The 1964 presidential campaign got attention among electric cooperatives like no other because President Lyndon Johnson was a champion of rural electrification while his challenger, Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, had a 92% unfavorable voting record on co-op issues.
Goldwater publicly stated that co-ops had “outlived their usefulness in most states.” He called for selling the Tennessee Valley Authority “even if the government could get only one dollar for it.”
“Had he been successful in his bid for the presidency, he would have wrecked our program,” NRECA General Manager Clyde T. Ellis wrote in his 1966 book “A Giant Step.”
A red flag was raised in 1960 when Goldwater published “The Conscience of a Conservative,” his manifesto on conservative principles in contemporary politics. When electric co-op leaders read that “the government must begin to withdraw from a whole series of government programs,” including “public power” and “agriculture” on a “rigid timetable,” they knew the Arizona senator was talking about the federal power marketing agencies and the Rural Electrification Administration.
Meanwhile, Johnson “had a long record of support for our program,” and his running mate, Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey “had led us to some of our most vital victories in Congress,” Ellis wrote.
If there was lingering doubt that election year about where Goldwater and the Republican leadership stood on rural electrification, it was eliminated when the National Observer newspaper reported that the candidate’s advisors named only one thing when asked for examples of what the candidate might eliminate if he were president: the Rural Electrification Administration.
Investor-owned utilities loved the book. Ellis noted that one of them, Virginia Electric Power Company, bought 500 copies and distributed them to high school libraries in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina.
Goldwater and Ellis saw the world very di erently. Sparring at a 1956 Senate hearing, the Arizonan argued that it made no di erence whether the federal government or investor-owned utilities developed hydroelectric power on the nation’s rivers.
Ellis and asserted that the “natural resource of falling water … belongs to the people.” Private companies and their stockholders should not be allowed to profit from it over not-for-profit companies like co-ops and municipal utilities.
“To people who had dedicated their lives to the rural electrification program, it was unthinkable that anyone with such views might become president,” Ellis wrote. “With a grim determination, that united us as never before – Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives – in a massive e ort to be certain he did not carry the rural areas.”
NRECA, the National Farmers Union, the Cooperative League of the U.S.A. and other like-minded groups and individuals organized Rural Americans for JohnsonHumphrey, and by September there were chapters in 40 states. Volunteers distributed more than three million pieces of campaign literature, according to Ellis. And “well over 2,000 radio tapes were prepared and sent to stations throughout the country, along with many TV tapes, and they were widely used.”
County and precinct chapters did everything from hand out JohnsonHumphrey bumper stickers to putting on fundraising dinners.
“The locals did the actual campaigning with the voters and got out the vote on Election Day,” Ellis wrote. Many of those locals were electric co-ops members, directors, and employees.
It worked. Johnson won 61% of the popular vote in a landslide victory in which Goldwater was awarded only six states.
Most newspapers and magazines noted the strength of the rural vote in their election round-up stories, and many singled-out Goldwater’s opposition to rural electrification as a decisive factor. – NRECA
“Improving the quality of life for all those we touch.”
Imposter scams are the number one type of fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission. While scam artists may come to your door posing as a utility worker who works for the “power company,” in today’s more connected world, attempts are more likely to come through an electronic device, via email, phone or text.
A scammer may claim you are overdue on your electric bill and threaten to disconnect your service if you don’t pay immediately. Whether this is done in-person, by phone, text or email, the scammers want to scare you into immediate payment, so you don’t have time think clearly.
If this happens over the phone, simply hang up. If you’re concerned about your bill, call us at 1-800-431-1544. If the scam is by email or text, delete it before taking any action. 4-County/FASTnet will never attempt to demand immediate payment after just one notice. Some scammers may falsely claim you have been overcharged on your bill and say they want to give a refund over the phone. If this “refund” scam happens over the phone, just hang up and block the phone number to prevent future robocalls.
Be wary of calls or texts from unknown numbers. Be suspicious of an unknown person claiming to be a utility worker who requests banking or other personal information.
Never let anyone into your home that you don’t know unless you have a scheduled appointment or reported a problem. 4-County/FASTnet employees wear easily identifiable shirts/hats/uniforms and carry ID badges. And, in conclusion, I’d like to thank our members, board of directors and employees for making our 2024 Annual Meeting a huge success. Over 700 members, employees, and o cials of 4-County Electric Power Association attended the cooperative’s annual membership meeting Thursday, June 6, at the Communiversity in Columbus (see photos and related article on pages 16-17).
by Brian Clark
CEO/General Manager
Food, milk, clothes — you name it. Costs for each of these items, and every other product, have dramatically risen. It has a ected all of us. At 4-County, we’re no exception. Our cost of doing business has continued to rise.
4-County purchases its power from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and then we distribute it to our members. TVA has told us to expect an increase in power costs later this year. What’s the answer? Unfortunately, as the costs of purchasing power rise along with other essential elements of doing business as an electric cooperative, our rates will likely undergo an adjustment too, accordingly. It’s simple math. But, there’s nothing simple about the steps your cooperative takes to keep rates stable.
In 2016, through a combination of e orts, 4-County absorbed a TVA rate increase and did not pass it on to members. The result? The co-op saved its members over $10 million. Other cost-saving measures include maintaining an e cient employee headcount through attrition and absorption of duties, using technology to provide more e cient and less costly service, and developing and implementing many financially prudent internal processes and decisions.
4-County o cials say that while the Association has been able to successfully avoid a significant rate adjustment over the past decade, the time may have finally come. We’re seeing a big rise in interest rates and our costs for doing business are skyrocketing.
Basic items like poles, wire, and transformers are extremely expensive right now. The cost to replace a bucket truck is staggering.
With that said, prices for electricity in our region of the country remain a good bargain. Our power costs here compare very favorably to the rest of the country.
One of the impacts driving these changes for both 4-County and TVA is growth. We’re seeing exceptional growth in our service territory. We’re adding load every year, especially with larger commercial members. That’s great, but it also means we’ve got to make additions to our system. TVA is seeing the same thing with unexpected growth across the Valley. They’ve got to quickly add generation to meet all our needs. So, it is a double-edged sword. People want to live here, companies want to locate here, but we’ve got to be able to serve all of them.
At the end of the day, the reasons for a rate increase are not as important as the impact on the members. It doesn’t matter if you are a huge manufacturer or an elderly person living alone, when costs go up, it’s a big deal. Everyone at 4-County, from our Board to our employees, is committed to keeping costs as low as possible now and in the future.
Meanwhile, continue to look at 4-County communication outlets like the Today in Mississippi, our website (www.4county.org), social media, and bill inserts for updates and more information.
Like all the storms and other challenges we face, your co-op is prepared to face this likely rate adjustment with you.
Over 700 members, employees, and o cials of 4-County Electric Power Association attended the cooperative’s annual membership meeting Thursday, June 6, at the Communiversity in Columbus.
The co-op members began gathering about 9 a.m. to register and attend a health fair. They later had lunch, elected three directors and heard financial and business reports from 4-County o cials. Three incumbent directors were re-elected: Russell Dodds (representing District 2, Oktibbeha County), Bru Sanders, (representing District 3, Monroe and Clay counties), and Jay Gilliland (District 6, Chickasaw and Webster counties). They will serve three-year terms.
Held in conjunction with the annual meeting, the health fair provided members the opportunity to receive healthcare screenings from a variety of vendors. Screenings o ered included blood pressure and vision screenings.
4-County Youth Tour delegates Maggie Martin, Gaby Baumbach, Tyler Phillips and Liv Gundy were recognized and provided reports to members about their leadership activities.
Members returning their proxy/ballots, as well as those who attended the meeting, qualified to win valuable prizes. Those attending the meeting qualified for the grand prize, a retired 4-County SUV. Bessie Foote of Macon was the SUV winner. Other attendee prizes included $500 credits for electricity (see sidebar), home electronics and more.
Employees were on hand to instruct members on how to participate in a variety of 4-County and FASTnet programs.
MATT GARNER of Columbus
LEANNE LONG of Starkville
CALE PEARCE of Woodland
MICHAEL WOLFE of Starkville
TARA STEWART of Shuqualak
While Charlie Sullivan was growing up playing football on the plains of northeast Mississippi, the field of play was rapidly changing for fiber technology.
“I didn’t know anything about fiber when I was a kid, living in Nettleton. It’s amazing to see what’s possible in the field of fiber technology,” the FASTnet Fiber Install Technician said.
Charlie Sullivan joined 4-County Electric Power Association’s broadband fiber subsidiary June 6, 2022. Prior to 4-County, he worked for a year as a fiber installer for contractor MR Communications.
At press time, FASTnet had nearly 17,500 customers. “It’s awesome to see the growth we’re experiencing. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds. I’m blessed to have this job. I want to retire here,” he said.
Charlie and his wife, Mary, live in Pheba. They attend Liberty Baptist Church in Nettleton.
In his spare time, he enjoys deer hunting and playing video games (primarily, “Madden” and “Call of Duty”). “They’re just fun,” Charlie said of the video games. “The time can get away from you when you’re playing them.”
Deer hunting is a new passion. “I started two or three years ago. That’s when I got my first buck. I’ve been addicted ever since.”
With a few exceptions, Charlie said, he and Mary are homebodies. “We just like hanging out with family, but we enjoy the occasional bonfire with friends.”
He considers FASTnet to be his home away from home. “It’s great meeting the needs of our customers. We are very service oriented. It’s nice being part of that.”
Charlie’s co-workers are like family. He added, “we work hard here, but we’re also there for each other. And it never gets dull. There’s something new every day.”
The Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi Foundation was created by the electric cooperatives of Mississippi in 2005. In an e ort to give back to the communities they serve, the Foundation provides scholarships for post-secondary and vocational education to accredited institutions for qualifying high school seniors. For the fall of 2024, the Foundation awarded scholarships to dependents of employees of participating electric cooperatives. Six Central Electric employee’s children who are entering college this fall were awarded the ECM Foundation Scholarships. Central Electric wants to congratulate each recipient on receiving this scholarship.
Dalton Graham is the son of Christina Graham and Pete and Yancy Graham. He is a graduate of Newton County High School. Dalton enjoys hunting, fishing, baseball, and golf. He plans to attend Pearl River Community College to pursue a business degree. Dalton plans to play baseball throughout college.
Carrington Dexter Myrick is the son of Dexter and Felicia Myrick. He is a graduate of Velma Jackson High School. Carrington enjoys football, track, and bowling. He plans to attend Holmes Community College and Mississippi State University to pursue an accounting degree.
John Michael Donovan II, Leake Academy
John Michael Donovan II is the son of Mike and Ginger Donovan. He is a graduate of Leake Academy where he is was on the baseball and football teams. John Michael enjoys hunting, fishing, and fitness training. He plans to attend East Central Community College to pursue a degree in the electrical industry.
Cary Wilkinson is the daughter of Andy and Leann Wilkinson. She is a graduate of Union High School. Cary’s love for her family and her church inspired her to want to pursue an education career to create a safe place for future students. Cary plans to attend Southwest Mississippi Community College where she will be a cheerleader and pursue a degree in elementary education.
Kelly Pickett, Neshoba Central High School
Lakynn Kelly Pickett is the daughter of Darrin and Lynda Pickett. She is a graduate of Neshoba Central High School. Lakynn enjoys performing in theatre and drama, spending time with her family and friends, and fishing with her dad. She plans to attend East Central Community College where she will be part of the band, chorus, theatre, and captain of the color guard. Lakynn will further her education at a university to pursue a degree in music, arts, and acting.
Pinter, Leake Academy
Meah Pinter is the daughter of Martin and Shay Pinter. She is a graduate of Leake Academy. Meah enjoys riding horses and making beaded jewelry. She plans to attend the University of West Alabama on a rodeo scholarship and pursue a degree in nursing.
by Miranda Boutelle
How do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
Equipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• Air conditioning – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• Low airflow – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• Bad odors – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• Strange noises – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• Running frequently – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
Boat manufacturer Connor Industries is locating operations in Clarksdale, representing a corporate investment of at least $8 million and the creation of 56 jobs, according to a news release.
Connor Industries’ new location will enable the company to manufacture and test boats year-round on the Mississippi River. The project involves the construction of a new 48,600-square-foot facility to house Connor Industries’ new Clarksdale operations, as well as public infrastructure improvements in north Coahoma County, including the construction of a new road over the Mississippi River levee, and a river dock landing.
The Mississippi Development Authority is providing assistance for site development and infrastructure improvements. Substantive additional support is being provided through grants from the U.S. Economic Development Administration and Delta Regional Authority.
“Connor Industries’ new location in Coahoma County is another reminder of the incredible variety of resources that our state has to o er. This significant private-sector investment will bring new opportunities to the people of Coahoma County that, in turn, will strengthen the area’s economy through local spending and a stronger tax base. I welcome Connor Industries to our great state, and I wish the company many years of success in the Mississippi Delta,” Gov. Tate Reeves said in the release.
Coahoma Electric and Cooperative Energy were a key part in supporting Connor Industries’ decision to locate in Coahoma
County. Through a $50,000 Cooperative Competes grant, Coahoma Electric defrayed electric connection costs for this project, relieving Connor Industries from an additional upfront capital outlay.
“While many know Coahoma Electric as a power provider in our area, many may not know that our wholesale power provider, Cooperative Energy, has an entire team of economic development professionals dedicated to working projects like this in the region. The team serves as an extension of ours, and the economic development services they provide helps us compete at an even higher level and on an international scale, attracting businesses like Connor Industries to Coahoma County,” Coahoma Electric CEO Keith Hurt said.
