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Editor’s Log
Editor’s Log A New Era for NF
Bob Callahan
Publisher/Group Vice President bcallahan@divcom.com
o say the past two years have been challenging would be a gross understatement, but when the times get tough the tough get tougher and nowhere is that truer than here at National Fisherman.
At NF we have used the pandemic as a catalyst for change and an opportunity to rethink everything that we do to assure we are still bringing the value to our readers that we did 70 years ago. The answer, according to a recent in-depth readership survey is yes, but we are doing it di erently than ever before. Today we are delivering more content across a variety of mediums to assure we are there for you whether you are in the wheelhouse, back on land, or walking the oors of Paci c Marine Expo.
The future is bright for National Fisherman with a brand-new mobile app, a new quarterly format for our magazine, and a renewed commitment to providing the best and most timely digital content in the industry via the re-designed national sherman.com.
National Fisherman may be 75 years old, but we continue to evolve and you could be a part of the next chapter. We know you have a passion for the commercial shing industry but do you also have a passion for writing about it for one of the most prestigious trade publications in the country? Are you a digital content creator who wants to support the NF mission of Informed Fishermen, Pro table Fisheries, and Sustainable Fish? If you answered yes to these questions, we would like to hear from you. NF is currently seeking a new Digital Product Manager to steer the ship both in print and online and you could be the right candidate. To throw your hat in the ring please email info@ national sherman.com and let’s talk.
Many things have changed for this industry and for NF, some of which will further evolve over the coming months and years. Much will be di erent as these developments shape the types of coverage and content that the National Fisherman brand represents in the 21st century and beyond. However, one thing that will never change is our commitment to providing you with the vital information that you need to drive your commercial shing business forward in the present and for the future.
On the cover
A makeshift “painter’s studio” inside Pier 45 on San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf. Photo by Arthur Drooker.
In partnership with Pacifi c Marine Expo
The largest commercial marine trade show on the West Coast, serving commercial mariners from Alaska to California.
www.pacifi cmarineexpo.com
PUBLISHER: Bob Callahan EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Jeremiah Karpowicz ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Kirk Moore BOATS & GEAR EDITOR: Paul Molyneaux PRODUCTS EDITOR: Brian Hagenbuch ART DIRECTOR: Doug Stewart NORTH PACIFIC BUREAU CHIEF: Charlie Ess FIELD EDITORS: Larry Chowning, Michael Crowley CORRESPONDENTS: Samuel Hill, John DeSantis, Maureen Donald, Dayna Harpster, Sierra Golden, John Lee, Caroline Losneck, Nick Rahaim ADVERTISING COORDINATOR: Wendy Jalbert / wjalbert@divcom.com / Tel. (207) 842-5616 GROUP SALES DIRECTOR: Christine Salmon / csalmon@divcom.com / Tel. (207) 842-5530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: (800) 842-5603 classi eds@divcom.com
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION 847-504-8874 or national sherman@omeda.com
Producer of Pacifi c Marine Expo and the International WorkBoat Show
Theodore Wirth, President & CEO | Mary Larkin, President, Diversi ed Communications USA Diversi ed Communications | 121 Free St., Portland, ME 04112 (207) 842-5500 • Fax (207) 842-5503 • www.divcom.com © 2022 Diversi ed Business Communications If you prefer not to receive such mailings, please send a copy of your mailing label to: National Fisherman PO Box 176, Lincolnshire IL 60069.