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NOTE: To share your events and classes in our calendar, please visit our websites NABerks.com or NALancaster.com for guidelines and a submission link. Deadline: 5th of the month prior.
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TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Coping with the Loss of a Parent or Sibling – 6:30- 8pm. For those grieving the death of someone they care about and would like to talk with others that have experienced such a loss. Free. No registration needed. For info: 717-391-2413 or 800-924-7610. Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. HospiceCommunity.org. Women’s Intro Writing Workshop – 6:30-8:30pm (5-wk series: Tuesdays thru 3/31). “Writing Without Fear.” A fun, non-intimidating look at how creativity flows when we let go of our inhibitions. Write... to relax, in our safe haven of warmth, whimsy, and trust. Beginners welcome. Sharing optional. Mischief, a must. Write From The Heart Lancaster Studio. 717-393-4713. WriteFromTheHeart.us. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 Craft Circle at Bent Limb Farm – 5:30-8pm. First Thursdays. Bring your own crafts for a relaxing time of fellowship. Free. Call to reserve your spot. Bent Limb Farm, 592 Stone Hill Rd, Shoemakersville. 484-797-2263. BentLimbFarm.com. Kids Crafting Class – 6:05pm. “Sharpie Tiles.” Kids learn marbling techniques to create beautiful colored tiles to use as coasters. Minimum donation $5/child. Lancaster Creative Reuse, 1865 Lincoln Hwy East, Lancaster. 717-617-2977. LancasterCreativeReuse.org. Real Men Write! Writing Workshop for Men – 6:30-8:30pm (5-wk series: Thursdays thru 4/2). A wonderfully unconventional workshop for those exhausted from business, technology, and the speed of life. We make writing fun in a safe haven of warmth, compassion, and trust. No grades, grammar, judgment or stress. Beginners welcome. Write From The Heart Lancaster Studio. 717-393- 4713. WriteFromTheHeart.us. FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Lenten Weekend Directed Retreat – thru March 8. An individualized, personal, two-day experience of prayer, guided by a companion, a trained spiritual director and conducted in silence. Massage available for a modest fee—cash or check only. All linens and meals are provided. Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville. To register, contact Melinda at MLeonowitz@JesuitCenter.org. JesuitCenter.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Reiki II with Master Sarah Preston – 10:30am4pm. Reiki is a simple, beautiful form of energy work. This class reviews Reiki I, teaches Reiki II power symbols and distance healing and enhances emotional and spiritual healing. $185 incl. book and attunement. Radiance, 9 W Grant St, Lancaster. 717-290-1517. SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Essential Oils 101 – 1-3pm. Deb Stoltzfus, clinical aromatherapist and owner of Inshanti, covers all the basics of essential oils including: basic
properties, blending, safety, how to use, benefits, recipes and resources. Create your own inhaler to take home. $40. Held at Whirligig Boutique, 206 S. Market St, Elizabethtown. Register by March 6 at Inshanti.com. “Celebration of Women”: Opus One Concert – 2pm. Berks Chamber Choir presents a concert celebrating the artistic accomplishments of women. Donated goods for SAFE BERKS (formerly Berks Women in Crisis), a local support system for those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault will be collected. $15 adults/$5 Students. Tickets available at the door. Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville. Contact Melinda at MLeonowitz@JesuitCenter.org. JesuitCenter.org. Second Sunday Sound Immersion – 7-8:30pm. Special guest John Protopapas on Sitar. Limited space, register early. $20. For info and tickets: Soundwise Health Associates, Suite 267 in Liberty Place, 313 W Liberty St, Lancaster. SoundwiseHealth.com. TUESDAY, MARCH 10 Cooking Class: Power Bowl Creations – 6-8pm. Power bowls are the latest way to get your nutrition all in one place. Tina Bare will get your imagination started with these creative bowls. You will be ready to venture out and make your own bowls after this class. All recipes are naturally Gluten Free. Hands-on class. $65. Pre-register. Zest Cooking School, 1180 Erbs Quarry Rd, Lititz. 717-626-6002. ZestChef.com. GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing) – 6:30-8pm. A source of help, compassion, and understanding for individuals who have had a loved one die as a result of substance abuse or addiction. Free. Registration required for new attendees. Contact Marj Paradise at MParadise810@comcast.net. Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. HospiceCommunity.org. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 Women’s Singing Circle – 10-11am (meets 3/18, 3/25, 4/1). 4-week interactive class of women joined in song, movement, and community in a non-performance setting. $60 for four weeks. Class size limited to 12. ResonateYou, 780 Eden Rd, #2, Lancaster. 717-435-9957. Register: ResonateYou.com. THURSDAY, MARCH 12 Coping Kids & Teens – 6-7:30pm. (6-wk series: Thursdays thru April 16). A series for children, teens and adults who are coping with the death of a loved one. Families gather for a light supper prior to each session before breaking into agespecific groups to provide peer support. Families meet with a Coping Kids & Teens counselor to determine if the group would be the best support option for them. Call by February 28 to schedule. Free. Pathways Center for Grief and Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. 800-924-7610. HospiceAndCommunityCare.org.
