2011 National Folk Festival Program

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PROGRAM 2011 RRP $5.00

Don’t WASTE the National The National Folk Festival (NFF) is proud to introduce you to it’s new onsite Waste Management system!

Through a new partnership with SITA & Wastebusters we have set up manned waste stations throughout the Entertainment Zone in an attempt to UHGXFH FRQWDPLQDWLRQ LQ RXU UHF\FOLQJ DQG FRPSRVW ZDVWH VWUHDPV 7KLV \HDU RXU JRDO LV WR GHFUHDVH ZKDW ZH VHQG WR ODQG ¿OO E\ Did you know that all plates and cutlery from our stallholders are biodegradable? Or that your Coopers plastic cup is recyclable? Wastebusters do, DQG WKH\ ZLOO PDNH VXUH WKDW HYHU\ VFUDS RI ZDVWH WKDW FDQ EH FRPSRVWHG RU UHF\FOHG LV QRW VHQW WR ODQG¿OO The Wastebusters team (student volunteers from the Orana Steiner School) will be stationed at every set of bins in the entertainment zone. These amazing kids are there to help you correctly dispose of your rubbish, please work with them to achieve our goal. Once your rubbish is sorted at the waste stations, the NFF Volunteer Waste Team work hard to remove it from site as quickly as possible. You’ll see them moving around large wheelie bins to the waste service areas for collection. We thank them for their drive and energy! SITA (the NFF Waste provider and proud sponsor of the Scrumpy Bar) have provided an onsite compacting truck to manage the large volumes of RXU ZDVWH HI¿FLHQWO\ DQG TXLFNO\ 6,7$ ZLOO HQVXUH WKDW DOO ZDVWH DUULYHV DW the correct depot once it leaves the festival so that all our well laid plans GRQ¶W JR WR ZDVWH ODQG¿OO ZDVWH

Celebrating 45 years of the National Folk Festival Don’t WASTE your time – go to the Scrumpy Bar, proudly sponsored by SITA Environmental Solutions. To help us RECYCLE, please use the right bin.

Don’t rubbish our waste, get behind our volunteers and partners and help us achieve this goal! sita.com.au


the leader in resource recovery







Sponsors & Supporters


The Festival Team


National Library/ NFF Folk Fellowship


A Festival of Variety


A Festival of Song


A Majestic Festival


Folk Film Program


A Festival of Tradition


A Festival of Instruments


A Festival of Dance


Act Listings




Thursday Program


Friday Program


Saturday Program


Sunday Program


Monday Program




Our Performers


We’re Listening to You


Opening Hours


Want To Help


Useful Information


EPIC Site Map


HELP AT A GLANCE Ambulance/Police/Fire Urgent On-site Assistance Calvary Hospital First Aid Chemist (Dickson) Taxis ACTION Buses Qantas Virgin Blue CountryLink Greyhound Murray’s Canberra & Region Visitor Centre

000 6230 7118 6201 6111 0406 375 665 6248 7684 13 22 27 13 17 10 13 13 13 13 67 89 13 22 32 1300 473 946 13 22 59 1300 554 114

Patron Support volunteers in orange vests carry radios and can assist.

NATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL LIMITED ABN: 96 058 761 274 PO Box 179, Mitchell ACT 2911 Ph: 02 6262 4792 Fax: 02 6255 4825 Email: info@folkfestival.asn.au Web: www.folkfestival.asn.au

Welcome to the 45th National Folk Festival. We have tried to maintain a balance of the well-established elements that have a unique flavour at the National – participation in diverse dance, session playing, folk school master-classes, spoken word, blackboard opportunities, busking spaces for young musicians, tradition bearers, instrument makers and community arts - as well as creating some vibrant new venues alongside the favourite main stages. We have also developed some significant new creative collaborations with major cultural institutions. The National is a not-for-profit organisation with an aim to create the best folk festival. Along with developing our interest in education, our enterprise is solely dedicated to this end and requires us to evolve and be innovative to keep pace with competition and organisational and financial demands. Any increases in costs are to enable us to survive and develop, not to increase our margin. The year began with a very challenging budget to meet and we are amidst very unstable times globally. We appreciate your ongoing support, whether as performers, participants or audience and for choosing to spend your precious leisure time with us. We are especially appreciative of our dedicated coordinators, volunteers, sponsors and supporting partners, without whom the event would not be possible. We hope you will ‘explore your own folklore’, as we have chosen to put it this year, and return next year to explore further and help us to continue together in maintaining and creating a unique and world-class festival. Sebastian Flynn

The National Folk Festival is the national celebration of the folk movement in Australia. It started 45 years ago celebrating the mainly Anglo-Celtic folk traditions of Australia, and over the years has grown to reflect the wonderful trans-cultural country that Australia is today. Folk music is not a static music frozen in time. It is an ever-evolving wonder. While it comes from the past, it is relevant to the present, and gets passed onto the future. And the National Folk Festival reflects all those things. You will find in the program masters of tradition, as well as younger exponents putting a contemporary slant on it. And through the extensive workshop program you will find those traditions being handed on. And that’s really the great strength of the National. It is the level of participation that occurs across the many artforms. So be inspired by some of the best in the world, then take in a workshop or two. Join a choir, learn to polka, or how to throw a pot. Or session till dawn with the hundreds of musicians who come to the Festival just to play for the sheer joy of it. Dave O’Neill








A L C A M Film & V id eo



An Army of Volunteers It takes around 1300 Volunteers in addition to the seven full-time staff, three part-time staff and the Board of Directors to make this Festival possible. Area Coordinators take responsibility for a variety of services and fulfil vital roles in often difficult circumstances. Please treat our volunteers respectfully.

David Garratt Peter Logue Graham Chalker Sebastian Flynn Pam Cogar Phil Green John Taylor Mark Cranfield Colleen McKenzie Gabrielle Mackey Rick Kenyon

President Vice-President Secretary Managing Director


AREA COORDINATORS Kylie Mulligan Stuart Biggs Alex Marker Demelza Crook Brigid Costello Jacqui Price Roberta Boni Annette Zerial John Dalton Paul Milera Donna Pinder Libby Alexander Michael Pedvin Duncan Grylls Jan Yarrington Darri Adamson Melany Laycock Jim Rhodes Lorna Garratt Peter Boyland Tony Weston Nancy Opdyke Fernando van der Linden Phil Emerson Emma Wild Katie Shields Brian Hinselwood Kathryn Leonard Raymond Mulligan Nadia David Jenny Grinlinton Ruth Primrose Judy Baker Lea O’Brien Chris Marsh James Coombs Samantha Barrett Samantha Cain Joshua Calder Alan Steel Lyn Steel David Gilks Peter Cartwright David Price Sharon Casey Ann Bell Meg Hinselwood David Pinson

Bar Cashiers Bar Set Up Bars Bars Car Park Childcare Clean Up Coffee Shop Communications Centre (Comms) Communications Centre (Comms) Community Arts Community Arts Construction Construction Disability Services Festival Office Festival Registration Festival Registration Festival Shop Festival Transport Firewood Gates Instrument Lockup Instrument Makers Kids Festival Kids Festival Cafe MCs Matilda’s Mini Mart National Folk School Assistants Patron Support Performer Payments Performer Payments Pre Festival Registration Raffle Tickets Safety Officers Signage Stage Management Stage Management Stage Management Stores Stores Ticket Office Treasury 1 Treasury 2 VIP Reception Volunteer Centre Volunteer Top Up Waste & Recycling

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR ASSISTANCE Stephan Whiteside Roger Montgomery Elena Kirschbaum Giselle Nathan

Spoken Word Poetry Debate Circus and Street Street Choirs

SITE AND VENUE DECORATION Brian Sudding Ted Bradley Ralph Fox Jess Henderson

Set Design Flags Busk Stops & Session Snugs Scrumpy backdrop

OTHER ASSISTANCE Artwork and Photographs ZOO Communications for our publications designs Annette Cohen, Graeme Morrison, Stuart Cohen, Sabine Friedrich, Pam Cogar, Bob Bolton, Sonja de Sterke and Geoff Dunn (Lushpup Images) for photographs used in our publications.

VICTORIA – OUR FEATURED STATE Thanks to all those in Victoria for assistance in putting together the 2011 program. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... to the hundreds of volunteers. To all those people who have helped us put up posters, put up with those whose lives were taken over by the Festival and all those inadvertently omitted from these lists. To everyone who has helped in even a small way, thank you from the 2011 National Folk Festival.

OPEN LATE! Find us in the

offee.com Orana Bar

(where the Festival Shop used to be)




Sebastian Flynn Managing Director

Dave O’Neill Artistic Director

Rachel Gould Operations & Production Manager

Jess Henderson Communications & Volunteer Manager

Nelle Smith Finance Manager

Carolyn Griffin Program Administrator

Kate Bowman Site Manager

David Horne Administration Manager

Jeff Power IT Manager

Jocelyn Vasey Stalls Coordinator

Jane Speechley Publicist

Adam Hadley The Majestic Program

We would also like to acknowledge the following dedicated and talented Volunteers who perform major roles in our Mitchell Office throughout the year:

Tim Cody Safety Officer

Darri Adamson Onsite Festival Office Coordinator

Chris Marsh Safety Coordinator

Judy Baker Pre Festival Registration

National Folk Festival Shiraz, Chardonnay, Sparkling and a high quality Cabernet blend available to enjoy by the bottle with food, in the new Bellissimo and the Scrumpy venues, or by the glass over the bar in the other National bar venues. Nati N atit onal o F Follk F Feststiv stittivvall

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Wine of Australia

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Standard drinks 7.1 Wingara Wine Group Kulkyne Way, Redcliffs VIC 3496 Preservative (220) added Wine of Australia


You can also purchase bottles to take home in Coffee.com on Tuesday 26 April from 8.30am11.30am (2011 Bar Tickets accepted). Thanks to Wingara Wine Group for assistance in sourcing wines



The National Library celebrates its partnership with the National Folk Festival through the National Folk Fellowship, support for artists, Live@ the Lounge interviews, and by connecting people to its rich collections of folklore, music, dance and social history.

your artistic work. Your resulting performance will be featured at the 2012 Festival. Fellows receive: • Special access to research facilities and collections • Access to the Library’s professional sound recording studios


• $8,000 for travel support, accommodation and project expenses

Hear performers speak about their folk traditions and careers, live on stage at the Budawang Pavilion twice daily, with interviewers from the National Library of Australia.

• Performance and workshops at the 2012 National Folk Festival

• Andy Irvine: Irish singer, songwriter and multiinstrumentalist Sat 6:30 PM • Nancy Kerr: traditional fiddler and singer, UK Sun 1:40 PM • Jody Stecher: bluegrass and old time musician and collector, USA 6:30 PM

Find out more and apply online via the Festival’s website www.folkfestival.asn.au or via the National Library of Australia www.nla.gov.au/services/awards.html


• Shane Howard: songwriter and Aboriginal advocate Sun 6:40 PM • Toby Martin: National Folk Fellow and lead singer/songwriter Youth Group Mon 9:40 PM • Peter Rowan: bluegrass singer/songwriter, USA Fri 2:40 PM • William Barton “Kalkadoon Man”: didjeridu virtuoso Sat 2:40 PM The National Library maintains an extensive field recording program in folklore that aims to document music-making and other folk traditions across Australia in their social context. Explore selected in-depth interviews online at http://www.nla.gov.au/digicoll/audio.html Rob Willis, folklorist and interviewer with the Oral History and Folklore program, presents curated events at the Festival on the music of the Aquarius Festival era. Sunday 5pm, Trocadero National Folk Fellow Toby Martin presents a workshop on his experience in using the collections for his research and performance. Monday 11.30 AM, Workshop 5.

NATIONAL FOLK FELLOWSHIP Applications now open for the 2012 National Folk Fellowship Closing date 30 July 2011 Musicians, singers, dancers, poets, performance artists Looking for new material, original sources, new directions? The National Library holds the most significant folklore collections in the nation. Here is your chance for funding and support to help you discover and explore original collection material at the Library for use in

TOBY MARTIN – 2011 FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENT A song about drinking from the 1960s is hardly the strangest thing to catch the attention of a latter-day rock musician. But when Toby Martin first heard a recording by a 1960s Aboriginal singer and songwriter, he was struck by its immediacy. Although it was recorded 40 years ago, the song could have been written yesterday, and Martin instantly recognised a fellow storyteller. It’s an interest that has endured, leading him to the vast archives of the National Library of Australia. Martin himself looks every bit the rock star as he wanders towards us through the library’s grand foyer. Dressed in skinny green jeans and pointy black boots, with a beard and wild hair, it would be hard to imagine him in any

other profession. And, as rock stars go, he’s the real deal – the lead singer of the successful indie-rock band Youth Group, which has toured the world and released four albums. The band is currently in hiatus, and Martin is in the middle of recording a solo album in Sydney, but he’s not here to ruminate on the world of rock. Like many artists, his interests are wideranging. And, perhaps surprisingly for anyone acquainted with the band’s repertoire, his interest in country music is more than fleeting. He has recently completed a PhD in Australian country music, which has taken him 10 years to write, in the years between Youth Group’s heavy touring. And this year, he’s the recipient of the National Folk Fellowship, a month-long project that involves making use of the library’s massive collection of folklore. He’ll be looking at the indigenous tradition of country music in western NSW, the starting point for which is that song by Dougie Young, the country singer from Wilcannia that he first heard several years ago. “It’s called Cut a Rug, and it’s a drinking song. All of his songs are drinking songs, almost without exception,’’ Martin says. ‘’You just really feel like he’s telling it like it is, it’s got a very strong feeling of what it was like to live in a town like Wilcannia and be Aboriginal at that time ... Before the ‘67 referendum, Aboriginal people couldn’t drink in pubs, so drinking songs in that context have a whole other meaning. There’s stuff about drinking down by the river and trying to not get caught by the cops, and getting locked up – it’s an amazing snapshot of social history, and his songs tell it so well.’’ Part of the fellowship involves a performance component as part of the National Folk Festival, and Martin hopes to get people with a connection to Young and similar musicians to perform onstage with him. Although he’s not yet sure what form the performance will take, he says it won’t be anything like a Toby Martin solo show, and hopes that people acquainted with the songs of Young and his contemporaries will tell him more. Though he’s based in Sydney, Martin is comfortable in the capital, having completed Year 11 and 12 at Narrabundah College back in the early ‘90s. While one’s teenage years are not always the best time to move to a new town, he says he has enduringly good memories of his time here, and often has Canberra’s wide sense of space in his mind when he writes songs. Although Youth Group doesn’t have any obvious country influences, Martin has long been a fan of the genre, and, not surprisingly, became deeply acquainted with it when writing his thesis. ‘’I definitely like country music, some of it, but I approached it more from a social and cultural history perspective,’’ he says.

‘’I was always interested in the history of popular culture, and Australian country music was a history that didn’t have much written about it. There’s quite a well-told story of rock n’ roll, but there’s not such a well-told story about country music.’’ Although he only submitted his PhD thesis a few months ago, he has a theory that he’s not unusual in fantasising about writing another thesis that he didn’t get to write the first time around. This latest foray into the national collection could well be it. Country music, he says, had something of a heyday from the 1930s to the 1960s, particularly in the bush it was the rock n’ roll of its time. ‘’What is interesting about Aboriginal country music, I think, is that it offers a different perspective to a lot of white music,’’ he says. Among the library’s vast holdings are numerous online interviews carried out as part of the Bringing Them Home oral history project from 1998-2002. ‘’Country music was really big in Aboriginal communities in the 1930s and 1940s. It was called hillbilly music then, and in a number of the interviews I’ve listened to, these old guys talk about Jimmy Rogers a lot, and there’s really interesting stories.’’ One interviewee spoke of portable wind-up gramophones costing the equivalent of about $15 in today’s money, and records costing 25c. ‘’A lot of these guys around the middle of the 20th century had clay-pan dances, when they’d get together out in the bush ... with a fiddle and accordion. But increasingly, through the ‘30s and ‘40s, people started bringing portable records along to those clay-pan dances and playing American hillbilly music. It’s a really interesting story.’’ The songs that first drew him in are field recordings by anthropologist Jeremy Beckett, who travelled to Wilcannia in the 1960s for a separate project. ‘’He ended up recording Dougie on his portable tape recorder, and gave the tapes to the library,’’ Martin says. ‘’There’s so much to be learnt, and listened to and written about this stuff. So much Australian history’s like that, just waiting to be written. And luckily, thanks to these people who collected these stories ... they got a lot of these people in time. The National Library’s got an amazing collection, and thank God it’s there. Some of these interviews were done in 2000 and some of [the subjects] aren’t around any more.’’ And as he sips coffee in the shade on the library’s terrace, he voices the unspoken thought of many who come across the music of Dougie Young. ‘’It’s a really foreign experience to me. I’m white, I grew up in the city, I don’t know anything about what that was like. There’s a kind of a mystery, a mythology about it as well, which is attractive,’’ he says. ‘’I listened to a lot of country music for my research, but Dougie Young just sprang out as this sound so modern and fresh and great. ... The recordings ... really transport you. You can hear kids in the background, you can hear dogs barking, people coming and going, and Dougie’s just sitting there playing guitar.’



Favourite folk haunts 2011 • The Session Bar – world famous for its uniquely melodic hustle and bustle – the ‘London Underground of Music’ – with new ‘snugs’ for those intimate and intense late night music sessions! • The Stockman’s Camp – delicious Stew and Damper with Billy Tea and the best in Bush music! An archetypal Australian atmosphere from yesteryear! • The Majestic – popular Festival Fringe event – with wild bohemian, vaudeville and circus-style performances!

The much-anticipated ‘Not just Ned: a true history of the Irish in Australia’ exhibition opened on St Patrick’s Day, 17 March 2011 at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. It is augmented by a very special Irish music concert ‘Sinners Saints & Settlers’ at the National this year. The exhibition provides an historic and unique insight into the story of the Irish who, with about 40 per cent of Australia’s population being of Irish descent (approx 250,000 Irish citizens), formed the majority of the early settlers in Australia. The story of the Irish stretches back to the day the first European settlers arrived in 1788 to the present day. The exhibition displays artefacts that symbolise the Irish contribution to Australia, as well as the story of some of the many influential Irish people who have settled in Australia.

• Folkus Film Program – unique program of films from all around the world, many provided by the National Film & Sound Archive

In addition to the fascinating range of cultural artefacts on display at the exhibition, the hardy emigrants of Ireland will find a very real voice in the Budawang this year.

• The Soap Box – why Twitter when you can bawl – Hyde Park style spoken word program!

The program, featuring the music and song of a land whose people have experienced intense hardship and upheaval, is headlined by the doyen of Irish song and something of an honorary Aussie himself, the legendary Andy Irvine, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, traditional musician and advocate for social justice.

• The Busk Stops – iconic busking venues for young artists – kindly brought to you by ACTION – hitch a ride to the best festival venues – or sign up to give an impromptu performance at the Busk Stops! • Children’s and Family Festival – in a new location in the heart of the EPIC festival site – with permanent sail shades over the area and a dedicated ‘Kids Kafe’ – with special treats and real Coffee – to accompany a unique range of children’s and family activities. • Community Arts – develop your own natural abilities in a range of craft and artistic workshops – and come away with a new view of your creative self!

Savour the delights of delectable food and beverages from all four corners – in our new themed bars and festival venues – with the best in music to kick back to! • The Bellissimo! – Andiamo! (Let’s All Go!) – delicious continental food from Spaghetti Junction and the best in European folk music and bel vino from the festival’s high quality range of cleanskin wines!

Andy has been a founder member of most of the significant ensembles that have led the way in the development of Irish music since the 1970’s. From Sweeney’s Men in the mid 60s, to his groundbreaking recordings with that other giant of Irish song, Paul Brady, to the enormous success of Planxty in the 70s and then from Patrick Street to Andy Irvine & Dónal Lunny’s Mozaik, Andy has been a world music pioneer and an icon for traditional music and musicians. Also featuring in the Sinners Saints & Settlers concert line-up will be rising ABC Celtic recording stars ‘Sunas’, and the Kelly family, legends of the Irish fiddle during the past century. Derek Warfield and the Young Wolfe Tones present a stellar line up of some of Ireland’s most talented young musicians. Transport to Not Just Ned Two free Coaches (capacity 50 each) will be available to take the ‘first in best dressed’ to the ‘Not Just Ned’ exhibition at the National Museum on Friday 22 April: 9.00 AM – Coach 1 leaves EPIC for National Museum – Returning 11.00 AM 11.30 AM – Coach 2 leaves EPIC – Returning 1.30 PM (Coach leaves from outside Gate 2, Flemington Road Entrance)

• The Scrumpy with its English Pub atmosphere, lively music, Ploughman’s lunches and Spanish Tapas platters by night!

Not Just Ned Admission charges

• The Bohemia Bar – with the best in World music and boutique beers!

(Exhibition is open 9.00 AM–5.00 PM daily)

• Coffee.Com – for Cappuccino, cash out, cruising the Net and cakes to die for! • The Brindabella – the National’s latest concert venue with the best in everything!

Adults $10 | Children $5 | Concession $8 | Family $22 | Friends 50% off entry | Season pass $25 | Season pass concession $20

Sinners Saints & Settlers Concert in the Budawang Pavilion is Friday 3.00 PM – 6.00 PM ‘Not just Ned: a true history of the Irish in Australia’ exhibition is open for viewing at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra from 17 March 2011.

THE BUSHRANGERS AND THE KELLY LEGEND EXPLORED As a precursor to the National Folk Festival’s exploration of the Kelly legend and the songs that tell of the lives of the bushrangers, the 2011 festival program was launched at the Canberra Museum and Gallery on 6 April, in conjunction with the CMAG launch of the colourful collection of Sidney Nolan’s Kelly paintings. The iconic paintings of Sidney Nolan’s Kelly Collection are, to quote Nolan, a combination of ‘Kelly’s own words, and Rousseau, and sunlight’. CMAG Director Peter Haynes explains how the paintings symbolise the way that Kelly has come to represent something much larger than the life of the man in the national psyche. The Nolan Collection Gallery at CMAG is the permanent home for the Foundation Collection of iconic works by Sidney Nolan and was donated to the people of Australia. It includes fifteen works from the Kelly series and the first of the artist’s Burke and Wills paintings. The songs of the Bushrangers and the Kelly legend explore the lives of the Irish-Australian rebels who sought to make their fortunes by rebelling against authority and plundering the countryside as bushrangers. The National Folk Festival Bushrangers program includes verse, ballads and comical songs, as well as songs of mourning, for those ‘lost heroes’ who abandoned social rights and privileges to take up bushranging and entered history as the Australian counterparts of British Highwaymen and American Outlaws. The Bushrangers span a period of history from the early 19th Century, with early convict bolters such as John ‘Black’ Caesar, roaming the Australian countryside, to the last stand of Edward ‘Ned’ Kelly and his gang at Glenrowan in 1880. Following early encouragement of citizens’ arrests, bushrangers were, by 1825, the targets of military forces in the Hunter and Bathurst districts, with five-pound rewards on their heads. Bold Jack Donohue, the first of the bushrangers to inspire Bush Ballads, is recorded as the last of the convict bushrangers. He was reported in newspapers around 1827, as being responsible for an outbreak of bushranging between Sydney and Windsor. He was regarded as the most notorious bushranger in the colony during the 1830’s, becoming enshrined in Australian folklore as the Wild Colonial Boy. Although common in mainland Australia, Van Dieman’s land (Tasmania) produced the most notable outbreaks of early convict bushrangers. The Gold Rush years of the 1850s and 1860s became the heyday of bushranging. The discovery of gold gave bushrangers access to an immediate source of ill-gained affluence, shared by those in authority, who were prone to corruption. George Melville was a notable bushranger of the period who was hanged in front of a large crowd for robbing the McIvor gold escort near Castlemaine in 1853. Later bushrangers flourished in New South Wales with the rise of the colonial born sons of poor, often ex-convict squatters,

seeking greater fortune than afforded by mining or farming. Forbes, Yass and Cowra in the Lachlan Valley were the scene of much of the later era of bushranging activity, with Frank Gardiner, John Gilbert and Ben Hall leading the most notorious gangs. Hall and his gang were the subject of several Australian folk songs, including Streets of Forbes. Other luminary bushranging figures included Dan Morgan in the Murray River region, and Frederick Ward, aka Captain Thunderbolt, shot by police outside Uralla. Increased settlement, police efficiency, rail transport and improved telegraphic communication sounded the death knell of the bushrangers. Ned Kelly and his gang, captured at Glenrowan in 1880, two years after they were outlawed, were among the last of the bushrangers. Other later noteworthy bushrangers included the Indigenous Governor Brothers around 1900, who were notorious in northern New South Wales. Some bushrangers, most notably Kelly, in his Jerilderie letter and in his final raid on Glenrowan, represented themselves very specifically as political rebels. Kelly’s place in history, as by far the most legendary of the bushrangers, exemplifies the ambivalent views of Australians regarding bushranging and the folkloric memory of Kelly as an archetype that symbolises a defiant spirit of rebelliousness against authority. Appropriately, with Victoria being the feature state at the National Folk Festival in 2011, it is worth noting that the Victorian Cricket Team adopted the ‘Bushrangers’ as their team name in honour of those such as the Kelly Gang, who lived in the Victorian bush. For further information on Canberra Museum and Gallery events and exhibitions call: 02 6207 3968 or email cmag@act.gov.au




FEATURED STATE JOY DURST MEMORIAL CONCERT A concert of solos and various ensembles featuring songs from “The Joy Durst Memorial Songbook”, some well known favourites and some lesser known gems. With lots of choruses for audience participation, they won’t want to stop. Copies of the songbook will be available at the concert, and from the festival shop.

The miners’ uprising at the Eureka Stockade and the associated massacre by the colonial authorities (which history insists on calling a ‘battle’) was the spark that saw democratic reform replace despotic rule in Australia. It inspired countless poets, songwriters and filmmakers. In this scripted concert we trace the development of the Eureka legend through to the present day, through song and verse. Sunday

1:00 PM

Keith McKenry The Trocadero


No-one has a greater hold on Australia’s folk psyche than Ned Kelly. In this scripted concert we celebrate over 100 years of songs, stories, poems and feature films about Ned, his gang, his family and his times. It should be a ripper.

The Great Ocean Road Project (South Western Victoria) – Dennis O’Keeffe and Dennis Taberner. Over many years living in the area, an intense interest in their district has developed in both the Dennis’, leading to ongoing research and resulting songs, culminating in this workshop. The current format focuses on the importance of the maritime trade and transport to the coast and hinterland. The project is evolving, with a current time span from pre-colonisation to the making of the actual coastal road after World War 1. They will present their original songs and stories about the history of their home with a multimedia display to complete the show.

Saturday 3:30 PM


Saturday 10:00 AM

VFMC Billabong Band & Friends The Trocadero


Keith McKenry The Trocadero

3:30 PM

Dennis O’Keeffe and Dennis Taberner The Trocadero

GENERAL JOSEPH LYCETT – HIS ART IN WORDS AND MUSIC Joseph Lycett was a convict and a gifted artist. His work, a series of aquatints, was published in the 1825 volume 1825 Views in Australia or New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. They were originally done for the Governor . The views are landscape renditions of what NSW and V D’s Land looked like in the early 1820s. They were put together in the 1825 publication in England after Lycett was pardoned and sent home to UK. The aquatints, 50 in all, were combined into the book with descriptions of the scenery and sold in England. They were intended to publicise the colonies of NSW and VD’s Land and encourage free settlers and immigrants. Ken will explain the pictures, what they show, why they are important historical documents of early nineteenth century colonial Australia and will interpose Danny who will sing appropriate songs that reflect the pictures. Ken will also explain the then fascination with picturesque landscape of the colonies and how it shaped people’s reaction to the scenery. Monday

2:00 PM

Danny Spooner and Ken Taylor The Trocadero

THE MERRY MUSE CONCERT The Merry Muse is Canberra’s premier folk concert space, run by the Monaro Folk Society. They will be running a special highlights concert with surprise guests. Friday

7:00 PM

The Bellissimo

THE ALISTAIR HULETT MEMORIAL CONCERT Featuring some of the Festivals favourite performers, a special concert in memory of a very special man. Alistair was one of the most popular performers to grace the stages at the National. Saturday 8:30 PM

The Trocadero

SINGING THE SOUTH A Song line-Timeline of the Illawarra,which is a geographic area of NSW rich in history. From time immemorial to present-day the session uses songs,verse, wry narration and images to provide the three E’s. Entertainment, Edification and ‘Earsay. The experienced musicians of high talent who interpret the material are: Phyl Lobl, songwriter. Shayna Stewart, ExTradition and Tully. John Broomhall, Alan Morrison and John Spillane, Riogh, Bob Mc Innes, Stuart Leslie, The Puddin’Eaters, Michael Roberts, Musycks Production. Sunday

5:00 PM

Phyl Lobl The Trocadero

THE DARING KATE KELLY The Daring Kate Kelly; Heroine or Hell raiser? Born in Victoria, sister of Ned – Kate died tragically and mysteriously in Forbes NSW. Rob Willis, Graham Seal, Jason and Chloe Roweth and friends present a folk documentary on the life and times of Kate Kelly featuring: • Live performance of the Kelly ballads in a different and unique style. • Rare footage from the 1906 (and later) Kelly Films – courtesy of the National Film and Sound Archive. • Excerpts from archival National Library interview recordings with the Mathias family of Forbes who formed a friendship with Kate’s husband ‘Bricky’ Foster.

• Selected scenes, featuring Kate, from a melodramatic and musical performance produced shortly after Ned’s death in 1880. Supported by The National Library of Australia and The National Film and Sound Archive. Sunday

3:00 PM

Rob Willis & Graham Seal The Trocadero

“RODGERING HAMMERSTEIN” “Rodgering Hammerstein” or “Mangling the musicals”: public service life told as a musical through parodies of songs from famous musicals, particularly but not limited to those of Rodgers and Hammerstein. Monday

2:20 PM

The Shiny Bum Singers The Flute’n’Fiddle

BARDS AND BUSHRANGERS A salute to pioneers, poets and bushrangers bringing out a passion through bush verse, songs, and anecdotes with a mixture of traditional, contemporary and original material. Hear the words of Ned Kelly and Lalor. Smell the eucalyptus and billy tea, as ghosts of the past rise up, appearing in front of astonished audiences. Monday

12:00 PM

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TAPAS AT NIGHT: Zucchini Fritters - Thai Fish Cakes - Prawn Twisters Salt’n’Pepper Calamari - BBQ Pork Ribs - Gourmet Fries w/ 3 separate dipping sauces


House made cakes - Scones - Chocolate Brownies Fruit Tarts - Friands - Shortbread - Espresso Coffee



They sing for enjoyment, under the watchful ear of Jane Thompson, but with a commitment to social justice, local wildflowers, our beautiful rivers, and to supporting local issues and events.

A FESTIVAL OF SONG ANOTHER ROADSIDE ATTRACTION Another Roadside Attraction is a choir that steers away from the traditional acappella repertoire to perform gloriously rich arrangements of pumping pub classics by The Hoodoo Gurus, Hunters & Collectors, The Church, The Smiths, Ron Sexsmith, The Triffids, Rufus Wainright, The Finn Brothers and The Smiths. Originally led by Stephen Taberner (of Spooky Men’s Chorale fame) the choir has been led for the last 8 years by Tanya Sparke who was the driving force behind the release of their self titled album in 2009. They have performed at Woodford Folk Festival, have appeared twice on TV backing Paul McDermott and Mark Lizotte and recently held a public singing workshop at the Carriageworks Winter Festival. Friday 11:00 AM Saturday 12:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

CHAT-WARBLERS, THE The Chat-Warblers, which by definition are rare birds from around Castlemaine (Victoria) way, are a women’s community choir, now in their 9th year, (but getting younger all the time) with a cheerful & varied attendance, a wide repertoire, and a keenness for supper, which can be taken at any time of day, in fact (please note, for when we have our ‘cake tin’, out, on the street).

s Ki d

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM

GLORIOUS MUDSINGERS, THE We are an acappella choir, numbering approx. 40-50 voices singing African American Gospel and African Freedom/ Folk songs. We hold several concerts per year and all proceeds go to local charities. We performed at the folk festival in 2009. We have produced 2 CD’s and a DVD. We are a completely amateur self funded organisation who meet once a week just to sing. Ages range from late twenties to late seventies. Friday 10:00 AM Saturday 11:00 AM Sunday 12:00 PM Monday 1:00 PM

Said to be the leading musical performing group in the genre “other Melbournebased non-religious well-dressed male parody choir”. Yes, we said it. We specialise in uninvited appearances in unexpected places at unscheduled times singing inappropriate songs to unsuspecting audiences. Unless we’re paid, in which case one or more of the adjectives change. Friday Sunday Monday

12:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM


for the kids!



for mum & dad!

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs



Simple, healthy & affordable

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

MIXED DRINKS Mixed Drinks is a merging of two community choirs directed by Therese Virtue. Both have been singing for decades. Thursday’s Children busk regularly and have raised thousands for music projects in Timor Leste, which it visited in 2009, singing with community groups throughout the land. Breathing Space has just returned from singing in Georgia. Friday 3:00 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Sunday 11:00 AM Monday 2:00 PM

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

MMC MINI CHOIR The Melbourne Millennium Chorus is a 300 voice choir with singers from across Victoria that searches the world for great songs and presents them at a major concert series in Melbourne each year. Intended as a three year project to usher in the new millennium, the project has gone from strength to strength, launching the Boite Schools Chorus in 2004. In all, over 1000 singers are involved in this program each year. Saturday 3:00 PM Sunday 4:00 PM Monday 10:00 AM

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

TIMBRE FLAWS Timbre Flaws is an acappella community choir based in Sydney. They sing their own interpretation of pop songs by pop legends including Bob Marley, The Kinks and Coldplay. Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM Monday 12:00 PM

Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs Street Choirs

ALISTAIR HULETT “Sadly, we lost Alistair Hulett suddenly in Scotland in January 2010, way too young. He had also lived and performed many years in Australia. His songwriting was poignant and powerful, inspiring folkies and activists alike. He leaves us a legacy of passion, insight and great memories of a gentle man.” Plenty of chairs & tables!


The Majestic (Fringe) proudly brought to you by the ACT Government


Hark! Once more the oval at the National Folk Festival will explode in colour and madness with The Majestic! Supported by the ACT Government, The Majestic celebrates the weird and wonderful borderlands of the National Folk Festival.

Mystery Workshops are back as well, what will happen this time? That idiotic Idiot Squad will run haywire theatre workshops, leading towards an awful parade that will burst from The Majestic on Monday afternoon!

Every night The Majestic ďŹ lls to the brim with music, circus and madness! Friday night is The Hoo-Ha Brouhaha Grand Gala featuring Drew Walky, Hashemoto, Julia & The Deep Sea Sirens, The Circus Firemen and The Crooked Fiddle Band – wear your ďŹ nest ďŹ nery, for there will be prizes for best dressed!

BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! is back again with their popular poetry free for all! Sign up is at 1.00 PM on Sunday outside The Majestic, and spots are strictly limited so get in early for your chance to throw down with other poets and be crowned the Glorious Overlord Of All Poetry!

On Saturday you’ll be locked up in the big house with Jail Break featuring The Wedded Bliss, The Barons Of Tang, The Crooked Fiddle Band and Flap! Sunday is A DigniďŹ ed Evening At The Theatre, featuring Bygone Error, Circus Hokum w. Flap!, Rafe & The Well Dressed’s ‘In Song And Story’ and The Barons of Tang. Monday afternoon is A Very Majestic Christmas (wait, what?), featuring Bygone Error, Rafe And The Well Dressed and a very special Santa’s arrival that will have nothing to do with Santa at all! As always, in between all the acts will be a horde of circus, poetry and good times!

Midnight Mayhem abounds, with three post midnight adults only shows! The Not For Kids Kids Show features circus performers from around the festival being extremely inappropriate. The Band Broke Up will be an intimate night of singer songwriters having a chat with their audience and host Matty Ellis. The Poetry Unbreakfast is a poetry open mic night, for all those poets who have trouble getting up at 8.00 AM!





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Workshops range from trapeze to music hall to slam poetry to the nature of life itself! The wonderful Min Mae will return with her dance jams, which are open to people of all ages and ďŹ tness.

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The oval is expanding into even more of a wonderful little mutant village, with Lola The Gypsy Caravan, circus venue The Bally, the Tantric Turtle Chai Tent, Formaldehyde Clothing, Thought Sport circus supplies and more! In the midst of it all, local artists will be running a Circus Jam each day, which all are welcome to attend!




Lola’s Emerging Open Mic returns, to give young people without performance experience a chance to strut their stuff in Lola The Gypsy Caravan. Host Nick Delatovic will be joined by local musicians as And The Last Shot At Fame, a backing band that will learn your songs and join you on The Majestic stage!

The Majestic strives to welcome all within it’s sweaty breast, but it should be noted that some performances may contain rude words and somewhat alarming themes, so young people should be sure to ditch their parents before coming in.









Discover the surprising but true history of the Irish in Australia at Not Just Ned, a major new exhibition at the National Museum of Australia. Don’t miss seeing the complete set of Kelly gang armour, a pistol from the Burke and Wills expedition, fragments of the Eureka flag and much, much more. ON SHOW FROM 17 MARCH TO 31 JULY 2011

ADULTS $10 | CHILDREN $5 | CONCESSION $8 | FAMILY $22 | FRIENDS 50% off entry | SEASON PASS $25

Open 9 am – 5 pm daily. Lawson Crescent Acton Peninsula Canberra. Freecall 1800 026 132. www.nma.gov.au The National Museum of Australia is an Australian Government Agency. Armour worn by Ned Kelly, State Library of Victoria

‘The Accordion Man’, Tasmanian infantryman Harold Clyde Conley. Image courtesy of the Australian War Memorial


ANZAC DAY AFTERNOON COONCERT ‘FOR THE FALLEN’ Budawang Pavilion Monday 25 April 2011 1.00 PM – 3.00 PM The ANZAC Day Concert ‘For the Fallen’, is a new annual Canberra event, presented by the National Folk Festival. It aims to provide an additional opportunity for people to pay their respects to and celebrate the lives of those who fell in Gallipoli, as well as other contemporary conflicts, through a special concert of music, song, spoken word and film, led by a program of Australia’s leading acoustic singers and musicians, a Forces ensemble and poets. The concert will continue in the future as a stand-alone annual event in Canberra, as part of the annual ANZAC Day events, following the morning commemorative services. It is also aimed to be a part of

the ANZAC Centenary Commemorative events in 2015. The 2011 theme, ‘Facing the Music’, presents the important role of music in the lives of those involved in contemporary conflict – including both World Wars and such subsequent conflict situations as Korea, Vietnam, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. The 2011 concert is programmed and scripted by renowned Canberra-based composer, songwriter, musician, scriptwriter and music historian John Shortis, who has developed the program in conjunction with the National Folk Festival and the Australian War Memorial.

Featuring: • Royal Military College, Duntroon forces, group led by Major Geoff Grey • Eric Bogle • Margret RoadKnight • Stephen Whiteside • Ted Egan • O’Neill & Rodgers • Llew Kiek • Fred Smith • Shortis and Simpson • Ce Ce Cummins • Cameron Smith and Zach Raffan • Rob Willis • Geoffrey Graham Seasoned MC, Peter J. Casey, will narrate the concert. ‘For the Fallen’ is kindly supported by the ACT Government Festival Fund (Chief Minister’s Department), Department of Veterans’ Affairs, The Australian War Memorial, Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Artsound FM, Lt Col Ian J McLean, AM, CSC.


The My Lai Peace Park Project, of which he is the director, is dedicated to the people of My Lai, articulated in the film by the sound of Mike’s violin and the elegiac strains of ‘Ashoken Farewell’.

Kindly supported by the National Film and Sound Archive

The director says that, unlike the toll of Hemingway’s bell, his violin is also for the people of today, to give them more strength to do the right thing, to forgive and to know how to deal with suffering.

JUST FOLK EPISODE 31 A surviving episode of Just Folk, made in 1965 and shown on ATN7 in Sydney. Hosted by Gary Shearston, with performances by The Shanty Singers, Danny Spooner, Frances Stone, Colin Dryden and the Gary Shearston Trio. (25m)

REAL FOLK – THE FILMS OF JOHN MEREDITH Made for the NFSA between 1988 and 1990, these films, shot originally on Super8, are full of haunting and evocative images of the last generation of old time bush musicians. These films show the music of Harry McQueen, Paddy Godden, Elmer Ross, Dave Mathias, Bert Jamison and many more. (10–15m each film) A Parrot Pictures/NFSA presentation

REAL FOLK PART 1 Frank Thompson of Manangatang Ted Valance of St Arnauds Elma Ross of Wedderburn Harry McQueen of Castlemaine

REAL FOLK PART 2 Dave Mathias of Forbes The Man from Cookamidgera – Colin Charleton of Cookamidgera The Dawsons of Swamp Road – The Dawsons of Swamp Rd, Franklin, Tas – Edie, Paddy, Ivy and George

REAL FOLK PART 3 Bert Jamieson of Cootamundra Ottie Pfeiffer of Temora

REAL FOLK PART 4 Jack Condon of Maryborough Snowy Baker of Muswellbrook Lionel Pietsch of Forbes Paddy Godden of Forbes

THE BOBBINS OF THE NULLIGA Tom Bobbin, Carrie Milliner, Phoebe Veness & Nancy Burton

THE SOUND OF THE VIOLIN IN MY LAI ‘The Sound of the Violin In My Lai’ (Tieng Vi Cam O My Lai) is a 35mm, colour, 30 minute film, produced in 1998, that was awarded Best Documentary 1998, Silver Lotus Prize, Best Short Film at the Asia Pacific Film Festival 2000. The documentary film hinges on a particular tragic event in the Vietnam war 30 years after it happened, with the film featuring a poignant solo rendition of the American folk fiddle tune ‘Ashoken Farewell‘ performed by Mike Boehm, an ex Vietnam-serving American soldier.

BILL MONROE – FATHER OF BLUEGRASS No single figure in American music dominated a genre as Bill Monroe did Bluegrass. With the appearance on the National Folk Festival program of Peter Rowan, a stalwart of the ‘Bill Monroe and His Bluegrass Boys’ Band, this is a timely tribute to man who forged a new, yet timeless and distinctly personal sound that influenced a generation of musicians. The film features archival footage and rare 1990’s performances from Monroe’s final years, as well as many of the greatest songs from his seven decades of recording. It also provides insight into the background and personal life of one of the original architects of American music.



WORKSHOPS Woodcrafting: Have some fun, learn a new skill and create something wonderful with wood.

TRADITION BEARERS – 2011 Tradition Bearers have become an integral part of the National Folk Festival. This wonderful group of artisans display, demonstrate, teach and sell their art/craft over the 5 days of the event. This year we welcome back many favourites and introduce 3 new Tradition Bearers. Each of these artists/craft persons will be running workshops in our Community Arts area, they will also demonstrate and sell their art/craft ft from a stall site in the Tradition Bearers’ area to be found in the tree covered park in the festival grounds. We are honoured to once again host these people and to enjoy what they bring to our event.

Pottery with Simon Bowley (6 people per class) Simon will demonstrate the making process on the wheel, including a variety of forms (platters, covered jars, large scale urns) as well as decorating, mainly through slip techniques. He will run small classes (6 people max) for 1.5 hours each day. This will include basic hand forming techniques (coil or slab) to make small-scale sculptures or vessel forms. If time allows we could decorate the pieces.

Friday: 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM Saturday: 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM Sunday: 3.30 PM – 5.00 PM Monday: 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM Sketching: Stretch that artistic urge and learn a few simple sketching techniques. Friday: 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM Saturday: 3.30 PM – 5.00 PM Sunday: 1.30 PM – 3.00 PM Monday 1.30 PM – 3.00 PM Feltmaking: Learn about the art of feltmaking using traditional felting techniques Friday: 3.00 PM – 4.30 PM Saturday: 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM Sunday: 3.00 PM – 4.30 PM Monday: 1.00 PM – 2.30 PM Straw Broom Making: Learn the traditional art of straw broom making. Friday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Saturday: 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM Sunday: 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM Monday: 3.00 PM – 4.30 PM


Weaving: Learn the ancient craft of dying and weaving silk from these master weavers.

Blacksmithing for Beginners

Friday: 11.00 AM –1.00 PM Saturday: 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM Sunday: 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM Monday: 3.00 PM – 4.30 PM

Yanny will introduce participants to the basic skill of Blacksmithing along with safety training with the forge. A follow-up workshop will see the participant taking away a miniature Ned Kelly Helmet so that they can bale up what ever they want to and head for the hills.

Art on PanelPop with Artist Nicole Bowler PanelPop is a new and versatile art surface made from up cycled and repurposed materials. The smooth stone face is receptive to all art mediums and the pre-framed nature of the PanelPop means you have a piece ready to hang after the workshop.

Origami Sculptures: Turn old books and posters into stunning sculptural forms. Friday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Saturday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Sunday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Monday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Art on PanelPop: Try a new medium of art on a new art surface.

Nicole Bowler, architect and artist will be holding 4 workshops over the festival. Each participant is gifted a PanelPop per workshop.

Friday: 3.30 PM – 5.00 PM Saturday: 3.00 PM – 4.30 PM Sunday: 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM Monday: 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM

1. Drawing – using biro and pencil

Pottery with Simon: Learn basic hand forming techniques – coil or slab.

2. Patterning – using pencil and watercolors 3. Landscape – using acrylic and watercolor 4. The versatility of stone – exploring the possibilities of working with PanelPop. Work on, sand back, carve into, or even crack it.

Friday: 1.30 PM – 3.00 PM Saturday: 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM Sunday: 9.30 AM – 11.00 AM Monday: 1.30 PM – 3.00 PM Blacksmithing: Learn the basic skills of Blacksmithing with Yanny. Friday: 3.30 PM – 5.00 PM Sunday: 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM

COMMUNITY ARTS Community Arts is a vibrant, creative and happening place right in the heart of the festival. Festival patrons will be able to have some creative fun participating in many of the exciting artistic experiences on offer. Community Arts gives festival goers a chance to learn a new skill based on traditional arts with a contemporary twist. Some of the activities you can join in with are: Painting: Come along and make your mark by adding to the Festival mural or just relax under a tree and paint a festival scene Sculpture: Join in the fun by helping to create large ephemeral pieces to be used in the festival parade. Visual Decor: Learn how to make simple lanterns and bizarre botanicals Printmaking: Design and create your own masterpieces by using old and new techniques such as lino and wood blocks, screen printing, and stencil art

19 Textiles: Learn basketry techniques to make simple coil baskets and pots or brush up on your macrame skills. While you’re there spend some time and help with our attempt at making the worlds largest rag rug Jewellery: Stretch your imagination and create some funky pieces from recycled junk and for those that are truly adventurous try making some fun origami pieces Many of the activities are ongoing all day and are suitable for people of all ages and abilities. There are also other workshops on offer that you will need to book in for so come along and check the notice boards for what’s happening at Community Arts each day. Children under 12 yrs need to be supervised by adults in the Community Arts area. You will find community arts tucked in behind the Troubadour and all activities are happening from 9.30 AM to 5.00 each day.



A FESTIVAL OF INSTRUMENTS GILLIAN WEISS – HARP Gillian makes harps of various styles and sizes from 19 to 40 string, working mostly with Australian timbers. In 2002 she was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study harp making in Europe and North America.

NICHOLAS BROESE VAN GROENOU – AUSTRALIAN BUSH SAX Nicholas created a very easy clarinet/ saxophone which a 6 year old can play and enjoy learning a fresh musical instrument.

PETER COOMBE – MANDOLIN Peter is a full time mandolin maker based in Bega NSW. Peter has made around 135 instruments of the mandolin family over the last 17 years, some from Australian Native timbers. Many have been exported to the USA and Europe. He has also published papers on the use of Australian Native timbers in mandolins and free plate tuning of mandolins. Visit www.petercoombe.com

JACK SPIRA – GUITAR Jack has developed a life long commitment to guitar making. He started as a teenager in 1987, was formally trained in modern fretted instrument technology at the London College of furniture, and set up his business in Australia in 1991. He now lives and works in the Dandenong ranges near Melbourne where he builds mostly steel string guitars. Like most Australian makers, he has spent a lot of time investigating the use of Australian native timbers. He has made many custom and experimental designs over the years, which have all developed into his current designs.

ATELIER PUGLISI – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Atelier Puglisi is a collective of makers dedicated to the traditional art of stringed instrument making, repair and restoration. Led by Benedict G. Puglisi, the Atelier is renowned for its carved back double basses, which have been played by performers both nationally and internationally.

ERLE BARTLETT – WIND AND PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS Erle has been a maker of instruments for over 20 years and an exhibitor at the National Folk Festival for nearly as long. He remains dedicated to providing affordable instruments for professional and beginner alike.

BENEDICT STEWART – WOODEN ‘IRISH’ WHISTLES & PERIOD WIND INSTRUMENTS Ben Stewart hails from the small but extremely significant village of Chewton in central Victoria. He has been making instruments since the mid 1990s, responding to a passionate first encounter with high quality timber and a chisel. Ben’s instruments are spread far and wide in exotic locations such as Holland, England, Scotland, Japan, USA & Canada. There are also many examples of his work to be seen within Australia. Ben’s instruments are played by enthusiast and professional recording & performing musicians alike, who enjoy the look, feel and sound of these handcrafted wooden instruments. Ben is mostly known as a whistle maker but is highly adept in other forms of wind instrument making and repair. A chisel, lathe and some fine timber can become many things under the hand of this maker! Introduce yourself and enjoy the opportunity to be exposed to instruments that are handcrafted to the highest standard from finest quality materials.

ADAM EDWARDS – HARDANGER VIOLIN Adam is predominately self-taught, having been encouraged and inspired by John Godshall Johnson and Douglas Finlay. This year Adam is presenting his first HARDANGER Fiddle made from Tasmanian Timbers, Also on display are some tools of the trade.

ROLAND STEFEN – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Roland has been handcrafting various stringed instruments from his workshop in Wollongong for many years now and takes pride in the fact that they are made fully by him. Roland’s love of timber, combined with his ability to craft or build just about anything led him to embark on a mission to make his first instrument many years ago. Since then he has attained a broad knowledge in the making of violins and other instruments. He is dedicated to producing instruments of a high quality that are handcrafted, meticulously finished with oil varnish and individually set-up. His violins are made in the Stradivarius and Guarnieri styles from imported timbers of the alpine areas of Switzerland, Canada, Germany and America. Whilst his first love is violins, he has also built some exceptional Gypsy Jazz guitars, Resonator Guitars, an Arch-Top guitar and various other stringed instruments, researching all aspects of construction and history.

JOE GALLACHER – GUITAR PHILLIP KEARNEY – LUTHIER I am a passionate luthier based in Launceston, Tasmania, and have been crafting fine musical instruments for many years. I specialise in Irish tenor banjos (short and long scale), Tenor Guitars, Archtop Irish Bouzoukis and Celtic Archtop mandolins.

DOUG EATON – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS From Maleny, SE Queensland, Doug has made and restored acoustic string instruments including guitar, mandolin, bouzouki, early music instruments and dulcimers, since 1970. He selects the finest timbers, preferring to use Australian timbers where appropriate. Check out the new website below! Ph: 07 5494 4046 (mob) 0407 129 070 Email: sr.music@bigpond.com, Web: dougeatonlutherie.com

Born in Scotland, I moved to Australia in 1989 and have been building guitars, mandolins and Irish bouzoukis ever since. Although guitar design and construction methods are constantly being improved it is still down to the hands, the chisels, the feel and the quality of the timber. This is where the art of the guitar maker comes in to his own and one should hear and feel the difference in a hand made guitar.

JOHN BUCKHAM – GUITAR I live in a rural setting on the Hastings River, just a few kilometers from the town of Wauchope on the beautiful Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia. It is an area that has long been associated with the timber industry, so much so that it is called the timber town. I am in my fifth year of guitar making after having made furniture for many years. It was a natural progression to a higher level of the craft as well as satisfying a need to have a quality instrument to play.

I make premium solid wood acoustic guitars that are designed to be very responsive for optimum sound and playability. I use a range of Australian and traditional tonewoods to create instruments that inspire and are a delight to play. I love to create in wood for people to create in music.

MARK ASPLAND – CAJUN Woodskin™ has significantly advanced the traditional cajon, enabling use in a wide variety of musical genres. With patented built-in kick drum, switchable snare, tone and depth controls it offers versatility and a uniquely crisp and powerful sound. Additional to traditional hand playing Woodskin’s™ KiKBox® employs foot pedals to produce the rich bass and snare/tom sounds it is renowned for. Woodskin’s™ KiKBox® is used by musicians of all types, from percussionists to guitarists, the world over.

JULIAN WHITTAKER – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS About 10 years designing and building a wide range of instruments including 6 and 12 string acoustic and electric guitars, cigarbox guitars and banjos, lap steels, resonators.

tone production and beauty are a feature of Rays mandolins, banjos, bouzouki and archtop guitars. The banjos, built primarily of Australian woods, are truly locally made with the hardware fabricated and machined by Ray Black and Pat Doole. Rays experience of custom work has also enabled him to build acoustic instruments to the specifications of individual musicians.

CRAIG CHAN – NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTES Based in Canberra, Craig is dedicated to preserving the Native American Flute. He is passionate about handcrafting and playing the flute, and he has spent years perfecting the design and voice of his flutes. Craig’s instruments are used by recording artists, healers, closet performers, adults and children alike. www.earthsongflutes.com

ALAN FUNK – BANJO Alan commenced making banjos in 1974, and has made in excess of 200 instruments. He makes bluegrass style 5-string. Open-back 5 string and 4 string plectrum and tenor banjos. If it’s called a banjo, Alan will make it! Ph 08 8322 0594.


(Hawaii). Scott has established the use of many Australian woods in his instruments as well as having a comprehensive inventory of the finest exotic traditional lutherie woods.

DAVID WORTHY – GUITAR David started building instruments in the early 80’s with a focus on smaller bodied acoustics suited for finger style playing. Since then he’s built multi stringed instruments such as the 7 string lap steel/bass for Andrew Winton and a 27 string raga guitar with internal sympathetics for fellow West Australian Glenn Rogers. He builds about 8 – 10 guitars a year from the sweet all Mahogany bodied tenor guitars to the more unusual as well the beloved finger style instruments.

DANIEL HOBAN – GUITAR, MANDOLIN, MANDOLA Daniel Hoban studied guitar making in Manchester UK where he also worked as a repairer for Hobgoblin folk instruments. Now based in Melbourne, Daniel is currently making custom steel string Guitars, Mandolins and Mandolas from traditional and native timbers. His instruments are individually crafted for fine tone, balance and playability. He also repairs all types of fretted instruments.

PETER HYDE – ACCORDION Peter Hyde has developed a whole range of instruments to suit every possible need, custom making to suit the needs of players from professionals to beginners. The instruments are very suitable for the small-framed person who needs speed and manoeuvrability in a session and band work. Peter has worked with disabled people overseas and within Australia developing the use of foam to lighten the accordion making it suitable for players with major physical disabilities.

GILLIAN ALCOCK – DULCIMER Gillian has been making hammered dulcimers for more than 30 years. She still makes instruments for clients all over the world and has even designed new models using her vast experience.

RAY BLACK – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Thirty years of experience as a luthier are behind Ray Black’s instruments, which are highly regarded by musicians playing a variety of musical styles. Handcut inlays and wood selected for

Justin has exhibited as a wood sculptor from 1995. He taught music for 18 years In 2004 Justin started an apprenticeship with Luthier, Peter Biffin and since then Justin has combined his love for music and wood sculpture in the creation of musical instruments. Since the beginning of 2006 Justin has worked professionally as a luthier and has instruments represented in 6 different countries around the world.

JOHN COPLEY – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Based in Canberra, John has a reputation as one of the finest acoustical instrument makers in the country. He works closely with each client to ensure he produces exactly what they require in their custom made instrument.

SCOTT WISE – LUTHIER Since 1978 Scott Wise has been making fine stringed instruments, including guitars, mandolins and bouzoukis, violins and ukuleles. A diverse range of musicians have Scott’s instruments including Del Rey, Loudon Wainwright 111, Eric Bibb and Douglas Tolentino

DAVID GUSCOTT – STRINGED INSTRUMENTS David has a diverse artistic background that culminated 8 years ago with the creation of an outstanding 5-string violin. He has continued his passion and developed amazing electric instruments for the entire strings family. David also custom-makes instruments for discerning clients to their specifications. Visit www.guscott.com.auor phone: 0408 362 704.

JEFF WILMOTT – OCARINAS In 1987, Jeff began making and playing Ocarinas (small clay flutes) combining his pottery and folk music skills. The ocarina is an exquisite little instrument similar to playing a recorder. By gently blowing, a beautiful sweet note is produced from the Ocarina. Apart from his Instrument making Jeff also plays old time fiddle, guitar, didgeridoo, and mandolin and is an award winning Gum-Leaf playing champion, having won the Australian title in 2009. Contact Jeff on Mobile 0418 732 542.


