Flash Awards Lauriers d'or

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December 2010



Natixis Asset Management awarded Gold "Laurier" 2010 Category "Fixed income Management"

In the 2010 awards, Natixis Asset Management was honored by Investir Magazine for its fund management over five years in the “Fixed income Management” category on behalf of CNP Assurances, for the following funds: n CNP Assur Oblig, n CNP Assur Euro, n CNP Moyen Terme, n CNP Assur Capi, n CNP Court Terme, n CNP Assur Ixis Crédit. Investir’s Lauriers Awards honore each year the funds which were the most performant over the past five years. In order to win, the funds or fund ranges have to strike the best balance between risk and return of their peer groups in the Morningstar’s various categories selected over the refering period from end-September 2005 to end-September 2010.

Focus on fixed income expertise of Natixis Asset Management Natixis Asset Management is Natixis Global Asset Management's european expert. Based in Paris, it is among the top European asset managers with 304 billion euros under management and a headcount of close to 670 at september 30, 2010. Natixis Asset Management offers clients a complete range of Fixed Income management expertises : Government bonds, Corporate bonds, Credit, Structured Global Credit, Insurance and Multistrategies.

www.am.natixis.com About Natixis AM > Awards section Source: Investir Magazine no. 52 (december 2010-january 2011) - only available in French. The figures mentioned refer to previous years. Past performance or references to any rankings or awards are not necessarily indicators of the fund’s future results or the future achievements of its managers.



METHODOLOGY AWARD CATEGORIES The Lauriers awards (gold, silver, bronze) cover eight categories: n 3 Lauriers awards for equity and diversified fund ranges (large network banks, other institutions, i.e. entrepreneurial companies and foreign asset managers); n 3 Lauriers awards for SICAVS and individual funds (with the same segmentation by type of distributor); n 1 Laurier award for bond fund ranges (all types of distributor); n 1 Laurier award for funds of funds (all types of distributor). REFERING PERIOD AND UNIVERSE Financial institutions have to manage fund vehicles benefiting from a track record of over five years in the Morningstar rankings from end-September 2005 to end-September 2010. Each individual category must include at least four funds ranked over five years.



In order to be ranked, a financial institution has to manage at least four fund vehicles (equities and diversified or bond funds, which cannot be concentrated in a single non-European geographical area).

The sole criterion for the Lauriers awards for products is fund performance over five years.

A single series of prizes was awarded for funds of funds (the highest ranked equity and diversified or fixed income funds) for all types of companies.

For further information about methodology: www.investir.fr

The figures mentioned refer to previous years. Past performance or references to any rankings or awards are not necessarily indicators of the fund’s future results or the future achievements of its managers.


This document has been prepared by the Communications Department - December 2010.

The fund ranges, whether they concern equity, diversified or fixed income funds, are classified based on the calculation of a coefficient resulting from the rank of each fund compared with the number of funds in its category. For example, a fund ranked 25th out of 100 is given a mark of 25/100, or a coefficient of 0.25. An average coefficient is then obtained by dividing the sum of the coefficients for each fund in a range by the number of products it has the three lowest coefficients receive awards. For fixed income, only one series of prizes was awarded, putting the large network banks, other institutions and foreign asset managers on an equal footing.

In this category, three awards were given: n f or the highest ranked funds of network banks; n f or the highest ranked funds managed by other types of institutions; n f or the highest ranked funds distributed in France by foreign asset managers.


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