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AU G U S T 2 0 1 6
Official publication of your electric cooperative
Cooperation among cooperatives
Local co-op pages 19-22 Managing demand, containing costs 4 Air Force Museum addition unveiled 14 Discover Ohio’s collegiate museums 30
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inside F E AT U R E S
4 A CO-OP SUCCESS STORY The value and benefits of cutting energy costs.
8 POLLINATOR GARDENS Pollution efforts that are behind the food the average American eats.
10 HIPPOQUARIUM World’s first filtered clearwater hippopotamus viewing facility at the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium.
12 FRESHWATER JELLIES The jellies at Mineral Springs Lake make their yearly appearance in August.
14 FLYING HIGH The Wright-Patterson Air Force base has its grand opening.
24 BECOME A PURPLE MARTIN LANDLORD They will return the favor by eating pesky insects.
30 OHIO’S COLLEGIATE MUSEUMS Not only welcoming visitors, but are sure to boggle your mind.
Next month...
Operation Round Up
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Cooperative Connection
Country Living revisited OUR SEVEN GUIDING PRINCIPLES serve as the touchstone for electric cooperatives around the world. Later in this issue, we’re featuring the principle of cooperation among cooperatives. Another cooperative principle that bears repeated emphasis is that of member education, training, and information. We pay considerable attention to our role of helping to keep you informed; after all, Country Living is one of our primary means of communicating with the co-op community. It enables Ohio’s 25-member cooperative network to relay industry news, views, and updates, while showcasing the many virtues and attributes of the Buckeye State, including the talents and lifestyles of our extensive member base. The publication has served us well since its inception in the 1950s. Now, with your help, it’s time to freshen up Country Living. Your cooperative has evolved substantially since the FDR administration, when we “electrified the countryside.” We’ve changed the way in which we gener-
ate and deliver power to homes and businesses. Technology and innovation have allowed us to provide service more efficiently and effectively. In that spirit, we’re listening to member feedback in a series of Country Living reader focus groups across the state. While the periodical will continue to provide the features and information that have become its hallmark, we’re honing Country Living’s direction to align with member recommendations. In essence, readers are telling what to keep, what to improve, and even how Country Living should look. In fact, there have even been new names suggested for the magazine. We’re taking it all in, and looking forward to unveiling our new look (and name?) with the January 2017 issue. We’re evolving, and our magazine should, too. In the meantime, we invite you to keep reading, keep contributing, and, most important, keep the conversation going.
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August 2016 Volume 58, No. 11
Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Dir. of Communications Samantha Rhodes Associate Editor Adam Specht Member Services & Communications Consultant Chris Hall Communications Specialist Nikki Heath Communications Specialist
COUNTRY LIVING (ISSN 0747-0592) is the official publication of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. With a paid circulation of 294,359, it is the monthly communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without specific written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. Alliance for Audited Media Member
National advertising representatives: NATIONAL COUNTRY MARKET, 800-NCM-1181 State advertising representatives: Sandy Woolard 614-403-1653 Tim Dickes 614-855-5226 The fact that a product is advertised in Country Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215, or call 1-800282-0515. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101
Cooperative members — Please report any change of address to your local electric cooperative. Check out the mobile-friendly website and digital edition of Country Living, as well as other timely information from Ohio’s electric cooperatives. Online exclusives: Pet Patrol With summer comes unwanted parasites. Learn about the threats that fleas and ticks pose for pets and humans alike, effective and unconventional remedies, and how to get the most bang for your buck. Under the “Country Living” button, click on the cover of the current issue and go to page 19.
Midwest Storms Examine the types of severe storms that strike Ohio year-round, including derechos — one of which slammed the Midwest in June 2012, proving to be one of the most destructive and deadly thunderstorm complexes in North American history. The story can be found under “Online Exclusives.”
Recipes Check out the recipes for new and interesting ways to use honey, submitted by Cooking Editor Margie Wuebker and Nutrition Editor Diane Yoakam, under the “Food Scene” button.
Corrections • “An editorial endorsement: Yellowstone and beyond” on page 29 of the July issue incorrectly placed the town of Cody in Montana. Cody is in Wyoming. • “Take a prize winner to your next potluck” on page 16 of the July issue misspelled recipe contest grand prize winner Susan Dentel’s last name. We apologize for the error.
In this issue: Toledo (p. 10) Peebles (p. 12) Dayton (p. 14) Williamsport (p. 16)
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A co-op
success story
BLAZING HOT DAYS in August, bonechilling cold days in February — what do those weather extremes have to do with the cost of electricity? More than the bottom line on your electric bill. Explaining the connection is a big part of the workday for Kara Snyder, marketing and key accounts manager at Butler Rural Electric Cooperative in Oxford, about 40 miles north of Cincinnati. At the center of Snyder’s conversations are little boxes containing radio-controlled switches that can be installed on certain kinds of water heaters and many air-conditioning systems. “We spend a lot of time letting our members know that they can help us control our energy costs, and ultimately their own energy costs, by participating in one or both of our load management programs,” Snyder says. During weather extremes, power grid operators use the switches to temporarily turn off power for the water heater or air conditioner, then turn it back on a while later. These slight interruptions help keep costs low for the entire co-op system, in a process called load management. “Our members have responded and had a big impact on the outcome, which really shows the benefits of the cooperative business model,” Snyder says.
The story behind the switches The supply of electricity must always be an exact match for the demand, which is the amount of electricity being used by all consumers at any particular time. Generating and transmitting exactly the right amount of power is a complicated job during every 4
season because the demand for electricity goes up and down throughout each day and night and in all seasons. Power grid operators are constantly deciding which power plants to run and how much electricity to produce. Up and down, down and up — whatever the demand, that’s how much electricity must be available.
Finding ways to keep costs down is a high priority for electric co-ops because they are not-for-profit, and costs must be passed on to consumers. During weather extremes, the demand for electricity, often referred to as the load, reaches a peak. As the demand goes higher and higher, and the load peaks, the cost to generate and transmit more power also goes higher. Finding ways to keep costs down is a high priority for all electric co-ops because they operate on a not-for-profit basis, and costs must be passed on to consumers. Buckeye Power, Ohio’s generation and transmission cooperative that provides power to the 25 electric co-ops serving Ohio, was one of the first electric utilities to get involved with managing the system load to keep costs low during winter demand peaks. In the early 1970s, Buckeye Power developed a program that’s still used today to put radiocontrolled switches on electric water heaters so they could be turned off temporarily for a few hours in the early morning and evening, and
then turned back on later. Hot water stored in the tank is still available for use until the switch turns the water heater back on. As the use of air conditioners steadily increased, Buckeye Power saw demand peaks in the summer. In 2009, the load management program was expanded to include switches for air conditioners, promoted under the name Cool Returns. During the afternoon, power is interrupted to the air conditioners for only eight to 12 minutes at a time, so homes stay comfortable.
Big savings, big benefits Today, electric co-ops serve about 400,000 homes, businesses, and farms in 77 of Ohio’s 88 counties. Load management switches are installed on more than 100,000 water heaters and about 15,000 air conditioners. “That’s an incredible success rate,” says Lisa Staggs Herrmann, Butler Rural Electric Cooperative’s manager of member and community relations. “It shows members’ commitment to holding down costs.” And participation continues to increase, resulting in millions of dollars in reduced energy costs over the decades, says Craig Grooms, Buckeye Power’s vice president of market operations. “Reducing demand is a very cost-effective way to limit the amount of power generation needed during peak load conditions, and that directly leads to savings for co-op members,” he says. NANCY GRANT is a member of the Cooperative Communicators Association and the American Society of Journalists and Authors.
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The Cooperative Principles
Principle 6 : Cooperation Among Cooperatives
IN THIS SEVEN-PART SERIES, you’ll learn how the same seven cooperative principles that guide cooperatives around the world also govern your local electric co-op, keeping you — a valued memberowner — the primary focus. Principle 6, “Cooperation Among Cooperatives,” reads as follows: “Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures.” We find the cooperative principles around us every day. For example, the Red Cross operates thanks to cooperation and collaboration, just like electric cooperatives.
on their feet. However, those numbers pale in comparison to the nearly 70,000 disasters in the U.S. annually, ranging from home fires to floods — not to mention the 49,000-plus Red Cross volunteers needed across 28 countries during last year’s migration crisis. This widespread humanitarian aid isn’t achieved alone. Coordinated partnerships are an essential part of effective disaster response, says Whitney Somerville, Red Cross communications and marketing director for the Ohio Buckeye Region. “When the Red Cross and other community organizations coordinate efforts, clients are likely to receive timelier and more streamlined services,” Somerville says. “When organizations share resources, it results in less duplication of efforts, less confusion for clients, and cost savings to all involved.”
