Freedom's Voice: Fall 2012

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The 2012 Campaign Field Representative Program Coming to a Neighborhood Near You! NRA OFFICE IN ASHLAND, OHIO

By Glen Caroline Director, NRA-ILA Grassroots In past election cycles (2008, 2010 national elections and 2009, 2011 Virginia elections), the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division has hired, trained and deployed Campaign Field Representatives in key battleground areas. This year, we have expanded our CFR program further than ever before. Our CFRs will be living in their respectively assigned districts, working daily with NRA members and supporters of the Second Amendment to make sure that our community is fully engaged in this year’s critically important elections. From registering pro-gun voters, to walking neighborhoods, making phone calls, to distributing literature, stickers, and signs, writing letters to the editor in support of our candidates, visiting gun shows, shops, clubs, and ranges, and finally, turning out the pro-gun vote on Election Day, our CFRs will be “All In,” working day and night in support of our mutual cause! As has become the trendy thing for anti-gun candidates to do, once again, we will no doubt see stunch opponents of our gun rights try to hoodwink voters into believing they are champions of the Second Amendment, or ignore this issue all together. We will not let this deceitful campaign succeed and expose the anti-gun candidates running for office, making sure voters know where those seeking the public trust TRULY STAND on our freedom! It is said every election year - and every election year it is true - that this November’s elections are the most important in our lives! Why? Because this year’s elections, which will influence the future debate over our gun rights for years, are the ONLY ELECTIONS WE CAN CURRENTLY INFLUENCE. With less than three months to go before the most important elections in our lifetimes, EVERY supporter of the Second Amendment must be “All In” and fully participating in the process. For a complete list of our CFRs, please click herehttp://nraila. org/get-involved-locally/campaign-field-representatives.aspx or see page 2 If Campaign 2012 has yet to begin for you, it must commence NOW. If preserving our Second Amendment rights for ourselves and future generations isn’t worth a few hours or a couple of days of your time, what is? Are you “All In”?

FALL 2012


Volume 14, Issue 3




Election Day 2012 — Tuesday, November 6— is rapidly approaching. As the tip of NRA’s grassroots arrow, we need you to volunteer starting today! JOIN OUR EFFORTS Contact your local NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative (CFR) TODAY. James Lee Dayton CFR (614) 582-1717

Michael Land Ashland, OH CFR 571-221-3207

D i l Patten Daniel P tt Mike Slatinsky Pennsylvania CFR Pennsylvania CFR (918) 855-9262 484-614-2221 D

Steven Hensler Bowling Green, OH CFR (563) 639-3557

Josh Falzone Indiana CFR 727.871.2864

Daniel Fitzpatrick Drew Bi D Biemer State College, PA CFR New Hampshire CFR 315-247-1600 603.545.3717

M Marc Hyden H Hyd den Panama City CFR 404-918-2731

John MacIver Central Florida CFR (850) 778-1901

Apryl Marie Fogel Ft. Myer, FL CFR 321-604-5572

Al Aliferis Alex Alife Alifferi ris is Nevada CFR (530) 400-5821

Blayne Osborn Bl O b Nevada CFR (775) 450-2349

David D id Scheurn S h Colorado CFR (805) 217-9239

Tony Cutler Michigan CFR (906) 748-0628 Stephanee S Step St tepha h nee hane ne ee Free F Freer reerr Colorado CFR (928) 255-7099

Annette Olson Eau Claire, WI CFR 715-760-0665

Hugh Fike Green Bay, WI CFR (707) 217-2014

Robert Melvin Virginia Beach CFR (703) 622-4455

L k Ceb Luke C Cebula eb bul ula l Roanoke, VA CFR (540) 685-9995

Travis T i Junion J i Arizona CFR (602) 770-2890

Lorien Johnson St. Louis Area CFR 1392 S. Fifth Street St. Charles, MO (281) 756-7436

Lucas Sheffield Raleigh, NC CFR 512-592-2697

Michael Burley North Carolina CFR (864) 633-8354

J Anger Jay Ange An ger Columbia, MO Area CFR (417) 860-1858 - 1-800-392-VOTE (8683) -

NRA OFFICERS President, David Keene 1st Vice President, James W. Porter II 2nd Vice President, Allen D. Cors Executive Vice President, Wayne R. LaPierre, Jr. Secretary, Edward J. Land, Jr. Treasurer, Wilson D. Philips, Jr. Executive Director ILA, Chris W. Cox Exec. Dir., Gen. Operations, Kyle Weaver Published by: NRA-ILA Grassroots Division 11250 Waples Mill Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (800) 392- VOTE (8683) Fax: (703) 267-3918 Web:

AS GOES OHIO SO GOES THE NATION By Miranda Bond NRA-ILA Grassroots Coordinator Once again, Ohio is in the spotlight for the upcoming election. In 2008, Obama and Biden took the state by five points. We know that it’s going to be close again this year; Ohio could easily go either way. In addition to the importance of ensuring President Obama doesn’t win Ohio, there is an import Senate race which would allow us to unseat NRA-PVF “D+” rated Senator Sherrod Brown (D). Traditionally, NRA has poured a lot of resources into Ohio during presidential elections and this year is no different. With Ohio being a key battleground state again, we have opened Campaign Field Office in Ashland and Dayton. We also hope to have a location in the Bowling Green area. We have hired three Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs-information listed below) to mobilize pro-gun voters in key congressional districts. Our CFRs in Ashland and Dayton (another CFR will start soon in the Bowling Green area) have been visiting local gun shops and building their volunteer base in their congressional districts. In addition to those efforts, NRA-ILA Grassroots staff will be traveling to the state frequently between now and November 6. We are in the planning stages for these visits, to include hosting as many as six NRA Universities at campuses across the state.

To jumpstart our efforts in the Buckeye State, I traveled to Ohio the first weekend in August to coordinate our table at the Deerassic Classic in Cambridge. We passed out “Defend Freedom Defeat Obama” fans and bumper stickers which were both wildly popular. It was shocking to hear that there are still many people out there who don’t know about Obama’s anti-gun agenda. Based on what I heard in Cambridge, we still have a lot of work to do to get the word out that Obama is no friend of America’s gun owners. On August 5, we hosted a cookout to celebrate our campaign field office opening in Ashland, hosting a cookout. There were 60 people who attended, many who had never helped out on a campaign. It’s great that we are reaching Second Amendment supporters, who may be actively engaging in grassroots campaigning for the first time, as well as reaching out to other pro-freedom voters. Two EVCs attended the Ashland opening, Sean Maloney and Emory King, and we hope to see more at our opening in Dayton. The EVCs in Ohio have done a great job of recruiting volunteers and keeping NRA’s volunteer network active over the years. Currently, we have all but one of the congressional districts in Ohio covered by an EVC. We are lucky and appreciative to have such an active team of EVCs in Ohio, and we are confident that “team Ohio’s” efforts will pay off in November!

L to R: Grassroots Coordinator Miranda Bond, OH EVC Sean Maloney, OH EVC Emory King, Ashland Campaign Field Representative Michael Land, and Dayton Field Representative James Lee display “Defeat Obama” fans at the opening of the NRA office in Ashland, OH. Campaign Field Representatives and NRA Election Volunteer Coordinators have distributed thousands of “Defeat Obama” fans and bumperstickers at events all over the country. Around 60 pro-gun supporters attended the grand opening of the Ashland office on August 5. The office will serve as a campaign headquarters for NRAPVF opperations in Ohio’s 7th Congressional District. Volunteers will be invited to attend weekly phone banks at the office.

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Volume 14, Issue 3


HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT NRA-PVF ENDORSED CANDIDATES By Glen McCannon NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (IA-04) There are several things we can do in support of pro-gun candidates. Here is my checklist that I shared with local volunteers in Iowa.

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Check out the website.

If you’re from the NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates’ district, help spread the word to your friends and neighbors that these candidates stand with us on Second Amendment issues. If you live outside these districts, but have friends or family who are district residents, give them the benefit of this information, as well. You can send them an email and link to the website or you can call them and inform them.


Check out the website of your pro-gun candidates’and let them know that you’re supporting them with the same conviction that they support us. Make sure these candidates know why you are supporting them, and let them know that you are an active NRA member.

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Donate (as you can) your time, effort, and money to their campaigns.

Contact your local NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator or NRA Campaign Field Representatiave (see page 2) to get involved in local NRA-PVF efforts Again, we need to help all NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates, so please do what you can to support those who support our cause-the original intent of the Second Amendment!

NRA University at the U.S. Capitol By Miranda Bond NRA-ILA Grassroots Coordinator During the summer months, NRA-ILA Grassroots Staff takes a short vacation from hosting NRA Universities, except for our annual event on Capitol Hill. While NRA University is usually taught in classrooms on college campuses around the country, our summer NRA U is much different. For this popular summer event, we typically host the event in a committee room in one of the congressional office buildings. However, this year, we had the unique opportunity to host our NRA U in the U.S. Capitol. This created a great backdrop for our event which, every year, draws a crowd of interns from congressional offices and Second Amendment-friendly organizations. This year, we broke an attendance record with 160 attendees. The high attendance number is attributed to both the unique location and the efforts of NRA-ILA Grassroots staff and interns to promote the event. We personally visited pro-Second Amendment congressional offices to invite their interns. As always, high attendance at NRA Us proves the dedication to, and interest in, the Second Amendment among the next generation of pro-gun leaders. We were thrilled to meet students from all over the country who are interested in hosting NRA Us at their universities when they return to their home states, as well as being willing to volunteer with our campaign efforts across the country this year.

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2011 Jay M. Littlefield Award Winners Announced Wayne Blank

By Miranda Bond NRA-ILA Grassroots Coordinator The “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award” is an annual honor that recognizes NRA members who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in the defense of the Second Amendment and serve as examples to fellow members of the gun rights community. Additionally, the “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award” honors groups that go above and beyond the call of duty in defending our freedoms and have been instrumental in effecting change in their states. The 2011 “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award” will be jointly presented to Jim Irvine of Stongsville, Ohio, Bob Lusk of Indianapolis, Ind., and Wayne Blank of Monroe, Mich. The 2011 “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year” award winner is Wisconsin FORCE.

Jim Irvine

is the current Chairman of Buckeye Firearms, and the Election Volunteer Coordinator for Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. Jim was instrumental in the passage of “Restaurant Carry” and “Restoration of Rights” in Ohio in 2011. But his efforts to advance gun rights go beyond legislation. The passion and drive that Jim has shown over the years and his desire to defend, preserve and restore the Second Amendment is second to no one in this fight. Jim has consistently built relationships with the legislature that ensure the ongoing passage of pro-gun legislation. Jim has always said “it’s all about the relationships” and he has proven that hundreds of times. As an activist and EVC, Jim has been instrumental in turning out volunteers for numerous pro-gun campaigns and there have consistently been positive outcomes to elections because of his efforts.

Bob Lusk

As the EVC for Indiana’s 5th, 6th and 7th congressional districts, Bob Lusk is a long-time gun rights activist who plays a vital role in motivating and organizing NRA members across the state. Bob has served as an EVC for nine years, and recently led grassroots efforts in the state to unseat anti-gun U.S. Senator Richard Lugar. Bob is always willing to go the extra mile to advance gun rights and we can always depend on him to lead the fight in Indiana. Bob’s unwavering dedication to protect and defend the Second Amendment is invaluable to our efforts in Indiana.

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As the EVC for Michigan’s 15th Congressional District, Wayne Blank has been one of NRA-ILA’s most active EVCs since 2008. In 2011, Wayne was one of our top 5 EVCs in the nation based on his on-theground activities promoting NRA and the Second Amendment. Wayne has organized and hosted NRA’s Second Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s for four straight years, working closely with local lawmakers and law enforcement officials to ensure the community is educated on important firearm-related legislative and legal matters in Michigan. He hosted both an NRAILA Grassroots Workshop and NRA University featuring NRA staff to engage supporters in the important legislative battles in Michigan. Wayne’s commitment to working with pro-gun lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and strengthening relationships with them make him an invaluable asset to advancing our mutual cause in Michigan.

Wisconsin FORCE

In the past year Wisconsin has experienced the greatest restoration of its citizens’ Right to Keep and Bear arms in the history of the state, this effort was led by the NRA and by Wisconsin FORCE. From Right-to-Carry to “Castle Doctrine” and a number of bills supporting Wisconsin’s great sporting and hunting heritage, the firearm freedoms of NRA members and gun owners throughout the state have undergone a transformation. Wisconsin FORCE has been there every step of the way, ensuring this historic legislation passed. They have stood by pro-gun Governor Scott Walker, vigorously defending him in his recall election and fighting anti-gun attacks against him. These are just a few of the efforts undertaken by Wisconsin FORCE to change Wisconsin law and support their great governor. Thanks to Wisconsin FORCE’s dedication and hard work, now, all law-abiding Wisconsinites have the ability to defend themselves and their families both inside and outside of their homes! Jay M. Littlefield award winners were recognized at an awards ceremony during the NRA Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, September 15, in Arlington, Va.

