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resource guide
Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Advertising@NALancaster.com or visit NALancaster.com or NABerks.com.
ACUPUNCTURE LANCASTER ACUPUNCTURE Beverly Fornoff Eden Natural Care Center 600F Eden Rd • Lancaster 717-381-7334 • LancasterAcupuncture.com Discover your body’s natural ability to heal with the supports of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Acupuncture is a way to relieve acute or chronic pain, stress, allergies, colds digestive problems, and insomnia and support your overall well-being. See ad, page 24.
THE RESTORATIVE CENTER Mark Siegrist 6 Hearthstone Ct, Ste 304 • Reading 610-781-1430 TheRestorativeCenter.com
We have the experience you are looking for! Let us help you use a h o l i s t i c a p p r o a c h w i t h acupuncture and herbal remedies so you can live your healthiest life. We treat your whole health history, not just your temporary situation.
BODYWORK DéPROV MASSAGE THERAPY DJ Campos-Bard, LMT, CMMP 439 N Duke St, 2nd Fl • Lancaster 717-669-1030 DeProvMassageTherapy.com
If you are seeking relief from chronic conditions, suffering with anxiety and stress, or choosing massage for self-care, DJ Campos-Bard offers a variety of natural healing therapies to empower you to live a healthy and vibrant, pain-free life.
INTEGRATIVE HEALING ARTS STUDIO Christina Rossi, Practitioner 546 Penn Ave, Fl 2 • West Reading 30 Village Center Dr, Ste 5, Reading 610-451-9577 IntegrativeHealingArtsStudio.org
Providing an assortment of holistic healing services that include integrative massage therapy and bodywork, reiki and intuitive energy work, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, holistic nutrition, iridology, flower essences, Taoist arts and spiritual guidance. Services, classes and healing boutique. NCBTMBapproved CE provider.
KAYLA RUPPERT 85 Main St • Strausstown 610-750-3985 KRuppertLMT@gmail.com
Chronic Pain? Stress? Kayla offers therapeutic massage tailored to your individual needs. Sessions may include S o f t Ti s s u e R e l e a s e , Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue and Swedish massage techniques. Also offering Reiki and Chair Massage for businesses and events.
CBD/HEMP PRODUCTS CBD AMERICAN SHAMAN Shoppes at Landis Valley 2355 Oregon Pike, Ste 105 • Lancaster HempIsHealth.com
We use proprietary nonotechnology and u l t r a - c o n c e n t r a t e d terpene-rich CBD oil derived from all natural, high-quality, 100% organic, gluten-free, non-GMO industrial hemp. Helps relieve stress, maintain focus, manage pain, calm digestion and more. See ad, page 39.
FINNEGAN FARMS, LLC Online and at Lancaster Marketplace 2084 Fruitville Pike • Lancaster FinneganFarmsLLC.com
Creating healthy hemp products grown on our farm without pesticides or chemicals since 2017. We offer CBD oil, muscle rubs, hemp hearts, hemp tea, hemp honey, CBD oil and treats for pets, and more. Know your farmer! See ad, page 35.
HEMPFIELD BOTANICALS 336 N Charlotte St, Ste 100 • Lancaster 717-874-8480 HempfieldBotanicals.com
Hempfield Botanicals embraces that wellness is the foundation for living a full and vibrant life. We create THC-free and fullspectrum CBD products to help people find relief from pain and inflammation, sleep problems, anxiety, headaches, lack of energy, and more. Certified B Corporation®, vegan, certified crueltyfree, sustainable, and third-party tested. See ad, page 37.
INSHANTI PURE ESSENTIAL OILS Debra Stoltzfus, Clinical Aromatherapist 48 Slaymaker Hill Rd • Kinzer 717-587-3990 Inshanti.com
Inshanti’s CBD is full-spectrum (from the whole plant). It contains high CBD, low THC (below the federal legal limit), and is certified organic. Legal in all 50 states. Non-addictive and non-intoxicating, and from a Kentucky farm that is pesticidefree, mold-free and federally regulated. See ads, pages 40 and 53.
