MARCH 2011
THE GRAND TRAVERSE A Backcountry Ski Race — Not for the Faint of Heart
The official publication of the Colorado Rural Electric Association • Volume 42, Number 03
Publisher/Editor Associate Editor
Mona Neeley, CCC Donna Norris
OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director
Chris Morgan, Gunnison Bob Bledsoe, Tri-State Bill Midcap, Fort Morgan Don Kaufman, Sangre De Cristo Kent Singer, CREA
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Empire John Porter Grand Valley Sylvia Spangler Highline Jim Lueck Holy Cross Michael Glass K.C. Dan Mills LaPlata Tom Compton Mountain Parks Stan Cazier Mountain View B.D. Paddock Poudre Valley Jack Schneider San Isabel Joseph Costa, Reg Rudolph San Luis Valley Mike Rierson, John Villyard San Miquel Power Marcus Wilson Sangre De Cristo Paul Erickson Southeast Mark Grasmick United Power Jim Jaeger White River Bill Jordan Y-W Stuart Travis Yampa Valley Sam Haslem Associate Members Basin Electric Co-Bank Moon Lake Electric Wheatland Electric EDITORIAL Denver Corporate Office 5400 N. Washington • Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 303-455-4111 Email: Website: Facebook: Colorado Country Life Twitter: @COCountryLife ADVERTISING Kris Wendtland NCM
16 FEATURE Grand Traverse Elk Mountain race takes skiers from
Crested Butte to Aspen BY BETH BUEHLER
Dramatic or subtle edging enhances garden aesthetics BY EVE GILMORE
Delicious lamb with twice-baked potatoes for dinner BY LINH TRUONG
Collecting lures and friendships around the world BY DENNIS SMITH
Energy Tips
Options to create a home that is energy efficient and comfortable BY JAMES DULLEY
Promising new technology is not affordable or reliable yet BY KENT SINGER
4 303-902-7276 800-626-1181
COLORADO COUNTRY LIFE (USPS 469-400/ISSN 1090-2503) is published monthly for $9/$15 per year by Colorado Rural Electric Association, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216 Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216. Publication of an advertisement in Colorado Country Life, does not imply endorsement by any Colorado rural electric cooperative or the Colorado Rural Electric Association. Editorial opinions published in Colorado Country Life, magazine shall pertain to issues affecting rural electric cooperatives, rural communities and citizens. The opinion of CREA is not necessarily that of any particular cooperative or individual.
5 6 7 12 14 30
Letters Calendar Co-op News NewsClips Industry Story Discoveries
If Only it Were That Easy New technologies show promise, but aren’t yet ready to keep the lights on 24/7 BY KENT SINGER, CRE A E XECUTIVE DIRECTOR
recently had an interesting using federal tax dollars to and constructive converpromote energy efficiency sation with a reader who in Colorado communities. complained that I don’t provide This is a laudable objective both sides of the argument when and one that the electric discussing Colorado energy polco-ops across Colorado are icy. His perspective was that embracing through varimy comments, and the overous rebate, education and all editorial slant of Colorado incentive programs. Country Life, are too focused However, there is a link on the costs of proposed new Kent Singer on this program’s web page programs and regulations that to a video explaining how apply to the electricity industry and that we can “Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit.” The we do not adequately discuss the benefits message of the video is straightforward but of those programs and regulations. misleading. It states that the technology We try to provide a balanced view of exists today to eliminate the use of fossil the energy industry in this magazine, but fuels entirely, particularly as they are used the role of the Colorado Rural Electric for the generation of electricity. Association is to advocate for policies that While I admire the audacity of this allow our member electric cooperatives statement and applaud the author for his to fulfill their primary obligation to their look into the future of electricity supply, member-owners. That obligation is to the solutions he proposes, while promisprovide electricity in a reliable, affordable ing, are not technically or economically and environmentally responsible fashion. feasible today. Since all of our co-ops are concerned What are those solutions? The first one about regulations and policies that impact is concentrated solar power with storage. electricity costs, we frequently weigh in on It is a system that has been implemented those policies and caution policy-makers in Spain and elsewhere that uses heated about their impacts on the co-ops. If our molten salts to dispatch electricity even power generation costs more, the co-ops when the sun is not shining. While this have no choice but to pass on those costs is a promising technology, the current to the co-op members. systems only enable the energy from the CREA’s member co-ops are concerned sun to be used some seven to eight hours about the cost of electric power in Colo- after the sun sets. rado. Electricity is an essential commodThis is an impressive step forward in ity for all residents and businesses and it storage capability, but it still does not represents one budget item over which provide the type of 24-hour dispatchable most people have little control. At a time power that utility companies need for their when unemployment is high and family customers. Further, the cost of the power income is tenuous, co-ops consider it an from this technology is several times that imperative to keep costs low and electric of conventional resources. rates affordable. The second solution proposed is the Further, while we support and believe expanded development of wind farms. The in energy efficiency and renewable energy, author explains that while the wind doesn’t I believe we need to be a voice of reason always blow in one location, if wind farms when it comes to the limitations of those are spread around far enough the wind technologies. will always be blowing somewhere. (This is Let me give you an example. Some of the commonly referred to as wind “diversity.”) co-ops have been approached by a group Again, this is a great-sounding solution
4 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
that may or may not work in practice. The fact is that data from far-flung wind farms shows that it is not unusual for the wind to abate across multistate regions at the same time. This happened in Texas in 2008 and the system operator had to interrupt service to certain customers to avoid rolling blackouts when the wind died over most of west Texas. The third one is “deep geothermal,” the term used to describe a technology where water is pumped deep underground, heated by the hot granite and brought to the surface to power a steam turbine. Again, on its face this sounds like a promising source of renewable, carbon-free power. But it’s one that will actually result in much higher costs, depending on the depth of the hot rock and the geologic structure that must be penetrated to access it. Finally, the author argues that we could flood the Sahara desert with seawater, grow halophytes (plants that thrive in saltwater) and use that organic matter for biofuel. I have to admit that I don’t know much about this idea, but the political implications of it make my head spin, let alone the costs. Make no mistake, the co-op community supports the research that is ongoing today with respect to alternative sources of power generation. All of the technologies described here are worthy of continuing research and development. Maybe one day they will be part of a system that provides the same cost-effective and reliable energy service that we enjoy today, but with fewer CO2 emissions. In the meantime, the electric co-ops have to keep the lights on in rural Colorado and we are hesitant to rely on experimental technology that features the words: “Serial No. 1.”
Executive Director
Costly Energy Efficiency Per your informative article “Utilities in Colorado Save With Efficiency” (January 2011), 203,344 kilowatt-hours of electricity were saved in 2008. At a typical spot rate of 3.7 cents per kWh, that’s an amazing $7,523.73. Congratulations to Colorado utilities. Assuming as much was saved in 2009, for which you state that utilities established efficiency budgets of $46.7 million, it cost Colorado utilities $229.66 per kWh to achieve the savings. Are these guys working for the federal government? Dan Rivers, Monument
EDITOR’S NOTE: Our apologies. The article should have stated that Colorado’s utilities saved 203,344 megawatt-hours in 2008, not kilowatt-hours. That would be 203,344,000 kWh. There is still a significant cost for the savings, but that cost would be closer to 19 cents per kWh saved. For more information on the energy efficiency report, log on to sector/state-policy/Colorado.
Good Cookin’ Thank you for your always-interesting magazine. We look forward to reading it. In the January 2011 issue, a recipe for Fail-Safe Potato Soup was published. I have always found potato soup recipes long and tedious. I just want a good potato soup, not to start a career. Your recipe using a slowcooker was easy and the result was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks. Bob Wojtko, Gunnison
Thanks for the wonderful variety of soup recipes in the January issue. I did notice that the Sweet Onion Soup says to cook another hour after adding the wine so that all the alcohol is cooked off. Please note that all the alcohol does not “evaporate” when food is cooked. After one hour, 25 percent of the alcohol remains. After 15 minutes, 40 percent remains. In food that is flambéed, 75 percent of the alcohol remains. Here’s a link to an online site that charts these facts: library/archive/blalcohol12.htm.
