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Message from Pascal Voisin

Given our commitment to responsible and sustainable investing, Natixis Asset Management has developed a specific approach to integrate climate change factors into an investment strategy. This requires an in-depth understanding of the geographic, sectoral, technological and human impacts associated with global warming. However, we are conscious of not being specialists in this vast, complex and constantly evolving field. Therefore, to complement in-house resources, we are working with a college of experts with varied and complementary profiles: the Climate Change Scientific Committee. This Committee is chaired by Carlos Joly, an acknowledged figure in the world of responsible and sustainable investment, who is supporting us in the development of our expertise on climate change. The experts of the Climate Change Scientific Committee enlighten the Natixis Asset Management teams on issues related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the adaptation to climate change and the better management of natural resources. Their knowledge constitutes a useful working tool for our climate change team.

Pascal Voisin, Chief Executive Officer of Natixis Asset Management

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The Scientific Committee’s missions The major trends in climate change are now well known, but it remains difficult to grasp its precise impacts, both for the environment and humans and in economic and financial terms. The Climate Change Scientific Committee of Natixis Asset Management therefore fulfills three tasks:

Enlighten Natixis Asset Management on climate change and its impacts

The members represent state-of-the-art research on climate change on a global level and assist the Natixis Asset Management teams in analyzing the consequences of climate change in various business sectors, countries and regions. They provide regular clarification of international and local regulatory developments that might impact the investment decisions of economic actors.


Identify and deepen areas of knowledge about climate change


Contribute to investment ideas generation

The members of the Committee are specialists in their areas and work in close collaboration with the Natixis Asset Management extra-financial research and management teams. They report on new technological developments that could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the consequences of climate change. In addition, they participate in the distribution of information at events organized by Natixis Asset Management, in order to raise awareness among investors and the general public about the challenges of climate change and the solutions envisaged to tackle them. Depending on their specialties, the members of the Climate Change Scientific Committee are invited to contribute to enhancing the Impact Climate Change expertise investment universe by offering new ideas that address climate change concerns. They are invited to express opinions about investment choices with regard to the themes identified, and propose, if necessary, new opportunities that respond to issues of climate change. The final investment decisions remain the responsibility of the management team.

Organization of the Scientific Committee Natixis Asset Management’s Climate Change Scientific Committee meets twice a year. These sessions are an opportunity for dialogue between the management team, extra-financial analysts and the scientific experts of the Committee. The management team can also call upon members of the Scientific Committee, according to their specialties, to continue discussions on complex subjects and need to be explored further.


The Climate Change Scientific Committee

Carlos Joly

Pierre Radanne

Anne Gouyon

Yves Le Bars

Richard Klein

Chairman of the Climate Change Scientific Committee

Energy efficiency

Forestry and agroforestry

Waste, natural disasters

Adaptation and vulnerability

Matthieu Wemaëre International environmental law

Scientific enlightenment Reflection on themes Experienced investment team

Extra-financial research 10 ESG analysts headed up by Hervé Guez

2 portfolio managers + 1 analyst

Clotilde Basselier

Suzanne Sénellart

Pierre Pedrosa

supported by economists, strategists, allocators (...) of Natixis Asset Management


Online Climate Change section:

Client events in France and abroad


Biographies of external members of the Committee Carlos Joly is the Chairman of the Climate Change Scientific Committee of Natixis Asset Management. He was the founder of MiljøInvest AS, which developed a range of SRI funds, and Senior Vice-President of investments in Norway at Storebrand, where he launched the Storebrand Environment Fund. He was a co-founder and the Chairman of UNEP-FI* and co-chaired the panel of experts that drew up the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. In addition, Carlos Joly is a visiting professor in Finance and Global Change at the École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse and teaches Finance and Sustainable Development for the MBA at BI Norwegian School of Management. He is an associate researcher at the Centre for Development and the Environment of the University of Oslo. Carlos Joly has published a large number of research and press articles on the subject of responsible investment and the environment. He holds a Master’s degree in philosophy from Harvard.

