CALL FOR OFFICIALS 33rd National Selection Conference of EYP Greece
Monday, 18 January 2016
Dear EYP Alumni, the European Youth Parliament Greece is proud to open the Call for Officials for its 33rd National Selection Conference. The Session will be held in the city of Athens from the 22nd to the 24th of April under the theme of “Changing Europe: From people to politics” and presided by Ms Sofia Zafeiriou (GR) and head-organised by Mr Panagiotis Chatzistratis and Mr Dimitris Krokos. We are now looking for 3 Vice-Presidents, 17 Chairpersons, 1–2 Editors and 5 Organisers comprising the Core Team to join the Officials’ Team. The organising Core Team will consist of five members, each dedicated to a sector. The sectors will be focused on; Official’s support, Delegates & Teachers support, Transfers & Accomodation, Food Management, and Logistics & Material Support. Each Core Team organiser will receive specialty training and support by the organising committee. More information on the concept of the core team can be found here in greek. The Session will be attended by 120 delegates from Athens and its suburbs, who will be allocated in 10 committees and will participate in one day of Teambuilding, one day of Committee Work and one day of General Assembly. All Officials will take part in one day of CJOs’ Teambuilding & Training prior to the session (21st April 2015). There is a 25€ participation fee for International Officials and a 35€ fee for Greek Officials. Travel expenses to and from the session should be covered by the participants.
Σαλαμίνος 10 546 25 Θεσσαλονίκη Τ: +30 69 72 79 97 76 Ε:
Officials are expected to have arrived in Athens by Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 8:00 AM, in order to take part in the Officials’ Teambuilding & Training. Departures may take place on Sunday, 24 April 2015, from 21:00 onwards. In order to apply, please fill out the application form by following this link. Applications should be sent to by Sunday, 31 January 2016, 14:00 CET. All applicants will be individually informed about the outcome of their application once the selection process is concluded. The selection panel for the Chairs’ Team of the Session and the Editors will consist of the President of the Session (Mrs Sofia Zafeiriou), the Head Organisers (Mr Panagiotis Chatzistratis and Mr Dimitris Krokos) and the President of the Executive Board of EYP Greece (Mrs Despoina Dimitrakopoulou). The selection panel for the Core Team of organisers will consist of the Organising Commission of the Session, comprised of, Mr Panagiotis Chatzistratis, Mr Dimitris Krokos and Ms. Anthia Tourkomichali and Mr Panagiotis Patikos on behalf of the Executive Board of EYP Greece. The call for Media Team members and Oragisers will be launched shortly after the deadline of this round of applications has expired. We are looking forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to Athens for the 33rd National Selection Conference of EYP Greece! Sofia Zafeiriou
Despoina Dimitrakopoulou
Dimitris Krokos, Panagiotis Chatzistratis
President of the Session
President of the Executive Board of EYP Greece
Head Organisers of the Session
APPLY NOW! Σαλαμίνος 10 546 25 Θεσσαλονίκη Τ: +30 69 72 79 97 76 Ε: