Healing Circle Consultant Resource Guide v.1

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Consultant Booklet Resource Guide First Edition, 2012

Consultant Booklet Resource Guide

Healing Circle consultants bring an extensive amount of experience throughout the nation working for the Native American community. For many years they have worked with American Indian communities with expertise in Native American AOD prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The individual biographies below show qualifications and descriptions of the Healing Circle consultants. It demonstrates the experience of serving the Native American population. Project Consultants Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Historical Trauma, Racial Stereotypes & Discrimination, Preventing Loss Of Culture, Violence and Domestic Abuse, Youth/ Suicide This booklet is updated as of September 2012 First Edition

www.NativeHealingCircle.org for more information, please contact: Claudia Defaz: (510) 434-5456 or ClaudiaD@nativehealth.org


ABBY ABINANTI, J.D. (YUROK) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Healing Circle

• Graduated from the University Of New Mexico School of Law.

• She served as a State Court Commissioner, City and County of San Francisco since 1994. Ms. Abinanti was appointed Chief Judge of the Yurok Tribe in California on March 1, 2007.

• She established a court system that includes a Cultural Division and extensive substance abuse in/out patient options available for Yurok Tribal members.

ALBERT TITMAN, CDAC II, (MIWUK) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Intervention and Treatment

• Registered Addiction Specialist and a Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor through the Breining Institute.

• He provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment to individuals, couples, families, and groups to achieve more satisfying and productive marriage, family, and social adjustment. • In addition, provide culturally sensitive services by incorporating Native wellness and traditional healing modalities.

ANECITA YAHZI HERNANDEZ, (NAVAJO) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist

• She is a Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist & Cultural Consultant with the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley, Counseling Department in San Jose, CA.

• She utilizes traditional Native American culture values and knowledge to promote healthy choices and lifestyles in the Santa Clara County Intertribal American Indian Community.

• She is an effective advocate who speaks for the importance of culturally relevant programming and environmental respect and sustainability.

ANTONETTE (TONI) GARCIA, ASW, CSAC-II, CADC-II Areas of Expertise: Substance & Alcohol Abuse, Violence & Domestic Abuse, Historical Trauma Past presentation titles: The Medicine Wheel in Our Lives Native American Crafts & Their Connection to Spirituality

• Her central approach is reinforcing the strength of Native American cultural values in clients through learning and empowerment activities (i.e., traditional healing practices, crafts, cultural activities, sweat lodge and work with horses).

• She is currently a certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor and an Associate Clinical Social Worker striving to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

• Her focus is prevention work, building resilience in youth, families and communities

ART MARTINEZ, PH.D., (CHUMASH) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Psychologist

• He received his Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the US International College, Los Angeles

• Dr. Martinez was also substantively involved representing Indian Health issues and concerns in many cooperative efforts of HHS and various collateral governmental and nongovernmental authorities.

• Dr. Martinez, further, brings 30 years’ experience in administration of Indian health service system delivery and grant/ contract management in health delivery systems.

BARBARA ARAGON, M.S.W. (LAGUNA PUEBLO/CROW) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Gona (Gathering of Native Americans)

• Her strengths and passions include facilitation, training and technical assistance coordination and delivery within Native communities and she has over 25 years of experience in human services and training.

• She worked as the Director of Training with the American Indian Training Institute, Inc. for over 15 years where she coordinated statewide and national training and technical assistance response in the areas of substance abuse prevention for Native Communities.

• Currently, she is a private consultant working with tribes, states and institutions of higher learning in the development and delivery of prevention, wellness and case management approaches that weave evidence-based and cultural approaches to promote wellness and healing in community.

BILLY MITCHELL, CSAC II Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Substance Abuse Counselor

• He was the first person to ever carry any form of organized recovery work into the desperate neighborhood of Southside Oroville, California.

• Currently, Billy has been the Substance Abuse Program Manager for Northern Valley Indian Health [Chico/Willows] for nearly nine years.

