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Crew Shots
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**Don’t forget to include IDs from left to right, the home port, fi shing location, gear type and fi shery.
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4 5

San Pedro, CA

1 Captain Brittany
Kucura on the Tom & Gerry commercial shing vessel out of San Pedro, Calif., holding a white seabass.
Long Island, ME
2 Jon Harrison and Cameron Wyman take up lobster traps for the season in mid-December aboard the Blue Dolphin II out of Long Island, Maine.
Half Moon Bay, CA
3 Isaac Rodriguez,
Jacob Guillen and Justin Nevarez working the 2022 Dungeness crab season out of Half Moon Bay, Calif., with captain Joe Cullen on the F/V Fishy Biz.
Hart Miller Island, Md.
4 Avery Erisman of Fort Howard, Md., helps for the day crabbing on dad Scott Erisman’s boat with and granddad Greg Erisman — three generations on Chesapeake Bay.
New Bedford, Mass.
5 Malachi Knowles gets ready to haul some gear for Atlantic red crab on the F/V Hannah Boden out of New Bedford, Mass.