Anne Bremer, Cortez end your letter to the editor by mail to 5400 S N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or by email to Letters may be edited.
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 5
C A L EN D A R Through March 17 in Beulah
March 17-20 in Cortez
March 26 in Pueblo West
March 31 in Durango
Winter Yoga Sessions
Four States Ag Expo
Xeriscape Class
Furniture as Art Auction
Mountain Park Environmental Center Thursdays, 6:30 to 8 p.m. 719-485-4444
Montezuma County Fairgrounds 970-247-0097
Colorado Rural Water 176 W. Palmer Lake Drive 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 719-547-4041 or 719-547-1557
March 4-6 in Durango
Button Fun
March 26 in Boulder
Durango Arts Center Barbara Conrad Gallery 5:30 p.m. durango_calendar.asp
Durango Independent Film Festival
Buell Children’s Museum Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Button arts, crafts and games for kids. 12 to 2 p.m. 719-295-7200
An Irish Afternoon of Music
March 31-April 2 in Pueblo
Boulder Theater 2032 14th St. 303-777-0502
Southern Colorado Regional Quilt Show
Fort Morgan Home and Garden Show
March 19-20 in Beulah
Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Wilderness First Aid Class
Fort Morgan High School gym Friday, 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 970-867-6770
Mountain Park Environmental Center 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days 719-485-4444
Avalon Theatre 645 Main St. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. 970-256-7650
March 20 in Cortez
March 26 in Grand Junction
April 2-3 in Denver
March 11-13 in Denver
PRCA Championship Rodeo Camp
Farm and Ranch Day
Everything’s Coming Up Buttons
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
Four States Ag Expo Registration required in advance. 719-528-4729
Co-op Country Ace Hardware 1650 Highway 6 and 50 Vendors, demonstrations and presentations. 970-858-3667
Red Lion Hotel Denver Central Colorado State Button Society’s annual show. Saturday, 12 to 5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 719-260-7261
Durango Arts Center 970-375-7779 calendar.asp March 11-12 in Fort Morgan
National Western Complex Training demos, performances, exhibitors and vendors. 303-292-4981
March 19 in Pueblo
March 26 in Grand Junction
El Pueblo History Museum 301 N. Union Ave. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 719-647-0004 April 2 in Burlington
Home and Garden Show Community Center 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 719-346-8918
March 25 in Colorado Springs
March 26 in Durango
March 11-13 in Monte Vista
Spring Break With the Burros
Railroad History Seminar
Monte Vista Crane Festival
Western Museum of Mining and Industry Learn about donkeys and Colorado 719-488-0880
Animas Museum 3065 W. 2nd Ave. With author George Niederauer. 970-259-2402
April 2-3 in Grand Junction
March 25-27 in Denver World Wide Antique Show Denver Merchandise Mart Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 303-292-6278
March 27 in Elbert
April 8-9 in Cortez
Bird watching, lectures, craft fair and entertainment. March 12 in Cortez
Navajo Rug and Jewelry Sale Summit Shooting Center 23858 Road G 970-565-2474 March 25-April 17 near Wray
Prairie Chicken Viewing Observe mating sites during weekend guided tours. 970-332-3484
6 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
Pancake Breakfast Russell Gates Mercantile Community Hall 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Send calendar items two months in advance to Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver CO 80216; fax to 303-455-2807; or email
Gun Show Lincoln Park Barn 12th and North Ave. 801-466-7556 or 702-370-6641
Four Corners Home and Garden Show Montezuma County Fairgrounds Vendor deadline: March 20 970-565-1771
F or more information on these activities, visit www. Click on Events. WWW.COLORADOCOUNTRYLIFE.COOP
Electric Cooperatives Are Different. We’re Looking Out for You BY JIM HERRON, GENERAL MANAGER
ooperatives are different the future, but one thing seems from other businesses you certain: Government regulations deal with. To tell you the are going to increase the cost of truth, I like being different. doing business. And the fact that you’re reading New regulations won’t be this article shows you like that the only culprit. Prices for fuel, difference, too. materials and equipment will We’re different because we’re Jim Herron continue to rise. Although the looking out for you. Now, more recent economic slump and than ever, that’s important because we corresponding drop in electricity use need to work together to keep your electric provided some much-needed breathing bills affordable. room, soon we will need to build new power Congress did not pass a comprehensive plants, requiring a significant long-term climate bill last year. In January, the U.S. investment of time and money. Environmental Protection Agency began We’re committed to keeping you inregulating greenhouse gases — an action formed about policy changes that will made possible by a 2007 Supreme Court impact your electric bill through channels decision, followed by rulings allowing like Mountain View Electric Association’s the EPA to use the Clean Air Act to curb website and Colorado Country Life carbon emissions. Policies dealing with magazine. We’re going to do everything coal ash, even more stringent controls we can to keep your electric bills affordable. on other power plant emissions and state To accomplish that, we’re controlling renewable energy requirements could also costs through innovation. Our energy lead to higher costs. It’s hard to predict efficiency programs, like Energy Efficiency
Credits, help you manage your energy use. Our website, shows how little changes, such as sealing your air ducts, replacing old appliances, or improving your home’s insulation can add up to big savings on your electric bill. Deploying state-of-the-art solutions, like our automated meter infrastructure system, helps us control operating costs and improve service reliability. Nationally, cooperatives are meeting members’ power needs with a diverse fuel mix, including renewable energy. While we’re affordable and innovative, above all else we’re member focused. No matter what comes our way we’ll continue to put you, our members, first. MVEA is member controlled and locally operated. As a member, you have a voice in how your co-op operates. At our annual meeting each year, you have the opportunity to elect fellow members to our board of directors to represent your best interests. Don’t miss our next meeting on June 9 in Calhan. Member control means we are accountable to those we serve and are dedicated to assisting our communities — your money stays at work close to home. Costs are rising for all of us, but when it comes to your electric bill our rates are set simply to cover the cost of doing business, not to generate profits for distant stockholders. In fact, as a not-for-profit organization we give money back to you when our revenues exceed costs. I’m proud to report that in 2010 we returned more than $3.4 million to our members in the form of capital credits The bottom line? We exist only to serve you and meet your needs for safe, reliable and affordable power. As you can see, we’re different. We’re working together to keep your electric bills affordable. We’re controlling costs through innovation. And we’re continuing to put you, our members, first. No matter what the future brings, one thing is certain. We’re Looking Out for You. MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 7
MVEA Essay Winner Goes to Leadership Camp
ach fall, MVEA has an essay contest for high school juniors whose parents or guardians receive service from our cooperative. In the last issue you met Laura Malcom, our first place winner, who will be traveling to Washington, D.C., this June for the NRECA Youth Tour. Our second place winner is Megan Cummings, a junior at Limon High School and the daughter of Warren and Judith Cummings of Limon. At school, Megan is on the Knowledge Bowl team, on the speech team and a member of the Friends of Rachel organization. In the fall she plays softball and in the spring she is on the golf team. Megan also participates in a fourth grade mentoring program called “I On Health.” In July, Megan will be attending the Colorado Electric Educational Institute’s Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp near Steamboat
Springs. During the week, she will participate in leadership and team building seminars and legislative simulations and help start and run a camp cooperative. But there are also a lot of social activities during the week, including dances, barbecues, volleyball games and exploring the beautiful Steamboat Springs area. Following is Megan’s winning Megan Cummings essay. Congratulations.