“As far as musicians are concerned, I think that there should be more dancing. There is a certain fire in the belly that you can’t teach and I personally think that that comes from dance music.” Dave Swarbrick



Appalachian Clogging

The Fitzroy

Colin Towns

10:00 AM

English Dance Workshop

The Mallee

Whitehorse English and Welsh Dancers

11:40 AM

Bavarian Couples Dances

The Mallee

Jim & Ingrid Rehle-Williams

11:40 AM

NW Morris

The Fitzroy

Brandragon NW Morris

1:30 PM

Hungarian Dances

The Mallee

Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta

3:20 PM

Learn to Swing Dance

The Mallee

Jumptown Swing

4:00 PM

Fusion dancing

The Piazza

Panta Rei

4:40 PM

Introduction to Colonial Dance

The Fitzroy

Melbourne Colonial Dancers

5:10 PM

Modern Gypsy Dance

The Mallee

Modern Gypsy Dance

10:00 AM

Welsh Dance Workshop

The Fitzroy

Delia’s Friends

10:00 AM

French Dance Workshop

The Mallee

Souleiado French Dance Group & Laurel de Vietri

11:40 AM

Cotswald Morris

The Fitzroy

Britannia Morris Men

12:00 PM

Beginners Set Dance

The Mallee

Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band

2:00 PM

Balkan Dance Workshop

The Mallee


4:00 PM

Introduction to Tango

The Mallee

Tango Social Club of Canberra

5:20 PM

Irish Ceili Workshop

The Mallee

Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band

10:00 AM

Greek Dance

The Fitzroy

Greek Orthodox community of Melbourne and Victoria folk group

12:00 PM

Border Morris

The Fitzroy

Ragged Band Border Morris

12:30 PM

Tango Workshop

The Mallee

Tango Social Club of Canberra

1:30 PM

Heritage Ball Workshop

The Fitzroy

Heritage Dance Band of Victoria

10:00 AM

Bavarian Couples Dance

The Fitzroy

Jim & Ingrid Rehle-Williams

11:50 AM

From Egypt to Istanbul

The Fitzroy

Bahirah Bellydance

12:30 PM

Challenging New Australian Dances

The Mallee

Arthur & Julia Kingsland




DANCE PERFORMERS BAHIRAH BELLYDANCE Bahirah Bellydance aims to develop self esteem, growth and creative expression through dance. With diverse influences in Middle Eastern dance from folkloric, Egyptian and Turkish cabaret as well as fusion styles, Bahirah offers a pathway for dancers to experience the beauty of belly dance in many of its forms. Bahirah runs classes from beginners through to advanced with friendly and experienced teachers in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Newcastle. During the festival enjoy a dazzling performance by Bahirah teachers and students then come along to one of the workshops to try it out yourself. For more information visit our website at www.bahirah.com.au. Friday 11:30 AM Piazza Saturday 11:30 AM Piazza Monday 11:50 AM The Fitzroy

BRANDRAGON NORTHWEST MORRIS Brandragon performs Morris dances from the north-west of England with energy and enthusiasm they are fast becoming famous for. Since their beginnings in back of the Brandon Pub in Melbourne, it is hard to hold these dancers back from bringing the Morris to anywhere that sells fine ale. Friday Friday Friday

10:00 AM 11:40 AM 3:00 PM

Piazza The Fitzroy Piazza

BRITANNIA MORRIS MEN The grandest Cotswold Morris that Victoria has to offer will transport you to an English Village for a taste of traditional Morris Dancing. See flower bedecked, bell wearing, hanky wavers and stick clashers move to the haunting refrains of some old, old, English tunes. Fertility dancing at its finest! Friday 3:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Saturday 11:40 AM

Piazza Piazza The Fitzroy

CANBERRA SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCERS The Canberra Scottish country dancers provide displays of traditional Scottish Country Dancing. Members of the display group attend classes in this type of activity most of the year. Dancing Scottish provides physical exercise,intellectual stimulation and social interaction. Above all, it is great fun. Friday 10:30 AM Saturday 3:30 PM Monday 3:00 PM

Piazza Piazza Piazza



Arthur & Julia specialise in teaching challenging dances and interesting variations from a range of Celtic traditions (Australian, Irish, English, Scottish and American dancing) and making them achievable. Experienced dancers in any of the Anglo-AustralianCeltic traditions who would like to stretch their abilities will have a lot of fun.

“Delia’s Friends” epitomise the elegance of English country dance with tasteful arrangements in multi-part harmony of both traditional and contemporary dance music, stretching back through Playford, the 15th century and beyond. Through regular performances with the VFMC and with the English Country Dance club in Melbourne, Delias’ repertoire has expanded to include a Welsh dance component. With two active choreographers, Delias’ have added Victorian composed dances in the traditional style, and hope to launch their CD and dance book “Dancers’ Banquet – a Feast of New Dances” at the festival.


12:30 PM

The Mallee

COME-ALL-YE SCOTTISH CEILIDH Anthony Simon and Bob McInnes’ Stringfiddle band give to one and all the chance to be part of the sort of action they might have seen in movies featuring Scottish weddings, parties and balls. For several years Anthony and Bob’s band have been in demand for such events where they get all comers happily involved through engaging calling and exciting traditional dance music. Warning – you may get hooked – many keen dancers had their first taste at such events! Saturday

1:00 PM

The Fitzroy

CORAL EDEN Coral Eden has been a member of The Melbourne Colonial Dancers since 1987 and has been running beginner classes and teaching dancing since 1993. Since 1999 she has been the dance coordinator for the MCD. Coral has organised a number of balls and is a member of MCD display team. She danced at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in 1988 and Kaustinen Folk Festival, Finland in 1999. This all round experience and love of challenging dances makes her an ideal person to be coordinating the Dancer’s Dance. She also believes in assisting people new to dancing so see her in “Shall we Dance?” a Beginner Dance workshop with The Melbourne Colonial Dancers on Friday morning. Monday

5:00 PM

The Fitzroy

DANISH FOLKDANCE GROUP HEIMDAL INC The Danish Folkdance Group from Brisbane have been performing traditional Danish dances for over 18 years. In this time they have entertained audiences in Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand and Australia with their colourful costumes and lively music. Saturday 11:00 AM Piazza Sunday 12:00 PM Piazza Monday 10:00 AM Piazza

Friday 2:50 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Saturday 2:50 PM Sunday 12:30 PM


The Fitzroy The Fitzroy The Fitzroy Piazza

DIVERSITY IN AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL DANCING Member of Australian Federation of Social Dancers, Queensland Colonial and Heritage Dancers, Dance Kaleidoscope and the Danish Folk Dance Group “Heimdal”. Friday

12:30 PM


ESTONIAN FOLK DANCERS Sydney-based “Virmalised (Northern Lights) Estonian Folk Dancers and musicians “Salmiakki Pelimannit” from Newcastle showcase the energy and diversity of traditional and choreographed Estonian folk dances performed in vividly colourful traditional costumes. Saturday Sunday Sunday

2:30 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM

Piazza The Mallee Piazza

GREEK ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF MELBOURNE AND VICTORIA FOLK GROUP Traditional Greek folk dance group whose aim is to present the true essence of Greek folk culture. Showcasing exact replicas of traditional costume of various eras from the last two centuries and covering Greek folk dance in its authentic form. Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 2:30 PM Monday 11:00 AM

Piazza The Fitzroy Piazza Piazza

G’NORM’S TSDAV VICTORIAN SELECTION Dancer, caller, teacher and dance writer, G’Norm started in the early ‘70s with Melbourne’s Colonial Dancers. Norm was a contemporary of both Shirley Andrews & Lucy Stockdale, a co-founder of the TSDAV, and instigator of it’s Dance Composer’s Competition. A former CD team leader, workshop presenter at NFF’s in the ‘80s, and convener of the first Callers’ Forums, Norm returns to “active National duty” after recent workshops at Bundanoon. He presents his selection of the best & most danceable of the TSDAV’s Dance Competition entries from Victoria, and also a “Dance Tribute to Lucy Stockdale” – featuring the dances she wrote. Saturday 4:40 PM The Fitzroy

HERITAGE BALL DANCE CALLERS Jane Bullock (Victorian Folk Music Club), Norm Ellis (Traditional Social Dance Association of Victoria), Coral Eden and Robin Simpson (Melbourne Colonial Dancers) have combined to present the Heritage Ball and Workshop. Sunday 1:30 PM The Fitzroy Sunday 8:00 PM The Fitzroy


dancers and present their dances in a fun and accessible way. No previous dance experience is necessary. We will be conducting the workshops to live music. Friday 11:40 AM The Mallee Monday 10:00 AM The Fitzroy

LUCY STOCKDALE TRIBUTE DANCE Dancer, caller, teacher and dance writer, G’Norm started in the early ‘70s with Melbourne’s Colonial Dancers. Norm was a contemporary of both Shirley Andrews & Lucy Stockdale, a co-founder of the TSDAV, and instigator of it’s Dance Composer’s Competition. A former CD team leader, workshop presenter at the NFF in the ‘80s, and convener of the first Callers’ Forums, Norm returns to “active National duty” after recent workshops at Bundanoon. He presents a “Dance Tribute to Lucy Stockdale” – featuring the dances she wrote, and also his selection of the best & most danceable of the TSDAV’s Dance Competition entries from Victoria. Sunday 4:30 PM The Mallee

JUMPTOWN SWING Jumptown Swing teach and perform social swing dance in Canberra. Swing dancing is a fun and energetic activity that started in the 1930’s in the USA. It has now spread across the world and is danced to swinging jazz music. Friday 3:20 PM The Mallee Friday 7:00 PM Piazza Sunday 7:00 PM The Mallee

KENGUGRÓ & GYÖNGYÖSBOKRÉTA Experience the wild, exuberant energy of the Carpathian basin. Kengugró (Sydney) & Gyöngyösbokréta (Canberra) join forces to present Hungarian and Transylvanian folk dance in its purest form. Swirling, spinning and slapping themselves into a frenzy. Accompanied by live music from The Transylvaniacs. Friday 1:30 PM The Mallee Friday 5:30 PM Piazza Saturday 1:00 PM Piazza Sunday 4:30 PM Piazza Monday 12:00 PM Piazza

Jim & Ingrid teach easy to learn Bavarian Couples Dances. Both are experienced

Chloe and Jason Roweth, winners of the 2010 NFSA Award


MANQUEHUE CHILEAN FOLK -DANCE GROUP Manquehue has been performing Chilean Folk dancing since 2003. The purpose of the Manquehue Chilean Folkloric Dance Group of Canberra is to show to the Australian public the diverse regional dances of Chile; North, South, Central, Mapuche and Easter Island. Friday 11:00 AM Piazza Saturday 3:00 PM Piazza Sunday 11:00 AM Piazza Monday 1:30 PM Piazza


NFSA AT THE FOLKIE The NFSA is delighted to continue its long-standing support for the National Folk Festival in 2011. If you are taking some time away from the Festival, please visit the NFSA in Acton, near the city centre. Enjoy free exhibitions and live presentations; experience the world’s best films in our state-of-the-art cinema Arc; browse in the shop and savour the delights of our popular café, Teatro Fellini.

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Look out for the NFSA at the Festival: t CARTER BROWN MYSTERY THEATRE. A live presentation of an episode from the 1950s radio serial. Actors on stage, live sound effects, produced just as they were done in the Golden Age of radio. See the program for venue and time. t REAL FOLK and more. Encore screenings of Real Folk on Film, the film treasures of John Meredith. Made for the NFSA between 1988 and 1990, these films are full of images and sound of the last generation of old-time bush musicians. A Parrot Pictures/NFSA presentation. Check the program for these and other NFSA screenings. t The NFSA National Folk Recording Award. Each year since 2001, we have presented the Award for the best recording made by an artist appearing at the Festival.

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Australia’s Living Archive The NFSA is an Australian Government Agency.

Australian Education Resources


Kids Media’s education website provides free Australian education resource material for teachers and students. Proud sponsor of the National Folk Festival

MATT ROBERTSON & DAVID SOUTH SCOTTISH DANCE BAND Dance Scottish with fiddler Matt Robertson and premier accordionist David South and their Scottish Dance Band – rhythmmeister Jon Jones, bassist Athalie Brooks, and Scots-musical guests. Dancers in the know look to this acclaimed band for slick Strathspeys, swingin’ jigs, birlin’ reels and great tempo. A higher plane of dancing pleasure awaits at the Scottish Ball and workshops for general and advanced dancers. Friday Friday

1:00 PM 8:00 PM

The Fitzroy The Fitzroy

MELBOURNE COLONIAL DANCERS The Melbourne Colonial Dancers were formed in 1974 as a Display Team and have been teaching dance classes since 1979. From 1976 we have run several workshops and dances at The National Folk Festival. From 1984 to 1986 we performed in the Shell Folklorics at the Melbourne Concert Hall (now Hamer Hall). In 1988, (Australia’s bicentennial year)we were invited to perform, with the Rats of Tobruk Memorial Pipe Band at the International Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Over the last ten years we have introduced themes and stories to our National Folk Festival Displays which have delighted our audiences. Friday 4:40 PM Saturday 12:00 PM Saturday 2:00 PM

The Fitzroy Piazza Piazza

MELBOURNE IRISH SET DANCERS WITH MELBOURNE COMHALTAS CEILI BAND Irish Set Dancers and Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band. Saturday 12:00 PM Saturday 5:20 PM Saturday 8:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM Monday 1:00 PM

The Mallee The Mallee The Fitzroy Piazza Piazza

MISS MOLLY’S MAYPOLE – DANCING FOR KIDS Come join in a fun, all-ages workshop where local Canberra performers will interactively demonstrate how to create colourful patterns on a maypole, or just come along to play percussion to live accordion music with traditional Austrian influences. This kind of maypole dance originated in the 18th century as a traditional dance in Italy and France. It was popularised in England by a school teacher and made a return to central Europe where it was transformed into

unique dances such as the Bandltanz or Ribbon Dance when Germany was still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Come and try the energetic Barber’s Pole, or be challenged by the more elaborate Bandltanz. Daily in the Kids Festival

Negrillos and Umuto. Colourful and original costumes brought directly from Peru together with the effort and energy of each member make the dances more lively and attractive to all types of audience. Saturday 10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 10:30 AM

Piazza Piazza Piazza

MODERN GYPSY DANCE Uninhibited and colourful gypsy dance brought to you by Rita Markwell and the Canberra Dance Theatre. This dance is known for its mix of poise and chaos and derives from Balkan, Spanish and Turkish gypsy moves. Inspired by musical artists like Lolo Lovina, Leni Kravac, Besh O Drom, Fanfare Ciocarlia.


Friday Friday Sunday Monday

Sunday Sunday

2:30 PM 5:10 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM

Piazza The Mallee Piazza Piazza

NFF CONTRABAND The biggest thing in Contra that Australia has seen. The NFF Contra Band brings together Australia’s contra musicians into a single BIG band with drums, brass, lots of fiddles, flutes, piano, bass, accordions, more fiddles, and perhaps even a banjo, and then the list goes on. With the best callers and the biggest contra sound you will hear in Australia this promises to be a dance not to miss. Beginners welcome. Musicians who want to play with the band should come to the practice session. Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Monday

11:30 AM 11:30 AM 10:00 PM 1:00 PM 10:00 AM

Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Mallee Workshop 5 The Mallee

PANTA REI Panta Rei fusiondancing combines different forms of world-dancing such as Spanish/Gypsy, Middle Eastern, Asian and African dance, fusing them into a new type of dancing. Performers include musicians that produce driving djembe and tabla rhythms, resulting in a spectacular display of sound, movement and colourful costumes. Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 11:30 AM Monday 2:00 PM

Piazza Piazza Piazza Piazza

BRISAS DEL PERU Australia’s best Peruvian Folklore entertainment – performing various traditional dances from Peru like Marinera, Festejo (Afro-Peruvian), Huaylarsh, Valicha, etc. as well as non-traditional dances such as Contradanza, Pacasito,

Border Morris – A wild stick wielding mayhem that presents ancient dance and song with a modern edge. Rich in symbolism and dark intent, the raggies are a colourful and noisy expression of traditional English morris from the Welsh Border counties. 10:00 AM 12:00 PM

Piazza The Fitzroy

REVONTULET FINNISH FOLK DANCERS Revontulet performs dances from Finland and neighbouring regions, such as Karelia and Ingria, and has been active for over 25 years. Based in Canberra, the group has performed throughout Australia, danced in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and the USA, and staged a series of successful original performances combining Finnish folk dance, music and drama. Part of the growing presence of Scandinavian and Nordic performers at the National, Revontulet has in recent years also joined with Estonian and Scandinavian groups to present combined Nordic dance displays, workshops and social dances at the festival. Friday Sunday Monday

5:00 PM 2:00 PM 11:30 AM

Piazza The Mallee Piazza

SALMIAKKI PELIMANNIT Salmiakki Pelimannit is Australia’s leading Band specialising in the music of the Nordic countries. The group was formed in 1996 and has performed in Finland, Sweden and Denmark as well as many places in Australia. Usually the band is seen accompanying the performances of Revontulet Finnish Dancers, Virmalised Estonian Dances, Linnea Swedish Dances and sCanDans dance group. The core members of the band are the Strutt family – Greg, Helen, Catherine and Jennifer – but from time to time they are joined by other musicians. Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday

2:30 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM

Piazza Workshop 4 The Mallee Piazza


TANGO SOCIAL CLUB OF CANBERRA Tango dancing originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Paris of the southern hemisphere. It is about the connection between two people and the music. The Tango club has been busy for 10 years bringing dancing to Canberra and encouraging its members to learn from a diversity of teachers. The Tango club is happy to get folks up and dancing with simple instructions that will suit all ages. Saturday 4:00 PM Saturday 7:30 PM Sunday 12:30 PM Sunday 7:30 PM

The Mallee Piazza The Mallee Piazza

TSDAV DANCE COMPOSERS’ COMPETITION The Traditional Social Dance Association of Victoria have run a Dance Composer’s Competition since the 1980s, in which dance devisers are invited to submit their latest creations. Why not come and try out the newly written dances and see if you agree with the judges! There are 2 categories in the dance competition – General Social Dances and those for more experienced dancers. Sunday 10:00 AM The Mallee

WHITEHORSE ENGLISH AND WELSH DANCERS The Well Hall English Dancers and Ceffyl Gwyn Welsh Dancers, from the City of Whitehorse in Melbourne, perform for your entertainment some of the more intricate country dances from the 17th century to modern times. The selection of dances illustrates the diversity of patterns, styles and music (jigs, reels, rants, hornpipes, marches, slip-jigs) from various parts of England and Wales. You may also see us around the festival site inviting you to the dance. Friday Friday Sunday Monday

10:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 10:30 AM

The Mallee Piazza Piazza Piazza



Stuart Biggs Prof Christine Bigby Ingrid Schraner Karen Middleton Mitchell Gall Andy Busuttil Steve and Robyna Davies Alan Jordan Christina Mimmocchi Susan Conway Andrea Baldwin Elizabeth Anstee Shez Wright BJ Planet Star Entertainment Martin Malone Margaret& Bill Winnett Colin Lee Charlotte & Patt Ogrady Shane Marsh Tim Plater Benno Rice Lillian Hains David Wanless Peter Cartwright James & Christine Newman Peter Hobson Mike Vale Gillian Hazleton Vic & Jan Orloff Jaqui Rosier Steve Williams Quentin O’Keefe Anne Infante Sebastian Flynn Val McGarry Darri Adamson Myk Dowling Richard & Penny Lloyd Jones Ray Van Der Anker Colin Fong Mathew May Red Chair Kurt & Pat Christensen Rodney Williams Eardley Lieversz Donna Lee Robert Hanley Andrew Le Blanc Paul Milera G. Langford Helen Ludellen Margaret Daly William (Bill) Propert Heather Ross Mr David & Mrs Leown Tarrant Suzette Watkins Sutherland Acoustic Folk Club Fiona and Phil May Mary Mallett Ruth Birnie The Hellands Richard Greenwood Kate Leonard Clara Witheridge Paul Carr Sally Weimar Sarah Calder John Picot Graham Mann Doctor Java Organic Coffee Zena Armstrong Peter Boyland Raymond Higgi Yrane Rassaby Roger Cottrell Judy Rassaby and Tom Osborn Ted Egan and Nerys Evans Peter Le Cornu Dr Gwenda Davey Debbie Cameron Moir Holmes Maureen Morris Gary Jacobs Angela Rath Roger Gifford

Jerry’s Vegiburgers Jan O’Connor Susan Davitt Claudia Cresswell Cecilia Kinross Mobile OJ T.T.L. investments Song Laos Couisine Anne Marie Keenan Bill & Rosemary Franzsen Caroline Barrell Thomas Wagner Erica Wanless Julie Bishop Kate Moerman Bob Anderson Elizabeth Roberts Judy Baker Jacqueline Woods Tim and Trish Barker Jennie and Ray Simpson Dr Ian Alexander Cathy Davitt John Short Barbara & Lance Court Pat & Jim Barrett Hunter Welsh folk dancers Beth Cambridge John McRae Deanna Devers and David Hornett Judy & Paul Foley Nelle Smith Bernadette O’Neill Peter Ellis Tony Northey Arthur Kingsland John Roden Jared Gottlieb Janet Wheeler Susan Harrap Christine Golab Adam Shapiro Harry Gardner Anne Ransley Marney Wilson Bob & Lesley Barford Chris Klein Beryl Pedvin Bernie Webster Annette Colonna Stuart Batten Brian & Julie Samuels Bogey Musidlak Gordon Condon Robert Baird Jacinta McManamon Erina Wilson Gabrielle Mackey Dr Brett Stevenson Colin Towns & June Staunton Robyn Graylin Christine Reynolds Duncan Smith Gay Charmers Old Time Dance Band Liesbeth Pockett New South Folk Julia Ermert Robert Cleary Paul Loney Burns Internode David Gascott Anne Mathas Marie-Ange Namb John Carroll Michael Azzopardi Rodney & Joanne Brooke Libby Sommer Mary & Charlie Hamblin Bradford Sherman The Troubadour Foundation Inc. Coral Eden Lesley Gordon Tamara Diner Bush Traditions Incorporated

Peter Logue Alex Bishop Judy Casey Across The Borders Pty Ltd Scandinavian Dance Group Doug Capp Chris Burrowes Carol Rowe Sharon Casey The Melbourn Colonial Dancers Brandon North-West Clog Morris Ian McLean Bea Brickhill Monaro Folk Music Society Belconnen Scottish Country Dancers Longford Morris Dancers Broadview English country dancers Julia Green Sue Hobson Lynne Margret Margaret Evans Richmond Family Ron Sweeney Michelle Orford Martin Klien Ruth Tre Faith Adele Handley Ray Mulligan Alex Boyd Helen Curtis Phillip Evans Geraldine Triffitt Kate Scott Bob Hodgson Lawrence Brown David De Santi J Thompson Dallas Baxter M Poppinghaus & D Lenham Jan Nary Helen Myhill Jan & Nancy Cheetham Queensland Colonial Heritage Dancers Geoffrey Lau Garry Richards Ken & Jan Leslight Jane Randall Michael Poole Bagzotica C S Philpot Melbourne Sscottish Fiddle Club Bolliger Folk Federation of Tasmania Norm Ellis Lyn & Tom Mckendrick Simon Box Steve Edwards & Julie Milia Sunas Bush Dance & Music Club INC Peter Hobson Sydney Old Time Dance Club Melanie Ball Surveyors Overload Service B T Rae Central Coast Bush Dance & Music Association Lois Ryan Newcastle & Hunter Vally Folk Club Farmer Phils Fix It Service Tango Social Club of Canberra Wongawilli Collonial Dance Club Monaro Colonial Dancers Roberta Boni Susan Foster & Jonathan Jones Alix & Barry Murphy V De Jong Greg & Helen Strutt





Folktales and Furrytails John Warner Jon Madin

And The Last Shot At Fame Bygone Error Evan Mathieson Fiddle Chicks, The George Jackson Band, The Hashemoto Jimmy the Fish Jugularity Martin Pearson and the MP3 Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo Rainmakers, The Strelley String Contingent, The Totally Gourdgeous

ACAPPELLA CIRCUS Another Roadside Attraction Chat-Warblers, The Ecopella Glorious MUDsingers, The Gorani Men in Suits Mixed Drinks MMC Mini Choir Roaring Forties Roger Holmes Shiny Bum Singers, The Spooky Men’s Chorale Timbre Flaws

AUSTRALIAN TRADITIONAL Alan Musgrove & his Watsaname Band Australian Settler Session & Dance Tunes Bushwackers, The Chloe & Jason Roweth Dennis O’Keeffe and Dennis Taberner Didgeman Jenny M. Thomas and The System John Thompson and Steve Cook Larrikins, The Martin Wyindham-Read Newport Bush Orchestra The Tinderbox Collective Wongawilli

CELTIC/ENGLISH Andy Irvine and Rens van der Zalm Badja River Quartet Bob Hodgson Borderline Kaylee CeCe Danny Spooner Dark Horses (Keith Donnelly and Flossie Malavialle) Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer Festival Fiddle Rally Helen Webby & Davy Stuart Jamie Molloy Kate Delaney & Denis Tracey Kelly’s, The Luke Plumb, Laura Targett and Jem Dunlop Maggie Murphy & Friends Martha Tilston Nancy Kerr and James Fagan Patrick Lyons Reid & VanSante Session Experience Session Tunes with Bluegum Music Shanachie Sunas Susan and Malcolm Craven Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer

Circus Firemen, The Circus Hokum Geek Love Hannacrobatics Heist Productions Of Freaks And Fools Street Circus

DANCE Appalachian Clogging Bahirah Bellydance Brandragon Northwest Morris Britannia Morris Men Canberra Scottish Country Dancers Celtic Eclectic Dance Come-all-ye Scottish Ceilidh Coral Eden Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal Inc Delia’s Friends Diversity in Australian Social Dancing Estonian Folk Dancers G’Norm’s TSDAV Victorian Selection Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Folk Group Heritage Ball Dance Callers Heritage Dance Band of Victoria Jim & Ingrid Rehle-Williams Jumptown Swing Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta Lucy Stockdale Tribute Dance Manquehue Chilean Folk-Dance Group Matt Robertson & David South Scottish Dance Band Melbourne Colonial Dancers Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band Miss Molly’s Maypole – Dancing for Kids Modern Gypsy Dance NFF ContraBand Panta Rei Peruvian Folklore Dance Ragged Band Border Morris Revontulet Finnish Folk Dancers Salmiakki Pelimannit Souleiado French Dance Group & Laurel de Vietri Tango Social Club of Canberra TSDAV Dance Composers’ Competition VFMC Bllabong Bnd Whitehorse English and Welsh Dancers


ROOTS A.J. Leonard Andrew Clermont’s Supper Club Baylor Brothers, The Bill Jackson & The Acoustic Orchestra Blue Ruins, The Bluegrass Parkway Bruce Molsky, Joe Newberry, Rafe Stefanini DeeJay Gosper Band Fiona Boyes Good Lovelies, The Innes + Present Company Jan Preston Laique Lucy Wise and the B’Gollies Michael Fix Mike Compton O’Neill and Rodgers Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band Phil Manning Sweet Lowdowns Ten Cent Shooters The Morpeth Jugbusters Twice Bitten

SINGER/SONGWRITERS Alanna & Alicia Egan Ami Williamson Ange Takats April Maze, The Bluehouse Dan “Lids” Fernandes Danny Mack and Genre Agnostic Don Walker Drew Walky Enda Kenny Band Eric Bogle Francesca Sidoti George Papavgeris Gilly Darbey Grace Turner Jodi Martin

Julia and the Deep Sea Sirens Kate Rowe with Ryan Morrison Levi McGrath Mandy Connell Mark Wilkinson Michael-John Azzopardi Pat Drummond & Karen Lynne Phyl Lobl Rafe and the Well Dressed Shane Howard Ted Egan Thom Jackson Wedded Bliss, The women in docs

SPOKEN WORD Bad!Slam!No!Biscuit! David Campbell: Simply Poetry! Geoffrey W Graham Jim Brown Keith McKenry Peter Mace – Bush Poet Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association Zondrae King

STREET Big Rory & Ochie + Giant Seagulls Brass’ere Fool Factory, The Idiot Squad, The

iNTRiKA Miss Australia 1963 Roo’d Tragic Troubadours, The

THEMED Aquarius Revisited Danny Spooner and Ken Taylor Festival Folk sing Eric Bogle Festival Origins Concerts Folk Alliance Australia Golden Days of Radio Maestroh Rob Willis & Graham Seal Shortis and Simpson The Band Broke Up The Wayang Kelly VFMC Billabong Band & Friends

WORLD Afro Mandinko Barons of Tang, The CCP Crooked Fiddle Band , The EcoBeat Flap! Fuego Blanco Gamelan Novo Kasatria George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano Kavisha Mazzella

Kim Cunio and Heather Lee Kim Sanders & Friends Margret RoadKnight Mzaza National Folk Festival Percussion Experience, The Oud Vibrations Pacific Curls Riccardo Tesi & Banditaliana Ruth Roshan & Tango Noir Saadhana – Sublime Music of India Song Company, The Transylvaniacs, The Zhiva Voda

PERFORMER INFORMATION Performance times are correct at the time of printing but may be SUBJECT TO ALTERATION. Please check the daily program updates at venues or WKH )HVWLYDO 2I¿FH www.folkfestival.asn.au

National Folk Festival 2011




10:00 AM

Workshop 5

Festival Fiddle Rally


11:30 AM

Workshop 5

NFF ContraBand

Guitar accompaniment for tunes

11:30 AM

Workshop 2

Jonny Dyer

Low Whistle workshop

11:30 AM

Workshop 4

Lainey Keir & Jane Harding

Aerial Activities

12:00 PM

The Majestic


Traditions In Evolution

1:00 PM

The Majestic

The Crooked Fiddle Band

1st Autoharp Players workshop

1:00 PM

Workshop 2

Evan Mathieson

Scottish Fiddle

1:00 PM

Workshop 3

Emma Nixon

Session Tunes

1:00 PM

Workshop 4

Bluegum Music

How many singers are you?