Based in Canada, Connor Industries’ product line includes welded aluminum commercial, luxury, and emergency response vessels. The company expects to complete construction next year and plans to fill the 56 jobs shortly after completion.
“We are thrilled to create new economic opportunity for the citizens of Coahoma County and the entire northwest delta region. We are grateful to all those in local, state and the federal U.S. government who have helped in the recruitment and funding of infrastructure necessary for Connor Industries to expand into Coahoma County, Mississippi. We are excited for the growth opportunities for our company represented by this expansion,” Connor Industries Founder and CEO Bill Connor said.
Coahoma Electric Chief Executive O cer Keith Hurt awarded Lance Shepherd a scholarship on behalf of the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi Foundation.
Shepherd is a 2024 graduate of Lee Academy in Clarksdale and attended the school since the 7th grade. Shepherd played basketball in 7th through 9th grades.
When asked if he had any advice for underclassmen, Shepherd said, “Su er through your work now, so you won’t have to stress about it right before it’s due.”
He plans to attend Delta State University. Lance Shepherd is the son of Frank Shepherd. Frank Shepherd is the Chief Information O cer at Coahoma Electric Power Association and has been employed there for 23 years.
by Miranda Boutelle
QHow do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
AEquipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• AIR CONDITIONING – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• LOW AIRFLOW – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• BAD ODORS – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• STRANGE NOISES – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• RUNNING FREQUENTLY – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
by Scott Flood
Unless you’ve just awakened from an especially long nap, you’ve probably been hearing plenty about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s likely that much of what you’ve heard is either exciting or terrifying. Movies and TV o er up paradises in which technology frees us from daily drudgery — and frightening scenarios in which machines become our overlords.
Venkat Banunarayanan smiles when asked if popular media’s takes on AI are accurate. “We’re at the stage of discovery with AI,” he says. “There’s a lot more buzz than reality at this point, and we have a long way to go.”
As the vice president for integrated grid business and technology strategies for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Venkat spends some of his time exploring possible use cases with AI, augmented/virtual reality (VR), and other promising technologies, while considering how they might improve the way electric co-ops serve their consumer-members. “Can AI do things better? Can it handle some of the tasks we have to do today? The answer to those and most other questions is the same: maybe.”
Despite what you may have heard, AI is not capable of thinking on its own. The functionality greatly depends on programming, how the tool is trained to handle specific tasks, and the level of data being fed into the system.
Because these new technologies interface with internal and external systems, Venkat stresses the importance of strong cybersecurity. “We need to make sure hackers can’t influence systems,” he warns. “When we consider advancements like AI, we need to ensure protection of personal, critical infrastructure, proprietary, and confidential data, too.”
As electric cooperatives explore the possibilities of AI, they will focus on underlying needs rather than the technology itself. Examining better ways to accomplish tasks and obtain desired results will guide co-ops as they consider AI tools for more e cient processes and approaches.
Electric co-ops are likely to experience the growth of AI in the foreseeable future via incremental improvements. For example, the next generation of smart meters might incorporate AI tools that help homeowners better manage their energy use. AI-based systems may also be used to improve management of the nation’s power grid, spotting potential problems before human operators can. Weather forecasts are likely to become more accurate, pinpointing the areas
most likely to experience damage, so crews can be stationed there.
Another promising technology currently explored is augmented reality (AR), and some co-ops are already testing it, particularly in educational and training opportunities. For example, apprentice lineworkers can become comfortable manipulating AR and VR versions of equipment before working with the real thing. Instead of watching a video or a webinar, lineworkers can interact with what they’re doing.
AR blends VR with the world around us. One day soon, a lineworker may look up at a failed transformer atop a power pole. Their safety glasses will instantly recognize the type of transformer, its exact location, and when it was installed before displaying a checklist of the equipment the lineworker may need, a guide to diagnosing common problems, and even 24-hour access to technical experts.
From solving outages more quickly, to allowing greater control over energy use, to lowering the cost of service, tomorrow’s innovative technologies will continue to help co-ops enhance the services they provide to their local communities.
For more than four decades, business writer Scott Flood has worked with electric cooperatives to build knowledge of energy-related issues among directors, sta , and members.
Electric cooperatives are already using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) for key tasks and activities. Looking ahead, co-ops see great potential for AI and AR as helpful tools for improving grid reliability and the services they provide to consumer-members.
AI tools like chatbots can enhance member interactions and provide a tailored experience based on energy use data.
With the help of AI, weather forecasts will become more accurate, pinpointing areas to station utility crews.
Through augmented reality, or AR, lineworkers can experience interactive, lifelike trainings, rather than watching a video or webinar.
Our employees will observe Independence Day, and our o ces will be closed Thursday, July 4, for the holiday.
Where our members have the
Later this month, you will receive your 2024 Annual Meeting notice and proxy registration card. With the heat of the summer upon us, the meeting in November seems ages away, but it will be here before we know it!
Cooperatives like Coast Electric not only rely on members to lead our board of directors but also to participate in our co-op’s democratic process by attending our Annual Meeting to vote on board leadership. Members who can’t attend the meeting in person have the option to register their proxy. Proxy registration is available online or at any of our o ces, or you can mail back the registration card that will be mailed to your home. We hope you can attend the meeting to get to know us a little better, but
by Ron Barnes
President and CEO
if you can’t, we encourage you to register and take part in your cooperative’s election process. Registration will begin July 31 at 10 a.m. in our o ces and on www.coastelectric.coop. Having more members who are active and engaged helps us understand your needs and helps us make decisions that will improve your service.
Save the Date! Join us Thursday, Nov. 7, at our Kiln Headquarters for our 2024 Annual Meeting. Can’t make it? We’ve got you covered. Registration via mail and online begins July 31. There will be prizes for those attending the meeting and for those registering their proxy. Stay tuned to Today in Mississippi, www.coastelectric.coop and our social media outlets for information.
A grant from Coast Electric is funding a new community garden in southern Hancock County. The garden will serve as a catalyst to educate children and families in the Pearlington community about food sustainability, healthy eating and harvesting food. The project came to fruition after Coast Electric awarded a $6,600 grant to the Hancock County Library system for a project that would help the community. Pearlington Library employees had a vision for cultivating a garden to help alleviate food insecurity in the area.
“In Pearlington, the library is a hub for activities and gatherings, so it’s a perfect space for a garden that will benefit the entire community,” said Coast Electric Director of Community Development Janell Nolan. “This project not only helps fill tables for food insecure residents, but it also provides educational opportunities that will help families for years to come. We are grateful the library had this vision, and that our grant funds are being used to meet a critical need for residents.”
Besides providing funding for the project, Coast Electric employees – along with local civic organizations, master gardeners and community volunteers – are volunteering to help build, plant and maintain the garden. Coast Electric and Pearlington Library representatives recently had a workday to build garden beds and prepare for planting. More workdays are planned in anticipation of a fall harvest.
The garden at the Pearlington Library is one of three public spaces where Coast Electric employees volunteer. The cooperative also partners with the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain to maintain and improve properties in Harrison and Pearl River counties. Environmental projects are one way Coast Electric fulfills its mission of improving the quality of life in the communities it serves.
For more information about Coast Electric’s environmental and community e orts, visit https://coastelectric.coop/my-community/environmental-programs/.
Coast Electric is honored to have earned a 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award* from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) based on our member survey results. Members were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with us, how well we lived up to their expectations, and how well we measured up to their ideal co-op experience. While these were not the only questions in the survey, we included these specifically because they are the core components of the proprietary ACSI methodology.
Coast Electric’s ACSI score substantially outperforms the industry average score earned by publicly measured utilities reported in the 2023 ACSI Energy Utility Study. This award is
a testament to Coast Electric’s ongoing e orts to provide the best possible member experience.
The 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award a rms that Coast Electric’s hard work has been noticed by its members. Coast Electric is grateful for its members and will continue to strive for excellence through constant dedication to improvement.
*Award criteria are determined by the ACSI® and are based on customers rating their satisfaction in a survey independent of the syndicated ACSI Energy Utility Study. For more about the ACSI, visit www.theacsi.org/badges. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.
Coast Electric wants you to reduce your energy use and see savings on your energy costs. Each month, you will have an opportunity to register to win a prize that will help you reduce the energy consumption in your home. Visit www.coastelectric.coop or scan the QR code to enter. It only takes a few seconds, and you could win a prize that helps you save!
How can I lower my electric bill when I’m gone on vacation?
Before you leave for vacation, reduce unnecessary energy waste and unneeded wear and tear on your home’s equipment by following these energy-saving tips.
Just like you, the equipment in your home is hard at work getting through the daily grind. While you are o enjoying a new adventure or time away, give your home’s equipment a vacation, too. Doing so can reduce unnecessary energy waste and unneeded wear and tear on your heating and cooling system, appliances, and more.
Here’s how to set your
Your heating and cooling system keeps you comfortable. If you aren’t there, it doesn’t need to be quite so comfortable in your home. Setting the thermostat closer to the outdoor temperature can save you energy and money. I don’t recommend completely turning o the heating or cooling system. In extreme weather, your heating and cooling system also helps protect your home from freezing pipes or damage from excessive heat.
As a rule, you can typically set your thermostat 5 to 10 degrees closer to the outdoor temperature when you aren’t home. Each home is di erent, and the weather varies depending on where you live. Consider the right temperature balance for your home.
Installing a smart thermostat gives you the ability to control your settings remotely from your smartphone. This allows you to adjust the temperature after you leave home and right before you return.
Most water heaters include a vacation mode setting. This setting drops the temperature to reduce wasted energy when you’re away. A storage water heater is like an insulated tea kettle, standing by and ready for you to have hot water whenever you need it. Give that water heater a vacation, too. Changing the setting to vacation mode keeps it on at a lower setting, saving energy. Leave yourself a note with a reminder to turn it back on when you get home, so you don’t wind up with a disappointing shower before the first day back at work.
Closing the curtains can provide two benefits. It can keep heat from the sun at bay. This reduces the load on your heating and cooling system, which saves energy. It also has the benefit of blocking visibility into your home when you’re away.
For security, some people use timers or leave on exterior lights. Make sure any lights left on are LEDs, instead of incandescent or compact fluorescent bulbs. LEDs use less energy and have less impact on your electric use when left on all night. You can also consider adding smart LEDs to your home. Smart LEDs can be controlled remotely through an app on your phone.
Did you know there are devices in your home that continue to draw power from your electrical outlets even when turned o or on standby? Before you leave, walk through your home and unplug devices and small appliances. Make sure gaming consoles and computers are fully powered down. Unplugging any devices that have lights, clocks, or use standby mode can also reduce wasted energy.
Having peace of mind that your home is powered down and secure can help you enjoy your vacation. After all, we all need an occasional break.
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon.
As the general manager of Delta Electric, I’m accustomed to members’ questions about power outages and why it can take time to get the lights back on. Given our reliance on electricity, there’s simply never a good time to be without it. This month, I’d like to shed light on our restoration process to help our members understand what may be happening behind the scenes. Here are 10 things you might not know about restoration:
We need you. When your power goes out, it might be just at your home or small section of a neighborhood. There is a chance we may not know about it, and no one has reported it. We rely on you to let us know if your power is out. To report an outage, call us at 662-453-6352.
Our employees might be a ected too. Because Delta Electric is a local electric cooperative owned by the members we serve, our employees are local too. They are your neighbors, friends, and community volunteers. When you’re without power, our people might be too.
It’s a team e ort. Every one of Delta Electric’s employees are working to get your power restored as soon as possible. Our member services representatives are taking your calls; engineers and field sta are surveying damage; our vegetation management team is clearing hazards; dispatchers are organizing crews; and communicators are keeping everyone informed of progress or potential dangers.
We assess the situation first. Every outage is di erent, and we don’t know how dangerous it is or what equipment might need to be replaced. When responding to outages, we first need to see what happened, then figure out what materials we need, and a plan for how to fix the problem(s) without compromising electric flow for the rest of our members.
Restoration is normally prioritized by the largest number of members we can get back on in the shortest amount of time. Our crews focus on responding first to public safety issues and critical services like hospitals. Then we complete work that impacts the largest number of people first.
If the lights go out, know that your co-op team is working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Our employees face many dangers. Besides working around high voltage electricity, our crews are on alert for wild animals, weather elements, falling trees, and fast-moving cars.
Flickering lights are a good thing. Some folks mistake flickering lights for outages, but these “blinks” are important because they indicate our equipment worked and prevented a possible outage likely caused by wayward animals or stray tree limbs on the lines.
You need a backup plan. We do our best to help those who need it, but if you depend on electricity for life support purposes, you must have a back-up plan — remember, we don’t always know how long restoration e orts will take. If you’re unsure what to do, call us so we can help you prepare an emergency location.
Our employees have to plan, and eat. If you ever see our trucks in a restaurant parking lot while your power is out, know that sometimes our employees huddle in a safe, common area to map out their plan for getting your power back on. Also, our crews work long hard hours during outages and need to take time for meals just like everyone else.
Sometimes it’s a waiting game. Our portion of the power grid is connected to other electric utilities, and we maintain positive relationships with power providers interconnected to our system. If our outage is due to an issue from their feed into our system, we must let them do their repairs and be mindful of what they’re going through to fix it.
by Harold Pittman
General Manager
by Miranda Boutelle
QHow do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
AEquipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• AIR CONDITIONING – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• LOW AIRFLOW – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• BAD ODORS – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• STRANGE NOISES – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• RUNNING FREQUENTLY – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
by Scott Flood
Unless you’ve just awakened from an especially long nap, you’ve probably been hearing plenty about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s likely that much of what you’ve heard is either exciting or terrifying. Movies and TV o er up paradises in which technology frees us from daily drudgery — and frightening scenarios in which machines become our overlords.
