Happy 43rd Birthday DIA! LC)UI •3A
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September 2004 Volume I 6/Number 9
CoMMUMQSE A Defense Intelligence Agency Publication
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Vice Adm. C. EJacoby, USN
Director, DIA Donald 1. Black
Chief, Public Affairs Jane A. McEehee
Chief, Internal Communications Laura C. Donnelly
n celebration of DIA’s forty-third birthday, this issue of the Communiqué is dedicated to the many talented men and women throughout DIA who perform functions so vital to the success of DIA’s diverse mission areas. This exclusive issue conveys
information about key agency activities through the use of pictures,
rather than through informative textual articles. The agency’s Communications Board led this project where 30 disposable cameras were used to take photos of you and your colleagues “in action,” to capture all aspects of a typical workday in DIA. In celebration of DIA’s anniversary, the theme of this issue, “A Day in the Life at DIA,” is intended to increase understanding of DIA’s mission
Publication Division
areas, how it supports various customers and, most importantly,
Editor Sarah E. Mazur
Associate Editor Master SqL Brian 0. Nickey, USAF
to recognize the people who perform them. The Communiqué staff
hopes you enjoy this special anniversary issue! -
DIA’s Communiqué is an authorized agency informa tion publication, published for employees of DIA and members ofthe defense intelligence community. Contents of the Communiqué are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by,the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. Articles are edited for style, content and length. Correspondenceshould be addressed to: DIA Communiqué, Public Affairs Office, Bldg 6000, Washington, DC 20340-5100. Telephone: 703-695-0071 fDSN: 115-0071). The DIA Public Affairs Office welcomes your comments, which may be e—mafled to our Internet address <dxp@miscpentagon.mil> orto our IC Mail Address at <public..affairs@dia.ic.gov>
The Editor
so begins...
a Day in
ecretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara established the Defense Intelligence Agency in October 1961 to improve defense intelligence by merging many of its functions under a single authority, fortifying DoD-wide intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination. On October 1, we celebrated 43 years of service, providing timely, objective and cogent intelligence to our country.
We still collect, integrate, analyze and disseminate that intelligence. However, we do it far differently than in previous years. Our constant evaluation of processes, renovation and innovation ensures our agency remains the critical component in defense intelligence. New challenges to our nation’s security and new developments in our own operational concepts provide us the opportunity to be more agile, adaptive and aggressive. Our agency’s vision for intelligence transformation focuses on shifting intelligence collection from a reconnaissance to persistent surveillance paradigm, incorporating modern information technologies and management principals and achieving true all-source analysis. Today, our workforce operates across command, service, agency, department and even national lines, reflecting the fact that collaboration is our greatest combat multiplier. We must further promote interoperability and enable members of the defense and greater intelligence community to better meet evolving challenges and seize opportunities. Recently, we began a series of strategic planning initiatives to meet future demands and to move DIA forward as the premier provider of defense intelligence. We have added nearly 1,200 new employees to our rolls. Twenty years after DIA dedicated the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center in May 1984, the DIAC expansion project couldn’t be timelier, providing our growing workforce a state-of-the-art and secure work environment. In commemorating our 43rd anniversary we honor those who came before us. I also thank you, DIA’s current work force, for rising to meet today’s challenges. Your talent and dedication to duty continue to be essential to our present and future success. It is an honor and a privilege for me to be your Director. Happy anniversary, DIA!
1. Thsh Pirowski and Angela AckUn, Directorate for External Relations, coordinate on an upcoming SECDEF counterpart visit. 2. Jerry Williams, Directorate for Inteltigence, Joint Staff, brightens up Patty George’s, Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff, day by cracking a joke.
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3. Sgt. Johnson and Cpt. Bernota, Directorate for Administration, perform a security check for the DIAC. 4. Capt. Gary Roediger and Dave Beitter, Directorate for Analysis, are delivering furnishings for the 7th ftoor in the DIAC.
1. Ursu[a Alien-Dogan and Lee Vines, Office of the Chief Financial. Executive, discuss information concerning Human Inte[tigence resource requirements. 2. Staff Sgt. tad Butts assists Cpt. Donny Lawrence, Directorate for Externat Retations, with the coordination of an embassy event. 3. Karen Gantey, Emity Morates, Ketty Sewet[ and
Jeff Peht, Office of the Chief Financiat Executive, conduct a meeting concerning financial. management systems for the agency. 4. Acting Defense AttachĂŠ Marga Suwarno; Senior Master Sgt. Darren Pettis, Operations Coordinator; and Georges Ayubu, DAO driver; at the U.S. embassy in Bujumbura, Burundi. 5. Master Sgt. Gnodte and Staff Sgt. Verardo support the arrival of Air Force One in Seout, Korea.
1. David Lee, Directorate for Administration, is a courier on the run. 2. Cmdr. Christopher Brown and Ct. Cot. David Whitt, Directorate for External Retations, confer with a Capitol Hilt Police Officer regarding the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Capitot Hitl parking pecutiarities in preparation for DIA VIP visits. 3. Maj. Eric Moore, Life Sciences Analyst, Randy Huffer, Information Services Specialist and George Tuggte, Life Sdence Analyst, examine the contents of foreign medical aid kits, recentty acquired from the Middle East area of operations for possibte exploitation. 4. Master Sgt. Maitin Baise, ]52 David Gumm and C113 Mike Turner, Directorate for Inteltigence, Joint Staff, discuss cotlection strategies in Iraq.
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1. Dr. Solveig Brownfeld, Joint Military Intelligence College, develops a curriculum for an upcoming course. 2. Lou Ayala and Cheryl Vanderhoof of the Directorate for Administrative, atong with Rob Bussell, Artic Slope and Brendon Hster are preparing for the directors walkthrough of the 7th ftoor renovation. 3. Mark Madigan, Directorate for External Retations, reviewing documents for release to coalition partner. 4. Aiyana Dates and Brent Travers, Directorate for Administration, help reinforce the security at the DIAC. 5. Teresa Pearson, Directorate for Analysis, produces a funding request.
1. Master Sgt. Brian Nickey, Capt. Jonathan Seek and Staff Sgt. Jason Luber, Directorate for External Relations, review the layout for an upcoming Communiqué.
2. Michetle O’Brien, Directorate for Analysis, and Bernadette Lavefty, Directorate for Administration, arrange furniture on the 7th floor of the DIAC. 3. Capt. Aubrey Whitehead and Master Sgt. Reginald Tillman, Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff, discuss military personnel issues. 4. JMIC students take photo, Hawaiian style, for the upcoming school year.
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1. Andrea Flowers, Directorate for Adminstration, juggles schedules for the 7th floor. 2. Bernadette Gattagher, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Coltection, and Elizabeth Barkan, Directorate for Analysis, conduct a small SIGINT overview meeting. 3. Minh Tran, Librarian and Staff Sgt. Shawn Liebegott, Intelligence Technician, research the location of a city. II 4. Theresa Overton, Training Executive Directorate, packs up office suppties. II
r 5, Tony Myers gives Donna Saunders a tasker for the day, Office of the Chief Operating Officer.
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1. Cheong Chon, Office of Acquisition Executive, fulfills purchase requests for her customers. 2. Senior Airman Rory McDonald of Directorate for Administration passes off mail to Rob Martin of Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer. 3. Lt. Cmdr. Bryan Kohn, Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff, preps for the J2 meeting. 4. Hannah Mast, Directorate for Administration, checks Debra Williamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; blood pressure, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, at the DIAC clinic.
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1. Master Sgt. Crudup and Tech Sgt. Owens, Joint Mititary Intelligence College, discuss Air Force evaluations.
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2. Jeff Matt, AFMIC Deputy Director and Dr. James Kvach, AFMIC Chief Scientist, head toward a meeting in the front office.
3. DIAC expansion under construction.
4. Staff Sgt. Joyner, Petty Officer Jobe, Chief Waldenmaier and Nelson Meadows, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, gather for the day’s list of priorities.
