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Grower Voices

Grower Voices

Peanut farmer Greg Baltz of Pocahontas, Arkansas, and founder and CEO of Peanut Butter & Co. Lee Zalben have a unique partnership. In 2018, Zalben established Peanut Butter & Co. Farm and partnered with Baltz to grow peanuts with the goal of one day producing a true “farm-to-table” peanut butter at scale.

For Baltz, he’s enjoyed getting to know Zalben during this endeavor and helping the brand gain a better understanding and appreciation of peanut production. The project has also brought Baltz a fuller appreciation of the work he and fellow growers do.

“If you are not aware that the crop you produce is part of providing a good, safe, sustainable meal for someone, then farming doesn't quite carry its full meaning,” Baltz said. “I now realize that this crop will soon be a rich and healthy food that’s going on to families and children.

“It's very rewarding to know that we are a piece of the bigger puzzle here working through the production side. I’ve enjoyed seeing how Lee runs his company and how he has perfected the manufacturing process to create unique peanut butter products. It’s interesting to see the marketing side too, and how essential that is to running a successful business.”

Baltz (middle) with members of the Peanut Butter & Co. team during the farm’s first harvest.

For Peanut Butter & Co., the farm is all about the team leaning into their passion for quality and learning.

“At Peanut Butter & Co., we go to sleep dreaming about peanut butter and wake up thinking about it too,” Zalben said. “We’re obsessed! And to make the very best peanut butter in the world, we knew we had to immerse ourselves in how peanuts are grown. They are the most important ingredient in the jar after all. Starting a small peanut farming operation was an amazing opportunity.

“Our team has loved getting their hands dirty and learning firsthand about what goes into growing peanuts and all of the challenges farmers conquer week in and week out to bring in a quality crop. Greg and Mary Nell Baltz have graciously welcomed us into their lives and shared so much knowledge and passion with us. We’ve enjoyed getting to know other growers in the community, as well as folks at the local farm supply store, buying point and sheller.”

(L-R); Baltz, Zalben and a Peanut Butter & Co. employee during a visit to the local buying point.

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