Venkat Banunarayanan smiles when asked if popular media’s takes on AI are accurate. “We’re at the stage of discovery with AI,” he says. “There’s a lot more buzz than reality at this point, and we have a long way to go.”
As the vice president for integrated grid business and technology strategies for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Venkat spends some of his time exploring possible use cases with AI, augmented/virtual reality (VR), and other promising technologies, while considering how they might improve the way electric co-ops serve their consumer-members. “Can AI do things better? Can it handle some of the tasks we have to do today? The answer to those and most other questions is the same: maybe.”
Despite what you may have heard, AI is not capable of thinking on its own. The functionality greatly depends on programming, how the tool is trained to handle specific tasks, and the level of data being fed into the system.
Because these new technologies interface with internal and external systems, Venkat stresses the importance of strong cybersecurity. “We need to make sure hackers can’t influence systems,” he warns. “When we consider advancements like AI, we need to ensure protection of personal, critical infrastructure, proprietary, and confidential data too.”
As electric cooperatives explore the possibilities of AI, they will focus on underlying needs rather than the technology itself. Examining better ways to accomplish tasks and obtain desired results will guide co-ops as they consider AI tools for more e cient processes and approaches.
Electric co-ops are likely to experience the growth of AI in the foreseeable future via incremental improvements. For example, the next generation of smart meters might incorporate AI tools that help homeowners better manage their energy use. AI-based systems may also be used to improve management of the nation’s power grid, spotting potential problems before human operators can. Weather forecasts are likely to become more accurate, pinpointing the areas most likely to experience damage, so crews can be stationed there.
Another promising technology currently explored is augmented reality (AR), and some co-ops are already testing it, particularly in educational and training opportunities. For example, apprentice lineworkers can become comfortable manipulating AR and VR versions of equipment before working with the real thing. Instead of watching a video or a webinar, lineworkers can interact with what they’re doing.
AR blends VR with the world around us. One day soon, a lineworker may look up at a failed transformer atop a power pole. Their safety glasses will instantly recognize the type of transformer, its exact location, and when it was installed before displaying a checklist of the equipment the lineworker may need, a guide to diagnosing common problems, and even 24-hour access to technical experts.
From solving outages more quickly, to allowing greater control over energy use, to lowering the cost of service, tomorrow’s innovative technologies will continue to help co-ops enhance the services they provide to their local communities.
For more than four decades, business writer Scott Flood has worked with electric cooperatives to build knowledge of energy-related issues among directors, sta , and members.
Electric cooperatives are already using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) for key tasks and activities. Looking ahead, co-ops see great potential for AI and AR as helpful tools for improving grid reliability and the services they provide to consumer-members.
AI tools like chatbots can enhance member interactions and provide a tailored experience based on energy use data.
With the help of AI, weather forecasts will become more accurate, pinpointing areas to station utility crews.
Through augmented reality, or AR, lineworkers can experience interactive, lifelike trainings, rather than watching a video or webinar.
At Dixie Electric, we are accustomed to members’ questions about power outages and why it can take time to get the lights back on. Given our reliance on electricity, there’s simply never a good time to be without it.
This month, I’d like to shed light on a few things you might not know about restoration and what goes on behind the scenes during an outage.
1. Reporting your outage is necessary. When your power goes out, the outage might be just at your home or a small section of your neighborhood. Contrary to popular thought, there isn’t an automatic notification that alerts us for each individual outage. We rely on you to let us know if your power is out, so never assume that we are aware of your outage or that your neighbor has reported it. To report an outage, call us at 601-425-2535 or use your SmartHub app.
2. It’s a team e ort. When we experience power outages with severe damage, it’s all hands on deck. Our crews are working diligently in the field to restore power, but it takes our entire team to get the job done. Our engineers and field sta are surveying damage; our vegetation management team is clearing hazards; our operations sta and dispatchers are organizing crews; warehousemen are gathering and delivering materials; communicators are keeping everyone informed of progress or potential dangers; and, if necessary, other support sta are doing various duties, such as cooking and delivering meals to those working in the field.
3. We assess the situation first. Every outage is di erent, so before any repair work can begin, we must assess the extent of the damage. This involves sending employees to inspect power lines, poles, transformers, and other infrastructure. The assessment phase can be time-consuming, especially after widespread or severe damage.
4. Restoration follows a process: Restoration is normally prioritized by the largest number of members we can get back on in the shortest amount of time. Our crews focus on responding first to public safety issues and critical services like hospitals. Then we complete work that impacts the largest amount of people first and work our way down to individual outages.
5. You need a backup plan. Having a backup plan during a power outage is crucial for individuals who rely on electricity for life-saving devices. Power outages can occur unexpectedly due to various reasons, including severe weather events, natural disasters, or infrastructure failures, all of which are unpredictable and beyond our control.
6. Safety is paramount: Ensuring the safety of our employees and members is the top priority. Working with downed power lines can be extremely dangerous. Additionally, weather conditions that caused the outage, like thunderstorms, can continue to pose hazards, further slowing down the restoration process.
7. Smart Grid Technology: Modern power grids are increasingly equipped with smart technology, like Dixie Electric’s SCADA system, that helps detect outages and speed up the restoration process.
8. We have a lot of ground to cover: Our power system spans over 5,000 miles of power lines across portions of seven counties. To put that into context, the width of the United States from east to west is 2,600 miles. When widespread outages occur, the sheer scale of the infrastructure presents a significant challenge for power restoration time. As a result, restoring power to all a ected areas can take considerable time, emphasizing the importance of patience and preparedness during these large-scale outages.
9. Sometimes, we need help: Restoring power often requires a significant allocation of resources, including manpower, equipment, and materials. We sometimes request additional crews from other cooperatives to assist with large-scale outages, a process known as mutual aid, which is beneficial to you as a cooperative member.
Restoring power presents many challenges. Rest assured, if the lights go out, know that your team at Dixie Electric is working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power. For additional resources on how to prepare for outages, please visit our website at dixieepa.com, or scan the QR code below.
by Randy Smith General Manager
by Caroline Sellers
Dixie Electric held its annual charity golf tournament on April 25 at the Laurel Country Club. Due to outstanding participation, this year’s tournament raised a record-breaking $15,600 to be divided equally between four local deserving charities that help feed children with food insecurities in our area: Macedonia Baptist Church, Junior Auxiliary of Wayne County, Junior Auxiliary of Laurel, and the Glory House.
"We work with fifth and sixth grade at Petal Upper Elementary through our Hero Project, and we send a bag of nonperishable food items home with students every week," said Macedonia Baptist Church Associate Pastor Brian Pippen. "We help about 30 students on average each week, and those 30 students get a bag of food sent home with them, so they can make it through the weekend. They get snacks and actual food. Over the summer, we deliver it to their homes."
"We have a backpack buddies’ program that we do for the local schools, which include bags of nonperishable food items," said Junior Auxiliary of Wayne County President Elizabeth Bankston. "We do those before each school break. We also help buy school uniforms and supplies or just help any family in need."
"All of the funds are going to go through the Bread of Life Food Pantry to supplement food for families in need," said Glory House Director Grant Staples. "That pantry feeds over 1,000 families a month over 10 counties."
“This donation will go back toward our Secret Meals Program,” said Junior Auxiliary of Laurel Vice President and Secret Meals Chair Brittany Kerr. “Currently, we are packing 295 weekly meals during the school year. This will help provide the food and supplies needed for the meals that we have.”
Each charity will receive a $3,900 donation. Dixie Electric is immensely grateful for all of the support for the 2024 Charity Golf Tournament, and we are excited to see how we can continue to serve our community members in need throughout the year.
to represent Districts 3, 4, and 6 on the board of directors for Dixie Electric must visit Dixie Electric’s headquarters o ce at 1863 Highway 184, Laurel, Miss., and obtain a Director Qualification Packet during normal business hours between June 1 and July 31. Please contact Mitzi Walley at 601-425-2535 or dixieelectric@dixieepa.com to set up a time. The forms and petitions in the packet must be completed and returned by close of business on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
by Amanda Mills
Dixie Electric recently partnered with CoBank, a mission-based cooperative lender, in their Sharing Success Program. This program allows cooperatives, like Dixie Electric, to apply for grants, with CoBank matching the contribution of their customers to the charitable organizations of their choosing.
Through the Sharing Success Program, Dixie Electric donated $2,000 to fire councils in Jones, Wayne, Forrest, and Perry counties to be distributed amongst the local volunteer fire departments. Dixie Electric also donated $2,000 to the Burn Foundation of America, assisting burn victims and their families in Mississippi with lodging, meals, transportation, medication, and anti-scarring garments. While specific plans for how the donations will be spent vary, each county aims to give back to the local community.
"We will use it to make the community better," said Forrest County Fire Service Battalion Chief Bo Murphy. "We spend thousands of dollars each year maintaining our training and equipment, and expanding our training. There are so many di erent aspects of the job that we have to be trained for. It's continuous learning. We will use it to keep up with that."
In Jones County, training seemed to be a continuing theme. "We plan to put it towards training," said Jones County Fire Coordinator
Kyle Brooks. "We've got some classes coming up, getting some people certified. That's been a big need, so we've been trying to manage getting new certifications and keeping others."
"This will be split between three fire departments: Richton Volunteer Fire Department, Runnelstown Volunteer Fire Department, and Indian Springs Volunteer Fire Department," said Perry County EMA Director and Fire Coordinator Chase Dewitt. "It will be used to outfit and upgrade rescue units."
According to Wayne County Fire Chief Al Harrison, there's been an uptick in electric vehicle fires. The donation will be put toward gaining the resources needed to fight those fires e ectively. “We're looking into some vehicle fire blankets,” Harrison said.
The brave men and women who make up these volunteer fire departments are often the first ones on the scene in emergencies. They also typically operate on very limited budgets and resources. These donations help alleviate some of that by acquiring essential equipment, training, and resources necessary to protect local communities.
Like several other electric cooperatives across the state, Dixie Electric is heavily involved in the communities it serves. These donations are just a small step in showing appreciation to the first responders who keep our communities safe.
by Miranda Boutelle
How do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
Equipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• Air conditioning – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• Low airflow – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• Bad odors – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• Strange noises – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• Running frequently – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
It’s a surreal feeling to consider I have spent 70% of my life serving the members of East Mississippi Electric Power Association. The first major storm I recall working was Hurricane Frederic in 1979 causing outages across the lower half of EMEPA’s distribution system. Over the years, that storm was followed by tornados, ice storms, hurricanes, and more thunderstorms than I can count.
What remains constant is the dedication and responsiveness of our employees. A few weeks ago, I drove to an outage where two of our employees were working to pick up a downed line after dark over a four-lane highway. It became apparent we would need assistance from law enforcement to stop tra c until we could safely raise the line over the highway. Cooperation among cooperatives is one of our operating principles, but cooperation among community agencies is also essential. Without support from the Lauderdale County Sheri deputies, both our employees and cars traveling the highway would have been in danger.
We are now a month into the 2024 hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an 85% chance of an above-normal season, 10% chance of a near-normal season, and a 5% chance of a below-normal season. Their forecast suggests a range of 17 to 25 total named storms. All these storms will not disrupt our distribution system, but even one requires us to be ready.
Even when we are spared by a major storm, EMEPA supports our sister cooperatives when they are impacted. We mobilize and send our crews to support their restoration e orts just as they do when we need them. This is one of the principles that makes our family of cooperatives so strong.
So how do electric utilities like EMEPA prepare for storms? It takes planning long before a storm is announced. Relationships must be formed with contractors we need to supplement and
support our crews in restoration e orts. When Hurricane Katrina blew through the EMEPA system in 2005, we brought in over 500 line workers from other cooperatives and contractors in addition to our 100 line workers.
The logistics of housing and feeding more than 600 people is staggering. Again, existing relationships with hotels and food service providers are key drivers in being successful. And if you are going to support the work of 600 people, materials need to be available on a steady basis. Even something as basic as fuel for the trucks becomes a big deal.
Relationships with our local media enable us to get information and updates out to you. We use every medium available when severe weather impacts your service because we know some information, even if it is just an estimate, is better than no information.
If you hear one key ingredient needed for success, it is relationships. You, our members, are the most important relationship to ensure we are successful. Your understanding when storms hit is key to getting us through it. Your kind words and support lift our spirits and keep us going during those 18-hour days of cutting trees, setting poles, splicing wire, and restoring the services you have come to expect.
by Randy Carroll
While many things in our world are changing, be assured our commitment to community, members, and service are not. CEO — East Mississippi Electric Power Association
Our employees will observe Independence Day, and our o ces will be closed Thursday, July 4, for the holiday.
O cial Annual Meeting notices and proxy letters were mailed to all EMEPA Members on July 1. If you cannot attend the meeting on Saturday, Oct. 5, you can appoint the Board of Directors or any other member as your proxy. This year, there are two ways to return your completed proxy:
OPTION 1: Sign and date the proxy letter, seal it in the provided postage-paid envelope, and mail it. Proxies must be received by Tuesday, Oct. 1.
OPTION 2: Complete your proxy online at directvote.net/EMEPA using your Member Number and Election Passcode from the proxy letter. Follow the prompts to complete your proxy. Online voting ends at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1. For assistance, email support@directvote.net.
One member from each EMEPA district will win a $500 electricity credit through a random drawing of those who return a completed proxy. Members attending the meeting will be eligible to win one of three credits up to $500 by registering at the meeting on Oct. 5. For questions, email ContactUs@EMEPA.com.