• His Professional Certifications are; Certified Substance Abuse Counselor Level II: Indian Alcoholism Commission of California, Inc., Certified Program Administrator Level I: Indian Alcoholism Commission of California, Inc., Certified Substance Abuse Counselor Level II: International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium, Inc.

*BRITTA GUERRERO, B.A. (SAN CARLOS APACHE) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Chief Executive Officer

• Currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc (SNAHC), a community- owned and operated non-profit urban Indian health center. The health center plays a major role as part of the heath care “safety net” in the Sacramento area.

• SNAHC has emerged as a leader in the provision of quality health care delivered through a culturally competent, family centered and wrap around delivery system.

• Britta’s has made it her personal/professional mission to insure Native Americans have access to healthcare in urban areas such as Sacramento, and other urban areas where Native American healthcare is overlooked.

CARLOS RIVERA, (SHERWOOD VALLEY BAND OF POMO) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Native American Talking Circles

• Recently received his Chemical Dependencies Studies Certificate from American River College.

• He is a full- time employee at the Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC) as a Substance Abuse Counselor/Case Manager, in the Behavioral Health Department. He engages with the Native fathers, Historical Trauma and access to residential treatment for substance abuse. • J. Carlos Rivera is an active member of the Sacramento Native American community and is proud to be a part of a Wellbriety Movement that provides groups such as Talking Circles, White Bison 12- steps, and Anger Management education. CALVIN HEDRICK, B.A. (MOUNTAIN MAIDU) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Traditional Storytelling

• Utilizes traditional education in his presentations towards elementary, high school, universities and community levels. He has also presented at numerous local, state and national conferences, tribal health programs, Indian Education Centers, schools and Tribes.

• Calvin has developed his curriculum to help our youth and tribal communities focus on cultural knowledge.

• Presentation topics have included drug and alcohol prevention, traditional tobacco use, traditional storytelling and hand games, creative writing, public speaking suicide prevention, gang prevention and impacts of historical trauma.

CARRIE JOHNSON, PH.D., (WAHPETON DAKOTA) Areas of Expertise: Historical Trauma, Youth/ Suicide, Violence and Domestic Abuse Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: “Integrating Promising Traditional Practices into Treatment for American Indians and Alaskan Natives” “

• A licensed Clinical Psychologist. She is Director of the Seven Generations Child and Family Counseling Program of United American Indian Involvement in Los Angles.

• She has developed a child, youth and family mental health program for American Indian children, youth and families in Los Angeles with funding from federal, state and local sources.

• She has been the Principal Investigator for a SAMHSA System of Care project. Carrie has provided training on a national level on historical trauma and mental health needs of American Indian/Alaska Natives.

CIBONAY CORDOVA, M.A. (CAZAN GUAMARES, YAQUI, ZAPOTEC) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Community Services Director

• The Community Services Director at the Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC)

• Cibonay has worked at SNAHC for 6 years and she has been active in the area of prevention, health, and education for over 15 years.

• This includes working with the Native American community with AOD prevention, intervention, and recovery. In addition to working at SNAHC and the community, Cibonay also teaches Native American Studies at local Community Colleges.

*CRYSTAL SALAS-PATTEN (LAKOTA/APACHE) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: Youth Program Director

• A Youth Program Director for 8 years and is responsible for all youth programs including oversight of Indigenous Youth Voices.

• She will coordinate project activities, and assesses progress toward OFCY goals and objectives. She is responsible for contractual obligations and reporting requirements to OFCY, implementing internal evaluation efforts, and is the primary contact for OFCY.

• She staffs the traditional arts program, reports to the Director of Family & Child Guidance Clinic (FCGC) and supervises the Health Education Coordinator, Educational Support Manager, Natural Helper/Program Manager, and Natural Helper/Youth.

DANIEL DICKERSON, D.O., M.P.H., (INUPIAQ) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Assistant Research Psychiatrist • Dr. Dickerson received his bachelor’s degree from Berry College in Mount Berry, Georgia, his medical degree from Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, and his Masters of Public Health degree from A.T. Still University.

• He is an Assistant Research Psychiatrist at UCLA, Integrated Substance Abuse Programs and an addiction psychiatrist at United American Indian Involvement, Inc. in Los Angeles.

• He is chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association, Committee of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Psychiatrists. He is on the Council of Minority Mental health and Health Disparities of the American PsychiatricAssociation.

DANIELLE BREWSTER PC (PAIUTE/MONO/TACHI TRIBES) Areas of Expertise: Youth/Suicide, Preventing Loss of Culture, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: The California Wellness Foundation Conference 2011: Working with Native American Youth Groups -Workshop Presenter

• Danielle has established and trained Native Youth leadership programs. Draft policies and procedures for committees. Organize and develop community cultural events, sporting events and educational events. Danielle has conducted detailed, comprehensive prevention trainings and workshops for youth and adults.

• Danielle has experience working in prevention and education for over 12 years. The last four years Danielle has worked as a Program Coordinator developing positive programs and events in her community for Native American Youth.

• Danielle currently sits on the Board of Directors Nor Cal Pride, Board of Directors Shasta-Tehema- Trinty HIV Food Bank, Board of Directors Northern Hispanics Latino Coalition, Advisory Board for Women’s Health Specialists and Advisory Board of Shasta College Community Engagement.

DAVID “WOLF” DIAZ, (CHIRICAHUA APACHE AND ISLETA PUEBLO) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: Member of the Substance abuse Committee

• He is the Founder and President of “Walk of the Warrior,” an American Indian nonprofit outreach program delivering recovery for substance and alcohol abuse and related issues to state and federally recognized American Indian reservations.

• After giving a presentation of this outreach program to the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association he was elected to be a member of the Substance Abuse Committee which serves the 19 federally recognized tribes.

• In addition, Wolf has Grant writing capabilities and does public speaking engagements such as speaking on a panel for the United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) conference and panels for Charter Schools on reservations.

DEAN HOAGLIN, CSAC I (BIG VALLEY BAND OF POMO) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Education on Sweat Lodges

• Mr. Hoaglin practices traditional and cultural teachings in language, song and dance because he believes that the practice and implementation of our Native ways can help with disease prevention and promote self- worth for individuals and community.

• He has been involved in the social service field for the past 19 years with a focus on Native wellness that included working with organizations such as University of Oklahoma’s Health Promotion Program, American Indian Training Institute, Inc., and many others.

• His training includes: (1) Red Road Teachings (2) Medicine Wheel 12-Step (3) Self-Esteem Promotion (4) Fatherhood Is Sacred (5) Talking Circle (6) Drug/Alcohol Education & Prevention (7) GONA trainer of trainers. ELTON NASWOOD, M.A. (NAVAJO) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Native LGBT/Two Spirit; HIV/AIDS 101; Victim Advocacy/Services; Tribal Drug Court

• Mr. Naswood received his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology and American Indian Justice Studies from Arizona State University and a Master’s Degree in American Indian Studies at UCLA.

• He is the Program Coordinator for the Red Circle Project, a

Native American HIV Prevention program at AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) the only HIV Prevention program for Native Americans/Alaska Natives in Los Angeles County.

• His areas of expertise include Gender/Sexual Identity, HIV/ AIDS, Tribal Wellness courts, and mental health, AOD facilitator and case management. wellness, AOD facilitator and case management.

ESTHER LUCERO, M.S. (NAVAJO) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Youth/ Suicide, Digital Storytelling Past Presentation Titles: American Indian Psychology

• She is currently Director of Policy & Programs for Native American Health Center and is trained in Digital Storytelling. She is a professor of American Indian studies at San Francisco State University and San Francisco Arts Institute.

• She has over 2 years’ experience as a Case Manager at the Native American AIDS Project.

• She was an active member of the City and County of San Francisco HIV Prevention Planning Council, acted as co-chair for the Points of Integration committee, and participated in creating best practices manual for prevention with positives.