5. Curtis Stovall and Tony Martinez, Directorate for Administration, work the declassification of 25-year-oLd material.
6. Susan Sternad-Basel, Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity Office, discusses EEO data posting requirements with Nancy Scott, Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity Office.
1. Jimmy Bethea, Directorate for Administration, prepares for the afternoon UPS delivery. 2. Master Sgt. Michael Cahill points out to his coworker Stephen Monich, Directorate for External Retations, an upcoming date on their busy Writing for Release training schedule. 3. Shannon Harrison, Directorate for Administration, maintains fresh Rowers at the DIAC Patriotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Memorial. 4. Gerlinda Smith, Office of Acquisition Executive, enhances customer relations with Gloria Evans, Directorate for Administration.
5. Phil Roberts, Directorate for Analysis, Dave Beitler, Directorate for Analysis, Vice Adm. C.E. Jacoby, Luis Ayala, Directorate for Administration and Richard McGruder, Directorate for Administration, walk through the new 7th ftoor of the DIAC to assess the progress.
1. Tom Vanderhoof, Training Executive Directorate, togs onto JIVU to check out new courses. 2. Karren Scott, Veronica Jackson, Dr. Richard Gault, Paul Wotf and Lt. Cot. Richard Schaeffer, Directorate for External Retations, participate in a staff meeting to discuss Homeland Security issues.
3. Sgt. 1st Ctass Matthew Short, Directorate for Anatysis, is in the midst of writing a defense assessment report. 4. Maj. Ken Bransky and Capt. David Soergel, Directorate for Intettigence, Joint Staff,review request for information on the JWICS system. 5. Randatt Wood, Chartes Grauze, Covett Watts, David Harper and Erica Barry (interpreter), Inspector General, prepare to conduct the staff audit meeting later that day.
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7 1. Amanda Eiswerth, Office of Acquisition Executive, receives insight from the expert contract officer, Norbert Szymanski.
2. Dr. Don Hante, Joint Military Inteltigence College, works with a JMIC student Laura Jones. 3. Capt. Julie Caperna, Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff, coordinates taskers with the Iraq Working Group. 4. Major Frank Frushon and Lt. Cmdr. Robert Johns, Directorate for Analysis, discuss work matters over coffee.
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5. DIA emp[oyees eagerly coming into work.
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1. Robert Biondoblto, Directorate for Analysis, is surprised by the camera while working on an imagery product. 2. Bob Wiley and Date Cox, Directorate for Administration, are posting maps for the J2 morning briefing. 3. Marnice Davenport and Sgt. 1st CLass Sheila Quashie, Directorate for External Relations, display a sense of humor while working hard.
4. Cindy Santy, Directorate for Analysis, conducts an analysis of EUNT signals from a foreign missile system.
1. Cot. Risa Morris, the senior Air Force officer on Camp Slayer, and members of the U.S. Air Force, invited alt serving personnel from the three nations finvotved with the Iraq Survey Group for a group photo.
2. Margaret Jones, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, works on the conclusiveness of an intelligence information report.
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3. Bryan Craft (I) and Gary Thrasher (r), Directorate for Analysis, use the Digital ELINT Lab to conduct an integrated anatysis of intelLigence sensor data. 4. A[an Shook and Jerry Mullinix, Directorate for Administration, discuss student requirements for new courses. 5. Lt. CoL David Whitt and Cmdr. Christopher Brown, Directorate for Externa[ Relations, maintain cordial relations with House Permanent Select Committee on Intetligence staff.
1. Eric Hammersen and Darrell Ussery, Office of the Chief Financiat Executive, discuss the resources management structure for the Generat Defense Intelligence Program. 2. George Peirce and Cmdr. Pete Schmid, GeneraL Counsel, discuss legal issues concerning the days agenda. 3. Petty Officer 2nd Class Cecilia Snead, Directorate for External Relations, provides protocol support to a customer.
