January2011 2012 [[March ]]
Honoring Sacrifice
January 2012 [features] 14 The Year of Living Cooperatively Electric co-ops join global celebrations 16 Dignified Farewell
Lorrane Melgosa honors sacrifice with her Wellington Carriage Company.
20 Colorado’s Best Plants Get ideas for your garden from
the Plant Select Garden
22 Cookbook Concoctions
Delicious fare for every season of
the year
24 Outdoors
Electric co-ops focus on power availability
5 6 7 12 29 30
Letters Calendar Co-op News NewsClips Funny Stories Discoveries
25 Energy Tips
29 [cover]
Regenerating family ties in Colorado’s great outdoors
Boost efficiency, cut cost with a heat pump
Lorraine Melgosa stands quietly with her horse during a funeral. Photo by Jason Claypool, jasonclaypool.com. COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: M ona Neeley, CCC, Publisher/Editor@303-455-4111; Donna Norris, Associate Editor • Amy Higgins, Administrative Assistant/Writer ADVERTISING: Kris Wendtland@303-902-7276; NCM@800-626-1181
The official publication of the Colorado Rural Electric Association Volume 43, Number 01
OFFICERS: Chris Morgan [Gunnison] President; Bob Bledsoe [Tri-State] Vice President; Bill Midcap [Fort Morgan] Secretary; Don Kaufman [Sangre de Cristo] Treasurer; Kent Singer [CREA] Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Porter [Empire]; Don McClaskey [Grand Valley]; Jim Lueck [Highline]; Michael Glass [Holy Cross]; Dan Mills [K.C.]; Tom Compton [La Plata]; Stan Cazier [Mountain Parks]; B.D. Paddock [Mountain View]; Jack Schneider [Poudre Valley]; Joseph Costa, Reg Rudolph [San Isabel]; Mike Rierson, John Villyard [San Luis Valley]; Marcus Wilson, Kevin Ritter [San Miguel]; Mark Grasmick [Southeast]; Jim Jaeger, Ron Asche [United Power]; Bill Jordan [White River]; Stuart Travis [Y-W]; Charles Perry [Yampa Valley]; Basin Electric, CoBank, Moon Lake Electric, Wheatland Electric [Associate Members]
EDITORIAL: Denver Corporate Office, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216; Phone: 303-455-4111 • Email: MNeeley@coloradocountrylife.org • Website: coloradocountrylife.coop • Facebook: Colorado Country Life • Twitter: @COCountryLife Colorado Country Life (USPS 469-400/ISSN 1090-2503) is published monthly for $9/$15 per year by Colorado Rural Electric Association, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216. Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216 Publication of an advertisement in Colorado Country Life does not imply endorsement by any Colorado rural electric cooperative or the Colorado Rural Electric Association. Editorial opinions published in Colorado Country Life magazine shall pertain to issues affecting rural electric cooperatives, rural communities and citizens. The opinion of CREA is not necessarily that of any particular cooperative or individual.
Reliability Is Job One
Electric co-ops focus on making sure power is available BY KENT SINGER || CREA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR || KSINGER@COLORADOREA.ORG
“Quality Is Job One.” Do you remember that tag line for the Ford Motor Company advertising campaign of the early 1980s? The company was trying to position itself to compete with foreign automakers, and the slogan was intended to revitalize the brand with the message that Ford was focused on the quality of its product. It was a particularly effective campaign because it was easy to understand and conveyed a message that any auto buyer could relate to. With apologies to Ford, Colorado’s electric co-ops believe that “Reliability Is Job One.” In other words, while we strive to provide an affordable product in an environmentally responsible manner, our most important job is to have the power ready when you flip the switch. This means that we have to synchronize an incredibly complex system of power plants, transmission lines, distribution lines, substations, transformers, service drops and meters in order to light and heat your home or business at the exact moment you require the power. This is becoming increasingly difficult in the hyper regulated world in which we find ourselves. As I have discussed in prior columns, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a sweeping set of new regulations that will cost the electric power sector billions of dollars as utilities strive to comply with the new rules. Utilities will be required to install incredibly expensive equipment to reduce the emissions of mercury, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other pollutants from power plants. If the regulations are implemented as proposed, some electric utilities will have to make a choice. They can invest millions of dollars to keep coal-fired generating stations in service or they
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 4 January 2012
can close those power plants and invest millions in new generation plants fired with natural gas. Some utilities have already announced that they will retire coal-fired generating stations if the proposed EPA rules Kent Singer are implemented. (An anticipated 25 gigawatts of capacity will be lost.) The North American Electric Reliability Corporation estimates an additional 37 gigawatts of electricity will be lost when, due to the EPA rules, utilities close generating plants before they are scheduled to be closed. To put this in perspective, the total capacity of coal-fired electric generating stations in the United States today is about 340 gigawatts. These retirements amount to about 18 percent of the U.S. fleet. In a recent report, NERC estimated that these retirements will cause electric reliability problems in Texas and the New England states. And even though NERC concluded that other states, including Colorado, should be able to manage through the retirements, it expressed concerns that if hundreds of generating units must be retrofitted with new pollution control equipment at the same time, there could be unforeseen reliability problems in other areas of the country. There simply is not enough equipment, contractors and engineers to achieve the required retrofits in the time allotted by the EPA. Further, as some units are taken offline to be retrofitted, it may be difficult for the replacement power to be obtained since all electric utilities are facing the same compliance deadlines. This may lead to inflated wholesale electricity market prices that would translate to higher rates for you, the
end-use consumer. Does this mean that the co-ops are opposed to efforts to further clean up the air in Colorado and across the country? Absolutely not. We have already spent hundreds of millions of dollars to install SO2 scrubbers, low-NOx burners, baghouses to control particulates and other pollution control devices in our power plants. These investments have resulted in dramatically reduced emissions at Colorado power plants over the last decade. All Colorado electric utilities, including the electric co-ops, are committed to clean air and environmental stewardship. We comply with all environmental regulations that are in place today and will comply with any new regulations that are implemented in the future. However, the electric co-ops are advocating that the regulators keep in mind that we need to balance environmental concerns with the economic and practical realities of operating utility systems. Everyone believes in clean air, but we also believe that access to affordable and reliable electricity is an equally essential component of public health and safety as well as economic vitality. Achieving a reasonable balance of these objectives will require the involvement of many stakeholders. You can be assured that the electric co-ops will make sure your voice, that of the consumer, is heard in this debate. For Colorado’s electric co-ops, affordable and reliable electric service continues to be “Job One.”
Executive Director
[letters] Controversy on Hunting Regs I enjoyed your December Outdoors. As usual you are spot on. The micro-management coming from Colorado Division of Wildlife is oppressive. Imagine a state run by anti-gun, anti-hunting politicians who appoint an unelected and unaccountable group. This gang could choke off hunting by making it so difficult, expensive and uncomfortable for the hunter that many of them just give up. Welcome to Colorado today; the “anti’s” are winning this war of oppression. As I write this, I am preparing to leave for a hunt in a neighboring state where hunters are welcomed.
Ken Motta, Monument
I’ve been following the Outdoors column and I and my hunting partners all agree with you 100 percent. So the question is, what, if anything, can one individually do or collectively with others do to have the policies reviewed?
Gregory S. Todd, Aurora
Having read Outdoors (Dec. ’11), I have to agree with most of what you said. It seems as though one needs to hire an attorney before submitting any limited license applications to be sure that the proper hoops have been jumped through. In regard to the landowner vouchers, I have a different attitude. These ranchers are feeding and bearing the cost of putting up with the animals, and they should be compensated for these costs in some way.
Frank Grant, Ordway
Yes, Colorado does have strict hunting and fishing regulations and it can seem hard to obtain a tag. But Colorado has one of the best elk herds in North America and the mule deer herd is up there as well. Thousands of people from out of state flock to Colorado each fall in hopes of bagging one of these animals. Out-ofstate elk and deer tags can cost up to $500 and the other costs associated with the hunt can stimulate our local economy. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has done a good job of managing our elk and deer herds with the draw system.