Red Cross to the rescue: Responding to emergencies every eight seconds
Living the principle
When you hear the name Red Cross, you might picture a Good Samaritan seated in a gymnasium donating blood — especially considering that more Ohioans and people in the Great Lakes Region tend to donate blood than in other areas nationwide. But there’s more to the nonprofit organization than distributing blood-type cards. Founded by Clara Barton in 1881, the American Red Cross was granted a charter by Congress and works in association with other Red Cross societies throughout the world to provide compassionate care in five areas: to people affected by disasters; support for members of the military and their families; health and safety education and training; blood collection, processing, and distribution to medical facilities; and international relief and development. In 2015 alone, the American Red Cross responded to 3,029 disasters in Ohio and served 4,138 families, providing shelter, food, water, health, and mental health services to help entire communities get back
Just as chapters of the Red Cross work together through local, regional, national, and international structures, local electric cooperatives also coordinate with one another; their state support organization; the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA); and NRECA International for stronger communication strategies and power restoration efforts. Dwight Miller is no stranger to weather disasters as director of safety and loss control for Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the statewide support organi-
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Photo above and below courtesy of the Red Cross
zation for 24 Ohio electric co-ops and one in West Virginia (see “How ‘cooperation’ happens” below). Miller, who helps cooperatives coordinate aid for power restoration after major outages, says both the Red Cross and electric cooperatives are like first responders, preparing for when disaster comes. Their cooperative attitude is second nature, giving them a counter-cultural advantage over for-profit institutions. “Cooperation is really powerful to see and to know you’re not alone,” Miller says. “When you find yourself in a position to help others out, you have to.”
(Both photos above) A tornado tore through Harrison Rural Electrification Association’s West Virgina service area on June 24. Two Ohio cooperatives were dispatched to help restore power.
How ‘cooperation’ happens At least a couple of times a year, electric cooperatives experience “mutual-aid events,” or power outage emergencies, in which a co-op has exhausted all of its resources and needs help from fellow co-ops — either in the form of extra equipment, like bucket trucks, or simply more manpower. Three mutual-aid events shook Ohio co-ops in 2015, and three have occurred so far this year, says Dwight Miller, Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives director of safety and loss control. Of the past 13 events, Miller has helped direct since 2013, seven were wet snow or ice, and six were due to high winds that knocked down trees and wreaked havoc on electric distribution systems. During these situations, your local electric co-op can call Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives — their statewide support organization in Columbus — whose employees then manage and direct a relief effort, first sending crews from the nearest sister co-ops and working outward, if necessary. If a disaster is deemed a federal emergency, like 2013’s Hurricane Sandy or 2008’s Hurricane Ike, co-ops nationwide send crews and equipment to help restore power. “That’s what I love about the co-ops,” Miller says. “They take biblical principles — like sharing and being unselfish — and help make each other better. “There’s a tremendous amount of selfsacrifice. It’s about being there as soon as the call is made.”
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Pollinator gardens:
A trend that puts some buzz in your landscape
LIKE THEM OR NOT, bees and their flying-bug brethren are key to the survival of three-quarters of the world’s plants. Their pollination efforts are also behind one of every three bites of food that a typical American eats, accounting for some $15 billion a year in U.S. crop services, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But pollinator populations have been dwindling in recent years, so much that a federal task force devised a series of recommendations: Stem the loss of pollinator habitat; take a new look at pesticides, especially bee-toxic ones; rethink weed-management strategies on public land; and encourage more pollinator-friendly plantings. It’s that last one that’s set off a new wave of home pollinator gardens, designed to attract, feed, and nurture pollinating wildlife. A linchpin of gardening for pollinators is planting more native plants, ones that native pollinators are most familiar with and best adapted to use. The prevailing recommendation is to plant a wide variety, leaning toward native plants and especially toward landscapes that have one or more plants blooming at all times throughout the growing season. The Xerxes Society, a butterfly conservation group, recommends at least 15 to 20 different species of plants per yard. Some of the best choices are: Native trees and shrubs: oak, black cherry, birch, crabapple, blueberry, red maple, pine, hickory, hawthorn, linden, beech, arrowwood viburnum, chokecherry, spicebush, serviceberry, New Jer8
sey tea, buttonbush, summersweet, and Virginia sweetspire. Native perennial flowers: aster, goldenrod, sunflower, Joe Pye weed, violet, hardy geranium, black-eyed Susan, milkweed, penstemon, phlox, threadleaf coreopsis, bee balm, cardinal flower, mountain mint, purple coneflower, columbine, liatris, anise hyssop, sundrops, sneezeweed, Culver’s root, Indian pinks, and Dutchman’s breeches. Non-native plants: catmint, lavender, sedum, salvia, Russian sage, mints, lantana, daisy, alyssum, zinnia, and butterfly bush, ideally ones with non-viable seeds. Vegetables and weeds: clover, dandelion, plantain, horsenettle, knotweed, dock, ragweed, corn, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, beans, lettuce, and beets. Using fewer — or no — pesticides is another important way to aid pollinators. Oils and soaps that work by directly hitting a pest bug are generally the least harmful to pollinators. Those sprays are best applied in the
Fire Pink
evening, when pollinators are less active. Four other pollinator-friendly steps that home gardeners can take: 1) Eliminate invasive plants. 2) Plant in clusters of at least five plants per clump, which are easier for pollinators to find and which offer a bigger supply of pollen. 3) Don’t be too much of a neatnik. Let leaves break down in landscape beds to serve as shelter for beneficial insect eggs, as well as insulation for plants and a way to enrich soil. Don’t deadhead all of the spent flowers immediately, because birds use seed as food, especially in winter. Wait until spring to remove frost-killed grasses and perennials, which shelter overwintering beneficial insects and serve as nest-building material for birds. 4) Give pollinators a water source, such as birdbaths and water features.
is a Pennsylvania-based horticulturist, garden consultant, author, and newspaper garden columnist. His website is
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Hippoquarium Toledo B Y DA M A I N E VO N A DA
Location: Along the Tembo Trail on the south side of the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium. Origin: The Hippoquarium® was developed during the first phase of the Toledo Zoo’s ambitious African Savanna project, which was designed to simulate Africa’s major habitats. Opened in 1986, it has a pool that measures 50 feet by 100 feet, holds 360,000 gallons of water, and has been occupied by numerous hippopotami. Significance: As the world’s first filtered underwater hippopotamus viewing facility, the Hippoquarium allows Toledo Zoo visitors to get a crystal-clear look at the behavior of submerged “river horses.” The pioneering exhibit also made history in 1987, when a hippo named Bubbles gave birth to a female calf — appropriately christened Puddles — in the Hippoquarium. Puddles’ arrival was a scientific milestone, marking the first time that anyone
had both witnessed and filmed a hippo birth. The Hippoquarium’s success spawned so much international acclaim that in 1988, the Toledo Zoo had the privilege of exhibiting two giant pandas, on loan from China. Nan Nan and Le Le caused pandamonium in Toledo and attracted 1 million visitors in only three months. Currently: Thirty years after its debut, the Hippoquarium remains one of the most popular and famous exhibits at the Toledo Zoo, which consistently ranks among the best U.S. zoos and has garnered numerous awards for its conservation programs and familyfriendly experiences. The two hippos presently making a splash in the Hippoquarium are Emma and her son, Herbie, who was born there in 2000.