GAYLE ZEPEDA Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Medicine Wheel

• An independent consultant with over twenty years of experience working with tribal communities and organizations throughout the state to address the root causes of substance abuse and its related issues.

• Specialized training topics include healthy parenting, asset based community development, the GONA curriculum,

substance abuse prevention, and wellness and personal development. • She is currently a faculty trainer/facilitator for the Tribal TANF Professional Development Program, Center for Human Services at U.C. Davis. In 1994, Ms. Zepeda became the first California Indian to receive The California Wellness Foundations California Peace Prize for her work in addressing the root causes of violence in Indian communities. HARRIETT SKYE, PH.D (STANDING ROCK LAKOTA) Preventing Loss Of Culture, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Tribal TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

• An award winning filmmaker, television moderator, producer and director and a scholar in American Indian History and Culture, and is an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Lakota Nation.She was also the Vice President of Intertribal Programs at United Tribes Technical College, Bismarck, N.D. for 7 years. She has worked at the National Tribal Chairmen’s Association and the Native American Science Education Association in Washington, D.C.Ms

• She coordinated the 1st National Indian Alcohol and Drug Conference in Denver, Colorado in 1970. For the past 6 years she has held AA meeting in jails and treatment centers for Native American women; worked with students and their children at United Tribes and given many presentations on alcohol and drugs throughout the country.

JANET KING, M.S.W., (LUMBEE) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide, Racial Stereotypes & Discrimination, Past Presentation Titles: Project Director

• She is a Project Director and has been instrumental in developing culturally appropriate treatment programs in California. Currently, she is Project Director for Urban Trails, a CMHS-funded project in the Child Mental Health Initiative, serving severely emotionally disturbed AI/AN children, many

of whom experienced trauma. • Janet has worked with the AI/AN community at NAHC for 15 years. She is a tireless advocate for transforming mental health services for AI/ANs on local, state and national levels. Janet is a founding member of the statewide Racial & Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition (REMHDCO) and member of the Social Justice Committee of the California Mental Health Director’s Association.

• She is on the Ethnic Minorities Research Committee of the University of California, Davis. Janet has provided community education, provider training, and consultation on local, state and federal levels.

JENNIFER VARENCHIK-VILLALOBOS, B.A. (TOHONO O’ODHAM) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Native American Family Decisions

• She has been involved in the Los Angeles Native American community since 1997. She has helped develop two successful urban Native youth after school programs and started her own consulting company, Varenchik & Associates (V&A) in 2003.

• V&A specializes in bringing training and technical assistance in financial literacy, entrepreneurship and leadership workshops to both reservation and urban Native American communities.

• Jennifer has worked with two national Native American non-profit organizations: White Bison, Inc and First Nations Oweesta Corporation. Jennifer’s curriculums of substance abuse recovery and personal finances training have been presented throughout California tribal and urban American Indian communities.

JOHNNY CLAY (POMO, MAIDU) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation: Artist and tribal cultural bearer

• For the last seven years he has been operating his own business as a native artist. He offers designs and drawings that represent the culture of Native Americans.

• He has been chosen as the tribal cultural bearer in his family of Pomo/ Maidu. He tries to teach the native culture in his classes.

• The reason he chooses to teach the native traditional culture in a modern forum is for the single parents who did not have the ability to pass down the traditions to the next generations.

MAGGIE STEELE Areas of Expertise: Violence and Domestic Abuse, Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: Grassroots Conference (Wellness Plan) • The founder of 7th Generation Warriors For Peace an organization dedicated to working with youth to prevent violence, gang conflict, and in promoting healing and empowerment.

• Maggie specializes in working with youth to prevent bullying, youth violence, gang conflict, and in promoting healing and wellness through grass roots organizing.

• She is also a Certified Mediator and recognized by the Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County as the 2012 Ambassador for Peace for her outstanding work and efforts to promote peace and was awarded the prestigious Mary Parker Follet Award by the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution for her excellence and innovation in the field of conflict resolution

MARIA YELLOW HORSE BRAVE HEART, PH.D. (HUNKPAPA/OGLALA LAKOTA), (Availability is only during Native Women’s Conference) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Associate Professor

• An Associate Professor at Colombia University School of Social Work and a clinical intervention research team member at the Hispanic Treatment Program, New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical School.