Anne Gouyon worked as a permanent researcher in socioeconomics in the Department of Perennial Crops at CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development), where she carried out fieldwork in South-East Asia and West Africa. She was a founder and director of Idé-Force, a consulting firm specializing in assessing the socioeconomic and environmental impact of rural development and plantation crop projects. The firm’s clients include the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Union, the World Agroforestry Center, and various NGOs and private companies. She is also responsible for audits of the FSC and CCB (carbon, conservation and biodiversity) standards for the Rainforest Alliance. She is currently a founding partner of Becitizen. Anne Gouyon is co-author of the best-seller "Réparer la planète, la révolution de l’économie positive™", which proposes solutions to global environmental problems, and was awarded the “Prix du Livre Nature et Environnement” in 2008. Anne Gouyon has a doctorate in agricultural economics. * UNEP-FI, United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative.

Richard Klein has specialized for over 15 years in the methodological aspects of climate risk, vulnerability assessment and climate adaptation processes in society. He is now concentrating on the integration of climate issues in development policy. He is a researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute, where he coordinates research on climate policies across seven research centers, and is a professor at the University of Linköping in Sweden. He has been working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 1993. More recently, he coordinated the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, in which he drafted the conclusions on interactions between adaptation and the reduction of greenhouse gases. He has also contributed to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal "Climate and Development" and the author of numerous publications. Richard Klein has a doctorate in geography.

Yves Le Bars has held various positions in the French civil service, particularly as a director of research bodies: Director-General of Cemagref (agricultural and environmental research institute), Director-General of BRGM (geological and mining research bureau), Chairman of ANDRA (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) and just ended his position of Vice-Chairman of the French Association for the Prevention of Natural Disasters. He is currently Chairman of GRET, the largest secular NGO for international solidarity and a director of IHEST (Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology), one of the new instrument defined in the French government’s 2006 “Research Pact”. He is currently assisting the Minister of the Environment with the reduction of pesticide use in France and the IRD (Institute of Research for Development) as chairman of a college of experts on energy in the development of New Caledonia. His areas of expertise cover the relationships between research, innovation and society, particularly the issues associated with sustainable development. Yves Le Bars is an agricultural engineer specializing in water and forestry.

Pierre Radanne is Chairman of the 4D association (Dossiers et Débats pour le Développement Durable) and founder of the company “Futur Facteur 4”, which he formed in 2004 and which combines activities of consulting, research, training and communication on energy management, combating climate change and sustainable development. He has served as Chairman of the ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency). In 2003, he was entrusted with the longterm forecasting of the Inter-ministerial Mission on the Greenhouse Effect for the Prime Minister’s office. He currently works as an independent consultant as well as an expert for various institutions and a conference speaker. He has published many works, in particular "L’énergie dans l’économie" ("Energy in the Economy") in 1988. Since 2006, he has been working with IEPF (Institute of Energy and the Environment for French-speaking Countries) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to support and train African negotiators for United Nations conferences on climate change.

Matthieu Wemaëre has worked for six years for the European Commission. In particular, he joined the Directorate-General for the Environment as a national expert detached to the Climate Change Unit between 1999 and 2003. During this period, he was intensively involved in the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol negotiations on Joint Implementation/Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as well as in the drafting processes and negotiations of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and Linking Directives. He is now a Senior Lawyer admitted at the Paris and Brussels Bar Associations and a Research Associate at the Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI, hosted by Sciences Po Paris). He provides legal assistance and advice to international organizations, Governments, regional and local public authorities, and private companies on climate change issues. His areas of expertise cover the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol as well as the follow-up of the policy debate on the post 2012 international climate regime, the development of JI/CDM projects and the enforcement of the EU ETS Directive to other domestic emission trading schemes.

Natixis Asset Management - Communication Department - October 2011 - Eco-friendly printing. Cover picture: Real-estate project "The Cor Building" designed by Oppenheim Architecture and Design - completion 2011 - Miami - USA.

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