A little-known fact: On Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. through Sept. 3, zoo visitors can watch Emma and Herbie snack on watermelons, plopped into the Hippoquarium. The Hippoquarium at the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, 2 Hippo Way, Toledo, OH 43614. For additional information, call 419-385-5721 or visit
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jellies B Y C E L E S T E B AU M G A R T N E R
PEERING INTO THE CLEAR water, your eyes adjust, and you begin to see them — lots of little “X’s” at first, and then, with a closer look, you can make out the shape of a bell, dozens of little organisms pumping and swirling in the depths. You’re looking at freshwater jellyfish, maybe the size of a quarter. Billy Lee Smalley didn’t know that if he built it, they would come, but they did. Every summer, the freshwater jellies draw
tourists to Mineral Springs Lake Resort. Billy Lee is the third generation of Smalleys to own the land in the Appalachian foothills outside of Peebles and on Adams Rural Electric Cooperative lines. Smalley, age 81, developed a campground that now has 300
professor in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology at The Ohio State University. That life cycle includes a tiny polyp stage resembling a hydra or sea anemone, which live by attaching themselves to the rocks or substrates on the bottom
They have no brains or blood and don’t even have hearts. improved campsites and unlimited primitive camping available in the surrounding woods. Then he created the horseshoe-shaped lake in 1973. It is 103-acres in size and 56 feet deep, with numerous springs feeding the lake with water “so soft it could be glacier melt,” Smalley says. He thinks the jellyfish are a barometer indicating the pristine condition of the lake water, which is said to have healing properties. The jellyfish — they’re not really fish, so scientists often refer to them as “jellies” — appear during August and September. People come from all over to see them, says Zackery Smalley, Billy Lee’s great-grandson. Scientists also visit the lake to study the critters. The jellyfish at Mineral Springs Lake are one stage of a complex life cycle, says Marymegan Daly, an associate
of the body of water. They reproduce by clonally propagating, the same way grass spreads, Daly says. Periodically, probably in response to temperature and light clues, they release “medusas,” which is the jellyfish stage. When the jellies reproduce, they create a zygote, which in turn becomes a new polyp, completing the life cycle, Daly says. The jellies and polyps both eat zooplankton, small organisms that drift along in the water current. The jellyfish’s mouth is in the center of the “X” that first catches your attention in the water — it’s on the underside. What look like “arms” are actually the reproductive glands. Jellies are made up of about 95 percent water. They have no brains or blood and don’t even have hearts. A simple nervous system allows them to smell, detect light, and respond to other
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stimuli. Jellyfish gross factor? Food goes in and waste is expelled through the same opening! People come from far and wide to see the jellyfish at Mineral Springs, but actually, they can be found throughout the Buckeye State, says Jim McCormac with the Division of Wildlife, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. McCormac found them in the Huron River in northern Ohio. They’ve also been seen in the big flat water areas near Lake Erie and in the mouths of rivers. Many people notice them in quarries, but they’re very easy to miss, McCormac says. Like Mineral Springs Lake, Cave Lake in Pike County has them every year. “People are fascinated with them,” McCormac says. “They have stinging nematocysts, but they’re way too small to do anything to people.” As a result, the campers at Mineral Springs Lake have fun swimming with them. McCormac once captured a few jellyfish when he and a friend
went canoeing on the Huron River. He put them in an aquarium to photograph them. When he reached shore, word spread. “It was amazing, the crowd of people that formed,” he says. “You would have thought we had a cheetah in a cage or something. I don’t think they do any harm. They don’t do any good, probably. They’re just a little aquatic curiosity.” Best of all, it’s good luck to see a jellyfish! But make sure to get to
Mineral Springs in August or September, because the luck will run out when the jellyfish complete their life cycle and disappear until next year. Celeste Baumgartner is a freelance writer from Hamilton. Mineral Springs Lake/Farm Resort is located at 160 Bluegill Road near Peebles in Adams County. For more information, call 937-587-3132 or visit
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Flying high
The U.S. Air Force museum debuts a four-star addition WHEN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM of the United States Air Force rolled out its fourth building in June, Chicagoland residents Chris Kanofsky and his 14-year-old son, C.J., traveled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton for the grand opening. They were among the first 10 people waiting in a line that soon stretched into the museum’s parking lot, and their reward for arriving early was witnessing the building’s ribboncutting. “One of the officials even handed us a piece of the ribbon,” Chris says with a grin.
into history,” he says, “and these planes really tell the story of what made our nation great.” Focusing on aviation, the Air Force museum salutes a groundbreaking chapter of American history that began in Dayton when two obscure bicycle mechanics — brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright — decided to build a flying machine. Their invention of the airplane in 1903 not only changed the world, it also launched a tradition of aviation innovation in the Dayton area that continues today at Wright-Patterson’s research facilities. Within two decades of the
The Air Force museum today is both the world’s oldest and largest military aviation museum. After snagging their ribbon souvenir, father and son gravitated to the new building’s Presidential Gallery and climbed a set of stairs leading to the cabin of the SAM 26000. From John F. Kennedy to Bill Clinton, that gleaming blue and white jet had been Air Force One for eight U.S. presidents. At the top of the steps, Chris paused to look out over the building’s presidential exhibits. “C.J. and I drove hundreds of miles to be here, because we’re big 14
Wright brothers’ first flights, Army Signal Corps personnel planted the seeds for the Air Force museum by displaying engines and airplanes to help train fledgling designers and engineers working at Dayton’s old McCook Field. A century in the making, the Air Force museum today is both the world’s oldest and largest military aviation museum, displaying about 360 aerospace vehicles and missiles in four enormous, hangarstyle buildings with 19 acres of in-
door exhibit space. The Air Force Foundation, Inc., raised money to construct all of the buildings, and when the first of them opened in 1971, President Richard Nixon dedicated it. He arrived for the ceremony in the very SAM 26000 that is now in the latest building’s Presidential Gallery. Also a linchpin of western Ohio’s multiple-site National Aviation Historic Area, the Air Force museum attracts a sky-high number of visitors and is Ohio’s most popular non-commercial destination. Every year, about 1 million people come from around the world to see its incomparable aircraft collections. They tour artifact-rich galleries that relate national and world events to aviation’s long and remarkable trajectory from a Dayton bicycle shop into outer space. Visitor favorites include the Wright 1909 Military Flyer, a.k.a. Signal Corps Airplane No. 1, that the Wrights sold to the U.S. Army for $30,000; the B-29 Bockscar that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki; and the sophisticated, radar-eluding B-2 stealth bomber. Besides its Presidential Gallery, the $40.8 million building has Space, Global Reach, and Research and Development galleries that highlight different facets of the Air Force mission. “Since the
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four galleries have their own individual themes, each of them is like a self-contained museum,” curator Jeff Dufour says. Indeed, the Research and Development Gallery alone features the world’s largest display of test aircraft, including the futuristic XB-70A Valkyrie, which was capable of 2,000-plus mph and is the only one in existence. In the Global Reach Gallery, people can go inside the actual C141C Hanoi Taxi that brought the first Vietnam prisoners of war back home to the United States. Likewise, visitors to the Space Gallery get to have up-close views of a Space Shuttle Crew Compartment Trainer, used to train astronauts. But the Presidential Gallery is perhaps the most exciting. Visitors can check out four famous airplanes: Franklin Roosevelt’s Sacred Cow, which was the first aircraft
(Above) C.J. Kanofsky and father Chris traveled from Chicago for the new building’s grand opening; (opposite page) Harry Truman’s presidential plane and the Apollo 15 Command Module are among the aerospace artifacts on display.
specifically built to fly a U.S. president; Harry Truman’s The Independence, which was named for his Missouri hometown; the Columbine III, which Dwight Eisenhower often piloted; and the SAM 26000 that carried Kennedy’s body back to Washington after his 1963 assassination. “These are our planes,” gallery project manager Christina Douglass says. “They say ‘United States
of America,’ and that means you, and me, and every American citizen.” DAMAINE VONADA is a freelance
writer from Xenia. National Museum of the United States Air Force, 1100 Spaatz St., WrightPatterson Air Force Base, OH 45433. For more information, call 937-255-3286 or visit
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The latest buzz on honey BY MARGIE WUEBKER
HOW SWEET IT IS AT Honeyrun Farm near Williamsport, as owners Isaac and Jayne Barnes oversee an ambitious operation specializing in raw honey. Starting with one hive — a Christmas present in 2003 — the business has expanded to nearly 700. Honeyrun Farm offers seasonal honeys, each with a distinctive flavor and color. Spring honey is the palest, with a sweet, mild flavor from bush honeysuckle and black locust blossoms. Summer honey is a shade darker and even sweeter, as a result of bees dining on clover, Canadian thistle, and wild blackberries. Fall honey has a rich, robust flavor and deeper color, thanks to goldenrod and asters growing in and around the Pickaway County farm in the heart of the service area of South Central Power Company, the electric cooperative based in Lancaster. Other products include tulip poplar and herbal-infused honey. “The darker the honey, the stronger the flavor,” Isaac Barnes says. “Many beekeepers harvest honey once a year, but we do it spring through fall to capture different flavors.” Raw honey is 100 percent pure. Never pasteurized or highpressure filtered, it retains enzymes, antioxidants, trace vitamins, and antibacterial properties, along with a natural flavor and taste. Barnes says that honey sold in most grocery stores has been pasteurized to lengthen shelf life and improve appearance, stripping away nutrients in the process. Honeyrun Farm, part of the Ohio Fresh Foods Corridor, sells raw honey at Whole Foods Mar-
• AUGUST 2016
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kets and North Market in Columbus, plus other sites throughout the state. Honey, bee pollen, beeswax candles, lip balm, and handcrafted soap are also available at the rustic stand on the property, at the annual Lithopolis Honeyfest ( in September, and at The Barnes family enjoys honey straight from the jar and as an ingredient in a variety of dishes, proving that honey isn’t just a sweet treat for desserts. Some cooks experiment with substituting honey for sugar, but Jayne Barnes prefers using honey cookbooks, eliminating the guesswork. See more honey recipes online at
HONEY-MARINATED CHICKEN BREASTS 6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 1/3 cup Dijon mustard 1/4 cup white wine 1 Tbsp. honey 2 cups fine breadcrumbs 1 cup finely grated extra-sharp cheddar cheese Flatten each chicken breast half with meat mallet. For marinade, put mustard, wine, and honey in large zip-top bag. Add chicken breasts; seal bag and marinate in refrigerator for an hour. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. In medium bowl, thoroughly mix breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Dip marinated chicken breasts in breadcrumb mixture, coating all sides. Place chicken breasts in greased baking pan and cook in preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes.