• Dr. Brave Heart was a tenured faculty member at the University Of Denver Graduate School Of Social Work, Coordinator of the Native People’s Curriculum Project, serving the Four Corners region, and core faculty in the PostGraduate Trauma Response and Recovery Certificate.

• Additionally, Dr. Brave Heart was President/Co-founder/ Director of the Takini Network, based in Rapid City, South Dakota, a Native non-profit devoted to community healing from intergenerational massive group trauma among Indigenous Peoples.

MARK FOUNTAIN, (MIWUK) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Vice-Chair of Calaveras County Mountain Miwuk Tribe

• Mr. Fountain is currently the Vice-Chair of Calaveras County Mountain Miwuk Tribe of West Point California and has been for the past 4 years. He coordinates two annual fundraisers for the tribe. He attends bimonthly tribal meetings.

• He is an instructor for cultural classes at the Manteca Indian Education Program and Summer Program. The classes include Hand Games and Songs, Powwow Drum/Dace and songs, Traditional Clapper Stick making and songs, Traditional Stories and history.

• He volunteers at the Stockton Indian Education Drum/Dance Class and at the Auburn Drum/Dance class. He attends traditional sweat ceremonies & Round House ceremonies. He has completed White Bison training for the prevention and rehabilitation of alcohol/drug use.

MARTIN MARTINEZ, CSAC II, (POMO) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Mental Health

• He is the Director of Social Services Department, Red Road Director, Chair of the Tribal Economic Development Board and Chair of the Pomo Heritage Institute for the Redwood Valley Rancheria Tribe in Mendocino County.

• He is chair of the Native American Constituent Committee for the State of California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. Martin provides education in Native American cultural traditions as a means of preventing mental illness and substance abuse.

• He is certified in California as a Substance Abuse Counselor. He consults for many rural and urban tribal groups in California, including unrecognized tribes.

MICHAEL DUNCAN (CON-COW/ WAILAKI /WINTUN) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Educating Native Fathers

• He is currently the Director of Native Dad’s Network (N.D.N.).Mr. Duncan is a strong believer in cultural values and building self-empowerment in Native American people.

• Mr. Duncan fosters growth in people by creating safe, positive environments as a basis of healthy family structures and relationships. Mr. Duncan is actively involved in the Native community and has helped plan, organize, promote, and fundraise over the last four years.

• Mike is certified with CAADAC as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He has used those skills and his own recovery to help develop the Fatherhood/Motherhood based on the “Fatherhood is Sacred” curriculum and cultural activities.

MICHAEL DURAN, M.A., (APACHE) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Director of the Counseling Department

• The Director of the Counseling Department of the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley in San Jose. He is responsible for overseeing operations including child, family, adult and elder mental health support and psychotherapy programs; substance abuse treatment and prevention programs; and traditional healing.

• He has coordinated Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) retreats and the Traditional Path to Wellness program.

• The Counseling Department of the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley was one of the first programs to receive funding through MHSA in the first rollout for Community Services and Supports.

*MICHELE MAAS, M.S.W., (ANISHNAABE) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture / Sexual Trauma-Sexual Violence/Domestic Violence/ Integrating Western Clinical Practice with Traditional Ways of Being/ Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Blood Memories, Sweetgrass Grows, Firewater and the Sword: Implications of Historical Trauma, Connecting the Generations

• Is a registered Associate Clinical Social Worker and is getting licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). She has developed a curriculum for AI/AN women that focus on the journey of recovery from substance abuse within the context of intergenerational and historical trauma.

• Michele has extensive experience facilitating workshops and in providing training to both the Native American and non-Native American population regarding the socio-cultural, socio-economic, and socio-political issues faced by Native Americans.

