Northwest Florida |
March 2019
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Finally - Hope Restored for Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Sufferers! Find Out How this Local Panama City Doctor is Helping Patients Beat Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Without Drugs and Surgery! Read Below..... My name is Dr. Tony Salamay DC MS. Over the past 8 years I’ve used cutting edge and gentle treatments to help thousands of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients feel better and live healthier, more joyful lives.
Dr Salamay’s special offer to Natural Awakenings readers.
From March 1st to March 31st $47 will get you started on services I normally charge $225 for! See below voucher for details.
Dr. Tony Salamay, DC MS FASA Clinical studies have shown the majority of fibromyalgia patients started having symptoms after a traumatic event like a car accident, work injury, or a fall. If you suffer with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, you know how demanding life can be. One fibromyalgia patient said it like this, “For people who take good health for granted, it’s hard to imagine a condition that makes simple tasks great tests of will and determination.”
Do You Have Any of the Following Symptoms? • • • • •
Aching all over Disturbed sleep Tender points in the neck & shoulders Recurring headaches Fatigue & Stiffness
Contrary to what some people believe, you’re not lazy or crazy. Fibromyalgia is a real disease with real pain. Maybe your past doctors don’t even think fibromyalgia is a real disease, but you know it is. You feel it every day, when you wake up in the morning, when you try to keep your house cleaned, even simple tasks like cooking dinner become a chore.
Mark Pelligrino, MD (author of The Fibromyalgia Survivor), reported that after studying over 2,000 fibromyalgia patient files, he found two-thirds of fibromyalgia patients started having symptoms after a traumatic event like a car accident, work injury, or a fall. Another study published in the 1997 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism, said fibromyalgia is 13 times more likely to occur following a neck injury. There are other factors which are metabolic related such as: hormone imbalances, chronic inflammation, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, infections and others. Prescription drugs are at best “masking tape” that covers up the daily warning signs of a painful disease. Pain pills, even over-the-counter medications, don’t fix the cause of your problem. They may be necessary for a momentary crisis, but using them long term is no way to live. Many of these pain medications are quite addicting and have very real side effects.
Have you been everywhere, tried everything, and are still suffering?
Fibromyalgia is often called the invisible disease. You look fine on the surface, but underneath you’re often exhausted and in excruciating pain.
Finally, a Proven Solution for Fibromyalgia Pain
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of advanced chiropractic and neurological care combined with clinical nutrition in treating fibromyalgia patients. Dr. Frederick Wolfe, a well known investigator of fibromyalgia and clinical professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, ran a study on fibromyalgia. He asked patients to indicate drug or alternative treatments that best relieved their pain. Dr. Wolfe found that changes in lifestyle worked better than drugs and stated, “Chiropractic treatment also scored among the most effective measures.” After just a few chiropractic treatments, fibromyalgia patients suffered from less pain and fatigue, and actually enjoyed better sleep. (JMPT 2000) And best of all, there will be...
No Harmful Drugs, No Uncertain Procedures, and No Intimidation. Make your appointment today! Call 850-785-9372 between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday. Please tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Natural Awakenings Special Fibromyalgia Evaluation. Dr. Salamay looks forward to helping you beat this debilitating condition.
Special Natural Awakenings rate with this Voucher $47 (regular cost $225) This special Fibromyalgia offer includes: • A thorough review of your past medical records including diagnostics, lab work and review of your case history. • A complete neurological and spinal examination which includes electrodiagnostics. • A detailed analysis of your metabolic system from a nutritional standpoint to identify hidden causes of your fibromyalgia. • A thorough analysis of your exam and diagnostic findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.
Valid from March 1st - March 31st, 2019.
Dr. Tony Salamay, DC MS FASA
415 Richard Jackson Blvd Suite 202 Panama City Beach, FL 32407
March 2019
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
(we can help with that) We see the potential in medical marijuana, but we also feel that it is essential to have real tangible results, not just the hype of a miracle drug. We do more than Medical Marijuana Certifications, we give you support.
When you come to Empathic Practice, you should know we respect your efforts to achieve wellness, and we will work with you to get to the best result. That‘s why we offer services that are complementary to a holistic approach.
MINDFULNESS COACHING Individual hour-long sessions that will help you understand Mindfulness better and implement it into to your lifestyle.
HEALTH COACHING Together we will build a plan and schedule that will fit your needs and help you feel better.
MEDITATION COACHING Regardless of your experience, our one-on-one sessions will help you to successfully implement a practice that will bring you all the benefits of meditation.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT VISIT Our board-certified physician will evaluate your eligibility for a Medical Marijuana Certification, and we will guide you through the process of obtaining your card, and understanding the products available. All appointments include a 45 minutes session with our Mindfulness Coach and 4 Group Guided Meditation Sessions.
March 2019
STOP!! Don’t get on another diet... discover how HYPNOSIS can turn you back into a naturally thin person instead!
Find out what hundreds of Pensacola women have experienced: that it’s possible to Relax inches away... and keep the pounds off the way thin people do.
Have you ever noticed that thin people aren’t on diets? Real, sustainable weight loss begins with tossing the list of what you “can’t eat” and boring meals. Nobody can do that long term. Since your state of mind controls your thoughts and habits, it only makes sense that the way to slimming down should start with your mind. And it does. Bayside Hypnosis has documented results from local women who have personally experienced this mindbody phenomenon—and have the leaner bodies to show for it. They’ve seen for themselves how hypnosis uses your emotions, your unconscious mind and your imagination to literally change how you decide what to eat, by slowing down the internal debate and mental chatter that are so distracting. One “secret” of how hypnosis works is something most of us intuitively know already: Many times, we eat because of purely emotional (stress!) reasons, not because we’re actually hungry. So having a logical understanding of what to eat is useless! When you overeat, you’re feeding your emotions. Hypnosis helps you make decisions from a state of calmness in your right brain, while it tunes out your busy analytical mind. It can also be used to change associations, such as what you use to reward yourself. It’s entirely possible to shift from loving Twinkies to loving exercise, for example.
I went from a size 12 to a size 4 in 5 months!! “I was able to see myself in a whole different light, as a different person. I am now able to relax, and I have more confidence in myself. I use to have horrible nightmares because of a reflection of my past, now they are totally gone. All of these changes along with going from a size 12 to a size 4 in 5 months!!! I now make wiser and healthier food choices, plus I exercise daily...all because I WANT TO! I feel like a new woman at work and in ALL areas of my life.”
Why did I wait so long to come here???
So to find out if YOU can be accepted into a hypnosis program, call for your FREE 30-minute hypnosis screening today, and say goodbye to diets forever.
Marge P Robbie M "You can expect the positive results you "Great results! If you are ready to finally lose weight, are looking for at Bayside Hypnosis." get the support you need at Bayside Hypnosis." Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida 6
Rey H "You would be selling yourself short if you didn't first seek out her assistance"
March 2019
letter from publisher
The Best Journey Is One with Help from Others As we celebrate our eighth year of publishing in Northwest Florida, I am reminded of my own journey and why I was attracted to Natural Awakenings magazine myself. When I moved to this area, I found my first issue in the mailbox of our temporary residence in Tallahassee. We were searching for a home in Niceville at the time, but I remember thinking, “This is exactly what I need to meet like-minded people and find all the places that supScott & Daralyn port my lifestyle choices.” Little did I know that I would Chase embrace Natural Awakenings as my path in life, spending the next decade getting to know some of the most caring, dedicated and talented practitioners in our area. It was their passion, the reason they do what they do, that I really came to appreciate, and it became my mission to share their passion with everyone who cared about health and wellness as much as I did. Each year we focus on those who make up our healthy-, conscious- and inspired-living community with the Natural Awakenings Annual Directory, highlighting all the people bringing new modalities, practices and products to our towns. We combine the directory with feature articles and news, but we understand without this annual resource to help each of us walk the walk, the rest is just words. I also understand that the journey to conscious living is not always a straight path. There is still plenty of controversy around topics like eating well. For example, we learn in this issue that dieting causes stress and persistent hunger; triggers eating disorders, such as binge eating; and actually makes people gain weight over time. That's just one point writer Melinda Hemmelgarn addresses in “Nutrition Upgrades: Five Strategies for Better Health.” So ditch the diets, eat for yourself and the planet, and learn about the care and feeding of that all-important microbiome. I was delighted to learn recently that all my allergies—except to my beloved pets—have gone away. After years of self-care, I am no longer allergic to any outdoor elements. I can’t say exactly what did the trick, except that I applied many of the strategies mentioned in the three articles this month that focus on seasonal allergies. These articles have suggestions to help readers cope with common allergens, including ideas for kids and pets too—plus “All the Right Moves,” about using exercise to significantly reduce allergy symptoms. Everyone is different, and so your response to these strategies may vary, but it’s worth trying a few now, before allergy season sets in. You'll find lots more to consider this month, including advice on how to heal from GMOs in our food chain, and Wise Words from Phillipe Cousteau, who continues the family legacy of conservation established by his famous explorer grandfather. Remember, when you’re part of the healthy living community, you are never alone. Hang on to this year’s Annual Directory so you have access to a unique resource for information and inspiration as you continue your journey to wellness. And don’t hesitate to lean on our advertisers if you need a little help now and then. After all, they have built their lives around sharing their passion in order to help others. ~Daralyn Wishing you a healthy journey,
PUBLISHERS Daralyn Chase
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Allison Gorman DESIGN & PRODUCTION Courtney Ayers C. Michele Rose
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© 2019 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.
Scott & Daralyn Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
March 2019
from infancy to maturity since 1994!
20 2019 ANNUAL
Resource Listings and Profiles
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Five Strategies for Better Health
(850) 932-3565
Another Reason to Go Organic
All the Right Moves
Keeping the Homefront Allergy-Free
When Allergies Put the Bite on Pets
on the Power of Wonder and Legacy
DEPARTMENTS 1 2 news briefs 14 health briefs 18 global briefs 20 annual directory 46 healing ways
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
48 fit body 50 healthy kids 52 natural pet 54 wise words 58 calendar 62 classifieds
Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 850-687-0826 or email Publisher@ Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Publisher@ Deadline for editorial: the 15th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit calendar entries online only at The links are on the left side of the web page. Deadline for calendar: the 15th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit March 2019 11
news briefs
Heal your back and joints with Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment & Stem Cell Therapy "proven safe and effective, less invasive, time and money savers" ............................... Treat auto-immune diseases, infection and chronic illnesses with: Chelation • Prolozone • Acupuncture Vitamin Infusions • Auto-Hemotherapy Ozone Insufflations • Medical Marijuana ............................... Male Enhancement and erectile dysfunction, stress incontinence in women, using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Mass Guided Meditation Aims to Heal Planet
lanetary Peace Meditation, the Pensacola organization dedicated to “healing the planet, one meditation group at a time,” will host Pensacola Points of Light, a guided outdoor meditation for peace and happiness, at 11 a.m. and again at 4 p.m. on March 30, at the Vince Whibbs Community Maritime Park. The event will be held in conjunction with Pensacola VegFest 2019. Organizers Ken and Connie Williams, who co-own The Institute for Pranic Healing, in Gulf Breeze, say they hope 1,000 or more people will turn out to create an event like no other in Pensacola’s history. “For centuries, Mother Earth has lovingly supported life for all beings. In recent decades she has been stressed and neglected,” Ken says. “As a result, we are experiencing climate change, with extreme storms and the possibility of major global changes. In our local community, and just to the east and west, we have personally experienced devastating hurricanes. “Mother Earth is surrounded and infused with stress energies, heaviness and negativity. Humankind has finally arrived at a point where we can come together as a group to do something good that can change the world. Through our thoughts— the power of intention—and our actions—the will to do good—we can join together and create a positive impact for the Earth by blessing it with energies of hope, love, kindness, positivity and peace.”
Location: 301 W. Main St., Pensacola, FL (the amphitheater behind Wahoo Stadium). For more information, email or visit See ad, page 17.
PENSACOLA’S HOLISTIC SKIN CARE Experience Holistic Skincare with a variety of skincare services that revitalize and rejuvenate the skin.
Mini Retreat Facial • Harmony Facial • Rejuvenating Facial • Balance: Acne Facial Vitality Microderm Treatment • Medi Infusion Facial Treatment • LED Light Therapy Ionic Foot Detox • Clarify Teen Facial • Invigorating Back Facial
4300 Bayou Boulevard • Suite 22 • Pensacola
850-778-8600 • Call or book your appointment online. 12
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Pensacola VegFest Is Free and Family Friendly
he second annual Pensacola VegFest, a vegan food and music festival, will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., March 30, at Community Maritime Park. Organizers say the free, family-friendly event was created to normalize veganism, educate the curious and promote cruelty-free eating. It will feature activities for all ages, live music, specialty foods and many internationally known speakers, including doctors, environmentalists and animal rights activists. At vendor booths, festivalgoers can buy or learn about a variety of things, from cruelty-free food, clothing and jewelry, to animal sanctuaries and nonprofits, to natural soaps and locally made candles. The food section will feature American, Indian, Brazilian, Ethiopian and traditional festival fare. A welcome booth at the festival entrance will offer educational flyers, food and entertainment coupons, free food samples and grab bags, and a raffle entry. Every person who signs in with an email address will receive one free raffle ticket; extra raffle tickets will be available for purchase at $1 per ticket. Items will be raffled off throughout the day. A children’s area will host activities such as face painting and coloring tables, and children are also welcome to enjoy the playground at Community Maritime Park. There will also be free scheduled activities throughout the day, such as a Blessing of the Planet Meditation and Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Yoga. Sponsors include Visit Pensacola, Natural Awakenings NWF, Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Café, End of the Line Café, Chizuko, The Mighty Herb Company, Single Fin Café, Event Surterra Wellness, Saden Chiropractic, Baybridge Chiropractic Clinic, The Center held at: COMMUNITY MARITIME PARK for Pranic Healing, Vegan Pensacola, Sammy Barker’s, Anonymous for the Voiceless, 301 W. Main Street Pensacola, FL 32502 Vegan Social, White Smiles General Dentistry, and Complete Landscaping Services.
Location: 301 W. Main St, Pensacola, FL. For more info, visit See ad, page 41.
Autism Safety Training for First Responders
n March 12, 13 and 14, Autism Pensacola will offer free first-responder trainings in partnership with the Pensacola Police Department and Sacred Heart Health System. The training is geared toward law enforcement, firefighters, nurses, EMTs, social workers and judicial personnel. Registration is required, as space is limited. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 68 Americans will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A 1993 study estimated that individuals with ASD have seven times as many encounters with law enforcement during their lifetime than the general population. “We believe that educating the community about autism creates a safe, inclusive community for families living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder,” says Jessica Lapen of Autism Pensacola. “Understanding what autism may look like in emergency situations can improve outcomes when interacting with police, fire and other safety personnel.” Speakers for the training are Capt. Bill Cannata, a retired veteran of the Massachusetts fire service and program director for the Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition, and Lt. Jimmy Donohoe, a member of the Pensacola Police Department and creator of the Take Me Home Program, which is used nationwide. Both men are on the Autism Society of America’s Safe & Sound Task Force and have children on the autism spectrum. Locations and times: March 12, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sacred Heart Greenhut Auditorium, Pensacola, FL; March 13 and 14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Escambia County Emergency Management, 6575 North W St., Pensacola, FL. To register, visit
Stone Soup Celebrates Spring with Faery Festival
tone Soup, the Fort Walton Beach shop that sells local artisan-made goods and other unique items, will host its fourth annual Faery Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 23. The festival will feature intuitives, massage therapists and other healers, aura photography, food, children's crafts, children's yoga with meditation, a variety of vendors and a Faery Garden Scavenger Hunt. Shop owner Jan Myers says the festival has grown from a small indoor gathering to an indoor-outdoor event that attracts people from as far away as Jacksonville and Montgomery, Alabama. “Faery Festival began as a get together of like-minded folks celebrating the rebirth and new growth that spring brings,” she says. “Fairies have the magical task of waking up the plants and animals for another year. We honor the work they do with Mother Earth to ensure the circle of life continues.” Stone Soup is part of an intimate group of shops that offer healing and one-of-a-kind goods. “Just behind Stone Soup, Roots Shoppe offers dry herbs, tinctures and much more—and right next door is Yours Truly, offering Young Living oils and other wonderful products,” Myers says. “I love how the community comes together to shake off winter and step into a season of rebirth, growth and change. I feel blessed to be a part of it all."
Location: 700 Beal Pkwy. NW, Unit D, Ft. Walton Beach, FL. For more information, call the shop at 850-533-6565. See ad, page 6. March 2019 13
health briefs
Lemon Balm Lowers Blood Pressure, Reduces LDL Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), a soothing herb from the mint family, can significantly improve the condition of patients with chronic stable angina, reports a recent study in the Journal of Herbal Medicine. Researchers at Iran’s Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences tested 80 patients with the condition, which involves chest pain linked to a lack of blood flow to the heart. The patients were given three one-gram doses a day of lemon balm powder or a placebo. After two months, the patients given the lemon balm had significant reductions of “bad” low-density cholesterol (LDL), both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and increased workout capacity, a measure of heart function. 14
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
A Harvard study was conducted on the diets of nearly 28,000 male health professionals spanning two decades between their 50s and 70s and published by the American Academy of Neurology. It found those that drank orange juice and ate leafy greens, berries and dark orange and red vegetables suffered significantly less memory loss than others. Subjects reported every four years and were examined for both thinking and memory skills. Those that ate about six servings of vegetables a day were a third less likely to develop poor thinking skills than those consuming two servings; those that drank orange juice every day were half as likely to develop poor thinking skills as those drinking one serving per month. Men that ate larger amounts of fruits and vegetables 20 years earlier were less likely to develop similar problems, whether or not they kept eating larger amounts of fruits and vegetables later.
Vegetables and Orange Juice Protect Memory
Herbs Make Worthy Prebiotics Ginger, black pepper and holy basil, mainstays in traditional medicines as anti-inflammatories, also contain significant prebiotic potential that could help gut health, report researchers from India’s National Institute of Nutrition, in Hyderabad. Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) showed significantly higher prebiotic activity, especially of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, when compared to the well-known prebiotic fructooligosaccharide (FOS). Black pepper (Piper Nigrum) had prebiotic effects similar to FOS.
Scisetti Alfio/
Meditating or listening to classical music altered biomarkers associated with cellular aging and Alzheimer’s disease in adults experiencing memory loss, according to a recent West Virginia University study. The 60 participants had subjective cognitive decline, including forgetting familiar names and losing objects, a condition that may be a preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s. For 12 minutes a day, they either listened to instrumental classical music or did a kirtan kriya meditation involving chanting, visualization and finger poses. After three months, all subjects had increases in a key beta amyloid peptide protective from Alzheimer’s, as well as better memory, mood, sleep and quality of life, while the meditation group experienced significantly better improvements. Activity in two chromosomal markers of cellular aging—telomere length and telomerase activity—increased for both groups, especially among those that practiced more frequently or started with lower cognitive scores. The improved biomarkers were maintained or even strengthened three months after the study ended.
Anatoliy Karlyuk/
Meditation and Music Slow Cellular Aging
zhu difeng/
Light Pollution Disturbs Sleep Being exposed to high levels of artificial outdoor light at night contributes to insomnia and greater use of sleeping pills, reports a new study from South Korea’s Seoul National University College of Medicine. The researchers studied the records of 52,027 people without diagnosed sleep disorders—60 percent of them women—and correlated their sleeping pill use with their residential location relative to artificial outdoor light intensity. The brighter the outdoor lighting, the more likely were sleep issues and the greater and more frequent use of sleeping pills. The study joins other research that has shown that artificial nighttime lighting—outdoors and indoors—disrupts circadian rhythms, potentially leading to such metabolic and chronic diseases and conditions as cancer, diabetes, obesity and depression.
Pine Bark Soothes Prostate Benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), a condition that affects half of men older than 60, is related to increased prostate gland size and a reduced flow of urine from the bladder. To test the effectiveness of the pine bark extract Pycnogenol on BPH, researchers from Italy’s D’Annuncio University divided 75 men with the condition into three groups: One was given 150 milligrams a day of Pycnogenol, another received standard non-drug management and the third was given conventional drug treatment. The researchers found that urination frequency, urgency, intermittency and nighttime occurrences significantly improved after 60 days of treatment among the pine bark extract group.
Rose Hip Reduces Cold Symptoms During the six months of Denmark’s frigid winter, 107 study volunteers took either two grams of liquid rose hip (marketed as Hyben Vital) or a placebo daily. University of Copenhagen researchers found that the rose hip group experienced 18 percent fewer colds, as well as significantly fewer symptoms such as coughing, headache, muscle stiffness and fatigue when they did get a cold. March 2019 15
Coming Next Month
Sustainable Living Plus: Creative Arts Therapy
That which is not good for the beehive cannot be good for the bees. ~Marcus Aurelius
health briefs
More Physicians Recommending Biofeedback for Stress and Anxiety Biofeedback, an energetic method of reading potential stressors in the mental, emotional and physical bodies, has gained a foothold in Western medicine as an effective, natural way to ease stress, which has been linked to disease. “It is said that more than 75 percent of the complaints doctors hear stem from stress and anxiety,” says Teresa Brown Konell, an intuitive wellness coach of 20 years and the owner of Pensacola Biofeedback. “There seems to be a pill for almost everything, but pills only mask symptoms. The idea of feeling well naturally is catching on with the medical society. The Cleveland Clinic suggests biofeedback, as well as meditation and tai chi, as good alternative techniques for reducing stress and anxiety, and many doctors now recommend biofeedback for patients with fibromyalgia.” Biofeedback technology works by simultaneously reading stressors and sending out balancing signals or frequencies that remove stress. Konell added Life System Biofeedback to her practice five years ago and says the results have been “amazing.” Biofeedback can help with insomnia, ADD/HD, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), allergies, hypertension, chronic pain, PTSD, autism and sports injury as well as anxiety, she says. “A person may come into the office to receive biofeedback, or it also works well at a distance,” she says. “In the office, you would sit comfortably and have gently fitting bands on your wrists, head and ankles. At a distance, you would lie back at home, away from any electronics, while the practitioner works your program in her office.” For more information, visit
Living on Earth with host, Steve Curwood is a weekly environmental news and information program featuring interviews and commentary on a broad range of ecological issues. Broadcast
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Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
“Pensacola P oints of light” Two Meditation Event Times: 11:00am and 4:00pm
Imagine- 1000 people meditating to bless the Earth with POSITIVE ENERGY and PEACE. Join us in a meditation of service at the PENSACOLA VEGFEST on March 30th. 11am and 4pm. Location: AMPITHEATRE | COMMUNITY MARITIME PARK
Learn More At: 850-375-8588 | www
March 2019 17
global briefs
Eco Fill-up
Earth’s Extremities on the Edge The North Pole and South Pole each have unique, pristine environments, virtually untouched by civilization, but a pair of federal studies cast doubt upon their future status. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in a study based on satellite data, warned that ancient glaciers in West Antarctica, thought to be more stable than those to the east, are “waking up” and beginning to dump ice into the sea, which could further contribute to rising sea levels.
A second NOAA study reported that glaciers at the top of the world are also thawing, melting and breaking down. According to that document, the Arctic is undergoing a period of “record and near-record warmth, unlike any period on record.” Lead Arctic NOAA researcher Emily Osborne announced at a major geoscience conference, “The Arctic is experiencing the most unprecedented transition in human history.”
Liquid Fuel Stores Solar Energy
Solar power is cheap and plentiful, but there has been no way to store it efficiently. Scientists from Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenberg, Sweden, are developing a liquid molecule composed of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that when exposed to sunlight, rearranges the bonds between its atoms into an energized new isomer. In this way, energy from the sun is captured between the isomer’s strong chemical bonds and stays there even when the molecule cools down to room temperature. When the energy is needed, the fluid is drawn through a catalyst that returns the molecule to its original form, releasing energy as heat. “The energy in this isomer can now be stored for up to 18 years,” says Chalmers University nanomaterials scientist Kasper Moth-Poulsen. “And when we come to extract the energy and use it, we get a warmth increase, which is greater than we dared hope for.” The hope is that this warmth can be used for domestic heating systems, powering a building’s water heater, dishwasher, clothes dryer and more. The scientists claim the fluid can now hold 250 watt-hours of energy per kilogram, double the energy capacity of Tesla’s Powerwall batteries. Moth-Poulsen believes the technology could be available for commercial use within 10 years.
Sanit Fuangnakhon/
Poles Apart
Wave This
Planet Earth Has a Flag
A new project by Oskar Pernefeldt, a graduate student at Beckmans College of Design, in Stockholm, Sweden, has designed a new flag for the entire planet to be used worldwide in a move toward unity. Its minimalist design shows seven rings intertwined on a deep, sea-blue background, forming a flower in the middle. Simple and contemporary, the flag evokes the Earth’s natural beauty. “The blue field represents water, which is essential for life,” writes Pernefeldt. “The flower’s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet, and the blue surface could represent the universe.” The flag has yet to be adopted by any official government agencies. 18
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Bionic Leaf 2.0, a new, artificial photosynthesis system developed by a team headed by Harvard University scientists, takes in carbon dioxide, water and sunshine to create a sugary fuel. Solar energy splits up a water molecule, and bacteria turn hydrogen and carbon dioxide into liquid fuel, mainly isopropanol, which could be used someday to power a car. An improvement on their prior effort a year earlier, the new system has a catalyst made of cobalt and phosphorus, increasing the efficiency of the reaction to 10 percent. Normal photosynthesis in plants is just 1 percent efficient at converting solar energy to biomass. This technology has the potential to bring another type of solar energy to the planet, especially in the developing world.
Bionic Leaf Tops Plants in Photosynthesis
Fake Foliage
Transcendental Meditations
Shocking Development
“Meditation-Induced Near-Death Experiences: a 3-Year Longitudinal Study,” published in Mindfulness, concludes that some Buddhist meditation practitioners can willfully induce near-death experiences (NDE). These profound psychological events typically occur in people close to actual or perceived death. The ability to willfully induce such experiences could help scientists better understand the phenomenon, which has been difficult to research. “The practice of using meditation to gain a better understanding of death is longstanding, particularly in Buddhism, where ancient texts exist to help spiritual practitioners prepare for or gain insight into the process of dying,” says study author William Van Gordon, of the University of Derby, in England. “Unlike regular near-death experiences, [12] participants were consciously aware of experiencing the meditation-induced NDE and retained control over its content and duration. Also, compared to regular forms of meditation, the meditation-induced NDE led to a five-fold increase in mystical experiences and a four-fold increase in feelings of non-attachment,” explains Van Gordon.
Oil companies have received federal permission to use seismic airguns to find oil and gas deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean floor during offshore oil exploration from New England to Florida. Repeated every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, for days and weeks at a time, the airguns are so loud that they disturb, injure or kill marine mammals, sea turtles and other wildlife, harm commercial fisheries and disrupt coastal economies. The proposed testing could injure 138,000 whales and dolphins and disturb millions more, according to government estimates. Impacts include temporary and permanent hearing loss, disruption of mating and feeding, beach stranding and deaths. Whales and dolphins rely on their hearing to find food, communicate and reproduce. Airgun blasts can kill fish eggs and larvae, and scare away fish from important habitats. Catch rates of cod and haddock declined by 40-to-80 percent for thousands of miles following seismic surveys. Nonprofit environmental watchdog Oceana is working to halt the use of the devices and stop the expansion of dangerous offshore drilling that follows the seismic testing.
Rich Carey/
Near-Death Experiences Can Be Learned
Techno Timber
Artificial Wood Resists Fire and Water
A new, lightweight synthetic wood has been created that is as strong as wood, but without its traditional vulnerability to fire and water, as reported by Shu-Hong Yu, a materials chemist at the University of Science and Technology of China, in Hefei, and the author of a study published in Science Advances. It’s made of polymer resin and chitosan, a sugar polymer derived from the shells of shrimp and crabs. Adding human-made or natural fibers to the mix could also help. The new material does not require years to grow and repels water; samples soaked in water and a strong acid bath for 30 days scarcely weakened, while balsa wood lost two-thirds of its strength and 40 percent of its crush resistance. The new material is also difficult to ignite, and stopped burning when it was removed from the flame. Its porosity creates an air-trapping capacity that could make it suitable as an insulation for buildings, but eco-friendly alternatives to the polymer resins are needed to broaden interest in its utility.
Oceanic Blasts Harm Ecosystems
FINALLY...Hair Color Without the CHEMICAL DUMP!!
e SalonV
NW SLS NW Ammonia NW Parabens NW Plastics Just Awesome Color that Lasts up to 30% Longer without the Toxic Waste Site & Smell
styles • color • cuts • extensions Janice Skene • Owner with over 40 years’ experience cutting, styling coloring
850-837-2690 • Cell: 813-841-4890 • Destin By Appointment only •
March 2019 19
elcome to this special edition of the annual Live Healthy Directory for the Northwest Florida area. Each month Natural Awakenings provides a viable resource for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. In order to serve you better, we offer this special, convenient directory to keep at your fingertips all year long, as a handy reference when searching for the things you need to live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. ACUPUNCTURE ....................................... 21 BEAUTY ..................................................... 21 BIOFEEDBACK ......................................... 21 BODY CONTOURING ................................. 21 BODYWORKERS ...................................... 21 BRAIN HEALTH ........................................ 23 BREAST SCREENING ................................ 23 CBD OIL ....................................................... 23 CHINESE MEDICINE ................................. 23 CHIROPRACTIC ....................................... 23 COUNSELING ........................................... 24 CRAFTS & GIFTS ...................................... 25 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY .................... 25 DEMENTIA ................................................... 25 DENTISTRY................................................... 25 DEPRESSION............................................... 26 ENERGYHEALING....................................... 26 ESSENTIAL OILS ...........................................26 20
FARMERS’ MARKETS.................................. 27 FLOAT THERAPY ....................................... 27 FOOD & SUPPLEMENTS ......................... 28 HEALING ARTS ......................................... 30 HEALTH & WELLNESS COACH .................. 30 HOLISTIC CENTER .......................................30 HOLISTIC CONSULTING ............................31 HOLISTIC MEDICINE.................................. 31 HORMONE THERAPY ............................ 31 HOT YOGA STUDIO ............................... 32 HYPNOSIS ................................................ 32 INFRARED SAUNA .................................... 33 MASSAGE THERAPY ................................ 33 MEDICAL MARIJUANA .......................... 34 MEDITATION ............................................. 34 MINDFULNESS COACH .......................... 34 MYOFASCIAL RELEASE .......................... 34 NATURAL HEALTH .................................... 35
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
PHYSICIANS....................................35 PILATES STUDIOS ....................................... 36 PSYCHOTHERAPY ..................................... 36 REFLEXOLOGY............................................36 ROLFING .................................................. 36 SKIN CARE................................................... 36 SLEEP DISORDERS ...................................... 37 SPIRITUAL CENTER..................................... 37 SPIRITUALITY ................................................37 STEM CELL ...................................................37 STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION ................... 37 TEACHER TRAINING ................................. 38 THERMOGRAPHY...................................... 38 THETA HEALING......................................... 38 TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION (TMS)....................................38 YOGA STUDIOS .........................................38 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT ......................... 38
ACUPUNCTURE ELIZABETH BENNETT, AP, MAOM 2733 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB 850-781-9888
Acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, energy medicine, and Chinese herbs. For all conditions. Initial visit includes thorough evaluation and treatment with dietary, supplement, and lifestyle suggestions.
DR. BONNIE MCLEAN, OMD, AP Baybridge Chiropractic 107 Baybridge Dr, Gulf Breeze 850-932-1778
Author Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Heathcare found on Amazon.
Lisa Rector 7552 Navarre Pkwy, Ste 5 Harvest Village in Navarre 850-833-3003 • Offering a carcinogenic-free atmosphere and products, certified color specialist and designer cuts, hair extensions, highlights, facials, waxing, massage and a sophisticated, international clothing and gift boutique full of fun and exotic gifts. See ad, page 48.
ORGANIC CONCEPTS BY CAMY AT LE VOGUE SALON 609 W Chase St, Pensacola 850-582-0177
Providing an organic solution to beauty in a world full of chemicals. Organic Salon Systems gives you clean and healthy hair with ammoniafree hair color and chemicalfree styling products. See ad, page 21.
Karen Kennedy, MD 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Ste 201, GB 7552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre 850-916-7766 SculpSure is a non-surgical laser treatment for the reduction of stubborn fat in areas like the abdomen, love handles, back, and inner and outer thighs; and chin contouring. Amazing results with zero down-time and without drugs. See ad, page 2.
ORGANIC SALON VEDAT Janice Skene 114-B Benning Dr, Destin 850-837-2690
Organic Salon Systems started a revolution of healthier, natural, organic, better performing professional products. Beauty without sacrificing health. Coloring and smoothing treatments for silky, healthy hair. No SLS, ammonia, parabens, plastics. See ad, page 19.
BIOFEEDBACK BK INTEGRATIVE & LIFESTYLE MEDICINE INC Teresa Brown-Konell 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola (Located at Pilates Core Training) 850 205-1853 Biofeedback/
Can benefit those with anxiety or depression, increase wellbeing, mental focus and concentration. L.I.F.E. System biofeedback quantum device is designed to reduce stress, restore balance and allow the mind, body and spirit to heal naturally. Teresa is a biofeedback practitioner. See ad, page 53.
Holistic Hairstylists Supporting Green Chemistry Camy Gibson 850-582-0177 Astrid Slaughter 850-602-4497 Where beauty and wellness exist in harmony.
We’re not just a massage practice anymore. offering massage therapy, art (active release technique), reflexology, skin care and facials, neuromuscular massage, vacuum cupping, yoga, kinesiology taping with rock tape, advanced sports massage, and therapeutic pedicures performed by a certified practitioner. MM14353. See ad, page 10.
Janet Hardy, LMT Board Certified, Expert Level Myofascial Release Therapist Santa Rosa Beach • 850-231-9131 In her 24 years of massage therapy Janet has found the John F. Barnes’ Approach® to be the most effective and holistic treatment for the relief of pain and optimal health. MA17333.
Find Your Organic Way of Life • Free from Ammonia, Parabens, Petrolatum, and Phthalates • Glossy, Long Lasting Color • Perfect Grey Coverage • No Harsh Fumes Biodynamic & organic ingredients. Green chemistry. Fair trade. Sustainable development. Holistic wellness. •
/Le-Vogue-Salon March 2019 21
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
(Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 West Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 251-597-8787 Our non-invasive, drug-free approach helps brain injury patients improve speech, balance, limb and finger control, memory and mental focus, plus the restoration of personality traits. See ad, page 15.
Dr Karen Cann, DC PT 4657 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Ste A&B 850-916-9304
Early detection for breast cancer is vital. Thermography technology can identify areas of concern and involves no radiation or bodily contact. No prescription is required for this procedure and complements conventional screenings. See ad, page 11.
THERMOGRAPHY ADVANTAGE Carolyn Olson Certified Clinical Thermographer Gulf Coast Area (Louisiana to Florida) 251-623-2225
FDA registered thermography (digital Infrared thermal imaging) offers breast screenings that are non-invasive and radiation-free, without compression or bodily contact. Valuable for detecting early stage breast disease and more. See ad, page 55.
Natural Alternative Wellness Center and Smoothie Bar 2227 Ferdon Blvd, Crestview 850-682-8893 • Find us on Facebook
Providing the best CBD oil and hemp products in North America. Hemp oil extracts, food, personal hygiene, soap, mouth wash, skin care. Go online to order or visit our store. See ad, page 35.
1796 Navarre Sound Circle, Navarre 850-936-8664
11525 Hutchison Blvd, Ste 103, PCB 850-775-4913 •
339 Racetrack Rd NW, Ste 3. FWB 850-863-5811 • Hours: M-F 9-6, S 10-5, Closed Sun Providing the largest selection of CBD oils, tinctures, sprays, softgels, balms and vape liquid in the area, including high dose options for pain, anxiety, sleep and much more. See ad, page 4.
In the Publix Shopping Center 634 W 23rd St, Panama City 850-763-8871 Olive Leaves provides the best CBD oil and hemp products from Carun and is the finest quality, fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, body care products and health information in a fun, comfortable, clean, safe environment. See ad, page 36.
CHINESE MEDICINE DR. BONNIE MCLEAN, OMD, AP Baybridge Chiropractic 107 Baybridge Dr, Gulf Breeze 850-932-1778
Author Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Heathcare found on Amazon.
Treating the mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Brett Baird has been in practice for over 20 years and is always continuing his education to stay with the most relevant practices. Whether you are in need of an adjustment, a massage, or medical spa services, Baird Chiropractic & Medical Spa is truly Navarre's finest. See ad, page 33.
BAYBRIDGE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Kenneth L Williams, DC 107 Baybridge Dr, Gulf Breeze 850-932-1778
A progressive integrative clinic located in Gulf Breeze Proper. Offering Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Class IV Laser, Spinal Decompression and Massage. Trusted relief for your toughest pain
BLUEWATER CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER April Lee, DC 4400 Hwy 20 E, Niceville 850-897-1177
Natural and holistic healthcare. Offering chiropractic care, lumbar decompression, physical therapies, massage therapy, nutritional education and supplementation. Allow the body to heal the way it was designed.
Dr Karen Henard-Carter, DC 4566 Hwy 20 E, Ste 205, Niceville 850-897-1105 •
We p r o v i d e a g r e a t selection of CBD & Hemp oils in a variety of applications such as: droppers, sprays, capsules, softgels, balms and vape liquids.
A second generation chirop r a c t o r, D r. H e n a r d i s committed to chiropractic wellness for the family, improving health naturally. More than 23 years’ experience in pediatrics, sports and automobile injuries. Most insurance and affordable cash plans.
Self-preservation is the first law of nature. ~Samuel Butler March 2019 23
INTEGRATIVE SOLUTIONS Dr Karen Cann, DC PT 4657 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Ste A&B 850-916-9304
Empathic Practice 801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334
rganized in 2018, Empathic Practice helps people achieve healthy lifestyles through a multidisciplinary, holistic approach that includes wellness, meditation, mindfulness and massage—combined, when appropriate, with medical marijuana recommendations. “All the staff members at Empathic Practice have faced medical and psychological challenges for which we have used nontraditional resources for best results,” says Medical Director William Hass, M.D. “From these experiences, we feel that traditional pharmaceuticals are not the answer and, in reality, may be the problem for many patients. We think that any medication should comprise no more than 25 percent of the treatment of any chronic problem. From their first days with Empathic Practice, our patients will see our focus on mindfulness and use of practices to enhance mental clarity and wellness. This is our difference.” Every staff member has training and practical experience in his or her area of specialization. For example, Hass is a board certified anesthesiologist with more than 40 years of experience. There is a licensed massage therapist on staff and a wellness coach to focus on patients’ diet and exercise needs. Director Felipe Munoz is well known in the community for his work with mindfulness and meditation. “We believe that medical marijuana has unmeasured potential, but the pathway to its actual realization has just started,” Munoz says. “Those who tell you that it will treat everything just might be trying to sell you anything. Medical marijuana has all the problems of any herbal medicine. Basic questions about production, processing, packaging and labeling need to be answered and continuously reevaluated. Without our understanding and addressing the complexities of these issues, medical marijuana might become as big a problem as traditional medicines.” Hass says he and his staff have made every effort to make Empathic Practice welcoming to patients, from the information desk to the aesthetic of the offices and meditation area. “At Empathic Practice, we want to be the critical difference,” he says. “We plan to do this by listening to and learning from our patients. Our vision is not to produce the most medical marijuana cards and then turn patients out into the wilderness of the dispensaries for expensive and confusing trial-and-error dosing. Our vision is to provide them with the mindset, setting and education, as well as the expertise, to get the maximum response to the time and money they spend on their journey. They are pioneers, not guinea pigs. Their journey with Empathic Practice will be the reward.” See ad, page 5.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
We assess your entire life (physical, biochemical and emotional) in order to determine exactly what type of chiropractic adjustment you need and the frequency of visits. In addition, once you “get out of pain” we will administer a preventative program so that your conditions do not continue to resurface and your quality of life continues to improve. See ad, page 11.
415 Richard Jackson Blvd, PCB 850-319-6569 Treating conditions through chiropractic, functional neurology and clinical nutrition such as fibromyalgia and thyroid issues. We treat the root causes and not just masking your symptoms. Always accepting new patients. See ad, page 3.
Cynthia Urmos-Clements, BS DC 2870 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze 850-932-3565
Caring for your health and wellness needs from infancy to maturity. Since 1994, we provide chiropractic care for sports injuries, accidents, falls, illnesses, pain management and family health care. Additional integrative services include vibration therapy, massage and custom orthotics. See ad, page 10.
COUNSELING STEPPING STONES PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING 151 Mary Esther Blvd. Ste 310A, Mary Esther • 850-226-6430
Couples counseling, anxiety Attention Deficit Disorder, grief, stress management, LGBTQ community, substance abuse, parenting issues, post traumatic stress disorder,sexual addiction and dysfunction, codependency. Appointments now available. most insurance accepted.
CRAFTS & GIFTS STONE SOUP Intuitive Spiritual Center 700 Beal Pkwy, Unit D, FWB 850-533-6565
Fort Walton’s newest eclectic intuitive c e n t e r. L o c a l l y made crafts by local artisans. Intuitive readings, jewelry, paintings, incense, crystals, pottery, semi-precious stones, wind chimes, diaper cakes, hand-painted furniture. See ad, page 12.
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY SHARALEE HOELSCHER, RCST Certified Rolfer (MA34039) Registered Craniosacral Therapist 850-450-8508
Get out of pain once and for all. Treat the source, not the symptom. Enjoy moving freely in a more organized, comfortable and balanced body. See ad, page 45.
(Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 West Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 251-597-8787 Our non-invasive, drug-free approach helps dementia patients that originally scored in the teens on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment be restored to the point of scoring normal (26-30). See ad, page 15.
IAOMT Protocol 225 W Laurel Ave, Foley, AL 251-943-2471 • Free book: Mercury Free Dentistry. Ozone, laser no-suture gum surgery, test for compatible materials, cavity-causing bacteria. Examine for gum disease bacteria. Laser cavity diagnoses, saliva, ph check, oral galvanic screening; no fluoride. See ad, page 55.
30A Farmers’ Markets 30A Farmers’ Market
Convenient Locations
In the Rosemary Beach Community 28 N. Barrett Square Rosemary Beach, FL 32461 Sundays Year Round: 9am-1pm CONTACT: Diane Kolopanas • 850-499-4697 30A Farmers’ Market at Palm Plaza
1003C John Sims Parkway Niceville, Florida 32578 Saturdays Year Round: 9am-1pm
30A Farmers’ Market at Seascape Resort
90 Seascape Drive Miramar Beach, Florida 32550 March 6,13, 20, 27 April 3, 10, 17
Re-opening Memorial Day-Labor Day
Wednesdays: 9am-1pm
Grand Boulevard Farmers’ Market at Sandestin
Grand Park (Between Tommy Bahamas and Cantina Laredo) 600 Grand Blvd • Miramar Beach, FL 32550 Saturdays Year Round: 9am-1pm March 2019 25
106 Wright Pkwy SW, FWB 850-243-1534 Healthy digestion, well-aligned physical structure, proper breathing and a good night's sleep begin with a healthy mouth. We treat snoring, sleep apnea and TMJ disorders, plus crowns, teeth whitening, bridges, veneers, implant restorations, aligner orthodontics, cleanings, digital X-ray imaging, CO2 laser periodontal treatment. No mercury fillings. See ads, pages 25 and 51.
(Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 West Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 251-597-8787
Offering Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Brainsway) (a proven tool in the fight against depression that is non-invasive, painless and drug-free) with functional medicine and brain pathway rehabilitation for the most robust changes possible. See ad, page 15.
Sarah Holt, CECP, Ordained Minister 443-562-2175 Sarah@SarahHolt.Faith SarahHolt.Faith Sarah helps clients eliminate their emotional baggage without having to relive the past, so that they can increase abundance in their lives and create the life of their dreams.
Your Path to Self-Discovery and Personal Wellness REFLEX-OIL-OGY™ OF THE BODY SYSTEMS Utilizing Essential Oils and the AAA Technique
NEW RESPIRATORY MODULE March 23 in Daphne, AL .............................
850-380-4943 26
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Young Living Educator, Sponsor #327923 850-380-4943 Experience the healing, uplifting and detoxifying benefits of therapeuticgrade essential oils and supplements. Contact us for personal consultations, in-home classes, household products, health supplements, diffusers, group presentations and business training. See ad, page 26.
850-499-4697 Locations: 30A Farmers' Market at Seascape Resort 90 Seascape Dr, Miramar Beach 9am-1pm Thursdays (Open March 8) 30A Farmers’ Market at Palm Plaza 1003C John Sims Pwy, Niceville 9am-1pm Saturdays (Year Round) Sandestin Grand Boulevard Hwy 98 600 Grand Blvd, Miramar Beach 9am-1pm Saturdays (Year Round) Rosemary Beach Town Center, on 30 A 28 N. Barrett Square, PCB 9am-1pm Sundays (Year Round) Serene, beautiful, distinctive and exclusive is the best way to describe the 30A Farmers’ Market Family. European and coastal-inspired markets feature local farmers, makers, bakers, and specialty vendors in an inviting market experience. See ad, page 25.
FLOAT THERAPY FLOATFIX 11210 Hutchison Blvd, PCB 850-249-1277
Enjoy the most relaxing and tranquil session, suspended in body-temperature salt water, floating weightless, removing tension and earthly connections. Great for pregnancies, meditation, PTSD or healing from an injury. See ad, page 40.
3101 E Cervantes St, Pensacola 850-316-4149 It’s time to take better care of yourself. Start by doing nothing. Experience float therapy and start living life without pain, anxiety and stress. We provide effective wellness with state-ofthe-art science and technology with Wholebody Sonic Vibe, infrared sauna, float therapy and magnesphere magnetic resonance therapy. See ad, page 29.
Kratom and Company 130 Perry Ave SE, Ste A, Fort Walton Beach 850-845-0998
nyone who’s ever walked into Kratom and Company, the natural supplement shop in Fort Walton Beach, has met Larry Nichols—the older gentleman with saltand-pepper hair and a big smile. He owns and operates the shop along with his son Matthew, and he’s made it his mission to go the extra mile to provide the best customer service around. Nichols says he doesn’t just want to make sure customers leave with high-quality prodLarry Nichols ucts that fit their specific needs. He also wants to make sure they leave with the feeling that they’ve made a new friend. “I try to spend as much time as needed with each customer to answer all possible questions,” he says.
“What is Kratom?"
Nichols is used to that question. “Kratom is a tree found in Southeast Asia, primarily on the Indonesian island of Borneo,” he says. “Its scientific name is Mitragyna speciosa.” For nearly 1,000 years, the indigenous people of Southeast Asia have harvested the leaves of Kratom trees and used them for various conditions, including pain, anxiety, lack of energy, poor focus and insomnia. “Modern researchers have discovered that the Kratom leaf contains two main alkaloids, 7-Hydroxymitragynine and Mitragynine,” Nichols says. “Some reports have even suggested that Kratom could also help people struggling with withdrawal symptoms of opioids.” One reason Kratom has so many possible uses is that its effects can vary greatly depending upon the strain and amount of the leaf used, he says. “Typically, lower amounts are said to help boost energy and focus, and a larger amount is said to have a more sedative affect.”