Nate Towne, Winter Park
Send your letter to the editor by mail or email. You must include your name and address to be published. Letters may be edited. ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 5
[ January] Through January 22 Longmont Graffiti art exhibit Longmont Museum & Cultural Center ci.longmont.co.us/museum/ January 14-16 Durango Winterfest Durango Mountain Resort durangomountainresort. com/events January 15 Salida Chamber music concert SteamPlant Theater 3 pm • waldenchamber music.org January 16 Denver Free admission day Denver Botanic Gardens All day • botanicgardens.org January 16 Montrose Bridal Expo Montrose Pavilion 10 am-2 pm • 970-252-4880
January 21 Montrose “Gotta Be Girls” concert Cobble Creek Club House 7:30-10 pm • 970-497-3230 January 21 Tabernash Governor’s Cup Ski Racing Devil’s Thumb Ranch 9:30 am • 970-726-8231 January 22 Crested Butte Photography Workshop Crested Butte Nordic Center 3-6 pm • 970-349-7487 x 6 January 22 Lone Tree “Wee Noteables: Where Music Meets Play!” Lone Tree Arts Center 3 pm • lontreeartscenter.org January 23 Grand Junction Taste of the Grand Valley Two Rivers Convention Center 4-7 pm • visitgrandjunction. com/events January 23 Pueblo “Pilobolus” theater performance Sangre de Cristo Arts Center 7:30 pm • sangredecristoarts. org
January 17-February 7 Old Colorado City Vegetarian cooking classes January 24 Garden of the Gods’ Gourmet Cortez 6 pm • 719-471-2799 Celtic guitar performance Cortez Public Library January 20-22 7-8:30 pm • www.cityof Golden cortez.com Colorado Cowboy Poetry Gathering January 25 American Mountaineering Denver Center Gardening class coloradocowboygathering Denver Botanic Gardens .com 6-8 pm • botanicgardens.org January 20 Loveland “The Kitchen Witches” play Rialto Theater 7:30-9:30 pm • 970-962-2120 January 20 Pueblo Festival Fridays Jackson Conference Center 5:30-9:30 pm • sangredecristo arts.org
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 6 January 2012
January 26 Durango The Official Blues Brothers Revue Fort Lewis College Concert Hall 7 pm • durangoconcerts.com
January 27 Fort Collins Alfred Hitchcock’s “The 39 Steps” Lincoln Center 8 pm • 970-221-6730
February 7 Cortez Independent film showing Cortez Public Library 7 pm • www.cityofcortez.com
January 28 Fort Collins Gardening presentation Drake Centre 8 am-12:30 pm • 970-416-2486
February 9 Durango Blues Pilgrims concert Fort Lewis College Community Concert Hall 7 pm • durangoconcerts.com
January 28 Fort Collins Winter farmers market Opera Galleria 10 am-2 pm · downtown fortcollins.com
February 11-19 Denver Colorado Garden & Home Show Colorado Convention Center gardeningcolorado.com
January 28 Monument Ice fishing tournament Monument Lake 9 am-2 pm • wounded warriorusa.com
February 11 Denver Valentine’s dinner cooking class Denver Botanic Gardens 1-4 pm • botanicgardens.org
January 30 Winter Park Mountain Moon Monday Yoga Winter Park Station 9:15-10:30 am • mtmoon yoga.com
February 11 Elizabeth Genealogy workshop Elbert Library 1-2 pm • 303-648-3533
January 31 Pueblo Pueblo History Game Night El Pueblo History Museum 7 pm • 719-583-0453
[February] February 4 Granby Kids Totally Insane Winter Blast SolVista Basin 5-8 pm • granbyranch.com February 5 Tabernash Ski With Your Dog Devil’s Thumb Ranch 10 am-12 pm • 970-726-5632
February 11 Granby Night skiing/tubing SolVista Basin 5-8 pm • granbyranch.com February 12 Crested Butte Greensky Bluegrass Concert Center for the Arts Crested Butte 8 pm • crestedbuttearts.org February 12 Greeley “Mamma Mia! The Musical” Union Colony Civic Center 3 and 7 pm • 970-356-5000 February 13 Fort Collins “Diavolo” theatric performance Lincoln Center Performance Hall 7:30 pm • 970-221-6730
Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216; fax to 303-455-2807; or email calendar@ coloradocountrylife.org.
On behalf of the Mountain View Electric Association Board of Directors, staff and employees, I wish all of our members and their families a healthy and prosperous new year. Last month, I informed you that Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State), MVEA’s wholesale power supplier, approved at its September meeting Jim Herron an average 4.8 percent rate increase to its 44 member distribution systems effective January 1, 2012. This translates into a $2.5 million increase in MVEA’s cost of power. The major cost drivers affecting the 2012 Tri-State rate include the cost of continuing regulatory compliance; an increase in coal and rail prices, up 6.6 percent or $16.1 million; an increase in scheduled maintenance outages for Craig and Escalante power plants, up 33 percent; an increase in long-term firm power supply contracts to Tri-State by 20 percent; a reduction in nonmember sales, down 14 percent or $29 million; and an increase in interest expense, up 2.2 percent or $2.6 million. After a thorough review of the 2012 proposed budgets, TriState’s board of directors, comprised of directors representing all 44 member systems, approved the 2012 consolidated budget and rate schedules. The consolidated budget includes the operating budget, capital budget and cash flow projection. Ken Anderson, executive vice president and general manager for Tri-State, stated the budget is “all based on the cost to serve our member systems while providing an affordable and reliable source of electricity and maintaining a sound financial position for TriState.” Tri-State capital expenditures for 2012 are budgeted at nearly $378 million, mostly directed to generation and transmission in-
frastructure projects targeted toward efficiency, reliability, load serving, regulatory compliance and technology improvements. The Tri-State operating budget for 2012 is $1.27 billion. The single highest expense, consisting of nearly 40 percent of the operating budget, is allocated for power production at $500 million. The other most significant expense categories include purchased power at $306 million, transmission operating and maintenance and wheeling charges at $135 million, and lease, depreciation and interest expenses, together totaling in excess of $289 million. The Tri-State board’s financial policies have also been strengthened to ensure Tri-State can maintain a strong financial position. Tri-State’s solid credit ratings support competitive market financing that will save consumers hundreds of millions of dollars over time. Tri-State’s board has focused on cost containment efforts of controllable expenses, such as general and administration expenses, interest expenses during construction, lease and rent expenses, depreciation and taxes. Since wholesale energy costs account for approximately 65 percent of MVEA’s annual operating budget, we are not able to absorb a rate increase of this significance and therefore the increase in wholesale costs will impact the rates that you pay. The last time MVEA had to pass on a rate increase from Tri-State was in January 2009. MVEA’s board of directors approved, in a November special board meeting, an overall general rate increase of 2.7 percent to maintain our financial requirements and cover the majority of the association’s additional $2.5 million power cost for 2012. The rate increases will vary based on individual electric usage across our different rate classes as further detailed on page 9. As a member you can be assured that a rate adjustment is absolutely necessary to keep the cooperative financially stable and continue to provide safe, reliable electric power.
From eggs and milk to the electricity that powers your home, cooperatives play a big role in your everyday life. And this year, everyone in the U.S. will get to know co-ops a little better. That is because this year, 2012, has been designated as the International Year of Cooperatives. The U.S. Senate unanimously approved the designation, building on a similar action by the United Nations General Assembly. The action is an effort to recognize the vital role cooperatives play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and countries around the world.
Around the world, co-ops: • Boast nearly 1 billion members in more than 90 countries. • Account for 80 percent to 99 percent of milk production in New Zealand, Norway and the United States. • Generate 100 million jobs. • Include close to half of all residents of Finland and Singapore as co-op members; 33 percent in Canada, Honduras, New Zealand and Norway; and 25 percent in Germany, Malaysia and the United States.
• S erve 177 million members under the umbrella of the World Council of Credit Unions through 49,000 credit unions in 96 countries.
To learn more about cooperatives, visit www.go.coop. ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 7
[ Country Kitchen ] With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, share this special treat that’s homemade and a creative alternative to boxed chocolates. Barbara Lambert of Black Forest shares this easy caramel popcorn recipe that “is delicious and makes a great holiday gift.” Package it in a decorative tin or bag with ribbon for an extra special touch. If you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it to MVEA, Attn: Sarah Schaefer, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831. You will receive a $10 credit on your electric bill the month your recipe appears in Colorado Country Life magazine.
DELICIOUS AND EASY CARAMEL POPCORN 1 cup brown sugar ¼ cup white corn syrup ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 stick butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 quarts popped corn 1 cup nuts (optional)*
Combine all ingredients except popcorn, vanilla and nuts in a 4-8 cup glass bowl. Microwave mixture on high for 2 minutes. Stir. Microwave again on high until mixture comes to a rolling boil, about 2 minutes. Watch carefully. Add vanilla to mixture. Pour mixture over popcorn and nuts. Mix to coat. Pour in brown paper bag. Microwave on high for 3 minutes, 1 minute at a time leaving bag slightly open and shaking bag well after each minute. Makes 1 gallon. *Use a mixture of peanuts, walnuts and pecans
It seems unbelievable, but it is once again time for MVEA’s Photo Calendar Contest. This is the ninth year and the calendar has just gotten better and better. Last year’s photos were incredible and the new layout allowed for more winners. MVEA invites you to send in your photos taken within Butterfly photo by Karla Goodhart. MVEA’s territory and reflecting the seasons and the people, lifestyle or landscape of our area. The winners will be included in our 2013 calendar. Please read the following guidelines carefully. The deadline for entry is July 2, 2012. If you have questions, please call Sarah Schaefer at 719-494-2670. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1. Only MVEA members, directors, employees and their family members are eligible. 2. Photos will not be accepted without a completed entry form. Cut out the form below and submit with entry or go online to www.mvea.coop, click on “Community” and then “Photo Calendar Contest.” Duplicate form if necessary. 3. Only two photos per person will be accepted. Submit a separate entry form for each photograph. 4. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION ON THE PHOTOGRAPH. 5. A digital photo is preferred and recommended. CDs and DVDs will be accepted. Resolution of digital photos must be no less than 300 dpi. It is not necessary to send enlargements. Photos printed on home printers have too low a resolution for commercial printing and are not recommended. 6. Photos must have horizontal/landscape orientation. 7. DO NOT SUBMIT ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF MVEA AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED. NO EXCEPTIONS. 8. Deadline: July 2, 2012. Mail to: Mountain View Electric Association, Attn: Sarah Schaefer, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831.
