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ORIGINAL ORIGINS Health and Wellness

Health Strategizing at Its Finest!


by Kristi Antley

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have you tried countless diets that seem to fail time and time again? Are you tired of taking medications that have horrible side effects and seem to make you feel worse? Do you feel like you need to take your health to the next level, but seem to stay stuck? Take control of your health once and for all through a natural approach to wellness and vitality with Ms. Tracy, owner of Original Origins Health and Wellness. A sustainable lifestyle and diet should be full and nurturing—not empty, boring and restrictive. Ms. Tracy’s whole food, plant-based, personalized program leads to a rediscovery of self, a boost in confidence, increased stamina, and the power to live life to the fullest— free and uninhibited.

How is Original Origins different from other wellness companies? “Other than superior, personal service and expertise, we give clients the individual attention that is required to help them succeed,” says Ms. Tracy. Original Origins specializes in health strategizing by utilizing resources such as a comprehensive health evaluation, extensive review of lab work, medications and tests. This data is utilized to develop a unique health-improvement strategy based on one’s individual goals.

Adds Ms. Tracy: “We need to realize that one size does not fit all and that our health is our true wealth. My comprehensive health evaluation allows me to partner with my client to strategize the best plan of action for success. I always advise my clients that if they focus on the changes I recommend, the results will follow—mind, body and spirit. At Original Origins, we are committed to developing health and wellness strategies that meet the unique needs of each client.”

Original Origins offers a host of great health and wellness virtual classes addressing numerous health issues. The cost for all classes is a nonrefundable $25 fee, and space is limited. Participants must have access to Zoom. Here is the list of classes:

Chronic Kidney Disease 101: This class is designed to educate participants about the various stages of chronic kidney disease, how to interpret the labs used to determine the diagnosis of kidney disease, and how to reverse and/or improve this condition to prevent progression to kidney failure.

Combating Cancer 101: This class walks through some fundamentals on how to incorporate holistic practices into one’s life and lifestyle in order to produce more successful outcomes.

Managing Diabetes 101: This class is designed to educate participants about the basics of diabetes and how to holistically improve and/or reverse this condition. This class is also beneficial for those diagnosed with prediabetes.

Heart Disease 101: This class is designed to educate participants about how to protect the heart, right from the start. Participants learn how to interpret key labs regarding heart disease.

Hypertension 101: This class is designed to educate participants on the different stages of hypertension. Participants learn about the basics of high blood pressure and how to holistically improve and/or reverse this condition.

The Myths of Medications 101: This class is designed to educate participants on how to live a life free of medications. It is geared toward those tired of systematically taking medications and those recommended to start a medication regimen.

For more information, to schedule an appointment, or for class dates and times, call 833-678-7229 or visit OriginalOriginshw. com. Also visit Original Origins’ Facebook page (Facebook.com/OriginalOriginshw) for upcoming events. See ad, page 31.

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