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SC State Representative Mike Pitts (R-14)

SC State Senator Chip Campsen (R-43)

SC State Representative Rick Quinn (R-69)

SC State Senator Nikki Setzler (D-26)

South Carolina State Representatives Mike Pitts (R-14) and Rick Quinn (R-69) and State Senators Chip Campsen (R-43)and Nikki Setzler (D-26) NRA would like to applaud the efforts of South Carolina Representatives Mike Pitts (R-14) and Rick Quinn (R-69), and state Senators Chip Campsen (R43) and Nikki Setzler (D-26), for their leadership on passage of House Bill 4494, which dismantled several anti-gun state laws. Thanks to these legislators’ collective efforts in support of the bill, Governor Nikki Haley (R) signed H 4494 into law on June 29, marking an end to South Carolina’s experiment with radical anti-gun policies from the 1970s. The law repeals the prohibition on selling certain handguns that do not meet the arbitrary 800 degree melting-point standard, and the requirement for Federal Firearms License holders to be licensed with the state in order to sell handguns. H 4494 also brings South Carolina into conformity with federal law by allowing the sale of long guns in non-contiguous states to South Carolina residents.

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With the repeal of these laws, coupled with the 2004 repeal of the gun rationing law that limited handgun purchases by law-abiding citizens to one in a 30-day period, South Carolina has now dismantled the last vestiges of an anti-gun agenda that was successfully promoted in the 1970s. Reps. Pitts and Quinn, and Sens. Campsen and Setzler--along with Gov. Haley--deserve thanks from the pro-gun community for supporting this important legislation and getting it signed into law. Members should contact these legislators and thank them for their leadership in passing H. 4494.

Contact Information for these legislators can be found at:

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THE WORD ON THE STREET Written by NRA-ILA’s Information Specialists, “The Word on the Street” discuss current issues that they are hearing about from NRA members and gun owners. NRA-ILA’s Information Specialists work in ILA’s Grassroots Division and are primarily responsible for responding to phone calls, emails, and letters sent to NRA concerning legislative and political matters. By Sara Adler Information Specialist, NRA-ILA Grassroots As the summer nears an end, we are seeing an uptick in the amount of inquiries regarding the “National Right -to-Carry Reciprocity Act,” which seemed to have lost attention during the hot months. Thankfully, our members have not forgotten about this common sense legislation. The good news is that H.R. 822, the “National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011” passed in the House back in November on a 272-154 vote, and two versions were introduced in the Senate earlier this year. Unfortunately, the two Senate bills have not made much headway since their introduction. S. 2188, the “National Right-toCarry Reciprocity Act of 2012,” was introduced by U.S. Senators Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), and currently has three co-sponsors. This bill would allow any person

with a valid state-issued permit to carry a concealed handgun in any other state that issues concealed firearm permits, or that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms for lawful purposes. A state’s laws governing where concealed handguns may be carried would apply within its borders. S. 2213, the “Respecting States’ Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act,” introduced by Senator John Thune (R-S.D.), has 34 co-sponsors. This self-defense bill would apply to any individual who a carry permit is otherwise allowed by state law to carry a handgun. The permit holder would be authorized to carry a handgun in any other state that issues such permits or does not prohibit concealed carry, subject to the laws of the state in which it is carried. NRA strongly supports both measures, as both of these bills will allow law-abiding citizens to protect themselves across state lines, while on vacation, travel or just going about their daily routines. We urge our members to contact their U.S. senators and urge them to support both bills, and we look forward to passing this pro-gun common-sense legislation.

BY THE NUMBERS ELECTION VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR PROGRAM NRA-ILA’s 224 Election Volunteer Coordinators (EVCs) act as the liaison between progun candidates and NRA members and gun owners in their districts. EVCs work to spearhead ILA’s volunteer activities to ensure that pro-freedom candidates have volunteers for campaign-related activities.

NRA UNIVERSITY NRA U has reached 2281students in 21 states. http://www.nraila. org/get-involved-locally/ nra-u.aspx SPEAKERS BUREAU NRA-ILA Speakers Bureau speakers have spoken at 25 events this year. Many events are in the Washington D.C. area.

SECOND AMENDMENT ACTIVIST CENTERS There are currently 436 Second Amendment Activist Centers. These Centers provide NRA members and gun owners with NRA buttons, fact sheets on legislation and issues, volunteer sign-up forms, voter registration materials, and, in election years, information on grassroots activities and events.


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Volume 14, Issue 3

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