2 minute read
Publisher's Letter
As we switch over from the promise of spring with its beautiful unfurling of greenery to summer fun, heat and harvest, we are reminded of the abundant resourcefulness of New England. CSAs are beginning, gardens are planted and early crops are flourishing. We are utilizing what is around us to sustain us. Our community roots show.
The sustainability and resourcefulness aspects remind me of a recent tire-related event in my life. While driving on our infamous I95 highway, a large nail lodged itself in one tire. The complete deflation happened at home rather than a potential blowout on the road—my first emotion was gratefulness for my family’s safety. I turned to a family-owned store in town as a resource for the tire replacement—the second emotion was appreciation that I was able to support a local business. In true New England prudent fashion, I realized it was better to replace all four of my tires during the “down,” non-emergency spring season—a reminder of the importance of maintenance in our lives. When I indicated that I wanted the tires back to use as cool flower beds alongside my fence, the owner was appreciative of the sustainability component and keeping the tires out of a landfill.
There was a silver lining journey for this story, just as there can be for so many things that happen to each of us in our lives. It points to a theme of sustainability and maintenance for our people, places and planet. This June edition can help you delve further into that theme with articles on living healthy as we get older, using our metabolism to bolster our bodies, maintaining our posture and eye health, and so much more. We spotlight two local resources with articles on Sustainable CT’s efforts in the state as well as Stone Gardens Farm’s expansion to a new farm and health food store for Fairfield County and New Haven County community members.
As our calendars fill up after the end of the school year with summer events, youth camps, vacations, fairs and family gatherings, make sure to check out upcoming events in our calendar section. Support your own well-being maintenance by reaching out to the practitioners listed in our community resource guide.
So here is to the start of a summer of sustainability for your mind, body, soul and family!