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Arbonne: An Open Door to Health and Wealth

by Sasha Davis


It’s time to spring forward into March! Spring is always a beautiful time of the year—flowers blooming, new growth in nature, the birds singing, and the warmer weather. I don’t know about you, but it lifts my spirits and I get an extra pep in my step! It is a great time to start thinking about what fun things to do now that winter is behind us. Are there areas of your life you would like to see a change in, improve or get excited about—like career, finances, more positive people in your life? Just like nature in the spring, we grow when change occurs, and we can flourish when change occurs.

If you said yes to any of the probing questions above, then I would love to share the gift of Arbonne with you. Pause for a minute and keep an open mind. Opportunities come in various ways and not always from the direction that we are looking. There is a little sign that hangs in my office that says, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, then build a door.” I have no idea who wrote it, but I love it! Arbonne could be that door. This could be THE THING you have been hoping and praying for. This business opportunity presents one with the ability to work it around an existing schedule from any location. Now that’s flexibility! With a phone and sense of eagerness to pursue one’s dreams, a person can earn revenue while becoming a vital part of a community that lifts and encourages you. You are in business for yourself, but not alone by yourself!

So why Arbonne? For me, the reason was preparing for positive impact—having something that would give me a second stream of income to help support my family. I have been able to work my business and earn money while working a full-time job. This business allows me to work it from anywhere with popular consumable products and no inventory to keep. In addition, Arbonne products are pure, safe and very beneficial. This great opportunity has been a huge gift to not only me but others, such as team members, clients and other consultants.

Arbonne products are vegan, gluten-free, plant-based and cruelty-free. Product-line categories include nutrition, skin care, makeup, and personal care products. I personally believe that it’s not just what’s consumed and digested by the body that’s important, but also that which goes on the skin as well.

Arbonne has allowed me to develop a sense of community and personal growth—shaping me into a better leader and encourager. What a gift! Through Arbonne, one can empower others to flourish as business professionals or by choosing to lead healthier lifestyles. It has been so rewarding to see those that I have helped earn a second income and/or make healthier life and lifestyle choices.

The 30 Days to Healthy Living program is explained best by Arbonne: “Our holistic approach to wellness starts with clean ingredients and great habits for a sustainable healthy lifestyle. We encourage the inclusion of nutrient-dense, plant-based foods, and limiting empty calories and highly processed foods with little nutritional value. The objective of the 30 Days to Healthy Living program is to help you form healthy habits and a healthy eating plan for life.”

Don’t think you have the time or the money? If you don’t have the time or money, then you actually need this business! You can be successful … please don’t sell yourself short! You can do anything you put your mind to. The startup fee is only $49. As part of the Arbonne partnership, you will receive your own website featuring online business-building and training tools. The site also serves as a portal for customers to order. Highly skilled personal training from team members is also included. It costs nothing to chat with me. In fact, I would love to hear from you!

For more information, call or text Arbonne Consultant Sasha Davis at 803-665-4352. See ad, page 12.

Important note: Actual results will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. Arbonne makes no guarantees regarding income. For more information, please visit Earnings. Arbonne.com.

Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol

A Primer on the Latest Research

by Sandra Yeyati

Ever since the Farm Bill of 2018 legalized the commercial production of hemp, U.S. sales of cannabidiol (CBD) have exploded onto the scene with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of vendors popping up around the country. CBD, a cannabinoid, is abundant in the hemp flower. “By law, hemp is defined as a variety of cannabis plant that has less than 0.3 percent THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that induces a high,” says Shannon Livingston, a cannabis consultant for Florida Gulf Coast University, in Fort Myers.

Proven Benefits of CBD:

“The enthusiasm for CBD is soaring above the actual scientific evidence,” says Peter Grinspoon, M.D., a leading medical cannabis expert and primary care physician at Massachusetts General Hospital. “What’s known is that it helps with childhood epilepsy, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a CBD drug for that. It is believed, and there’s good animal data and some human data to suggest, that CBD helps with chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety.”

Anxiety Under Study:

A clinical trial examining a high-CBD, low-THC (the psychoactive component) sublingual custom formulation for patients with moderate to severe anxiety is being conducted by Staci Gruber, Ph.D., director of Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery at McLean Hospital, in Belmont, Massachusetts, and associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “In the open label phase of this study, we’ve seen a rather dramatic and precipitous drop in symptoms of anxiety and depression after four weeks of treatment. We’ll see if this holds in the double-blind phase, which is underway now,” she explains.

Entourage Effect:

Gruber notes that this customized formulation is a full-spectrum, whole-plant formula, saying, “You often seem to get a bigger bang for the buck using a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum (whole plant minus THC) product, rather than just a single extracted


compound.” The process she’s describing is called the entourage effect—an assumption that all elements of the cannabis plant, working together, are most effective. “I believe there’s a significant role for terpenoids, flavonoids and other cannabinoid constituents of the plant, in addition to the big two (THC and CBD), and I have a grant to look at that very question,” she says.

How to Start CBD:

Experts agree that the best approach is to start low and go slow. “With experimentation, the patient will know what works for them,” Grinspoon says. “When CBD doesn’t work with my patients, the next step is to add a little bit of medical cannabis; it often takes a very little dose to help them with their sleep or their chronic pain.” Medical marijuana has been legalized in 36 states and the District of Columbia.

Route of Administration:

“When you smoke or vape, it’s an almost immediate onset, which is helpful for breakthrough pain, nausea and anything you want to treat immediately, but the effect is very short-lived,” Livingston explains. “For chronic pain, you might take a capsule or the patch that will last six to eight hours. If you want to fall asleep, a sublingual will work. For a skin condition, you might rub an oil on your skin. It’s really about the time of onset, how long you need it to last and what you’re treating.”

Ensuring Quality Control:

“Choose CBD providers that are certified for good manufacturing practices; conduct batch-specific, third-party testing on all of their products; and provide certificates of analysis directly from those labs. These tests can detect the presence of heavy metals, bacterial or microbial life, mycotoxins and pesticides, and also provide cannabinoid potency and terpene profiles,” says Grace Kaucic, senior communications and content manager at Bluebird Botanicals, a CBD company in Louisville, Colorado.

Our Built-In Cannabinoids:

In the mid-1990s, researchers discovered the endocannabinoid system of receptors and neurotransmitters throughout the body, which uses cannabinoids that our own bodies produce. “This system is believed to control homeostasis, the body’s ability to regulate itself and maintain normal functioning,” Grinspoon says, adding that he believes this system will become central to medicine over the next few years as more research is conducted.

Research is Ongoing:

“It’s an incredibly exciting time for cannabis science,” Gruber says. “There’s every reason to be optimistic about the potential of harnessing and exploiting the benefits of cannabis and cannabinoids in ways that may still surprise us, but to be cautiously optimistic. It is not a panacea. It will never be one-size-fits-all.”

Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer. Reach her at SandraYeyati@gmail.com.

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