2:30 PM

Workshop 5

Gemma Turner

Anglo Concertina for Irish Music

2:30 PM

Workshop 1

Jamie Molloy

The Songs of Hamish Henderson

2:30 PM

Workshop 2

Danny Spooner

Twin Fiddles

2:30 PM

Workshop 3

Donal & Andy Baylor

Crash Course in Mandolin

2:30 PM

Workshop 6

Andrew Cleremont

Instant Singing

4:00 PM

Workshop 6

Margret RoadKnight


4:00 PM

Workshop 5

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience


4:00 PM

Workshop 1

Phyl Lobl


4:00 PM

Workshop 3


Transylvanian fiddle workshop

4:00 PM

Workshop 4

The Transylvaniacs

Festival Choir Rehearsal

5:30 PM

Workshop 5

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo


10:00 AM

Workshop 5

Festival Fiddle Rally

The Joy of Uke

10:00 AM

Workshop 2

A.J. Leonard


10:00 AM

Workshop 3

Jenny M. Thomas

Creative Writing Oasis

10:00 AM

Workshop 4

Kate Rowe

Julia & The Deep Sea Sirens workshop

11:00 AM

The Majestic

Julia and the Deep Sea Sirens


11:30 AM

Workshop 5

NFF ContraBand

Beginner tin whistle

11:30 AM

Workshop 2

Sarah Calderwood

Introduction to Middle-Eastern Music

11:30 AM

Workshop 1


Songwriting with Enda Kenny

11:30 AM

Workshop 4

Enda Kenny

Indian Music workshop

11:30 AM

Workshop 6

Saadhana - Sublime Music of India

Harmonic Encounters Of The Third Kind

12:00 PM

The Majestic


Idiot Squad workshop

1:00 PM

The Majestic

The Idiot Squad

French Songs and Expressions

1:00 PM

Workshop 5

Flossie Malavialle


1:00 PM

Workshop 6

Dobe Newton and Roger Corbett


Intermediate Ukulele

1:00 PM

Workshop 2

Thom Jackson

Contemporary Fiddle

1:00 PM

Workshop 1

Mark Oats and Clare O’Meara

Swing guitar

1:00 PM

Workshop 3

The Baylor Brothers

Session Tunes

1:00 PM

Workshop 4

Session Tunes with Bluegum Music

Life of Brine – shanties and forebitters

2:30 PM

Workshop 5

Roaring Forties

Boogie Woogie Piano

2:30 PM

Workshop 1

Jan Preston

Blues Guitar

2:30 PM

Workshop 2

Phil Manning

Songwriting workshop

2:30 PM

Workshop 3

Pat Drummond

Australian Dance Tunes

2:30 PM

Workshop 4



4:00 PM

Workshop 1

Bruce Molsky


4:00 PM

Workshop 5

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

Crash Course to Guitar

4:00 PM

Workshop 2

Andrew Clermont

Harmonica - Beyond The Blues

4:00 PM

Workshop 3

Chris Pain

Scandinavian Dance Music

4:00 PM

Workshop 4

Salmiakki Pelimannit

Festival Choir Rehearsal

5:30 PM

Workshop 5

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo

Songs to Save the Planet

7:00 PM

Workshop 5


Hymn Singing

10:00 AM

Workshop 5

Roger Holmes

Old Time Banjo

10:00 AM

Workshop 3

Joe Newberry

Slam Poetry workshop

11:00 AM

The Majestic


Contemporary Guitar Backup

11:30 AM

Workshop 1

Graham McCleod

Bulgarian traditional songs

11:30 AM

Workshop 6

Zhiva Voda

Irish songs

11:30 AM

Workshop 3

Sarah Calderwood

Fiddle Tricks

11:30 AM

Workshop 4

The Fiddle Chicks

Idiot Squad workshop

1:00 PM

The Majestic

The Idiot Squad


1:00 PM

Workshop 5

NFF ContraBand

Unstitching the Britches

1:00 PM

Workshop 1

Patrick Lyons

2nd Autoharp Players workshop

1:00 PM

Workshop 2

Evan Mathieson

Bluegrass Gospel Harmony Singing

1:00 PM

Workshop 6

Bluegrass Parkway

Percussive Stepdance

1:00 PM

Workshop 4

Pria Schwall-Kearney

Creative Guitar

1:00 PM

Workshop 3

Craig Dawson


2:30 PM

Workshop 5

Festival Fiddle Rally

Stage Craft

2:30 PM

Workshop 1

Gilly Darbey

Didgeridoo master class

2:30 PM

Workshop 6


Songwriting with women in docs

2:30 PM

Workshop 3

women in docs

Fiddle as accompaniment

2:30 PM

Workshop 4

Lindsay Martin

Tuscan Accordion

4:00 PM

Workshop 2

Riccardo Tesi


4:00 PM

Workshop 5

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

The Bits Between the Songs

4:00 PM

Workshop 1

Keith Donnelly




Scandinavian fiddle

4:00 PM

Workshop 3

Jenny M. Thomas

Blues Harp

4:00 PM

Workshop 4

Ten Cent Shooters

Festival Choir Rehearsal

5:30 PM

Workshop 5

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo


10:00 AM

Workshop 5

Festival Fiddle Rally

Parody workshop

10:00 AM

Workshop 3

The Shiny Bum Singers

Acoustic Power

10:00 AM

Workshop 2

Michael Fix

What Is The Nature Of Life?

11:00 AM

The Majestic

Drew Walky

NLA Fellowship

11:30 AM

Workshop 5

Toby Martin

Northumbrian Smallpipes

11:30 AM

Workshop 1

Susan and Malcolm Craven

Quebecois Fiddle

11:30 AM

Workshop 2

Pria Schwall-Kearney

Zumpa - Italian Tunes

11:30 AM

Workshop 3

Dave de Santi


11:30 AM

Workshop 4

The Rainmakers

Idiot Squad workshop

1:00 PM

The Majestic

The Idiot Squad


1:00 PM

Workshop 1


Scottish fiddle

1:00 PM

Workshop 2

Chris Stone

Concertina workshop

1:00 PM

Workshop 4

Jo Creswell

Performance Poetry

2:30 PM

Workshop 5

Keith McKenry


2:30 PM

Workshop 1

Vicki Swan

Crash Course to Fiddle

2:30 PM

Workshop 2

Andrew Clermont

Alternate Tunings for Guitar

2:30 PM

Workshop 3

Michael-John Azzopardi

Trad music on the harmonica

2:30 PM

Workshop 4

Bob Hodgson


4:00 PM

Workshop 5

Mal Webb


4:00 PM

Workshop 5

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

W/Shopping bush poetry

4:00 PM

Workshop 1

Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association

Song Writing in the Blues Tradition

4:00 PM

Workshop 2

Fiona Boyes

Festival Choir Rehearsal

5:30 PM

Workshop 5

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo


EXHIBITION PARK IN CANBERRA i Located just eight minutes from the city i 10,000m2 indoor exhibition space i 40 hectares outdoor surroundings i Functions for 10 to 3000 delegates i Flexible spaces allowing for long term event development

CANBERRA’S LARGEST MULTI PURPOSE EVENTS COMPLEX Flemington Road, Mitchell, ACT PH: (02) 6241 3022 info@epic.act.gov.au


PROGRAM – THURSDAY EVENING Time 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50

Kindly supporting the BUDAWANG


Kindly supporting the FITZROY

Kindly supporting the BELLISSIMO

Kindly supporting the SCRUMPY


The Blue Ruins

Mandy Connell

Dan “Lids� Fernandes

Grace Turner

Welcome Dance

CeCe Julie and the deep sea sirens

Opening Concert Badja River Quartet

Mark Wilkinson

Dee Jay Gosper

Innes + Present Company


Troubadour Specials

VFMC Billabong Band

Danny Mack

The Blue Ruins

Barons of Tang

The Wedded Bliss


LOST PROPERTY is located in: The Coorong Forecourt (underneath Childcare)

and is open from: 5pm - 8pm Thu 9am - 9pm Fri - Sun 9am - 11pm Mon 9am - 5pm Tue enquiries: 0406 375 696


PROGRAM – FRIDAY Kindly supporting the


Time BUDAWANG 8:30 8:40 8:50 Dru Yoga 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 Fiona Boyes 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 Spooky Men’s 11:10 Chorale 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 The Good 12:00 PM Lovelies 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 Helen Webby and 12:50 Davy Stuart 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 Peter Rowan Band 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 Live@ The Saints, 2:50 Lounge Sinners 3:00 and 3:10 Settlers 3:20 Andy Irvine and Rens 3:30 3:40 van der Zalm 3:50 4:00 4:10 Sunas 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 The Kellys 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 Derek Warfield & the 5:40 5:50 Young Wolfe Tones 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 Live@ The Lounge 6:40 6:50 7:00 Riccardo Tesi & 7:10 Banditaliana 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 Nancy Kerr and 8:00 James Fagan 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 Eric Bogle 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 Martin Pearson 9:40 and the MP3 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 The Bushwackers 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50

Kindly supporting the



Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the





Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the




Poets Breakfast – Peter Mace – Tribute to Dave Meyers

Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer

Ted Egan

The Shiny Bum Singers

Martyn Wyindham-Read

Jan Preston

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo

Gilly Darbey Mzaza

CCP Shane Howard


Michael-John Azzopardi, Michael Fix , Pete Fidler, Andrew Veivers, Fiona Boyes

Luke Plumb, Laura Targett and Jem Dunlop

Rob Willis Presents – Aquarious Revisited

Pacific Curls

Laments Forum presented by the ANU and the ITMA

Kim Cunio and Heather Lee, Christine Primrose, Kavisha,

Totally Gourdgeous

Drew Walky



The Wedded Bliss

Jenny M. Thomas and The System

Kate Delaney & Denis Tracey

The String Contingent Dan “Lids” Fernandes

Circus Hokum w. Flap!

Geoffrey W Graham

The Morpeth Jugbusters George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano

Women in docs

Rafe & The Well Dressed

David Campbell

Bob Hodgson

Booklaunch-Stephen Whiteside The Rainmakers

Levi McGrath Alanna & Alicia Egan

Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer

Zhiva Voda


The George Jackson Band


Pat Drummond & Karen Lynne

The Blue Ruins

O’Neill & Rodgers

Kim Sanders & Friends Infinite Rocky Horror Heat 1

Yarn Spinning

Traditions in Evolution with The Crooked Fiddle Band

Chloe & Jason Roweth

Laments Round Robin

Aerial Activities


Ange Takats

Alan Musgrove & his Watsaname Band

Martha Tilston

Blackboards Troubadour Specials

The Fagans

Ami Williamson

The Songs and Times of the British Music Halls with Bygone Error

The Baylor Brothers

George Papavgeris

Dark Horses


Lucy Wise and the B’Gollies

Francesca Sidoti

The Larrikins

Margaret Roadnight

Mark Wilkinson

Lolo’s Emerging Open Mic

Thom Jackson

John Thompson & Steve Cook

Twice Bitten

Grand Gala

Bill Monroe film Hashemoto Ruth Roshan & Tango Noir Oud Vibrations

Bill Jackson & The Acoustic Orchestra

The Fiddle Chicks

Troubadour Specials

Ecopella Julia & the Deep Sea Sirens

Phil Manning Bluehouse Molsky, Newberry, Stefanini & Compton

Dee Jay Gosper Ten Cent Shooters

Grace Turner Andrew Clermont’s Supper Club


The Circus Firemen

Jimmy the Fish

Innes + Present Company

Enda Kenny Band

An Evening at the Merry Muse

Jodi Martin Michael-John Azzopardi

The Crooked Fiddle Band Karrifolkie with The Mothers of Intention

Women in docs Mandy Connell

Not for Kids Kids Show

Kindly supporting the









English Dance w/shop Festival Fiddle Rally

Appalachian Clogging - Colin Towns


Brandragon NW Morris

Guitar accompaniment for tunes – Jonny Dyer

Flute – Simone Dawson

Low Whistle Songwriting from Workshop – Lainey NFF ContraBand the heart – George Keir Rehearsal Papavgeris & Jane Harding


James Molloy Anglo Concertina Workshop

Autoharp 1Evan Mathieson

Brandragon NW Morris

Danny Spooner – The Songs of Hamish Anderson

Scottish Ball dance workshop Scottish Fiddle – Emma Nixon

Twin fiddles – Donal & Andy Baylor

Session Tunes – Bluegum Music

Northumbrian Smallpipes – Susan & Malcom Craven

Modern Poetry – David Campbell

How many singers are you? – Gemma Turner

Crash Course to Mandolin – Andrew Clermont

Matt Robertson & David South Scottish Dance Band

Folktales and Furrytails


AFSD DisplayDiversity in Australian Social Dancing

Jenny M. Thomas and The System

Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta

Borderline Kaylee

Australian Singing Session Jugularity

Modern Gypsy Dance

Learn to Swing Dance

What’s In A Tune? Combined Morris Sides

Roaring Forties Pirate Show

Panta Rei Fusiondance Workshop

Jon Madin

Jumptown Swing Songwriting – Phyl Lobl


Transylvanian fiddle-The transylvaniacs

The National Folk Instant Singing – Festival Percussion Margaret Experience Roadnight

Introduction to Colonial Dance

Revontulet Melbourne Colonial Dancers Modern Gypsy Dance

Festival Choir rehearsal

Australian Settler Music Session

Geoffrey W Graham Hungarian Dance Whitehorse English Workshop and Welsh Dancers

English Dance

Delia’s Friends

Session Experience

Bavarian Couples Bahirah Bellydance Dances

Jim & Ingrid RehleWilliams

PLI for Performers – Jim MacQuarrie & Bob Charter


Whitehorse English Canberra Scottish and Country Dancers Welsh Dancers Manquehue Chilean Folk-Dance Group

Classical techniques for folk singers – Heather Lee


Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta

Good Friday Church Service Swing Dance

Scottish Ball A Big Spooky Thing Singing with The Rainmakers

Matt Robertson & David South Scottish Dance Band Afro Mandinko

Singing Session EcoBeat

Jumptown Swing, Sweet Lowdowns


Time 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 PM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50


PROGRAM – SATURDAY Kindly supporting the


Kindly supporting the

Time BUDAWANG COORONG MARQUEE 8:30 8:40 8:50 Dru Yoga 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 Alan Musgrove & his 10:20 Martha Tilston George Papavgeris Watsaname Band 10:30 10:40 10:50 The Song 11:00 The Larrikins Company with 11:10 11:20 Zhiva Voda William Barton 11:30 11:40 11:50 Fiona Boyes 12:00 PM Dark Horses 12:10 Molsky, Newberry, 12:20 Stefanini & Compton 12:30 O’Neill and 12:40 Peter Rowan 12:50 Rodgers Bluegrass Band 1:00 1:10 1:20 Festival Folk Sing 1:30 Joni Mitchell Vicki Swan & Sunas 1:40 Jonny Dyer 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 Live@ The Lounge 2:40 2:50 Festival fiddlers The Union 3:00 Concert 3:10 Kavisha Mazzella Eric Bogle 3:20 3:30 The Fagans 3:40 3:50 4:00 The Baylor 4:10 Danny Spooner Brothers Andy Irvine and Rens 4:20 van der Zalm 4:30 The Bushwackers 4:40 Martin 4:50 Wyindham-Read 5:00 5:10 Political Satire with 5:20 Shortis & Simpson 5:30 Luke Plumb, 5:40 Laura Targett and 5:50 Jem Dunlop 6:00 6:10 Infinite 6:20 Rocky Horror 6:30 Live@ The Lounge Heat 2 6:40 6:50 7:00 Riccardo Tesi & 7:10 Reid & VanSante Banditaliana 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 Michael Fix Mzaza 8:10 Martin Pearson 8:20 and the MP3 8:30 8:40 Shane Howard 8:50 Jan Preston 9:00 9:10 9:20 The Good Lovelies 9:30 Kim Cunio and 9:40 The String Contingent Heather Lee 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 Oud Vibrations Spooky Men’s 10:30 The Fiddle Chicks Chorale 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the





Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the




Poet’s Breakfast with The Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association Joy Durst Memorial Concert Kim Sanders & Friends

Badja River Quartet

The Daily Surprise

VFMC Billabong Band & Friends

Blackboards Grace Turner Julia & The Deep Sea Sirens Workshop

CCP Single Launch Jenny M. Thomas and The System


Blackboards Troubadour Specials

Gorani Penny Larkins & Carl Pannuzzo

Pacific Curls


The Riderless Horse

Harmonic Encounters Of The Third Kind with Hashemoto

Yarn Spinning

Idiot Squad Workshop Gilly Darbey Sounds of Africa

Chloe & Jason Roweth

Drew Walky

Women in Docs

The Golden Days of Radio NFSA

Levi McGrath

STRELLEY Bluegrass Parkway

The Legend of the Kellys





Jimmy the Fish Keith McKenry & Friends

Dee Jay Gosper

Danny Mack

Peter Mace

Bygone Error Ted Egan Mark Wilkinson

Ruth Roshan & Tango Noir

Ange Takats

The Circus Firemen

The Rainmakers

The Blue Ruins Bill Jackson & The Acoustic Orchestra

Nancy Kerr and James Fagan Mandy Connell Instrument Makers Concert

Alanna & Alicia Egan

Totally Gourdgeous

Kate Rowe with Ryan Morrison

Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones

A.J. Leonard

The George Jackson NSW Folk Federation Band Anniversary Concert

Lolo’s Emerging Open Mic

Fish in The Jailhouse

Honouring Or FAA Heritage 1 – Victorian Meet & Greet (AGM) Bush Poetry & Music Association

Wedded Bliss Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer Festival Folk Sing Eric Bogle

The Barons Of Tang

Festival Origins Concerts

The April Maze Margret RoadKnight

Dan “Lids” Fernandes

The Alistair Hulett Memorial Concert The Crooked Fiddle Band

George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano Jodi Martin

The Morpeth Jugbusters

Ami Williamson John Thompson and Steve Cook

The Tinderbox Collective

Laique Flap!

Andrew Clermont’s Supper Club

Innes + Present Company

The Band Broke Up

Michael-John Azzopardi

Kindly supporting the


House Concert Circuits – Jim MacQuarrie & Neil Hunt


The Joy of Uke – A.J Leonard


Fiddle-singing – Jenny M Thomas




Creative Writing Choirs Repitiour Oasis – Festival Fiddle Rally Swap Kate Rowe



Welsh Dance Workshop Delia’s Friends

Souleiado French Dance Group



Britannia Morris Men


Brisas Del Peru Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal Inc

Introduction to Middle-Eastern Music with Mzaza

Beginner tin whistle – Sarah Calderwood

Dan Worrell – Concertina

Songwriting with Enda Kenny

NFF ContraBand Rehearsal

Indian Music Workshop – Saadhana

Cotswald Workshop

Bahirah Bellydance

Britannia Morris Men

Melbourne Colonial Dancers Irish set dancing for beginners” Melbourne Irish Set Dancers

Contemporary Fiddle with Mark Oats and Clare O’Meara

Intermediate Ukulele – Thom Jackson

Swing guitar – Peter & Andy Baylor

Session Tunes – Bluegum Music

French Songs and Songwriting – Dobe Expressions – Newton & Roger Flossie Malavialle Corbett

Blues Guitar – Phil Manning

songwriting Workshop – Pat Drummond

Australian Dance Life of Brine – Tunes, The Roaring Forties Wongawilli Style

Ecobeat Maestroh

A Feast of New Dances

Introduction to Tango Crash Course to Guitar – Andrew Clermont & Josh Bennett

Harmonica – Beyond The Blue – Chris Pain

Scandinavian Dance Music – Salmiakki Pelimannit

Melbourne Colonial Dancers

Kate Rowe and Ryan Morrison

Canberra Scottish Country Dancers TBA

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

Folktales and Furrytails

Estonian Folk Dancers Manquehue Chilean Folk-Dance Group

Delia’s Friends

Old-Time Fiddle – Bruce Molsky

Keith Donnelly

Souleiado French Dance Group Balkan Dance Workshop

Boogie Woogie Piano – Jan Preston

Christina Mimmocchi

Borderline Kaylee Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta

Come-all-ye Scottish Ceilidh

Jon Madin

Jon Madin

Tango Social Club of Canberra Greek orthodox folk group G’Norm’s TSDAV Victorian Selection

Panta Rei Irish Ceili Workshop Brisas Del Peru

Festival Choir rehearsal

Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Afro Mandinko

Songs to Save the Planet – Ecopella

Irish Ceili EcoBeat

Sweet Lowdowns Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band

Singing Session

Late night Contra with the National Contra Band

Tango Social Club of Canberra, Fuego Blanco



Time 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 Session 10:00 Experrience 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 Australian Settler 11:50 Music Session 12:00 PM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 Australian 1:50 Singing 2:00 Session 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50


PROGRAM – SUNDAY Kindly supporting the


Kindly supporting the

Time BUDAWANG COORONG 8:30 8:40 8:50 Dru Yoga 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 Ruth Roshan & Tango 10:20 Saadhana Noir 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 Margret 11:10 Nancy Kerr and RoadKnight 11:20 James Fagan 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 PM Pacific Curls 12:10 Bruce Molsky 12:20 12:30 12:40 NLA Fellowship 12:50 Concert - Toby Martin 1:00 1:10 1:20 Reid & VanSante 1:30 1:40 Live@ The Lounge 1:50 2:00 Tinpan Aussie Andy Irvine 2:10 2:20 and Rens van der 2:30 Zalm Hosted by 2:40 John Shortis 2:50 3:00 3:10 Vicki Swan & 3:20 Jonny Dyer 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 World Poetry 4:20 Shane Howard Debate 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 Sex, Drugs and Rock 5:10 ‘n’ Roll 5:20 Fiona Boyes 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 Infinite Rocky 6:20 Horror 6:30 Heat 3 6:40 Live@ The Lounge 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 Eric Bogle 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 The Baylor 8:10 Brothers 8:20 The Good Lovelies 8:30 8:40 8:50 The Song 9:00 Company 9:10 9:20 Kavisha Mazzella 9:30 9:40 Pat Drummond & 9:50 Karen Lynne 10:00 10:10 Penny Larkins & 10:20 Carl Pannuzzo 10:30 Don Walker 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50


Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the





Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the




Easter Church Service Poets Breakfast – Jim Brown & Zondrae King



CCP Kim Cunio and Heather Lee

The Daily Surprise Down The Lawson Track – Martin Wyindham-Read

FAA Youth Concert

Desert Island Discs

Blackboards Slam Poetry Workshop

Martin Pearson and the MP3

Blackboards Chloe & Jason Roweth The Ballad of Eureka

Ten Cent Shooters 581

Mystery Workshop! Kate Delaney & Denis Tracey

Troubadour Specials

Yarn Spinning

Slam Sign Up

Michael Fix Keith McKenry & Friends

Ami Williamson

Luke Plumb, Laura Targett and Jem Dunlop

Bill Jackson & The Acoustic Orchestra

Idiot Squad Workshop

Hashemoto The Shiny Bum Singers Singing the South

Jodi Martin

Ange Takats Phyl Lobl & Friends

Honouring Our Heritage 2 – Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association

Alanna & Alicia Egan

The Rainmakers

Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer

Thom Jackson Julia & The Deep Sea Sirens

George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano

Roaring Forties

Francesca Sidoti

The Kelly’s

A.J. Leonard

John Thompson and Steve Cook

Bluehouse Laique Helen Webby & Davy Stuart

Jimmy the Fish

The Daring Kate Kelly

The Larrikins

Rob Willis and Graham Seal

Alan Musgrove & his Watsaname Band The Fiddle Chicks

Lucy Wise and the B’Gollies


Songs of the Copper Family


Maggie Murphy & Friends

Jim Brown

Gorani Gilly Darbey


Mark Wilkinson

Danny Mack

YOU! And The Last Shot At Fame

Zhiva Voda

A Dignified Evening at The Theatre

Geoffrey W Graham The April Maze

Mike Compton Festival Origins Concerts

Transylvaniacs Kate Rowe with Ryan Morrison

Bygone Error Enda Kenny Band Badja River Quartet

Martha Tilston

Troubadour Specials

Innes + Present Company

Circus Hokum w. Flap!

Mandy Connell

Kim Sanders & Friends

Twice Bitten

The Tinderbox Collective

Phil Manning

Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones

Levi McGrath

Rafe & the Well Dressed present ‘In Song & Story’

Wayang Kelly

Bluegrass Parkway

Jenny M. Thomas and The System

The String Contingent Jugularity Shanachie


Andrew Clermont’s Supper Club

The Barons Of Tang

women in docs EcoBeat

The Crooked Fiddle Band TBA Poetry UnBreakfast

Kindly supporting the









Workshop Dan Worrell – Concertina

Old-Time Banjo – Joe Newberry

Quakers Meeting for Worship Roger Holmes Hymn Singing Session 445

Contemporary Guitar Backup – Graham McCleod

Bulgarian traditional songs with “Zhiva Voda”

Irish songs – Sarah Fiddle Tricks Calderwood with ‘The Chicks’

Greek Orthodox Folk Group

Ragged Band Border Morris TSDV Dance Composers’ Competition

Patrick Lyons

Percussive Stepdance – Pria Schwall-Kearney

Bluegrass Gospel NFF ContraBand Harmony Singing – Rehearsal Bluegrass Parkway

Introduction to Balkan Rhythms with Mzaza

Songwriting with women in docs

Fiddle as accompaniment Festival Fiddle Rally – Lindsay Martin

Heritage Ball Dance Workshop

Didgeridoo – Didgeman

Big Bush Dance The Bits Between the Songs – Keith Donnelly

Tuscan accordion – Riccardo Tesi

Scandinavian fiddle – Jenny M Thomas

Blues Harp – Scott Wise

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

NLA Fellowship Workshop

Manquehue Chilean Folk-Dance Group

Jihn Warner

VFMC Bllabong Bnd

Melbourne Set Dancers

Modern Gypsy Dance Estonian Folk Greek orthodox folk Dancers, group Revontulet Finnish Folk Dancers, Salmiakki Pelimannit Thirdest Ever Jig Challenge! Combined Morris Sides

Australian Singing Session Jugularity

Folktales and Furrytails

John Madin

The Bushwackers

Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta Estonian Folk Dancers Whitehorse English and Welsh Dancers

Festival Choir rehearsal

Afro Mandinko Swing Dance

Morris AGM

Jumptown Swing, Sweet Lowdowns

Poets in the Round –

Tango Social Club of Canberra, Fuego Blanco

Heritage Dance Band of Victoria

Singing Session

Australian Settler Music Session

The Shiny Bum Singers

Souleiado French Dance Group

Lucy Stockdale Tribute Dance

Broadcasters Forum

Session Experrience Folktales and Furrytails

Delia’s Friends

Heritage Dance Band of Victoria

Stage Craft – Gilly Darby


Brisas Del Peru

Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal Inc

Tango Social Club of Canberra

Unstitching the Britches Creative Guitar – Craig Dawson


Panta Rei Border Morris Workshop Ragged Band Border Morris

Autoharp 2 - Evan Mathieson


Rock N’ Roll Out the Barrel

Big Trevs’ Boogie Boys


Time 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 PM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 AM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50



Time 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 PM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the




Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the





Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the

Kindly supporting the




Dru Yoga Poets Breakfast – David Campbell Live@ The Lounge

The Big Georgian Sing

Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer

A.J. Leonard


Oud Vibrations

The Daily Surprise Wayang Kelly Blackboards

Ted Egan

Kavisha Mazzella Don Walker

O’Neill & Rodgers The Fagans

Phil Manning

Bluegrass Parkway

Drew Walky Workshop: What Is The Nature Of Life?