2013 MVEA Photo Calendar Contest Entry Form Name:_________________________________________________
Long-Term Savings Tip
Consider buying a laptop for your next computer upgrade; they use much less energy than desktop computers. Source: U.S. Department of Energy
______________________________________________________ Home Phone:_ __________________________________________ Work Phone:____________________________________________ MVEA Account #:_ _______________________________________ Email Address:___________________________________________ Please title your entry. This will appear with your photo if selected:_ ______________________________________________________ Limit 2 entries per person. Deadline is July 2, 2012. Send a completed form with each entry. Photocopy form for additional entries. Mail to: MVEA, Attn: Sarah Schaefer, 11140 E. Woodmen Road, Falcon, CO 80831
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 8 January 2012
2012 MVEA Rate Increase
Mountain View Electric Association’s Board of Directors has approved an overall general rate increase of 2.7 percent to be effective on bills calculated after February 1, 2012. The rate percentage will vary slightly by rate class. An average residential monthly bill for usage of 900 kilowatthours will increase by $3.16 per month. Tri-State Generation and Transmission, MVEA’s power supplier, officially notified MVEA in September 2011 of a rate increase in wholesale power costs for 2012. Due to this increase, MVEA’s board
of directors must raise the rates. MVEA regrets the need for an increase, but it cannot be deferred. Purchased power represents approximately 65 percent of MVEA’s expenses. Because of the adjustment to the wholesale power cost from Tri-State, the annual cost of power to MVEA will increase. As a member you can be assured that a rate adjustment is absolutely necessary to keep the cooperative financially stable and to continue to provide safe, reliable electric power to the homes and busi-
nesses that MVEA serves. MVEA is a not-for-profit electric cooperative owned by its members and governed by a board of directors elected from the membership. The cooperative supplies electricity to its members based on the actual costs. Following is a partial list of the changes in the rates to become effective on bills calculated after February 1, 2012. For a complete list of rate changes, please go to MVEA’s website at www.mvea.coop or call either MVEA office.
Rate Increase Details Present Rate New Rate Rate Change Residential Rate 16.01 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $19.95....................................... $19.95..................................None First 1,500 kWh per month per kWh..................................................................................... $0.11327.................................... $0.11678..............................$0.00351 Over 1,500 kWh per month per kWh................................................................................... $0.09313.................................. $0.09664...........................$0.00351 Residential Time-Of-Day Rate 16.05 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $26.00...................................... $26.00.................................None kWh used between 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. per kWh................................................... $0.09914................................. $0.10216..............................$0.00302 kWh used between 12:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. per kWh................................................... $0.04957................................. $0.05108............................$0.00151 kWh used between 4:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. per kWh................................................... $0.19829.................................. $0.20434............................$0.00605 kWh used between 10:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. per kWh................................................... $0.04957................................. $0.05108............................$0.00151 Irrigation Rates 17.30 and 17.31 Minimum annual charge per horsepower.......................................................................... $33.48...................................... $34.44.................................$0.96 but in no event less than....................................................................................................... $167.40..................................... $172.20................................$4.80 Charge per horsepower per month...................................................................................... $2.79......................................... $2.87....................................$0.08 Energy charge per month per kWh....................................................................................... $0.09193.................................. $0.09469...........................$0.00276 Large Power Rate 18.60 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $26.25...................................... $27.75..................................$1.50 kWh charges per month per kWh.......................................................................................... $0.04041................................. $0.04211..............................$0.00170 Member demand charge per month per kVa.................................................................. $18.78....................................... $19.32...................................$0.54 Large Power Load Management Rate 18.62 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $26.25...................................... $27.75..................................$1.50 kWh charges per month per kWh.......................................................................................... $0.03502................................. $0.03730............................$0.00228 Member demand charge per month per kVA.................................................................. $10.74....................................... $11.05...................................$0.31 MVEA demand charge per month per kVA....................................................................... $10.74....................................... $11.05...................................$0.31 General Power Rate 18.64 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $26.25...................................... $27.75..................................$1.50 kWh charges per month per kWh.......................................................................................... $0.10042................................. $0.10363.............................$0.00321 Member demand charge per month per kVA.................................................................. $6.52......................................... $6.71....................................$0.19 General Power Load Management Rate 18.65 Grid Access per month................................................................................................................ $26.25...................................... $27.75..................................$1.50 kWh charge per month per kWh............................................................................................ $0.07264................................. $0.07496............................$0.00232 Member demand charge per month per kVA.................................................................. $5.22......................................... $5.37....................................$0.15 MVEA demand charge per month per kVA....................................................................... $3.74......................................... $3.85....................................$0.11 All street lighting and security lighting rate components will increase by 5 percent ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 9
Pay Your Bill Online
For the past several years, MVEA has offered its members the convenience of paying their electric bills online in a secure environment. Members can access their account information; view their bill, payment history and usage history; and pay their bills with Visa, MasterCard or Discover 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Members using this service may also choose whether or not they receive a monthly printed statement in the mail. You can always view your paper bill image online. By logging in to your account through our “online bill pay” at www.mvea.coop, you can also change your mailing address and phone number, request maintenance of an existing service, stop an existing service, request a new service and update your financial information. If you want the ultimate in convenience, combine our budget billing for equal bills each month and automatic payment of your electric bill. You will receive notification through your email before the payment is drawn from your account. And, of course, you can always go online to check your account. Go to www.mvea.coop and check out our services. If you have any questions about paying online, please give us a call at 719-775-2861 or 719-495-2283 or email us at billing@mvea.org.
MVEA Co-op Director Achieves Credential in Today’s Electric Utility Competencies
Mountain View Electric Association’s Milton L. Mathis received the Board Leadership certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Mathis was recognized at NRECA’s Region 7 and 9 meeting for his commitment to education and attainment of his certificate before an audience of fellow electric co-op members from the western United States. Today’s electric utility environment imposes new demands on electric cooperative directors, particularly increased knowledge of changes in the electric utility Milton L. Mathis business, new governance skills and a working knowledge of the cooperative principles. Electric co-ops in Colorado have a commitment to work through NRECA to sharpen this body of knowledge for the benefit of their electric cooperative consumer-owners. The NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director, or CCD, program requires attendance and demonstrated understanding of the basic competencies contained in five core courses: n Director duties and liabilities n Understanding the electric business n Board roles and relationships n Business planning n Understanding Financial Planning The NRECA Board Leadership certificate recognizes individuals who continue their professional development after becoming a Credentialed Cooperative Director. Directors who have attained the Board Leadership certificate have completed 10 credits in advanced, issues-oriented courses. Mathis achieved this distinction. The NRECA Region 7 and 9 meeting is one of a series of 2011 regional meetings convened by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The regionals continue the association’s grassroots policy making process, which begins at the local co-op level and culminates at NRECA’s Annual Meeting in March 2012. NRECA represents the nation’s more than 900 private, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, which provide electric service to 36 million people in 47 states. In addition to Mr. Mathis, other MVEA Directors that have received this certification include Mr. Allen Gresham and Mr. B.D. “Bud” Paddock. Mountain View Electric Association, organized in 1941, has a service territory of over 5,000 square miles serving more than 39,000 members.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 10 January 2012
IT’S MVEA SCHOLARSHIP TIME Don’t miss out on the 14 college scholarships available through MVEA.
10 $1,000 MVEA scholarships 1 $1,000 MVEA vocational or technical scholarship 1 $1,000 Tri-State Generation and Transmission scholarship 1 $1,000 Basin Electric scholarship 1 $1,000 E.A. “Mick” Geesen Memorial Scholarship To qualify for these scholarships • Your parents or guardians must receive electric service from MVEA • You must be a graduating high school senior • You must meet ACT or SAT and grade point average requirements (these vary according to which scholarship you apply for) • Applications must be received by January 15, 2012 Applications are currently available on our website at www.mvea.coop, at either MVEA office or by calling Sarah Schaefer at 719-495-2283.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop December 2011 11
National Western Stock Show Goers to Learn Importance of Affordable Electricity
The “Keep Electricity AffordThe economic impacts really begin able” campaign — a joint effort to add up when you consider how rising being spearheaded by Tri-State electric bills affect larger consumers Generation and Transmission, its like businesses and schools. The article member co-ops and the region’s says that, due to the new regulations, statewide associations — is goby 2014 “costs are expected to add aping to be a part of a century-old proximately $2.7 million over the previwestern tradition when the 2012 ous year to electricity bills in Chicago National Western Stock Show, Public Schools.” Rodeo and Horse Show kicks While this article is specifically about off in Denver this January. The how federal regulations will impact 106th annual event runs January Illinois, the economic impact for west7-22 with an expected attendance National Western Stock Show crowds will find information on ern states such as Colorado would be affordable electricity in the Expo Hall. exceeding 640,000 visitors. similar. Electric co-ops do understand When attending the Stock that environmental regulation is necesShow, electric co-op members should watch for the orange-clad sary. Their power plants have spent billions of dollars in the last “KEA” canvassers in a trade show area booth in the Expo Hall. decade to cut emissions and improve air quality. They will be sharing information with thousands of Stock Show However, new regulations seem to be pushing for even more visitors about the threats to affordable electricity. cuts in a shortened time frame that is not possible in some situ“Consumers could see their electricity bills jump an estimated ations and unreasonable in others. If nothing is changed, many 40 to 60 percent in the next few years,” says a recent article in the coal-fired plants will be forced to close, electricity costs will go Chicago Tribune. “The reason: Pending environmental regulaup and shortages will be possibility. That is why the KEA cantions will make coal-fired generating plants, which produce vassers will be letting Stock Show visitors know that a balanced, about half the nation’s electricity, more expensive to operate.” thoughtful approach to energy is necessary.