LANCASTER COUNTY BRAND CBD Tinctures and Salves 717-226-0751 HanfExtracts.com
High-quality, hemp-derived CBD providing the benefits of FullSpectrum CBD with less than 0.3% THC. Sourced from Lancaster County farms and extracted locally. Lancaster County Brand offers salves and tinctures for people and pets. See ad, page 33.
ROUNDTOP HEALTHY LIVING Melvin Stoltzfus, Independent Distributor Sisel International RoundTopHealthyLiving.Sisel.net
Offering the highest q u a l i t y h e a l t h a n d wellness products to support your healthy lifestyle, including fullspectrum CBD oil, dietary supplements, energy drinks, health and beauty products, and trusted non-toxic household cleaning and personal care products. See ad, page 41.
CHIROPRACTIC A THERAPEUTIC EFFECT Dr. Andrew Ashton 313D Primrose Ln • Mountville 717-285-9955 • ATherapeuticEffect.com
Providing an array of therapeutic treatments and services that promote relaxation and detoxification. Our doctor specializes in low-impact Torque Release Technique which provides immediate results for people of all ages. See ad, page 2.
BLUE SKIES CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Leah Reiff Wellness on Walnut Integrative Health Center 219 W Walnut St • Lancaster 717-390-9998 • BlueSkiesChiroHealth.com Chiropractic is used for natural relief from conditions such as chronic pain, injuries, pregnancy complications, complications from aging & more. Dr. Reiff carefully considers every individual's comfort level and provides specific adjustments to support the body for benefits that will last.
HEATH CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER LLC Thomas Heath, DC 14 W Main St • Landisville 717-530-5555 HeathChiropracticAndWellness.com
For 33 years, Dr. Heath has been helping people recover their health and reduce stress in their l i v e s t h r o u g h F u n c t i o n a l Integrative Brain /Body Balance. He uses Professional Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Technique, Quantum Neurology, Nutritional counseling, traditional Chiropractic and other cutting-edge techniques. See ad, page 19.
HEINZ CHIROPRACTIC, LLC 1436A Penn Ave • Wyomissing 610-375-1411 HeinzChiropractic.com
Dr. Heinz graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic and has 14 years experience treating patients with neck, lower back pain, headaches, sciatica, pinched nerves, shoulder pain, pregnancy related lower back pain, workers compensation, auto accidents and other symptoms. Call today!
JANGDHARI FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Charles JangDhari Dr. Jessica Riehl 7 Center St • Intercourse 717-768-7148 JangDhariFamilyChiropractic.com JFChiropractic@gmail.com
J a n g D h a r i F a m i l y Chiropractic is committed to the health and wellness of our community. We provide quality chiropractic care and give back to many area charities helping ensure that the people of our community have opportunities to live well and live long.
LINK CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Thomas B. Wachtmann, DC 3130 Pricetown Rd • Fleetwood 610-944-5000 DrWachtmann.com
High-quality, patient-focused Chiropractic Care, and Functional Diagnostic Medicine evaluation and treatment. We focus on correcting the underlying causes of many disorders, diseases and c o n d i t i o n s . C a l l f o r a complimentary consultation and benefit check. See ad, page 12.
NATUROPATHIC & CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY HEALTH, LLC Jane Drobin, ND, DC 1255 South Market St, Ste 210 • Elizabethtown 717- 381-5773 • NCFamHealth.com A natural, holistic and functional approach to health care. We treat the root causes of disease by establishing the foundation of optimal health. We educate our patients about lifestyle changes and incorporate natural treatment modalities for both internal and physical complaints. See ads, pages 18 and 56.
CLEANING SERVICES GREEN LEAF CLEANING Serving South Central PA 717-288-7978 GreenLeaf.Cleaning
Green Leaf Cleaning keeps your space healthy and clean by using the power of natural, nontoxic and eco-friendly products. We bring sparkle and shine to residential and commercial spaces for a special occasion or on a regular basis.
