Freedom's Voice

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THE 2013 NRA ANNUAL MEETING BREAKS RECORDS By Susannah Warner NRA-ILA Grassroots Coordinator

NRA’s 142nd Annual Meeting and Exhibits in Houston, Texas were a resounding success, (not only for NRA, but for NRA-ILA’s Grassroots Division, but for the organization as well.) This Annual Meeting was the largest yet, with over 86,000 members estimated to have been in attendance! In addition to the nine acres of exhibitors in the convention hall, members enjoyed many informative workshops and seminars, including the annual NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop held on Friday morning. There were many familiar friends in the audience, along with many new ones who had come to learn about what the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division does and how they can get more involved as Second Amendment activists. Grassroots staff shared some of the basic information about grassroots programs and specific steps all can take to maximize their involvement during this critical time, along with

new material about social media and how to stay engaged and current in an ever-changing world. Attendees also heard from some NRAILA Election Volunteer Coordinators about their strategies in organizing and being effective Second Amendment activists, along with other NRA members and volunteers voicing, questions, and sharing what they’re doing in their own communities. Grassroots staff spent the rest of the weekend at the NRA-ILA booth talking with members, answering questions, signing up new FrontLinesTM volunteers, and trying to keep the popular buttons, bags, and bumper stickers stocked! Staff arrived back at NRA HQ tired and with sore feet, but with renewed energy for the important work being done and grateful to all of our members and volunteers for the work that they do in their own neighborhoods and communities to protect our freedoms. Thank you to all who made it to Houston this year, and we look forward to seeing you next year in Indiannapolis!

TOP: L- Grassroots Director Glen Caroline chats with NRA members from Oklahoma at the NRA booth in the main exhibit hall. Bottom L: Grassroots Coordinator Colton Kerrigan catches up with two Arizona Election Volunteer Coordinators, Jacqueline Janes and Robert Messenger, Jr. Annual Meeting is always a great place for NRA staff and volunteers to reunite. Top R - The entire room stood and aplauded outgoing NRA President, David Keene at the annual Grassroots Workshop. Activists crowded the Workshop, conducted by Grassroots Staff. During the Workshop, many of NRA’s officers stopped in to share their words of wisdom with the crowd, including Keene and incoming NRA President Jim Porter.


Volume 15, Issue 2


NRA OFFICERS President, James W. Porter II 1st Vice President, Allan D. Cors 2nd Vice President, Pete Brownell Executive Vice President, Wayne R. LaPierre, Jr. Secretary, Edward J. Land, Jr. Treasurer, Wilson D. Philips, Jr. Executive Director ILA, Chris W. Cox Exec. Dir., Gen. Operations, Kyle Weaver

STRONG NRA REPRESENTATION AT CPAC 2013 By James Morton NRA-ILA Grassroots Intern In March, many NRA supporters attended the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland. This year we saw many conservative leaders speaking about the future of our movement. NRA’s presence was a huge success as we saw a larger response than ever before as we worked to raise awareness about NRA programs. Heading into CPAC, one of the main goals was to help get the new NRA U Facebook page off the ground so that it could be used to bring this crucial grassroots program to more of our nation’s colleges. The reaction we received from those in attendance was overwhelming, as we saw traffic and members on the new page go up over

400 percent! This surge has helped us conduct eight NRA U’s on campuses in Michigan, Washington, Texas, and Connecticut since CPAC. Another success was the workshop conducted by Miranda Bond and Colton Kerrigan. Each year, the NRA has hosted an event at CPAC, but this year saw a larger turnout than ever before, with over 350 in attendance. Additionally, David Keene’s and Wayne LaPierre’s speeches on the main stage were some of the best received of the convention. Between the successes of bringing traffic to the NRA U Facebook page and the workshop, this year’s CPAC saw an increased level of support for the Second Amendment in the conservative community. Going forward, this broad support will prove to be the surest defense of our rights against attempts to curtail them.