READERS SUPPORT TAX INCENTIVES FOR RENEWABLES Eighty percent of Colorado Country Life readers emailing their opinions on extending tax incentives for renewable energy projects supported the extension. The question was printed in the December issue and readers had a chance to share their thoughts on the tax incentives.
This month, tell us which is more important to you when it comes to your electricity:
D That the electricity is affordable the electricity is generated usD That ing renewable resources Email your answer to info@colorado countrylife.org. ColoradoCountryLife.coop 12 January 2012
Landfill gas is the renewable fuel for a new generation plant on the United Power co-op distribution system 25 miles north of Denver. The system opened with a ribbon cutting late last year. With the help of an incentive program offered by United Power’s power supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the landfill gas-generation plant was added to the electric co-ops’ growing renewable resource portfolio. The 3.2-megawatt landfill project is a renewable source of generation under Colorado’s Renewable Portfolio Standards. Simply put, it takes a naturally occurring byproduct of waste decomposition — methane — and gathers this gas to run a generator to produce electricity. “Unlike some forms of renewable energy that can be intermittent in their output, the landfill gas plant is considered a baseload facility because it can produce energy on a consistent around-the-clock
United Power’s Jerry Marizza stands in front of the two methane-fueled generators at the Erie Landfill plant.
basis,” said Jerry Marizza, new energy program coordinator for United Power. “This makes it a very valuable resource to United Power.” The Erie Landfill Gas to Energy Project draws methane from three adjacent landfill sites. — Powering The West
T Co-op Power Supplier Recognized for Support of Employees in the Military Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, which supplies electricity to 18 of Colorado’s 22 electric co-ops, was honored in December for its support of employees who serve in various branches of the military’s guard and reserve. The prestigious Patriot Award was presented by an organization that is part of the U.S. Department of Defense.
The Colorado Rural Electric Association recently offered a one-day session to help future candidates learn the ins and outs of campaigning for office. Running for office, any office from county commissioner to state senator, requires more than knowing the issues. A candidate must know when to file financial paperwork with the secretary of state, how to organize volunteers and more. Nearly 20 prospective candidates, campaign managers and finance directors attended the nonpartisan educational program Saturday, December 10. Presenting information were Gabe Snow of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Ben Schler of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office and Sen. Mary Hodge (D-Brighton), who is an alumnus of the electric cooperative training program. The candidates who attended were mostly people seeking local offices around the state, such as that of county commissioner, metro district representative and city council. Candidates had the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback on their strategy, election literature and messaging.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 13
The Year of Living Cooperatively
Electric co-ops join global celebrations of member-owned businesses BY MEGAN MCKOY-NOE, CCC
Is it possible to change the way people eat a fruit? Could cheese unite communities? Can electricity transform the future of a country? It’s possible ... with a little cooperation. The United Nations General Assembly designated 2012 as International Year of Cooperatives under the banner “Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World.” The resolution recognizes the vital role cooperatives — democratically governed businesses that operate on an at-cost, not-for-profit basis — play in the economic and social well-being of nations around the globe. It also encourages countries to promote cooperative development to generate local wealth, employment, and marketplace competition. “At a time when folks are losing faith in big corporations, International Year of Cooperatives 2012 offers us a great opportunity to showcase the many ways the local, consumer-owned and membercontrolled cooperative form of business benefits communities all over the world,” declares National Rural Electric Cooperative Association CEO Glenn English.
Co-ops are everywhere
If variety is the spice of life, co-ops are a zesty bunch. Every day, more than 29,200 cooperatives supply essential products and services to American consumers, touching our lives in almost every way. Tomorrow at breakfast your meal may include freshly squeezed Sunkist orange juice. Sunkist is a cooperative ColoradoCountryLife.coop 14 January 2012
formed by California and Arizona citrus growers. The butter on your toast may come from Land O’Lakes. You may have Ocean Spray cranberry juice, Sun-Maid raisins or Welch’s grape jelly on the table. They all come from co-ops. The list continues: Nationwide Insurance, Blue Diamond almonds, Ace Hardware, REI outdoor gear. One out of every four Americans claims membership in some type of cooperative, including 91 million served by credit unions and 42 million connected to more than 900 electric cooperatives in 47 states. Cooperatives differ from typical businesses in one big way: They are organized for the benefit of their members, not single owners or stockholders. “Co-ops are established when the forprofit, investor-owned commercial sector fails to meet a need, either due to price or availability of goods and services,” explains Martin Lowery, NRECA executive vice president, external affairs, and chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based National Cooperative Business Association Board of Directors. “The co-op business model works in housing, utilities and in both rural and urban settings. Co-ops empower people to take control over their own economic destinies.” Dallas Tonsager, under secretary for rural development with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, points out that “wellmanaged, democratically run co-ops have proven time and time again that when people unite to achieve a common goal, they can accomplish anything.”
On the cutting edge
Think about that orange juice just mentioned. Before a 1916 advertising campaign by Sunkist, oranges were only eaten by the slice. By the end of World War I, however, Sunkist’s “Drink an Orange” push had increased the average per capita serving size from one-half an orange to almost three. This pioneering co-op tradition of change continues in many ways today: •C redit unions fought off the destructive cycle of payday loans by creating salary advance loans with low rates that placed part of the borrowing into a savings account — helping members
escape a cycle of debt • Marketing cooperatives added food nutrition labels to products long before it was required by federal law • Electric cooperatives lead the way in smart grid implementation — close to half have installed advanced metering infrastructure, with 30 percent integrating AMI or automated meter reading devices with various software applications, such as outage management and geographic information systems “Co-ops have made these investments because it makes sense for them and their members,” stresses English. “It’s an outgrowth of the co-op commitment to innovation — the same spirit that allowed co-ops to overcome seemingly insurmountable technical, engineering, legal, political and financial hurdles in the late 1930s to bring central station electricity to all corners of America.”
Building a better world
The IYC 2012 theme, “Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World,” embodies NRECA International Programs, a division of NRECA that celebrates its golden anniversary this year. Since its creation in November 1962, NRECA International Programs has assisted with electrification endeavors that have resulted in increased agricultural output and millions of new jobs, as well as an enhanced quality of life for more than 100 million people in 40plus nations. NRECA International Programs projects are under way in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. “More than 2 billion people worldwide still lack electricity and millions more must depend on unreliable and unsafe power,” emphasizes Ingrid Hunsicker, manager of international program development for the NRECA International Foundation, a charitable organization that has partnered with more than 300 electric cooperatives in the United States to bring power and economic development to rural villages overseas. Because circumstances vary so widely,
NRECA International Programs has adopted the slogan, “Electrifying the world, one village at a time.” Outreach relies on the time-tested cooperative approach —giving individuals, many for the first time, practical experience in democratic decision-making and entrepreneurship so they can launch their own local cooperative.
Spreading the cheese
“Cooperation among cooperatives,” one of the seven cooperative principles, delivers great results in the International program, as well as here in the U.S. One example is Cabot Creamery Cooperative. “Twenty years ago, as a new brand, we had absolutely nothing — we relied on electric cooperatives and credit unions to let us piggyback on their annual meetings for advertising purposes,” attests Roberta MacDonald, senior vice president of marketing with Montpelier, Vermont-based Cabot Creamery Cooperative. Flash forward to today and the farmerowned dairy co-op sold 8 million pounds of cheddar in addition to a host of other merchandise in 2011 — enough cheese, butter, whipped cream, and other items to crisscross the nation more than three times. “By working with electric co-ops and others we were able to remind co-op members that when they bought Cabot products, they were supporting another co-op,” MacDonald comments. Cooperation among cooperatives paid off for this small dairy co-op. Other coops throughout the county and the world are also working together to make life better for their members because improving life for members is the ultimate goal for every cooperative. “It’s in every co-op’s DNA to serve members in the best way possible,” concludes Lowery. “That’s why co-ops remain the best type of business around.” To find a cooperative near you, visit www.go.coop. Megan McKoy-Noe writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the Arlington, Virginia-based service arm of the nation’s electric cooperatives.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 15
Lorraine Melgosa
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 16 January 2012
The regal Percheron horse carries himself with decorum as he methodically plods up the small road between rows of headstones. His harness polished, the horse carefully pulls a beautiful, old-fashioned carriage hearse as a woman, dressed in a black mourning coat, leads him to a graveside. With ceremony and respect, the coffin in the hearse is lifted out and carried to the grave. Family and friends follow. Another person is laid to rest with dignity and honor.
It is all thanks to Lorraine Melgosa, a woman with a mission from Manzanola, a small Colorado farming town of 500 in southeastern Colorado. She is the owner of Wellington Carriage Company and she and her horses have provided horse-drawn hearse services for more than 700 funerals for over 17 years. Since the start of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, her hearse has carried the bodies of more than 45 service people to their final resting place at no cost for the families. It is her personal mission to bring respect back to funerals, to slow life down and give grieving family members a few more minutes with their loved one. Her family, friends and community have all sacrificed with her to make this dream come true.
