from the editor... Welcome to the Autumn/Winter issue of National Tiles Magazine! This time exploring all things colour, from hi-octane hues and moody greens and blues through to tranquil earth tones and simple neutrals. As we prepare this issue, it’s hard not to think about the turbulence of the last two and a half years. A pandemic book-ended by bushfires and floods saw myriad new challenges arise. As we venture back outside, maskless and optimistic, we recognise emerging opportunities and forge ahead with another massive year on the cards. We have several new stores being planned for new markets and digital innovations on the horizon. With our ever-present obsession for customer satisfaction and relentless improvement, National Tiles are again taking things to the next level. In the pages ahead you’ll read about our latest news and products along with some sneak peeks at what’s coming. You’ll discover design delights including stunning tile collections and fabulous flooring to inspire and you’ll see projects, interviews , ideas and updates from our partners, collaborators and clients. Escape into a world of show-stopping style with the latest issue of NT magazine.
Sc B a rt
Bart grew up around the building industry, doing rouse-about work for his builder dad, Eddie. He’s been with National Tiles for five years working in various roles. He is currently the digital producer, managing website content, campaigns and personalisation, our e-commerce catalogue and looking after email and digital marketing. Bart’s idea of colour is dark green, navy blue, black and marle grey.
O liv i a H a m il
Olivia is originally from England but after catching the travel bug, she left in search of warmer waters and landed in Australia. Having made Melbourne her home, Olivia joined the National Tiles family in late 2021 as the Campaign Manager. When she isn’t concepting new campaign ideas, Olivia enjoys riding horses and falling off her skateboard. Liv likes the va-va-voom of pink and red at the same time.
N H el e n
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Starting off at Art School, Helen was always drawn to advertising. It wasn’t long before she realised she needed to stop making art about ads, and starting making ads. She has worked as an Art Director for the last 10 years, highlights including working on homewares and beauty campaigns for Myer. Her ultimate colour combo would be lilac, beige, aqua, grey and orange.
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the team: C h a rlie A s h
fi e
Charlie is a fashion, commercial and still life photographer as well as our in-house photographer and social media coordinator at National Tiles. Charlie has a reputation for being the most colourfully-dressed team member with a kaleidoscopic eye and regular rotation of hair colour. Green and Pink are her fave colour combo - think watermelon in natural form.