Jayne and Isaac Barns, owners of Honeyrun Farm
SUPER-CHUNKY HONEY ALMOND GRANOLA 2/3 cup honey 4 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup vegetable oil 5 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 2 cups raw almonds, coarsely chopped 2 cups raisins or other dried fruit Adjust oven rack to upper middle position and preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Roughly chop almonds. Whisk together honey, vanilla, and salt in large bowl. Whisk in oil. Fold in oats and almonds until thoroughly coated. Transfer oat mixture to prepared baking sheet and spread across sheet into thin, even layer (about 3/8-inch thick). Using a stiff metal spatula, compress oat mixture until very compact. Bake about 30 minutes until lightly browned, rotating pan once halfway through baking. Do not stir! This keeps granola in chunk form rather than loose and dry. Cool 1 hour on wire rack to room temperature. Break cooled granola into pieces of desired size. Stir in dried fruit, such as raisins, Craisins, or chopped dried apricots. Store up to 2 weeks in an airtight container.
PUMPKIN HONEY PIE 3 eggs 2 cups solid-pack pumpkin purée 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream 3/4 cup honey 1-1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground ginger 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp. salt 9-inch unbaked pie shell Beat eggs slightly in large bowl. Blend in pumpkin, milk, cream, honey, spices, and salt. Pour filling into pie shell. Cover edges of pastry with aluminum foil strips. Bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Remove foil and continue baking 15 additional minutes. An inserted knife should come out clean when done. Cool and serve.
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06029 County Road 33A P.O. Box 10 St. Marys, OH 45885-0010 1-800-962-3830 Payments due by the 10th of each month. Account access online or
Office Hours Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Manager/CEO Rick D. Gerdeman
Board of Trustees Larry Vandemark, President James Wiechart, Vice Pres. Randy Heinl, Secy.-Treas. Steve Bauer, Trustee Bob Barnt, Trustee Kathy Brake, Trustee Gary R. Knapke, Trustee Gary Profit, Trustee Roger W. Rank, Trustee Courtney Burton, Attorney
A copy of Midwest Electric, Inc.’s Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulations is available from the co-op office and also is available online at Call us to receive your copy.
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Account management at your fingertips Electricity has done so much to make our lives more convenient. Just flip your main breaker and try to go without power for a few days — or even a few hours — and you’ll quickly see how valuable electricity is to your family. We try to bring this same convenience to you in other ways. SmartHub is our e-bill program that a growing number of Midwest Electric members are using to manage all aspects of their Midwest Electric accounts online and with mobile devices.
Rick Gerdeman, Manager/CEO
With SmartHub, you can: • Receive billing and outage alerts via text and e-mail. • Pay your electric bill securely online. • View monthly, daily, and hourly electric use charts. • Manage your account information. • Report a power outage. • Initiate service requests. • Change or update credit card or bank account information. This information is available at your fingertips 24/7 all 365 days of the year. From a PC, just click the Pay My Bill link at From a mobile device, search SmartHub in your Apple or Android app store, download it for free, then search Midwest Electric Ohio. Just like electricity has brought convenience and value to your family, we hope you’ll recognize the convenience of SmartHub to access your electric account and electric use data.
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Is your electric bill too high? services for the same energy input, Have you ever compared your electric bill to Dave Waltermire, those of your neighbors? Why would it be different? or the same services for less energy input. Energy efficiency should also be Energy Advisor You both have the same electric company and the looked at as a way of managing and same lifestyles, right? Well, first, ask yourself a few restraining growth in energy consumption. Somequestions: times that even means changing the habits of those • Do you live in a suburban complex where your living in your home. home is considered a cookIf you are a person who likes ie-cutter house, identical to Energy efficiency to leave lights on throughout your neighbors’ homes? your house, then you should in• Did the same heating and cool- is the term used to vest in energy-efficient lighting. ing contractor install heating describe using less Understand that as long as a and cooling systems in all the energy to provide the light is on, it’s using electricity. houses on your block? If the light is unnecessary, then • Did you and your neighbors same service. you may need to change your shop for and purchase identical habit and shut off the light appliances? • Do you and your neighbors follow the same cook- when you leave the room. That is, of course, if you want to lower your electric bill. ing habits? • Do you and your neighbors have the same number and ages of people living in your homes? Chances are you answered no to most, if not all, of these questions. So why would you expect your Where does my money go? electric bills to be the same? Comparing electric bills is like comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits but have wildly different textures and tastes. Electric use is completely unique to each home and the residents living in it. At Midwest Electric, our goal is to provide information to help you make better choices to lower your electric use. We know that a happy member is the key to our success as a cooperative. After all, you own the business. Consider this: In 2013, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 909 kWh per month. Despite the invention and inclusion of more and more technological devices, keeping that gap small is where energy efficiency comes into play. Energy efficiency is the term used to describe using less energy to provide the same service. Something is more energy efficient if it delivers more
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• AUGUST 2016
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Midwest Community Fund seeks trustees The Midwest Electric Community Connection Fund (CCF) needs three co-op members — one each from Mercer, Auglaize, and Allen-Putnam counties — to serve on the CCF Board of Trustees. Terms are expiring this fall for trustees John Dippold of Mercer County, Georgiana Schroer of Auglaize County, and Nancy Clum of Allen-Putnam counties. The CCF board meets four times a year, about 90 minutes per meeting, to review grant applications from community groups. You’ll learn a lot about local community needs and will gain a tremendous feeling of satisfaction, according to current trustees. No special background is necessary for this appointed (non-elected) position. It’s a 100 percent voluntary position that reimburses you for related expenses. If you’re interested, please contact Matt Berry at 1-800962-3830 or e-mail
Cardinal Plant Tour Don’t miss this chance to tour one of the nation’s cleanest coal-fired power plants. In fact, as a Midwest Electric Cooperative member, it’s your power plant — the 1,230-megawatt Cardinal Power Plant near Steubenville. The tour will take place Thursday, Sept. 29, with a charter bus leaving our office parking lot in St. Marys at 7 a.m. Tickets cost $35 per person and include bus transportation, lunch, snacks, beverages, and the tour itself. On the way home, we’ll stop at a fast food restaurant for supper (not included in cost). We will be back by 8 p.m. Interested members must RSVP as soon as possible by calling 1-800-962-3830.
Wiechart earns gold certificate from NRECA Jim Wiechart, vice president of the Midwest Electric Board of Trustees, has earned the Director Gold credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). The Gold credential recognizes directors who
have earned their Certified Cooperative Director and Board Leadership Certificate credentials and who are committed to continuing their education throughout their service on the board. Congratulations on your achievement, Jim!
Photo at right: Board President Larry Vandemark (left) presents Board Vice President Jim Wiechart (right) with the Director Gold credential.
Rebates • $200 - Geothermal • $200 - Air-Source Heat Pump • $200 - Air Sealing • $200 - Insulation
• $100 - Electric Water Heater • Free Energy Audits • Variety of Commercial Rebates
Restrictions apply. Please call our office at 1-800-962-3830 for details.
Changed numbers? If you’ve eliminated your landline phone or changed phone numbers, please contact us with your current number so we can still alert you of planned outage notifications, account questions, and more. Call us Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 1-800-962-3830.
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Disconnect Notices Midwest Electric bills are due by the 10th of each month. If your bill is still unpaid by the time of the next monthly billing, then that month’s printed bill will include wording that reads **Disconnect Notice.** Payments to avoid a disconnection of service must be received in our office or through our website by the date listed on the disconnect notice. In addition to the printed disconnect notice on your electric bill, we make many attempts to contact members who are behind on their bills. We place automated phone calls, send e-mails, and make personal phone calls. We are very flexible about making payment arrangements with members who respond to our contact attempts. However, once an employee visits your home to collect, no payment arrangements will be made at that point. The full amount due, plus fees, must be paid at that time. If an employee is sent to your home to collect a delinquent bill or disconnect the service for non-payment, a collection fee will be added. All outstanding charges on disconnected accounts must be paid — including past electric use, collection and reconnection fees, and security deposit — before we’ll reconnect the electric service. Accounts that have been disconnected for non-payment will be sent to a collections agency with the appropriate information sent to reporting agencies. Collections, legal, and other fees may also be added to these accounts. Please be sure to read notices carefully, and call our office if you have any questions.
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How to differentiate between brownouts and blinking lights You’re at home and suddenly the lights get really bright in part of the house while dimming in another. Or your lights and appliances work in one part of your home but not in other areas. What’s going on? Those could be symptoms of “brownouts,” also called partial power or low voltage. But don’t confuse partial power with blinking lights.
Partial power Partial power at a home is usually caused by a problem with neutral or ground connections. This could be a bad connection at the transformer, a bad connection to the pole ground, a bad connection to the primary neutral conductor, a bad connection in the meterbase, a secondary conductor that is failing, or problems within the home at the breaker panel or individual circuits. Signs of partial power include dim lights or appliances that work in some parts of the home but not in others, and some lights getting really bright while others dim. For a large number of members, partial power could be caused by a transmission problem or a voltage regulator not working properly. It also occurs when one phase of the transmission three-phase is not energizing a substation transformer. If that happens, two of our distribution phases will have low voltage and therefore cause low voltage within the home.