Women’s Singing Circle – 7:45-8:45pm (also meets 3/19, 3/26, 4/2). 4-week interactive class of women joined in song, movement, and community in a non-performance setting. $60 for four weeks. Class size limited to 12. ResonateYou, 780 Eden Rd, #2, Lancaster. 717-435-9957. Register: ResonateYou.com. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Who Me, Lead A Group? – 9am-12pm. Interactive workshop provides group leaders the skills and theories to work with groups of all sizes, understand group dynamics and lead groups that are enriching and involving for all participants. CE credits for SWs, MFTs, licensed counselors and psychologists, plus psychodrama hours. $45 Early Bird discount, $55 after. Karen Carnabucci, 313 W Liberty St, Lancaster. 717-466-0788. RealTrueKaren.com. Demo with PlusCBD – 11am-2pm. Stop by for samples and talk about CBD with a representative from PlusCBD. Free. Lemon Street Market, 241 W Lemon St, Lancaster. 717-826-0843. LemonStreetMarket.com. SUNDAY, MARCH 15 “Humming for Health” Playshop – 1:30-2:30 pm. Research shows that the sound healing practice of humming positively affects us on all levels, including reducing stress, inducing calmness, enhancing sleep and much more. $25 pre-registration. FLOAT Yoga, 245 Bloomfield Dr, Suite 210, Lititz. 717-699-4965. Joyful ViBRAYtions.com. Barefoot Drum Circle – 3-4:30pm. Come and play! 90 minutes of fun and community. No experience necessary. Bring your favorite music maker. $10 suggested donation. FLOAT Yoga, 245 Bloomfield Dr, Suite 210, Lititz. 717-699-4965. Joyful ViBRAYtions.com. MONDAY, MARCH 16 Women’s Memoir Writing Workshop – 6:30-8:30pm (5-wk series: Mondays thru April 13). “Exploring Our Life Stories.” Remember your father ’s shoes? How you felt about your first car? Our memories have the power to illuminate, enlighten, and heal. Explore your story – happy or sad – in our safe haven of warmth, whimsy and trust. Write From The Heart Lancaster Studio. 717-393-4713. WriteFromTheHeart.us. TUESDAY, MARCH 17 Flavors of the Mediterranean – 1-2pm. Adults. Allow your taste buds to be transported to the Mediterranean as you learn and taste how simple ingredients can be transformed into healthy and affordable meals. Free. GIANT, 850 E Main St, Ephrata. Registration required by calling 717-293- 1462 or emailing Kilene.Knitter@GiantMartins.com. Coping with Loss of a Spouse or Companion – 6:30- 8pm. For those grieving the death of someone they care about. This group includes a presentation and an informal time to talk with others. Free. Essa Flory Hospice Center, 685 Good Dr, Lancaster. For info: Pathways Center for Grief and Loss, 800-924-7610. HospiceAndCommunityCare.org. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 Cooking Class: Homemade Pizza – 6-8pm. The foundation of awesome pizza is the crust. Make your own pizza dough that you will take home to create a pizza. For delicious tasting during class, Valerie will have risen pizza dough prepared for you, so you can form, top, and bake your own personal pizza. Handson class. $65. Pre-register. Zest Cooking School, 1180 Erbs Quarry Rd, Lititz. 717-626-6002. ZestChef.com.
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THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Lancaster Community Reiki Clinic – 6:30- 8:30pm. 25 minutes of reiki offered every third Thursday of the month. By appt, by donation. Your donation covers expenses to allow volunteers to continue in service to the community. The Farm & Home Center, 1383 Acadia Rd, Lancaster. 717- 824-9209. LancasterCommunityReikiClinic.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Intro to Fundamentals of the Art & Science of Sound Healing – 9:30am-6pm. $225 by March 12. Instructor: Lana Ryder. Held at Firefly Hollow Wellness Center, York. Soundwisehealth.com. Organic Gardening 101 – 10am-1pm. Spring Fever? Learn the best practices for starting your plants from Rodale Institute’s organic experts. $60. Register online. Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Rd, Kutztown. RodaleInstitute.org. Celtic Reiki Level I – 12-4pm. Learn Celtic Reiki to expand your awareness towards the natural world. David Painter teaches us how to work with the first nine Ogham symbols and their trees. $90 advance/$100 day of. Radiance, 13 W Grant St, Lancaster. 717-290-1517. Choral Chameleon Ensemble - If I Left the Zoo – 3pm and 7pm. A concert statement on running away, only to find yourself right where you have always belonged. Don’t miss this shape-shifting and lifeaffirming concert event with one of New York ’s best award-winning ensembles. Tickets: 3pm: $35/$25 seniors, $10 students. 7pm: $35, $50VIP reception. Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville. Contact Melinda at MLeonowitz@JesuitCenter. org. JesuitCenter.org. MONDAY, MARCH 23 Kids Cooking Class: Indian – 6-8pm. A fabulous kids cooking class with instructor Gwen Eberly. Kids ages 8-12 will learn key kitchen skills that they will use throughout their entire life and leave with the recipes and confidence to make them at home Aprons provided. Limited to 12. Hands-on class. $65. Pre-register. Zest Cooking School, 1180 Erbs Quarry Rd, Lititz. 717-626-6002. ZestChef.com. TUESDAY, MARCH 24 Cooking Class: Power Bowl Creations – 11am1pm. Power bowls are the latest way to get your nutrition all in one place. Tina Bare will get your imagination started with these creative bowls. You will be ready to venture out and make your own bowls after this class. All recipes are naturally Gluten Free. Hands-on class. $65. Pre-register. Zest Cooking School, 1180 Erbs Quarry Rd, Lititz. 717- 626-6002. ZestChef.com. Coping with Loss of a Spouse or Companion – 2-3:30pm. Are you grieving the death of someone you care about? This group includes a presentation and an informal time to talk with others. Free. Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. For info: Pathways Center for Grief and Loss, 800-924-7610. HospiceAndCommunityCare.org. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Downtown Wellness Berks Event – 5-8pm. Meet and greet and learn more about this network of health-conscious professionals and individuals working together to increase the well-being and quality of life in the community. Free. Good Life Companies, 2395 Lancaster Pike, Reading. DowntownWellnessBerks.com. Ayurvedic Guide to Self-Care – 6-8pm. A journey of self-discovery where you will learn which elements are prominent in your life (your dosha) and how the time of day and seasons impact your well-being. Workshop includes self-care rituals and a customized a daily plan to support balanced wellness. $25. Co-hosted by Beth Martin Yoga & Helene Williams Reiki. Liberty Place Theater & Conference Center, 313 W Liberty St, Lancaster. For tickets visit BethMartinYoga.com/about-1. FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Rock the Role Play – 9am-12pm. “The Art of Psychodramatic Techniques in Group and 1-1 Sessions.” Learn role play techniques that enliven the therapeutic setting, increase insight, permit and assist self-disclosure, and deepen a person’s experience of self and the issue. CE credits for SWs, MFTs, licensed counselors and psychologists, plus psychodrama hours. $95 Early Bird discount, $110 after. Karen Carnabucci, 313 W Liberty St, Lancaster. 717-466-0788. RealTrueKaren.com. The Enneagram and Healthy Relationships – 6-9pm. “The Path Between Us Conference” with Suzanne Stabile. Also on Saturday, March 28, 9am-5pm. Learn how the Enneagram can guide you into more profound insights about yourself, God, and those around you so that you can experience healthier, more life-giving relationships. Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Rd, Leola. 717- 299-1113. For tickets: ParishResourceCenter.org. Violin Meditation – 7-8:15pm. Throat chakra focus. Professional violinist and yoga teacher Helena Lalita will guide students through a short session of gentle movement & breathing followed by long, deep relaxation and sound bathing. $20adv/$25 door. Radiance, 13 W Grant St, Lancaster. 717-290-1517. SATURDAY, MARCH 28 The Enneagram and Healthy Relationships Conference – 9am-5pm. See March 27th listing for details. Lenten Day of Prayer – 9:30am-3pm. Jesuit Center staff members Frank Kaminski, SJ and Anita Wood will lead a day of reflection inviting gatherers to

ponder and pray with the wisdom of Teilhard de Chardin, 20th-century Jesuit scientist and mystic, in a way that integrates and honors matter and spirit, science and faith. $50, registration required. Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville. Contact Melinda at MLeonowitz@JesuitCenter. org. JesuitCenter.org. Tarot Readings with Magdalen – 10am-4pm. Just as the natural world offers guidance, inspiration, support and insight; so too can the artistic renderings of tarot imagery. $50. Radiance, 13 W Grant St, Lancaster. 717-290-1517.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28 SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Reiki I for Healthcare Providers – 9am-4pm. Reiki I class plus research, theory and reiki in healthcare. 12 CE’s for RN’s and massage therapists. Also open to non-healthcare providers. $200. Helene Williams Reiki, 313 W. Liberty St, Lancaster. 717-269-6084. HeleneWilliamsReiki.com. savethedate
TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Flavors of the Mediterranean – 5:30-6:30pm. Adults. Allow your taste buds to be transported to the Mediterranean as you learn and taste how simple ingredients can be transformed into healthy and affordable meals. Free. GIANT, 1605 Lititz Pike, Lancaster. Registration required by calling 717-293-1462 or emailing Kilene.Knitter@ GiantMartins.com.