4. Nancy Scott and EMa Cortes, Diversity Management & Equat Opportunity Office, attend a reguLar staff meeting. AFMIC Life Science Anatysts: Fred Brocker, Team Leader Ron Adams, Lt. Doug CarrolL, and Dr. Don Wyma, collaborate on an upcoming product. .
1. Darian Carte sets up the coffee for the morning rush. 2. Zaldy Sabino, Office of Acquisition Executive, helps train Daniel Richardson, Office of Acquisition Executive, on a data base. 3. Wallace Willis, Training Executive Directorate, revises DIA 101 course roster. 4. Members of the DAO Matta Team; Cmdr. Philip Munaco, Ct. Cmdr. Rick Karakadze, Master Sgt. Donna PeLietier and Sgt. 1st Class Kevin St. Pierre on the deck of the USS John F. Kennedy, during the annual 4th of July ambassador extravaganza.
1. Cmdr. Yl, American Legation, U.S. Naval attachĂŠ, is pictured with foreign officers in the Defense Attache Office in Seoul, Korea. 2. Staff Sgt. Carla Williamson, Major Michael Davis, Sgt. Christopher Krause and Staff Sgt. Stephanie Younger, Directorate for Administration, get organized for
the day. 3. Nancy Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hanlon, General Counsel, works on an ethics oversight action. 4. Bob Anderson assists Staff Sgt. Cita Byrd, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, with her computer. 5. Sarah Gumina signs to Erica Barry, Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity Office, on a VTC monitor.
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1 1. Jane McGehee and Sharon Murphy, Directorate for Externat Retations, pose before attending a DIA Advisory Board meeting. 2. Bill Tehan, Directorate for Administration, honors the 2004 Olympics. 3. Paula Spaulding and Cindy Sabo, Training Executive Directorate, review mid-year performance expectations. 4. David Thompson, Directorate for Analysis, exploits imagery of foreign military installations using a Zoom 500 light table.
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1. Sean Powett, Directorate for Administration, takes a break from work to catch up on current events in the Armed Forces Journat. 2. Ray Ftores, Beverly Hankins and Lt. Spraggins continue to ensure the safety at C[arendon. 3. Mr. Paut Ruehs, AFMICâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Security learn Chief, prepares a security briefing.
4. Omar Rozario prepares to install new work cubes in ISP workspace. 5. Petty Officer 2nd Class Kizzy Ihomas Etlison, Shawn Collins, Spencer Way and lerry McKoy, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, gather at the end of a productive workday.
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1. Richard Shuster and LT. Cot. Jim Genovese of the Historian Office setect artwork from the archives in the Historians Office to display in the DIAC. 2. Thelma Flamer and Tom Fields, Joint Military Intelligence College, pose for the communiquĂŠ. 3. Cheryl Vanderhoof, Sharon Ati and Lou Ayata, Directorate for Administration, converse about the progress being made in the new cafeteria at the DIAC. 4. Pam Ashtey, Directorate for Analysis, conducts signal analysis using Elint screening software.
1. CFC Campaign Manager lIsa Ferro, Project Manager Gary Fike, Deputy Campaign Manager Cesar Nieves, Events Coordinator Jennifer Davis and Communications Chair Charlie Murphy plan for the 2004 CFC. 2. Carol Ford, Inspector General, speaks with a DIA Inspector General representative to the Iraqi Survey Group in Baghdad. 3. Terry Lekites, Directorate for Analysis, drinks a refreshing coke while checking his emails. 4. Tom Cordell, Training Executive Directorate, handles materials for a JMITC class.
1. Darnetta Thomas, Office of the Chief Acquisition Executive and E[aine Starr, Directorate for Administration, complete a customer service action.
2. MichaeL Patrom, Office of Acquisition Executive, reviews PRs.
3. Tom Cummins, Training Executive Directorate, has a stressful day! 4. Marvin Taylor, Directorate for Administration, hands off material to Allen Prince, Directorate for Administration, to be delivered. 5. Directorate for Administration staff: Monica Thomas, John Franktin, Betsy Hennigan, Gail Howell, Wendy Hendley, Steffani McFarland and Timothy Nowaczyk, celebrate Gloria Evansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Birthday.