What should you do? If you experience partial power, you should turn off your main breaker and call us or an electrician. If the partial power is affecting everything in your home, call Midwest Electric so we can advise you on whether the source of the problem is ours or if it’s on your side of the meter.
Blinking lights Blinking lights usually signifies a complete, momentary power outage — perhaps just for a few seconds. Sometimes, the lights may completely blink off just once and then everything is fine again. Or the lights may blink on and off a few times followed by a complete power outage. Blinking lights occurs when there is a fault on our electric system, such as a tree or branch in contact with a power line. If this happens, it’s a sign that our electric system is working as designed. If you have questions regarding partial power or blinking lights, please contact Midwest Electric at 1-800-962-3830.
Death in the family? If an account holder passes away, please contact us at your earliest convenience so his or her accumulated patronage can be paid out or transferred to another family member.
• AUGUST 2016 7/20/16 3:49 PM
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Become a
purple martin
landlord S TO R Y A N D P H OTO S B Y W. H . ‘ C H I P ’ G R O S S
Have you ever wondered why, in a painting of an Indian village, hollow gourds hang from long poles above lodges or teepees? If you guessed that they were birdhouses, you’re correct. But it wasn’t just an altruistic gesture on the part of the Indians. They knew if they provided nesting structures for birds — particularly purple martins — the birds would return the favor by eating the many flies, wasps, and other pesky flying insects around the village. Bird lovers today still attempt to attract purple martins, both to enjoy the birds and to reap the same benefits. Don Bridgman, a member of Washington Electric Cooperative, has been luring martins to his small farm near Caldwell in southeast Ohio for decades. “I got started while in high school,” Bridgman says. “A neighbor of mine had purple martins nesting on his property, so I decided to build a martin house and try attracting the birds, too. I got lucky that very first spring; three pairs of martins found my box and nested in it. I’ve been hooked on the birds ever since.” Highly migratory, the first martins of the year, known as scouts, begin arriving in Ohio as early as mid-March to stake out nesting locations. These early birds may not get the worm, considering flying insects are their main food source, but they might get a few crickets. Let me explain. Scout birds are taking a chance in Ohio. If a cold snap keeps flying insects grounded, martins could starve. But Bridgman has a special way of helping the birds through tough times. “I’ll watch resting martins to see if their wings are drooping,” he says. “If they are, I know that the birds are in trouble. That’s when I begin my supplemental feeding program.” Bridgman always keeps a supply of dead
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crickets on hand, ordered through Grubco ( in Hamilton, Ohio. He takes the crickets outdoors near the resting martins, places a cricket on a plastic spoon, and flips the insect high into the air. A martin will swoop down, grab the cricket on the wing and eat it. “It gets the scouts through the colder days until insects begin flying again,” Bridgman says. A common misconception about purple martins is that they devour large quantities of mosquitoes. Martins do eat mosquitoes, but prefer larger-winged insects, such as dragonflies, mayflies, moths, and butterflies. In addition, martins tend to forage above 100 feet, where fewer mosquitoes are found. To attract purple martins, Bridgman suggests mounting a wooden nest box 16 to 20 feet off the ground and suspending a few hollow gourds beneath it. He prefers wooden nest boxes, painted white, as opposed to aluminum, because he believes that some aluminum boxes get too hot for martins. All of his nest boxes and gourds are on telescoping poles, so he can reach them easily for cleaning. “Put a handful of pine needles or similar nesting
To attract purple martins, wooden nest boxes should be mounted 16 to 20 feet off the ground.
material in each nest structure,” Bridgman says. “It helps give the birds some insulation and a start of a nest.” As for location, keep in mind that martins like open spaces, such as lawns. Place nesting structures at least 40 feet from any trees, giving the birds plenty of room to approach Washington Electric member Don Bridgman shows a gourd house he uses for a purple from the air. If martin to nest. there is an open water source nearby, such as a pond, so much the better. Purple martins love water and drink on the wing by skimming the surface. Starlings and house sparrows are the bane of purple martins; consequently, martins may need some help with controlling these predators, when first nesting. “Once nesting begins, usually in mid-May, I check my boxes once a week until the young birds are 20 days old,” Bridgman says. “I evict any starlings and house sparrows. I’m also looking for feather mites on the young martins, which I remove, or any dead nestlings, which I remove from the nest. I also count the number of eggs per nest, so I know how many birds should ultimately fledge.” Most martins in Ohio begin their fall migration as early as mid-August. They migrate thousands of miles twice annually, an often perilous journey. As a result, the life span of a purple martin, as with most migratory songbirds, is usually only a few years. Purple martins, North America’s largest swallow, are colony nesters that, east of the Mississippi, are almost totally dependent upon artificial nesting structures. The good news is that the birds flourish near human habitation, their songs a pleasant, bubbly gurgling, and their flights acrobatic. Outdoors editor W. H. “CHIP” GROSS, a member of Consolidated Electric Cooperative, would like to hear from you about any outdoors story idea you might like him to investigate or photograph. He can be reached at
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My (not so) secret obsession Author: Dianna Holscher Co-op: South Central Power
Author: Cynthia Boles Co-op: South Central Power
I love finding bargains, discovering the lowest prices, buying secondhand on eBay or at auctions, garage sales, and thrift stores. Nothing is exempt from the possibility of finding it reduced or secondhand. You can even find a bargain purebred standard poodle or an Appaloosa horse by getting a secondhand rescue. I think bargain seekers are really just treasure hunters at heart. You would think that with all my thrifty ways, I would be quite rich. Actually, all these bargains can start to add up, especially the furry type, if you don’t watch yourself. Obsessions are like that. I also like electrical bargains, like the Cool Returns Program (will this plug win me a $25 essay entry?)! No seriously, I signed up! Who could resist REDUCED energy costs or the $100+ rebate?
My pulse quickens when I see a neon green, pink, or orange GARAGE SALE sign. My hands turn the wheel of my car in whatever direction the arrow points and I eagerly await the treasures I might find. I have even stopped and backed up when I passed an unanticipated sign at the end of someone's drive. I have a pin, “I Stop at All Garage Sales,” that I proudly wear on my weekend forays. I don't stop until I run out of money or space in the car.
Author: Debbie Anderson Co-op: Butler Rural Electric
I easily get lost in a sea of squares and numbers of a Sudoku puzzle. While some dislike it, I am captivated by the challenge of ordering nine numbers within each set of nine squares. Besides the intrigue of this brain exercise, I love the lessons Sudoku teaches. Sudoku is like the game of life. Life presents problems. Problems need to be solved. Just like in Sudoku, approach problem-solving in life creatively, from many different perspectives, then narrow down the possibilities until arriving at a satisfactory solution. When facing complexities in life, be encouraged that the more you solve, the easier it becomes. Lastly, if life circumstances seem overwhelming, seek help. Not every puzzle gets solved perfectly, nor does every life circumstance turn out “happily ever after.” Thankfully, most puzzles work out well and it’s very satisfying. For now, excuse me — I have another puzzle calling my name.
See our guidelines and deadlines for future months’ submissions on page 27.
• AUGUST 2016
Author: Dave Kunkler Co-op: South Central Power
My father, Bernie, gave me this obsession way back when I was a kid. He was my pusher. For years, after running away from home back in Columbus, he worked as a moonshiner here in Perry County. After a hard day at the stills, he and his buddies would relax with their favorite drink — buttermilk. When he got me addicted, there were still small flakes of butterfat swimming in the milk. Today, I go through a quart of full-bodied buttermilk every two days. I drink it straight from the bottle. Its sourness has also changed my tastes. I suck on a half a lemon once a day, only put vinegar and oil on my salads, and make my own good and sour yogurt. Buttermilk is my ambrosia. Author: Lynn Neal Co-op: South Central Power
My (not so) secret obsession is horses. I have loved these magnificent creatures since I was old enough to know what they were. As a little girl, I collected plastic horse models, horse books, and magazines, and entered every contest where the prize was a free horse. I had a “loaner” pony from age ten to 16, got my first job right after graduation, and had enough money by that October to buy my first horse. I have never been without a horse since. I met my husband through horses, and 51 years later, we’re still “horsing around.” We have nine horses, and, while we no longer ride, we hitch our horses to a variety of conveyances, including an 1880s-era doctor’s buggy. The high point of every day is being with my horses, taking in their unique smell, and feeling those soft muzzles looking for the hidden treats that they know I have.