Spooky Men’s Chorale

Bards and Bushrangers

Francesca Sidoti

Dark Horses Geoffrey W Graham

Totally Gourdgeous

Jodi Martin

Blackboards Troubadour Specials


Michael Fix

Kim Cunio and Heather Lee

Luke Plumb, Laura Targett and Jem Dunlop

Joseph Lycett – Danny Spooner and Ken Taylor

Rodgering Hammerstein

Infinite Rocky Horror Finale

Helen Webby & Davy Stuart

The Shiny Bum Singers


Dee Jay Gosper

Festival Fiddle Rally

Dennis O’Keeffe & Dennis Taberner

A Very Majestic Christmas

Poets in the Round George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano

Bygone Error

Ten Cent Shooters Fuego Blanco

CeCe The George Jackson Band

The Kelly’s

Kate Rowe with Ryan Morrison

The April Maze Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer Grace Turner

Kate Delaney & Denis Tracey

Roaring Forties

Drew Walky The Great Ocean Road Project

Gilly Darbey Riccardo Tesi & Banditaliana

Idiot Squad Workshop

Circus Deathmatch

George Papavgeris Molsky, Newberry, Stefanini & Compton,

Yarn Spinning

Twice Bitten

Enda Kenny Band

ANZAC Concert – For The Fallen

Aerial Activities

Innes + Present Company

Reid & VanSante The Blue Ruins

Santa & His Magic Goblins

Pat Drummond & Karen Lynne Sweet Lowdowns

Rafe & The Well Dressed

Thom Jackson

Venue Closed The String Contingent

The Tinderbox Collective Shanachie

Lucy Wise

Closing Concert

Troubadour Specials


The Wedded Bliss

Kindly supporting the








Bavarian Couples Dances Accoustic Guitar – Micheal Fix

Northumbrian Quebecois Fiddle – Smallpipes – Susan Pria Schwall-Kearney & Malcom Craven

Parody workshop – The Shiny Bum Singers

Zumpa – Italian Tunes

Festival Fiddle Rally

Singing workshop – The Rainmakers

Jim & Ingrid Rehle-Williams

Scottish fiddle – Chris Stone

Poetry Workshop – Jim Brown

Contra Dance with The Contra Band

Whitehorse English and Welsh Dancers Greek orthodox folk group

Crash Course to Fiddle – Andrew Clermont

Alternate Tunings for Guitar – Michael-John Azzopardi

Kengugró & Gyöngyösbokréta

Melbourne Set Dancers

Song Writing in the Blues Tradition – Fiona Boyes

Bandmouth with Mal Webb

Folktales and Furrytails

Manquehue Chilean Folk-Dance Group

Performance poetry – Keith McKenry

Canberra Scottish Country Dancers

Jon Madin

Twice Bitten

The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience

Festival Choir rehearsal


Modern Gypsy Dance

Family Bush Dance with Borderline Kaylee Family Dance with Jugularity

Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association


TBA Challenging New Australian Dances – Arthur & Julia Kingsland

Concertina Workshop – Jo Creswell

Trad music on the harmonic – Bob Hodgson

Jon Madin


NLA Fellowship Workshop - Toby Martin

Panta Rei

nyckelharpa – Vicki Swan


Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal Inc Christina Mimmocchi

From Egypt to Istanbul Bahirah Bellydance

Didgeridoo – Didgeman


Coral Eden and the Victorian Big Band


Time 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 Session 10:00 Experrience 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 Australian Settler 11:50 Music Session 12:00 PM 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 Australian Singing 1:50 Session 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:00 3:10 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:50 4:00 4:10 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:20 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:30 10:40



FESTIVAL AWARDS SHOWCASING VICTORIA Victoria takes centre stage this year with a broad range of performers reflecting the cultural diversity and plethora of folk artists in Victoria. You’ll find the list of artists below featuring right across the festival program, presenting exciting concerts , dances and spoken word. Dennis O’Keeffe and Dennis Taberner The Tinderbox Collective The April Maze Didgeman Danny Spooner Shanachie TSDAV Dance Composers’ Competition Jim Brown Lucy Wise and the B’Gollies Hannacrobatics Margret RoadKnight VFMC Billabong Band & Friends Levi McGrath The Circus Firemen David Campbell: Simply Poetry! Keith McKenry The Baylor Brothers Jon Madin Jugularity Ruth Roshan & Tango Noir Geoffrey W Graham Jenny M. Thomas and The System Heritage Dance Band of Victoria Melbourne Colonial Dancers Coral Eden VFMC Billabong Band Delia’s Friends G’Norm’s TSDAV Victorian Selection Lucy Stockdale Tribute Dance Borderline Kaylee Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Folk Group Whitehorse English and Welsh Dancers Maggie Murphy & Friends Totally Gourdgeous Enda Kenny Band

Festival Folk sing Eric Bogle Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo Martin Pearson and the MP3 Men in Suits Matt Robertson & David South Scottish Dance Band Heist Productions The National Folk Festival Percussion Experience Thom Jackson Rainmakers The Chat-Warblers Newport Bush Orchestra Flap! The Melbourne Colonial Dancers Gorani Geek Love Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association MMC Mini Choir Mixed Drinks Phil Manning Fiona Boyes Festival Origins Concerts Session Tunes with Bluegum Music George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano Kavisha Mazzella Afro Mandinko Alanna & Alicia Egan Shane Howard Melbourne Irish Set Dancers with Melbourne Comhaltas Ceili Band Jamie Molloy Heritage Ball Dance Callers Jimmy the Fish A.J. Leonard Sweet Lowdowns

With participation and artistic development being key elements of the National Folk Festival’s unique approach, each year there are a number of awards presented to individuals or groups as encouragement and recognition of their contributions to Australian folk music, dance and folk arts.

LIS JOHNSTON AWARD Awarded to an excellent ‘unknown’ singer at the National, this award is presented in memory of a wonderful singer and stalwart of the Victorian folk community.

CHRIS WENDT AWARD Recognising excellence in a young musician at the National, the Chris Wendt Award is presented in memory of a musician who was a prolific composer of Scottish tunes.

SOCIAL DANCE ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA AWARD Awarded to the creators of two new dance compositions. The judging of this award is part of the program so why not drop in and try out a brand new dance tune.

NATIONAL FOLK RECITER’S AWARD Presented by the National Film and Sound Archive, this perpetual award, crafted in solid Ironbark wood, will be awarded for the 27th time, to the Best Performer at the Poets Breakfasts.

MCARTHUR’S FART Trapped for perpetuity in a, thankfully, well-sealed Vegemite jar, this prestigious award is presented to (and preserved on behalf of!), the winning team of the Great Poetry Debate.

NATIONAL FILM AND SOUND ARCHIVE NATIONAL FOLK RECORDING AWARD For a CD released in 2010 by a performer who is appearing at this year’s festival.

INFINITE ‘ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW’ AWARD Our ever-popular song competition, with a new theme each year. This year it’s the Rocky Horror Picture Show. With heats everyday and the final on Monday.

FAA YOUNG FOLK AWARD Presented by Folk Alliance Australia and the National Folk Festival, this is an award to a young, promising performer, aged between 10-18 years, and nominated by a folk club or festival. The finalists will perform in the FAA Young Folk Awards Concert on Sunday.

PETER J DALY MEMORIAL AWARD Established by Meg Daly in memory of her husband Peter, a long-standing volunteer for the National Folk Festival, and a Stalls Coordinator for many years. The award is provided to an artist or group of Australian origin that gives an outstanding performance of Celtic music at the festival.

ALISTAIR HULETT MEMORIAL AWARD Presented in memory of the late great Scottish folk singer whose name is inextricably linked to songs of social justice. The award, presented for the first time in 2011, by the Alistair Hulett Memorial Fund (AHMF) is presented for the Best Song of Social Justice performed at the National Folk Festival.




These profiles are an alphabetical listing of performers according to the act name listed in the program timetable on pages 33 to 41.

PERFORMER INFORMATION Performance times are correct at time of printing but may be SUBJECT TO ALTERATION. Please check the daily program updates at venues or the Festival Office.

A.J. LEONARD Australia’s ukulele virtuoso A.J. Leonard performs both original and classic material from the 1920’s and 30’s and creates ukulele music for the 21st century. From the Ukulele Picnic of Hawaii to the inaugural Melbourne and Cairns ukulele festivals, AJ Leonard and cellist Jenny Rowlands, have charmed audiences with their evocative and captivating performances. The debut album Tales From the Tropics has been described as “giving the listener a break from the work world and escape into a stress free, relaxing and peaceful time… Leonard has produced a wonderful album with a therapeutic feel to it and every song is a delight to listen to” Saturday 10:00 AM Saturday 8:00 PM Sunday 3:50 PM Monday 10:00 AM

Workshop 2 Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo The Marquee

AFRO MANDINKO From the bustling street parties and night clubs of West Africa to you, Afro Mandinko bring you the high energy grooves of master percussionist King Marong, the incredible dance antics of Lamine Sonko and Kuukua Acquah, and a set showcasing smooth afro-beat to jumping afro-reggae, coastal high-life to Saharan Desert blues. Delivering an audio visual feast of epic proportions that no-one should resist Afro Mandinko will have you on your feet with their unique and irrepressible show. Friday 10:00 PM Saturday 6:10 PM Sunday 6:10 PM

The Mallee Piazza Piazza

Alan Musgrove & His Watsaname band is revivifying forgotten Australian musical culture. With fiddle, free reeds and guitar at the core, their fresh sound is at the cutting edge of new traditional music while Musgrove’s strong authentic vocals will stay with you long after the last note has faded. Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Sunday 4:50 PM

The Brindabella The Marquee Flute n Fiddle

AND THE LAST SHOT AT FAME And The Last Shot At Fame are YOUR backing band! Comprising of local musicians Nick Delatovic, Cam Ewens, Beth Monzo and Nick Peddle they will join forces with young and emerging artists at Lolo’s Emerging Open Mic to provide you with a wealth of experience, playing your songs! Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

ANDREW CLERMONT’S SUPPER CLUB ALANNA & ALICIA EGAN Alanna & Alicia are twin sisters whose original, acoustic songs blend folk, jazz and roots. The sisters charm audiences with their sweet harmonies and lyrics which sparkle with an original, intimate voice. Finalists in the Australian Songwriting Awards, Alanna & Alicia have won awards at several national festivals, with Alicia winning Best New Talent at Port Fairy in 1998. Their stellar band features Andy Baylor on guitar, Amy Bennett on viola and piano, and Ben Gibbons on double bass. They will play songs from their beautiful new album ‘Two in a Book’,which was recorded with the assistance of a Vic Rocks Grant in 2010. Friday Saturday Sunday

6:20 PM 6:50 PM 1:30 PM

Flute n Fiddle Troubadour Flute n Fiddle

AMI WILLIAMSON “Ami’s show is one of the most original I’ve seen in a long time. She has real talent and a natural flair for lyrics; this is an artist to watch.” – Eric Bogel. ]“She has toured Australia several times over. She’s graduated from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Ensemble Acting Studios. Daughter of Australian music legend John Williamson, Ami Williamson is an artist in her own right and bringing audiences to their feet!” -The Canberra Times. “ONE WOMAN SHOW AT IT’S BEST -Ami will astound you with her beautiful vocals, edgy song writing, drumming, dulcimer, piano playing and sheer stage presence- a must see! – Drum Media. Friday 5:00 PM Saturday 10:00 PM Sunday 1:20 AM

The Coorong Troubadour The Marquee

“Jeff Beck meets Ravi Shankar on the set of ‘Oh! Brother Where Art Thou’ while dancing in Rio!” The Fellowship of the Supper Club was born out of Andrew Clermont’s time at the Tamworth Country Music Festival plus his penchant for gathering players and arts together since late highschool. Now after being 27 years a part of the Tam Fest in 2010 and now heading for the 13th year of Supper Club gatherings where Magic, Dance & Photography embrace up to 70 performers each January at the North Tamworth Bowling Club and variously across the country in a number of other Festivals as opportunity unveils. Friday 2:30 PM Friday 9:00 PM Saturday 4:00 PM Saturday 10:00 PM Sunday 10:00 PM Monday 2:30 PM

Workshop 6 The Trocadero Workshop 2 The Scrumpy Troubadour Workshop 2

ANDY IRVINE AND RENS VAN DER ZALM Andy Irvine (Bouzouki, Mandolin, Mandola – Ireland) & Rens van der Zalm (Fiddle, Mandolin, Guitar – Holland) are without doubt two of the world’s most formidable exponents of traditional music. Individually, their musicianship is unparalleled – together they are a musical force to be reckoned with, presenting a repertoire of songs and music from a wide range of traditional backgrounds in addition to original songs. Both members of Mozaik, Irvine and van der Zalm return to Australia as a duo, presenting a rare opportunity for audiences to witness these two amazing musicians in collaboration. Andy also returns to Australia with a new solo album, ‘Abocurragh’. Friday Saturday Sunday

3:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM

The Budawang The Coorong The Coorong

ANGE TAKATS “Her music manages to combine the song writing talents reminiscent of Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell with a modern day fervour and sass” – Musicadium “One of the great local albums of this year” – ABC Radio National Foreign correspondent turned folk singer Ange Takats has done some strange things in her life. She landed in a folk rock band in Bangkok, chased love all the way to Ontario, joined a knitting group, met an Irish nudist and has a song for every tale on her debut album Aniseed Tea. Friday Saturday Sunday

1:20 PM 5:10 PM 3:00 PM

Flute n Fiddle Troubadour The Brindabella

APPALACHIAN CLOGGING Colin Towns has performed and taught folk dancing for over 30 years. With London Folk, their feature act was an appalachian clog sequence and everyone aspired to perform in it. Friday

10:00 AM

The Fitzroy

APRIL MAZE, THE The April Maze are an Alternative Folk duo. Strongly influenced by classical, folk, and soul music, Sivan (aka April) plays cello and sings (at the same time). Todd accompanies her on vocals, guitars, banjo and stomp box. The April Maze are known for their, sincere lyrics, powerful vocal harmonies, friendly banter and collaborations with other musicians. Since November 09 The April Maze have been in the studio recording their debut album ‘Recycled Soul’ with Hugh McDonald (Redgum) and Ian Pritchett (producer Angus and Julia Stone). As part of the release, The April Maze are touring Australia, in their kombi van, full time for 11 months, before touring internationally. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

2:40 PM 8:50 PM 6:50 PM 3:30 PM

Troubadour Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy Troubadour

AQUARIUS REVISITED Hippies, Aquarius Festival, Nimbin, Terania Creek conjure up visions of the alternate culture of the 1960’s and 70’s. Musicians, actors and songwriters Paul Joseph and Brendan (Mookx) Hanley were there and the NLA are recording their stories and music for the Oral History and Folklore collection. Join NLA folklorist, Rob Willis, as he talks with the two environmentalists and they perform songs of the era. Friday

12:00 PM

The Trocadero

AUSTRALIAN SETTLER SESSION & DANCE TUNES In these sessions the music of Australia’s Settlers is presented and played in an informal and approachable manner. Bring an instrument and join in, or just sit and listen. Paper and audio versions of all tunes are available. Daily

11:00 AM

The Session Bar

BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! Spoken word, poetry, rhyming, bush ballads, rants, shopping lists — whatever you’ve got we want it for BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! is a poetry slam that will give ANYONE a microphone, an audience and two minutes to perform — and then be judged by five judges chosen randomly from the audience, as well as by our very own Master of Conflict. Sign-up at 1.00 PM Sunday with The Score Adder for your chance to win a feature spot at the 2012 National Folk Festival. Join your hosts, Jacinta, Andrew Gayland, the Master of Conflict and the Score Adder at BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! and remember, no props, no music, 2 minutes! Sunday Sunday Sunday

11:00 AM 4:00 PM Midnight

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

BADJA RIVER QUARTET A chance meeting at the beautiful Numeralla Folk Festival at the confluence of the Numeralla and Badja Rivers in NSW led this group of friends to discover a shared passion for great music. Haunting harmonies on Irish low whistles, expressive and innovative concertina, sensitivity and richness on guitar, banjo and piano and passionate vocals. The Badja River Quartet will take you on a journey from Scotland to Brittany, from Ireland to Northumbria.

This imaginative and beautiful music combines the talents of Lainey Keir, Steve MacDonald, Jo Cresswell and Jane Harding. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

8:30 PM 11:30 AM 10:00 AM 8:10 PM 1:00 PM

Flute n Fiddle Workshop 4 Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle Workshop 4

BARONS OF TANG, THE Lashing Tango, Rockabilly, Latin and Gypsy with breaks, hard hitting guitar riffs, double kick blast beats and massive horn arrangements, The Barons of Tang serve up their self described ‘gypsy deathcore’. The catchy tunes and punk ethos all tie together to mean one thing, dancing is inevitable! The Barons of Tang launch their new EP “Knots and Tangles”. Thursday 10:00 PM Saturday 8:30 PM Sunday 10:30 PM

The Scrumpy The Majestic The Majestic

BAYLOR BROTHERS, THE The Baylor Brothers present an exhilarating mix of old-timey country, western swing and backporch country music. Donal Baylor is well- known as a champion bluegrass/swing fiddler; Peter Baylor is a master guitarist /singer with a fine appreciation of jazz and country stylings and Andy Baylor is unmatched for his versatility on mandolin, fiddle and guitar. They are joined on the double bass by Andy “hillbilly” Scott. The brothers are coming together to celebrate the release of their brand new CD-Ragtime, Swingtime and Old-time. You can expect to hear virtuosity on the strings with tight harmony vocals and a repertoire that draws on the great traditions of the past. Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday

1:00 PM 2:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:50 PM 7:50 PM

The Brindabella Workshop 3 Workshop 3 The Marquee The Budawang



BIG RORY & OCHIE + GIANT SEAGULLS An eccentric bagpipe playing giant Scotsman with his incontinent and amorous dog Ochie. A pair of Giant Seagulls with a never ending hunger and a lack of manners! Daily on the Street

BILL JACKSON & THE ACOUSTIC ORCHESTRA Singer/songwriter Bill Jackson was awarded FAA ‘Radio Presenters Album of the Year’ in 2008 for his album ‘Steel & Bone’. He was invited to tour the US alt country hotspots later that same year with his Acoustic Orchestra (Peter Fidler & Ruth Hazleton). Many of his songs, cowritten with his brother Ross, have been described as engaging, plainspoken and articulate – songs about Hank and High Country Lovers. In Feb 2010 Jackson was invited back to showcase at the International Folk Alliance Convention in Memphis and to play gigs at selected venues like The Bluebird Café in Nashville. Whilst there he recorded an EP, The Nashville Session which is due for release late 2010. Friday Saturday Sunday

8:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM

Flute n Fiddle Troubadour The Brindabella

BLUE RUINS, THE The Blue Ruins are a father/daughter folk/blues/soul duo who have just been branded as one of Australia’s best independent Blues/Roots artists for 2010. With commanding vocals, lyrical lead, rhythmic djembe, and compelling lyrics they produce a high energy show. Although The Blue Ruins are not the finished article yet, they are an act worth keeping your eye on. Thursday Friday Saturday Monday

11:00 PM 2:10 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM

Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle

BLUEGRASS PARKWAY Bluegrass Parkway continues to develop its deep understanding of America’s one truly original musical art form, bluegrass music, through years of performance, touring and exploration of the influences that created it. BGP always entertains and offers audiences an authentic taste of the early bluegrass genre with 40’s outfits, a single microphone and a huge amount of fun.

Keep a special eye out for Mike Compton who is bound to join the band on stage during their shows! Saturday 3:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM Sunday 10:00 PM Monday 11:40 AM

The Brindabella Workshop 6 The Brindabella The Budawang

Touring most recently with guitar virtuoso Tommy Emmanual and playing to sold out audiences, Jacqui Walter and Bernadette Carroll are the formidable female duo with heavenly harmonies and insightful original songwriting. Now rock pig Julia Day adds new dimension to a show seen the world over from The Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow to the stages of Woodford, Port Fairy, California World Festival, Philadelphia Festival, Summerfolk Ontario and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. These women are compelling singer songwriters with powerhouse vocals and the stage presence to match. 8:50 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM

Daily on the Street



Friday Saturday Sunday

funk, rock and jazz with a few well known pop tunes thrown in. Equally at home on the stage or the street corner Brass’ere will impress with their musicianship and enjoyment in music making.

Bruce Molsky and Rafe Stefanini are 2 of USA’s greatest old-time fiddlers and singers; they also play banjo and guitar. Joe Newberry is one of USA’s greatest old-time banjo players and singers. They will combine with Mike Compton at the Festival. Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday

9:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 15:00 PM

The Coorong The Coorong Workshop 1 Workshop 3 The Coorong The Coorong

Flute n Fiddle The Brindabella Flute n Fiddle

BOB HODGSON Bob is a well known Canberra, bush and contra, dance band musician who specialises in the Chromatic Harmonica. What is less know is Bob’s abilities of expression, beauty, rhythm and speed, in his playing. In true Australian fashion his playing style is a composite of tradition and his own interpretations. Friday Monday

4:40 PM 2:30 PM

The Scrumpy Workshop 4

BORDERLINE KAYLEE Borderline Kaylee is a vibrant group of young adults who perform originally choreographed ceiliah, bush and traditional Celtic dances. These young performers play a mixture of instruments and sing songs both traditionally and with their own twist. Energetic and lively, Borderline Kaylee are also an experienced dance band that provide fun evenings for families and people of all ages and dancing abilities. Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 12:30 PM Monday 2:00 PM

Piazza Piazza The Fitzroy

BRASS’ERE Brass’ere is a 7 piece brass ensemble featuring 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, baritone saxophone, tuba and drums. Brass’ere performs a mix of original

BUSHWACKERS, THE The Bushwackers are celebrating their 40th year of performance!! Over 70 members have contributed to the band’s music in that time keeping them at the forefront of the Australian bush music genre. Seven piece with fiddles, accordion, mandolin, guitars and of course the Mighty Lagerphone of Dobe Newton driving along their versions of Australian folk classics and wild Celtic inspired instrumentals. Always entertaining and irreverent as well as touching and heartfelt, The Bushwackers remain an Australian music icon.

Friday 10:10 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 3:30 PM

The Budawang Workshop 6 Workshop 1 The Budawang The Fitzroy

BYGONE ERROR Be captivated by a scintillating selection of virtuoso verbiage and indulge in a bit of what you fancy! Be entertained and amazed by the collection of turn-of-thecentury British Music Hall songs that float out of Bygone Error’s well-stocked memory banks. Sold-Out 2010 Adelaide Fringe 4.5/5 “ Unique, highly enjoyable, creates joy and will leave you with a smile on your face.” Kryztoff “Loads of comedy and a bundle of great songs… This is a show for the whole family that will leave you wanting more.” GlamAdelaide. “Don’t miss this show.” DBmagazine. Friday 11:00 AM Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 7:30 PM Monday 3:40 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

CCP National Folk Festival favourites Chris Duncan & Catherine Strutt join forces with Finnish accordionist extraordinaire and composer Pekka Pentikainen (Mr Malaska) as CCP (Chris, Catherine & Pekka) in a blend of musical cultures more ish than Scot, more ish than Finn! Audiences are in for a tasteful treat as these three multi award winning musicians combine their talents and musical traditions to create fresh musical tones from tunes, old and new, fiery and haunting, from two culturally rich and ancient lands. Friday 11:40 AM Saturday 11:00 AM Saturday 2:30 PM Sunday 10:50 AM

The Marquee The Brindabella The Coorong The Marquee

Chloe and Jason enjoy bringing almost forgotten songs back to the stage, along with creating new material that is grounded strongly in the tradition of bush culture and music. They present their own originals, and dynamic and fresh arrangements of traditional and contemporary Australian bush and traditional styled music, featuring two vocals, guitar and mandolin. Their CD “A Voice that was Still” won the National Film & Sound Archive award for Best Folk Recording 2009 at the National Folk Festival. Friday 3:00 PM Saturday 1:30 PM Sunday 12:00 PM

Classically trained acappella folk singer, performing old favourites and some lesser known traditional Celtic/English pieces. CeCe was the 2007 winner of the Liz Johnston Memorial Award for Vocal Excellence, and launched her first CD “Early Morning” last year. With a reputation for getting audiences to sing along, and lifting the roof off the venues with impromptu harmonies, CeCe is a Real Folk experience! 7:40 PM 12:30 PM 11:40 AM 4:40 PM

Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle

Flute n Fiddle The Trocadero The Brindabella

CIRCUS FIREMEN, THE The Circus Firemen return to the National Folk Festival to perform their brand new indoor stage show. This Melbourne based duo combine amazing circus skills with contemporary Australian humour. Prepare yourself for the ultimate in variety entertainment. This show combines fire juggling, acrobatics, music, escapology and incredible balance. It is sure to be the best firemen themed circus show you will see this year! Friday Saturday

9:30 PM 5:00 PM

The Majestic The Majestic

CIRCUS HOKUM Circus Hokum brings the spectacle of the circus with the charm of old world vaudeville, driven by the performances of two of Australia’s best street and vaudeville artists. Joining forces with circus performers from around the festival, and backed by the formidable Flap!, Circus Hokum is a wild circus cabaret ride! Sunday


Thursday Friday Saturday Monday


8:30 PM

The Majestic

Friday 1:00 PM Friday 10:30 PM Saturday 2:30 PM Saturday 9:30 PM Sunday 11:30 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Coorong The Majestic Flute n Fiddle

DAN “LIDS” FERNANDES Singer/songwriter Dan “Lids” Fernandes started performing in Canberra in 1975, has always performed original material, at first in local bands as singer lyricist. An engaging performer whose songs cover a broad range of genres ranging from acoustic pop, country blues, Dylan influenced folk, and “reggaefied” acoustic Dan has an accomplished singing style. Songs about life, love and social issues. Lids will produce an intimate experience as artist who will infuse you with his passion, pathos and energy. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7:40 PM 4:20 PM 9:00 PM 6:00 PM

Flute n Fiddle Troubadour The Scrumpy The Scrumpy

DANNY MACK AND GENRE AGNOSTIC Danny Mack – songwriter, story teller, entertainer, international recording artist and Hall of Fame Inductee. Mack(ex-pat Canadian)really puts on a show -it’s music for listening, real roots music drawn from contemporary folk and country with a rock and blues tinge. He is the genuine article, a singer/songwriter whose music resonates with the depth of North American musical culture. He also brings an ability to connect with his audience and capture them with his enormous repertoire gained over four decades in music. Many of Danny’s songs spin stories of pain, love and loss – themes he is adept at tackling – he has lived it all. Thursday 10:10 PM Saturday 3:50 PM Sunday 6:30 PM

Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle



Celtic energy, swamp-stomping hoedown, dance-inciting gypsy passion. Combining stunning musicianship with a rhythm and intensity aimed straight at romantic hearts and dancing feet. Led by Jess Randall’s hauntingly provocative fiddle lines, this acoustic four-piece (violin, double-bass, drums, guitar/bouzouki) intertwines folk traditions with modern evolutions, spurring the dance floors from Port Fairy to the Spiegeltent and across the UK into exuberant hoe-downs. The music is original and quixotic, and yet has the strength of some deep and strong roots. I can’t say I’ve ever heard anything else like it! Brian Eno, UK producer.

Danny Spooner is a traditional singer who is regards as one of the foremost in Australia. An English – born Australian, he presents songs of work and other diversions from both cultures. Through years of festivals, concerts and music camps in Australia, Europe and North America, he’s known for his for his personals warmth, and for introductions that provide context to the songs. Truly an Australian musical treasure. Friday Saturday

2:30 PM 4:00 PM

Workshop 2 The Budawang





UK duo Dark Horses is an exciting combination of talents with French born Flossie Malavialle’s sublime and dynamic singing enhancing Geordieland Keith Donnelly’s beautifully crafted songs and guitar accompaniment. Sparks fly when these two perform with their witty banter between songs. Amazing combination of French-born songstress Flossie, and Geordie singer/songwriter/guitarist Keith who is best known for his uproarious comedy, and Flossie for her stunning interpretations of classic songs. The two teamed up a couple of years ago as Dark Horses, to perform Keith’s more serious songs. The response from audiences was immediate and very, very positive. They were recently invited to do a massive UK tour with folk legends Fairport Convention and spent most of 2010 astounding festivals with their songs and just enough witty banter. Their eponymous first album was released in 2010 to huge critical acclaim. Flossie and Keith are both very successful, larger-than-life solo performers, but as a duo the old ‘more than the sum of the parts’ comes into play, and something just a little magical happens. A truly world class act.

Dennis O’Keeffe and Dennis Taberner have been running the Australian Traditional Song sessions for many years at the festival. This year they will also present a themed concert called ‘The Great Ocean Road Project’. Having both lived on the coast in South Western Victoria for many years and having a keen interest in local history, they will present new songs and stories from pre-white settlement to the making of ‘The Great Ocean Road’.

Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 11:40 AM Saturday 1:00 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Sunday 4:00 PM Monday 12:00 PM

The Coorong The Budawang Kids Festival Workshop 5 Workshop 1 The Brindabella


3:30 PM

The Trocadero

DEREK WARFIELD & THE YOUNG WOLFE TONES The Young Wolfe Tones are the singersongwriter Padraig Allen, the outstanding banjo/mandolin player Damaris Woods and the amazing accordion and bodhran player Jim Woods. The band, known as Derek Warfield and the Young Wolfe Tones, have already toured to acclaim in Ireland and the United States. An outstanding singer, stage personality, composer of songs and historian of the song tradition, Derek Warfield is a legend wherever Irish roots have been put down. He enjoyed phenomenal success for some 37 years with the Wolfe Tones, with best-selling albums, number one hits, television appearances and shows in Carnegie Hall in New York and the Royal Albert Hall in London. Friday 5:30 PM Saturday 8:00 PM Sunday 10:20 PM

The Budawang The Brindabella The Marquee



David Campbell, one of our most successful bush poets of recent years, presents a selection of his award-winning poems about Australia and its people. These are stories of hardship, raw emotion, and larrikin humour set against both rural and urban backgrounds.

Didgeridoo maker, teacher, performer. Using digital effects and loop station to incorporate various other musical instruments into the performance alongside the didgeridoo.

Friday Friday Monday

1:00 PM 4:00 PM 8:30 AM

Workshop 6 The Scrumpy The Troubadour

Friday 11:00 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Sunday 2:30 PM Monday 10:00 AM Monday 1:00 PM

Kids Festival Kids Festival Workshop 6 Flute n Fiddle workshop 1



Blues, Roots and more from Australia’s Queen of the Blues Harp and gutsy Songstress, DeeJay Gosper, together with masterful guitarists, Damien Neil and Christo Carlsen. DeeJay & the ‘Katz deliver a powerhouse performance full of energy and natural open-hearted emotion. You will be moved!