Beginning of a business
The idea for a horse-drawn hearse carriage business came from Lorraine’s brother, Barney Clancy. When their father died, they wanted a funeral befitting his aristocratic nature. He wasn’t from royalty, but he always carried himself with an air of dignity. When he passed away, Lorraine and Barney believed the best way to show their respect was with a horse-drawn hearse. To them, a horse-drawn hearse represented dignity and tradition. However, no funeral home offered this service and they couldn’t find anyone locally who offered horse-drawn hearse services. Because of their frustration and inability to provide their father with a last ride, Barney was inspired to start a new business. Lorraine became a partner with Barney in Wellington Carriage Company, named after their father, Wellington Joseph Clancy. The hearse, an 1867 James Cunningham & Sons hearse, was purchased at an auction in Pennsylvania. It was pulled by their first horse, Mike, a dapple gray Percheron. As you can expect, people weren’t knocking their door down for funerals. Barney ran the business for about a year before he lost interest and decided to sell it. Lorraine didn’t want him to sell the business they had named after their father, and she had grown quite fond of Mike. She took over the business from Barney in 1993. Lorraine now had a horse and a hearse, and no truck with which to haul either. She was also a farmer’s wife with two small children at home. But she was dedicated to this business and she added on. She bought a surrey so she could offer horse-drawn carriage services for weddings in addition to funerals. “I discovered real quick, weddings are depressing,” she says. Brides would call and say they only needed her for 15 minutes, gripe about paying and want her to take the horse and carriage places she wouldn’t take her own truck. Lorraine started stressing over wedding commitments and how she would handle it if a funeral came up suddenly. She never wanted to turn a funeral down so she could do someone’s fourth wedding. “Funerals are a once-in-a-lifetime thing,” says Lorraine. “Just like my dad was special; it’s an honor for me that they would include us in that special time. That’s what you live your whole life for, and your funeral should reflect on your life. So I just do
funerals.” From the early days of the business, Lorraine never charged for the funerals of veterans, service personnel, children, murder victims or family or friends within the state. That meant 90 percent of all her services were free. “It’s a labor of love,” she said. “You can’t be in it for the paycheck. You have to do it because you love it. I believe in it and I get a lot of satisfaction from doing it.” When the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started in 2001 she was going through a pretty tough time in her life. Then Staff Sgt. Justin Vasquez, who grew up in Manzanola, was killed while serving in Iraq. Lorraine had known Justin since he was born. She knew she had to do Justin’s funeral. She immediately called his family. A thousand people attended Justin’s funeral, twice the population of Manzanola. That’s when Lorraine says it hit her: “What problem do I have that’s bigger than this?”
Commitment to those who served
Two weeks later Lorraine received a phone call from a funeral home in Denver requesting her services for Marine Lance Cpl. Chad Maynard. At the funeral for Cpl. Maynard she had someone stay with Mike so she could go into the church and hear the service. It was her first real exposure to the sacrifices being made by our military servicemen and women. After the funeral, as she was pulling out of the cemetery grounds holding up rush hour traffic, she encountered several impatient drivers. She realized at that moment this kid didn’t know any of us. “This kid died for us,” she says. “People can be mad and honk at me because of this inconvenience. These people don’t care, but I have to care and I have to bring awareness to the public. Every day, these kids are dying for us.” The Maynard funeral was a turning point in Lorraine’s life. The Denver Post carried a story about Lorraine, the funerals and her aging and injured horse, Mike. After reading the article, Phyllis Patterson contacted Lorraine about helping her with the purchase of another horse. Lorraine had previously met Phyllis when she and Mike carried the body of Phyllis’s nephew, Navy Seal Danny Dietz, to his burial at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver. Phyllis explained that the Dietz family wanted to buy her another horse for all she had done for them. Lorraine instantly refused,” she told Phyllis. “Number one, your [continued on page 18] ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 17
Lorrain Melgosa drives the hearse carriage in one of the many military funerals she has assisted gratis. [continued from page 17]
family has already given so much. I can’t take anything from you. I can’t take a cup of coffee from anyone, let alone have a family that’s lost a soldier buy me a horse.” Lorraine says she lovingly argued with Phyllis over a period of time. However the family was so persistent that Lorraine eventually accepted the offer. The generosity of the Dietz family resulted in Lorraine purchasing Lady, a black Percheron mare. Life went on for three years with Lady. Lorraine and Lady provided horse-drawn hearse services at more than 80 funerals, 21 of which were for active military personnel. Then Lady died suddenly of colic in November of 2009. She was just 14 years old. She is buried in Lorraine’s yard next to Mike. Near the time of Lady’s death, the motor in Lorraine’s truck died. Suddenly, two-thirds of her funeral business assests were gone. No horse, no truck. Lorraine almost quit the day Lady died. What was God telling her? She felt like she’d given enough. There was no shame in quitting. After crying all day and night, the thought came to her, “Soldiers can’t quit when their guys die. They have to keep going into battle. Why should I be able to quit?” A good friend came to Lorraine with an idea for a fundraiser she wanted to organize to buy Lorraine another horse and truck. Lorraine balked at the idea of accepting the help and money of others. “I don’t feel right about this. I can find another horse. I don’t need this,” she recalls saying. She discussed her concerns over the fund-raising event with another friend, whose advice was, that Lorraine can’t deny people the blessing of helping her. She wants to do all this for other people but part of God’s test is seeing what she can accept, too.” Realizing that in order to give, one must learn to receive, Lorraine attended the benefit. The event was wildly successful and with the help of her local community she was able to purchase ColoradoCountryLife.coop 18 January 2012
her next horse. She felt that God was telling her to come back stronger and better than before. She bought her next horse, sight unseen. When Lorraine saw the horse for the first time she wasn’t sure she had done the right thing. The horse was just off the truck and still had his winter coat and his name was Bill. That was the first thing she changed and he became Duke because he was just not a “Bill” to her. Her father’s nickname had been Duke, so she felt it was a fitting name for her new horse. Back at home, she lit firecrackers to simulate the guns that are fired during military funerals and she walked him beside the trains tracks near her farm. Nothing she did fazed him. Duke has proven to be a superb horse. Today, Lorraine believes that Duke will be her best horse yet.
Mission to honor others
Since the first military funerals Lorraine did with Mike, her mission in life has become clear to her. All she had been through prior to the wars was preparing her for what she’s now doing. Lorraine and her horses have provided horse-drawn hearse services at 45 military funerals. She vividly remembers them all. When asked if one funeral in particular touched her the most, she says. “They all do, they all have a story,” she says. Lorraine has attracted the attention of the national media. She has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, The Denver Post, and as well as on the “NBC Nightly News,” during the Making a Difference segment. She does not like the attention for herself but sees it as a means to an end, to bring attention to the servicemen and women and their stories. She’s been called a hero and she immediately says she’s not. To her the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are the heroes. “They risk their lives every day and what do I do?” she says. “I put on a tux and go to work. There’s a lot of other people
doing more than I’m doing. It’s not a big deal.” Because of the media attention, people from all over the country contact Lorraine and new friendships are made. Through her new friends, family and community, she is able to deal with the constant grief felt at each funeral. The effect each person has on her is evident as she recounts them for this interview. She remembers each and every funeral vividly, not just the military funerals. There have been funerals for children and complete strangers; she can recall something about every one. “Yes, I have the hurt.” she says. “I lose a piece of my heart each time, but look what I’ve gained. That’s how I deal with it.” Lorraine feels we all have a gift and this is why God put her here and why she didn’t quit after Lady died. She feels stronger for all she’s been through and for what she can do. “Not everyone can do what I do, but everyone can do something to help,” she says. The families of the fallen deeply appreciate Lorraine’s efforts. It means a lot to them that a stranger would do this for them — that she would pick up the phone and call them and do this for their loved one. “Just like I am humbled that a stranger would die for me, they are humbled that a stranger would drive 400 miles and do this funeral for them,” she says. She wants the families to know she cares, that a stranger ap-
To get in touch with Lorraine at Wellington Carriage Company 719-469-9876 email wellingtoncoach@yahoo.com
preciates the sacrifice and what they’ve been through. While Follow Lorraine on Facebook at the ceremony of a facebook.com search Duke the horse-drawn procesfuneral horse. sion is common for burials in Arlington National Cemetery, it isn’t generally seen otherwise. For Lorraine, it is important to add this extra measure of honor and dignity to a veteran’s funeral. With her horse and her hearse Lorraine is saying, “I recognize the sacrifice you gave, and you’re going to receive the highest honor that I can give.” Audra Daugherty is a freelance writer from Arizona. This is her second feature for Colorado Country Life.
Donates $100 each to • Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Colorado Springs • Volunteers for Change, Colorado City • Grand County Council for Aging, Granby All were nominated by readers as part of a December program focused on giving to others. All of the other nominated organizations received $20 donations.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 19
The Best Plants for Your Garden
Get ideas at the Anasazi Heritage Center Plant Select Garden BY EVE GILMORE MONTANE WWW.XERISCAPEGARDENS.COM
At 7,100 feet in elevation outside of Dolores sits the first Plant Select demonstration garden in the southwestern corner of the state. It is couched between the piñon-juniper and pine-oak ecological zones and exhibits characteristics of both. “With Plant Select plants and other hardy perennials integrated into the native landscape, native and adapted plant varieties can be compared almost side by side,” boasts the garden’s complimentary plant guide. There are nearly 90 Plant Select public gardens in Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. Plant
Select’s goal is to showcase new plants to the public so gardeners can find out how the plants perform in a real garden setting. Plants look fabulous at the nursery. They bloom nicely and almost seem to be smiling, winking and waving at us, wooing us to buy them. But many times they look much less fantastic once we plant them in the garden at home. Maybe it’s because after their bloom period ends, their foliage is unattractive. Or perhaps they don’t tolerate our real-life Colorado soil and conditions. On the other hand, some plants don’t fare well in nursery conditions, being stuffed into a little pot and schlepped around season after season. In order to look good, some plants need the wide open spaces and natural splendor they are normally accustomed to calling home. So, before you choose the plants you want to reside in your home garden, you can get a firsthand account of how they adjust in a garden atmosphere by visiting the Plant Select demonstration garden at the Anasazi Heritage Center. Plant Select is a collaboraPlant Select: tive program between Denver plantselect.org Botanic Gardens, Colorado State University, and green inAnasazi Heritage Center: dustry professionals from the blm.gov/co/st/en/fo/ Rocky Mountains and beyond. ahc.html Its mission is to seek out and Denver Botanic Gardens: distribute “the very best plants for gardens from the High botanicgardens.org Plains to the intermountain Colorado State University: region.” These are primarily colostate.edu plants deemed underused in Southern Ute Cultural Center spite of their great attributes and hardy constitutions. and Museum: succm.org It’s January and this public
Helpful websites:
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 20 January 2012
The Anasazi Heritage Center in Dolores
garden is probably covered by snow and the plants are still dormant, but it’s not too early to start thinking about your garden or to mark your calendar for a spring excursion to Dolores. The Anasazi Heritage Center is a top-notch facility with many other impressive exhibits, and it is in a beautiful rural setting. While you’re in the area I would recommend visiting the new Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum in Ignacio. It’s about an hour and a half southeast from Dolores, but if you’re interested in learning about native culture I would recommend the trip. The Anazi Heritage Center’s Plant Select garden was started in 2010 and each year more Plant Select plants are incorporated into its informal and hardy landscape. Plant Select has named several worthy plants as new participants in its program every year since 1996 and will have more in the coming year. Check out this beautiful corner of the state, see the new year’s Plant Select introductions in action and get better acquainted with native culture while you’re at it.
Love gardening? Read previous gardening columns at coloradocountrylife.coop. Click on Gardening.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 21
Cookbook Concoctions
Recipes include delicious fare for every season of the year BY AMY HIGGINS || AHIGGINS@COLORADOCOUNTRYLIFE.ORG COMMUNITY COMRADES Durango Friends of the Arts has given over $350,000 to the Durango community during the last 20 years. The organization offers grants to help bring art into the community. To order your copy of this fund-raising cookbook, contact Kris Ryall at krisryall@aol.com.
A DASH MORE … Not only does Taste the Seasons of Durango feature more than 400 tasty recipes, but it also offers several helpful tips such as hints for baking breads, quick food fixes and pantry musthaves.
There are lots of flavorful recipes in the Durango Friends of the Arts’ 270-page cookbook. This nonprofit, all-volunteer organization has put together a delicious book that features appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts and more. Recipes presented in Taste the Seasons of Durango are fitting for any day in the year, but the book groups tasty recipe suggestions by season. This season, when the winter weather closes in, try one of these yummy cold-weather concoctions:
Mini Cinnis
2 (8-ounce) cans refrigerated crescent rolls 6 tablespoons butter, softened 1/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Unroll crescent rolls and separate each dough portion along center perforation to form four rectangles; press diagonal perforations to seal. Stir together butter, brown sugar, pecans, sugar and cinnamon; spread evenly over one side of each rectangle. A small offset spatula works really well to spread the filling. Roll up jelly roll fashion, starting at the long end. Gently cut each log into six 1-inch thick slices, using a serrated knife. Place rolls 1/4-inch apart onto two greased 8-inch cake pans. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 5 to 10 minutes then glaze. NOTE: To make slicing easier, place unbaked logs on a baking sheet and freeze for 10 minutes. Glaze: 2/3 cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon milk or half and half 1/4 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract 1/8 teaspoon salt Stir together all ingredients. Drizzle over warm rolls. For more delicious recipes from this cookbook, visit www. coloradocountrylife.coop. Click on Recipes.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 22 January 2012
Wild Rice Soup 1 cup wild rice 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter, divided 1 cup flour 1/2 cup diced onion 1/2 cup diced celery 4 cups chicken broth 1 quart whipping cream salt and pepper Soak rice in water for 4 hours, then drain. In a heavy pan combine 1 cup of butter and flour. Whisk until golden brown to make a roux. Set aside. Melt the 2 tablespoons butter in a large pot. Sauté onion and celery until the onion is translucent. Add the broth and drained rice and bring to a boil. Lower heat to a simmer. Cook 2 hours or until rice has started to open up. Add cream. Bring back to a boil and thicken with the reserved roux. Stir well until roux is completely blended into the soup. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serves 6 to 8.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 23
Family Matters
Regenerating relationships in Colorado’s great outdoors BY DENNIS SMITH || OUTDOORS@COLORADOCOUNTRYLIFE.ORG
Maybe because I’ve experienced similar intensely reflective moments while hunting or fishing with my own sons, I understood exactly what Joe Reko meant when he said, “It wasn’t so much the moose; it was my boys that made this hunt so rewarding.” This was a few weeks after he bagged a big bull moose in the Medicine Bow Mountains on the fringe of the ColoradoWyoming border. He was recounting the story to my wife and me over platters of moose burgundy with roasted veggies, a nice red wine and an old family concoction his wife, Wendy, simply called “fried bread.” It was gourmet fare for sure. But while Joe was delighted to have finally fulfilled a childhood dream, he was profoundly gratified with the realization that, at this point in his life, he could never have pulled off such a monumental challenge without the brute strength and dedication of his two sons. Joe and his boys had hunted pheasants and antelope together when the kids were young, but the passing of time — and life in general — pulled them in different directions. By the time he finally drew a Colorado moose tag, the boys were grown, married and living away from home with families of their own. Finding time to hunt or get together outdoors had become an increasingly difficult confusion of conflicting job schedules, hunting seasons and family matters. When he invited the boys to accompany him on his moose hunt, Joe’s goal was simply to get together with Ben and Jesse. He had no clue just how instrumental they would be to the outcome of the hunt. Months before the opener, Joe did the initial footwork by consulting maps, researching statistics, talking with area wildlife officers and scouting his assigned hunting unit. Yet, it was the combined efforts of Ben and Jesse in the field that brought the whole thing to its amazingly successful conclusion. Jesse and his dad set up camp the day before the season opened, but Ben’s job
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 24 January 2012
Joe Reko (right) with his son Ben and the big bull moose that brought father and sons together for an incredible outdoor adventure.
prevented him from joining them until later that evening. The plan for opening day was to split up, go in three different directions and reassemble later in the day to report their findings. All three found game, but Ben scouted four big bulls in the area and captured it on video. He ran back to find his father and Jesse, showed them the footage and then guided them back to the bulls. Joe was about to take the first bull when Ben reminded him that a bigger one lurked somewhere nearby. Joe wisely took his son’s counsel, held off and eventually crept up on a much bigger bull deeper in the drainage. Ben caught it all on video. After giving thanks for their good fortune, they began the arduous task of quartering and packing the 1,200-pound behemoth off the mountain. It was a job
made all the more urgent by the surprisingly unseasonable 70-degree heat. Five hours later the meat had been bundled into game bags. The mammoth cape and antlers muscled onto Ben’s back, the three set out for a grueling mile-and-a-half hike back to the truck. That night in camp they dined on moose tenderloins and relived the excitement of the day into the wee hours. Weeks later Joe confided to me that even if he and his boys never get to hunt together again, they can say they shared an incredible outdoor experience that will last the rest of their lives. Joe may have made the shot, but the time spent with his boys “made the hunt.” That’s a fact for which Joe will be forever grateful.
Miss an issue? Catch up at www.coloradocountrylife.coop. Click on Outdoors.
[energy tips]
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Responds
Department notes work to get hunters in the field
EDITOR’S NOTE: In the December issue of Colorado Country Life, our Outdoor columnist, Dennis Smith, took issue with some of the state of Colorado’s hunting policies. Here, Colorado Parks and Wildlife answers those criticisms.
Boost efficiency, cut costs with a heat pump
With high energy costs and future energy price volatility, how do you determine the best type of heating and cooling system to go with?