2128 Highway 39 North Meridian, MS 39302
As a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative, EMEPA has members, not customers. This distinction is rooted in the seven cooperative principles we follow.
In May, while businesses worldwide celebrated Customer Appreciation Day, EMEPA hosted Member Appreciation Days to honor the people we proudly serve.
Each EMEPA o ce provided refreshments, giveaways, and energy resources during these events. Members enjoyed cookies and beverages and received information on topics such as hurricane preparedness and energy-saving tips.
“Our members are the reason we do what we do,” said marketing communication specialist Jeremy Sollie. “We want to thank them for their continued support and show them how much they’re appreciated.”
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Our unwavering commitment to providing comprehensive local coverage. While larger providers focus on urban centers, we understand the unique needs of our region and have tailored our services to meet them. Our infrastructure is designed to deliver consistent, high-speed internet across East Mississippi, from bustling town centers to the most remote corners of our service area.
Our commitment doesn’t stop at city limits. In rural parts of our service territory, where sprawling farmlands and tightknit communities define the landscape, reliable internet can be harder to come by. But not with East Mississippi Connect. We have invested heavily in extending our
In today’s digital age, a fast, reliable internet connection is more than a luxury — it’s a necessity. East Mississippi Connect is proud to o er the region’s most extensive high-speed internet coverage, ensuring that every home and business in our community stays connected. Unlike national providers that often overlook smaller towns and rural areas, we are dedicated to serving East Mississippi with the attention and dedication it deserves.
coverage to every home, school and business in the area. Families can enjoy uninterrupted streaming and gaming, students can access educational resources without delay and farmers can utilize advanced agricultural technologies — all thanks to our robust network.
East Mississippi Connect covers it all. Our subscribers in these areas rave about the di erence they experience compared with other providers. Whether it’s faster upload and download speeds, fewer outages or superior customer service, our commitment to excellence shines through.
When you choose East Mississippi Connect, you’re not just getting high-speed internet. You’re getting a partner that values
your connectivity as much as you do. Our local presence means we can respond to issues quickly and e ciently, minimizing downtime and maximizing your online experience. Plus, we’re continually expanding and upgrading our network to stay ahead of technological advancements and growing demand.
Experience the di erence that unrivaled local coverage can make. Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have made the switch to East Mississippi Connect. Whether you’re in a bustling neighborhood or a quiet rural area, we’ve got you covered with the fastest, most reliable internet service in the region. Visit our website or call us today to find out how you can get connected with East Mississippi Connect — where your community and connectivity come first.
As the general manager of Magnolia Electric, I’m accustomed to members’ questions about power outages and why it can take time to get the lights back on. Given our reliance on electricity, there’s simply never a good time to be without it. This month, I’d like to shed light on our restoration process to help our members understand what may be happening behind the scenes. Here are 10 things you might not know about restoration:
We need you. When your power goes out, it might be just at your home or small section of a neighborhood. There is a chance we may not know about it, and no one has reported it. We rely on you to let us know if your power is out. To report an outage, call us at 601-684-4011.
Our employees might be a ected too. Because Magnolia Electric is a local electric cooperative owned by the members we serve, our employees are local too. They are your neighbors, friends, and community volunteers. When you’re without power, our people might be too.
It’s a team e ort. Every one of Magnolia Electric’s employees are working to get your power restored as soon as possible. Our member services representatives are taking your calls; engineers and field sta are surveying damage; our vegetation management team is clearing hazards; dispatchers are organizing crews; and communicators are keeping everyone informed of progress or potential dangers.
We assess the situation first. Every outage is di erent, and we don’t know how dangerous it is or what equipment might need to be replaced. When responding to outages, we first need to see what happened, then figure out what materials we need, and a plan for how to fix the problem(s) without compromising electric flow for the rest of our members.
Restoration is normally prioritized by the largest number of members we can get back on in the shortest amount of time. Our crews focus on responding first to public safety issues and critical services like hospitals. Then we complete work that impacts the largest of number of people first.
Our employees face many dangers. Besides working around high voltage electricity, our crews are on alert for wild animals, weather elements, falling trees, and fast-moving cars.
Blinking lights are a good thing. Some folks mistake blinking lights for outages, but these “blinks” are important because they indicate our equipment worked and prevented a possible outage likely caused by wayward animals or stray tree limbs on the lines.
If the lights go out, know that your co-op team is working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You need a backup plan. We do our best to help those who need it, but if you depend on electricity for life support purposes, you must have a back-up plan — remember, we don’t always know how long restoration e orts will take. If you’re unsure what to do, call us so we can help you prepare an emergency location.
Our employees have to plan, and eat. If you ever see our trucks in a restaurant parking lot while your power is out, know that sometimes our employees huddle in a safe, common area to map out their plan for getting your power back on. Also, our crews work long hard hours during outages and need to take time for meals just like everyone else.
Sometimes it’s a waiting game. Our portion of the power grid is connected to other electric utilities, and we maintain positive relationships with power providers interconnected to our system. If our outage is due to an issue from their feed into our system, we must let them do their repairs and be mindful of what they’re going through to fix it.
by Darrell Smith
by Miranda Boutelle
QHow do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
AEquipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• AIR CONDITIONING – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• LOW AIRFLOW – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• BAD ODORS – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• STRANGE NOISES – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• RUNNING FREQUENTLY – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
by Scott Flood
Unless you’ve just awakened from an especially long nap, you’ve probably been hearing plenty about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s likely that much of what you’ve heard is either exciting or terrifying. Movies and TV o er up paradises in which technology frees us from daily drudgery — and frightening scenarios in which machines become our overlords.
Venkat Banunarayanan smiles when asked if popular media’s takes on AI are accurate. “We’re at the stage of discovery with AI,” he says. “There’s a lot more buzz than reality at this point, and we have a long way to go.”
As the vice president for integrated grid business and technology strategies for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Venkat spends some of his time exploring possible use cases with AI, augmented/virtual reality (VR), and other promising technologies, while considering how they might improve the way electric co-ops serve their consumer-members. “Can AI do things better? Can it handle some of the tasks we have to do today? The answer to those and most other questions is the same: maybe.”
Despite what you may have heard, AI is not capable of thinking on its own. The functionality greatly depends on programming, how the tool is trained to handle specific tasks, and the level of data being fed into the system.
Because these new technologies interface with internal and external systems, Venkat stresses the importance of strong cybersecurity.
“We need to make sure hackers can’t influence systems,” he warns. “When we consider advancements like AI, we need to ensure protection of personal, critical infrastructure, proprietary, and confidential data too.”
As electric cooperatives explore the possibilities of AI, they will focus on underlying needs rather than the technology itself. Examining better ways to accomplish tasks and obtain desired results will guide co-ops as they consider AI tools for more e cient processes and approaches.
Electric co-ops are likely to experience the growth of AI in the foreseeable future via incremental improvements. For example, the next generation of smart meters might incorporate AI tools that help homeowners better manage their energy use. AI-based systems may also be used to improve management of the nation’s power grid, spotting
potential problems before human operators can. Weather forecasts are likely to become more accurate, pinpointing the areas most likely to experience damage, so crews can be stationed there.
Another promising technology currently explored is augmented reality (AR), and some co-ops are already testing it, particularly in educational and training opportunities. For example, apprentice lineworkers can become comfortable manipulating AR and VR versions of equipment before working with the real thing. Instead of watching a video or a webinar, lineworkers can interact with what they’re doing.
AR blends VR with the world around us. One day soon, a lineworker may look up at a failed transformer atop a power pole. Their safety glasses will instantly recognize the type of transformer, its exact location, and when it was installed before displaying a checklist of the equipment the lineworker may need, a guide to diagnosing common problems, and even 24-hour access to technical experts.
From solving outages more quickly, to allowing greater control over energy use, to lowering the cost of service, tomorrow’s innovative technologies will continue to help co-ops enhance the services they provide to their local communities.
For more than four decades, business writer Scott Flood has worked with electric cooperatives to build knowledge of energy-related issues among directors, sta , and members.
Electric cooperatives are already using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) for key tasks and activities. Looking ahead, co-ops see great potential for AI and AR as helpful tools for improving grid reliability and the services they provide to consumer-members.
AI tools like chatbots can enhance member interactions and provide a tailored experience based on energy use data.
With the help of AI, weather forecasts will become more accurate, pinpointing areas to station utility crews.
Through augmented reality, or AR, lineworkers can experience interactive, lifelike trainings, rather than watching a video or webinar.
As the general manager of Monroe Electric, I’m accustomed to members’ questions about power outages and why it can take time to get the lights back on. Given our reliance on electricity, there’s simply never a good time to be without it. This month, I’d like to shed light on our restoration process to help our members understand what may be happening behind the scenes. Here are 10 things you might not know about restoration:
We need you. When your power goes out, it might be just at your home or small section of a neighborhood. There is a chance we may not know about it, and no one has reported it. We rely on you to let us know if your power is out. To report an outage, call us at 662-256-2962.
Our employees might be a ected too. Because Monroe Electric is a local electric cooperative owned by the members we serve, our employees are local too. They are your neighbors, friends, and community volunteers. When you’re without power, our people might be too.
It’s a team e ort. Every one of Monroe Electric’s employees are working to get your power restored as soon as possible. Our member services representatives are taking your calls; engineers and field sta are surveying damage; our vegetation management team is clearing hazards; dispatchers are organizing crews; and communicators are keeping everyone informed of progress or potential dangers.
We assess the situation first. Every outage is di erent, and we don’t know how dangerous it is or what equipment might need to be replaced. When responding to outages, we first need to see what happened, then figure out what materials we need, and a plan for how to fix the problem(s) without compromising electric flow for the rest of our members.
Restoration is normally prioritized by the largest number of members we can get back on in the shortest amount of time. Our crews focus on responding first to public safety issues and critical services like hospitals. Then we complete work that impacts the largest number of people first.
If the lights go out, know that your co-op team is working as quickly and safely as possible to restore power. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Our employees face many dangers. Besides working around high voltage electricity, our crews are on alert for wild animals, weather elements, falling trees, and fast-moving cars.
Flickering lights are a good thing. Some folks mistake flickering lights for outages, but these “blinks” are important because they indicate our equipment worked and prevented a possible outage likely caused by wayward animals or stray tree limbs on the lines.
You need a backup plan. We do our best to help those who need it, but if you depend on electricity for life support purposes, you must have a back-up plan — remember, we don’t always know how long restoration e orts will take. If you’re unsure what to do, call us so we can help you prepare an emergency location.
Our employees have to plan, and eat. If you ever see our trucks in a restaurant parking lot while your power is out, know that sometimes our employees huddle in a safe, common area to map out their plan for getting your power back on. Also, our crews work long hard hours during outages and need to take time for meals just like everyone else.
Sometimes it’s a waiting game. Our portion of the power grid is connected to other electric utilities, and we maintain positive relationships with power providers interconnected to our system. If our outage is due to an issue from their feed into our system, we must let them do their repairs and be mindful of what they’re going through to fix it.
by Barry Rowland
General Manager
by Miranda Boutelle
QHow do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
AEquipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• AIR CONDITIONING – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• LOW AIRFLOW – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• BAD ODORS – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• STRANGE NOISES – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• RUNNING FREQUENTLY – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
by Scott Flood
Unless you’ve just awakened from an especially long nap, you’ve probably been hearing plenty about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s likely that much of what you’ve heard is either exciting or terrifying. Movies and TV o er up paradises in which technology frees us from daily drudgery — and frightening scenarios in which machines become our overlords.
Venkat Banunarayanan smiles when asked if popular media’s takes on AI are accurate. “We’re at the stage of discovery with AI,” he says. “There’s a lot more buzz than reality at this point, and we have a long way to go.”
As the vice president for integrated grid business and technology strategies for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Venkat spends some of his time exploring possible use cases with AI, augmented/virtual reality (VR), and other promising technologies, while considering how they might improve the way electric co-ops serve their consumer-members. “Can AI do things better? Can it handle some of the tasks we have to do today? The answer to those and most other questions is the same: maybe.”
Despite what you may have heard, AI is not capable of thinking on its own. The functionality greatly depends on programming, how the tool is trained to handle specific tasks, and the level of data being fed into the system.
Because these new technologies interface with internal and external systems, Venkat stresses the importance of strong cybersecurity.
“We need to make sure hackers can’t influence systems,” he warns. “When we consider advancements like AI, we need to ensure protection of personal, critical infrastructure, proprietary, and confidential data too.”
As electric cooperatives explore the possibilities of AI, they will focus on underlying needs rather than the technology itself. Examining better ways to accomplish tasks and obtain desired results will guide co-ops as they consider AI tools for more e cient processes and approaches.
Electric co-ops are likely to experience the growth of AI in the foreseeable future via incremental improvements. For example, the next generation of smart meters might incorporate AI tools that help homeowners better manage their energy use. AI-based systems may also be used to improve management of the nation’s power grid, spotting
potential problems before human operators can. Weather forecasts are likely to become more accurate, pinpointing the areas most likely to experience damage, so crews can be stationed there.
Another promising technology currently explored is augmented reality (AR), and some co-ops are already testing it, particularly in educational and training opportunities. For example, apprentice lineworkers can become comfortable manipulating AR and VR versions of equipment before working with the real thing. Instead of watching a video or a webinar, lineworkers can interact with what they’re doing.
AR blends VR with the world around us. One day soon, a lineworker may look up at a failed transformer atop a power pole. Their safety glasses will instantly recognize the type of transformer, its exact location, and when it was installed before displaying a checklist of the equipment the lineworker may need, a guide to diagnosing common problems, and even 24-hour access to technical experts.
