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CLIMaTE CHANGE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Experts for an investment strategy dedicated to climate change Corporate and Investment Banking / INVESTMENT Solutions / Specialized Financial Services

Message from Pascal Voisin “Given our commitment to responsible and sustainable investing, Natixis Asset Management has been working for several months to integrate climate change factors into an investment strategy. This requires an in-depth understanding of the geographic, sectoral, technological and human impacts associated with global warming. However, we are conscious of not being specialists in this vast, complex and constantly evolving field. Therefore, to complement in-house resources, we are working with a college of experts with varied and complementary profiles. This Committee is chaired by Carlos Joly, an acknowledged figure in the world of responsible and sustainable investment, who is supporting us in the development of our expertise on climate change. The seven experts of the Scientific Committee enlighten the Natixis Asset Management teams on issues related to the management of natural resources, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the adaptation to climate change. They have all enthusiastically accepted our invitation. To them, I express my sincere gratitude.�

Chief Executive Officer of Natixis Asset Management

The Tasks of the Committee The major trends in climate change are now well known, but it remains difficult to grasp the precise impacts it will have, both on environmental and human levels and on economic and financial levels. The Scientific Committee of Natixis Asset Management therefore fulfils three tasks:

Enlighten Natixis Asset Management on climate change and its impacts The members represent state-of-the-art research on climate change on a global level and assist the Natixis Asset Management teams in analyzing the consequences of climate change in various business sectors, countries and regions. They indicate technology regulations, or other factors that can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the inevitable consequences of climate change.


Assure an advisory role The members are invited to express their opinion about investment choices with regards to the various themes. They warn Natixis Asset Management’s Executive Committee members and portfolio managers of any stocks which might be incongruent with the sub themes. Investment decisions nevertheless remain the sole responsibility of the investment team.


Provide information The members assure a quality control on thematic papers on controversial subjects (nuclear energy, biofuels, etc.). They can choose to participate in seminars or press conferences arranged by Natixis Asset Management to raise public awareness about Climate Change issues and solutions.

Organization and composition of the Scientific Committee NatixisAsset Asset Management’s Management’s Scientific Committee twice a year. The exchanges between the various Natixis Scientific Advisorymeets Committee members and the conclusions of the Committee meetings give rise to publications.

Philippe Zaouati Business development Head

Pascal Voisin CEO

Dominique Sabassier CIO

Carlos Joly Suzanne Senellart Portfolio manager

Chairman of the SAC Co-founder of UNEP FI / UN PRI*

Richard Klein Adaptation and vulnerability

Clotilde Basselier Portfolio manager


Stéphane Hallegatte Socio-economic impact of climate change

Miklos Konkoly Thege Certification, shipping

Blaise Desbordes

Pierre Radanne Energy efficiency

Green building Yves Le Bars Waste natural disasters

Natixis AM members Principal Members of Natixis Asset Management

Anne Gouyon Forestry and agro forestry

Experts (examples of their specialties) College of Experts and their main areas of expertise

Biographies of external members of the Committee

Carlos Joly is the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of Natixis Asset Management. He was the founder and CEO of MiljøInvest AS, which developed a range of SRI funds; and Senior Vice-President of Storebrand, where he launched the Storebrand Environment Fund. He was a co-founder and the Chairman of UNEP-FI*. He co-chaired the Experts Group which drew up the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. Carlos Joly is a visiting Professor in Finance and Climate Change at the École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse and teaches Finance and Sustainable Development for the MBA at BI-Norwegian School of Management. He is an associate researcher at the Centre for Development and the Environment of the University of Oslo. Carlos Joly has published a large number of research and press articles on the subject of responsible investment and the environment. He holds a Master’s degree in philosophy from Harvard.

Blaise Desbordes is Director of Sustainable Development in the “Finance, Strategy and Sustainable Development Department” of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. He has specialized in public and corporate sustainable development policies for around 15 years and in particular established the “Eco-District” initiative in France. He takes part in several market working groups, particularly within the UNEP-FI*, where he co-chairs the Responsible Property group. He has participated in the “Town Planning” group 9 of the “Grenelle de L’Environnement” forum. He is an administrator of Effinergie and AEW Europe. Blaise Desbordes is a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris. * UNEP-FI : United Nations Environment Program - Finance Initiative

