them to take part in workshops where primary source material will be discussed.

The main speakers during the one­day event will be: Mr joe Abela, Mr Manuel Magro Conti and

Prof. Charles Savona Ventura, Pet ­t diifea ­I. ^ .f.#{,r`rd+EERE +`

E=EEEEii­­­­=i=­­_==RE=±E±E=E= National Archives Annual Public Lecture Portc] Rec]le c]nd its Environs

The lecture will be delivered by Architect Michael Elul

25 October 2007 ­ Michael Ellul is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society of London and holds a

degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering ( 1952) and a post­graduate diploma

in Architectural Restoration from the University of Rome ( I 967). Appointed Chief architect in 1979, Ellul was responsible for all restoration projects in government historical buildings

including Verdala Palace, Vilhena Palace Mdina, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Mediterranean Conference Centre. His many publications include `Heritage of an lsland' (1975), `Fort St Elmo ­A brief History' (1988) and History on Marble (1998) ­a book on Maltese architecture and

many scholarly papers in local and foreign journals. Ellul has been President of the Friends of the

Cathedral Museum since 1992, He was also the first person in charge of government public records in the 1970s and has served on a number of National Archives Advisory Committees. Mr Ellul was awarded the Midalja Ghall­Qadi tar­Repubblika in 1995 for his contribution to the historical

research on Architecture in Malta and to the setting up of the National Archives.

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