From solving outages more quickly, to allowing greater control over energy use, to lowering the cost of service, tomorrow’s innovative technologies will continue to help co-ops enhance the services they provide to their local communities.
For more than four decades, business writer Scott Flood has worked with electric cooperatives to build knowledge of energy-related issues among directors, sta , and members.
Electric cooperatives are already using artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) for key tasks and activities. Looking ahead, co-ops see great potential for AI and AR as helpful tools for improving grid reliability and the services they provide to consumer-members.
AI tools like chatbots can enhance member interactions and provide a tailored experience based on energy use data.
With the help of AI, weather forecasts will become more accurate, pinpointing areas to station utility crews.
Through augmented reality, or AR, lineworkers can experience interactive, lifelike trainings, rather than watching a video or webinar.
Consumers with water, gas, and electricity connections have long been targets for utility scams. But in today’s digital world, every swipe and click increases the risk of potential scams.
Scammers are more sophisticated than ever, and they understand our increasing reliance on technology. With their sharpened digital skills, scammers have adapted their tactics to trick unsuspecting consumers through various methods.
North East Mississippi Electric Power Association wants to help you avoid energy scams, whether a financial loss or a leak of your personal information.
Scammers typically disguise themselves either physically or digitally as utility employees or representatives to steal members’ money or personal information. A common trick is to claim a member’s bill is past due and threaten to disconnect service if payment isn’t received immediately. Scammers approach consumers through various means, including phone calls, text messages, emails, and even in-person visits. However, the digital line of attack is increasingly more common.
For example, new capabilities disguising caller ID or “spoofing” can make the phone number you see on caller ID appear from a trusted source. Spoofing makes it easier for scammers to deceive you because it’s more di cult to verify the call immediately.
Another recent scam involves phone calls, texts, or emails claiming you overpaid your electric bill and will receive a cash or banking refund. This o er may seem too good to be true, and it is it’s likely a scam aimed to steal your personal information.
There are several red flags you can watch for to identify a utility scam.
Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to create a sense of urgency, like claiming your electricity or other services will be disconnected if a payment isn’t made immediately.
Additionally, scammers may ask for unusual payment methods such as gift cards or cryptocurrency. If someone is pushing for an unusual payment method, it’s likely a scam. You’ve probably noticed that many digital scams, like emails or text messages, include poor grammar, spelling errors, and odd email addresses. These are red flags, so when you see these dodgy forms of communication, consider it a potential scam.
North East Power will never demand an instant, immediate payment and threaten to disconnect your service without prior notices or warnings. We strive to resolve challenging situations and work with our members to avoid disconnects.
North East Power will never ask for your social security number or banking details over the phone or through email. We o er several secure payment options, including inperson, online, on the North East Power app, and through bank draft.
Whether in-person, over the phone, or online, always be suspicious of an unknown individual claiming to be a North East Power employee requesting banking or other personal information. We will only send you text messages about usage and payment if you have opted in for important alerts.
If you’re ever in doubt about a potential energy scam, just give us a quick call at 662-234-6331, so we can assist. North East Power wants to help protect you and our community against utility frauds, and by notifying us about potential scams, you can create the first line of defense. We encourage you to report any potential scams, so we can spread the word and prevent others in our community from falling victim.
In May, North East Mississippi Electric Power Association employees assisted Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation in Bowling Green, Kentucky with storm restoration. Cooperation among cooperatives is one of our Seven Cooperative Principles. Each organization supports other cooperatives when they need to form a united network.
North East Mississippi Electric Power Association and NE SPARC have once again partnered for a grant program for local school teachers that facilitates innovative classroom-based education projects called Bright Ideas. Through Bright Ideas, teachers can illuminate students’ love of learning.
The goal of the Bright Ideas grant program is to encourage, support and celebrate creative educational experiences for the students and sta in our service area.
In 2023, teachers from the Oxford, Lafayette, and West Union School Districts were awarded Bright Ideas grants.
are available to K-12 teachers in public schools that have at least one student who is a member of North East Power or NE SPARC customer. Projects can be in any subject, and educators can apply individually or as a team.
“I am so thankful for North East Power/ NE SPARC and the Bright Ideas grant for allowing my students to grow through problem-based learning with the resources given to them by this grant. Learning was made fun and exciting today because of Bright Ideas,” said Logan Dodson, statistics teacher at Oxford High School.
Local educators can apply for Bright Ideas grants of up to $500 for innovative, hands-on classroom projects. The grants
To apply, teachers must include a budget, and explain the implementation, goals, and evaluate the creative elements of the project, and have approval from their school’s principal. Applications will be blind judged through a competitive evaluation process, with judges looking for projects that feature inventive and creative approaches to learning.
Applications will be live July 15 and available online at www.NEMEPA.org. The deadline to submit applications is Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024. Teachers who submit their application by the early bird deadline of Aug. 16, 2024, will be entered to win prizes that would benefit their classroom.
Our prize team will visit local schools in early October to announce the winning grant recipients.
North East Mississippi Electric Power Association is proud to announce that it has partnered with the Tennessee Valley Authority to award grants to non-profits in the counties it serves.
Funding is from TVA’s Community Care Fund, which helps local power companies meet immediate needs in their communities by providing matching funds for local initiatives addressing hardships. Each non-profit organization selected received a total of $5,000.
“I am pleased TVA is once again o ering their Community Cares Fund to match donations to groups in our local communities. We support groups that are doing good in the community to assist the members we serve,”
said Keith Hayward, CEO/general manager at North East Mississippi Electric Power Association.
The donation recipients are:
• CASA of North Mississippi
• The Pantry
• Pontotoc County CREATE A liate (PACT)
• United Way of Northeast Mississippi
“In the spirit of public power, we are honored to partner with local power companies to address the unprecedented challenges facing those we serve,” said Jeannette Mills, TVA executive vice president and chief external relations o cer.
In the spring, NE SPARC implemented faster speeds for residential subscribers in their service territory. The local fiber internet company always strives to o er subscribers the best options available.
Residential subscribers with the 100-megabit service tier were upgraded to 300-megabits at no additional cost. The Gigabit plan remained the same fast, reliable service subscribers were accustomed to. NE SPARC added a 2 Gigabit plan that o ers 2 Gigabit downloads and 1 Gigabit upload speeds that would be excellent for those subscribers who work from home or gamers. The 2 Gigabit plan is available for $99.95 per month. All service tiers include a free Gigaspire wireless router.
“In today’s fast-paced and increasingly competitive economy and society, faster internet is not just a luxury for the people of this area but a necessity. And with families enjoying everexpanding online streaming entertainment options, the improved interconnectedness of video conferencing to keep in touch with loved ones, and critical time-sensitive telehealth consultations and interventions, we’re delighted that our upgraded speeds will enhance the quality of our already-advanced fiber network,” said Randall Abel, CEO of NE SPARC.
New subscribers can sign up for NE SPARC by visiting www. nesparc.com. If you are an existing subscriber, upgrading your service tier is a simple process. Give us a call at 662-238-3159.
You have fiber internet installed at your home. Now what?
NE SPARC hopes to answer that question by hosting learning opportunities called SPARC Sessions. The first event will take place on Thursday, July 18, at 2 p.m. in the North East Mississippi Electric Power Association auditorium.
The first SPARC Session topic is streaming TV. Subscribers will learn about di erent streaming platforms, how to save money by streaming, the set-up process, and more. Some of the NE SPARC employees will be on-hand to answer questions and talk about specific services related to individual accounts.
“We want our subscribers to feel empowered to use their service to its full potential,” said Sarah Brooke Bishop, communication and marketing manager of NEMEPA and NE SPARC. “If we can also help them save money, that’s an added bonus.”
Seating is limited to the first 25 who register. Registration is available online at https://forms.o ce.com/r/f20PEw0b48. For more information related to this event, please reach out to marketing@nemepa.org.
It’s July, and summer has been with us for over a month. I’m reminded of the hit song, “It’s Too Hot” by Kool and the Gang. The lyrics remind us that “we gotta run to shelter, gotta run to shade.” It’s definitely that time of year. Temperatures are up, days are longer, and activities are popping up everywhere.
Also popping up will be afternoon thunderstorms. These random storms can bring large amounts of rain, wind, and lightning. The unpredictable nature of these storms makes preparing for them a challenge, but we at Northcentral constantly monitor all weather conditions and will be prepared to respond. Our robust maintenance and tree trimming programs position us well for these events. Prepare yourselves for these storms by keeping an eye on the weather and maintaining a good charge on all your communication devices. Any time is inconvenient to be without power, but a hot summer afternoon is one of the worst.
Your cooperative is busy as usual with projects this summer. Fiber construction for Northcentral Connect continues, as we are now providing service to over 5,000 members while adding approximately 125
Our employees will observe Independence Day, and our o ce will be closed Thursday, July 4, for the holiday. We will reopen at 8:00 am on July 5.
new subscribers a month. Least cost power from area solar providers is growing as well. This hot summer, averaged with winters should see a net benefit to Northcentral members in the range of $800,000. This is a hedge against rising wholesale power costs.
“It’s too hot,” and we may have to occasionally take shelter and find the shade, but it’s a great time of year. Enjoy it. Read a book. Take a trip in our great state. Enjoy local Blackberry Goat Cheese ice cream. We’ll keep the lights on.
Be safe. Stay cool.
by Kevin Doddridge General Manager/CEO
We are pleased to announce that the annual Northcentral Electric Cooperative Membership Meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, in our auditorium located at 4600 Northcentral Way in Olive Branch. In addition to a review of the cooperative’s performance over the previous fiscal year, a major component of the Annual Meeting is the election of three members of the Board of Directors. This year, board members are to be elected from Districts 2, 6, and 9 of the service area. A general description of the areas served in those districts, as well as board qualifications and nomination procedures can be found in Article IV of Northcentral’s bylaws, which are posted on our website at northcentralelectric.com, or can be viewed in person at the Northcentral o ce.
Northcentral Electric Cooperative brought home two awards in the 2024 Spotlight on Excellence Awards program, a national competition among America’s electric cooperatives, sponsored by the Council of Rural Electric Communicators (CREC) and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Northcentral received a Gold Award in the Best External Event category for their exhibit in the Bridging the Gap Career Fair. The cooperative was also awarded Silver in the Best Web-Based Project Category for their HomeHero and HomeDefender video games, which were developed by Media Specialist Justin Jaggers.
Winners were recognized during the Connect conference, a national conference for communications and marketing professionals in Baltimore, Maryland in May.
“The Spotlight on Excellence Awards Program has been recognizing outstanding co-op communicators and their work for more than 35 years – that work is all the more critical in today’s evolving energy industry,” said CREC President Scott Gates, senior editor with North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives. “These national awards are highly competitive, and we congratulate those who earned the distinction this year.”
The annual Spotlight on Excellence Awards program recognizes the best communication and marketing e orts by electric cooperatives and related organizations nationwide. More than 650 entries were submitted across 18 di erent categories, including writing, graphic design, digital communications, campaign development, and more. Faculty members from the University of Missouri, as well as noted professionals in the fields of marketing, digital communications, and newspapers judged the entries.
Organized in 1982 and comprised of rural electric communicators from around the country, the CREC seeks to advance the recognition, education and professionalism of electric cooperative communicators and their a liated organizations. This volunteer association works on behalf of more than 4,000 electric cooperative communicators across the United States.
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the national trade association representing nearly 900 local electric cooperatives. From growing suburbs to remote farming communities, electric co-ops serve as engines of economic development for 42 million Americans across 56 percent of the nation’s landscape. As local businesses built by the consumers they serve, electric cooperatives have meaningful ties to rural America and invest $12 billion annually in their communities.
A notable career at Northcentral ended this spring with the retirement of Debbie Hester. Family, friends, and colleagues came together recently with a reception honoring Hester in the Northcentral Auditorium. In a joyous celebration, stories and photos were shared covering a career that spanned into three decades with the cooperative.
Hester joined Northcentral on Oct. 1, 2001, as a work order clerk in accounting. Her responsibilities included closing work orders, paying invoices, and managing fleet fuel accounts, all important roles to the day-to-day operations of the cooperative.
As with most who enjoy what they do, Hester said that she will miss the people in her Northcentral family the most. However, she looks forward to “a lot of fishing and a little travel,” and spending time with her family.
We wish Debbie the best that life has to o er in her retirement and thank her for serving the members and employees of Northcentral!
Northcentral Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that Dee Russum, community relations representative, has completed the requirements of Leadership DeSoto. Russum was recognized along with 27 other leaders in a graduation ceremony held at Whispering Woods Conference Center on May 16.
Leadership DeSoto is a program coordinated by the DeSoto County Economic Development Council to inform future leaders of the needs and challenges facing the county and inspire them to utilize the resources available to them to make a di erence. For over 30 years, Leadership DeSoto has helped leaders become involved in community service and improving the quality of life in DeSoto County.
Candidates are nominated by organizations, employers, or individuals and must complete a lengthy application process. A selection committee then chooses participants based on the candidate’s community involvement, leadership capabilities, and potential in their respective fields. The program will choose no more than 30 participants each year.
Leadership DeSoto is a 7-month program that gives participants insight into the resources of the community by o ering sessions in leadership, economics, education, legislative issues, healthcare, local government (city, county, and state), and community service.
Participants also engage in a group project to address issues and needs facing our community. This opportunity allows participants a hands-on experience in making a di erence. Each group then presents a summary of their project to their sponsoring employers and attendees of the graduation ceremony.
Russum and her group chose a worthy community project – to shine a light on a local ministry, The Destiny Center. The group organized a senior fair, which was held at the Olive Branch Senior Citizen’s Center in April. With the generous help of area restaurants, businesses, and sponsors, the event provided lunch, gifts, and consultation to nearly 200 seniors. Destiny Center sta and volunteers were the focal point in their service of meals and transportation to area senior citizens. “It was our hope that the framework could be used to make this an annual event,” Russum said.
