The West Indian Ex-Servicemen’s Association and the
Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum Invite you to a meeting demanding
Justice for Christopher Alder
British Soldier Wrong Body Murdered Buried
Family in Pain
Janet Alder
Brother Omowale
Justice for Christopher Campaign Update on developments
Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum Life after the IPCC
Other speakers invited
Youth Speaker
From deaths in custody campaigns Giving updates
Marcus Garvey Next Generation Organising against police aggression
4pm to 8pm on: Saturday 2nd June From
The West Indian Ex-Servicemen’s Association 163 Clapham Manor Street, London SW4 6DB
Further Info:;; 07944-204-955
Pan-Afrikan People’s Phone-in
Sundays 7-10pm Phone - On air Number:
+44 (0) 208 144 45 47 Skype – On air Link:
panafrikanpeoplesphonein The Pan-Afrikan People’s Phone-in is a space for themed interactive guest based discussion conducted on internet radio. Its themes, dealt with from a Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanist perspective focus on issues affecting Afrikan people both locally and globally. Spread the word: Please tell all of your family friends, fellow organisation members, colleagues, associates and other networks about this show.