CLINICAL AROMATHERAPIST INSHANTI Debra Stoltzfus 48 Slaymaker Hill Rd • Kinzers 717-587-3990 • Inshanti.com
Trust a nationally certified aromatherapist specializing in clinical consultations. Deb can work directly with your physician to create a plan that supports mind and body health. In addition to retail and wholesale accounts of proprietary blends and pure essential oils sourced directly from the farmers, half- and full-day education courses with certification are offered. See ads, pages 40 and 52.
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Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, teaches alternative therapies and e x p e r i e n t i a l m e t h o d s o f psychodrama, sociometry, group process, Family and Systemic Constellations. CE credits for social workers, MFTs and licensed counselors, although all helpers and educators welcome. Act 48 and psychology credits pending. See ad, page 45.
COUNSELING Grey Muzzle Manor 57A Kutz Rd • Fleetwood 610-655-5271 GreyMuzzleManor.com Facebook.com/GreyMuzzleManor
Marcy Tocker, MA, utilizes p e r s o n - c e n t e r e d a n d strength-based therapeutic approaches. She specializes in animal-assisted therapy, EAGALA model equine therapy, play therapy and art therapy. Marcy believes that therapeutic change occurs when we provide empathy, unconditional positive regard, acceptance and being there to support while our clients discover the strength we know they ’ve always carried.
DENTISTRY DAVID A. SCHWARTZ, DDS, PC 9 Bristol Ct • Wyomissing 610-670-6910 SchwartzFamilyDental.com
We provide general and cosmetic mercury-free dental care to the entire family with attention to “whole person health.” We have advanced training in the safe removal of mercury fillings, nons urgical gum treatments , orthodontics, sleep apnea, solutions for TMJ, facial pain, and headaches. Visit our website to learn more. See ad, page 45.
SUSQUEHANNA DENTAL ARTS Owen Allison, DMD 100 S 18th St • Columbia 717-684-3943 • 717-285-7033 SusquehannaDentalArts.com
We are a full-service family dental practice providing 100% mercury-free restorations, quality non-surgical periodontal care, INVISALIGN, implant-retained dentures and partials. See ad, page 26.
ANY LAB TEST NOW 235 Bloomfield Dr, 110 Bldg B • Lititz 717-207-7604 AnyLabTestNow.com/Lititz
Any Lab Test Now makes it easy for consumers and businesses to manage their health! We provide direct access to clinical lab tests, DNA tests, and drug and alcohol testing services, Vitamin B 12 injections and more. See ads, pages 23 and 54.
FUNCTIONAL HEALTH AGAPE INSTITUTE of FUNCTIONAL HEALTH & CHIROPRACTIC Stephen A. Conicello, DC, EMT-P 735 Fox Chase, Ste 100 • Coatesville 484-593-0882 • AgapeFHC.com
At Agape Institute, we pride ourselves in finding out why your body has decided to become sick. Utilizing Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology, we assess the body in multiple ways to find out what’s driving sickness and disease. See ad, back cover.
FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY LANCASTER BRAIN & SPINE 1361 Fruitville Pike • Lancaster 717-299-9600 LancasterBrainAndSpine.com
Our mission is to improve the lives of people suffering from complicated neurological and musculoskeletal conditions, by utilizing cutting-edge diagnostic testing and customized brainbased treatment plans. See ads, pages 11 and 21.
HERBAL MEDICINE EMBARK HERBALS 377 Church Rd • Mohnton 833-336-2275 EmbarkHerbals.com
Let the healing begin! Community Herbalist Tiffany Davies offers custom herbal b l e n d s , b u l k h e r b s , mushrooms, teas, tinctures, and natural remedies, along with classes for all ages, workshops and more. Visit our website or call for a free consultation. See ad, page 34.
HERBS FROM THE LABYRINTH Master Herbalist Sarah Preston Radiance, 13 W Grant St • Lancaster 717-290-1517 HerbsFromTheLabyrinth.com
Long-time Herbalist Sarah Preston crafts small-batch herbal body-care and wellness products, teas, tinctures, syrups, salves a n d c r e a m s u s i n g organically-grown and ethically-sourced wildcrafted herbs. Consultations and custom blends available. Products found at Radiance and Lemon Street Market, Lancaster. See ad, page 46.