Russum joined Northcentral as a customer service representative in early 2015. In 2021, she joined the marketing department to take on community relations for the co-op and its fiber internet a liate, Northcentral Connect.
If you would like more information on Leadership DeSoto, please visit desotocounty.com.
The Board of Directors for Northcentral Electric Cooperative, at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 27, 2024, appointed Patricia Gri n to fill an unexpired term representing members of District 7. The board vacancy was declared upon the passing of Director Kimberly Gordon and filled pursuant to the bylaws of the cooperative.
Gri n is a native of Rhode Island and enjoyed a successful career in nursing, where she worked in a private oncology practice, hospitals, a nursing home, and pain clinics. She now lives in Marshall County with husband of 33 years, Steven, who recently retired as a human resources executive. They have one daughter, Kate, a graduate of the University of Memphis. The Gri ns own and operate an agritourism farm in Byhalia, where they have a host of rescued animals. The couple attends Byhalia United Methodist Church.
Gri n is a Master Gardner and serves on the advisory committee in agriculture for the Eddie Dixon Career and Technical Education Center in Holly Springs. She said her position with the center allows her to provide input on the future of the program, as well as “the opportunity to positively impact future farmers.” In addition to her community service, Gri n loves to read and cook in her free time.
Regarding her service to the cooperative, Gri n states, “I look forward to being an ambassador for Northcentral. I think that too often we take for granted the blessings we have. Many of the surrounding areas have reliability problems, and those problems have been ongoing for years. We are blessed that we have Northcentral Electric. The crews that are dispatched during power outages are amazing.”
District 7, as defined in the bylaws of the cooperative, covers the service area south of Pigeon Roost Creek in Marshall, Tate, and Lafayette counties.
Strong storms tore through Pearl River Valley Electric’s service territory on May 13, resulting in over 10,000 outages and approximately 201 broken poles. PRVEPA crews, along with contract crews from MDR and Looks Great Services, worked for four days restoring power to members in the a ected areas. The majority of the damage was near Bassfield and north of Columbia. All power was restored by Friday, May 17. Thank you to all the PRVEPA linemen and contract crews who worked long hours to restore power to our members.
Summer is here and along with it, scorching temperatures, which can drive up electric bills. While you may be accustomed to hot Mississippi summers, Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association wants to arm you with the knowledge and tools to make the most out of the season.
• In the searing summer months, air conditioning becomes a lifeline. However, ine cient cooling can lead to soaring energy bills. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you’re home and higher when you’re away to maximize energy savings without sacrificing comfort.
• Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and ducts to prevent cool air from escaping. Simple measures like weatherstripping and caulking can make a significant di erence in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.
• Lower shades and close curtains during the day to reduce solar gain and keep indoor spaces cooler, thus easing the burden on your cooling system.
1. Illuminate wisely
• Take advantage of natural light during the day to reduce reliance on electric lighting. Keep curtains and blinds closed during the hottest parts of the day to block out excess heat.
• Replace outdated incandescent bulbs with energy-e cient LED lights. Not only do LEDs consume less energy, but they also last longer, saving you money on replacement costs.
2. E cient appliance use
• During the summer, household appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines work overtime. Opt for energy-e cient models when it’s time for an upgrade, and look for the ENERGY STAR label, which signifies top-tier energy e ciency.
3. Ceiling fans save money
• Ceiling fans are an energy-e cient way to circulate air and maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. Use fans in rooms you are occupying to create a wind-chill e ect, allowing you to set your thermostat higher while still feeling cool and comfortable.
4. Empowering through education
• Stay informed about energy-saving tips and initiatives through Pearl River Valley Electric’s educational resources. Follow us on social media and visit our website’s health center at, www.prvepa.com to stay updated on the latest advancements in energy e ciency.
• Take advantage of Pearl River Valley Electric’s energy audits and home energy assessments. Our expert can identify areas for improvement and o er personalized recommendations to optimize energy use and maximize savings.
• These are just a few simple ideas to help you save energy and money.
Powered by Pearl River
In just over three years, Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association has nearly completed its mainline fiber build connecting our service territory, so PearlComm Fiber, our sister company, can deploy high-speed internet throughout the area. To put this accomplishment into perspective, beginning in 1938, it took over a decade to build the initial power lines throughout our service territory. When we started our fiber build in June 2021, the idea of installing 4,700 miles of fiber was a daunting task. However, the hard work has been worth it. Like electricity before it, this fiber is changing lives by opening a world of information and modern amenities for our members. Because of PearlComm Fiber, our members now have access to entertainment, telehealth, remote learning, and new job opportunities, without leaving the comfort of their homes or needing to relocate to another area. Over the past 12 months, PearlComm Fiber has connected almost 9,000 customers. This has put it on a trajectory to finish the entire project nearly a year ahead of schedule. Some major milestones for PearlComm in the last
seven months include the connection of its 10,000th customer in February and its 13,000th customer at the end of June.
PearlComm has also opened many new sections of Pearl River Valley Electric’s service territory for high-speed fiber internet. Since the beginning of the year, areas around Baxterville, Perkinston, and Hillsdale have received service. And now Pearl Comm Fiber is setting its sights on completing phase 4, which includes additional areas around Lumberton, Purvis, and new areas near Hattiesburg, Oak Grove, and Dixie. We know that it has been a long wait for members in these areas, but we guarantee that this high-speed internet is worth the wait. Included on the next page is an updated map with tentative open dates for upcoming areas. Remember, if you have not already pre-registered for service, please do so at www.pearlcommfiber.net. Pre-registration is the easiest way to let us know you are interested in the service, and it allows us to notify you when service becomes available in your area. As a reminder, pre-registration does not automatically subscribe you to the service.
members in these areas, but we upcoming have
As PearlComm Fiber enters the home stretch of bringing high-speed internet to Pearl River Valley Electric’s service territory, it is important to look back at how far we have come. The fiber construction began in early 2021 with a five-year plan. Now, thanks to strategic planning and the hard work of everyone involved, the project should be completed in 2025, a full year ahead of schedule. This quick turnaround from planning a fiber network to finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel within only four years is a testament to Pearl River Valley Electric’s dedication to its members and the communities in which we live and serve. It has been gratifying to hear the positive feedback from so many PearlComm customers and to witness firsthand how this service is changing the lives of so many people.
We appreciate your continued patience and support as PearlComm Fiber works to connect our service territory to high-speed internet.
One of our goals at Pearl River Valley Electric is to provide members with information about using energy wisely. When building or remodeling a home, energy e ciency should be a high priority. For more than 20 years our Comfort Advantage new home program has helped members save money on their monthly bills and increase the resale values of their homes.
Comfort Advantage energy-e ciency standards are based on years of experience, and they are continually being updated. The program now o ers the following incentives for new homes:
• Basic Comfort Advantage homes with a 14.3 SEER2 or a 15 SEER heat pump qualify for up to 150 feet of free underground service.
• Comfort Advantage Plus new homes with a 15.2 SEER2 or a 16 SEER heat pump qualify for up to 150 feet of free underground service and a rebate of $500.
• Geothermal heat pump installations qualify for an additional $500 rebate.
For existing homes, upgrading from older central electric heating/cooling systems or older ine cient heat pumps (10 Seer or less) to a 14.3 SEER2 or 15 SEER or higher heat pump qualifies for a $400 rebate.
Here are the complete requirements for the Comfort Advantage Program:
1. HEATING AND COOLING - Heat pump(s) rated at 14.3 SEER2 or 15 SEER or higher or a qualified geothermal heat pump(s). Flex duct work will be limited to runs of 8 feet or less. Ducts must be sealed with mastic and wrapped with R-6 or higher insulation.
5. FLOOR INSULATION – Install insulation R-value of 19 or greater in floors over unconditioned areas or crawlspaces.
2. WATER HEATING - Electric tank water heater(s) with a .90 energy factor or higher. Include heat traps and insulate pipes. Outdoor gas tankless water heaters also qualify. Electric instantaneous water heaters do not qualify.
3. WALL INSULATION - Install insulation R-value of 13 or greater.
4. ATTIC INSULATION - Install insulation R-value of 38 or greater. (Exception: R-20 foam-encapsulated, semi-conditioned attic.)
Comfort Advantage Plus-New Home additional upgrades for greater e ciency
6. WINDOWS - double pane windows with a U-value of .60 or less and a solar heat gain coe cient (SHGC) of .60 or less.
1. HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT - heat pump(s) rated at 15.2 SEER2 or 16 SEER or higher; or a qualified geothermal heat pump. Upgrade to a programmable thermostat.
7. AIR SEALING - Air sealing must be applied to all penetrations through exterior walls and to holes into attics or crawlspaces. Apply sill insulation between the slab and bottom plate. Properly install housewrap or building paper to cover exterior sheathing in wood framed homes. Inside the home, apply appropriate caulk or gaskets to electrical boxes, and seal around plumbing penetrations.
2. WINDOWS - double pane windows with a U-value of .40 or less, and a SHGC rating of .35 or less. For more information please contact us at 601-736-2666.
by Jennifer Johnson
Pack your tent or ready the RV. Camping is a great way to enjoy nature and get some fresh air! (Don’t forget to adjust your thermostat to save energy while you’re gone!)
If the weather is nice, enjoy a meal outside on your patio or porch. Purchase cold cuts for sandwiches, add chips, and a cold soft drink or iced tea, and give your stove and other kitchen appliances a break. Drying
kitchen appliances a break.
How about a juicy burger or tender chicken? Cooking on the grill can save energy since you don’t have to use your oven or stove.
by Jennifer Johnson
Life moves at a fast pace for PEPA employee Charlotte Ledbetter. She works full time as a collections assistant and receptionist for the utility, while working as a cosmetologist on a part-time basis. She’s a wife to Eddie, mother to sixyear-old Kynlee, bonus mom to Aaron and Alivia, and bonus grandmother to Will and James Wade.
Ledbetter, a Pontotoc High School special honors graduate, attended Itawamba Community College for a while, but then decided cosmetology school was where she was meant to be. After finishing up in 2011, she headed into the working world to do what she felt led to do – helping people look their best. It was something she’d even worked toward as a child. “I used to chop the hair o my dolls and fix it. My mom didn’t appreciate my e orts, but I think that is when I started to think I wanted to do this someday.”
Ledbetter also gets to have that sense of connection dealing with the customers at PEPA. “I enjoy assisting and getting to know them. I like to be able to help if I can.”
She said she has a great group of employees to work with and believes the people at PEPA are some of the best around. “The folks I work with really are supportive and feel more like family.”
The folks I work with really are supportive and feel more like family.
Ledbetter said she enjoys the connections she makes at the salon. “What’s most fulfilling to me is interacting with the people and helping them to feel good about themselves and how they look.”
She’s spent extra time with her autistic clients, making them feel comfortable in the environment of the salon. “I sat on the floor in the front door because that was a far as a child would go. I cut his hair right there since that was where he wanted to be.”
When Ledbetter came to work at PEPA, she had decided to stop cutting hair. That soon changed when large numbers of her former customers called her asking her to keep at it. She realized she could enjoy continuing her cosmetology work part time.
She said the combination of jobs, along with her family responsibilities make life quite busy most of the time, but she’s enjoying this hectic season. “When we can, we like to get together and cook out, ride our side by sides, and go to the lake.”
In the future, she said she hopes she can enjoy some things like traveling more and working in her garden, and she said she would “love a massage.”
She does have some advice for those who are navigating life with a blended family: “Learn to slow down a little and savor the moments. Pick your battles; don’t get worked up over the small things; and love them and teach them about Jesus.”
Our Bruce o ce has some great cooks. They’re sharing some of their favorite recipes this month!
Recipes submitted by Sandra Clark, Lacy Melton, Rhonda Parker, and Lesa Swords
2 pkg. chicken breast tenders
1 pkg. bacon
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup brown sugar
1 tsp chili powder
Wrap chicken pieces in bacon and mix all other ingredients together. Pour over chicken.
Let marinate for 2-4 hours (the longer, the better). Cook in 9 x 13 dish for 40-45 minutes or until chicken is done.
1 cup packed brown sugar
½ cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chopped pecans
2⁄3 cup butter, softened 2 eggs, beaten
8 cups peeled and diced potatoes
1 bottle ranch dressing
1 stick butter
1 cup sour cream
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 bag real bacon bits
In microwave-safe dish, cook potatoes and stick of butter in microwave for six minutes at a time. Stir and continue until potatoes are fork tender. Mix all ingredients together and place in baking dish. Bake at 350 until all ingredients are melted and hot. You may also want to sprinkle cheese over the top before baking.
Preheat oven to 350 and flour 18 mini mu n cups or line with paper mu n liners. In medium bowl, stir together brown sugar, flour, and pecans. In a separate bowl, beat butter and eggs together until smooth, stir into dry ingredients until just combined. Spoon batter into prepared mu n cups. Cups should be about 2/3 full. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. Cool on wire racks when done.
more information, call 601-947-4211 or 228-497-1313.
NEELY MCLEOD Marketing Specialist
BRIAN HUGHEY General Manager & CEO SAMUEL GOFF PR and Marketing Coordinator
Following an overwhelmingly unanimous vote by our membership in October 2020, Singing River Electric (SRE) set out on a journey to build a fiberoptic network connecting our 45 electric substations and three o ces together for electric benefit. With this decision, Singing River Connect, our fiber internet subsidiary, was created.