Published by: NRA-ILA Grassroots Division 11250 Waples Mill Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (800) 392- VOTE (8683) Fax: (703) 267-3918 Web:


Volume 15, Issue 2



Central Connecticut State University University of Texas

Texas State University of Washington


Texas A&M

Volume 15, Issue 2



By NRA-ILA Grassroots Staff While federal anti-gun legislation has been making headlines, an equally challenging and important fight over our gun rights has been taking place at the state level. Beginning in early January, it became apparent that NRA and pro-gun supporters were in the fight of their lives in Maryland, Connecticut, New York, and Washington. Here is a breakdown of our grassroots activities in each of these states. New York This February, NRA-ILA joined the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association at a rally in Albany, N.Y. speaking against the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (or ironically, the “S.A.F.E.” Act). This latest attack on New York firearm owners bans the sale of any new “assault weapons”, creates a registry for those banned firearms currently owned, institutes mandatory background checks, and bans magazines that can hold more than seven rounds. The rally was an overwhelming success, as some 10,000 Second Amendment supporters showed up to voice their opposition to the S.A.F.E. Act, and to hear from outgoing NRA President David Keene and other pro-gun leaders and legislators speak. Maryland In opposition to Senate Bill 281, our Grassroots staff worked with pro-gun groups in Maryland to organize two rallies that drew thousands to Annapolis. Pro-gun supporters then were ushered into the state house bildings to testify agaist the bill. During testimony, Grassroots staff conducted workshops to educate activists about the legislation. Thousands of NRA members and pro-gun supporters voiced their strong opposition to this restrictive anti-gun legislation. More Second Amendment advocates showed up in Annapolis for rallies than have ever attended. This show of opposition was overlooked by those legislators who blindly bent to the Governor’s pressure and voted in support of Senate Bill 281.

and letters legislators received opposing the bills. However, the fight in Olympia is not over yet. In late April, Gov. Jay Inslee (D) announced the likelihood of a special legislative session to be called after the regular legislative session ends. The governor has indicated that a broad range of issues could be considered, that almost certainly will include more gun control measures. NRAILA state liaison Brian Judy, is working to make sure no anti-gun legislation progesses in Washington. Connecticut Throughout the month of March, in anticipation of very aggressive, sweeping anti-gun proposals, NRA, along with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen and the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, organized a rally and a “Lobby Day.” At each event, thousands of NRA members and Second Amendment supporters gathered in Hartford to make their voices heard. Despite the overwhelming citizen opposition to the anti-gun legislation, Governor Dan Malloy (D) disregarded the constitutional rights of law-abiding Connecticut gun owners and signed Senate Bill 1160, one of the the most sweeping and radical gun control bills in the nation, into law only hours after both chambers received the bill language and voted to pass the legislation. NRA is fully committed to our members and all responsible gun owners in Connecticut, and now supports legal action to address the enactment of this legislation. Furthermore, we are deeply committed to holding every state legislator who voted for this blatantly unconstitutional measure without proper hearing and debate accountable in the 2014 election.

Washington Due to the introduction of several antigun bills in Washington, including “universal” background checks, Grassroots staff hosted an NRA U at the University of Washington and a Grassroots Workshop in Gig Harbor to inform college students and NRA members about the legislation and how to defeat it. We are pleased to say that none of this legislation passed, due to the numerous phone calls, e-mails


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IN THE SPOTLIGHT Louisiana State Senator Neil Riser (R-32) Senator Neil Riser of Louisiana received the NRA Defender of Freedom Award at NRA’s 142nd Annual Meetings in Houston, Texas. Senator Riser was recognized for his efforts in helping pass the nation’s strongest constitutional protection of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The provision is unique because it is the first time in the history of our country that the right is expressly protected as “fundamental” and requires a “strict scrutiny” level of review. Senator Riser led the passage of the amendment in the legislature and worked around the state to help pass the ballot initiative. In November, the amendment passed with 73% of the vote. There were nine ballot questions and the amendment garnered the most votes with 1,331,891. It also received 49,082 more votes than the second highest ballot question. NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox presented the award to Senator Riser, who received a standing ovation from the crowd. Senator Riser is a Life member of NRA and is currently graded “A+” by the NRA-PVF.

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Volume 15, Issue 2


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