3 minute read


by Emily Fritz

There are several gastrointestinal the mucosal barrier and protect against conditions, such as inflammatory GI-related diseases and other alterations bowel disease (IBD), antibiotic-asto normal bodily function. Looking more sociated diarrhea and clostridium difficile closely, prebiotics occur as natural or infection, that can occur when the microsynthetic sugars. When these sugars reach organisms in the small or large intestine the GI tract, they are fermented by the gut are disrupted. They often are a result of microbiota to create short-chain fatty acpoor gut health. We know that “gut health” ids. These short-chain fatty acids increase is important for a healthy body, but do we electrolyte and water absorption, decrease know what “gut health” actually means? intraluminal pH, alter cell proliferation

Gut health refers to the balance of and differentiation (which can decrease microorganisms in the gastrointestinal the risk of colon cancer) and decrease (GI) tract. These microorganisms aid in intestinal inflammatory processes, as well contributing to a strong immune system, as strengthen the immune system. Good brain health and, of course, GI health. sources of prebiotics include fruits, vegeTherefore, it is important to maintain gut tables, grains, legumes, Jerusalem artihealth to help prevent disorders of the chokes, wheat bran, chicory and soybeans. body. So, how do we maintain gut health? On the other hand, probiotics are Nutrition through prebiotics and probiotlive bacteria that are added to the gut to ics are prominent sources for enhancing increase the presence of bacteria. Probigut microbiota. otics technically consume prebiotics for

Prebiotics are nondigestible food fuel. Furthermore, probiotics are in a sense ingredients that stimulate the proliferation the opposite of antibiotics because rather of certain gut bacteria. In other words, than kill off bacteria, probiotics add to the prebiotics provide the “food” for current microbiome to provide a strong protective bacteria in the GI tract to help strengthen layer that fights for our gut health. Thus, we need to make sure that we consume plenty of probiotics when we are taking antibiotics for long periods of time. While probiotics can be found in the supplemental form of capsules or powders, it is not entirely necessary to seek these sources out because probiotics are also found in everyday fermented food products such as yogurts that contain added lactobacillus and bifidobacterium strains, kefir, kombucha (fermented tea), tempeh (fermented soybeans) and sauerkraut (fermented cabbage).

Experts recommend starting with probiotics, microbiota-loving foods that will feed and strengthen our current gut bacteria. After all, our gut buddies do a pretty good job fighting off disease and maintaining a homeostatic environment for our comfort and quality of life. Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, is an expert on the gut microbiome and suggests starting out with some of these types of foods to help fortify and strengthen the existing bacteria: • Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains • Potatoes (boiled and cooled) • Bananas (not too ripe) • Jerusalem artichokes

Dr. Cresci explains that while it is ideal to obtain your prebiotics and probiotics from the diet, we may not get enough due to our busy lifestyles. If we need to take supplemental prebiotics and probiotics, she suggests choosing: • Product that has a seal of approval from testing agencies such as Consumer Reports or Consumer Labs • Probiotic capsules packaged with inulin or other prebiotics • Probiotic in spore form, which can survive on the shelf or in the digestive tract

Let’s help our army of bacteria by feeding them the fuel they deserve!

Emily Fritz is a recent dietetic graduate of the University of Dayton and has recently been accepted into Augusta University to pursue her M.S. in dietetics. Emily truly believes that food is medicine and is working towards becoming a registered dietitian to pursue her passion in health promotion and disease prevention.

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