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NPB Brings Resources to the Forefront with New Website

By Lindsay Stevens

The National Peanut Board (NPB) invested in a website redesign last year. Housed at the same URL, www.NationalPeanutBoard.org, this new site showcases our production research database and allergy research resources, as well as resources for schools to introduce peanuts. While our returning visitors will still be able to access their favorite features, like our recipe section, Peanut Pro certification course and the Peanut Podcast, NPB is adding more features to make your visiting experience more streamlined.

Everything Peanut Allergy

Our website now features two sections on peanut allergies. Our Everything Peanut Allergy section provides resources from prevention to management and treatment for families, schools, healthcare providers and the food industry. Each audience segment (families, schools, healthcare providers and food industry) have their own personalized section with specific articles and resources for that audience type. On our Preventing Peanut Allergies section, you can find background and provider resources as well as step-by-step instructions on how to introduce your baby to peanut foods. You can also find continuing education materials like webinars, trainings and handouts.


Peanut farmers know that caring for the land and investing in conservation and sustainable practices means investing in their future and their children. NPB wanted to emphasize this passion by creating an entire page dedicated to sustainability on our new website. The Board hopes to continue to invest in this section to make it a one-stop shop for consumers with questions about sustainability.

For Growers

At NPB, we represent all U.S. peanut farmers and their families. Our grower’s section includes articles that focus on how advances in research, technology and farming techniques have increased the sustainability of peanut farming. Also, within our Grower section is the Our People page, where you can see what peanut growers represent your state on our Board. Similar to our previous website, the new website has an entire searchable database dedicated to our production research projects. A dime here, a dollar there — when it comes to research, it all adds up to keeping peanut production affordable for farmers and competitive on the world market

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