enewable energ y provides hope for a more resourceful and environmentally friendly means of powering the lives of today’s society. Wind turbines and solar panels are, one could say, the future of energy production. However, the efficient and cost-effective storing of the previously mentioned energy is a challenge in and of itself. Various innovations in energy storage, such as batteries, the flywheel and liquid salt, have been developed with modern technology, although each has its own advantages and drawbacks. By exploring these new advancements, it is possible to see their effect on the future of renewable energy. Batteries used for storing renewable energy are, at this time, far too expensive to be considered practical. Lead acid batteries work well and for an extended amount of time, but few can afford them. Still, they do provide improvement in the quality and reliability of electricity. Reliability is the most important aspect to the battery. Renewable energy is fickle. Because it is generated from naturally occurring forces, such as wind and sunlight, it can only be produced when the wind blows and the sun shines. On
8 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
calm, cloudy days, consumers require electricity that has already been collected and stored. For this purpose, a battery would seem to be a logical option were it not for its price inefficiency. Another form of technology, the flywheel, is also available. Flywheels continue to improve in efficiency. This particular storage device utilizes an internal rotor to maintain rotational energy. Not only do they use absolutely no fossil fuel, but they also do not release any amount of carbon dioxide. The flywheel is the next step in balancing the supply and demand for electricity. Unlike some power storing devices, the flywheel also returns 85 percent of the energy that is
put into it. The flywheel appears to be the ideal in energy storage, but it is still in development. Substances like liquid salt can also be used for the collection of energy. Liquid salt is a new innovation in the storage of thermal power. In the process of storing thermal energy through extremely high temperatures, liquid salt loses only about 1 percent of the energy. This particular method, therefore, is able to maintain power for long periods of time. It is, in addition, ecologically sound. The salt is non-toxic. There are numerous new storage technologies that one can research thoroughly. Nevertheless, the solution is rather simple. The only way in which energy storage and renewable energy can complement one another is through balance. Renewable energy cannot be stockpiled like piles of coal, oil tanks or hydroelectric dams. Also, it can only be generated when nature cooperates. I don’t believe it is a good idea to rely on nature’s whims for the energy that people use every single day. Hence, we have the need to find a cost-effective, efficient way for storing renewable energy. The balance between energy generation and storage, then, is essential to the future of both.
t the Annual Meeting on June 9, 2011, in Calhan, two directors will be elected to the Mountain View Electric Association Board of Directors from the following districts: District 2 Simla, Matheson and a portion of the surrounding areas (incumbent Rick Gordon) District 7 Monument, Woodmoor and a portion of the surrounding areas (incumbent Donna Andersen-Van Ness)
The procedure for director elections and member voting is available on MVEA’s website at If you are interested in being a candidate, please contact a member of the nominating committee. A candidate must be an MVEA member and reside in the district where there is a vacancy. Before applying, please contact either MVEA office at 719-775-2861 or 719-495-2283 to verify your district. A member may also petition for nomination. Petitions and procedures are available at 1655 5th St., Limon; 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon; or online at Petitions must be signed by 15 members of MVEA and returned to either MVEA office by 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 25, 2011. A candidate questionnaire must be completed for either the verbal nomination or the petition. This application can be found on MVEA’s website or you may pick one up at either office. If you have questions, please contact a member of the nominating committee. Candidate questionnaires must be received at either office or by the nominating committee by 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 21, 2011, for the committee’s consideration. If you are petitioning for nomination, the candidate questionnaire must be submitted with your petition no later than 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 25, 2011.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE District 2 Allan Moore 13217 County Road 141 Simla, CO 80835 719-541-2180
District 7 Edward McGuire 4810 Abo Lane Monument, CO 80132 719-481-9377
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 9
omfort food is what most of us are going for this winter with all the frigid weather, so here is something that will definitely fit the bill. Karen Logan of Falcon shared her favorite meat loaf recipe with us this month. Karen writes, “This is one of our family’s favorite recipes. My mom always made it when I was growing up.” Thank you, Karen, for sharing with us.
Fresh and dried oregano
SHARE YOUR RECIPES If you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it to: MVEA, Attn: Sarah Schaefer, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831. You will receive a $10 credit on your bill the month your recipe is published.
Sicilian Meat Loaf 1/2 cup V8 juice 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese 1/2 teaspoon oregano 2 eggs
1 cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons parsley flakes 1 clove garlic, minced 2 pounds hamburger 8 thin slices ham Mix all ingredients in a large bowl except the beef, ham and cheese. After mixing, add the beef, mix well and then roll the mixture out into a 14- by16-inch rectangle. Place the ham slices over the top and then sprinkle the cheese over the ham, leaving a border around the edges. Roll meat up and place on a cookie sheet, seam side down. Seal the ends and pat the meat roll to check for any holes in the beef. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving so the cheese will not leak out.
t seems unbelievable, but it is once again time for MVEA’s Photo Calendar Contest. This the eighth year and the calendar has just gotten better and better. Last year’s photos were incredible. MVEA invites you to send in your photos taken within MVEA’s territory and reflecting the seasons, people, lifestyle or landscape of the area. The winners will be included in the 2012 calendar. Please read the following guidelines carefully. The deadline for entry is July 1, 2011. If you have questions, please call the member service specialist at 719-494-2670 or 719-775-2861. 1. Only MVEA members, directors, employees and their family members are eligible. 2. Photos will not be accepted without a completed entry form. Cut out the form to the right and submit with photo or go online to, click on “Community” and then “Photo Calendar Contest.” Duplicate form if necessary. 3. Only two photos per person will be accepted. Submit a separate entry form for each photograph. 4. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION ON THE PHOTOGRAPH. 5. Prints, CDs or disks will be accepted. It is not necessary to send enlargements. See note to digital camera users below. 6. Photos must have horizontal or landscape orientation. 7. DO NOT SUBMIT ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF MVEA AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED. NO EXCEPTIONS. 8. Deadline: July 1, 2011. Mail to: Mountain View Electric Association, Member Service Specialist, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831. Note to digital camera users: Resolution of digital photos printed on home printers is usually too low for commercial printing. If you submit a digital photo, be sure that you retain the original, untouched digital photograph, which would have to be submitted if your photo is chosen for publication. Resolution also needs to be at least 300 dpi.
10 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
2011 MVEA Photo Calendar Contest Name:_______________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________ City, State, ZIP:________________________________________ Home Phone:_ ________________________________________ Work Phone:__________________________________________ MVEA Account Number:_ ________________________________ Email Address:_ _______________________________________ Describe Your Entry:_ ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Limit two entries per person. Send a completed form with each entry. Deadline is July 1, 2011. Copy or photocopy form for additional entries. Mail to: MVEA, Member Service Specialist, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831.
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 11
or those looking for energy information, the search has gotten easier thanks to a couple of new websites from the federal government. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is a great place to research energy facts, statistics and long-term trends. Its redesigned website at includes lots of new features and is easier to use. The website opens with a graphic that scrolls through the latest energy news, the most recent energy report and upcoming energy-related events. The home page also includes “Today in Energy,” which focuses on timely energy topics and issues with interactive charts and connections to more information. Another updated website has been launched by the U.S. Department of Energy at This site is designed to guide different types of users through different pages. Click through as a consumer and you’ll see information on how to weatherize your home and how to be more energy efficient. Click through as a business and you’ll find information on rebates and tax credits, as well as loan programs. There are also pages for educators, students, researchers and energy department employees. Wanting to keep current with all of
this information? Sign up to follow the DOE’s energy blog at gov. Or you can stay connected through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Flickr, launching your connection through the website. You can also follow Energy Secretary Steven Chu on Facebook at stevenchu. Int er e s t e d i n energy news closer to home? Click on the drop-down menu on the right side of the DOE home page and click through to Colorado or to the DOE’s Golden Field Office or the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden. There you’ll find information on programs specific to Colorado. Want information even closer to home? Visit and click on Colorado Co-ops. Click on either Electric Co-ops or the map and then migrate through to your local electric cooperative.
