A Study of Colour Thank you for par3cipa3ng
Instruc3ons • Each slide contains a different image • This may be a colour, a light or a space • When you see each slide, I want you to say what comes into your mind at first glance • How does it make you feel? • Do you have a par3cular mood when seeing this colour/light/space?
Instruc3ons • I require documenta3on of these findings • I’d prefer if you could video record yourself as you go through the powerpoint (webcam, photobooth, phones, cameras) • If you don’t feel comfortable in videoing yourself them voice recording will do but I’d prefer you to use video
Use of Findings • The video you send me will only be used for research in my major project. • It will be featured on a blog I’m doing for this also. • It will not be posted on Social Media etc. • By par3cipa3ng in this research you are agreeing to these terms
Let’s Begin – start filming
Introduce Yourself! • • • •
What is your name? How old are you? What do you to? (School, Professional) Hobbies and Interests
Thank you for taking part! • Email your video in a zipped file to naWysmith2311@gmail.com • If your file won’t send, upload it to a dropbox and email me the link to download