plan ahead
FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Holy Week/Guided Weekend Retreat – (thru Sunday, April 5). “I Carry Your Heart.” Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville. For info/tickets: MLeonowitz@JesuitCenter.org or visit JesuitCenter.org.
SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Annual Alpaca Shearing – 8am-2pm. Enjoy a day of festivities and shop from local vendors. Free. 592 Stone Hill Rd, Shoemakersville. 484-797-2263. FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Mindfulness & Grief – 12:30-2:30pm. (3 wks, 4/17 & 4/24). Experience the benefits of practicing mindfulness as a tool for being present with your grief and improving your overall wellbeing. Space limited, registration required by 4/3 at 717-391- 2413 or 800-924-7610. Pathways Center for Grief & Loss, 4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy. PathwaysCenterForGriefAndLoss.org.
SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Native Plant & Wildlife Festival – 9am-4pm. Showcasing 30 local environmental organizations, native plant nurseries and artisans, plus activities for kids, speakers, and more. Free admission. Speakers located at the Morgan Center of the Manheim Twp Library. Vendors just outside the library, on Overlook Rd, in Overlook Park, Lancaster. For info: 717-290-7180 x 3100. LancPlantFest.org.
Please call ahead to ensure that the event you're interested in is still available.
Central PA Holistic Health Expo – 10am-4pm. Professional holistic practitioners, including hypnotists, massage therapists, sound therapists, reiki practitioners and more, along with vendors of wholesome organic products from across central PA come together for this day-long expo. Free. Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster. For info: 717-340-3100. LancasterHypnotherapy.com.
SATURDAY, APRIL 19 Spiritual Awareness Workshop Part I: Saturday, April 19 – 9am-4pm Part II: Saturday, May 17 – 9am-5pm These interactive workshops feature exercises and meditations designed to increase personal spiritual awareness. Both workshops include Q&A, lunch and a vendor area. Offered by noted medium/energy healer/intuitive life coach Barb Ruhl and author DL Kline. Single workshop: $250, register for both by March 15 for $100 off total. Registration deadline: March 31. SpiritualAwarenessWorkshop.com.
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Inner Peace Holistic Expo – Saturday 10am6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm. Enjoy lectures, holistic and natural products and services for a healthy mind, body and home, spiritual services, artisan wares, jewelry, readers and more. $7/day or $10/ both. Hamburg Field House, Pine St, Hamburg. 610-401-1342. InnerPeaceHolisticExpo.com. savethedate
SATURDAY, JUNE 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Hempadelphia 2020 Cannabis Lifestyle Expo – Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm. A first-of-its-kind cannabis event in the Philadelphia area, featuring educational lectures, vendors of hemp and CBD tinctures, edibles, topicals, pet care, clothing, jewelry, bags, and more. $25 admission, discounts available. Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks, 100 Station Ave, Oaks, PA. 484-754-EXPO. Hempadelphia.live. savethedate
Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. Allow Sudha Mataji to lead you through a Yin Yoga oriented class with the intention of connecting with the deepest parts of your being to find peace and healing. For all levels and abilities. By donation. Kula Kamala Foundation & Yoga Ashram 17 Basket Rd, Reading 484-509-5073. KulaKamalaFoundation.org. Contemplative Service – 5-6pm. A simplified liturgy with readings and music. Free. Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJamesLancaster.org.