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1. Jim Lancaster (center), Directorate for Analysis, assisted by Todd Booth (teft), and Todd Blalock (right) of SAIC, Inc., prepares a missite seeker for free space etectronic countermeasure testing in a radar absorbing environment. 2. Spc. Lennon Hardy, Joint Military Intelligence College, cheerfully cleans his desk. 3. Cyril May and Don Black, Directorate for External Relations, coordinate a media background interview. 4. Friends and colleagues look on as students graduate from the Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program.
1. Ephraim Gortin, Randati. Wood, Lovelt Walls and Meghan McHugh, Inspector General, actively participate in the audit meeting. 2. Printing specialist, Scott Foor, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, works on the Nexpress printing machine. 3. Scott Miktebost, Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff, shows off his amazing skills by multi tasking. 4. Denise Hodges and Russell Yerks, Directorate for Administration, coordinate on a transaction.
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1. Petty Officer 2nd Class Lisa Reinhardt, Petty Officer 2nd Class Timothy MessIer and Master Gunnery Sergeant Julio Atarcon, Directorate for Administration, hetp man DIA’s Navy person net department. 2. Maj. Michael Davis, Directorate for Administration, confirms that he is meeting the Army’s physical fitness standards.
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3. Annette Dayton, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, retrieves a WISE search for the General Council. 4. Ellen Jackson, Training Executive Directorate, fights with the computer as it has locked up on her. 5. Lt. Col. Gretchen Idsinga, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, ponders over her morning meeting notes. 6. Chuck Mills, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Collection, explains the meaning of MASINT.
1. Dave Yaket and Curtis Mooney, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, discuss printing matters within the shop. 2. Gait HowetI holds a Directorate for Administration staff meeting with Nnamdi Smatt, Gloria Evans, Katrina Reisinger, Etton Howett, Kasandra Griffin, Tier WiLLiams, Crystal Swain-Bates, Timothy Brown and Vanessa Hamilton. 3. Defense Attaché Office Army Staff in Seoul, Korea, with Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen. Peter Schoomaker. 4. Jeff Stevenson assists Bertha Page with a security question concerning her badge. 5. Deborah Bearman, Joyce Woodard and Loon Tran, Directorate for Administration, converse over eZHR issues for the day. ProJ.ct
6. Broox Czarnecki, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Collection, writes a mission requirement.
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1. Jermaine Wittiams and Tanya Stroman, Directorate for Analysis, account for directorate property within the DIAC.
2. Tom Fields and Betsy Scrivener, Joint Military Intettigence Cottege, enjoy a delightful conversation. 3. Lt. Cot. Patience Larkin, Lt. Cot. David Whift, Directorate for External Retations, Steve Norton, Senior National Security Policy Advisor for Sen. Saxby Chambtiss, R-GA, Cmdr. Christopher Brown, Directorate for External Retations, enjoying the fruits of Georgia peanuts.
4. Edith Atexander and Carotyn Vaden, Training Executive Directorate, discuss team assignments. 5. Scott Baker, John Richter, Ed Welch, Herb Charity and Donatd Richardson, Directorate for Administration, are training on the new utitity vehicte that will be used at the DIAC.
1. Curt Petersen and Frank Esquivel, Directorate for Administration, discuss the personnet benefits program. 2. Jennifer Maher, Directorate for Administration, receives mail from a DIA customer. 3. Capt. Len Rivet, Training Executive Directorate, completes an assessment for interrogation training for DAJ. 4. Lorraine Cooper and Jennifer Shoda, Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity Office, discuss an upcoming project. 5. Jessaka Scott, Laurie Moore and Connie Williams, Directorate for Administration, work a personnel action for the DIA Distribution branch. 6. Rosemary Perkins, Training Executive Directorate, discusses security ctearances with Mark Kauppi.