Electric Co-ops Lead in the Use of Smart Meters
lectric co-ops are maintaining their utility industry leadership in the adoption of advanced metering infrastructure, also known as smart meters. Nearly 25 percent of all co-op meters can be classified as advanced meters, according to the latest survey conducted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. At the same time, only about 8.7 percent of the U.S. market in general has these smart meters, according to the 2010 edition of FERC’s Assessment of Demand-Response and Advanced Metering. The percentages are higher at 13 percent in the upper Midwest, the West and in Texas. Co-ops are also doing well when it comes to demand-response. (Demand-response is a system that manages consumers’ electricity use to keep usage down, especially during times of peak
12 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
demand.) Electric co-ops offer time-of-use rates that encourage and reward demandresponse activities in every region of the country. And while electric co-op members account for just 10 percent of the nation’s electric consumers, they make up about 22 percent of those enrolled in demandresponse programs. “This survey shows that co-ops don’t need to be regulated by the government in order to strongly participate in programs such as advance metering and demand-response,” said Rich Meyer of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. “Self-regulated consumerrun businesses like electric co-ops will do what is best for their consumer-members without being compelled to do so by the government.
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 13
Driveway Revolution Electric cars show promise, but research still needed before they are cost effective BY BRIAN SLOBODA AND ANDREW COTTER, COOPERATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK
Electrification of America’s automobile fleet has been Charging stations provide a dedicated 240volt circuit, similar to that used for electric clothes dryers. Using this type of a station, the all-electric Nissan Leaf can be charged in four hours while the 2011 Chevy Volt, pictured, can be ready to hit the highway in as little as three hours.
hailed as a great step forward in reducing pollution and curbing our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of oil. However, when it comes to all-electric vehicles, choices are currently limited to the Chevrolet Volt, the Nissan Leaf and a growing number of specialty manufacturers or retrofit kits. Other automakers, though, have electric car offerings in the wings.
2011 Chevy Volt
Comparing cars Not all electric vehicles are alike. The Nissan Leaf, for example, boasts a driving range of roughly 100 miles. Once its 16-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion batteries are drained, you better be at your destination and near a 110-volt power outlet for recharging or have the phone number for roadside assistance handy. The Chevy Volt offers a gasoline safety net for its pack of 16-kWh lithium-ion batteries. The car will run on a charge for 40 miles. Once the batteries are exhausted, a gasoline-powered generator produces electricity to keep the car rolling — at least until you run out of gas. The Volt can also be recharged by plugging it in to a traditional 110-volt outlet. This differs from traditional gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles like the Toyota Prius where much smaller 1.3-kWh 14 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
ing to Edmunds Car Buying Guide (, Level 2 charging for the all-electric Leaf takes four hours while the Volt can be ready to hit the highway in as little as three hours. Today’s charging standards allow for power delivery of up to 16.8 kilowatts delivered at 240 volts and up to 70 amperes. The Volt’s Level 1 charging at 1.4 kilowatts is roughly equivalent to the load of a toaster; its Level 2 charging, estimated to be 3.5 kilowatts, is similar to the load of a heating and air conditioning system. Heavier-duty charging stations, like the ChargePoint from Coulomb Technologies, draw about 7 kilowatts. Charging stations must be installed by a licensed technician, and in many areas of the country the work requires review by a local building inspector. Chevy estimates putting in a charging station will usually run between $1,200 to $1,500. But the tab can go much higher, especially if a household’s electric system needs upgrading to handle the increased load. 2011 Nissan Leaf
nickel-metal hydride batteries are recharged only by the gasoline engine and a regenerative braking system (in hybrids, batteries essentially supplement the gasoline motor). Several electric co-ops are testing plug-in hybrid SUVs and bucket trucks — spin-offs of hybrid technology — that can switch between a gasoline or diesel engine and 9-kWh to 16-kWh lithium-ion batteries. All-electric vehicles carry higher price tags than comparable conventional gas-fueled versions — typically $10,000 to $15,000 more, even after federal tax incentives of $2,500 to $7,500 (depending on battery capacity) are included. Over time, batteries should become cheaper to build, lowering electric vehicle costs. As a quick comparison, we examined the traditional, gasolinepowered 2011 Ford Focus (manufacturer’s suggested retail price $16,640) and the electric Chevy Volt with is gasoline back-up system ($32,780 after tax credits). Both are four-door sedans roughly the same size. Chevy estimates the average Volt driver will spend $1.50 per day for electricity. Meanwhile, the average Focus owner will spend almost $2.90 on gasoline daily. At $3 per gallon for gas, the average Volt driver would save $550 annually — but would need to rack up that amount for 32 years to equal the difference in sticker price. However, if gas rose to $5 per gallon, a Volt driver would save more than $1,200 annually, lowering the payback window to 13 years. Of course, actual savings depend on the number of miles driven and car options. Charge those cars Electric cars can be recharged using a traditional 110-volt outlet found in homes. Under this method, referred to as Level 1 charging, it takes at least eight hours to charge a Volt and more than 20 hours for a Leaf. Since those are long standby times, consumers may decide to purchase a charging station to speed things along. A charging station enables Level 2 charging by way of a dedicated 240-volt circuit, similar to that used for electric clothes dryers. AccordWWW.COLORADOCOUNTRYLIFE.COOP
Positive impact expected Studies by the Electric Power Research Institute, a nonprofit research consortium made up of electric utilities, including electric cooperatives, headquartered in Palo Alto, California, show electric vehicles will reduce overall emissions of various air pollutants, even when taking into account emissions from power plants needed to generate the energy for recharging. In fact, plugging in cars at night when power costs and demand are at their lowest actually helps an electric system run more efficiently by trimming line losses. At least one Colorado electric co-op is looking at offering special rates to encourage electric vehicle owners to recharge during these “off-peak” hours. Currently, electric vehicles are being released on a limited basis. Chevy plans to roll out only 50,000 Volts in this, the first model year. It won’t be until 2012, at the earliest, that individuals will be able to go to dealerships to purchase an all-electric vehicle without first getting on a waiting list. Whether an electric vehicle fits your lifestyle depends on a few questions: • How many miles do you drive every day? • Can you afford the cost difference between an electric and gas-burning car? • How many amenities do you want your vehicle to have? Only time will tell if the peaceful and quiet ignition of an electric car will replace the traditional engine’s roar. Brian Sloboda is a program manager specializing in energy efficiency for the Cooperative Research Network, a service arm of the Arlington, Virginia-based National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Andrew Cotter is a also a CRN program manager.
Learn more about electric vehicle tax breaks, available through January 1, 2012, at
MARCH 2011
Colorado Country Life 15
A parade of headlamps line the valley floor as the one of a kind Elk Mountains Grand Traverse backcountry race begins at midnight.
16 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
The Grand Traverse takes backcountry skiers from Crested Butte to Aspen through dark, cold and snow.
It takes major chutzpah to compete in the Elk Mountains Grand Traverse, a high-intensity race across rugged terrain from Crested Butte to Aspen. But it seems many people think they have what it takes, making the Traverse one of the most sought-for backcountry ski races in the country.
“The Grand Traverse is not a Nordic or downhill race, but instead tests skiers’ overall skills and goes from town to town, covering 40 miles of rugged trails in the Elk Mountains,” says race organizer Jan Runge. “When the Grand Traverse began 14 years ago, it was fashioned after similar events in Europe that connect various villages.” Jan was one of the people who helped dream up the concept of the Grand Traverse and has been at its helm ever since. Last year, for the second time in the race’s history, the start time was delayed until 6 a.m. by more than a foot of new snow and a wind chill of 40 below on the high traverses. Along with the start time, the course itself was altered to become the “Grand Reverse,” following a course up to the Friends Hut and back and finishing in Mt. Crested Butte instead of Aspen. The distance was still approximately 38 miles including the vertical 7,000 feet, which is comparable to the usual course, but the [continued on page 18]
egistration for the March 25-26 event sold out online this year within 30 minutes, queuing up approximately 135 teams of two who will follow historic mail routes connecting the former mining towns. Kicking off at the stroke of midnight on March 25, the Grand Traverse is a one-of-a-kind test of endurance and smarts, requiring avalanche awareness, backcountry athleticism, winter camping knowledge and map reading skills all wrapped in one two-person team package. The unusual start time is scheduled so that entrants will reach the high point of Star Pass at 12,303 feet before the warmth of the day increases the likelihood of avalanches. The 40-mile course starts at nearly 9,000 feet at Crested Butte Community School after racers wearing headlamps are blessed by local minister Tim Clark. The first leg of the journey takes the competitors to Crested Butte Mountain Resort, where cheering crowds, torches and a fireworks display speed them on their way as they pass through the base area. After conquering two mountain passes, the teams finish at the base of Aspen Mountain ski area on March 26. Elliot Larson, frosty and determined, pushes to finish the Grand Traverse.