• Integrating her understanding of Chippewa culture and beliefs with western evidence based practice; Ms. Maas has developed specific curriculums utilizing a holistic model healing approach for Native Americans that focus on the journey of recovery/discovery from substance abuse, sexual trauma, domestic violence and grief.

MYRA SMITH, CSAC II, CADC II, CADC I (MUSKOGEE) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Violence and Domestic Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II

• She obtained her Medical Assisting Diploma from Bryman School and received her Certification in Alcohol and Drug Studies at University of California, Berkeley. She is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II by the State of California, an Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor by the Indian Alcoholism Commission of California, Inc.

• Ms. Smith was awarded the distinguished American Indian Woman Award in 1997 from American Indian Training Institute. She is currently working at Friendship House Association of American Indians as the Health Education Specialist/Tribal Outreach.

• She has been employed at Friendship House for the past 16 years and has held numerous positions. She is certified in Anger Management, Domestic Violence, and Frame Work for Recovery. She is a Commissioner for the Indian Alcoholism Commission of California, Inc. She is also the recipient of the 2006 “Local Hero Award” by KQED Channel 9.

NAZBAH TOM, M.F.T. (NAVAJO) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Women’s Trauma • Currently working as the HIV Program Director in the Circle of Healing Department and is a Project Director for the 2 Spirit project at the NAHC. Nazbah has over six years of experience as a Counselor in the Native community in San Francisco and has strong links to the local two-spirit community.

• Her facilitation has included Women’s Conference held by California Rural Indian Health Board, Alcohol and Drug Program Conference, Gathering of Native Americans, local colleges and universities as part of Cultural Competency courses and many more.

• Essentially, her practice and presentations include an amalgamation of Western psychotherapy, drama therapy, Somatic and Trauma, and Indigenous cultural practices.

OLIVIA JACKSON, LMFT (OTOMI/MAYO TRIBES FROM MEXICO) Areas of Expertise: Violence and Domestic Abuse , Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Historical Trauma Past Presentation Titles: Recovery Workshops

• Is a licensed marriage and family therapist and also maintains a behavioral health integration certification. She worked at the United Indian Health as a licensed practitioner for 23 years and provided counseling for Native families.

• Olivia is trained to work with medical doctors as well as behavioral health service providers in an effort to help those who have suffered from trauma, substance abuse, and other alcohol and drug related issues.

• Olivia has worked as a facilitator for the Women’s Purification Ceremony for the past 10 years which is a group to support women who are working on their sobriety.

Jackson also Co-Founded (POWER) Peers Offering Wisdom Education Respect youth group and certified as a behavioral health and integrative medicine.

PATRICIA A PENA (KICKAPOO NATION) KS TRIBAL MEMBER Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation: On Native Ground Owner

• She is the owner and Founder of On Native Ground, a multi-media company and is a credentialed CAIRS Recovery Services Provider through the California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB)

• As an enrolled member of the Kickapoo Nation in Kansas, she has volunteered and advocated for infrastructure, programming and served on Haskell University’s Wellness programs and several tribal committees in Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona and California.

• Patricia continues to serve as alumnus presenter for the California Indian Manpower Consortium (CIMC) Entrepreneurial Training Program.

PAUL TUPAZ, M.B.A. Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: AOD Systems

• He has worked with the Native American community for over 20 years and facilitated the Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC) Strategic Planning process in 2010 and 2011.

• Mr. Tupaz is working as a consultant for the Inter- Tribal Council of California, Inc. as a program planning participant, facilitator, presenter and trainer.

• His experience includes Head Start, family services, crisis intervention within the Native community, child abuse prevention, family services and community partnerships.

RICHARD MOVES CAMP, B.S. (LAKOTA), (Availability is Limited) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Community Health

• Richard Moves Camp is a fifth generation Lakota Medicine Man with fluency in his first language, Lakota. He has been formally trained to lead cultural ceremonies based on knowledge of Lakota traditional healing practices, oral history, stories and songs.

