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What do you do?

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Look at the picture and name the occupation. Explain what each person does and then click on the “busy “ bee for more information.

f a r m___ e___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___r IIwork workon onaafarm. farm.IIplant plant seeds seedsand andtrees, trees,IIplow plowthe the fields fieldsand andtake takecare careof ofthe the animals. animals.IIhave havecows, cows,pigs, pigs, hens, hens,sheep sheepand andeven even rabbits! rabbits!When Whenthe theweather weather isisgood goodIIcollect collectaalot lotof of fruit fruitand andgrain, grain,which whichIIeat eat or orsell. sell.

d t o r ___ ___ ___ ___ o ___ c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

IItake takecare careof ofmy mypatients, patients, people peoplewho whohave havean anillness illness or orpain. pain.IIprescribe prescribe medicines medicinesfor forthem themor or send sendthem themto tohospital hospitalifif they theyare arevery veryillillor orififthey they need needan anoperation. operation.

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IIsail sailthe theseven sevenseas. seas.II attack attackand androb robships ships and andboats boatsto totake takeall all their theirpossessions. possessions. My My sailors sailorsand andIIare areoften often drunk drunkwith withrum. rum.IIam am the themean meanguy guyin inaalot lot of ofbooks. books.Nowadays NowadaysII attack attackplanes, planes,too. too.II seek seekmy mypersonal personal benefit benefitand anddon’t don’tobey obey the thelaws lawsof ofany any country. country.

p i a n i s t

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Music Musicisismy mylife. life.For For me meititisisfun funand andIImake make my myliving livingon onit, it,too too (or (orrather, rather,IItry, try,it’s it’s not noteasy easyat atall!). all!).II compose composemelodies melodiesand and IIperform performthem themtoo. too. My Myfavourite favourite instrument instrumentisisthe the piano, piano,but butI’m I’mgood goodat at others otherstoo. too.IIwish wishII could couldbe beaagenius geniuslike like Bach Bachor orMozart… Mozart…

h o u s e wi f e

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I’m I’malways alwaysso sobusy!, busy!, there’s there’sso somuch muchto to do doaround aroundthe the house: house:the thecleaning, cleaning, the theironing, ironing,the the shopping, shopping,the the cooking, cooking,etc. etc.II don’t don’thave haveaaminute minute to tomyself! myself!

je s te r

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My Myprofession professionisis not notcommon common nowadays, nowadays,but butIIwas was very verypopular popular centuries centuriesago agoin in medieval medievalcourts: courts:II was wasemployed employedby by kings kingsor ornoblemen noblemen to toamuse amusethem. them. Today TodayIIwork workin inaa circus circusand andpeople people call callme meclown. clown.

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IIcan cansee seethe thefuture future through throughmy mycrystal crystal ball! ball!IfIfyou youwant wantto to know knowwhat whatisisgoing going to tohappen, happen,come come and andvisit visitme, me,II won’t won’tcharge chargeyou you too toomuch! much!

s tu d e n t

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IIgo goto toschool schoolevery everyday. day.II normally normallyenjoy enjoyit, it,but but sometimes sometimesititcan canbe besooooo sooooo boring! boring!Anyway, Anyway,IIhave havelots lotsof of friendly friendlyclassmates classmatesand andmost mostof of my myteachers teachersare arefun funand andcaring. caring. English Englishisismy myfavourite favouritesubject, subject, but butIIhate hatemath‌ math‌

s c i e n ti s t

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After Aftermany manyyears yearsof of training trainingand andlearning learningat at university, university,IInow nowdo do research researchto todiscover discovernew new scientific scientificfacts, facts,the thecure cure for fordifferent differentdiseases, diseases,the the behaviour behaviourof ofcells cellsand and other othernatural naturalelements, elements, etc. etc.IIspend spendhours hourson onend end in inmy mylab! lab!

a s tr o n a u t

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A Arocket rocketisismy mymeans meansof of transport transportand andmy myhome home when whenIIam amat atwork. work.IIneed need aaspecial specialsuit suitfor for protection protectionand andmy my working workinghours hourscan canbe bevery very long, long,they theysometimes sometimeslast last months! months!IIneed needspecial special training. training.My Myjob jobcan canbe be very veryrisky riskyand andlonely. lonely.

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I’m I’malways alwaysready readyto toget get on onthe thetruck truckand andput putout out aafire firewith withmy myhose. hose.IIam am aamember memberof ofthe thefire fire department departmentin inmy mytown. town. We Wealso alsohelp helppeople peoplein in case caseof ofaadisaster. disaster.I’m I’malso also called calledaafireman. fireman.

b ul l f i g ht e r

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IIam ampart partof ofaapopular popular tradition traditionin inSpanish Spanish festivities. festivities.IIam aman an entertainer, entertainer,though though there thereare aremany many people peoplewho whothink thinkmy my job jobhas hasnothing nothingto todo do with withart artbecause becauseititisis cruel cruelwith withanimals. animals. What Whatisisyour your opinion? opinion?

te a c h e r

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IIspent spentsome someyears yearsat atuniversity universitytrying tryingto tolearn learnas asmuch muchas as IIcould. could.Now NowIIwork workwith withkids kidsand andtry tryto tohelp helpthem themlearn learn some someof ofthe thethings thingsIIknow. know.Sometimes Sometimesititisishard, hard,but butmost most days dayswe wehave havelots lotsof offun funtogether. together.

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IIinvestigate investigateto tofind find out outwho whodid didwhat what when whenthere therehas hasbeen beenaa crime. crime.IIfollow followtracks tracks and andclues. clues.I’m I’malso also called calledaaprivate private eye eye ififIIwork workfor foraaperson person who whoneeds needsto tosolve solveaa mystery. mystery.

s a r e ___ c ___ r___ o___ w ___ ___ ___ c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

My Myjob jobisisfantastic!: fantastic!:all allII have haveto todo doisisstand standvery very quietly quietlyin inthe themiddle middleof ofaa field fieldto tomake makesure surebirds birds don’t don’teat eatthe theseeds seedsor orthe the grain. grain.ItItcan canbe betiring tiring sometimes, sometimes,but butthe theview view isiswonderful! wonderful!The Theonly only problem problemisis… …I’m I’mnot not paid paidfor forit, it,but butIIdon’t don’t really reallycare! care!

What What do do you you want want to to be? be? Find Find out out the the name name of of your your ideal ideal occupation occupation and and its its duties! duties!

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