Racers on Richmond Hill use bungie cords to draft the stronger racer in the two person team during a portion of the Grand Traverse.
MARCH 2011
Colorado Country Life 17
First place co-ed finishers (2009) Grethe Haggenson and Andrew Kastings know that waxing skis correctly is critical to a strong race.
Backcountry ski racer Rob Fessenden competes in the Grand Traverse.
[continued from page 17] finish times were 1.5 to 3 hours faster than usual. “It was kind of a letdown, but the organizers need to keep people alive so we can keep doing this race,” says Janelle Smiley, a six-time competitor who won the co-ed division with her husband, Mark, in 2010. There have been a handful of fair weather races, but they are a rarity. “I remember having lounge chairs on Taylor Pass, but for the most part it has been a nasty race weather-wise,” says Bob Wojtalik, a longtime emergency medical technician and volunteer firefighter who was one of the original founders of the race. He oversees the Taylor Pass to Aspen portion of the route. The race was initially created as a fundraiser for the Crested Butte Nordic Center but now benefits a variety of charities. “The organizing body that had the gall to put a race like this together in 1997 was pretty ambitious,” stresses 2010 Grand Traverse winner Bryan Wickenhauser, who was teamed up with fellow Gunnisonite Brian Smith, a two-time champion. They might have had gall, but the founders of the race were not newcomers to the route. Chris “Buck” Myall was guiding the route for Crested Butte Mountain Resort ski area’s former guide service, taking clients on three- to four-day adventures. “The Friends Hut had just been built,” he recalls. “I probably had the most time of any of us on the route.”
Traverse easy in the least. You have to be tough even to make it to the end. For many of the competitors, staying fit and working out in the backcountry is a way of life. “I’m always going to Aspen via the mountains — skiing, hiking, running and biking — so the Grand Traverse is not shocking to the system,” Wickenhauser notes. “The people who compete in the men’s, women’s and co-ed divisions are the best of the best from Crested Butte, Gunnison, Aspen and the Front Range,” says Runge. “Ninety percent are from Colorado, but we are getting more and more from Jackson Hole, Utah and bigger ski areas. We thought there would be a lot of Europeans participating, but they have a hard time handling the elevation.” Five-time Traverse champion Mike Kloser of Vail, who like Wickenhauser has participated in adventure races all over the world, says he started competing in the event approximately 10 years ago as it was the closest thing to a real true adventure race, and loved the racing-throughthe-night aspect of the event. He’s had his share of interesting happenings and intense battles over the years, with a few of them coming down to the wire. Wickenhauser especially remembers 2003, which has become known as the “frostbite year,” when he saw many top competitors need to stop and go into the Friends Hut to warm up. Four years ago
18 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
Runge also has skied every inch of that country and remembers biking the route in the summer of 1997 to scope it out. The race founders were not the first to connect Crested Butte and Aspen by their route, either. In the Friends Hut, there are articles posted on the walls that talk about the old mail route that followed almost the same path, including one by a man who shared his great-grandfather’s diary entries. After arriving in Crested Butte from Illinois in the 1880s, this great-grandfather hired one of the skiing mailmen, Fred Johnson, to take him to the mining camp over the hill (aka Aspen) where he could set up a hardware store. The route they took was the same as the Grand Traverse, except for their alternate path over Pearl Pass to Ashcroft. “This guy had never skied before, had a big pack of hardware, goes over Pearl Pass and straight-lines down the other side into Aspen,” says Myall. “That embraces the whole spirit of our event.” The Western State College Nordic ski team began traversing a 28-mile course in the 1950s led by legendary coach Sven Wiik. A recent article in The Aspen Times described the route as going over East Maroon Pass, down Conundrum Creek and through East Maroon Creek, taking anywhere from 9.5 hours to 17.5 hours. It may have been around for a while, but that doesn’t make the route of the Grand
also stands out because he and teammate Eric Sullivan had a 17-minute lead and ran straight into a ground blizzard. “For me, it was scarier than the frostbite year because it was a life-threatening scenario,” he says. Because of the remote route through the Elk Mountains, each team is required to carry enough food and supplies to sustain themselves for 24 hours. Before the race starts, a team’s packs are checked for essential gear, such as bivovac sacks, a stove, fuel, avalanche beacons, rescue gear and first-aid and repair kits. Carrying a compass also is advisable in case global positioning systems are inoperable due to whiteouts. It’s not unusual for 20 to 35 teams to get turned back because they are ill-prepared, a team member doesn’t feel well or checkpoints are not reached in time, especially during bad weather. Racers have to reach the Friends Hut by 7 a.m. and be at the top of Star Pass by 8 a.m. in order to continue the race. Five-time Grand Traverse champion Mike Kloser has posted tips on his website, “In a lot of people’s minds, the Grand Traverse is one of the most iconic ski events happening in Colorado,” Bryan Wickenhauser, 2010 Champion says. “It is starting to develop the ‘iconic-ness’ that the Leadville 100 bike race has in the summer.” Protection from frostbite is essential; the windchill on Taylor Pass can be extreme.
The winners do not receive big prize money, just bragging rights, trophies made by Crested Butte students and artists and gear from race sponsors. “There are no cameras, hype or big dollars; it’s an old-fashioned ski race,” Myall says, Though old-fashioned in spirit, the race still requires a high level of organization and preparation. Not only do race organizers manage 120 volunteers, they work with two counties, two communities, two forest services and two ski areas to make the race happen, in addition to dealing with avalanche and weather danger. “It’s a big undertaking,” Runge emphasizes. “Just the fact that we’ve kept everyone safe through adverse conditions, that’s the most important.” Myall, a meteorologist by trade and snow safety supervisor for Crested Butte Mountain Resort, flies over the route early in the snow season to view possible avalanche paths. In early February, he takes a four-day trip to do a baseline reading and heads out for a week to 10 days before the race to ski around the route. “It’s a really unique forecast challenge, having very few of the tools ski areas and guide services use,” he says. “I can’t think of a better way to apply my knowledge.” Search and rescue professionals, ski patrol and emergency medical technicians also pitch in to help, as do other locals who help break trail, sweep every section of the route and handle various other duties. Pilots assist by air-dropping supplies. Strong competitors, rugged terrain, hundreds of volunteers and historical depth make the Elk Mountains Grand Traverse one of the most exciting and difficult endurance events in the nation. As Jan Runge confirms, the race “has always lived up to its legacy,” a legacy that continues with yet another amazing competition this March.
Beth Buehler, a writer and editor based in Crested Butte, enjoys skiing and hiking the backcountry but won’t be doing the Grand Traverse!