Don Walker’s songs have been mapping Australia, from Kings Cross to regional towns, and the spaces between, for thirty years, through solo albums and shows, a couple of albums with Tex, Don and Charlie, back to his youth as a member of Cold Chisel.

Thursday Friday Saturday Monday

9:20 PM 9:00 PM 3:50 PM 2:40 PM

Flute n Fiddle The Brindabella Flute n Fiddle Troubadour

Don Walker and his band, the SF’s, are making a rare appearance at the National Folk Festival in 2011, one of the first since Shots, Don’s first book, was released by Black Inc. in 2009. Sunday Monday

10:20 PM 11:00 AM

The Budawang The Coorong

DREW WALKY Drew Walky combines an electric guitar with a soft and husky voice to deliver ethereal love songs and tear-jerking laments. He is recording with his friend Sam and will release a debut CD in 2010. Drew Walky is a diplodocus that eats fire-engines. Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 2:00 PM Monday 11:00 AM Monday 2:50 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

DRU YOGA Dru Yoga brings well-being for the body, heart and mind. Tailored for modern living yet firmly rooted in ancient yogic tradition, Dru’s flowing style is empowering and suitable for everyone of all ages and body shapes. It includes classical yoga postures, pranayama (the science of breath), mudras (hand gestures), positive affirmations, empowering visualisations, relaxation and soothing meditations. Daily

8:00 AM

The Budawang

ECOBEAT A 10 piece world music dance band. EcoBeat plays a cocktail of Balkan, Rom, Middle Eastern, Italian, Cuban and African music in an energetic, eclectic mix of traditional and original tunes. A big sound is made by guitars, mandolin, bass, marimba, accordion, sax, clarinet and harmonica driven by a large and vibrant percussion section. They play so that you can dance! Friday 11:00 PM Saturday 2:00 PM Saturday 8:00 PM Sunday 11:00 PM Monday 1:00 PM

The Mallee The Mallee The Mallee The Scrumpy Workshop 6

ECOPELLA What do melting ice caps, global warming, nuclear power, genetically modified vegetables, sustainable transport, saving water and luscious acappella vocal arrangements have in common? The passionately green Ecopella, the choir that sings to save the planet. Their songs are bound to put a fire in your belly, with biting satire, sweet ballads, a jaunty tango or two and rousing anthems. Sydney musical director and singer, Miguel Heatwole, brings together singers from the Blue Mountains, Illawarra, Canberra and Sydney to present a swathe of new material and songs from the choir’s two CDs, Songs in the Key of Green and An Organism Called Earth. Friday 8:00 PM Saturday 7:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM Monday 1:20 PM

The Scrumpy Workshop 5 The Brindabella Flute & Fiddle




Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer have been performing fiddle and guitar music together for 13 years. Specialising in Scottish music, they bring a wide range of musical influences to the duo to create intricate, intimate performances.

Eric Bogle and John Munro are possibly two of Scotland’s best known exports, along with whisky, bagpipes, haggis and turnips. They’ve been taking their music all over the world for about 30 years, but these days are in a semiretired (and often semiconscious) mode, concentrating now on the occasional gig in Australia, and eschewing the wild, free and impossibly romantic travelling musician’s life. Having clung tenaciously to the surface of Planet Earth for a combined total of 130 years, they have reached the stage where they feel they need a bit more musical support, and often physical support as well, so have added a couple of younger musicians to the line-up, Pete Titchener and Emma Luker. Collectively they call themselves the Bogleband, catchy name eh? Try and catch them somewhere at the festival.

Evan Mathieson has had a 40 year love affair with the Autoharp. Firstly as a Player to accompany his diverse repertoire of great songs, and secondly as a Maker of Autoharps which have found favour with respected players. Evan’s involvement with the NFF began when he programmed the 3rd NFF in Brisbane in 1969. He takes a keen interest in the user-friendly preservation of our unique music and has recorded two CD’s of the works of the late great Harry Robertson and set up www.harryrobertson.net with Lyn. You’ll be welcome to celebrate the Autoharp with two interactive AUTOHARP PLAYERS’ WORKSHOPS, and nightly jamming at ACOUSTIC TRANSMISSION.

Friday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

1:00 PM 7:10 PM 8:00 PM 2:40 PM 3:50 PM

Workshop 3 Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy Troubadour Flute n Fiddle

ENDA KENNY BAND Can’t bowl, can’t bat, can write the odd song. Currently recruiting programme bio writers – your witty suggestions will be welcome in the session bar at midnight. Friday 10:00 PM Saturday 11:30 AM Sunday 2:30 PM Sunday 7:50 PM Monday 1:00 PM

The Coorong Workshop 4 Workshop 4 The Marquee The Brindabella

Friday Saturday Sunday

8:30 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM

Friday Sunday

1:00 PM 1:00 PM


Workshop 2 Workshop 2

The Budawang The Budawang The Budawang

National Folk Festival

CHILDCARE 11am - 9pm

Fri, Sat & Sun

11am - 6pm Monday

Located in the Pelican Room (upstairs in the Coorong Building)


per child per hour

BOOKING CONDITITIONS: - Maximum of 4 hours at a time - All childen must be 2 years or older - Space is limited and booking is recommended


FESTIVAL FIDDLE RALLY You can be part of the Festival Fiddle Rally! Join over 60 fiddlers on stage to play a stirring program of jigs, reels, strathspeys, polkas and waltzes reflecting the many branches of Celtic music. Music is arranged for fiddlers of different abilities and can be downloaded from the Sydney Scottish Fiddlers’ web site prior to the festival. Three rehearsals will be followed by at least one concert performance. Friday 10:00 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Sunday 2:30 PM Monday 10:00 AM Monday 5:00 PM

Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Workshop 5 The Budawang

FESTIVAL FOLK SING ERIC BOGLE Eric Bogle is a highly respected and prolific songwriter. In a tribute to Eric, ‘Festival folk sing Eric Bogle’ will celebrate his contribution to Australian folk music in 2011 by singing and recording his songs. ‘festival folk sing Eric Bogle’ will bring together some of the best singers and musicians that appear at Australian folk and acoustic festivals. Saturday

8:00 PM

The Troubadour

FESTIVAL ORIGINS CONCERTS Features many of the performers from the first National Folk Festival held in Melbourne in 1967. It was then known as the Port Philip Folk Festival. Saturday Sunday

8:00 PM 7:00 PM

In 2003 Fiona became the first woman and the first Australian winner of the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Tennessee. She followed this up with 4 successive USA Blues Music Awards nominations, 6 years of international touring, 3 US #1 hit albums, including Best Live Blues Album, 2007 Port Fairy Folk Festival Artist of the Year, and a string of other awards. Friday 10:00 AM Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 11:40 AM Sunday 5:00 PM Monday 4:00 PM

The Budawang The Coorong The Marquee The Coorong Workshop 2

FLAP! From Melbourne, Flap! play original music that is both old and new, inspired by the entire human diaspora. Influences from 1920’s jazz, Gypsy brass, English Folk and Trinidadian Calypso can be heard peeping through their antipodean veneer. An energetic and charming five piece band of banjo ukulele, trumpet, double bass, drums and guest soloist crank out up-tempo songs, turning ordinary shoes into dancing ones. From major festivals, to grotty pubs, Flap! have audiences smiling and dancing wherever and whenever they play. Thursday 9:00 PM Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 10:30 PM

The Scrumpy The Majestic The Majestic

Bellissimo The Trocadero

FIDDLE CHICKS, THE ‘The Chicks’ are attracting growing numbers of followers nationally, with overflowing venues at their gigs and tremendous support for their CDs. Is it because of their wit and humour?(!) Or their unusual fiddle playing tricks? The diversity of musical styles they write and arrange? Their APRA award? The lack of guitars (and blokes!)? Maybe it’s their talent and energy on stage? Probably the nice hats have helped too! “Great choice of material, wonderful arrangements and superb playing.” Dave O’Neill (Artistic Director National Folk Festival) Friday 8:00 PM Saturday 10:20 PM Sunday 11:30 AM Sunday 5:10 PM

The Brindabella The Marquee Workshop 4 Troubadour

FIONA BOYES Fiona Boyes is acclaimed internationally as one of the world’s leading female blues performers and a master of traditional blues guitar styles.

FOOL FACTORY, THE A giant majestic Fruit Bat with 7 metre wide articulated wings and an animatronic head stalks a large moving mango in search of a feed much to the distress of an irate farmer. Daily on the Street

FRANCESCA SIDOTI Francesca Sidoti is a rare talent at a time when the singer songwriter is back in vogue. Described by Drum Media as “bringing smiles and laughter”, she is a regular of the Blue Mountains, Illawarra, Cobargo and National Folk Festivals and was awarded the Lis Johnston Award for Vocal Excellence at her National Folk Festival debut. Her debut album ‘Bright City Light Fool’ was released in 2010. Friday 11:40 AM Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 3:30 PM Monday 11:40 AM

Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle Troubadour Flute n Fiddle

FUEGO BLANCO Australia’s youngest tango musicians combine to form Fuego Blanco, one of the only established tango ensembles in Australia. Having studied traditional tango in Buenos Aires, their music creates an authentic tango atmosphere – ranging from Golden Age repertoire to Piazolla, Balcarce and more. Aside from performing concert tangos, you can also see Fuego Blanco accompanying the Tango Social Club of Canberra at their evening milongas. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 4:10 PM

The Scrumpy Piazza Piazza The Scrumpy


FOLKTALES AND FURRYTAILS Folktales and Furrytails will delight your family with a unique Australian flavoured performance of songs and actions, stories, and excitement for children of all ages. Each performance includes favourite Australian folk songs blended with a selection of fun filled activities to get kids involved with our featured theme. Friday 10:00 AM Saturday 2:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 3:00 PM Monday 1:00 PM

Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival

Novocastrian: a person born in, or associated with Newcastle; kasatria: (Indo/ Java) warrior; novo: (prefix) nine or new; hence – Newy’s own gamelan group, in its 11th year. Led by Mike Burns, on the prelog and slendro orchestras, playing in the Yogya, Solo, Surabaya and local styles, from the meditative to thunderous or exotic. Sunday Monday

9:00 PM 10:00 AM

The Trocadero The Trocadero

GEEK LOVE Come and join this awkward couple on their first date EVER! Watch as he expresses his shy interest and her cheeky response. ‘Geek Love’ is a collaboration of circus, acrobatics and human balancing.

Laughs fly as she is launched into the air, balances precariously on his head and is generally thrown about in an effort to overcome their communication problems. ‘Geek Love’ is performed with high energy and is an engaging and entertaining circus experience.

Mixing well known blues songs with ancient Japanese music enables people to, not only through sound but also sight, experience first hand the coming together of traditional and contemporary. The explanations and teachings given by Noriko and George provide an all round cultural ‘feast’.

Daily on the Street

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

GEOFFREY W GRAHAM Geoffrey’s unique style makes poetry lovers love music and comedy, makes musicians love bush verse and makes comedy lovers love it all. A blend of song, guitar, audience involvement, bush verse (traditional to original) and comedy and there’s more. Put it all together and you’ve got a package of dinkum Oz entertainment. Friday Friday Sunday Monday

1:00 PM 4:40 PM 6:20 PM 12:00 PM

Kids Festival Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo The Trocadero

GEORGE JACKSON BAND, THE The George Jackson Band is an exciting new trio focused on cranking some great tunes and exploring some contemporary avenues. With tradition and passion on their side fun times will be had, along with some great new tunes! Lead by George Jackson – a young and energetic fourth generation fiddle player, 2010 saw George win the Young Australian Folk Musicians Award, as well as the Australian Fiddle and Banjo championships. George is joined by two of Australia’s hottest young musicians Davydd McDonald; rhythm guitarist and four-time Australian Irish Dancing Champion, and Clancy Simpson; a winner of the 2010 Declan Affley award for excellence in a young performer. All together, this is a dynamic combination that is both an important bearer of tradition and innovative. Friday 3:30 PM Saturday 2:30 PM Saturday 4:40 PM Monday 5:00 PM

Troubadour The Coorong The Bellissimo The Brindabella

GEORGE KAMIKAWA & NORIKO TADANO George and Noriko met by chance in Melbourne and after uncovering the similarities between traditional Japanese music and blues began to explore the uncharted musical possibilities. Both musicians were born and raised in Japan but have made their lives in Australia. They promote and retain their Japanese customs but embrace and welcome the music and arts of so many other cultures.

5:10 PM 9:40 PM 3:10 PM 3:00 PM

Troubadour Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo

GEORGE PAPAVGERIS Since 2001, master songwriter George Papavgeris has dazzled the British and international folk scene with his unique blend of storytelling perspectives, picture-painting wordsmithing, innovative tune crafting and trademark passionate delivery. His prolific output (8 albums and 220 songs to date) has cascaded over the folk clubs and festivals, his songs entering the repertoire of many a singer,including major artists like Vin Garbutt, Roy Bailey, Andy Irvine, & Cloudstreet. Truly a songwriter’s songwriter. “Something special” (Martin Carthy). He is touring this year with his latest album, “Looking Both Ways”. Friday 3:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Monday 2:50 PM

Brindabella The Coorong The Marquee

GILLY DARBEY Favourably compared to the late Eva Cassidy, early Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez. “These are just references, and while her roots are firmly folk, her style is classic and her own, her voice ageless and agile.” Gilly wowed audiences at her last appearance at the Festival with a huge queue forming to buy CD’s after her Budawang concert. After a 2 year break she returns with a new CD featuring Liz Frencham and Robbie Long. The CD has been getting rave reviews in New Zealand where she now resides. Friday 10:50 AM Saturday 1:20 PM Sunday 2:30 PM Sunday 6:00 PM Monday 3:40 PM

The Marquee Flute n Fiddle Workshop 1 Troubadour The Marquee

GOLDEN DAYS OF RADIO Reliving the golden days of Australian radio, the National Film and Sound Archive recreates an episode of one of the classic wireless crime story serials of the 1950s. The performance will use an actual script of the period, selected from the NFSA collection, with actors, music and live sound effects. Saturday

1:30 PM

The Scrumpy

GOOD LOVELIES, THE The Good Lovelies are not your run-ofthe-mill “all girl” band. At a time when too many of us are affected by gloom, doom and recovering from the recession these three women are the perfect antidote. Recent winners of the 2010 Juno for Roots Album of the Year and of the 2009 New Emerging Artist Award from the Canadian Folk Music Awards – the Good Lovelies are making waves across Canada. Friday 11:40 AM Saturday 9:00 PM Sunday 8:00 PM

The Budawang The Coorong The Coorong

GORANI Gorani, Melbourne’s 10 voice male vocal group, is directed by internationally celebrated ethnomusicologist Joseph Jordania. Thousands of singers and musicians have enjoyed Joseph’s workshops on the music, and in particular the rich repertoire of traditional songs of Georgia. Though ancient in origin, these songs are a vital part of Georgia’s contemporary culture and are inspiring musicians around the world and in Australia. Gorani has just returned from its fourth visit to Georgia as guests of the International Symposium of Traditional Polyphony. It has released two CDs, and appeared on national radio and TV in three countries. Friday 12:00 PM Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 12:00 PM Sunday 5:40 PM

The Brindabella Workshop 3 Trocadero Flute n Fiddle

GRACE TURNER Grace Turner has been writing original music and playing live since she was 16. In 2007 Grace won ABC music awards in ‘Folk’, ‘Best Young Talent’ and ‘APRA Song Writing Award’. Grace draws on an array of musical influences and she describes her sound as acoustic/soul/ folk. Her songs are lyrically driven and her melodies are deep in emotion. Grace will be releasing a long awaited album at the close of 2010 followed with an East and South coast tour. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

6:50 PM 9:00 PM 10:50 AM 7:10 PM 4:20 PM

Bellissimo The Scrumpy Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo Troubadour

HANNACROBATICS Hannacrobatics, also known as Hannah Cryle, has been performing in circuses for over a decade. Her training has spanned a broad range of disciplines including acrobatics, aerial skills, dance, drama, martial arts and music.



Hannah’s prime disciplines are German Wheel, Hula Hoops, Solo Static Trapeze and Duo Trapeze (Static and Swinging). Her acts are always joyful, and are often comical. She has received amazing responses from audiences Australia wide. Friday Monday

12:00 PM 12:00 PM

The Majestic The Majestic

HASHEMOTO Hashemoto serve up sumptuous alternative songs made from simple acoustic ingredients: three male voices, guitar, double bass and piano. The trio will be joined exclusively for the National Folk Festival by cellist Rebekah Plueckhahn with arrangements by award-winning composer Alan Lee. From backyards to warehouses and mountain tops, from Melbourne to the coast, their theatrical, candlelit performances of original songs move audiences (at times to tears) literally anywhere a piano can be transported. Friday 7:30 PM Saturday 12:00 PM Saturday 3:00 PM Sunday 2:00 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

HEIST PRODUCTIONS Heist is an independent theatre company based in Melbourne, specialising in genre-based, convention-defying storytelling. Dispensing with all things dull, Heist aims to bring back the art of ‘the story’ in ever more audacious, spectacular, thrilling and above all, explosive ways. This spunky company is the brainchild of Alexandra Talamo and Jack Richardson, two independent writers, performers, directors and international secret agents. Between them they have over ten years of experience in circus, film, theatre, and television. In between devising increasingly daring spectacles, they run an amateur detective service from their office in 1950s Detroit.



The Heritage Dance Band of Victoria is comprised of musicians from some of Melbourne’s best traditional dance bands. Members of Blackberry Jam, Borderline Kaylee, Brumbies (VFMC)and the Melbourne Colonial Dancer’s Band have united to bring you a fabulous program of music and dancing. The band is full of energy and also includes a new generation of outstanding young musicians from Victoria. Expert calling will be provided from the Victorian Folk Music Club (VFMC), the Traditional Social Dancing Association of Victoria (TSDAV) and Melbourne Colonial Dancers (MCD). This year’s Festival Heritage Ball promises to be a dance extravaganza!

“Jamie plays Irish music on the Anglo concertina as well as playing guitar (in DADGAD tuning) and singing some lesser known traditional Irish songs. Jamie currently plays with the Corner House Ceili Band at various festivals, as well as having been involved with the Nariel Festival for the last 10 years. His commitment to seeing the musical traditions being kept alive has motivated him to travel to Ireland regularly in the past and he is here to share those experiences. Having played the anglo concertina for 11 years he is keen to help others on their technique while encouraging others to take up Irish music as a tradition.

Sunday Sunday

1:30 PM 8:00 PM

The Fitzroy The Fitzroy

IDIOT SQUAD, THE The Idiot Squad crash land at The Majestic, once again hurling around their particular obnoxious brand of theatrical foolishness. Join them for workshops throughout the day, so as to swell their ranks! Do you have what it takes to be part of Idiot Squad? The answer is YES! Saturday Sunday Monday

1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

Innes and Present Company are four of the most enthusiastic bluegrass musicians around on the Australian scene today. They play old style bluegrass with style and class, sing original songs with feeling and like to show off their chops with some hot picking, when the mood takes them. Great music and a few laughs – this band has fun, and so will you. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

9:20 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 8:30 PM 5:10 PM

Bellissimo The Brindabella Troubadour The Scrumpy Troubadour

INTRIKA String wizardry extraordinaire with Celtic harp and guitar. Take the Principal harp from the Christchurch Symphony, add one of New Zealand’s top Celtic musicians on guitar and you have a glorious instrumental combination, with a repertoire ranging from the traditional music of Ireland and Scotland to newly composed commissions from around the world. Friday Sunday Monday

12:30 PM 4:40 PM 3:00 PM

The Budawang The Marquee The Brindabella

2:30 PM

Workshop 1

JAN PRESTON Australia’s Queen of the boogie woogie piano Jan Preston, fully engages the audience with her mastery of the boogie woogie, barrelhouse and honky tonk piano style. She leaves listeners in raptures. Jan will be launching her new CD, The Cool Boogie Woogie at the festival. Friday 11:00 AM Saturday 2:30 PM Saturday 8:40 PM

The Brindabella Workshop 1 The Marquee


Daily on the street



Intrika is the leading world class contact juggling duo. From a rich and diverse artistic background Intrika has performed & taught in over 30 countries. Intrika is contemporary circus at its most exquisite. XiAM, where bodies in movement become poetry in motion. Enter a space of visual intrigues, Mysterious mathematics of Movement Where solids seem liquid, and Gravity becomes a Game not a Law An Exquisite Performance of intertwined bodies, intriguing hands in motion, manipulating and levitating crystal spheres Mesmerising & Delighting audiences around the globe. Daily on the Street

‘Imagining life without her music and its surprises is too bleak to even think about. Jenny M. Thomas is that transformative an artist.’ (Froots UK) The artist who ‘rescued Australian folk from the world of beards and blue jeans’ has formed a post-modern bush band; Gothic tales of Australia’s dark history re-told. Beats, moody rhodes and bass mix it up with Jenny’s fiddle-singing which is influenced as much by Radio head and Bjork as the old trad players. Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday

12:00 PM 3:50 PM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:50 PM 11:30 AM

Kids Festival Flute n Fiddle Workshop 3 The Brindabella Workshop 4 Flute’n’Fiddle Workshop 2

JIM BROWN Having won State and National Awards, Jim Brown is a master bush poet. He shows this distinctive art form is a living thing, by performing not only the classic works of Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson etc., but also contemporary and original verse that moves an audience to tears of sadness and laughter. Jim provides his own original music accompaniment on the guitar. Sunday Sunday Monday

5:20 PM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM

The Scrumpy The Troubadour workshop 3

JIMMY THE FISH An outstanding collaboration between three top-shelf musicians redefines the power trio with bluegrass and folk sensibilities. Award-winning singer/songwriter and festival favourite bass player, Liz Frencham (Jigzag, Frencham Smith) is joined by flat picking guitar champ Robbie Long (Lawnmowers, Mic Conway) and perennial slidekick, dobro wizard Pete Fidler (Nick Charles, Bluestone Junction) in sweet harmonies and solid picking. Friday Friday Saturday Sunday

2:00 PM 9:40 PM 3:30 PM 4:40 PM

The Coorong Flute n Fiddle Troubadour The Brindabella

JODI MARTIN Jodi Martin is heralded by London’s Time Out Magazine, drawing the parallel ‘Tracy Chapman and Suzanne Vega’s emotional reflectiveness come to mind, but Jodi Martin’s take on folk/soul is her own’. Since her last release, the critically acclaimed Fifteen Minutes Out To Sea in 2005, Sydney singer/songwriter Jodi Martin has been based in the arts mecca of Montreal, Canada, writing her stunning new album which explores self-knowledge and self acceptance. During that time she toured extensively with folk legends Arlo Guthrie and Michelle Shocked. Amazing songs, mastery of guitar and her exceptional voice make Jodi’s live show a deeply profound, must-see experience. Friday 12:30 PM Saturday 10:00 PM Sunday 3:00 PM Monday 1:00 PM

The Budawang The Brindabella The Marquee The Coorong



Two of Queensland’s finest playing Aussie trad the way it was intended. Steve Cook’s refined and intricate playing on guitar, bouzouki, mandolin and fiddle combines with John Thompson on vocals, concertina and guitar to produce fabulous arrangements of traditional Australian songs and tunes. An exciting new combination from the North.

“A brilliant combination of highquality music and comedy cabaret entertainment”. Jugularity celebrated its 21st birthday at the Speigeltent in 2008, has played around Australia, in Singapore and NZ. Folk, blues, jazz, gypsy, country and rap fuse with Ernie Gruner’s fantastic fiddling, Gavan McCarthy’s bravissimo bass, Bruce Stephen’s grandiloquent guitar, awesome anecdotes and Peter Vadiveloo’s peripatetic percussion. “ I laughed my heart out and off. “ Cygnet Festival fan CDs : Big House 2006, Unjugged 2001 www.jugularity.com www.myspace.com/jugularity

Friday 6:00 PM Saturday 10:30 PM Sunday 3:40 PM

The Scrumpy Flute & Fiddle The Scrumpy

JOHN WARNER John Warner is a songwriter, singer and musician with an international reputation for finely crafted songs and verse. He performs as a soloist, with the Roaring Forties and in other combinations. As well as his powerful songs of industrial history and the environment, John creates songs for children that they and their parents find stimulating, challenging and sometimes hilarious. As with all his material, John tries to ensure that his children’s songs are first class poetry and music. Sunday

4:00 PM

Kids Festival

JON MADIN Jon is well-known for being able to create instant orchestras – large groups playing away in minutes on large home made marimbas, hauntingly beautiful echocellos, wacky pole percussion and musical bikes. Jon’s book, ‘Marimba Music for Little Kids’ is used in music programmes around the world. Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 4:00 PM Monday 11:00 AM Monday 3:00 PM

Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival Kids Festival

Friday Friday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday

2:00 PM 10:20 PM 2:00 PM 9:40 PM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM


Kids Festival The Marquee Kids Festival Bellissimo Kids Festival The Mallee

JULIA AND THE DEEP SEA SIRENS Julia and the Deep Sea Sirens sing tales of love & the everyday; sometimes transforming tragic stories from local history into epic folk ballads. Julia writes like someone of much greater life experience than her years would suggest. Her lyrics can express expansive and boundless joy, or delve into darker, more contemplative emotions. Intricate fingerpicking, lonesome slide guitar, cello and melodic, rumbly drums form a garden of sound where whimsy and melancholy intertwine. Rest your feet and dip your toes into the Sireny depths. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

8:00 PM 8:30 PM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM

The Scrumpy The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

PERFORMER INFORMATION Performance times are correct at the time of printing but may be SUBJECT TO ALTERATION. Please check the daily program updates at venues or WKH )HVWLYDO 2I¿FH www.folkfestival.asn.au

National Folk Festival 2011


KATE DELANEY & DENIS TRACEY Kate and Denis have been well-known performers in Australian folk music for many years, performing at all the major festivals including Woodford, Port Fairy and the National. More recently they played at Majors Creek (2009) and Cygnet (2010) Kate was an original member of the Larrikins with Warren Fahey and has performed with various musical combinations, as a solo artist, and with the late Gordon McIntyre. Denis has also played as a solo performer and in various combinations. Their singing features great songs and beautiful harmonies. They are funny and spontaneous. Friday Sunday Monday

3:00 PM 12:40 PM 4:30 PM

Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle The Marquee

KATE ROWE WITH RYAN MORRISON Kate Rowe has a magical stage presence. Her catchy songs range from laughout-loud funny to deeply moving, and appeal to all ages. She was the 2010 Australian Songwriters Association Songwriter of the Year and won a Lennon Award in the 2009 John Lennon Song writing Contest for “Space Rabbits of Brocklevoons”. With songs about talking dogs, the Parisian Catacombs, a blind date that never happened, and her coffee obsession,Kate is warm and engaging. She is accompanied by talented Ryan Morrison,also known as “the Lightpole guy” from The Spooky Men’s Chorale. Saturday 10:00 AM Saturday 3:00 PM Saturday 7:10 PM Sunday 7:40 PM Monday 2:10 PM

Workshop 4 Kids Festival Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy Bellissimo

KAVISHA MAZZELLA After 8 years Aria Award winning musician Kavisha Mazzella launches her latest cd “ Love and Sorrow” produced by brilliant Chilean musician Nano Stern. With fun,warmth and wit Kavisha tells stories and sings her songs in a show that is poetic, political and personal. Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 3:00 PM Sunday 9:00 PM Monday 10:50 AM

The Trocadero The Marquee The Coorong The Budawang

KEITH MCKENRY A more than slightly crazy (and awardwinning) performance poet and semiskilled farmhand, Keith chaired (in a past life) UNESCO’s Special Committee of Technical and Legal Experts on the Safeguarding of Folklore.