1. Couftland Battou, Margo Coleman and Arretha Smaltwood Koger, Directorate for Analysis, coordinate on Directorate for Analysis information technology requirements within the DIAC. 2. Jessaka Scott and Jim Breunig, Directorate for Administration, work a dectassification of a 25 year old material. 3. Jack Lyons, Joe Swistak, Cot. Eric Stewart and Doug Brinkman, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Collection, meet to plan DI analysis projects. 4. Bob Stacy, Training Executive Directorate, and Roland Fabia, Directorate for Analysis, discuss the safety training course. 5. Deborah Mitts, Office of the Chief Financial Executive, steals a glance at the camera while working on a project.
1. SalLy Felten, Directorate for Analysis, works hard to support the Defense Warning Office. 2. Betty Butcher, Office of the Deputy Director, at work on Mr. Ewing’s calendar.
3. John Prevar, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Collection, keeps a close eye on IC MASINT programs.
4. Lt. David Sidewand, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Coltection, sits down to begin working on a speciat DT operation. 5. Trey Ryant and Donald Harrison, Directorate for MASINT & Technical Collection, work persistently to support the technology operation group.
6. Melissa Folz and Chiara Eccher-Micheli, Directorate for Administration, prepare official records for storage.
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iâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;i 5 3 1. Katherine Wilson, Directorate for Anatysis, conducts research for an imperative project. 2. Jenn Btanchard, Directorate for Administration, greets guests with a warm smite. 3. Turett Johnson, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, organizes documents to be sent to the Washington Nationat Records Center. 4. Jean Simmons, Directorate for Administration, assists Diane Benjamin, Directorate for Information Management & Chief Information Officer, and Ken Smith, Directorate for Administration, with their purchase at the DIA store in the DIAC. 5. Jennifer McMahon and Erinrose Vetthuis, Directorate for Anatysis, discuss China issues at the DIAC.
1. Lt. Cot. Al Stewart and John Brogniez, Directorate for Analysis, discuss a task that was given out that morning. 2. Scott Miktebost and Kimberty-ann Cole, Office of the Chief Financiat Executive, discuss purchasing requirements with Nida Cutp. 3. Michael Cannon and Bill Liptak’s, Training Executive Directorate, took with envy over Bitt’s new buisness cards.
4. Cmdr. Craig R. Black, American Legation, U.S. Navat attaché, from the Defense Attaché Office in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, receives the Air Medat for heroic achievement white piloting the DAO C-12 aircraft. Pictured (L-R) are Cmdr. Black; Senior Master Sgt. Frederick kerzik, Operations Coordinator; Lt. Cot. Danek; Tech. Sgt. Herrera; and Ambassador Larry Palmer. 5. Jeannine Juhnke and Gayte Murchison, Directorate for External Relations, compare notes on an upcoming VIP visit.
Events for November OO4 November 2:
Purse Vendor Fair from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Atrium
November 5:
Attaché Staff Operation Course Graduation from 10:00 a.m. to noon in the Tighe Auditorium (B)
November 8:
Veterans Day Observance from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Tighe Auditorium
November 9:
DIA Award Ceremony from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Tighe Auditorium
November 9:
Marine Corps Birthday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Tighe Auditorium
November 12: Combined Strategic Inteltigence Training Program from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Tighe Auditorium November 15: Joint Mititary Intet[igence College Distinguished Speaker from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Tighe Auditorium November 17: Health Fair from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Tighe Auditorium November 18: Leadership Series: Strategies for First-Line Supervisors from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Tighe Auditorium November 18: Federal Women’s Program Council meeting, DIAC 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. location to be determined November 19: Attaché Training Program Graduation from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Tighe Auditorium November 22: Native American Heritage Month Observance from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Tighe Auditorium November 22: Joint Mititary Intettigence College Distinguished Speaker from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Tighe Auditorium November 29: Joint Military Intelligence College Distinguished Speaker from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Tighe Auditorium
For further information concerning these events, ptease refer to the internal communications web site. A DAY IN THE LIFE