• 1998 — Travis Moore and Pierre Wille of Aspen won the race, arriving at the finish line at 8:30 a.m. Fifty teams of two competed this first year, a limit set by organizers. • 1999 — Jim Faust and Pat O’Neill of Crested Butte won, arriving at 6:52 a.m. There was 30 inches of new snow, so the course was shortened and was known as the “Grand Reverse.” • 2000 —Faust and O’Neill won again in whiteout conditions. The start was delayed three hours and the finish came eight hours and 32 minutes later. • 2001 — Geo Bullock and Dave Penney of Crested Butte clinched the victory, with the race now featuring 100 teams. • 2002 — Bullock and Penney won again, nailing the fastest Grand Traverse finish to date. • 2003 — Mike Kloser and Dan Weiland of Vail led the pack through a cold night with temperatures at -2 F at the Friends Hut at 2 a.m. Frostbite was a problem. Faust and O’Neill lost the race due to a “slide for life” off Star Pass. A third of the contenders slid on their behinds, perhaps 1,000 feet below the usual course route. • 2004 — Faust and O’Neill returned to their winning ways. With icy conditions, many skiers slid off Star Pass. Early spring melt also required racers to wade across the East River, some up to their waists and others grabbed from the water by volunteers. • 2005 — Kloser and Weiland brought home the title. The race was made memorable because of high winds. By now, the race quota of 125 teams fills very quickly. • 2006 — Brian Smith and Jon Brown of Gunnison win this year’s competition, known as the “Mike Martin Memorial Race,” in the closest finish ever. Martin had been race organizer with Jan Runge since 1998 and died in a plane crash around New Year’s. • 2007 — There was a total whiteout on top of Star and Taylor passes. This was the first year that the lead competitors skied on lightweight alpine touring gear. Kloser and Stephen White took first overall. • 2008 — The three front groups lead the pack off course into a cliff area above the route near 12,303 feet at Star Pass. The teams work together to safely find the correct route, later dealing with 30 mph winds and -20 degrees on Richmond Ridge and a sprint to the finish with Kloser and Jay Henry claiming victory. • 2009 — Kloser and Henry came out on top again after breaking trail for miles and getting disoriented. Volunteers at the Taylor checkpoint spent a very long night in a howling blizzard. • 2010 — It was the second time the Grand Traverse turned into the Grand Reverse, with Brian Smith and Bryan Wickenhauser of Gunnison victorious. Extremely high winds and a low wind-chill factor forced a 6 a.m. start and an impromptu 36-mile race route to the Friends Hut and back to Mt. Crested Butte for the finish. Go to for more
MARCH 2011
Colorado Country Life 19
Gardening With an Edge Selecting color, type, placement of edging affects the look of your plantings
Metal edging Metal edging is my favorite for keeping turf grass where it belongs and generally looking tidy. It comes in brown and green to blend in with its location, as well as in smaller curved pieces that can be useful around tree wells. Unless cutting steel doesn’t intimidate you, you can let the lengths of edging dictate the size and shape of the bed you’re edging. It comes in 10-foot sections, so making the curve of a bed more or less dramatic according to how much edging you have is often the name of the game. Some people see this as a drawback, but it has never bothered me. Bender board Made from recycled plastic, bender board edging is more easily cut to size and can be handy in areas where there is a grade change. I often see it installed poorly, in which case it quickly becomes an eyesore. The pieces don’t match up and end up leaning over, really just kind of lying on the surface of the ground. It is more expensive than metal but more popular because it does not have the same sharp, potentially injurious edge as metal edging. For garden beds frequently explored by children and animals, bender board can be the safer option. Brick or pavers In my opinion, brick border have too formal a look for the many Colorado gardens that try to have a more natural, blending-withthe-surroundings feel. And if that’s not the case at your home, I discourage its use bordering lawns because grass always seems to get in between the cracks and makes its way into the garden beds anyway.
20 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
Edging functions in the garden to keep two different materials from mixing or, in this case, one from growing into the other. It dramatically reduces the need for weeding. Photo credit Genevieve Schmidt
Which beds to edge You might be wondering why you should bother with edging and which beds in your landscaping even need it. Good questions. Edging fights the good fight of keeping grass from taking over your garden beds. When installed so that the top edge is flush with the soil surface, it is a great step toward a lower maintenance garden. Now, if your beds are situated in a place where separation from a vigorously growing plant is not necessary, then there may be no point in edging those beds. That said, edging does have the ability to keep mulch within its borders as well and can be helpful even when there is no threat of impending grass.
Photo credit Genevieve Schmidt
dging is a material that keeps two different ground covers separate in a garden landscape. It is most often used to keep grass from encroaching from a lawn into a garden bed or to keep two types of mulches from mixing. Edging may, on the surface, seem a simple topic, but like so much in the gardening world, there is more here than meets the eye. From color to type, there’s a lot of options when it comes to choosing an edging that, well, doesn’t meet the eye in a bad way.
Since snow covers my area’s gardens and edging at this time of year, my colleague contributed this photo of a lovely north coast California garden she designed. It nicely demonstrates bender board edging and how, with the proper application, edging serves a function without drawing unnecessary attention to itself.
Stone Stone borders have similar grass problems. I most often see round cobble used as edging, usually, it seems, because the resident has a lot of it on the property and felt inclined to do something useful with it. I challenge the “useful” part of this notion, in a lawn setting anyway. Natural, yes, but I find it quite messy looking. If you look around, you’ll find additional edging options. Find the one that works for you and your garden, the one that complements your plantings, that doesn’t detract from all of your gardening efforts. The edging around your garden should add that finishing touch. I interviewed Tom Bridge, owner of Durango Nursery and Supply. His opinion and experience helped inform this article. See www. for the video of the interview. Eve Gilmore is a garden coach, consultant and designer with Gardens by Eve, LLC, in Durango. Read her blog at
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 21
Catch the Ba-a-ah Yum Bug There’s nothing humbug about delicious lamb BY LINH TRUONG
ooking for something different for a special meal? Look for cuts of fresh lamb that’s been raised in Colorado and make your Easter and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations special. Need new ways to serve lamb? Visit to find more recipes, tips and wine pairings.
Grilled Colorado Lamb Lollipops and Twice-Baked Colorado Russet Potatoes Twice-baked Colorado russet potatoes 4 to 6 large Colorado russet baking potatoes (10 to 12 ounces each) 1/4 cup butter, softened 1 tablespoon minced chives Salt and pepper, to taste 1 cup asparagus, steamed and chopped Lamb lollipops 2 racks Colorado lamb, trimmed of excess fat and frenched (about 2 pounds) 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon chopped rosemary Salt and cracked pepper, to taste Yogurt dipping sauce 1 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped Start this meal with the twice-baked potatoes. Pierce tops of the potatoes several times. Roast them at 400 degrees until center is tender when pierced with a fork, approximately 70 to 90 minutes. Remove from oven; cool potatoes for 10 minutes. While waiting, cut the racks of lamb into chops with one bone per chop. Place each chop between two sheets of plastic wrap. Using the heel of your hand or a wooden mallet, gently pound each chop until it is approximately doubled in size. Rub the rib chops with oil and rosemary and season with salt and cracked pepper. Loosely cover the bones with aluminum foil to prevent them from scorching, then cover the entire chop. Allow lamb to sit covered at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes prior to grilling. Meanwhile, make the yogurt dipping sauce by combining yogurt and mint in a small mixing bowl. Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and allow flavors to blend for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Go back to the potatoes and cut a thin slice from the top of each one. With a small spoon, scrape the center into a large mixing bowl, being careful to not tear the “bowl” of the potato. Combine the potato flesh, butter, chives and salt and pepper to taste until incorporated. Gently fold in the chopped asparagus.
22 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
What is lamb?
Lamb in grocery stores is 5-to-12-month-old sheep. Unlike the mutton of old, the flavor is quite mild, especially if it’s domestically raised lamb. Most locally raised lamb is grain-fed while imported lamb tends to have been raised on grasses, producing a slightly stronger-flavored meat.
Refill each of the potato shells with this mixture and wrap each potato in aluminum foil. Set the potatoes on the side of the grill to keep warm. Uncover lamb lollipops and place on grill for approximately 3 minutes per side. Meat should be no more than 160 degrees for medium to medium rare lamb. Serve immediately with potatoes and dipping sauce.
F or more lamb recipes, visit our website at Click on Recipes.
MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 23
The Lure of Collecting Friendships, connections are part of the fun BY DENNIS SMITH
couple of fly fishermen I know are fond of bragging that they have more than 2,000 trout flies. “Pfffft!” I tell them. “That’s nothing; I know a walleye fisherman who’s got 5,000 crank baits. So there.” They look at me like I’ve got three heads. To be fair, 2,000 trout f lies is kind of a big deal, but trout f lies Jim Byrne shows off this unique collection of Rapala Magnum crankbaits obtained for him by an Internet friend in Italy. weigh about as much as a handful of cigar smoke and take up in collecting them really peaked. The Net less space than a cheese doodle. Midge enabled him to acquire unique pieces from patterns are smaller than a grain of rice. Rapala collectors around the world. And You could probably display several thousand it put him in touch with others who share of them in a couple of shadow boxes. his interest. Wooden crank baits, on the other hand, Wolfgang Erl, a scientist and fellow colcan be as big around as a hot dog, longer lector from Hagelstadt, Germany, trades than a hand-rolled Cuban and weigh up to European editions of Rapalas to Byrne several ounces. It could take an entire wing in exchange for trout f lies and angling of your house to display 5,000 of them. books by Colorado fly tiers and authors. An That, of course, is beside the point. The Italian collector sent him a distinctive colvalue of either is subject to the whims of lection of Rapala Magnums mounted on the owner but is generally based on age, a framed display board. An autographed authenticity, scarcity and condition. While Shad Rap came from Rapala designer and new trout flies retail for a buck or two and pro staff angler Jan Eggers of the Nethercrank baits three times that, rare or exotic lands and Byrne chats online with Jarmo collectibles in each category could put a Rapala, grandson of founder Lauri Rapala serious dent in your checkbook balance. whose legendary handmade lures launched Just a few years back, a 1903 Heddon the largest crank bait manufacturing and underwater minnow crank bait sold for distribution company in the world. more than $50,000 at auction. Its original Byrne also trades regularly with Jason box would fetch $1,000 or more. Bertlow of J’s Rapala store on eBay. Some collectors approach lure collect- Friends he’s met on www.rapalanation. ing strictly from an investor’s point of com, a central gathering place for internaview, while others are in it for the thrill of tional Rapala collectors, are also trading the hunt and the satisfaction of owning a partners. unique piece of angling history. Loveland For Byrne, collecting his more than walleye angler Jim Byrne, who has col- 5,000 lures has brought other benefits. lected those 5,000 crank baits, loves the “Some (lures) might be worth a couple of whole process. hundred dollars,” he said recently, “but He has been fishing Finnish-made the friends I’ve made along the way are Rapala crank baits almost exclusively since far more precious.” he was a young boy in Rhode Island in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until high-speed Share this column with others by directing Internet service came to his Loveland them to Click on Outdoors. neighborhood in 2000 that his interest
24 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011
EFFICIENT COMFORT Options create welcoming warm home BY JAMES DULLEY
Kim Price, La Plata Electric member, is the winner of last month’s contest movie night.
ow can both livability and energy efficiency be considered when building or remodeling a home?
Win prizes on Facebook in March
We will be giving away tubes of Pain Wizard (see page 30) and more on Facebook during March.
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The typical “to code” stick-built house is often not as energy efficient as it could be, but this does not necessarily mean all stickbuilt homes are inefficient. With abovecode insulation, high-quality windows and doors and attention to construction details, a typical lumber-framed house can be energy efficient. There are also several new construction methods and materials that are more efficient. These include geodesic domes, steel framing, foam block and concrete, structural insulated panels and post-andbeam houses. A round house is energy efficient because a circle provides the greatest amount of indoor floor space with the least amount of exterior wall surface area. Since heat loss (or gain) from a house is related to wall surface area, less wall area results in less potential loss. Another option is a steel-framed building. Since the steel members replace the lumber in the walls, these houses can look identical to a standard stick-built house. The only difference is the walls may be thicker, which is only noticeable at the window and door openings. Foam block houses are assembled much like hollow Lego pieces. The lightweight foam blocks are stacked to create the walls. Concrete is then pumped into the top of the wall where it f lows throughout the hollows in the wall. When it sets the wall is extremely strong. SIP are strong panels with thick insulating foam in the center. They are also called stress skin panels because the interior and exterior skins provide the structural strength for the house. There are many options. An energyefficient home can also be an inviting, welcoming, home sweet home.
F or more information on these building methods, visit and click on Energy Tips. MARCH 2011 Colorado
Country Life 25
Advertise in MarketPlace and everyone will know your business. Call Kris at 303-902-7276
Get your cowboy a book Buy him a book about the Wild West.
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MARCH 2011
Colorado Country Life 27
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CLOCK REPAIR & RESTORATION DURANGO AREA. CLOCKS of all kinds repaired. Antique and modern. Call Robert 970-2477729. (109-03-11)
DIET FOOD DISCOUNT DIET FOOD. Highest quality, lowest prices. Our plan or yours. (763-06-11)
EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Commercial weed and fire spray equipment. 307-6608563 or visit us at www. oldwyomingbrandcompany. com (949-08-11)
FARM MACHINERY & PARTS SAWMILL EXCHANGE: North America’s largest source of used portable sawmills and commercial equipment for woodlot owners and sawmill operations. Over 800 listings. THE place to sell equipment. 800-459-2148 www.saw (267-03-11)
FINANCIAL SERVICES Great rates on mobile/ modular home insurance, auto, motorcycle. Colorado licensed agent. Dennis 719-641-6713 (905-05-11)
FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY CATTLEPENS. portable or permanent; 32x45 working pen w/ 16’ crowding tub, $3,015. Call Kenneth 580876-3699, www.cccattle (882-05-11) WORK CLOTHES — Good clean rental type, 6 pants and 6 shirts $44.95. Lined work jackets $10.95. Denim Jeans $6.00. Call 1-800-233-1853. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. (610-04-11)
HEALTH AMERICA’S LARGEST naturalremedies encyclopedia. Covers 11,000 inexpensive home remedies, 730 diseases and disorders. 970-946-9706. (94403-11) Radical NEW direction in weight loss. Introducing ThermogenicV3. Increases energy. Enhances mood. Suppresses appetite. NEW! Natural Dietary Supplement. www.voyage2weightloss. com Associate opportunities. (952-04-11)
HELP WANTED $400 WEEKLY ASSEMBLING PRODUCTS FROM HOME. For free information, send SASE: Home Assembly – CC, PO Box 450, New Britain, CT 060500450. EARN $60,000/yr PART-TIME in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background required. Classroom or home study courses available. 800-488-7570. www. (93505-11) WORK AT HOME making $1200-$2000 PT MO. We train! No telemarketing. Log onto or call 970380-2273. (953-03-11)
HOBBIES & CRAFTS AWARD WINNING LONG-ARM QUILTING — reasonable rates, quick turnaround. Karen Niemi, 303-470-9309, http://creative., (846-08-12)
REAL ESTATE 35-ACRE PARCELS, overlooking North Sterling Reservoir, ideal for custom home, exc. hunting, 970-522-4600. (899-06-11) COMMERCIAL LAND I-25 Exit 106, north of Pueblo. 17.5 acres, 1/4 mile frontage on west side of I-25. Great location. Some owner financing. Additional properties available. Call Fran @ ERA Herman Group Real Estate 719-251-4038. (945-04-11) FT. COLLINS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE. 8720 sq. ft. home on 35 acres with lakefront, mtn. views, trees, barns, steel fencing, arena… www. or call John Stegner 970-412-1657 or email (937-04-11) GRAND JUNCTION HORSE FARM, 3130 A 1/2 Rd, 3550+ sq. ft. home on 14 acres. Newly remodeled, new central air, new boiler, new water heater, new roof, half brick ranch w/new vinyl siding. 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, living room, dining room, large kitchen, large family room. New carpet/tile/wood floors. Full horse barn w/indoor stalls & outside runs. All steel fencing, arenas, loafing sheds on large pastures. Additional fencing around home & inground heated pool. RV building (50x28’), two large ponds, etc. Ginny 970-260-9629, Terry 970-261-3001, Gin.5@NetZero. net (946-06-11)