His ill-advised writings include ‘An Obscene Alphabet and other Unacceptable Verse’ and ‘The Folklore of Terrorism’, two wildly different tomes. His concerts are an amalgam of history, attempted humour and social comment that defies stereotype. A one-off, you would be crazy to miss him (so aim carefully). Saturday Sunday Monday

3:30 PM 1:00 PM 2:30 PM

The Trocadero The Trocadero Workshop 5

KELLY’S, THE The Kelly’s combine 2 generations of the renowned Irish Traditional Music Kelly Family & the talented young Aussie musician, Cameron Mather. Steeped in the tradition, this band brings to life some of the finest Traditional Music from West Clare & the rest of Ireland. The Kelly’s fuse their amazing musicianship with a long history in the tradition to create engaging & timeless Traditional Irish Music. Friday Sunday Monday

4:40 PM 3:50 PM 5:00 PM

The Budawang The Marquee The Coorong

KIM CUNIO AND HEATHER LEE Australia’s leading sacred music duo performs music from all of the great traditions. The sublime high voice of Heather Lee with the low bass and instruments of Cunio. Friday 11:30 AM Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 9:20 PM Sunday 11:00 AM Monday 2:00 PM

Workshop 1 The Trocadero The Budawang The Brindabella The Marquee

KIM SANDERS & FRIENDS Drawing from Sufi meditations, West African and Balkan Gypsy grooves, Middle-Eastern folk melodies and Indian Classical music, this quartet spins a unique and mesmerising musical web. The group features a blend of traditional and modern instruments including gaidas, kavals, ney, mey , baglama, oud, bouzouki, saxophone, bass, tabla… and the unforgettable wail of the Aardvark. World Music veteran Kim Sanders has studied with Sufi ney-masters in Turkey, played with Gypsy wedding-bands in Macedonia, in mosquito-infested nightclubs in Gambia, seedy tavernas in Greece, concert-halls and recording studios in Turkey, China and Indonesia. Friday 5:30 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Sunday 9:30 PM

Flute n Fiddle The Brindabella The Marquee

LAIQUE Vintage 1930’s styled swing. Songs of Lust, Murder, Revenge and Shoes. Steeped in a sizzle of hot swing, there is a twist of mischievous charm beneath the band’s sharp trouser legs and frontwoman Kylie Southwell’s slick heels as the hard-popping bedlam begins. This is Laique – one frock and four suits. French manouche, street beats and tango all fall in line behind one stray black cat. Friday 7:00 PM Saturday 10:30 PM Sunday 4:20 PM

The Marquee Bellissimo Troubadour

LARRIKINS, THE Warren Fahey and The Larrikins offer a unique repertoire of rare broadsides, gold fields minstrel songs, old bush songs, larrikin ditties, children’s rhymes and songs about early city slickers, Warren Fahey, is joined by fellow ‘Larrikins’ Marcus Holden, Clare O’Meara and Garry Steel. The ensemble has released numerous albums and, in 2010, ABC Music published their songbook ‘Australia: Its Folk Songs & Bush Ballads’. Friday 12:30 PM Saturday 10:50 AM Sunday 5:40 PM

The Marquee The Marquee The Brindabella

LEVI MCGRATH At 23, Levi performs powerful folk songs drawn from his experiences rehabilitating former child soldiers in Uganda. 2010 saw him tour 100 venues across Australia, sponsored by World Vision, to share songs and stories from his acclaimed second album ‘Children of War’. CEO of World Vision Tim Costello says ‘Levi’s incredible experiences and insights have influenced and shaped his music powerfully. His ability to communicate through his music is extremely moving and demonstrates his unique songwriting ability. It’s impossible to listen to his music and not be stirred into action.’ Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 PM 2:10 PM 8:00 PM

Troubadour Bellissimo Bellissimo

LUCY WISE AND THE B’GOLLIES Lucy Wise’s songs are influenced in Appalachian and Irish folk music, pop and whatever else has floated in over her musical years. Having released her debut CD in 2010: “Something Pocket Sized” to great acclaim, her stories are all about people, and the small things that illuminate everyday life, accompanied

by ďŹ nger picked ukulele, guitar and Appalachian dulcimer. Friday Sunday Monday

10:50 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

MAESTROH Maestroh is a collection of Stroviols. Our aim is to encourage closet Stroh players and collectors to come out. Listen to performers, hear interesting information, see bizarre instruments. Come and have a look and a chat!

Flute n Fiddle The Marquee The Scrumpy



Luke Plumb, Laura Targett and Jem Dunlop are a dynamic trio weaving magic together through tunes from Ireland, Scotland, Spain, and the Balkans. With ďŹ ddle, mandolin, banjo, bouzouki, guitar and vocals they journey through these places with deep love and respect for tradition, at the same time bringing their own unique character and contemporary feel to the traditional and self penned tunes. They ďŹ rst started this project ten years ago during good times of sharing tunes in Melbourne, and now, after many adventures between them, they are ready to bring their music to the stage. Friday Saturday Sunday

1:20 PM 5:30 PM 2:10 PM

The Marquee The Marquee The Marquee

2:30 PM

launching her new album at the festival this year recorded with some of the UK’s most talented young musicians. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6:50 PM 11:20 PM 6:20 PM 8:40 PM

Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle The Marquee

Workshop 6

MARGRET ROADKNIGHT MAGGIE MURPHY & FRIENDS Maggie Murphy is a traditional singer from Victoria. She has gathered a number of rarely heard, but very proďŹ cient traditional singers to join more well known artists in a concert to give voice & harmony to some great and now infrequently heard songs. Sunday

4:40 PM



From the earliest National Folk Festivals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc) to the latest, Margret RoadKnight delivers her unique repertoire with style & air, soul & wit. If you’re new to the scene, check her out. If not, no introduction necessary. Friday 1:00 PM Friday 4:00 PM Saturday 9:00 PM Sunday 10:50 AM

The Coorong Workshop 6 The Brindabella The Budawang

Mandy creates a sweet mixture of ďŹ ne imaginary ďŹ lled self penned lyrics and traditional (if not anonymous) folk songs. From Mando’s to Banjo’s and some old style Joni ďŹ nger picking you won’t leave disappointed. Mandy will also be


Cho Choose from a custom built instrument, made especially for you from one of the following (value up to $3000.00) follo




4. 4.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mandolin made by Peter Coombe OR Bouzouki made by Jack Spira OR Walnut Tenor Banjo Sunrise resonator by Phillip Kearney OR Acoustic baritone guitar made by Doug Eaton OR Mahogany Drednought Guitar made by Joe Gallacher OR Custom Made Flutina;(Single Voice Button Accordion,) made by Peter Hyde OR OM Guitar in Spruce and Indian Rosewood made by David Worthy OR Electric Violin made by David Guscott




6. 6.

3RD PRIZE 3R 8. 7. 7.


Drawn at 8pm at the Finale Concert, Budawang Pavillion, 25 April 2011 Dra Res Results published on our website 26 April 2011 :LQ :LQQHUV ZLOO EH QRWLÂżHG E\ PDLO

TICKETS $&7 $&7 3HUPLW 1R $&7 5 Pro Proceeds aid the Instrument Makers display at the 2012 Festival






Mark Wilkinson weaves a fresh new sound on the Australian music landscape. With a gift for song craft, Mark’s lyrics echo the untold stories of so many. Delivered with his unique, soulful voice these melodic songs captivate and resonate with the listener’s emotional core.

Martyn Wyndham-Read has been involved with folk music for over forty years. In his late teens he left his mother’s farm in Sussex and headed off, with his guitar, to Australia where he worked on a sheep station Emu Springs in South Australia. It was while he was there that he heard, first hand, the old songs sung by some of the station hands at Emu Springs and he became captivated by these songs and the need to know more of them and where they came from grew. He headed off to Melbourne and became part of the folk song revival there and throughout Australia during the early 1960’s Since then, Martyn has taken these songs around the world, and is considered to be one of the best interpreters of Australian traditional song. He is joined on this tour by the wonderful Iris Bishop.

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

8:30 PM 10:00 AM 4:40 PM 6:00 PM

Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy

MARTHA TILSTON Martha Tilston has released her new album “Lucy & the Wolves”. It is stunningly beautiful selections of songs all written by Martha except the traditional Searching for Lambs. Martha is a captivating performer, blessed with a gloriously clear and seductive voice. Throughout the new album, Martha expresses herself in her endearingly direct, poetic manner, putting forward her philosophy of life. The songs are exquisitely set, the faultless musicianship of her band The Woods is a mesh of violins, viola, cello, double bass and trombone. Martha’s stepmum, Maggie Boyle, adds flute/harmonies to “Wild Swimming”. In 2007 Martha was nominated as Best New Act at the BBC Folk Awards. Friday 5:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Sunday 8:00 PM

The Marquee Budawang The Brindabella

MARTIN PEARSON AND THE MP3 The MP3 is Martin Pearson’s three-piece band, showcasing a more serious side to Martin’s music. (As well as, dare we say, some humour and general mayhem.) Martin’s renowned stage persona is aided and abetted by the scintillating harmonica of Chris Pain and the stimulating guitar playing of Alex Legg. The result is a powerful and very versatile trio. The MP3 perform a broad range of music, from seditious jazz swing, through folk music ancient & modern, to R ’n B and powerhouse pop and original material. The MP3’s eclectic musical mix is provocative, reflective, high energy and seriously musical. And very entertaining. Friday 9:20 PM Saturday 4:00 PM Saturday 8:00 PM Sunday 11:40 AM

The Budawang Workshop 3 Coorong Marquee

Friday 10:00 AM Saturday 4:40 PM Sunday 10:00 AM

Trocadero Marquee Trocadero

MICHAEL FIX Put a guitar into Michael Fix’s hands and the possibilities of music are suddenly released. This remarkable composer and musician has the power to create myriad sensory experiences through his music. Over the past 20 years, he’s released ten albums, established himself as one of Australia’s finest guitarists, performing at festivals across Australia, Europe, Asia, and writing evocative music for film and TV, won numerous awards for his music, including three Golden Guitars, and, as a Maton guitar endorsee (with his own signature model guitar), his guitar workshops are in high demand all over Australia and internationally. Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 7:40 PM Sunday 1:00 PM Monday 10:00 AM Monday 2:00 PM

The Coorong The Budawang The Brindabella Workshop 2 The Coorong

MICHAEL-JOHN AZZOPARDI Guitarist Australia magazine described him as an “Esoteric genius with a penchant for intricate acoustic masterpieces” and that his “principle tools are his soaring, emotive vocals and supernatural acoustic guitar” Tools that he masterly employs to deliver music drawn from a wide spectrum of styles including Celtic/Eastern folk, blues, jazz and alternative. In a recent review it was said “He knows how to coax the feeling from a lyric, to husband it with tenderness, lust or wit as the moment

dictates. Both his voice and his guitar are expert at expressing the subtlest sentiment and the most strident outburst”. Friday 2:00 PM Friday 10:30 PM Saturday Midnight Monday 2:30 PM

The Coorong Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy Workshop 3

MIKE COMPTON Mike Compton is a multi Grammy Award winning musician who has spent a life time championing authentic early American music such as old time fiddle tunes, bluegrass and country blues. As one of the world’s foremost mandolin exponents, Compton has always walked the ‘straight and narrow path’ of absolute authenticity, refusing to compromise the music for which he holds such a passion. This passion extends to his vehicle of choice, the mandolin. Compton has spent the last two years reaching out to a whole new world wide audience through his busy touring schedule with Elvis Costello. Friday 9:00 PM Saturday 12:00 PM Sunday 7:00 PM Monday 3:00 PM

The Coorong The Coorong The Marquee The Coorong

MISS AUSTRALIA 1963 Miss Australia 1963 brings Louis Vutton glamour from the catwalk to the streets of Canberra. Back on the road, suitcases, lipstick and powder packed, the irrepressible Madge AllSeasons is a hard act to tame. She’s worldly, savvy and beware, she’s not afraid to comment on your fashion. This queen of haute couture brings the audience to their knees with a handbag twirling finale. Daily on the street

MZAZA Mzaza explores the crossroads between ancient and modern melodies from Europe and the Middle East. Born in France to French and Moroccan parents, Pauline Maudy sings in French, Spanish, Turkish and Arabic, combining traditional and contemporary vocal styles and captivating audiences with her on-stage presence. Mzaza’s sensual stage show, eclectic instruments and unique way of expressing their influences have charmed audiences and earned them airplay around Australia. Friday 11:00 AM Friday 2:00 PM Saturday 11:30 AM Saturday 7:50 PM Sunday 2:30 PM Sunday 6:40 PM

The Coorong The Coorong Workshop 1 The Marquee workshop 2 Brindabella



One of the most respected duos in contemporary folk, Kerr and Fagan have remained at the forefront of traditional music since forming 15 years ago. This year they launch their new CD “Twice Reflected Sun”, their first completely original CD. Drawing on the English and Australian traditions, their beautiful singing and great playing will move and inspire you. Winners of the BBC Radio 2 Folk Award for Best Duo, 2011.

More than a cabaret, better than a theatre show, Of Freaks And Fools offers the spectacle of a circus, with the charm of old world vaudeville, driven by the performances of two of Australia’s best street and vaudeville artists.

Friday 7:40 PM Saturday 2:30 PM Saturday 6:00 PM Sunday 11:00 AM

The Budawang The Coorong The Brindabella The Coorong

NATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL PERCUSSION EXPERIENCE, THE Calling all rhythm junkies! Dynamic drummer, percussionist, teacher and performer Peter Vadiveloo will run three rehearsals to create a magical percussion piece for this year’s festival. The piece will include vocal, body and instrumental percussion. The ‘Experience’ is open to everyone – from beginners to skilled, from kids to adults. The piece will be performed on the final day of the festival. So bring a percussion instrument, your energy and your ideas! Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Workshop 5

NEWPORT BUSH ORCHESTRA The Newport BO revives and plays tunes from Australia’s music tradition. A bunch of talented amateurs led by Grumpy Greg O’Leary, they play at major heritage functions in Victoria. Operating in a easygoing, feral, good-time sort of way, they generate an infectious toe-tapping atmosphere that leaves listeners wanting more. This festival, they are concentrating on tunes collected in Victoria. No ivory tower performers here, they invite anyone to play along in true dinki-di style! Daily 10:00 AM & 3:00 PM The Stockcamp

O’NEILL AND RODGERS After many years of resistance, Artistic Director, Dave O’Neill returns to the stages of the National with musical partner Bob Rodgers. A hugely popular act on the festival circuit, with their fine harmonies and wonderful musicianship, they are launching their new album “About Time” at the Festival. Friday 2:40 PM Saturday 12:30 PM Monday 10:50 AM

Troubadour The Marquee Flute n Fiddle

Friday Friday

4:00 PM Midnight

The Majestic The Majestic

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

6:00 PM 2:30 PM 9:30 PM 4:40 PM

Brindabella Workshop 3 Budawang Bellissimo

PATRICK LYONS Pat Lyons plays uilleann pipes, tin whistle, and flute. Come join him in a detailed look at a classic Irish Tune Sunday

1:00 PM

Workshop 1

OUD VIBRATIONS Arabic lute (Oud) and darabuka dance together hypnotically in a sparkling demonstration of instrumental togetherness. Tunes from the Middle East, The Balkans and Asia Minor combined with original compositions and extraordinary improvisation by two of Australia’s most proficient players of these exotic instruments. Andy Busuttil and John Robinson are ‘Oud Vibrations.’ Friday 8:00 PM Saturday 10:00 PM Monday 10:00 AM

Coorong Coorong Brindabella

PACIFIC CURLS With their World-ribbed sounds, precise arrangements and a catalogue of songs that link the Pacific’s primal myths to Scotland’s mysticism, Pacific Curls – one Rotuman, one Maori, and a Scot – make music that is both worldly and enthralling. After appearances at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games celebrations, WOMAD NZ, Vancouver Island Music Festival, Winnipeg Music Festival, Ulsan World Music Festival (South Korea) and extensive touring throughout Canada, South Korea, New Caledonia, Europe and Aotearoa – (New Zealand), Pacific Curls creates a unique bridge from the Pacific to Scotland. Friday 2:30 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Sunday 11:40 AM

The Marquee The Brindabella The Budawang

PAT DRUMMOND & KAREN LYNNE A wonderful pairing of two very different but complimentary acts. Both individually and as a duo they have been multi award nominated and winners of vocal and songwriting awards. Pat, a strong instrumentalist and writer of great capability whose work has been described as clear-eyed yet compassionate, is Australia’s finest singing story teller who’s stories are about everyday people and places. Karen joins Pat with a strikingly beautiful voice, she sings her own material and performs amazing interpretations of some of Pat’s lesser known material. They’ll make you laugh, think and cry, and even join in.

PENNY LARKINS AND CARL PANNUZZO Formerly ‘PotnKettle’, dynamic duo Carl Pannuzzo (Totally Gourdgeous) and Penny Larkins (Salvation Jane) are quietly taking the folk scene by storm. Arrestingly honest, unforcefully grounded, truth-honouring and conscious in nature and song, peppered with a healthy dose of humility and humour. Their borderless harmonies (both musical and energetic) provide an ever deepening truth to delicately hold you in their storytelling. Drum master David Jones calls them two hearts on legs. You won’t wonder why. Light and depth on a musical high wire, pindrop and playful, breathes air into your lungs.” Friday 11:00 AM Friday 5:30 PM Saturday 12:30 PM Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 5:30 PM Sunday 10:00 PM Monday 5:30 PM

The Trocadero Workshop 5 Flute n Fiddle Workshop 5 Workshop 5 Coorong Workshop 5





Peter is a Bush Poet who has performed at the National Folk Festival, Tamworth, John O’Brien Festival, Gympie Muster, Port Fairy Folk Festival and the St Albans Folk Festival. Peter is also co-host of the very popular Gosford Bush Poets. Peter has released two CD’s , has won some of the most prestigious Bush Poetry competitions, including Tamworth twice, National Folk Festival reciter of the year, Clancy’s Award at the Man from Snowy River Festival, and was a finalist in “The Bard of Armagh” poetry competition in Ireland. In 2009 Peter’s original poem relaying the story on the loss of the HMAS Sydney, “Lost With All Hands” was a finalist in the “Bush Laureate Awards”

Phyl Lobl singer/songwriter of long standing at the N.F.F began her performing experience at Traynor’s and the first N.F.F. in Melbourne. She has since performed Australia-wide and overseas. Her songs, capable of bringing laughter and tears have been recorded by local and international artists. Representing Folk Music on the Music Board of the Australia Council brought her a Graham Squance Award. Themed Sessions have been a hallmark of her contribution to folk performance & the new works in the most recent, ‘SINGING THE SOUTH’, prove that although she admits to having reached her Biblical Use-By – Date, she hasn’t reached her Folk-Use-By- Date.

Friday Saturday

Friday Sunday

8:30 AM 3:50 PM

Troubadour Scrumpy

4:00 PM 3:00 PM

Workshop 1 The Trocadero



Grammy-award winner and five-time Grammy nominee, Peter Rowan is a bluegrass singer-songwriter with a career spanning over five decades. From his early years playing under the tutelage of bluegrass patriarch Bill Monroe, and following his stint in Old & In the Way with Jerry Garcia and subsequent breakout as both a solo performer and bandleader, Rowan has built a devoted, international fan base through his continuous stream of original recordings, collaborative projects, and constant touring. His band consists of three excellent bluegrass musicians: Jody Stecher – mandolin, vocals; Keith Little – banjo and vocals and Paul Knight on double bass and vocals.

Rafe is the performer you remember long after the festival is over. He’s the one who writes those funny, left-of-centre songs that trick you into laughing. He’s the one that has the smooth sounding 6-piece band that are all incredibly well dressed.

Friday 1:20 PM Saturday 12:30 PM

The Budawang The Budawang

PHIL MANNING One of Australia’s best known blues/ roots guitar players and singer/ songwriters, Phil Manning continues to present exciting high energy performances sweetened by four and a half decades of continual touring and recording. His eclectic style is supported strongly by his unique approach to guitar. Friday 8:40 Saturday 2:30 PM Sunday 9:00 PM Monday 11:40 AM

Marquee Workshop 2 The Brindabella The Marquee

Friday Sunday Monday

5:00 PM 9:30 PM 5:20 PM

The Majestic The Majestic The Majestic

REID & VANSANTE Long time members of the great “Battlefield Band” this collaboration of Alan Reid & Rob van Sante present an concert of both old and new music, featuring Alan’s compositions, Battlefield Band favourites and Rob’s own songs. Their show combines the solid open tuned guitar style of Rob, the keyboard, guitar and accordion of Alan and the fine harmony singing of both, ensuring an excellent night’s entertainment. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

7:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:20 PM

The Marquee The Coorong Marquee

compositions, instrumental virtuosity, precious rhythmic grooves and refined arrangements represent the stylistic features of the group – one of the most interesting bands in the international world music scene. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

6:50 PM 6:50 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

The Budawang The Budawang Workshop 2 The Coorong

ROARING FORTIES The Roaring Forties are six traditionalstyle singers who sing powerful songs of real working people. They complement their trad material with original compositions about the Australian environment and its social and industrial history. They are strong individual singers who mostly sing unaccompanied but they use accompaniment with many of their self-penned songs. They perform throughout NSW/ACT/Vic encouraging participation through the use of harmonies and choruses, never losing sight of the tradition. Members are Margaret Walters, John Warner, Robin Connaughton, Thomas Hanson, Chris Maltby and Don Brian. Recent recordings are “Life of Brine” and “Yarri of Wiradjuri”. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

3:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 1:10 PM

Kids Festival Workshop 5 Bellissimo The Scrumpy

ROB WILLIS & GRAHAM SEAL Graham Seal and Rob Willis have been preserving, documenting and performing the folk traditions of Australia for many decades. Rob and Graham have also produced many unique and exciting folk documentaries drawing on the rich collections of The National Library of Australia. This year’s contribution “The Daring Kate Kelly” promises to be better than ever. Sunday

5:00 PM

The Trocadero

ROGER HOLMES RICCARDO TESI & BANDITALIANA Banditaliana was founded by internationally renowned composer and concertina player Riccardo Tesi. The fresh and sunny music resulting from Banditaliana’s kaleidoscope of sounds searches for innovation while sticking to its roots, as a wide synthesis of forms and rites drawn from the Tuscan tradition, Mediterranean flavours, jazz improvisation and songwriting. Original

With his beautiful assistants, Sandra and Jennie, Roger has been running the hymn singing session for longer than he cares to remember. Fortunately, he does remember the hymns. If you can’t, books are provided. For some glorious singing, but not much religion, this is the place. Sunday

10:00 AM

Workshop 5

ROO’D Roo’d – Icarus Performance Troupe Roo’d is an act by Icarus Performance Troupe: giant kangaroos on amazing bouncing stilts. Jumping up to a metre off the ground and 2 metres in a bound, they are a phenomenal sight. Their characters are a crossover of outback macho and inner city punk savvy — always Roo’d but never offensive. A favourite at festivals around the world. Since the act was first conceived and made in 2002, Roo’d has appeared at festivals and events all over Australia and in 25 countries around the world, making it one of Australia’s most successful independent creative exports. Daily on the street

SAADHANA – SUBLIME MUSIC OF INDIA Jay Dabgar hails from a musical family in India. With 24 years of systematic training in the Tabla, he has become one of Australia’s leading exponents of Indian percussion. In ‘Saadhana’, Jay teams up with Josh Bennett, a music virtuoso, who excels in playing the Indian Sitar and the Dilrooba. They weave a spiritual fabric of Indian rhythm and melody on these instruments. The dynamic spontaneous improvisation, blissful interplay of beats and notes, and stunning virtuosity capture the heart and energise the soul – it truly takes the listeners on a spiritual musical journey. Saturday 11:30 AM Saturday 3:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM

Workshop 6 The Scrumpy The Coorong

SESSION EXPERIENCE Moir, Gavin, Alan and Linda invite you to join them to start each festival day by making music in the session bar. These well loved sessions have become a festival tradition, all musicians are welcome and the sessions provide an opportunity for less experienced musicians to enjoy a “ session experience”. Grab your instrument and come join lots of others playing the old favourites. Daily

9:00 AM

Session Bar

SESSION TUNES WITH BLUEGUM MUSIC Mike Jackson and Alan Craig have been players and collectors of tunes for years. They launch a brand new product this festival to share a lifetime’s work – and fun! Friday Saturday

1:00 PM 1:00 PM

Workshop 4 Workshop 4



Tango – Milonga – Habanera – Waltz Bringing you the atmosphere of a 1930’s French salon, laden with flair, elegance and sauciness and featuring award winning musicians, Ruth Roshan and Tango Noir (quintet) take you on a musical journey into the thrilling world of tango. Their self-titled debut album features fresh arrangements of classic pieces by Astor Piazzolla, contemporary tango adaptations of Leonard Cohen and Macy Gray, plus Ruth’s own original songs and instrumentals for the genre. In 2010, Ruth performed her “Tango Noir” compositions and arrangements in St Petersburg (Russia).

Shanachie (Gaelic for storyteller) are four young performers set to take the folk world by storm with amazing musicianship, award winning band members and songs and tunes to get you dancing on an emotional roller coaster! Shanachie are the 2010 Paddy O’Niell award band!

Friday 7:50 PM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM

The Marquee The Brindabella The Budawang

Friday Sunday Monday

2:10 PM 10:10 PM 6:20 PM

Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy The Bellissimo

SHANE HOWARD Shane Howard is a treasured and influential Australian songwriter, both as a solo artist and from his early years as part of the band Goanna. In July 2010, Shane Howard released a new studio album, Goanna Dreaming. Produced by Kerryn Tolhurst, (Dingoes) and Howard, this trans-Pacific


recording project began in Tucson, Arizona in the Tolhurst studio and was completed back in Australia. Goanna Dreaming is a promise fulfilled by one of Australia’s loved and respected singer-songwriters. Friday 12:00 PM Saturday 8:30 PM Sunday 4:00 PM

The Coorong The Budawang The Coorong

SHINY BUM SINGERS, THE The Shiny Bum Singers perform selfpenned parodies. Their repertoire comprises over 200 parodies about white collar work in general, public service life in particular, politics and other topical issues. No subject in the workplace nor any musical genre is safe from the group’s talented writers. Audiences sing along to the choruses of tunes they already know well. The group is visually and vocally entertaining with inspired lyrics, wacky humour and shambolic choreography. The Bums are crowd-pullers having broad appeal, from children seeing adults at play, to the public seeing their bureaucrats unmasked, to public servants seeing their daily experiences set to music. Friday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday

10:00 AM 1:00 PM 2:20 PM 10:00 AM 2:20 PM

The Brindabella Kids Festival Flute n Fiddle Workshop 3 The Trocadero

SHORTIS AND SIMPSON Shortis and Simpson, Canberra’s leading political satirists,moved to the ACT just when John Howard became PM. They have since created enough songs about politicians and their foibles to cover at least two Ph.D. research grants. And Australia’s first female Prime Minister does not escape their skewering. They also create performances based on historical and social themes. Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 2:00 PM Monday 12:50 PM

The Coorong The Budawang The Budawang





The Song Company is Australia’s leading vocal ensemble. It embraces music from around the world and across the ages. In collaboration with artists of the highest calibre, it aims to create a distinctive and dynamic new voice, relevant to audiences of today and tomorrow.


Genial buffoonery and immaculate, testosterone drenched vocals define the Spooky Men’s Chorale, a ruthless bunch of larrikins based in the Blue Mountains and led by Stephen Taberner. With a sound as warm and grainy as a slab of teak, the Spooky Men give equally loving attention to ancient Georgian table songs, tawdry anthems and the odd ballad of terrifying beauty. Stage presence is imposing and black with a cunning taste in hats and facial hair. They have performed to general delirium across Australia and the UK.

This highly rated dance group are here to delight you with their engaging Gallic/ Celtic displays of dances from French countryside and court.

Friday 10:50 AM Friday 7:30 PM Saturday 10:10 PM Monday 12:00 PM

This diverse bunch of respected Australian musicians met or live in the little village of Candelo, NSW. Mike Martin formerly with Jindi, Collector, Cockys’ Joy. Lindsay Martin the fiddle behind so many artists notably Enda Kenny. Pete Wild of radio nationals album of the week fame. Kate Burke from Trouble in the kitchen and her duo performances with Ruth. Sam Martin bass player with Mikelangelo’s Black Sea Gents. Ross Smithard,Tasmanian fiddler. Together they blend experience and a new voice for Australia,”great stuff”.

Saturday 10:50 AM Sunday 8:40 PM

The Budawang The Budawang

Having just returned from the folk festivals of France, they are enthused to show off, with their usual skilful execution, regional dances from across the ages. Under their capable leadership you can get your feet moving at their workshops- it’s different – you’ll love it. Saturday 10:00 AM Saturday 1:30 PM Sunday 1:30 PM

The Mallee Piazza Piazza

The Budawang The Mallee The Budawang The Coorong

Friday 5:00 PM Saturday 2:40 PM Sunday 10:40 PM

The Brindabella Troubadour Flute n Fiddle



Performing dangerous stunts, comedy and charming characters, this trio performs stunts not seen on the streets anywhere in the world. Between the three performers they present some of the most difficult and dangerous acrobatic stunts known to circus anywhere. Returning after premiering at NFF 2010.

The String Contingent melds the raw wildness of Scottish folk, the organic dynamism of American bluegrass and the refined acoustic sensibility of the classical string trio. Chris Stone (violin), Graham McLeod (guitar) and Holly Downes (double bass) play original acoustic music that retains the spontaneity of free improvisation within the structurally integrated ethos of the chamber ensemble.

Daily on the street

Experience the Song Company

Six magnificent voices Six centuries of music Also appearing at Canberra International Music Festival 11-22 May National Library 12 August Time Traveller includes historical Maps exhibition

Street Theatre 10 December Sweet Dreams in collaboration with shadow artist Stephen Mushin (Lior, Stories from the Ground) For information and bookings visit


SNG5286_Folk_Festival_Ad_AW_1a.indd 1

15/02/11 9:38 AM

Friday 3:50 PM Saturday 9:30 PM Sunday 11:30 AM Sunday 9:20 PM Monday 1:00 PM Monday 6:00 PM

The Bellissimo The Marquee Workshop 1 The Scrumpy Workshop 2 The Troubadour



Súnas is regarded as Queensland’s premier four-piece Celtic group. Featuring multi-instrumentalists and exquisite three-part vocal harmonies, Sunas play a unique and unforgettable blend of fiery original, contemporary and traditional tunes and songs.