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Member interactive: Send us your photos and stories! If we use your photo, you’ll get a Country Living tumbler: If we use your essay, you’ll get:
For November, send us by Sept. 15 photos of an “Image of Your Favorite Fall Scene.” For December, send us by Oct. 15 photos of “My Best Holiday Decoration Display.” Guidelines: 1. Stories no longer than 150 words 2. Digital photos should be a minimum of 300 dpi 3. One entry per household per month 4. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want anything returned 5. Include your name, mailing address, and the name of your electric co-op 6. E-mail: By U.S. mail: Editor, Country Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
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• AUGUST 2016
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Collegiate Museums THOUGH SCATTERED ON CAMPUSES throughout Ohio, college and university museums are often hidden gems that merit an A+ for the variety and quality of their exhibits. Here are six that not only welcome visitors, but are sure to boggle your mind. m useu M y sit niver U e t Sta Kent
Mazza Museum, University of Findlay, Findlay CLAIM TO FAME: This unique archive possesses the world’s largest, most diverse collection of original artwork by children’s book illustrators. Says director Benjamin Sapp, “From preschoolers to seniors, it’s truly a place for everyone.” VENUE: The museum’s galleries are in the Gardner Fine Arts Pavilion and present constantly changing visual feasts culled from 11,000 works ranging from Mother Goose to Dr. Seuss to three-dimensional pop-up books. HIGHLIGHTS: Favorites include Clifford the Big Red Dog and The Keeping Quilt, and kids can even slide down a “rabbit hole” in an Alice in Wonderlandthemed loft. A special new exhibit — “Rosemary Wells, Artist’s Retrospective” — salutes the popular Max and Ruby characters. INFORMATION: 419-434-4560;
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin
Photo credit: Jonathan Blanc
Kent State University Museum, Kent CLAIM TO FAME: The excellence and international scope of the museum’s unrivaled costume and clothing archives is world renowned. “There is not another free-standing collection anywhere that is quite like it,” says director Jean Druesedow. VENUE: Located in a renovated library building, the museum not only stages historic and contemporary fashion and decorative arts exhibits, it also supplements Kent State’s top-rated fashion and design school. HIGHLIGHTS: Its Fashion Timeline provides upclose perspectives on two centuries of changing styles. Debuting September 29, the “Magical Designs for Mozart's Magic Flute” exhibit celebrates Mozart’s beloved opera with a phenomenal array of sumptuous costumes and fantastic set designs. INFORMATION: 330-672-3450; 30
• AUGUST 2016
CLAIM TO FAME: Thanks to 14,000 international works providing art history lessons that span the ages, the Allen has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s top collegiate art museums. VENUE: Cass Gilbert, the famed skyscraper pioneer and Woolworth Building architect, designed the original Italian Renaissance building that houses outstanding Old Master works and paintings from the 1800s. A postmodern addition displays modern and contemporary art. HIGHLIGHTS: Director Andria Derstine’s picks of the museum’s must-see paintings include Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene (1625) by Hendrick ter Brugghen; View of Venice: The Ducal Palace, Dogana, and Part of San Giorgio (1841) by Joseph Mallord William Turner; and Self-Portrait as a Soldier (1915) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. INFORMATION: 440-775-8665;
Dittrick Medical History Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland CLAIM TO FAME: Started by physicians in the 1890s, the museum is now an interdisciplinary studies facility that boasts exceptionally wide-ranking collections of medical equipment, instruments, and books. VENUE: It’s inside the Allen Memorial Medical
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Library, a classical revival landmark from Walker and Weeks, the architectural team that also created nearby Severance Hall for the Cleveland Symphony, as well as Cleveland’s stunning Federal Reserve Bank building. HIGHLIGHTS: From folkloric methods to the pill, the world’s most comprehensive collection of contraceptive devices fascinates visitors. So does the medical timeline exhibit showing treatment changes and advances. “Visitors often comment,” says curator James Edmonson, “I’m glad I’m living today and not back then.” INFORMATION: 216-368-3648;
ick Dittr
ter y Cen r o t s i cal H Medi
Hoover Historical Center, Walsh University, North Canton CLAIM TO FAME: Besides preserving the history of the global vacuum cleaner company that William “Boss” Hoover founded, the student-operated center serves a practicum for Walsh’s Museum Studies program. VENUE: Located on original Hoover farmland, the 1853 Victorian house where Hoover grew up contains chronological vacuum cleaner exhibits that reveal “Sweeping Changes” in his company and the nation. “The vacuum cleaner’s evolution,” notes curator Megan Pellegrino, “is tied to our industrial and social history.” HIGHLIGHTS: The now-iconic brand’s milestone machines include a 1908 Model O, the first Hoover vacuum cleaner; a 1950s Constellation that floats over carpets; and a rare 1930s Model 150, which features a Bakelite cover. INFORMATION: 330-490-7435;
Miami University Art Museum, Oxford CLAIM TO FAME: This eclectic teaching museum has more than 17,000 artworks that cover five millennia and vary from Greek and Roman coins to
Photo courtesy of Dittrick Medical History Center, Case Western Reserve University
Picasso prints to a world-class Leica camera collection. VENUE: The geometric, very contemporary museum was designed in the 1970s by Walter Netsch of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill in Chicago. “The building,” says director Robert Wicks, “is very sculptural, and it also sits in a three-acre sculptural park.” HIGHLIGHTS: Signature works include Hans Hofmann’s abstract expressionist painting Blue Spell; pop artist Robert Indiana’s The Confederacy: Alabama; and Mark di Suvero’s dramatic abstract sculpture For Kepler. INFORMATION: 513-529-2232; Damaine Vonada is a freelance writer from Xenia.
m useu M t r al A mori e M Allen
Photo Courtesy of Allen Memorial Art Museum
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1.5 total carats of genuine Ethiopian opal for under $100! PLUS... FREE
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• AUGUST 2016
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NORTHWEST – Marblehead Lighthouse Tours, Marblehead Lake State Park, 1100 Lighthouse Dr., daily 11–4 p.m. $3, free for age 6 and under. 419-734-4424, ext. 2, or
THROUGH SEPT. 18 – “Hot Spot: Contemporary Glass from Private Collections,” Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St., Toledo. Free. More than 80 stunning works of art in glass, many never exhibited before publicly. 419-255-8000 or
– “I Approve This Ad: Decoding Political Messages,” Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St., Toledo. Free. Nonpartisan exhibit shows how political ads are used to stir emotions and capture votes. 419255-8000 or www.toledomuseum .org/exhibitions.
PLEASE NOTE• Country Living strives for accuracy but strongly urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event by writing to Country Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or Country Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address of where the event takes place or a number to call for more information. AUG. 18–21 – 50th Anniversary National Tractor Pulling Championships, 13800 W. Poe Rd., Bowling Green. Single-day ticket $20– $40, free for kids under 10. 888-3857855 or
– Bremenfest, area of Crown Pavilion, 2 W. Plum St., New Bremen. Food, games, bike tour, fishing derby, and much more. 419-6290313 or
AUG. 18–21
– “Fighting for Freedom: WWII in Fulton County,” Fulton Co. Museum, 229 Monroe St., Wauseon, Tues.–Sat., 12–5 p.m. Exhibit shows how everyday life was affected by the war. 419-337-7922 or
– German-American Festival, Oak Shade Grove, 3624 Seaman Rd., Oregon. $8 at gate, $7 online, free for kids under 12. Multiday tickets available. Authentic German food, beer, and entertainment. www.germanamerican
– World’s Longest Yard Sale, along U.S. Rte. 127, Van Wert. 877-989-2282 or
AUG. 26–28
AUG. 4–7
AUG. 5, 6 – Van Wert Rib Fest, Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St., Van Wert, Fri. 5 p.m.–midnight, Sat. 11 a.m.–midnight. $5 Fri. and Sat. after 5; free Sat. till 5. Free for kids under 10. Award-winning rib vendors, live music, games, tournaments, and classic car cruise-in. 877-989-2282 or
– Car Tunes on Main and Rib-Off on Broadway, Findlay. Car show/cruise-in starts at 11 a.m. Rib cook-off, 3–11 p.m. Enjoy food, music, and a Battle of the Bands. 419-4223315 or
AUG. 6
– Defiance Co. Hot Air Balloon Festival, 20399 Airport Rd., Defiance, 6:30–9:30 a.m., 4–9:30 p.m. $2 admission, $10 parking. Tethered balloon rides $10–$20. 419782-3510 or
AUG. 6
– Mill Hollow Cruisin’ Classic Car Show, 51211 N. Ridge Rd., Vermilion, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Show car admission 8 a.m. One of Ohio’s largest car shows. 440-967-7310.
AUG. 14
– Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival, downtown Bucyrus, 11 a.m.– 11 p.m. Grilled brats and many other festival foods, plus parades, fun contests, and free entertainment. 866562-0720 or www.bucyrus
AUG. 18–20
– Chagrin Falls Summer Concert Series, downtown Chagrin, 13 N. Franklin St., Chagrin, every Thur. 7–9 p.m. Free. Listen to local bands play live music. 440-2476607.