HOLISTIC RESTORE YOUR ENERGY Deb Gallagher, RN, CLP Lancaster 717-203-9666 RestoreYourEnergy.org
E x p e r i e n c e E d e n E n e rg y Medicine, a practice created by Donna Eden, healer, author and teacher. This method assists with balancing our nine energy systems which can become blocked by stress, pain and illnesses. When the energy is balanced, sleep, joy, concentration and immunity improve, and our body’s natural ability to heal can begin.
SOUL SPARK HEALING & GUIDANCE Jill C. H. Jablonski, RM, CCH SoulSparkHG@gmail.com SoulSparkHG.com
Promote health, balance chakras, reduce stress, increase relaxation, supplement medical care with reiki and crystal healing! Receive guidance, clarification on life’s challenges through tarot and astrology. Jill practices with a unique blend of experience, compassion, empathy and objectivity to give comfort and healing. HYPNOSIS BRIDGE HYPNOSIS Annelle Soponis, PhD, BCH, CI 6 Hearthstone Dr • Reading 610-509-7610 • BridgeHypnosis.com
Create the life you want using the power of your subconscious mind. Release stress, anxiety, fears, habits, blockages—anything that is holding you back from being the person you want to be. I n t e r a c t i v e t r a n s p e r s o n a l hypnosis. Dr. Soponis is NGH board certified and also certified to teach you to be a hypnotist.
LANCASTER HYPNOTHERAPY John Stewart, Hypnotherapist 313 W Liberty St, Suite 129 • Lancaster 717-340-3100 LancasterHypnotherapy.com
Ready to improve your life? Weight, smoking, anxiety, confidence, sleep, habits, athletic performance. Hypnosis is a timeproven process that empowers you to make substantial changes, allowing you to tap into your inner natural resources and take control of your life.
I M NICK D'ORAZIO, MD Strasburg Health Associates 181 Hartman Bridge Rd • Ronks 717-687-7541 • DrNickDorazio@gmail.com
Physician board certified in integrative and holistic medicine employs a wide variety of treatment modalities including Ayurveda, IV treatments including chelation, homeopathic, herbal, and nutritional medicine, natural injections, physical rehabilitation, and bodywork. Dr. D’Orazio is a physician who lives what he teaches.
HOME IMPROVEMENT DC EAGER SERVICES Darlene Eager, Clutter/Hoarding Recovery Specialist 6 E Kendig Rd • Willow Street 717-989-5763 DCEager.com
Hoarding and excessive clutter can hide health threats such as mold, bacterial growth, insect and rodent infestation. With respect and sensitivity, DC Eager will professionally and discretely provide the clean-up needed to return the home to a healthy state. Free assessment. See ads, page 13, 47 and 56.
ANY LAB TEST NOW 235 Bloomfield Dr, 110 Bldg B • Lititz 717-207-7604 AnyLabTestNow.com/Lititz
Any Lab Test Now makes it easy for consumers and businesses to manage their health! We provide direct access to clinical lab tests, DNA tests, and drug and alcohol testing services, Vitamin B 12 injections and more. See ads, pages 23 and 54.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN/ MAINTENANCE EARTHBOUND ARTISAN Serving South Central PA 717-507-6267 EarthboundArtisan.com
Offering conservation landscape design, hardscape and landscape construction, and consultation. Our approach is built on natural systems and processes and uses native plants, ecological benefactors, and organic amendments in design, construction and maintenance of native and naturalized landscape, dry laid stone, and storm water mitigation. See ad, page 22.
LYMPHATIC THERAPY Aqua Blue Wellness Center Electro-Lymphatic Therapy 50 Keystone Ct • Leola 717-656-8615 • AquaBlueWellnessCenter.com Our lymphatic system plays an important role in supporting our immunity. Over the past 18 years of treating our clients, we’ve found that supporting the proper flow of lymphatic fluid through electrolymphatic therapy positively affects many conditions including: Lymphedema, edema, cancer, Lyme disease, heart disease, enlarged prostate, post-injury/surgical healing and more. See ads, pages 23 and 57.