• Richard Moves Camp has worked as a Traditional Consultant with the Native American Health Center for over 15 years. During his time with NAHC he has translated traditional healing methods from a rural reservation environment to an urban one as a result of the need that have arisen among our people.

• Throughout his work he has demonstrated a commitment to the preservation of our culture. He recognizes traditional practices as an integral part of the healing process for native people and as a necessary component to promote the healing of our community.

RITA WAFLER, PH.D., M.F.T. (YUROK) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Historical Grief

• She has worked in the mental health field for the past 33 years. She has served as a manager, supervisor, clinician, and speaker at different times throughout her career. Dr. Wafler has spent the past 33 years working with children from different backgrounds and ethnicities.

• Dr. Wafler has provided presentations in Communication skill building, working in Native American communities throughout the State of California and more recently in Northern California helping demystify mental health.

• She is a leading trainer for Mental Health Systems of care in Native Communities. Dr. Wafer’s passion is to help people enhance their relationships through mutual understanding respect, and communication.

SARA RASKIE, B.A., (OJIBWE) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture, Violence and Domestic Abuse, Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: Medicine Wheel, Healthy Relationships, Dating Safety, Community building, environmental education, gardening

• Sara has over 10 years of experience as a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault advocate, Prevention and Education Coordinator, promoting healthy relationships with oneself, family, partner, community and environment.

• Sara is passionate about celebrating life and inspiring others through learning, growing, thriving, and healing. She enacts this passion in her daily work as a farmer on a local women run farm, as an after-school bike shop program co-facilitator, and as a childcare provider for children with special needs.

• Sara is drawn to service through various volunteer activities including Indigenous Peoples Days, Sierra Native Alliance, and South Yuba River Citizens League, Haute Trash and the Seven Hills School Garden.

*SERENA WRIGHT, M.P.H. Areas of Expertise: Research & Evaluation, Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Evaluator

• She has over ten years of experience in prevention program evaluation and management.

• She has worked exclusively on SPF prevention programs as an Evaluator. She has worked on the SPF-SIG which focuses

on substance abuse prevention among urban AI/AN populations statewide and the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI)

• She is Director of Native American Health Center Community Wellness Department.

STEVIE BURDEN, B.A., CADC-II, (CHEROKEE) (Availability is only during Native Women’s Conference) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: substance abuse prevention • Ms. Burden began working in the field of substance abuse over thirty years ago. She has worked both in treatment and prevention during that time in a variety of settings from penitentiaries to schools and community mental health venues.

• Since 1988 she has specialized in substance abuse prevention at the local, state, and national levels. She is well versed in all areas of substance abuse prevention including but not limited to; research, best practices, evaluation, national trends and statistics, cultural responsiveness and competency, policy development and community training and mobilization.

• She has supervised state level prevention systems as the State Programs Supervisor and National Prevention Network (NPN) Representative for both the State of Wyoming and the State of Nevada. Additionally, she served as the Western Regional Representative to the Executive Committee of the NPN for five years.

TAHNEE CAMACHO, (OTOMI) Areas of Expertise: Youth/ Suicide Past Presentation Titles: Youth Coordinator

• Tahnee came to NAHC as an intern while in high school and became the Youth Coordinator for Urban Trails in Oakland.

• For the past 5 years, she has worked daily with Native youth in the community, organizing the Youth Council, facilitating

groups and classes, arranging sports activities, and listening to youth.

• She is an effective advocate for youth-guided programs. She has represented the youth voice at numerous SAMHSA meetings on a national level.

TENE KREMLING, L.C.S.W., (YUROK) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Clinical Social Worker • He is on the Social Services Advisory committee for her Yurok Tribe; the largest in California with a service area that encompasses remote rural reservation land, rural areas off the reservation and the urban areas of Humboldt and Del Norte counties.

• Tene is a licensed Clinical Social Worker. She maintains a consulting business with a focus in the areas of cultural awareness and wellness in Native American communities.

• Her work experience encompasses all ages of tribal populations from developing a plan for elder care to establishing programs and relationships within the juvenile justice system in order to provide services to incarcerated Native youth.