SRE began construction of this network in July 2021. In just three years, with the help of contractors, SRE has installed nearly 4,000 miles of fiberoptic lines resulting in the connection of 10,000 high-speed fiber internet subscribers across many parts of our service area. These newly connected subscribers are excited as they now experience what high-speed, fiber-to-the-home symmetrical internet service really is. This journey is making a significant impact on SRE members. Filling this need is another example of how SRE continues to place emphasis on our seventh cooperative principle – Concern for Community.
Your cooperative is beginning Phase 4 of this extensive buildout plan as we look toward providing reliable and a ordable
2020 October
SRE members vote 96% in favor of amending the Certificate of Incorporation allowing SRE to provide electric and fiberoptic services.
Following an overwhelming vote, Singing River Connect is formed as a high-speed fiber internet subsidiary of the cooperative.
SRE’s board approves plan to construct a 400-mile fiber ring connecting all SRE substations and o ces and a fiber-to-the-home pilot project.
AMANDA PARKER, CCC Manager of PR and Marketing
high-speed fiber internet service to our entire service area. As mentioned in the past, SRE’s board of directors measures the success of each completed phase before moving to the next. Take rates continue to exceed consultants’ expectations, which confirms the need that exists within our service area.
Based on the success to date, we expect the journey to continue as we grow our fiber network and Singing River Connect continues adding subscribers at an unprecedented rate.
by Brian Hughey
General Manager and
SRE begins constructing fiberoptic facilities to be leased to SR Connect.
SR Connect completes its first subscriber home installation.
Based on the success of the pilot project, SRE board approves Phase Two of fiber project extending services to potential subscribers in George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Wayne counties.
SR Connect plans to celebrate its 10,000th subscriber and the construction of 4,000 miles of fiberoptic lines across our service area.
Spring and summer thunderstorms are common in south Mississippi, although not all bring high winds, lightning, and flooding rain as the ones that came through Singing River Electric’s service area on May 10-13 did.
The weather caused scattered outages with the majority in George County. Linemen discovered lines on the ground along with trees and limbs on the power lines, removing them carefully before continuing the power restoration process.
Linemen changed out 28 poles and restored power to 11,847 meters over the long, severe weather weekend. Gautier and Sand Hill linemen handled outages in their areas and provided needed assistance in George County. Dispatchers, engineering sta , member service representatives, and contract line crews worked with our linemen until all outages were restored. the
Singing River Electric clears trees, limbs and underbrush from the area around and below the power lines called the right of way. Right-of-way clearing helps decrease the number of outages and reduces the risk of someone coming in contact with power lines.
Here are the substations and surrounding areas that are either currently being cleared or where clearing will begin soon:
• Gautier substation – Graveline Road, Highway 90, Old Spanish Trail, and surrounding areas.
• Joe Batt substation – Joe Batt Road, Jim Ramsey Road, Old Biloxi Road, and surrounding areas.
• Leakesville substation – Highway 57, Highway 63, Old Avera Road, and surrounding areas.
• Brewer substation – Highway 42, Rufus Walley Road, Union Road, and surrounding areas.
Great news for the Leakesville area – fiber internet sign-ups are open! If you receive electricity from the Leakesville substation, you can now receive blazing-fast fiber internet service. Let your trusted local provider get you connected – visit singingriverconnect.com/signup.
Step 1: Make-ready engineering Examine. Design.
Step 4: Splicing
Connecting the dots.
Benndale substation area
Step 2: Make-ready construction
Sunplex, Fountainbleu, Singing River Mall and part of Hamill Farm substation area Ocean Springs and Gulf Park substation area
Planning the most efficient approach to fiber deployment.
Step 3: Construction
Building a network from the ground up.
Fort Bayou, Martin Bluff, Hickory Hills, St. Martin, Tucker Road, Forts Lake, Helena, Helena Industrial, Escatawpa South and Wade substation areas
Step 5: Service drop & drop splicing
The last outdoor step. Almost there…
Rocky Creek, Leakesville, Lucedale North, Vancleave, Joe Batt, Sand Hill, Big Point, parts of Cumbest Bluff, Frank Snell and all previously opened areas
Step 6: Installation
The speed of light, right to your home.
Rocky Creek, Leakesville, Lucedale North, Vancleave, Joe Batt, Sand Hill, Big Point, parts of Cumbest Bluff, Frank Snell and all previously opened areas
Singing River Electric facilitated a $2.36 million United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Economic Development zero-interest loan for Mississippi Export Railroad (MSE). The short-line railroad, which operates in Singing River Electric’s service area, will use the loan to build a railcar repair shop at the Helena Industrial Park in Moss Point, Miss.
Singing River Electric awarded the funds in August 2023, and MSE announced the project at its Gold Spike groundbreaking ceremony on May 13.
According to MSE, up to 24 new full-time jobs are expected within the first five years of operation.
Through the Rural Economic Development loan program, USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities, like Singing River Electric, which in turn pass through the loans to local businesses for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas. The funding awarded to Mississippi Export Railroad includes a $2 million loan from the Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant fund and $360,000 from Singing River Electric’s Revolving Loan Fund, made up of grant funds that are re-lent for projects positively impacting Singing River Electric’s service.
As we enter the dog days of summer with outside temperatures increasing, air conditioner run times will also increase – dramatically. With heating and cooling being the largest contributor to your electric bill, make sure your unit is operating at maximum e ciency.
• Service your unit, if you haven’t already this year. Make sure your unit is working properly and has enough freon to help avoid higher than needed electricity bills. Having your unit serviced at least once a year is money well spent.
• Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or as high as comfortably possible. The lower your thermostat temperature, the more your unit will have to work to keep your home cool while battling the outside temperature.
• Change your air filter each month or according to manufacturers’ directions. Dirty or clogged filters will quickly
lower the e ciency of your unit. The life of a filter varies depending on the grade of filter you purchase.
• Avoid covering your outdoor condensing unit with shrubs, shades, or other items. Condensing units need open air flow to work properly and at peak e ciency.
Visit singingriver.com/ways-to-save for more energy-e ciency tips.
by Gabe Robbins
Celebrating Independence Day is a perfect time to reflect on the values that make our nation great. The United States of America and rural electric cooperatives share much common ground, rooted in the spirit of independence, community, and progress.
A desire for self-reliance and freedom drove the founding of our nation. The founding fathers envisioned a country where citizens could govern themselves and thrive. Similarly, rural electric cooperatives were born out of a need for self-su ciency and community empowerment. Before cooperatives, many rural areas were left in the dark, but through collective e ort and determination, communities came together to bring electricity to their homes and farms.
Both our nation and our cooperatives are built on democratic principles. The United States prides itself on being a country where every voice matters. Similarly, Southern Pine and other electric cooperatives operate under a democratic model where members have a say in how the cooperative operates. Member participation ensures that we continue to meet the needs of our community, just as the voices of citizens help shape the direction of our country.
Innovation and progress are not just hallmarks of the United States and rural electric cooperatives but a shared commitment.
The entrepreneurial spirit that has driven the USA to achieve incredible advancements is mirrored in the cooperative movement. By embracing new technologies and continuously seeking better ways to serve our members, we ensure that Southern Pine remains strong and innovative.
As we celebrate this Independence Day, let’s take pride in the values of freedom, democracy, and progress that unite us. These principles have guided our country for centuries and continue to inspire our work at Southern Pine. We honor our shared heritage and look forward to a bright future with possibilities.
I wish you a safe and happy Independence Day!
by Chris K. Rhodes
President/CEO Southern Pine Electric
— President Harry S. Truman
“America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
Election to be held on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024
For the purposes of electing directors, hearing and passing upon reports covering the previous fiscal year, and transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting, the annual meeting of the members shall be held on the second Thursday of the month of November of each year, at such place in one of the counties of Mississippi within which the Cooperative serves, and beginning at such hour, as the Board of Directors shall from year to year fix; PROVIDED, that, for cause su cient, the Board of Directors may fix a di erent date for such annual meeting not more than thirty (30) days prior or subsequent to the day otherwise established for such meeting in this Section. Failure to hold the annual meeting at the designated time and place shall not work a forfeiture or dissolution of the Cooperative.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to make adequate plans and preparation for the annual meeting, and to encourage attendance by the membership at these meetings.
Section 4.03: Tenure and Qualifications
(a) At each annual meeting of the members, directors shall be elected by ballot, by and from the membership of the Cooperative, one director to be elected from each of the counties of Copiah, Covington, Newton, Scott, Simpson, Forrest, Jasper, Je erson Davis, Smith, Lawrence and
Rankin Counties, Mississippi, each director to be elected for a term of three (3) years, in accordance with the following formula, to-wit:
(1) At the annual meeting of November 1984, and every three (3) years thereafter, one director shall be elected from each of the counties of Copiah, Covington and Newton Counties, Mississippi, each of whom shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of election as provided by law.
(2) At the annual meeting of November 1985, and every three (3) years thereafter, one director shall be elected from each of the counties of Scott, Simpson, Forrest and Jasper Counties, Mississippi, each of whom shall serve for a term of three (3) years from date of election as provided by law.
(3) At the annual meeting of November 1986, and every three (3) years thereafter, one director shall be elected from each of the counties of Je erson Davis, Smith, Lawrence and Rankin Counties, Mississippi, each of whom shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of election as provided by law.
If the election of directors shall not be held at the annual meeting or if such annual meeting is not held, each director shall hold o ce until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.
(b) At any meeting, the Credentials and Election Committee shall determine the manner in which votes are to be cast and counted. At any meeting, ballots shall not be necessary in the event the number of persons nominated for directors does not exceed the number of directors to be elected, but in such case if there be no objections, the directors may be elected in any
other proper manner. Drawing by lot shall resolve, where necessary, any tie votes. If an election of directors shall not be held on the day designated for the annual meeting, a special meeting of the members may be held for the purpose of electing directors within a reasonable time thereafter.
(c) No person or non-natural person as described in subsection (e) of this section shall be eligible to become or remain a director or to hold any position of trust in the Cooperative who is not an active member in good standing of the Cooperative, has not been a bona fide resident of the county from which they are to be elected for six months immediately preceding the nomination to directorship, or who is in any way employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise.
(d) No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director who has been finally convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
(e) In order to be eligible to become or remain a director of the Cooperative, a person must be a member of the Cooperative and receiving service therefrom, and not be a close relative as defined in Section 4.08 of an incumbent director, or the director being replaced. However, the operating or chief executive o cer of any member which is not a natural person, such as a corporation, church, etc., or its designee, shall, notwithstanding that they do not receive service from the Cooperative, be eligible to become a director, from the county in which such member is located, if they be so designated. (1) Is in substantial permanent occupancy, direction or use of the premises served by the Cooperative, and (2) Is a perma-
nent resident within the county where such member is served by the Cooperative; provided further, that no more than one (1) such person may serve on the Board of Directors at the same time.
(f) No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director of, or to hold any other position of trust in the Cooperative, unless such person has the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract.
(g) No employee of the Cooperative shall be eligible to become or remain a director of the Cooperative.
(h) Upon establishment of the fact that a nominee for director lacks eligibility under this Section or as may be provided elsewhere in these bylaws, it shall be the duty of the chair presiding at the meeting at which such nominee would be otherwise voted upon to disqualify such nominee. Upon the establishment of the fact that any person being considered for, or already holding, a directorship or other position of trust in the Cooperative lacks’ eligibility under this Section, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to withhold such position from such person, or to cause them to be removed therefrom.
(i) Nothing in this section contained shall, or shall be construed to, a ect in any manner whatsoever, the validity of any action taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors, unless such action is taken with respect to a matter which is a ected by the provisions of this section and in which one or more of the directors have an intent adverse to that of the Cooperative.
Section 4.04: Committee on Nominations, Credentials and Elections
(a) Committee on Nominations. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint, at its regular August meeting of each year, a committee on nominations consisting of not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) members who shall be selected so as to ensure equitable geographic representation. No existing Cooperative employee, agent, o cer, director, or unknown candidate for director, may serve on such committee.
The committee shall receive and consider nominees submitted by the members of the Cooperative. The submission should include the member’s name, address, account number and contact information and be mailed to the Committee on Nominations, P. O. Box 60, Taylorsville, MS, 39168. Nominations must be received by September 5, 2024. The committee shall meet at a time and place set by the Board of Directors. The committee shall prepare and post at the principal o ce of the Cooperative within fifteen (15) days after
the date of their appointment a list of nominations for directors. The Secretary shall mail with the notice of the membership meeting a statement of the number of directors to be elected and showing separately those candidates nominated by the Committee on Nominations and those candidates nominated by petitions, which have been received on, or prior to the second Thursday of September of the year of such meeting. Any fifty (50) members acting together may make nominations by petition and the Secretary shall post such
nominations at the same place where the list of nominations by the committee is posted. Any petition or nomination shall be submitted on a form designated and provided by the Cooperative. Each member signing such petition shall place thereon the date of signing, address, and account number of the member. At the membership meeting, the Chairman shall call for additional nominations from the floor. No member may nominate more than one candidate.
Jim Mason is a loyal employee of Southern Pine Electric who has served our members for over 31 years. As field supervisor for the Newton district, he oversees field operations for Southern Pine’s largest geographical district—no easy feat.
Jim joined Southern Pine as a staking assistant in 1993 and later became a staking technician. He became a field supervisor in 2017. Jim has many memories from working at Southern Pine, but one stands out.
It was amazing to see God’s work after Hurricane Katrina. “God took care of those working after the storm and kept us safe; if we got thirsty, someone would be there to give us drinks; if we got hungry, someone showed up with food to keep us going,” Jim said. “He took care of everyone working to restore power, and it was also great to see that so many of our members had understanding, showed care, and had patience with us as we worked hard to get the power back on.”