MATTRESSES NATURAL/ORGANIC GARDNER’S MATTRESS & MORE 830 Plaza Blvd • Lancaster 717-299-6228 GardnersMattressAndMore.com
Gardner’s is a locally owned mattress store offering a wide selection of quality natural and organic mattresses ranging from the luxurious to economical. Educating our customers on getting a good night’s sleep and the benefits of sleeping naturally and organically is our mission. To schedule your private sleep consultation, go to SleepLancaster.com/ Natural. See ad, pages 30 and 31.
MATTRESS 1 st at Interiors Home 3130 Columbia Ave • Lancaster 717-390-2000 Mattress1stByInteriorsHome.com
Offering organic and natural bedding free from irritants, allergens, pressurepoint discomfort or temperature struggles so that you are assured the best night’s sleep possible. Natura products are made with eco-integrity to ensure better health and better sleep. See ad, page 9. APRIL Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies plus: Healthy Home
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Autoimmune Breakthroughs plus: The Collagen Connection MAY

Inspired Lifestyle Travel plus: Brain Health JUNE
Contact us to learn about marketing opportunities and become a member of the Natural Awakenings community at:
717-399-3187 Advertising@NAL ancaster.com
MOLD REMEDIATION DC EAGER EMERGENCY SERVICES Darlene Eager, Certified Mold Remediation Specialist 6 E Kendig Rd • Willow Street 717-989-5763 • DCEager.com
Mold can be a hidden danger.Let DC Eager keep your family and friends safe. Our technicians are trustworthy, knowledgeable and certified in the safe removal of mold. DC Eager takes pride in their quality of work and customer service. “We Educate Before We Estimate.” Free mold assessments for your home or business. No chemicals! See ads, pages 13, 47 and 54.
NATUROPATH - BEAUTIFUL HEALING JOURNEY Rhonda Larson, Traditional Naturopath 226 N Arch St • Lancaster (INSPIRE Business Community) 717-341-3916 BeautifulHealingJourney.com
Providing Naturopathic and Functional Medicine testing, Emotional Release Techniques, and Energy Medicine, Rhonda gets to the real root of your health issues by working with you as a whole… physically, emotionally and spiritually. Call now and start your journey of healing today.
HEALTH BY DESIGN CLINIC Jeannie Peck, Traditional Naturopath 352 E Main St, Ste 100 • Leola 717-556-8103 HBDClinic.com
We provide nutrition and detoxification services for adults and children using an integrative functional medicine approach, offer therapeutic massage therapy for your relaxation or chronic pain needs, and permanent fat and weight loss services. See ads, pages 29 and 58.
NATUROPATH DAYSTAR NATURAL, LLC Rachel Borelli, ND, LMT, CNHP Kathy Stricker, ND, CNC 840 North Park Rd • Wyomissing 610-370-4343 DaystarNatural.com
At Daystar Natural, we discover exactly what your body needs to get healthy and stay healthy, using an all-natural approach to help you attain your health goals. Begin today - take control of your health and so that you can enjoy life to its fullest potential. See ad, page 19.
HEALTH FOR LIFE Ann Lee, ND, L.Ac 112 Cornell Ave • Lancaster 717-669-1050 DoctorNaturalMedicine.com
Learn how your symptoms are connected, get answers, and achieve improved health and wellbeing as we facilitate your body's ability to heal itself through acupuncture and naturopathic medicine. Special focus on hormone balancing and fertility (now offering DUTCH hormone testing).
GIANT FOOD STORES KILENE KNITTER, RD, LDN 717-299-0391 Kilene.Knitter@GiantMartins.com GiantFoodStores.com/Wellness
Kilene Knitter, nutritionist for Giant, will help you develop an individualized approach to nutrition with creative ways to enjoy the foods you love and build healthy habits that fit into your lifestyle. Visit our website for a listing of Kilene’s and all of our nutritionists’ scheduled classes and store tours.