Colorado has a long and proud history of conserving its wildlife for future generations. From the reintroduction of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park at the turn of the century to the thriving moose populations reestablished since 1978, the biological and geographic diversity of our state has enticed outdoor enthusiasts nationwide. More elk inhabit Colorado than in any state or province in North America. As a result we have the ability to offer diverse hunting opportunities to our many hunting constituents. We offer true trophy hunting opportunities that are once-in-alifetime events, and also offer the ability to hunt elk every year with licenses that can be bought virtually the night before the hunt. The cost of offering such diverse opportunities is a complex regulatory system for issuing big-game hunting licenses. However, our customer service staff, officers and education coordinators provide help with big-game application year-round, with hands-on assistance to walk hunters through every step and opportunity available. Much of Colorado’s wildlife rely heavily on habitat provided by private lands. This Landowner Voucher program plays an important role in the management of Colorado’s big-game. The program allows a small percentage of hunting licenses for some big-game species to be set aside for landowners. Concerns raised about how the program currently operates are being addressed by a review committee of landowners, sportsmen, outfitters and wildlife managers. The group is considering requiring the collection of information about how landowner vouchers are used, enhancing enforcement of program violations and making changes to the eligibility requirements for landowners. The group’s recommendations for improvements may include legislative or regulatory changes, policy statements and better reporting of program operations. Hunting is the primary tool in managing wildlife. How hunting is managed in Colorado is an extremely complex matter that requires gathering critical data related to the herds’ composition, distribution and numbers and includes significant public input before final decisions are made.
For most homes heated with electricity, geothermal heat pumps make good sense because they can heat, as well as cool, your house efficiently. Among central heating and cooling systems, geothermal heat pumps provide the highest efficiency and lowest year-round utility bills. Geothermal heat pumps boasts much higher initial installation cost because loops or tubing are needed to run through the ground or to a well or pond. On the other hand, through the end of 2016, consumers who install geothermal heat pump systems can receive a 30 percent tax credit by means of the federal stimulus bill, which makes them much more affordable. The primary advantage of installing a heat pump of any kind is that it can be used throughout the year for both heating and cooling. This means you can obtain year-round savings and the payback period is shortened. In contrast, a superefficient furnace gets used only during winter and a central air conditioner only during summer. When choosing a heating and cooling system, there are other intangible factors to consider. Every type of system requires some maintenance that can increase the overall costs. A heat pump requires about the same amount of service as an air conditioner.
We welcome and encourage conversation and the participation of our citizens in our efforts to manage Colorado’s wildlife. Contact us at: 303-297-1192 or email wildlife.dowinfo@state.co.us.
For more information on geothermal heat pumps, visit coloradocountrylife. coop. Click on Energy Tips. ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 25
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Advertise in MarketPlace. Call Kris: 303-902-7276
Join us at facebook.com/COCountryLife. Share your thoughts and win prizes. ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 27
[classifieds] TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Please type or print your ad on a separate paper. Indicate how many months you would like your ad to run and which month to start. There is a minimum of 12 words at $1.63 per word/month. Be sure to include your full name and address for our records. Check MUST accompany this order or call to pay by credit card. Send your ad to: mail: Colorado Country Life 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 phone: 303-902-7276 fax: 303-455-2807 email: classifieds@coloradocountrylife.org
ANTIQUE SHOW/SALE Longmont at Boulder County Fairgrounds. February 11-12, Sat. 9-4, Sun. 10-4. Contact Jo Peterson 719-596-1022 (510-01-12) CHAIR CANING, hand caning, machine caning, fiber rush caning. Pueblo West, 719-547-0723. chaanita@q.com (858-04-13) FURNITURE RESTORATION. Quality craftsmanship since 1974. Bayfield, CO, www.antiqueres durango.com 970-884-1937. Prompt service, guaranteed repairs. (988-04-12)
ANTLER CHANDELIERS made only from REAL antlers. We are the manufacturer and we sell all of our products at wholesale prices; save as much as 60% from store prices. Many other antler products and mounts, including 5’ Moose Mount, 56” Elk Mount and giant Moose Paddles. Showroom open May 15 through October 15 in Granby, CO. 15 years at this location, over 900 satisfied customers! (970) 627-3053. (105-12-12)
BLACKSMITHING BASICS for the Homestead. Well-illustrated, easy to understand. Signed by the author. $18 includes shipping. De LaRonde Forge, PO #1190, Mancos, CO 81328 (010-02-12) ISSY AULD’s incredible i-Books. Download mysteries, intrigue, suspense from Amazon or B&N, www.izzyauld.com (014-12-12)
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 28 January 2012
LET US PUBLISH your book! We can take your manuscript, design a cover, edit and format it, and print it. Check us out. Personalized service is our specialty. 719-7492126. www.peakvistapress.com (933-03-12)
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (These opportunities have not been investigated by Colorado Country Life.)
AVON sells – you earn big. Build sales via internet or local. Flexible hours. $10 start up. ISR. 719-5500242. (133-01-12) GET PAID TO PLAY THE LOTTERY, even if you never win. Visit our website today for more information. www.lottomagiconline. com/?S4465. (911-03-12) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS/ dealers. Complete range commercial restoration products. Free guide. Call Janice, 1-800-800-2844 www.andek.com Restores metal, flat roofs, etc. 573-489-9346 (856-03-12) K-LAWN – LAWN FERTILIZING business opportunity. Part-time seasonal work. Be your own boss. NOT a franchise. It’s YOUR business! Training by turf professionals. Superior quality products. Protected territory. Low startup costs. www.k-lawn.com. 800-4459116 (914-04-12) LEGITIMATE WORK AT HOME opportunity. No sales, investment, risk. Training/website provided. Weekly/monthly income plus bonuses, benefits. Call Carrie 303579-4207, www.workathome united.com/ourabundance (932-01-12)
PIANO TUNING PAYS. Learn with American School home-study course. Tools included. Call for info. 800-497-9793. (158-01-12) START YOUR OWN BUSINESS – home/internet. Simply the highest quality candles/gifts/beauty. Enter free drawing. www.naturesbest. scent-team.com (831-01-12)
FREE SERMONS: • Myth of AntiChrist! • Myth of Secret Rapture! • Myth of Beast’s Mark! • Myth of Great Tribulation! Pastor Edwin Vrell, 606 Pratt St., #602, Longmont, CO 80501 (995-03-12) HEALTH AND FINANCES force giving away Alpacas, goats, rabbit, dog, 719-868-3789, gerrirs@hughes. net (013-02-12)
50 SUBARUS! (1995-2011) Outbacks, Foresters, Imprezas, Tribecas & more! Great prices! One-year warranty! Dealer: www.Monument Motors.com 719-481-9900 (57408-12)
EARN $75,000/yr PART TIME in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background required. Classroom or home study courses available. 800-4887570. www.amagappraisers.com (935-04-12)
DURANGO AREA. CLOCKS of all kinds repaired. Antique and modern. Call Robert 970-247-7729, bob.scott@usa.net (109-03-12)
GRIGGS MASTERY ACADEMY: 10 Courses – 10 Books – 10 Months. Innovative professional development. www.griggsachieve.com (994-04-12) RODEO ROOTS to Modern-Day Cowboys is a fine, fun book about rodeo. Great gift! $15. Call 303-4554111 to order one today. (106-12-12)
MODULAR/MOBILE HOME insurance. Very reasonable rates. Auto, motorcycle, TT, home. Insure-All Colorado, 719-646-3358. (905-02-12) NEED A LOAN? Members Federal Credit Union can help with your Auto, Home, Credit Card, and more! Visit www.mbrcu.com or call 303-755-2572. (965-05-12)
HEAVY DUTY CATTLEPENS. Portable or permanent; 32x45 working pen w/16’ crowding tub, $3,325. Call Kenneth 580-876-3699, www.cccattleequipment.com (882-04-12)
FREE BOOKS/DVDS. Soon the “Mark of the Beast” will be enforced as Church and State unite! Let the Bible reveal. The Bible Says, POB 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771. thebiblesaystruth@yahoo. com 888-211-1715. (814-04-12)
$400 WEEKLY ASSEMBLING PRODUCTS FROM HOME. For free information, send SASE: Home Assembly – CC, Box 450, New Britain, CT 06050-0450.