Anne Gouyon worked as a permanent researcher in socioeconomics in the Department of Perennial Cultures in the CIRAD (International Co-operation Centre in Agronomic Research for Development), where she carried out fieldwork in South-East Asia and West Africa. She was a founder and director of Idé-Force, a consulting firm specializing in assessing the socioeconomic and environmental impact of rural development and plantation culture projects. The firm’s clients include the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Union, the World Agroforestry Center, various NGOs and private companies. She is also responsible for audits of the FSC and CCB (Carbon, Conservation and Biodiversity) standards for the Rainforest Alliance. She is currently a founding partner of Becitizen and an expert in forestry and agroforestry. She is co-author of the bestseller “Réparer la Planète, la Révolution de l’Economie positive”™ (“Repairing the Planet: the Positive Economy Revolution), which offers solutions to global environmental problems and was awarded the “Prix du Livre Nature et Environnement” in 2008. Anne Gouyon has a doctorate in agro-economics.

Stephane Hallegatte is a researcher in environmental economics and climate science at the Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Météo-France and the CIRED (International Centre for Research on the Environment and Development). He participated in the IPCC in 2007. His research covers three areas: study of the economic consequences of natural disasters; assessment of the socioeconomic impacts of climate change; design of public or private strategies for adaptation to climate change. In 2008 he was awarded the Special Jury’s Prize of the International Transport Forum in recognition of his innovative work in his publication: “Time and space matter: how urban transitions create inequality”. Stephane Hallegatte is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, the Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie and the EHES (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and has a doctorate in economics.

Richard Klein has specialized for over 15 years in the methodological aspects of climate risk, vulnerability assessment and climate adaptation processes in society. He is now concentrating on the integration of climate issues in development policy: he is a researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, where he co-ordinates research on climate policies across seven research centers, and is a professor at the University of Linköping in Sweden. He has been working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 1993. More recently, he has co-ordinated the Fourth Assessment Report, in which he drafted the conclusions on interactions between adaptation and the reduction of greenhouse gases. He has also contributed to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report and to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal “Climate and Development” and the author of numerous publications. Richard Klein has a doctorate in geography.

Miklos Konkoly-Thege has occupied a number of senior executive posts in international companies. In particular, he has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tandberg AS (Norway) and as a financial analyst at ITT Europe Inc. (Belgium). In 1984 he joined Det Norske Veritas, the world’s major certification agency, where he was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 2002, a post he occupied until 2006. He is currently a member of the boards of directors of the shipping companies Wilhelmsen Maritime Services AS, Wilhelmsen Ship Management AS and Danaos Corporation and of the certification company Moody International. Miklos Konkoly-Thege is a specialist in the shipping industry and certification, both on a sector level and with regard to financial and risk control aspects. He has an in-depth knowledge of the environmental issues in numerous business sectors. Miklos Konkoly-Thege holds an MBA from the University of Minnesota (United States) and a Master of Science degree from the University of Hannover in Germany. Yves Le Bars has occupied various posts in the French civil service, particularly as a director of research bodies: Director-General of Cemagref (agricultural and environmental research institute), Director-General of the BRGM (geological and mining research bureau) and Chairman of the ANDRA (National Agency for the Control of Radioactive Wastes). He is currently Chairman of GRET, the most important secular NGO for international solidarity, and is completing a term of office as ViceChairman of the French Association for the Prevention of Natural Disasters. He is a director of the IHEST (Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology), one of the new instruments specified in the “Research Pact” in 2006. He is assisting the Minister of the Environment on the reduction of pesticide use in France and the IRD (Institute of Research for Development) as Chairman of a College of Experts on energy in the development of New Caledonia. His areas of expertise cover the relationships between research, innovation and society, and in particular the issues associated with sustainable development. Yves Le Bars is a general engineer in agricultural engineering for water and forestry. Pierre Radanne is Chairman of the 4D association (Dossiers et Débats pour le Développement Durable) and a founder of the company “Futur Facteur 4”, which he formed in 2004 and which combines activities of consulting, research, training and communication on energy management, combating climate change and sustainable development. He has served as Chairman of the ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency). In 2003, he participed in a long-term study in the Interministerial Mission on the Greenhouse Effect for the Prime Minister’s office. He is currently an independent consultant and an expert for various institutions and a speaker at numerous public meetings. He has published many works, in particular “L’énergie dans l’économie” in 1988 (“Energy in the Economy”). Since 2006, he has worked with the IEPF (Institute of Energy and the Environment for the French-speaking Countries) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support and train African negotiators for United Nations conferences on climate change.

Natixis Asset Management - June 2010 Cover picture : Real-estate project « The Cor Building « designed by Oppenheim office - finalization 2011 - Miami - United States

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