WELCOME, BIENVENUE, AND BIENVENIDA! WELCOME, BIENVENUE, BIENVENIDA, ЛАСКАВО ПРОСИМО! Welcome to the Windy City of Chicago for the 57th NATS National Conference! We are BACK! We are LIVE! We are TOGETHER! After much time apart, we gather as a community with NATS colleagues from throughout the United States, Canada and from around the world to share, develop and explore our mutual interests in the teaching of singing. At the opening ceremony, we celebrate our diverse world of song and our understanding that singing makes a positive difference in our lives in this world — assisted by our guest artists, community singing, and the first ever Grand SongSLAM. The exciting lineup of internationally known guest performers and speakers includes versatile performer John Holiday, legendary songwriter and performer Jimmy Webb, laryngologist H. Steven Sims, composer and performer Clarice Assad, a trio of performers celebrating the contributions of the legendary Ella Jenkins, as well as all that the performers in the family and children’s music space offer our profession. On Friday, five premium workshops focus on special current topics: “Teaching Voice Pedagogy in the Classroom,” “Demystifying Hip-Hop,”“Expanding the Canon in Art Song Literature,”“Reboot Your Social Media Strategy for Voice Teachers and Artists,” and “Building Musical Foundations for the Young Singer.” This conference, the largest professional development event for NATS, features more NATS members than ever before sharing their expertise in breakout and poster paper sessions. We are pleased to offer new sessions especially for students, special pre-conference tours, mini-recitals showcasing the diversity of repertoire in our profession, multiple daily choices for “Coffee and Conversation” featuring composers and special topics, and the return of the popular “Late Night NATS” fun featuring cabaret plus our first-ever LIVE BAND karaoke event. Along with the National Student Auditions Finals, we celebrate the future of singing with recitals by the winners of the NATS Artist Award, National Musical Theatre Competition, and the Art Song Composition Award. We invite you to explore all that Chicago has to offer as we return to the Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, especially the spectacular fireworks on the Fourth of July. We hope you will join us for our gala banquet with new and old friends, as we honor NATS Lifetime Achievement Award winners. Thank you for being a part of this thrilling 57th conference!
Carole Blankenship NATS President
Rebecca Schorsch 2022 Conference Program Chair
#NATSChicago2022 H NATS.org H #NATSinChicago
Sam Handley 2022 Conference Coordinating Committee Chair
Allen Henderson NATS Executive Director