NATUROPATHIC & CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY HEALTH, LLC Jane Drobin, ND, DC 1255 South Market St, Ste 210 • Elizabethtown 717- 381-5773 • NCFamHealth.com A natural, holistic and functional approach to health care. We treat the root causes of disease by establishing the foundation of optimal health. We educate our patients about lifestyle changes and incorporate natural treatment modalities for both internal and physical complaints. See ads, pages 18 and 53.
TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CAMBIUM WELLNESS CENTER Robert Miller, ND 15 Pleasure Rd • Ephrata 717-733-2003 • TOLHealth.com
Our leading naturopathic practice offers the most comprehensive array of holistic health services, t a i l o r e d f o r y o u r individual needs: genetic nutritional consultations; naturopathic consultations; nutrition, dietary and weight management programs; structural therapy with craniosacral therapy; reflexology; detoxification therapies; stress management; prenatal/pediatric wellness; and air/water purification. See ad, page 29.
NUTRITION FUSION INTEGRATIVE HEALTH & WELLNESS Dana M. Elia, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND 270 Granite Run Dr • Lancaster 717-917-5259 FusionIHW.com
At Fusion Integrative Health & Wellness our main focus is on YOU - the whole person. Our practice involves using an integrative, functional, and personalized approach to nutrition, health, and healing. Most major insurance plans are accepted. Flexible options are available to meet with our staff. See ad, page 18.
SHEEHAN NATURAL HEALTH IMPROVEMENT CENTER Dr. Keith Sheehan Laura Sheehan 1301 E King St • Lancaster 717-392-6606 SheehanNaturalHealth.com
Sheehan Natural Health I m p r o v e m e n t C e n t e r provides holistic health care t h r o u g h n u t r i t i o n a l counseling and whole food supplements. Our cuttingedge treatments have been found to help a broad range of symptoms and illnesses including fibromyalgia, depression, migraines, and weight loss. From infants to seniors. See ad, page 43.
TILL WE MEET AGAIN In-Home Pet Euthanasia 717-897-0536 TillWeMeetAgain.com
For some, euthanasia of their pet at the veterinary hospital is simply not an option. Dr. Mark Huber and his wife Stacey provide home euthanasia for dogs and cats in the most comfortable environment possible—your home—with the intention of bringing peace and comfort to ease the pain of losing a beloved pet. See ad, page 43.
HOUNDS N HERBS, LLC Dianne Wagman, President 101 E Broad St • Dallastown Info@HoundsNHerbs.com 717-804-9111• HoundsNHerbs.com
Your local source for raw and all organic natural pet foods, with a full line of organic pet supplies including pet CBD, nutritional supplements, cookies and treats, grooming supplies & apparel, bioDOGradable waste bags, de-shedding tools and gifts. Now open. See website for hours.
HELENE WILLIAMS REIKI Helene Williams, BSN, RN 313 W Liberty St, Ste 203 • Lancaster 717-269-6084 HeleneWilliamsReiki.com
Reiki is a very gentle holistic practice, which assists in promoting balance in body, mind and spirit. After a Reiki session, many people express a deep sense of relaxation, calming and peace. Frequently anxiety, stress and worry are relieved. Sessions and classes are available. See ad, page 20.
LANCASTER REIKI CLINIC Farm and Home Center 1383 Arcadia Rd • Lancaster 717-824-9209 LancasterCommunityReikiClinic.org
Offering 30-minute sessions to those who would like to experience the many benefits of reiki. Clinic held the third Thursday of each month, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. By donation. Practitioners needed. Please call for more information.
RETREATS/RETREAT CENTERS JESUIT CENTER for SPIRITUAL GROWTH 501 N Church Rd • Wernersville 610-670-3642 JesuitCenter.org
The Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, situated o n 2 4 0 a c r e s i n Wernersville, PA, is a place of natural beauty, welcoming quiet, and spiritual sustenance. We offer a variety of retreats and programs based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for Roman Catholics, Christians of every denomination, and seekers. See ads, pages 13 and 57.