Jim said he loves working at Southern Pine because of his can-do attitude and high-quality employees. “It has also been amazing to see Southern Pine grow in technology over the years, which has simplified things that were once extremely timeconsuming,” he said.
Jim’s work ethic and values were shaped early in life on a dairy farm. He learned the value of hard work and perseverance while helping his family run the farm. Even after his grandfather’s stroke, he continued to manage the farm for the last four years of its operation. This dedication and resilience are qualities that he brings to his work at Southern Pine Electric.
Today, when he’s not serving our members, he owns and works on his farm with his brother. In addition, one of his favorite things to do is travel with his wife of 31 years, Kathy. They’ve traveled to Jamaica and are planning a trip to Cancun next. Jim and Kathy have one son, Jacob, 28. Jim lives in the Bethel community of Newton with his wife and their two dogs, and they attend First Baptist Church of Newton.
Through the mobile app or online at southwestelectric.coop
Credit/Debit Card Draft
Enroll through SmartHub online or the mobile app for monthly auto pay or one-time payment
Bank Draft
One-time eCheck payment through SmartHub or call us to enroll in auto monthly bank draft
Pay by Phone 24/7
Call 877-607-6973 and pay with credit/ debit cards or by eCheck
Regular Billing
Pay Centers
• Lorman — Southwest Electric o ce
• Lorman — Southwest Electric o ce
• Port Gibson — River Hills Bank
• Barcode in SmartHub or back of bill
• $1.50 fee
• Find nearest location in SmartHub
• Available at Walmart and CVS stores
• $1.50 fee
• Receive code 16381
U.S. Mail
Mail your bill stub and check or money order to P.O. Box 5, Lorman, MS 39096
Standard billing is familiar to our Members. Pay for use as metered on a monthly basis.
Alternate Payment Dates
Choose to have payments due on the 15th or 27th of each month, allowing for flexibility with your budget and schedule.
Only requires $105 to start service – $55 is a credit towards electricity use –and no deposit. Pay for use as you go. Available for new and existing Members.
Variable Monthly Payment
Calculates and averages the last 11 months of use plus the current month’s use, providing a levelized current bill. Makes monthly budgeting easier.
Paperless Billing
No more paper bills in your mailbox. Receive notification of your bill by text or email.
AUGUST 14 • 10 A.M.
embers attending will be eligible for EXCITING DOOR PRIZES.
Return the bottom portion of your Annual Meeting Notice for a chance to win one of ten $100 BILL CREDITS.
Wednesday, August 14, at 10 a.m.
Cornerstone Church 321 Highway 61, Natchez former site of Trinity Episcopal Day School
Southwest Electric’s bylaws can be found at southwestelectric.coop/what-is-a-cooperative or by scanning the QR code.
The Nondiscrimination Statement can be found at southwestelectric.coop/nondiscrimination-statement or by scanning the QR code.
You can also call our office to obtain copies.
Employees from our Member Services and Billing Departments recently participated in Community Awareness Days hosted by AJFC Community Action Agency, Inc. in five counties within our service area. They talked to Members in Adams, Copiah, Franklin, Je erson and Lincoln counties about the services we o er, shared energy e ciency tips and helped several Members download the SmartHub app.
Only use fans when in the room. Remember fans cool people not the room. The circulating air creates a windchill e ect making you feel cooler.
Cooling during the summer months can account for 50% of your electric utility bill. We know 78 degrees feels warm, but try to keep your thermostat set as high as possible. If you are going to be away from your home for more than a few hours, consider increasing the temperature one or two degrees, so your unit will run less when you are not home.
How much electricity do solar panels generate?
That is dependent on the size of your system and how many days that month the sun is shining.
Will I still receive a monthly bill from Southwest Electric?
Residential solar is designed to help supplement the electricity you use from Southwest Electric, but it will not totally eliminate your monthly bill.
How do I get credit for the electricity my solar panels generate?
If you generate more power than you use, the electricity is safely put back on the grid. Cooperative Energy, the cooperative that supplies all of our power, purchases the excess electricity at a wholesale rate of 4.5 cents per kWh. You will receive a check from Cooperative Energy, not a credit on your Southwest Electric bill.
Does Southwest Electric limit the size of the system installed?
Yes, currently we limit the residential size to 15kW.
Does Southwest Electric install solar panels for Members?
No, but we will work with reputable installers to ensure our Members’ systems are built to specifications.
Visit our website, southwestelectric.coop/ solar-home-installation/, and use our Residential Solar Calculator to make sure solar is right for you.
The long-term payback is di erent for each Member depending on the size of your system and loan terms.
Call Southwest Electric at 800-287-8564 first for safety and installation requirements before investing in solar generation at your home.
Our professionals can guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have about installing solar panels for personal home use.
Leslie Holloway has been selected by the board of directors to serve as the general manager of Twin County Electric Power Association in Hollandale.
Holloway has extensive knowledge of the electric utility industry, with over 25 years of experience working with cooperatives and 17 years in senior management. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration in business management from Henderson State University and is a 2021 graduate of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Management Internship program. Holloway has also completed various courses in management, finance, and cooperative core principles.
In 2023, Holloway was chosen as a mentor for the NRECA’s Women in Power Mentoring program. The program aims to recognize, support, and provide opportunities for women in electric co-ops. Holloway said, “The NRECA’s Women in Power mentoring program gave me the opportunity to share my experiences, o er support, and boost the confidence of a female employee at an out-of-state cooperative. I am forever grateful for the relationships formed through this program.”
Hollandale - 662-827-2262 | Belzoni - 662-247-1909 | Greenville - 662-334-9543 | Rolling Fork - 662-873-4233 | REPORT OUTAGES 866-897-7250
Her managerial experience includes expertise in advanced metering infrastructure, outage management optimization, beneficial electrification, technology advancements, renewable energy, financial planning, contract negotiations, strategic planning, key performance indicator measures, and enhancing cooperative services for members.
The Board of Directors is very excited about the knowledge of the industry and the managerial skills and experience that Leslie brings to Twin County, and looks forward to working with her.
“I am honored to be named as the general manager for Twin County and eager to invest in the communities that serve our members,” Holloway said. “I am confident in the outstanding skills and dedication of the employees and board of directors. I am fortunate to be an instrumental part of this exceptional team and look forward to building on the cooperative’s strong foundation.”
When announcing Holloway’s appointment, Joel B. (Joey) Cunningham, president of Twin County’s Board of Directors, said, “The board is very excited about the knowledge of the industry and the managerial skills and experience that Leslie brings to Twin County and looks forward to working with her.”
by Miranda Boutelle
QHow do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
AEquipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• AIR CONDITIONING – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• LOW AIRFLOW – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• BAD ODORS – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• STRANGE NOISES – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• RUNNING FREQUENTLY – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
The Twin County EPA Board of Directors approved the retirement of $1,413,719.00 in capital credits. As an electric cooperative owner, Twin County members benefit from the allocation of annual operating margins in the form of capital credits.
The capital credit retirement includes margins for years 1993, 1994, and 2023. Twin County members receiving service during any or all of these years are eligible for capital credit retirements based upon the amount of electric service paid for that year. The capital credit checks were mailed in June. If you were a member of Twin County during the years designated above and did not receive a check, please contact our Hollandale o ce.
“Capital credit retirements are one of the advantages of being a member-owner of your cooperative. We are committed to providing a ordable, reliable electric service to our members and returning excess margins to our membership exemplifies the financial stability of our cooperative,” Leslie Holloway, Twin County’s general manager, said.
Twin County Electric Power Association, an electric cooperative, is owned by the members it serves. Since 1938, we have provided safe, dependable electric service to more than 12,500 electric meters in seven delta communities. To learn more about Twin County, please visit www.twincoepa.com and follow us on Facebook.
• JULY 16, 2024 • “Record Date” for Twin County’s 2024 Annual Meeting.
• JULY 17, 2024 • Petitions to run for (2) directors in the Greenville service area and (1) director in the Belzoni service area are available at the Hollandale o ce.
• AUG. 2, 2024 • Petitions to run for director must be filed at the Hollandale o ce by 5 p.m.
• ON OR BEFORE AUG. 12, 2024 Annual meeting notices, annual reports, and proxies are mailed to all the members in good standing as of the record date.
• SEPT. 11, 2024 • All proxies must be received by 5 p.m. at any of Twin County’s o ces.
• SEPT. 17, 2024 • Twin County Annual Meeting in Hollandale beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Yazoo Valley was blessed to spend some time with our friends at the Manna House painting the kitchen, unloading supplies and helping serve food. Yazoo Valley also donated a fire extinguisher for the kitchen and purchased some padded mats for the floor. The local ministry feeds the hungry in our community each day, and we are proud to support their e orts. Follow Manna House Ministries on Facebook to see items being sold to raise funds for the ministry and opportunities to volunteer or donate food.
Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association is focused on expanding our commitment to community service, and part of that e ort has been to support the Yazoo Girls Softball League. Yazoo Valley is proud of the success of all of our local teams, especially Lights Out, which YVEPA sponsored this season for a second straight year. Yazoo Valley is also proud to be a sponsor of the 12U Yazoo All Star Softball Team. We look forward to continued success for youth softball in our community in the future.
by Miranda Boutelle
How do I know if my HVAC system is malfunctioning?
Equipment functionality issues can a ect your electricity use, which may result in higher energy bills. The age of your equipment can be a major factor in function. The lifespan of a heating and cooling system ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Proper maintenance and lower use can increase the life of the equipment. To find out the age of your system, look for the manufactured date printed on the unit’s nameplate. If you can’t find it, search online using the model number or call the manufacturer. Being thrifty by nature, I typically subscribe to the notion of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That said, I also believe in being prepared for the inevitable. If your system is approaching or past the 20-year mark, start saving for a new system and get replacement estimates.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if your heating and cooling system needs to be repaired or replaced:
• Air conditioning – It’s not as cool as usual. If the air from your air conditioner is warm or not as cool as it usually feels, the equipment has an issue. It could be a problem with the compressor or a refrigerant leak. Contact a professional to get the issue checked. Many refrigerants, especially the ones used in older systems, are harmful to the environment. Fix leaks before adding more refrigerant. Special certifications are required for handling refrigerants, so hire a professional to ensure the work is done properly.
• Low airflow – If you aren’t getting good airflow, it could be an easy fix, such as filter replacement or opening closed dampers. If you’ve made these fixes and airflow is not at normal levels, contact a professional. There could be a bigger problem with a motor, fan, or something else.
• Bad odors – Heating and cooling systems sometimes smell when you first start them up for the season. Those smells should be minor and dissipate quickly. Any serious smells—such as burning
Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Detecting issues early can help you plan for repairs or equipment replacement.
metal, melting plastic or noxious odors—are a sign that your system is in trouble. If you smell those odors, turn your system o immediately and contact a professional.
• Strange noises – There is typically noise associated with the fans and motors in heating and cooling systems. Take note of any excessive or new noises. If your system is making any clunking, clanging, or whistling noises, turn it o and check the filter. If that doesn’t solve it, reach out to a pro.
• Running frequently – Your system needs to run more to keep up on extreme weather days, but there might be an issue if it runs too often. Short cycling is when a system cycles on and o before completing the heating or cooling process. Contact a professional to diagnose this issue.
Several factors come into play when deciding to fix existing equipment or invest in new equipment. Consider the severity of the issue, repair costs, the likelihood of additional repairs, equipment lifespan, and your budget.
The e ciency of your existing system is also a consideration. Heating and cooling technology improvements have come a long way in the last 20 years. Lower operation costs can o set the cost of a new system over time.
Consider your options before you are in desperate need. I recommend getting estimates from at least three contractors. Ask the contractor, “If this was your home, what type of system would you install and why?” The best solution for your home might be a di erent type of equipment.
Miranda Boutelle is the chief operating o cer at E ciency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energy e ciency company.
Without patting ourselves on the back too much, Today in Mississippi does a lot of things well.
Our first mission is to inform members of our cooperatives about the latest news regarding their local co-ops. I think we fulfill that primary purpose very well. But our statewide magazine is also a place where members go to read about the people and places that make Mississippi such a special place to live.
I know that we entertain our readers with those feature stories and photographs because your feedback has been so positive over the years.
In the spirit of those kinds of stories, this month’s cover story is a great reminder that Mississippi is filled with special places to visit within our state lines — hidden gems in some cases, so to speak.
When most people think of the origins of Coca-Cola, Atlanta and the state of Georgia spring to mind. The birthplace of the taste of Coke is, indeed, Atlanta, where a pharmacist created the drink’s flavorful syrup in 1886.
But it was a candy store owner in Vicksburg who first bottled Coca-Cola in 1894.
Mississippian Joseph A. Biedenham was the first to bottle Coca-Cola and ship it to rural areas so it could be consumed outside of soda fountains.
Biedenham’s story and the museum dedicated to his achievement is definitely a special place to visit for a day trip or a weekend getaway.
I’m not sure how many Mississippians know about the Museum of Coca-Cola History and Memorabilia in Vicksburg, but hopefully more folks are aware now.
We love to spotlight the special places in our state, and with our July 2024 cover story, we’ve done just that.
We hope you enjoy the issue.
by Michael Callahan
Executive Vice President/CEO Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi
Send us photos of your front porches. You and your family or friends can be on them, or just shoot us photos of your front porch solo. The photos must be highresolution JPG files of at least 1 MB in size. Please attach the photo to your email and send it to news@ecm.coop. Each entry must be accompanied by photographer’s name, address, and co-op.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Aug. 30. Select photos will appear in the October 2024 issue.