Hot 26 Yoga & Flow – 5:30-6:30pm. Call to reserve your spot. $12. The Restorative Center/Tula Yoga, 6 Hearthstone Court, Ste 304, Reading. 610-781- 1430. TheRestorativeCenter.com.
Contemplative Prayer: Meditation – 8-8:30am. Free. Chapel, Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJamesLancaster.org. Unfolding Love Personal Growth Group – 12:30- 2:30pm. Explore in a gentle yet powerful way the hidden patterns that influence our relationships, health, work and attitudes. $25. Reservations required: 717-466-0788 or RealTrueKaren@gmail. com. Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP. 313 W Liberty St, Suite 263, Lancaster. RealTrueKaren.com. Mindful Yoga – 5:45-6:45pm. Slow down your breath, your body, and your mind. $10. Yoga Studio at the Parish House at Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJames Lancaster.org. Contemplative Prayer: Teaching – 7-8:15pm. Free. Chapel, Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJamesLancaster.org.
Mindful Yoga – 9-10am. Slow down your breath, your body, and your mind. $10. Yoga Studio at the Parish House at Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJamesLancaster.org. Little Sprouts Herbal Enrichment Class – 1-2:30pm. Kids ages 4-8 learn about kid-friendly herbs and their uses. Held Wednesdays and one Saturday a month, mini-lessons are centered around a different featured plant and include take-home materials, tea tasting, and making a natural remedy. $25. Registration required. Embark Herbals, 377 Church Rd, Mohnton. 833-336-2275. EmbarkHerbals.com. Stress Relief Support Group – 1-2pm. A guided meditation session to help ease tension and stress. Free. Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance, 1234 Penn Ave, Wyomissing. 610-775-3000. Prenatal Yoga – 5:45 pm. Connect with your body, your baby and other moms-to-be. Yoga postures (asana), breathing (pranayama), meditation and relaxation are ideal ways to experience your pregnancy and prepare for delivery. Elemental Yoga, Midway Arts Center, 139 E Chestnut St, Ste 303, Coatesville. 717-341-5005. ElementalYogaWellness.com. Ultimate Health Workshop– 7pm. Learn how chiropractic can support your optimal health. Topics vary by week. Call to reserve your spot. Free. Heath Wellness Center, 14 W Main St, Landisville. 717-530-5555. HeathChiropractic.com. Kirtan and Satsang – 7:30-9pm. Enjoy beautiful music, devotional chanting, and an open discussion about yoga and life. Celebrate the many names of the Divine, connect with our community, and feel recharged for the rest of your week! By donation. Kula Kamala Foundation & Yoga Ashram, 17 Basket Rd, Reading. 484-509-5073. KulaKamala Foundation.org.
Contemplative Prayer/Meditation – 8-8:30am. Free. Chapel, Saint James Episcopal Church, corner of Duke & Orange Sts, Lancaster. SaintJames Lancaster.org. Introspection Yin – 7:30-8:30pm. $12/class. Call to reserve your spot. The Restorative Center/Tula Yoga, 6 Hearthstone Court, Ste 304, Reading. 610- 781-1430. TheRestorativeCenter.com.
Contemplative Prayer: Meditation – 6:45- 7:15am. Free. Chapel, Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJames Lancaster.org. Mindful Yoga – 9-10am. Slow down your breath, your body, and your mind. $10 Yoga Studio at the Parish House at Saint James Episcopal, corner of Duke & Orange, Lancaster. SaintJamesLancaster.org. Restorative Yoga with Live Music – 6-7:15pm. Let go with few basic postures and learn how to prop yourself to achieve optimal peace and relaxation. Crystal bowls, gong, acoustic guitar, and a variety of other instruments provide soothing music. By donation. Kula Kamala Foundation & Yoga Ashram, 17 Basket Rd, Reading. 484-509- 5073. KulaKamalaFoundation.org. Free Yoga Fridays – 6:45 pm. All levels Hatha Yoga Flow. Pay with a donation or nothing at all. Because everyone deserves wellness. Elemental Yoga, Midway Arts Center, 139 E Chestnut St, Ste 303, Coatesville. 717-341-5005. Elemental YogaWellness.com.
Saturday Tea Tastings – 9:30am-4pm. Stop into Radiance and sample a monthly featured tea for free. Radiance, 13 W Grant St, Lancaster. 717-290-1517. DIF K9 Training Orientation Session – 11:15am12:15pm. Contact Pat at Training@difk9.com for more information and to register. Free. Godfrey’s Welcome to Dogdom, 4267 New Holland Rd, Mohnton. 610-777-5755. GodfreysDogdom.com.