1 minute read
Fishing Back When
Fishing Back When June
By Jessica Hathaway
1971— The Beaufort Menhaden Chanteymen travel around North Carolina to celebrate the heyday of the state’s menhaden industry, before the hydraulic power block changed the face of the shery.

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On the Cover: Cod ends bulging with yellowtail ounder are becoming fewer as the shery for the popular species faces further restrictions with decreasing biomass. In February, the national sheries service celebrated 100 years. Spencer F. Baird was the rst federal commissioner, appointed in 1871. He recruited a small, mostly volunteer staff, and set up a provisional lab at Woods Hole, Mass.
Maine’s Boothbay Region Lobstermen buy local Harbor Crab and Lobster Co.’s 6,400-square-foot and 110-seat wharf and restaurant for $125,000.

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On the Cover: The Mary K, a 92foot dragger, makes her debut at the Sea Fab yard in Pascagoula, Miss., for Woods Hole, Mass., sherman Larry Kavanagh. The Coast Guard reports its ndings from a March investigation into the 1990 sinking of the Aleutian Enterprise and recommends a federal criminal investigation into the owner and executives of Arctic Alaska Fisheries Corp. for the loss of the Bering Sea factory trawler and nine of its 31 crew members.
NMFS declares the Paci c Northwest Snake River sockeye to be endangered.
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On the Cover: British Columbia spot prawn sherman Frank Keitsch enjoys a quiet moment between sets.
The industry mourns the loss of Peter Prybot, a colleague many times over, as a sherman, photographer, author and relentless advocate for the industry he loved so well. Peter was 63 when he went overboard from his lobster boat October Sky III out of Pigeon Cove in Rockport, Mass. Van Peer Boatworks and Harold Haynes team up to launch the 70-foot steel troller Chasina Bay, which will also work charters out of Ketchikan, Alaska.