Melbourne’s Sweet Lowdowns present classic jazz in the old-time tradition of French gypsy swing, Western swing, 1920s New Orleans roots music and 1930s speakeasy jazz and blues. With a vast repertoire including original tunes, this band have been impressing audiences across Australia since 2003, and in 2008 won the Australian Jazz Bell Award for Best Australian Classic Jazz Album with their second album “Cuttin’ Capers”.

Friday 3:50 PM Saturday 11:30 AM Saturday 1:20 PM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM

The Budawang Workshop 2 The Marquee The Marquee Workshop 3

SUSAN AND MALCOLM CRAVEN Malcolm and Susan have been playing Northumbrian Pipes for over 25 years each. They have turned their interest into a business and have successfully run two week long residential courses for pipers in England; and have organised “pipers days” and workshops since 1990. Friday Monday

2:30 PM 11:30 AM

Workshop 4 Workshop 1

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

7:00 PM 9:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM


Piazza The Mallee The Mallee The Scrumpy

TED EGAN TED EGAN has lived most of his life in the Northern Territory, and presently lives in Alice Springs. In his early career with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs he was mainly in the bush, and engaged in fascinating activities like stockwork and crocodile hunting while employed as a patrol officer and reserve Superintendent. Later he was a teacher at bush schools.

He is a member of the Order of Australia (AO) for services to the Aboriginal people, and for an ongoing contribution to the literary heritage of Australia through song and verse’. He was a member of the first National Reconciliation Council. He has been writing and recording songs since 1969, and has produced 28 albums – strong, consistent sellers. He appears regularly at both folk and country music festivals, being one of the very few people who successfully bridge the gap. He has come to the Festival to launch his latest offering “Saving the Best” Friday 10:00 AM Saturday 4:20 PM Monday 10:50 AM

The Marquee Troubadour The Marquee

They cover a range of blues styles with finger style guitar, mandolin, harmonica, archtop guitar and slap-style double bass. The unifying feature of these guys is that you may not be able to resist dancing! They have released 5 very popular CDs. Friday Sunday Sunday Monday

9:30 PM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM 3:50 PM

The Marquee The Marquee Workshop 4 Bellissimo

THE BAND BROKE UP ‘Almost three years to the day of the wildly entertaining first instalment, The Majestic presents ‘The Band Broke Up’. The premise is simple – your favourite bands suddenly break up leaving a sudden abundance of awesome solo artists. ‘The Band Broke Up’ is an audience window into a very special dinner party – take the front men and women from some of the finest acts at this year’s National. Place them all together in an intimate, lamp-lit and unpretentious solo acoustic setting.Nestle them on cosy couches and marinate with red wine as they trade instruments, tunes, poems, performances and stories that lie behind them. Hosted by The Ellis Collective’s Matty Ellis, ‘The Band Broke Up’ is an organic experience that is part tears, part laughter but always the most rewarding night of musical experiments.’ Saturday Midnight

The Majestic


TEN CENT SHOOTERS The Ten Cent Shooters are one of Australia’s favourite acoustic blues bands. Peter Woodward, Scott Wise and Sean Diggins have been playing authentic sounding country blues for 18 years.

The Morpeth Jugbusters is a highly eccentric group of singing musicians – “the smash hit from left field” at the Morpeth Jazz Festivals. Repertoire consists of foot tapping jug band music, a mixture of swing, jazz, blues, folk, music hall and minstrel styles, Mississippi, New Orleans, Persia and Hawaii, novelty 1860’s medicine band songs, Jelly Roll, Joplin and Tom Waits.

Like it here? GREY17325


Friday 4:40 PM Saturday 9:40 PM Sunday 9:00 PM Monday 10:00 AM

Bellissimo Bellissimo The Trocadero The Trocadero

THE RAINMAKERS The Rainmakers are a Victorian family band – with Maggie (19), Elsie (17), Naomi (14), and James Rigby, and Jane Thompson (who are ageless!) With five glorious voices in exquisite harmony, they sing provocative and endearing songs: original compositions which bringing their landscape , issues and environment vividly to life; world music repertoire; a rich mixture of acappella arrangements to songs accompanied by guitar, marimba, fiddle, ukulele and maracas. Bringing the warmth of the Australian sun, wry humour and not one drop of rain to the stage, ‘Everything they touch turns to gold’ Enda Kenny. Friday 5:30 PM Friday 7:30 PM Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 2:10 PM Monday 11:30 AM

Bellissimo workshop 5 Flute n Fiddle Bellissimo Workshop 4

THE TINDERBOX COLLECTIVE The Tinderbox Collective formed in 2009 with the intention of reinterpreting Australian folk and dance tunes for a modern audience. Already gathering a diverse fan base and receiving rave reviews for their energetic lagerphoneand-cajón driven beats, virtuosic instrumentals and big vocal harmonies, the group released their debut EP titled ‘Smells Like Smoko’ at the 2009 Falls Festival and the 2010 Cygnet Folk Festival. Saturday 11:20 PM Sunday 9:00 PM Monday 6:00 PM

Flute n Fiddle Flute n Fiddle The Scrumpy

Why not live here? liveincanberra.com.au

THE WAYANG KELLY Who should appear in a Javanese wayang kelly kulit as Australia’s central hero? Who else but Ned Kelly? Can we blend a Bush Band with a gamelan orchestra and play Australo-Celtic tunes and Javanese music? To find out, come and watch puppetgonzos Roger Montgomery and Mike Burns, The Morpeth Jugbusters, Newcastle’s Gamelan Novo Kasatria and interstate guests in a ritual of multicultural patriotism, passion and lunacy. Sunday Monday

9:00 PM 10:00 AM

Trocadero Trocadero

to make folk funk philosophy to feed your wildest pumpkin longings. Penelope Swales (guitar & instrument making), Carl Pannuzzo (drums), Mal Webb (bass & mbira) and Andrew Clermont (violin & mandolin). Formed in 1998, they’ve played in festivals around the world, have 3 CDs, the latest one being “D’Vine”, and a live DVD, “Live Cuts from the Vine”.


Friday 4:10 PM Saturday 7:00 PM Monday 12:30 PM Monday 4:00 PM

Friday 2:30 PM Friday 4:00 PM Friday 5:30 PM Saturday 1:00 PM Sunday 7:10 PM Monday 12:00 PM Monday 4:00 PM

The Marquee The Brindabella The Marquee workshop 4

TRAGIC TROUBADOURS, THE THOM JACKSON Described as a “ukulele virtuoso” Thom Jackson has been sharing his unique outlook on life, love and music at festivals around the world for the past three years. Prepare to be moved, soothed and left wanting more. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

6:20 PM 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 5:30 PM

Bellissimo Workshop 2 The Scrumpy Bellissimo

TOTALLY GOURDGEOUS Four outrageously diverse singer songwriter musicians united under gourd. Indeed, playing instruments made from woody cucubits brings them all together

Vampires that hunt beasts, lovelorn men with nought but their voices and the clothes they wake in, screams to the monotony of every step; these are the Tragic Troubadours. From bourbon glass to porcelain bowl, from the trench drudgery of the square to you in the dirt outside the Majestic, with the assistance of their Hawker, the Tragic Troubadours bring their short plays and their gut felt poems to the streets. Their tragic tales of anger management gone awry, their incoherent ramblings, their hunt for KING RHINO, will stop you in your tracks on the streets of the National Folk Festival. Daily on the street


The Transylvaniacs specialise in Hungarian, Romanian and Gypsy music from Hungary and Transylvania. This powerful and edgy music reflects the full range of human moods from punchy dance rhythms and good time party music to soulful tunes reflecting upon the vicissitudes of life. Workshop 5 Workshop 4 Piazza Piazza Bellissimo Piazza Brindabella

TWICE BITTEN Twice Bitten, Annie Parsell and Mat Woolley, produce a chemistry on stage that brings an audience to life. Twice Bitten’s songs rank in the upper echelon of country music, in the style of Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris; country style but with a Tasmanian/ Australian flavour. “Twice Bitten’s act is full of beautiful rock solid vocals and great guitar work. They are an international class act and it was a pleasure to work with them recently”, said Keith Potger. Their first CD “Now is the Time (for Whiskey)” (2009) is splendidly produced, featuring


Canberra Museum and Gallery Cnr London Circuit and Civic Sq Canberra City

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri › 10.00am – 5.00pm Sat – Sun › 12 noon – 5.00pm


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ten originals. For something significantly different, engage with Twice Bitten. Friday Sunday Monday Monday

7:00 PM 8:50 PM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM

The Scrumpy Bellissimo Flute n Fiddle Kids Festival

VFMC BILLABONG BAND & FRIENDS Joy Durst was one of the key players in the “folk revival”, and the “Joy Durst Memorial Songbook” published by the VFMC is still in print. This themed concert, the “Joy Durst Memorial Concert”, features songs from the publication, performed by members of the Victorian Folk Music Club, and their good friends Danny Spooner and Martyn Wyndham-Read. Many of the songs feature rousing choruses, and audience participation is expected to be high. Saturday 10:00 AM

The Trocadero

VFMC BILLABONG BAND In its 51st year of operation, the Victorian Folk Music Club is still going strong. The Billabong Band is the club’s performance group, in demand for social and public

cultural events as well as bush and colonial dances. With our experienced dance callers and accomplished musicians, the Billabong Band can tailor a dance to any situation. The Billabong Band features musicians who will also be listed in other applications. Thursday 8:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM

The Fitzroy Kids Festival

VICKI SWAN & JONNY DYER Currently taking the UK folk world by storm, Vicki and Jonny have quickly established themselves “as one of the best duos around on the folk scene today” (Famous Willows Folk Club). Their unique sound combines the highest level of instrumental skills on Scottish Smallpipes, DADGAD guitar, accordion and Swedish Nyckelharpa, with compelling vocal arrangements. With their blend of traditional material and contemporary interpretations, they have developed a sound that is both familiar and fresh. Their fourth album, Gleowien, is available at the festival shop.“Brilliant musicians, gifted singers and exquisite composers”, (Folk World Germany).

Friday 11:30 AM Saturday 1:20 PM Sunday 3:00 PM Monday 10:00 AM Monday 2:30 PM

Workshop 2 The Budawang The Coorong The Coorong Workshop 1

VICTORIAN BUSH POETRY & MUSIC ASSOCIATION Members of the Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association celebrate our Australian heritage in poems, yarns and songs. This year they present a Victorian flavour singalong, concerts honouring our males & female friends & relatives, poetry workshops, children’s workshops and will host poets’ breakfasts including a fun one minute poetry contest. Saturday Saturday Sunday Monday

8:30 AM 6:20 PM 1:10 PM 4:00 PM

Troubadour Bellissimo The Scrumpy Workshop 1

WEDDED BLISS, THE Since 2004, The Wedded Bliss have performed their blend of original country-blues, western-swing and gospel to punters from the streets of Tamworth to dingy dives of Melbourne, and even some caravan parks along

Supported by

the way. They’ve released two albums, played countless gigs & festivals, appeared live to air on the ABC, and received airplay across the country with their latest album “Swingin’ Arms Hotel”. Featuring an intimate acoustic sound, the band delivers sweet vocal harmonies, toe tapping rhythms, and lilting pedal steel. This tough but tender band could make you laugh or even cry, but either way you’ll still be humming their melodies well after the show. Thursday Friday Saturday Monday

11:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM

The Scrumpy The Majestic The Majestic The Scrumpy

WOMEN IN DOCS Favourites of the National Folk Festival, women in docs (Chanel Lucas and Roz Pappalardo) bring their unique brand of folk rock / pop back to Canberra – their great band including fiddle wiz, Silas Palmer, and Geoff Green drummer extraordinaire (from ARIA award winning band, George) will thrill newcomers and die-hard fans alike.

Friday 5:50 PM Friday 11:00 PM Saturday 2:10 PM Sunday 2:30 PM Sunday 10:30 PM

Trocadero Troubadour Flute n Fiddle Workshop 3 Bellissimo

WONGAWILLI The Wongawilli Band has been an ambassador for Australian folk music since 1987. Since that time they have continued to revive old songs and tunes and to create new ones in the style. In recent years the band has toured 7 times overseas in China and Europe. Their recent album ‘Australia Street’ is a fine reflection of their enthusiasm, musicianship and creativity. Saturday 2:30 PM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday 11:30 AM Monday 8:00 PM

Workshop 4 The Scrumpy Workshop 3 The Scrumpy

ZHIVA VODA TRIO “ZHIVA VODA” is a Brisbane based group presenting Bulgarian authentic music and song. Their powerful, soaring voices, spine-tingling harmonies, beautiful costumes and exotic instruments, together with stories of love, hope, brave

heroes and everyday life, mesmerise their audiences and give insight into the Bulgarian tradition. Friday 7:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Sunday 7:20 PM

The Brindabella The Coorong Workshop 6 Flute n Fiddle

ZONDRAE KING Writer and performer of original Australian Rhyming Poetry. Member of Australian Bush Poets Association. She has performed at Folk Festivals from Cameron’s Pocket Qld to Cobargo NSW. Winner of ‘Poet of the Mountain’ Mt Kembla Festival 2008 and the inaugural ‘Snowy Cup’ 2009, Wool Wagon Award (Crookwell) for serious written 2009 and Humorous written, Oracles of Bush 2009 (Tenterfield). Has been Appearing at Poets Breakfasts since 2003 and produces her own little books of verse. She often writes ‘through a mothers eyes’. Whether she makes you laugh or cry, you will be entertained. Sunday Monday

8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Troubadour Troubadour








WE’RE LISTENING TO YOU The National strives to give our performers and patrons the best experience and value for money that we can. We’d like you to tell us about your experience at the festival as your feedback helps us plan for future events. • Would you like to provide further comment and feedback? To provide detailed feedback, reaction, comment, views and opinions on a broad range of questions covering all aspects of the festival, please complete our online survey at: www.folkfestival.asn.au • If you would like to be added to our mailing list and sent information about the festival, please fill in this form and return it to us (we give our assurance that we keep our mailing lists confidential) Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Town/Suburb: .....................................................................................................................State: .......................Postcode: ........................ Phone: .................................................................................... Email:............................................................................................................. • Would you like to be a volunteer? Did you volunteer this year? ......................................................................................................................................................................... If not, would you be interested to volunteer in the future?........................................................................................................................ Do you have particular skills that might be useful? .................................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

OPENING HOURS Coffee.com & Internet Café Wednesday 20 5pm – late Thursday 21 – Tuesday 26 7am – late Cash Out Thursday 21 5pm – 11pm Friday 22 – Monday 25 9am – 11pm Childcare (Upstairs Coorong) Friday 22 – Sunday 24 11am – 9pm Monday 25 11am – 6pm Disability Services (nr Gate 2 Turnstiles) Thursday 21 5pm – 7pm Friday 22 – Sunday 24 9am – 7pm Monday 25 9am – 5pm Phone contact 0406 375 694 First Aid (outside Building E) Thursday 21 4pm – 10pm Friday 22 – Monday 25 9am – 10pm After Hours Contact 0406 375 665 Flemington Rd Car Park Thursday 21 – Monday 25 7:30am – 7.30pm Kids Festival & Café Friday 22 – Mon 25 10am – 5pm Lost Property (downstairs Coorong) Thursday 21 5pm – 8pm Friday 22 – Sunday 24 9am – 9pm Monday 25 9am – 11pm Tuesday 26 9am – 5pm Phone contact 0406 375 696

Matilda’s Mini Mart (back of Fitzroy) Pre-Festival Monday 18 – Tuesday 19 12 midday to 5pm Wednesday 20 7.30 AM to 7pm Festival Thursday 21 – Monday 25 7.30 AM to 7pm Tuesday 26 7.30 AM to 12 midnight Festival Merchandise and Shop (Building E) Friday 22 – Sunday 24 9am – 9pm Monday 25 9am – 5pm Festival Shop Performer CD Check – In Thursday 21 2:30 – 7:30 PM Friday 22 – Sunday 24 9am – 7pm Check out – Monday 25 6pm – 8pm Festival office Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 8am – 8pm Thursday 21 8am – 12 midnight Friday 22 – Monday 25 8am – 11pm Tuesday 26 – Wednesday 27 9am – 5pm Phone contact (02) 6262 4792 Ticket Offices Pre-festival: Wells St ation Rd Demountable Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 8:30am – 8:30pm

Wells Station Rd & Flemington Rd Thursday 21 & Friday 22 8am – 12 midnight Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 8am – 11pm Monday 25 8am – 8pm Volunteer Centre Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 8am – 9pm Thursday 21 – Monday 25 7am – 11pm Daily Evening meal 5pm – 8pm

BARS The Bohemia Bar (old Coopers Bar) Thursday 5.30pm – 1.00am Friday 10.30am – 1.00am Saturday 10.30am – 1.00am Sunday 10.30am – 1.00am Monday 10.30am – 1.00am Flute ‘n’ Fiddle (Wine Bar) Thursday 6.00pm – 11.30pm Friday 10.30am – 11.30pm Saturday 10.30am – 11.30pm Sunday 10.30am - 11.30pm Monday 10.30am - 11.30pm Scrumpy Bar (cider & wine Bar) Thursday 6.00pm – 12.30am Friday 10.00am – 12.30am Saturday 10.00am – 12.30am Sunday 10.00am – 12.30am Monday 10.00am – 12.30am Session Bar Wednesday 6.00pm – 10.00pm Thursday 5.30pm – 3.30am Friday 12.00 noon – 3.30am Saturday 12.00 noon – 3.30am Sunday 12.00 noon – 3.30am Monday 12.00 noon – 3.30am Bellissimo (old Village Bar) Thursday 6.00pm – 11.00pm Friday 11.00am – 11.00pm Saturday 11.00am – 11.00pm Sunday 11.00am – 11.00pm Monday 11.00am – 7.00pm


WANT TO HELP?? Make a Donation to the National Folk Festival Public Fund Your donation of $2 or more is tax deductible The National Folk Festival Public Fund is a tax-deductible fund listed on the register of Cultural Organisations under Sub-Section 30B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1977. Donations must be given unconditionally (ie the donor receives no benefit). However, the National Folk Festival is interested in your suggestions for enhancing and or developing specific cultural areas of the Festival.

How to Make a Tax Deductible Donation to the National Folk Festival Complete the information we need from you to provide you with a receipt: Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ State: ______________ Postcode:____________ Donation Amount $ ______________ Payment method: Cash

Cheque Mastercard Visa Direct Credit

Please make cheques payable to the National Folk Festival Public Fund

Please Debit my Credit Card Number Expiry Date: ______/______ Signature of Card Holder: ___________________________________________________ Direct Credit: Name of Fund: National Folk Festival Public Fund

BSB: 062-900

Account No.: 10138634

Send this Remittance Advice with your payment to: National Folk Festival PO Box 179 Mitchell ACT 2911 National Folk Festival Public Fund ABN 96 058 761 274 Tax-Deductible Gift Receipt Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of gift: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount: $ __________________ Signed on behalf of the National Folk Festival: _____________________________________

PERFORMER INFORMATION Performance times are correct at the time of printing but may be SUBJECT TO ALTERATION. Please check the daily program updates at venues or WKH )HVWLYDO 2I¿FH www.folkfestival.asn.au

National Folk Festival 2011


2010 Blue King Brown

Featuring Eric Bogle

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Assistance A 24-hour Communications Centre operates on site from Thursday 21 April to Monday 25 April. The Communications Centre coordinates assistance for medical or other emergencies through local emergency services, and has direct radio contact with Security who manage offensive behaviour, underage drinking, theft, vandalism, excessive noise in campground and un-authorised entry to site. The Patron Support team is also on site to report any issues to Security, and to assist the general public with enquiries. If you need assistance please speak to the Patron Support team, or contact Communications on 6230 7118 if you need urgent assistance. For non-urgent issues, the Festival Office is open between 8am and 11pm.

Conditions of Entry • Entry to the festival is at your own risk, please see Hazard Board at Safety Office for updated safety information • Footwear must be worn at all times whilst onsite at the festival • Festival wristbands must be worn at all times from 8am Monday 18 April, you will need to scan into the site on entry • All patrons are responsible for their own wristbands/tickets. If you arrive without your pre-issued ticket/wristband you will be charged for a new ticket at Gate price or refused entry. • All vehicles must display a vehicle pass if entering the site, campground areas and/ or entertainment zone • A responsible adult must accompany all minors (under 18 years) attending the festival • No pets. No exceptions! Assistance animals must be registered with Disability Services 0406 375 694 • Offensive behaviour, theft and vandalism will result in removal from site by Security/Police, no refund will be issued • Sound/video recordings are not permitted without prior written consent from the Managing Director. • The festival has a liquor permit for the event. BYO alcohol is not permitted, and no glass is to be brought onto the site. Any person found involved in underage drinking or secondary supply of alcohol will have their wristband removed and escorted offsite. AFP police officers will be called to deal with underage drinking offenders and citations issued.

Bike Minding A bike rack and bike minding is operated by Pedal Power near Gate 2 behind the Marquee venue. We recommend that patrons bring their own bike locks for added security.


Internet Access

A Camping Zone vehicle pass is required for vehicle access to the camping areas and must be accompanied by a camping season pass. Access is via Gate 7 off Wells Station Road. Vehicle passes cost $20/each. The Festival does not guarantee powered sites, and works on a first in – first served basis. A Tent Only area is available directly adjacent to the Main Ticket Office, and undercover parking is provided for this area in the adjacent sheds.

Timed internet is available in Coffee.com, and is charged at $3 per 15 minute, or $5 per 30 minute blocks.

Childcare Available in the Pelican Room (upstairs in the Coorong Pavilion). Cost: Charges are $5.00 per hour per child (maximum of four hours at a time). Space is limited and booking is recommended.

EFTPOS and Cash Out Cash out facility available at Coffee.com ($20 minimum, $200 maximum. There is a $2 charge). There is NO ATM this year. Disability Facilities – 0406 375 694 A Disability Services facility is located just inside the Flemington Road Ticket Office entrance (past the turnstiles). Parking: Note: Government issued stickers MUST be displayed • Adjacent to the Wells Station Road Ticket Office. • Behind Quokka Pavilion. Access is via the Wells Station Road main entrance. Wheelchairs: • A limited number of wheelchairs are available for four-hourly loans. See Disability Services for details. • There are facilities for recharging electric wheelchairs onsite, contact Disability services for more details. Hearing Loops: • Budawang, Trocadero and Coorong pavilions have a Hearing Loop. Toilet Facilities with Wheelchair Access: Cotter Campground, Koszciusko/Farmers Market Toilets (new block), Gate 11 Toilet Block, Fitzroy Pavilion, Link Building (between Coorong & Budawang), Coorong, outside Mallee, Session Bar, and the Budawang have Disability toilets with wheelchair access. Shower Facilities with Wheelchair Access: Fitzroy and Coorong Pavilions, Cotter Campground, Koszciusko/Farmers Market Toilets (new block), Gate 11 Toilet Block have wheelchair accessible showers. Note: Building E, Childcare and the Long Room in the Coorong Pavilion have NO DISABILITY ACCESS. • Guide dogs can be watered and toileted in an area behind the Marquee near Gate 2.

First Aid First Aid Services are available in front of Building E (Festival Shop). For after hours service contact 0406 375 665.

Kids and the Kids Festival We aim to provide a safe environment for families. This year the Kids Festival is located in the centre of the festival, and has an in-house café for parents wanting to enjoy a coffee or snack whilst their children are enjoying being part of the kids’ festival. Patrons are advised that: 1. Parents/guardians are responsible for their child(ren) at all times whilst on site. 2. Children under 12 should be accompanied by a responsible carer. 3. The Kids Festival is an entertainment venue and NOT a child-minding facility. 4. Children are expected to behave in a manner that is not threatening or disruptive to other participants. 5. A child whose behaviour is considered to be anti-social will be asked to leave the Kids Festival. 6. Alcohol and smoking are not permitted in the Kids Festival area.

Laundry Located in the Cotter Campground (north of Arena) – bring your own detergent.

Licensed Bars Festival bars are conducted strictly according to ACT licensing regulations, i.e. it is an offence to sell or supply liquor to anyone who is intoxicated or under 18 years of age. Underage drinking and secondary supply of alcohol to minors will not be tolerated and offenders will be referred to police. Due to ACT Government legislation ALL BARS AND INDOOR AREAS ARE SMOKEFREE. Patrons are also asked not to smoke within 4 metres of a food/drink outlet, please follow festival signage onsite. Patrons are asked not to bring alcohol onto site, but to purchase alcohol within the festival bars. It is a condition of the festival’s permit that no glass bottles are to be onsite (with the exception of the Scrumpy & Bellissimo Bars), and if found they will be confiscated by Security. Offsale of NFF Cleanskin wines by the bottle or case will be available for purchase from Coffee.com on Tuesday, 26 April, 8.30 AM-11.30 AM (2011 Bar Tickets accepted)

Lost Children Report all lost children to and claim all found children from the Festival Office or to the Patron Support team. (look for the fluorescent vests). Please ensure that all child wristbands have a responsible adult/ carer mobile phone contact number listed.

Lost Property Lost Property can be claimed or reported between 9am and 9pm in the Lost Property room near the Coorong entrance.


Safety Guidelines

A Message Board is located on the wall outside the Festival Office for messages. The festival takes no responsibility for messages being received.

• Footwear must be worn at all times whilst on the Festival site.

Noise Curfews A noise curfew will apply to ALL camping areas after midnight. Anyone wishing to ‘party on’ after 12 midnight will be asked to move to the Entertainment Zone area, preferably at the Session Bar or to the Majestic precinct on the oval. Complaints regarding excessive noise should be referred to the Patron Support team, or Communications AH on 6230 7118. Offenders will be given ONE warning. Repeat offenders will be told to leave the site. Police will be called if you do not comply.

Recycling and Waste Management This year special Waste stations have been set up throughout the entertainment zone to effectively manage waste streams and reduce contamination of recyclable and compostable material. The Wastebusters will be manning the stations during the day, and we ask for your cooperation in assisting the festival to reduce the amount of waste taken to landfill. In the campground and AH in the Entertainment Zone, waste stations for general waste and recycling are available. We have a team of volunteers who keep the Festival site as clean as possible. Please assist them by using the bins provided and remove your refuse from concert, workshop and camping areas. Portable toilets MUST NOT be emptied into garbage bins – Black Water dump points are available in the main Cotter campground. Grey Water dump points are also available in the Main Cotter campground, we ask that you please use them. The festival recently has lodged an Environmental Management Plan with EPIC, we ask that you use all facilities provided onsite and do not dispose of your liquid waste down storm water drains or in outdoor areas. Fines may apply.

• Please notify the Safety Team or Patron Support team (both located in fluorescent vests) or the Festival Office if you find sharp objects or other hazardous materials. The festival is required to record all hazardous materials onsite, and will assist if disposal of hazardous materials is required – do not attempt to remove yourself. • A daily hazard board is situated at the Safety Office (outside of the Festival Office) for your information. Please check. • Children and under 18’s should be supervised at all times. • Please report medical and other emergencies to Patron Support, the Festival Office or other identifiable Festival persons, or call 000. If you contact emergency services directly we ask that you then notify Communications on 6230 7118. • Do not leave personal items unattended or on the floor during concerts or in any other areas during the festival. The festival takes no responsibility for personal items within the festival grounds. • Patrons should note that the outside carparks (although generally lit at night) are NOT regularly patrolled and we strongly urge you not to leave valuables in your car.

Shuttle Bus A Shuttle Bus Service operates between the Main Ticket Office (Gate 7) and the Entertainment Zone, with drop off points at both the Henley Gate and the Quokka Gate. This service runs continuously during the festival for your convenience.

Transport ACTION buses go to Civic from outside the Flemington Road gates. Bus maps and timetables are located at the Festival Office. Services 956 and 958 run to and from EPIC until about 7.30 PM each night and until midnight on Saturday - Route 956 is the quickest. On Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday we have ordered special free buses to run on the hour at 8pm, 9pm, 10 PM and 11pm – from EPIC to the City then Belconnen and then back to EPIC – route maps can be found at EPIC bus stops and the Festival Office.

Volunteers This Festival runs almost entirely on volunteers who appreciate a helping hand. If you can put some time in to help please see the Volunteer Top Up team located in the foyer of the Conference Centre building (adjacent to the Festival Office). There will be people around the site who can help you. All volunteers and coordinators will have name tags around their necks and some will also be wearing fluorescent vests. They will be pleased to offer whatever help they can so please do not hesitate to ask if you require assistance.

There is a 24-hr uniformed security presence at both Gate 2 & Gate 7 Ticket Offices and throughout the festival site.




The Patron Support team also assist Security with lost children, lost property and monitoring bar areas. If they ask you to show them your wristband or age ID they are simply doing their job, so please assist them. They can be identified by their fluorescent vest and will have a Patron Support lanyard.

Security & Patron Support

Matilda’s Ice Milk Bread Eggs Cheese Butter Sugar Tea Coffee

Security are licensed to remove patrons not complying with festival rules, and have the power to evict patrons from site.

Mon 18: 12midday to 5pm Tue 19: 12midday to 5pm Wed 20: 7.30am to 7pm Thu 21: 7.30am to 7pm Fri 22: 7.30am to 7pm Sat 23: 7.30am to 7pm Sun 24: 7.30am to 7pm Mon 25: 7.30am to 7pm Tue 26: 7.30am to 12pm

Find us at the back of the FITZROY

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