SOUND HEALING SOUNDWISE HEALTH Lana Ryder, LMT, AADP, HTA 313 W Liberty St, Suite 267 • Lancaster SoundwiseHealth.com ReikiSound.net 610-301-4356
Lana Ryder has been sharing the healing power of sound, voice a n d m u s i c f o r 4 0 y e a r s . Soundwise Health-certified practitioners located in Lancaster, Harrisburg and York offer basic sound therapy education, group sound events, private sound therapy sessions, sound circles, sonic massage, ReikiSound™ and ReikiVoice™. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION JESUIT CENTER for SPIRITUAL GROWTH 501 N Church Rd • Wernersville 610-670-3642 JesuitCenter.org
The Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, situated o n 2 4 0 a c r e s i n Wernersville, PA, is a place of natural beauty, welcoming quiet, and spiritual sustenance. We offer a variety of retreats and programs based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for Roman Catholics, Christians of every denomination, and seekers. See ads, pages 13 and 57.
SPIRITUALITY JESUIT CENTER for SPIRITUAL GROWTH 501 N Church Rd • Wernersville 610-670-3642 JesuitCenter.org
The Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, situated o n 2 4 0 a c r e s i n Wernersville, PA, is a place of natural beauty, welcoming quiet, and spiritual sustenance. We offer a variety of retreats and programs based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for Roman Catholics, Christians of every denomination, and seekers. See ads, pages 13 and 57.
PARISH RESOURCE CENTER 2160 Lincoln Hwy East, #18 • Lancaster 717-299-1113 ParishResourceCenter.org
Our aim is to increase the capacity of the staff, volunteers and members of congregations, non-profits and small businesses so t h a t t h e y c a n m o r e effectively deliver their organizational goals and mission. Services are provided by highly qualified professionals at a fraction of normal professional fees. Additionally, we offer retreats and workshops on spirituality, internet safety, the opioid crisis, mindful listening, relationships, civility and more.
URBAN WELL—A SOURCE FOR CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY Saint James Episcopal Church, 119 N Duke St • Lancaster 717-397-4858 • UrbanWell.org.
The Urban Well, launched in 2020, focuses on teaching contemplative spirituality in collaboration with others. We are rooted in a pioneering Christian community and are exploring how to be open with integrity to interfaith wisdom and practices. See ads, pages 4 and 58. THERAPEUTIC WRITING WRITE FROM THE HEART Creative Writing Workshops Melissa Greene • Lancaster 717-393-4713 • WriteFromTheHeart.us
Our uplifting, be-who-you-are workshops awaken the creative spirit, gently, without intimidation. Taught in an atmosphere of warmth, whimsy and trust, they are a safe haven for all ages. Especially those who long to overcome perfectionism and selfdoubt. No grades or red pen. Sharing optional. Mischief a must. See ad, page 48.
T I ADVANCED THERMAL IMAGING Pamela Howard, DC, CCT 550 Coventry Dr • Mechanicsburg 259 N 6th St, Ste 2 • Columbia 866-522-3484 AThermalImage.com
Thermal Imaging is a safe, noninvasive way to visualize potential health concerns with early warning signs for a proactive approach to health, including breast health. Providing service since 2005, Dr Howard offers a complete package to include a report review, educational materials and referral sources.
Aqua Blue Wellness Center Lori Martin 50 Keystone Ct • Leola 717-656-8615 • AquaBlueWellnessCenter.com A family wellness center offering thermal imaging for breast and body, detox therapies, therapeutic and oncology massage, lymphatic drainage, a full-spectrum infrared sauna, nutritional education and more. Thermal imaging is a safe, non-invasive procedure for early detection of sources of pain, injury and disease. See ads, pages 23 and 55.
JEWEL PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Prescilla Glick, Distributor (ID#105518) 4000 E. Newport Rd • Gordonville 717-917-8208 or 1-844-789-1033 JewelPads.com
Every woman deserves a better option! 100% Allnatural chemical free sanitary pad with new Graphene Technology, found to reduce bacteria, reduce odor and inflammation, relax muscles, help with cramping, reduce hot flashes and help with dysmenorrhea. See ad, page 49.