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Empowerment as Medicine

by Lauren Young

Who is in charge of your life? which is often confused with locus of control. Can you impact your life or are Placebo is believing your medicine is working you just along for the ride? Dr. and causing good outcomes while locus of Julian Rotter is a psychologist who explored control is the belief that you can make your this concept back in 1954 and coined the health better. Both have been shown to impact term “locus of control” to describe it. health in a positive way. Believing you control

Picture the locus of control as a conyour path and that your path is a healing one tinuum. One end is external and the other can powerfully improve outcomes. is internal. With external control, you feel Medicine is a quickly shifting landthat you do not have an impact on the scape. Access to information and misinforoutcomes in your life. It does not matter mation is more prevalent than ever. This has what you do, because you can control an interesting impact on locus of control. external events. Internal control, on the Dr. Google helps us diagnose ourselves with opposite pole, represents when you feel catastrophic diseases and/or we find social you can influence your life. The choices media groups that recommend kitchen you make ultimately can impact your path medicine or anecdotal remedies. It is easy and outcomes. Are you in the driver’s seat to become overwhelmed with information, or are you a passenger in your life? building an extensive list of possible soluControlling Wellness While the internet offers resources, it doesn’t Locus of control has a particularly interhelp guide your particular path nor does esting interaction with people’s health. Can it strengthen your confidence. And if you you impact your current health state? Are already felt empowered about your health, it you in charge of your wellness? Research may not offer the most effective resources. has revealed several important outcomes. tions…or none at all. Where do you start? Internal locus of control—being in control Doctor as Teacher of your health—is strongly related to better The old-world model of the doctor as an outcomes. From cancer to cardiovascular authority figure who hands you a piece of disease, studies have shown being personpaper that solves your issue is still pervasive. ally empowered about your health has a Although this attitude is shifting and certaintremendous impact for the better. ly does not describe many physicians, this

This is a different concept than placebo, may be what you are prepared to experience.

Unfortunately, this old model also feeds an external locus of control, where doctors are in charge of your health. Shifting the paradigm in medicine to your doctor becoming your teacher, coach and partner in health creates the opportunity to build an internal locus of control for patients. It helps them take their health back into their own hands.

What steps can you take to build a partnership with your doctor?

• The best way to shift any relationship is to start with yourself. Set up yourself and your doctor for success: Engage in your health. Ask questions. Invite discussion. Let your physician know you respect their opinion, but you want to understand how a medication works, what the alternatives and expectations are. • Become your own record keeper. Hold on to tests, imaging and notes from your doctor. This will help you feel more organized and empowered. • Education is a key component of building an internal locus of control. Learning and understanding how health conditions arise and how they can be improved will help dispel fear and worry, which rob us of control.

Doctor as Coach

Researchers have found that internal locus of control positively impacts health outcomes, in part by being associated with improved health habits. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If you feel like you are the driving force in your health, won’t you make healthier choices?

Focusing on empowerment when it comes to healthcare allows us to build our internal locus of control and feel more motivated and engaged. Research shows how important patients’ internal locus of control is and medicine needs to start focusing on engaging and educating patients. This can start for you with your doctor during your next interaction.

Dr. Lauren Young is the founder and a physician at Collaborative Natural Health Partners, an integrative primary care center in Manchester with satellites in West Hartford and Stonington. For more information, please visit CTNaturalHealth.com or call 860-533-0179.

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