Flash awards.Trophées Le Revenu 06.2009

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Flash Awards june 2009

Natixis Asset Management awarded at the SICAVLe Revenu Trophies 2009 Natixis Asset Management(1) walked away with four trophies - one gold, one silver, and two bronze in recognition of its fund expertise and performance at the 2009 SICAV-Le Revenu Trophies.

In this, the 23rd year of the awards, 8,000 funds(2) have been assessed and a total of 84 prizes were presented across three main categories:

n the “Best Fund Range” Trophies(3)

n the “Best Fund” Trophies(4)

n the “Best Overall Performance” Trophies for ranges or funds(5)

In order to win, the funds or fund ranges had to strike the best balance between risk and return of their peer groups(6) in the various categories, measured over three years or ten years.

Natixis Asset Management received 4 awards in the category “network banks” over 3 years:

Golden Trophy Best range of international bonds funds

Bronze Trophy Best overall performance

Silver Trophy Best range of international equities funds

Bronze Trophy Best range of sector equities funds

Source: Le Revenu – June 2009 –special edition


Flash Awards

(1) Eligible institutions: “Network banks” with at least 100 branches, “insurers” or “specialist providers”.

(3) For the “Best Fund Range” Trophies over three years, there are six categories per type of institution (insurers, banks, and specialist providers): euro-zone equities, international equities, sector equities, mixed funds, euro bonds, and international bonds. Each institution must have at least three funds in each category in competition.

(2) Eligible funds: This year, 8,000 funds (SICAVs and FCPs) authorized for sale in France were in contention. These funds had to have been rated by EuroPerformance for at least three years as of March 31, 2009. Only those funds that allow subscriptions of less than EUR 5,000 were eligible. Similarly, funds designated for institutional clients by their promoters were not considered. Special cases: n International equity funds: European equity funds are no longer eligible for these awards. As their scores and risk levels were closer to those of euro-zone equity funds, they were moved to that category (with the exception of equity funds specializing in the emerging countries of central and Eastern Europe, which compete in the international equities category). n Mixed funds: Money market funds under the PEA (stock market savings plan) scheme were not included, as their risk profile is similar to that of money market SICAVs, which would have distorted the ranking. n International bond funds: In the current environment, funds for which currency risk is hedged were not included, as Le Revenu believes that their risk profile is closer to that of euro-zone bond funds than to that of funds exposed to currency movements. n Ranges of sector funds: Le Revenu has introduced the requirement to have funds in at least three sectors to be eligible to compete, in order to prevent the awards being swayed by the performance of a single sector.

(4) For the “Best Fund” Trophies over ten years, there are six categories across all types of institution: euro-zone equities, international equities, sector equities, mixed funds, euro bonds, and international bonds. Each institution must have at least three funds in each category in competition. (5) For the “Best Overall Performance” Trophies: One “Best Overall Performance” Trophy over three years has been awarded in each of the following categories: insurers, banks, and specialist providers. A single “Best Overall Performance” Trophy over ten years has also been awarded for all categories combined. Each institution must have at least one fund in each of the following categories: euro-zone equities, international equities, mixed euro funds, mixed international funds, euro-zone bonds, and international bonds. (6) Methodology: Uses the database of UCITSs (SICAVs and FCPs) authorized for sale in France and tracked by EuroPerformance, as of March 31, 2009. The funds’ results over three years and ten years were adjusted using a volatility index to take account of risk. Money market funds that bear no risk were consequently excluded.

The figures mentioned refer to previous years. Past performance or reference to any rankings or awards cannot be interpreted as indicating the future performance of the fund or its manager.


THINK POSITIVE. • No. 1 French asset manager • No. 1 European asset manager Grands Prix Le Monde Eurofonds - Fundclass 2009(1)

• Best Bond Group Lipper Fund Awards 2009 (France)(2)

• 1st prize Large Bond Group La Tribune - Morningstar “Victoires des SICAV” Awards 2009(3)

• Golden Trophy - Best range of international bonds funds • Silver Trophy - Best range of international equities funds • Bronze Trophies - Best overall performance & Best range of sector equities funds Trophées des meilleurs SICAV et Fonds - Le Revenu - 2009(4) Natixis Asset Management has again been recognized for its consistent results over time. With around 278 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2009 and around 600 employees based in Paris, Natixis Asset Management offers institutional investors, large companies, distributors and banking networks a wide range of products and investments issues across all asset classes.

European expert of Natixis Global Asset Management www.am.natixis.com Past performance or reference to any rankings or awards cannot be interpreted as indicating the future performance of a fund. (1) Companies with more than 101 funds registered for sale in Europe and rated by Fundclass for at least four years as of 12/31/2008. (Source: Le Monde Argent of 03/08/2009). (2) Companies with funds registered for sale in France and rated by Lipper for at least three years as of 12/31/2008. (Source: Lipper Thomson Reuters). (3) Companies with more than 15 bond funds registered for sale in France and rated by Morningstar for at least five years as of 06/30/2008. (Source: Morningstar). (4) Category «Network banks» with European funds registered for sale in France and rated by EuroPerformance for at least three years as of 03/31/2009 (Source: Le Revenu). Natixis Asset Management - Agrément AMF n° GP 90-009 - RCS Paris 329 450 738

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