– River Rock at the Amp, 321 Mahoning Ave. NW, Warren, every Sat. 5–11 p.m. $8. Listen to classic rock and tribute bands at the amphitheater overlooking the Mahoning River. 886-360-1552 or
AUG. 4–7 – Olmsted Heritage Days, 8082 Columbia Rd., Olmstead Falls, Thur. kickoff 6:30 p.m., Fri./Sat. 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. noon–5 p.m. Enjoy a parade, citywide garage sale, pageant, and festival. 440-235-9277 or
– Vintage Ohio Wine Festival, Lake Metroparks Farmpark, 8800 Euclid Chardon Rd., Kirtland, 1– 10 p.m. $30. The region’s premier food and wine event of the year. 440466-4417 or www.visitvintage
AUG. 5, 6
– Blues and Brews, Lock 3 Park, 200 S. Main St., Akron, Fri. 5– 7:30 p.m., Sat. noon–5 p.m. $10–$90. One of northeast Ohio’s largest craft beer festivals.
AUG. 5, 6
• AUGUST 2016
AUG. 5–7 – Basket Festival, 20 Center St., Berlin Heights, Fri. 3–11:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–11:30 p.m., Sun. 7 a.m.–noon. Run in a 5K race, play in a hoops shoot contest, become the next queen during the queen’s contest, and much more! 419-588-1161 or AUG. 5–7 – Lorain Co. Music Festival, 15407 Avon Belden Rd., Grafton. Celebrate Lorain’s 10th annual music festival and campout, Woodstock style. 440-654-7000 or AUG. 6, 7 – Twins Day Festival, 9825 Ravenna Rd., Twinsburg, Sat. 9 a.m.– 10 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Come to witness the world’s largest annual gathering of twins. 330-425-3652 or
– Chardon Arts Festival, Chardon Sq., Short Ct. St., Chardon, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Features artists from around the country as well as your own backyard. 440-285-4548 or
AUG. 7
AUG. 11–14 – Italian-American Heritage Festival, Courthouse Sq., 108 North Park Ave., Warren, Thur. 4– 11 p.m., Fri.–Sun. 11 a.m.–11 p.m. 330507-3567 or www.warrenitalian
– Picnic in the Park, Veterans Memorial Park, off of Memphis Ave., Brooklyn, 1–8:30 p.m. A family-friendly celebration with live entertainment, children’s activities, exhibitors, corn hole, food trucks, and more.
AUG. 13
– Festa Italiana, downtown Wooster, behind the Wayne Co. Court House, Sat. starting at 2:30 p.m. 330263-0385 or
AUG. 13
– National Hamburger Festival, Lock 3 Park, 200 S. Main St., Akron, Sat. noon–11 p.m., Sun. noon–7 p.m. $5. Enjoy food, entertainment, and competitions for all ages. 716565-4141 or www.hamburger
AUG. 13, 14
– Wine and Walleye Festival, Lake Shore Park, 1700 E. 1st St., Ashtabula, Sat. 6:15 a.m.–9:15 p.m., Sun. 1–6 p.m. $25. Enjoy a wine tasting, fresh fish, boat rides on Lake Erie, and more. 440-998-6998 or AUG. 27, 28
CENTRAL THROUGH SEPT. – “Blooms and Butterflies,” Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $13. 614715-8000 or THROUGH OCT. – “Celebrating Victoria, The First Woman to Run for President,” Victoria Woodhull exhibit, Robbins Hunter Museum, 221 E. Broadway, Granville, Wed.–Sat., 1–4 p.m. 740-587-0430 or AUG. 2, 6, 8, 11, 15, 16, 18–20 – Trumpet in the Land, Schoenbrunn Amphitheatre, 1600 Trumpet Dr. NE, New Philadelphia, 8:30 p.m. $18/$20, Sr./Std.$18, C. (3–12) $8/$10. Ohio's premier and longest-running outdoor theater production. 330-339-1132 or
– Taste of Upper Arlington, Northam Park, 2070 Northam Rd., Upper Arlington, 3:30–8:30 p.m. Showcases tasty specialties from area restaurants, displays from area businesses, musical entertainment, and kids’ activities. 614-583-5000 or
AUG. 4
– Y-Bridge Arts Festival, Zane’s Landing Park, west end of Market St., Zanesville, Fri. 6–10 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Walk around downtown Zanesville and see multiple art exhibits. 740-455-8282 or
AUG. 5, 6
– Columbus Summer Beerfest, Express Live! (LC Pavilion), 405 Neil Ave., Columbus. $50. Join in the 7th annual beerfest and celebrate great craft beer from down the street and around the country. AUG. 5, 6
– London Rib and Jazz Fest, Main St., London, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Enjoy delicious local BBQ and live music. 740-405-5151 or
AUG. 5, 6
AUG. 5–7 – Dublin Irish Festival, Coffman Park, 5600 Post Rd., Dublin, Fri. 4–10:30 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–10:30 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–7:30 p.m. $12, Sr./Std. $10, free for kids under 12. The best of Irish dance, music, art, and culture at the world’s largest three-day Irish festival. 614-410-4545 or
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AUG. 6 – Baby Boomer Festival, 8100 Clyo Rd., Dayton, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Enjoy live music from the ’60s–’80s, plus food trucks, craft vendors, a classic car show, and more.
– U.S. Senior Open, Scioto Country Club, Columbus. Weekly grounds pass $135, weekly club pass $235. 614-573-1818 or
AUG. 8–14
– All Ohio Balloon Fest, Union Co. Airport, 760 Clymer Rd., Marysville, Thur. 5–9 p.m., Fri./Sat. 2– 9 p.m. $10. Come for the balloons, stay for the bands. 937-243-5833 or
AUG. 11–13
AUG. 12, 13 – Columbus Food Truck Festival, Columbus Commons, 160 S. High St., Columbus, Fri./Sat. noon–10 p.m., Sun. noon–6 p.m. $5. Largest food truck festival in the Midwest.
– “Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows,” Coshocton Canal Quilters 29th Annual Show, Presbyterian Church, 142 N. 4th St., Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 12–3:30 p.m. $5, free for kids 12 and under. 740-622-4877 or CCQQuiltShow.
AUG. 12–14
AUG. 19, 20 – Reynoldsburg Tomato Festival, Huber Park, Reynoldsburg, Fri. 4–10 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–10 p.m. Tomato displays and contests, arts and crafts exhibits, live music, and kids’ activities. AUG. 21 – Bacon Fest 2016, Fraze Pavilion, 695 Lincoln Park Blvd., Kettering, 3–9 p.m. Free. Sample food from local restaurants and listen to music all night long. 937-296-3300 or
– Obetz Zucchini Festival, Memorial Park, Obetz. Free. Food, rides, entertainment, pageants, a cruise-in and motorcycle show, and a fantastic parade. 614-491-1080 or
AUG. 25–28
– 32nd Annual Trans Am Nationals, 2800 Presidential Dr., Fairborn. $55/$57 registration fee. Spectators admitted free.
AUG. 26–28
SOUTHEAST – Tecumseh!, Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, Mon.– Sat., 8 p.m. $24.95. Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader. “Living History” tour every Sat. at 3 p.m. ($5). Backstage tours offered at 4 and 5 p.m. ($5), buffet 4:30–7:30 p.m. ($14.75/C. $7.95). 740-775-0700, 740-775-0700, or THROUGH SEPT. 3
THROUGH OCT. 28 – Guernsey Co. Farmers’ Market, 801 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge, every Fri., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Free parking and admission. Local produce, flowers and plants, herbs, baked goods, and more. 740-4392238.
– Roy Rogers Festival, Holiday Inn, 711 Second St., Portsmouth. Celebration of the King of Cowboys. 740-727-4444 or 740-3547711.
AUG. 28 – Rhonda Vincent and The Rage, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, 7 p.m. $17.50–$42.50. Enjoy an evening with the most award-winning band in bluegrass music history. 866775-0700 or http://tecumsehdrama. com/special-events.
AUG. 3–6
– Deerassic Classic Giveaway and Outdoor Expo, 14250 Cadiz Rd./U.S. 22, Cambridge. More than 100 outdoor exhibitors. Prizes, raffles, food, and entertainment. 740435-3335, 740-435-9500, or
AUG. 5, 6
AUG. 14 – Macbeth, Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, 8 p.m. Free. 866-775-0700 or events/shakespeare-on-sugarloafmacbeth.