SPINNING, WEAVING, KNITTING, crochet, felting, dyeing, books, patterns, classes. Table Rock Llamas Fiber Arts Studio, 6520 Shoup Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80908, 866-4957747. (791-03-11)
LAND WANTED — cash buyer looking to purchase 500-20,000 acres in Colorado. Will consider bail outs, foreclosures, joint ventures, condo/ commercial projects. Will close quickly. Call Joe @ Red Creek Land 719-543-6663. (648-08-11)
NFR & PBR RODEO TICKETS – Las Vegas. All seating levels available. Call 1-888-NFR-rodeo (1-888-637-7633) or www. *BBB Member; Since 1990. (912-11-11)
OLD GAS AND OIL items: Gas pumps, advertising signs, globes, etc. Pieces, parts, etc. considered. Also 1932-34 Ford cars and trucks, parts and pieces too. Any condition. Brandon, 719-250-5721. (519-11-11)
RABBIT EARS PASS AREA. Sled home to your getaway. Beautiful, low maintenance home on 12 acres with amazing views. See www. or call 970734-5590. (947-03-11)
DON’T BE CRABBY – BE WARM! Visit our rental in St. Croix, USVI, no passport needed, directly on the beach. Call 970-482-8999 or check out our website for pictures & info, (951-07-11)
SAFE HAVEN! 35 acres, newer 900 sq. ft. modular, barn, shed, 12 gpm well, off the grid, mountain reservoirs nearby, $158,000. Serious, qualified buyers only. Owner (303) 210-2818. (950-04-11) WINTER PARK AREA. Unbelievable horse property. 12-stall barn, foaling apartment, 2400 sq. ft. home, 10 fenced acres. Ride to national forest. $777,000. OWNER FINANCING., 970-531-5050 (934-03-11)
RELIGION BECOME AN ORDAINED Minister by correspondence study. Founded in 1988. Free info. Ministers for Christ Outreach, PMB 207, 7549 W Cactus, #104, Peoria, AZ 85381. (44106-11)
SEEDS AND TREES Sit under a tree and enjoy Rodeo Roots to Modern-Day Cowboys. This is a book about the Wild West. It can be yours for only $25. Call 303-455-4111 to order one today. (106-12-11)
SPECIAL SERVICES LAKE OR POND? Aeration is your 1st step toward improved water quality. Complete systems $199 to $369!! Waterfall? 7,000 gph super hi-efficiency waterfall pump, just 3 amps! $399.99! wwwfishpond, 608-254-2735. (87912-11)
HIDEAWAY CHALET vacation home in Winter Park. Sleeps 6. Close to town. No smoking. No pets. Free front door shuttle. Call Judy 847392-9713. (941-03-11) KAUAI VACATION RENTAL, 2bdr, full kitchen. Minutes from beaches. $600/wk. 808-245-6500;; kauaiweddings. com. (756-05-11)
WANTED TO BUY I WILL BUY YOUR German daggers, helmets and other military items. Don Simmons, PO Box 4734, Springfield, MO 65808, 417-8815645. (470-06-11) NAVAJO RUGS, old and recent, native baskets, pottery. Tribal Rugs, Salida. 719-539-5363, b_inaz@ (817-04-11)
OLD TRACTORS that don’t run. Jerry Browne, 2707 Weld Co. Rd. 19, Fort Lupton, CO 80621. 303-6597026. (220-04-11) WANT TO PURCHASE mineral and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. (402-02-12) WANTED: JEEP CJ OR WRANGLER. Reasonably priced. No rust buckets. 888-735-5337. (227-09-11) WE PAY CASH FOR minerals and oil/gas interests, producing and nonproducing. 800-733-8122. (227-09-11)
WEDDINGS DO YOU WANT TO CREATE a magical, romantic, unforgettable wedding on the beach? The NEW Beach Wedding Planning Guide and Workbook shows you how. Download now at www.Beach Wedding (106-12-11)
OLD COLO. LIVESTOCK brand books prior to 1950. Call Wes 303757-8553. (889-03-11) OLD COWBOY STUFF–hats, boots, spurs, chaps, Indian rugs, baskets, etc. ANYTHING OLD! Mining & railroad memorabilia, ore carts! We buy whole estates. We’ll come to you! Call 970-759-3455 or 970-5651256. (871-05-11)
Spring into action! Advertise in
Colorado Country Life Place your product in front of more than 188,000 readers
Call Kris at 303-902-7276
OLD POCKET WATCHES – working or non-working and old repair material. Bob 719-859-4209 (87006-12)
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. Find your pot of gold in the Classified section.
Teacher: Susan, give me a sentence starting with “I.” Susan: I is... Teacher: No, Susan. Always say, “I am.” Susan: All right ... “I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.” Anonymous
I was working for a large state agency when we began a nonstop battle with our copy machine, which was critical to complete our duties. It was jamming and printing blurred copies and was often down for extended repairs. My office manager had finally had it and called the main office. She explained the copy machine’s endless problems and ended her rant with, “… The machine is putting out so many bad copies that our paper shredder can’t keep up!” You guessed it — a week later we received the biggest, baddest paper shredder you have ever seen. Now we could keep up with all those bad copies! Daniel Laza, Rye
A travel agent recently shared some of the questions he gets that show that people really don’t know as much about our country and our world as they think they do. • One man called wanting an airline ticket to Cape Town. The agent noted that a passport would be needed and explained how long the flight would be. The caller interrupted saying, “I don’t want to make you look stupid, but Cape Town is in Massachusetts.” The agent calmly explained Cape Cod is in Massachusetts. Cape Town is in South Africa. The response was a few choice words and a click. • Another customer called, furious about a trip he had just taken. When asked what was wrong with his vacation in Orlando, the man complained that he didn’t have an ocean view from his room. It was explained that such a view was impossible since Orlando is in the middle of the state. The irate customer replied, “Don’t lie to me! I looked on the map and Florida is a very thin state.” • A seasoned traveler had a question about the documents he needed in order to fly to China. After a lengthy discussion about passports, he was reminded that he needed a visa. “Oh, no I don’t,” he said. “I’ve been to China many times and never had to have one of those.” The travel agent double checked. When the traveler was told that he did, indeed, need a visa, he said, “Look, I’ve been to China four times and every time they have accepted my American Express.” Anonymous We pay for funny stories. Email them to funnystories@
MARCH 2011
Colorado Country Life 29
Naked Nutrition
nergy bars are a great way to replenish your strength, but they don’t always taste that great. NuDe Food Bars are a break from the ordinary. Naturally sweetened by fruit and slightly spicy with a touch of cinnamon and cardamom, these dense bars not only fill your stomach, but also lift your spirits. All natural ingredients, tons of protein and a great taste add up to a happy stomach and a healthy body. Find NuDe Food Bars and other Crystal River Organics products at http://crystalriver or at some local natural food stores.
The snow shelter kit is easy to use.
Magical Relief
onditions like arthritis, tendonitis and just everyday soreness can keep you from getting out and about. Pain Wizard pain relieving cream, invented by a Colorado resident, offers a solution. Unlike many other topical pain relievers, Pain Wizard creams use an herbal remedy. Also unlike many other products, this lotion smells great and leaves the skin feeling tingly without uncomfortable burning. The full line of products can be found online at The result is a cozy igloo.
Altitude Remedy
ltitude sickness can be a serious problem for people enjoying outdoor activity in the mountains, so a group in Gunnison invented Acli-Mate Mountain Sport Drink to help. Acli-Mate is a unique product that helps keep your body from succumbing to altitude sickness and gives you the vitamins, minerals and electrolytes you need to keep the fun going. Extreme athletes even use this product during high-altitude adventure races like the Grand Traverse. Find it in sporting goods and health food stores as well as at
ho doesn’t like building snow caves? But with the Grand Shelters Icebox kit, you can make the ultimate snow shelter more easily. In fact, this kit allows you to make a shelter out of snow that is big enough and comfortable enough to even serve as a camp during a backcountry snowshoeing or cross-country skiing adventure. That, or you can just use it to make an impenetrable snowball fight fort in your backyard. Whatever your end goal, the Grand Shelters Icebox kit makes snow shelters easy and fun to build. Learn more at about this Colorado product at or look for kits at outdoor stores.
e’re giving away a package of products to make your outdoor activities more fun. It includes some NuDe Food Bars, a tube of Pain Wizard, some Acli-Mate, a water W bottle and some extra surprises. Visit our website at and click on Contests for information on how to enter our drawing. Deadline is March 15. We will also be giving away tubes of Pain Wizard during the month of March. You’ll find us at
30 Colorado Country Life MARCH 2011