THOMAS PHILLIPS, M.S.W. (KIOWA) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse Past Presentation Titles: Community Mental Health Specialist

• Thomas has worked in the field of Substance Abuse Services since 1970 and in this experience has worked with some seven Community Based American Indian Substance Abuse Treatment Services centers and six American Indian tribal programs during this period.

• Thomas is currently on staff as Community Mental Health Specialist for the San Francisco Friendship House for the American Indian, Inc. Healing Center where he provides

Traditional Healing Approaches base on Red Road Treatment and he conducts Internal Quality Improvement Chart Reviews and Specialized In-Service Training for the agency as well as Community Based Programs and Projects.

• Thomas has held a California Certification for Substance Abuse Counseling (CSAC I) and a State of Nevada License as a Licensed Social Worker (LSW). He has served on Task Force committees, Planning Committees, and was a past Co-founder Northern Region for the National/International American Indian Alcoholics Anonymous Conference.

TONY CERVANTES, B.A., (CHICHIMECA) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Medicine Wheel Workshop • He was appointed as the Native American Liaison for the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) in July 2004. He also managed Indian Health Clinic Services for ADP beginning in 2001. • He worked with 36 Indian Health Clinics statewide, Tribes, Tribal entities and other governmental and non- governmental organizations. His work, as an executive staff member, involved Native American issues impacting AOD program prevention, treatment and recovery services throughout California.

• He served in this capacity until January 2009 when he went to work for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. In October 2009, Tony began working with the California Conservation Corps (CCC) where he was the manager of the CCC’s education, training and development programs. He retired from state service in the summer of 2010.

VIDA MARIA CASTANEDA, M.S.W., (CHUMASH, OHLONE, ZAPOTEC) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Court Services Analyst

• As a court services analyst in the Tribal Projects Unit at the Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children and the Courts (CFCC), Ms. Castaneda routinely provides technical assistance to Tribal court systems in throughout the State court system on family violence issues in California’s Tribal communities.

• In October 2008, the CFCC launched a short-term project that Ms. Castaneda assisted in coordinating. This program was designed to enhance access to and improve the administration of justice for Native American victims of family violence.

• The purpose of the Tribal Projects Unit is to serve as liaison and to assist the judicial branch with the development of policies, positions, and programs to ensure the highest quality of justice and service for California’s Native American communities in cases relating to Indian Child Welfare Act, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.

*VIOLET LUNDBERG, M.S., MFT., (YUROK AND TALOWA) Areas of Expertise: Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Director of the Family and Child Guidance Clinic

• Previously the Director of the Family and Child Guidance Clinic (Community Wellness Department today) at the NAHC. She has been with agency for over 14 years. She assisted Director of Behavioral Health with administrative functions, e.g., program development and enhancement, worked closely with support staff on community activities, and provided supervision for both the Oakland and the San Francisco clinical sites.

• Violet monitored clinical charts, provided referrals and case management, maintain a caseload, and provided assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning.

• Violet managed and coordinated the renewal of two grants totaling over $250k and, finally, coordinate program services both internally and externally for the Community Wellness Department WILLIAM HARRISON, (MOUNTAIN MAIDU) Areas of Expertise: Substance Abuse/ Alcohol Abuse, Preventing Loss Of Culture Past Presentation Titles: Program Specialist

• AOD background includes working as a Program Specialist in the Access to American Indian Recovery (AAIR) Program at the California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) in Sacramento, CA.

• Mr. Harrison has also served in the capacity of Behavioral Health Coordinator at Chapa-De Indian Health Program in Auburn, CA. Through his professional background, Mr. Harrison is familiar with culturally competent approaches to AOD prevention and recovery including client privacy and professional protocols.

• William also has a solid foundation in California Indian culture. In his Maidu community, he hosts a traditional spring ceremony and serves his community as a dance captain.

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www.NativeHealingCircle.org for more information, please contact: Claudia Defaz: (510) 434-5456 or ClaudiaD@nativehealth.org

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