– Cambridge Classic CruiseIn, Wheeling Ave. Historic District, Cambridge, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Features over 200 cars and trucks ranging from the early 1900s through today. Fun for the entire family! 740-4392238 or http://downtown
AUG. 14
– Parade of the Hills, Public Square, corner of W. Columbus St., Nelsonville, Wed. 9:15 a.m.–11 p.m., Thur. 10 a.m.–11 p.m., Fri. 11 a.m.–midnight, Sun. 8 a.m.–midnight. Enjoy a pageant, 5K race, live entertainment, pie contest, and a parade. 740-753-1924 or
AUG. 17-20
– Rally on the River, 312 S. 3rd St., Ironton. Bikes, bands, and more. 740-533-9797 or AUG. 18–20
AUG. 19, 20 – “Night Flight” Zip Line Tour, Hocking Hills Canopy Tours, 10714 Jackson St., Rockbridge, 8:30– 10:30 p.m. $79. Zip into the night by the light of the full moon. 740-3859477 or
– Cabela’s King Kat Competition, 119 Greene St., Marietta. Tournament fee $200 per two-person team. One of 12 locations for the largest catfish tournament in the nation. 740-373-5178.
AUG. 20
– Free Summer Concert, 52 Public Sq., Nelsonville, 7 p.m. 740753-1924 or
AUG. 26
SOUTHWEST – “Da Vinci — The Genius,” Cincinnati Museum Ctr., 1301 Western Ave., Cincinnati, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. $8.50–$19.50. 200-piece interactive exhibit. 513-287-7000 or
– 28th Annual World’s Longest Yard Sale, U.S. 127, Greenville. 800-504-2995 or AUG. 4–7
– Brown Co. SummerFest, Mt. Orab Community Park, 211 S. High St., Mt. Orab, Fri. 4–11 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–11 p.m. $15. Listen to live music from various artists, go to a car cruisein, and participate in a Back 2 School Bazaar. 937-378-4784 or
AUG. 5, 6
– Ohio River Paddlefest, Schmidt Memorial Fieldhouse, Cincinnati. $40. Participate in America’s largest paddling trip along the new 8.9-mile course. 513-3444137 or
AUG. 6
– Young’s 15th Annual Vintage Truck Show, Young’s Jersey Dairy, 6880 Springfield-Xenia Rd. ,Yellow Springs, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. 937325-0629 or http://youngsdairy. com/truck-show.
AUG. 6
– Milford Street Eats Food Truck Rally and Music Festival, 701 Chamber Dr., Milford, 3–10 p.m. Enjoy numerous food trucks, brews, and bands in downtown Milford. 513-8312411 or
AUG. 6
AUG. 12, 13 – Cincy Blues Fest, Sawyer Point Park, 705 E. Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, Fri. 5 p.m.–midnight, Sat. 4:30 p.m.–midnight. $35. International and regional acts.
– IH Scout and All Truck Nationals, WACO Airfield, 1865 S. Co. Rd. 25A, Troy. 937-335-9226 or
AUG. 25–27 – Cincy Brew Ha-Ha, Sawyer Point Park, 705 E. Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, Thur./Fri. 5 p.m.–midnight, Sat. 4 p.m.–midnight. The perfect recipe for a great time with friends, laughter, and plenty of beer. AUG. 29 – Lake Float, Shawnee Prairie Preserve, 4267 St. Rte. 502, Greenville, 5:30 p.m. $10; preregistration required. Spend an evening paddling Lake Loramie. 937-548-0165 or
WEST VIRGINIA – American Mountain Theater’s 2-Hour Premier Show, 49 Martin St., Elkins, 7:30 p.m. $15–$25. Tenth anniversary season. 304-630-3040 or
– West Virginia Blackberry Festival, Clarksburg City Park, Nutter Fort, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Blackberry dishes and other foods, arts and crafts, 5K run, fireworks, games, and free entertainment. 304-622-3206 or
AUG. 4–6
– Parkersburg Homecoming Festival, 2nd St., Parkersburg. Free. Competitions, parade, half-marathon, par-3 golf scramble, fireworks, arts and crafts, food concessions, and sternwheelers. 740315-2010 or
AUG. 19–21
– West Virginia State Honey Festival, City Park, 1920 Park Ave., Parkersburg, Sat. 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $2, C. $1, 6 and under free. 304-424-7311 or
AUG. 27, 28
Ohio Quiz (Answers from page 39)
AUG. 12–14
– The Great Darke County Fair, Darke Co. Fgds., 800 Sweltzer St., Greenville. Named “Best County Fair” by readers of Ohio magazine. 937-548-5044 or
AUG. 18–27
– Jeep Jam, 5181 St. Rte. 380, Wilmington, Fri. 6–11 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Obstacle courses and trail ride for all makes and models of Jeep 4x4s. Text 937-903-5606 or
AUG. 19–21
1. Horace Mann 2. Gen. Anthony Wayne 3. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman 4. Johnny Bench 5. Orville Wright 6. Benjamin Harrison 7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 8. Wes Ferrell 9. Deeds Carillon 10. Cincinnati Reds 11. Charles Dawes 12. Bryan
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Largest circulation of any Ohio rural magazine.
• AUGUST 2016
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OHIO QUIZ Eventful August This month’s quiz features notable August events with an Ohio connection. We’ll provide clues about what happened; you identify the person or place involved. For example, if the clue is “Aug. 13, 1860: The Wild West Show’s future shooting star is born in Darke County.” The answer would be “Annie Oakley.”
CLUES 1. Aug. 2, 1859: Known as the “father of American education,” the president of Antioch College dies in Yellow Springs. 2. Aug. 3, 1795: He represents the U.S. government when a coalition of Native American tribes signs the Treaty of Greenville, which cedes much of present-day Ohio to the United States and paves the way for white settlement. 3. Aug. 11, 1880: Addressing a Civil War soldiers’ reunion in Columbus, he delivers his famous “war is hell” speech. 4. Aug. 11, 1984: The Cincinnati Reds retire this Hall of Fame catcher’s No. 5 uniform. 5. Aug. 19, 1871: The younger of the two famous brothers who invented the airplane is born in Dayton. 6. Aug. 20, 1833: The grandson of a U.S. president, this future U.S. president is born in North Bend near Cincinnati. 7. Aug. 20, 1932: In Columbus, the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate gives the first road speech of his campaign and outlines his plan to lift the U.S. economy out of the Depression.
8. Aug. 21, 1932: This Cleveland Indian makes baseball history as the first 20th-century pitcher to win 20 or more games in each of his first four seasons. 9. Aug. 23, 1942: Edith Walton Deeds performs the inaugural musical program at this beloved Dayton landmark. 10. Aug. 26, 1939: During the first televised major league baseball game, this Ohio team bests the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field. 11. Aug. 27, 1865: Marietta is the birthplace of the diplomat who received the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize for his eponymous World War I reparations plan. 12. Aug. 29, 1979: WBNO in this northwest Ohio town becomes the nation’s first solar-powered commercial radio station. ANSWERS ON PAGE 37
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fascinating facts about butterflies BY KRIS WETHERBEE
Think you know about butterflies? These butterfly facts will have you looking at these jewel-like creatures in an entirely new way.
1 Butterflies taste their food before nectaring or deciding where to lay eggs, using special taste receptors located on their feet.
2 A butterfly’s diet varies by species and life stage. Most adult butterflies prefer sipping nectar from flowers, using their tube-like tongue, called a proboscis. It uncoils when ready to sip and recoils back into position when not in use. Some species, such as red admirals and mourning cloaks, prefer sap flows on trees, pollen, fermenting fruit, bird droppings, and dung. Caterpillars typically have very specialized diets. For instance, plants in the mallow family are favored by the common-checkered skipper caterpillars; flowers of legumes are the favored food for eastern tailed blue caterpillars.
3 Butterflies’ lives begin as eggs, followed by the larva (caterpillar), the pupae stage (chrysalis), then the adult.
4 Most adult butterflies only live an average of two to four weeks, while some live nearly a year. Species, climate, and life stages all determine life span. For example, a swallowtail butterfly generally lives from six to 14 days, while a monarch butterfly can live from seven to nine months. The longestliving butterfly species in North America is believed to be the mourning cloak, with some living up to 11 months as adults.
5 Non-tropical butterfly species may live through sub-freezing temperatures via a cycle of suspended development known as
• AUGUST 2016
diapause. The blood of these species contains natural antifreeze agents, which allow them to survive while development comes to a standstill and vital functions are kept at a bare minimum.
6 Ways to tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly: When resting, most butterflies hold their wings together and upright over their backs, while moths generally hold their wings horizontally or like a tent over their bodies. Also, butterflies have slender antennae that end in a swollen tip. Moth antennae, in contrast, are feathery or threadlike, and lack the butterflies’ swollen tips.
7 Butterflies don’t sleep in the way that we are familiar with. Instead, they rest at night or during the day when it’s cloudy or cool, with eyes open, typically hidden among foliage, as they hang upside down from leaves or twigs in trees and shrubs.
8 The rich patterns and vivid colors of a butterfly’s wing come from layers of thousands of tiny scales, each of which are a single color. The scales protect the wings, and the overall color patterns protect from predators.
9 Adult male butterflies like to gather around mud puddles, a behavior known as puddling, because mud puddles contribute to butterfly reproduction.
10 Butterflies need a minimum temperature of 60 degrees F in order to flutter about, and they are most actively flying when temperatures are around 80 degrees F.
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