AWARD WINNING LONG-ARM QUILTING — reasonable rates, quick turnaround. Karen Niemi, 303-470-9309, http://creative. stitching.home.comcast.net, creative.stitching@comcast.net (846-08-12) BOOKS, PATTERNS, CLASSES, knitting, felting, crocheting, weaving, spinning, natural dye extracts, Jacquard and Gaywool dyes. www. tablerockllamas.com Colorado Springs, 866-495-7747 (791-05-12) SEW/CRAFT/HOBBY magazines. 1970s to current. $1 each+postage, 970-854-2436, rafert@chase3000. com (012-01-12)
Looking to replace Amway products? Lose your distributor? I can ship to your home, no hassle, no salesman. Monika Cary 970-7242912. (982-03-12) TUPPERWARE 1-800-238-2931. Products, opportunity, replacements. kmrrssoil@yahoo.com HOSTS earn so much FREE. www. my2.Tupperware.com/Kreichert (011-01-12)
Gutter & downspout. Reasonable rates. Travel possible. 15 years experience. Colorado Springs area. Dennis, 719-641-6713 (905-02-12)
MELT YOUR GOLD into new jewelry, repair, we buy gold. Black Forest Jeweler 719-495-8816. (992-01-12)
SAWMILL EXCHANGE: North America’s largest source of used portable sawmills and commercial equipment for woodlot owners and sawmill operations. Over 800 listings. THE place to sell equipment. 800-459-2148 www.sawmill exchange.com . (267-03-12)
LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR from the convenience of your own home. Fast, fun, and guaranteed. www. LearnGuitarCentral.com. (106-12-12)
FREE – 5 EXOTIC CHICKS or 3 ducks with 100 frypan special @ $36.95 plus shipping. Also Cornish Cross, standard breeds, fancy chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, bantams, guineas, pheasants, quail, supplies, video. FREE COLOR CATALOG 417-532-4581. Cackle Hatchery – PO Box 529, Lebanon, MO 65536. www.cacklehatchery. com. (876-07-12)
GRAND JUNCTION HORSE FARM, 3130 A 1/2 Rd, 3550+ sq. ft. home on 14 acres. Newly remodeled, new central air, new boiler, new water heater, new roof, half brick ranch w/new vinyl siding. 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, living room, dining room, large kitchen, large family room. New carpet/tile/wood floors. Full horse barn w/indoor stalls & outside runs. All steel fencing, arenas, loafing sheds on large pastures. Additional fencing around home & inground heated pool. RV building (50x28’), two large ponds, etc. Ginny 970-2609629, Terry 970-261-3001, Gtraudt@ edbozarth.com 3% to 6% to any REALTOR w/buyer (946-06-12) LAND WANTED — cash buyer looking to purchase 500-20,000 acres in Colorado. Will consider bail outs, foreclosures, joint ventures, condo/commercial projects. Will close quickly. Call Joe @ Red Creek Land 719-543-6663. (648-01-12)
Call Kris to advertise in Classifieds: 303-902-7276
[funny stories] RELIGION
BECOME AN ORDAINED Minister by correspondence study. Founded in 1988. Free info. Ministers for Christ Outreach, PMB 207, 7549 W Cactus, #104, Peoria, AZ 85381. http://www.ordination. org (441-06-12)
NFR & PBR RODEO TICKETS – Las Vegas. All seating levels available. Call 1-888-NFR-rodeo (1-888637-7633) or www.NFR-Rodeo. com. *BBB Member; Since 1990. (912-11-12)
KAUAI VACATION RENTAL, 2bdr, full kitchen. Minutes from beaches. $600/wk. 808-245-6500; makanacrest.com; kauaiweddings. com. (756-05-12) READY FOR YOUR SNOWBIRD TRIP? 3-bedroom home in Chandler, AZ. Gated community with pool. www.ChandlerVacation Home.com (008-01-12)
NAVAJO RUGS, old and recent, native baskets, pottery. Tribal Rugs, Salida. 719-539-5363, b_inaz@ hotmail.com (817-02-12) OLD COLORADO LIVESTOCK brand books prior to 1975. Call Wes 303-757-8553. (889-02-12) OLD COWBOY STUFF–hats, boots, spurs, chaps, Indian rugs, baskets, etc. ANYTHING OLD! Mining & railroad memorabilia, ore carts! We buy whole estates. We’ll come to you! Call 970-759-3455 or 970565-1256. (871-01-12) OLD GAS AND OIL items: Gas pumps, advertising signs, globes, etc. Pieces, parts, etc. considered. Also 1932-34 Ford cars and trucks, parts and pieces too. Any condition. Brandon, 719-250-5721. (519-11-12)
MOSS ROCK, COLORADO OR Wyoming moss rock I will buy your moss rock or sell it for you. All types, colors and sizes considered; the more moss the better; the more unusual the better. Call Tim for details 303-588-5021. (016-02-12) OLD POCKET WATCHES – working or non-working and old repair material. Bob 719-859-4209 watchdoctor@hotmail.com. (870-06-12) VINTAGE FISHING TACKLE. I buy rods, reels, lures, creels, etc. Call Gary at 970-222-2181 (960-09-12) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ATV’s, UTV’s, motorcycles. Call 719-404-3144 or email hillarone@ comcast.net. (015-03-12) WANT TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. (402-02-12)
woman, tells him that it is an amazing radio invented by her deceased husband but cautioned him to never use the third button. Excited about his purchase, Bob takes the contraption home and plugs it in. The first button he tries says AM radio. But it’s not just local radio, it’s crystal clear AM radio from all over the world. The second button he tries says FM. Not only is it worldwide FM radio, it’s two-way radio and he’s talking to disc jockeys in Kuala Lampur and Shanghai. Unable to resist, Bob tries the third button. All of the sudden the skies darken, a tremendous wind shrieks through the window and electricity starts sparking out of the radio. Bob jumps back in fear and shouts, “ Dear God!” An angry voice comes through the speaker: “WHAT?” Joe Fetter, Denver Taking a rest room break at a stop in Fairplay, my friend Judie
overheard a grandmother and granddaughter talking after a small sound had resonated through the bathroom. “Did you let a ‘windy’?” asked the grandmother.
ONLY $15
Buy our book on the history of rodeo in Colorado. 160 pages packed with great information.
When Bob buys a radio at a garage sale, the seller, an elderly
“No,” the small girl answered. “That was the Toot Fairy.” Bonnie White, Colorado Springs Mildred and Alice, two elderly women, were out on a drive. They were cruising along when they came to an intersection with a red stoplight. Mildred drove right through. Alice thought to herself, “Am I losing it? I could have sworn we just went through a red light.” The next intersection they came to also had a red stoplight and, again, Mildred drove right through. Alice could have sworn that the light had been red but at the same time she was concerned she was seeing things. She was getting nervous. At the next intersection Alice paid close attention to the stoplight. It was red yet Mildred drove on through. Now certain she wasn’t seeing things, Alice turned to her friend and said, “Mildred, we just ran through three red lights in a row! You could have killed us both!” Mildred turned to her and said, “Good Lord! Am I driving?” Anonymous
Stock Show Special — $15 includes shipping. Order your Colorado’s Rodeo Roots to Modern-Day Cowboys.
Call 303-455-4111.
Don’t miss this great deal. We take MasterCard and Visa
We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that’s printed in the magazine. At the end of the year, we draw one name from those submitting jokes and that person will receive $150. Send your 2012 stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 N. Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or email funnystories@ coloradocountrylife.org. ColoradoCountryLife.coop January 2012 29
[Winter Wonderlands]
A Touchy Topic
Using touch screen devices while wearing winter gloves is virtually impossible, unless you own a pair of Agloves. The silver-nylon threading incorporated throughout a pair of Agloves makes using a touch screen device simple. Evidently, touch screens are not heat sensitive. “They are capacitive, meaning the screens work as tiny amounts of moisture, salts and oils in the skin allow electrons to flow between you and your device,” according to the Boulder-based company’s website. “With Agloves, the body’s natural bioelectricity flows through the glove to your touch screen device and maintains near-perfect connection.” Ranging between $17.99 and $23.99, Agloves are warm, machine washable and a great solution for those wanting to keep their digits warm while operating their touch screen gadgets. For more information, visit agloves.com.
The TracBall Snowball launcher makes it simpler to pummel your rival in a snowball fight. Just use the TracBall to scoop snow and it will form the perfect ammo. Next, fling the launcher forward and revel in the moment as you watch your opponent scramble. Enthusiasts of the ever-popular snowball fight will have a blast with this fun winter toy, and for a going rate of around $10 it’s affordable. For ages 6 and older. For more information, visit thinkgeek.com.
[Frozen in Time]
Colorado native Karla Jean Booth closely captures the beauty and complex nature of snowflakes through a camera lens. One might presume on first glance that her photographs are staged, but under close inspection that assumption quickly goes out the window. Visit realsnowflake photography.com and see for yourself. Call Karla at 970-509-0433 to order a print of an up-close, amazing snowflake.
ColoradoCountryLife.coop 30 January 2012
Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you should hole up at home. Get out and see some of the amazing things happening in the Centennial State. Try one of these on for size: January 24-February 4 22nd Annual Budweiser International Snow Sculpture Championships Watch as snow sculptors create beyondamazing masterpieces in Breckenridge and find out whose creation is worthiest of the 2012 first-place title. Snow sculptures will remain standing for the entire week following the awards ceremony, weather permitting. Visit townofbreckenridge.com for the full schedule. February 1-5 34th Annual Snowdown In 1979 Durango began its “A Winter Celebration,” and in 1983 Snowdown was born with annually changing themes. “Once Upon a Snowdown” is this year’s theme and the town promises this cabin fever reliever will be tons of fun with a costume party, parade, musical entertainment and more. Dress in your favorite fairy-tale attire and join in the celebration. For more information, visit snowdown.org. February 11-12 and 18-19 5th Annual Cripple Creek Ice Festival Relish intricate ice sculptures being created by über talented artists wielding chain saws and carving tools at this festival dubbed a “military salute carved in ice.” In the past, this two-weekend event featured ice mazes, an ice slide and martini bar. What cool elements will be brought to this year’s event? Visit cripplecreek.co.us/IceFestival for details.
Download CREA’s NEW 2012 Legislative Directory app for your iPad or iPhone Visit crea.coop to download the app The Colorado Rural Electric Association has published its 2012 Legislative Directory. Paper copies are available for $1 each by calling 303-455-4111. Or, starting January 6, you can download the Legislative Directory as an app on your Apple device for $9.99 Have legislators’ names, phone numbers, email addresses, websites and more at your fingertips.