Going the extra mile
Not all Kratom products are alike, Nichols adds. “We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure that we only provide the freshest, highest-quality and largest variety of Kratom possible,” he says. He means that literally. His son traveled halfway around the world, to the jungles and villages of Indonesia, in order to meet with the farmers personally and build a relationship with them. “Matthew got hands-on experience and insight into the growing, harvesting and preparation of Kratom, and he was able to locate the farmers who use the tried-and-true farming methods that continue to produce the highest-quality Kratom. Our personal relationship with them allows us to provide a product with unparalleled freshness.” For Kratom and Company, that’s what “going the extra mile” looks like. See ad, page 11. March 2019 27
Mind Performance Center, LLC A Non-Drug Treatment for Dementia, Depression and More (Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 West Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 251-597-8787 •
he Mind Performance Center, LLC, in Foley, Alabama, improves quality of life by providing non-drug rehabilitation for a range of brain disorders including depression (even treatment-resistant depression), dementia, traumatic brain injury, autism, stroke, ADHD and Parkinson’s. “The results of our treatments are tangible, often delivering improvement when nothing else has,” says owner Dr. J. Douglas Brown, DC, DACNB, who notes that 70 percent of depression patients will see symptoms reduced by at least 50 percent. Their multifacDouglas Brown eted approach can also reverse dementia. Brown is one of only a few functional neurologists in the U.S. providing brain pathway activation therapy in conjunction with deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (which regenerates abundant release of neurotransmitters) and the science-based nutritional program of Alzheimer’s researcher Dale Bredesen. He spends 90 minutes with new patients, fully examining their brain activity so that a detailed treatment program can be recommended. “Our approach fosters brain balance and performance without negative side effects. We add years to our patients’ lives—high-quality-of-life years,” says Brown, who encourages anyone wanting better brain performance for a higher quality of life, without the use of medications, to schedule an evaluation. “Improvements may begin in a few weeks, but the benefits can last a lifetime.” See ad, page 15.
5533 Highway 90, Pensacola 850-994-3606 Since 1998
An educated and friendly staff, quality vitamins and supplements. Essential oils for a healthy lifestyle. Natural holistic health assessments—iridology, tongue and fingernail assessment, reflex nutrition assessment—by appointment, $60. See ad, page 30.
Natural Alternative Wellness Center and Smoothie Bar 2227 Ferdon Blvd, Crestview 850-682-8893 • Find us on Facebook We offer cutting edge wellness testing/ screenings along with all natural supplements, homeopathic solutions and anti-aging products. Very knowledgeable staff that also make great tasting good-for-you smoothies & protein shakes.
EVER’MAN COOPERATIVE GROCERY & CAFE 315 W Garden St, Pensacola 850-438-0402 •
Natural and certified organic products, vitamin supplements, local and organic produce, wholesome baked goods, hot deli lunches, environmentally friendly products, and educational classes and events. Mon-Sat, 7am9pm; Sun, 10am-7pm. See ad, page 37.
339 Racetrack Rd NW, Ste 3, FWB 850-863-5811 • Hours: M-F 9-6, S 10-5, Closed Sun Natural supplements, herbs, skincare, and essential oils plus organic and specialty foods. In-store 100% organic café (weekdays 9-4) with juices, smoothies, etc. Very knowledgeable staff. See ad, page 4.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
KRATOM AND COMPANY 130 Perry Ave SE, Ste A, FWB 850-845-0998
Kratom and Company is a holistic pharmacy that specializes in an alternative medicine known as kratom. In short, kratom is a tropical tree in Southeast Asia with leaves that have been used for hundreds of years to relieve pain. See ad, page 11.
2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-912-6996 Find us on Facebook & Instagram We stock organic herbs and teas, clean supplements, top brand essential oils, DIY ingredients and supplies. Join us for hands-on workshops and check out the Foot Detox and Sauna.
Olive Leaves is here to provide you with the finest quality, fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, body care products and health information in a fun, comfortable, clean, safe environment. See ad, page 36.
SOMADERM™ Gel by New U Life is the only transdermal, FDAregistered product, containing homeopathic human growth hormone (HGH). This gel is absorbed through the skin and provides the body with greater bio-availability than oral growth hormones and may diminish the effects of aging. This hormone distributorship opportunities are currently available. See ad, page 9.
In the Publix Shopping Center 634 W 23rd St, PC 850-763-8871
3810 Barrancas Ave, Pensacola 850-361-1215 Eating healthy should be fun and delicious... and delivered to your door. We provide well-rounded meals with a wide variety of options. Every week brand-new menu items are introduced. For delicious information and details, visit us online. See ad, page 44.
Chelsi Miller • 850-898-2002
VITAMINS R US HEALTH FOODS 15500 Panama City Beach Pkwy, Unit 420, PCB 850-588-7575
Panama City Beach’s most complete health food store. Quality supplements, vitamins & minerals, organic food and more. We have gluten -free, non-GMO, dairy-free and vegan products at everyday low prices. See ad, page 32.
March 2019 29
Wishful Treasures New Age Gift Store 4622 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola 850-941-4321 Ericka Boussarahne is an author, radio personality, public speaker and professional psychic intuitive who is sought after around the world. She has been featured on television programs dealing with the paranormal and interviewed by national radio stations across the country.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS COACH TERESA BROWN-KONELL Intuitive Wellness Coach & Biofeedback Practitioner 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola (Located at Pilates Core Training) 850 205-1853 • PensacolabBiofeedback/
Experienced intuitive medium, public speaker and author. Find peace, healing and renewal of energy through energetic clearing, past life regression and spiritual counseling. Consultations in person or by phone. See ad, page 53.
801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 EmpathicPractice.US Together we will build a plan and schedule that will fit your needs and help you feel better. Bring more energy, disposition, focus and time to your lifestyle. See ad, page 5.
2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-912-6996 Find us on Facebook & Instagram We stock organic herbs and teas, clean supplements, top brand essential oils, DIY ingredients and supplies. Join us for hands-on workshops and check out the Foot Detox and Sauna.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
inside Old Thyme Remedies 2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-912-6996 Melanie provides personalized, client-focused systems incorporating nutrition, homeopathy, detoxification, desensitization, enzymes, and whole food supplement therapies. She uses Nutrition Response Testing, a holistic consultation and functional nutrition to develope a personlized protocall.
801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 EmpathicPractice.US
Empathic Practice is focused on wellness beyond medication. We believe that mindfulness, not medication alone, will lead you to your best self. Compassionate care for a new path to healing. See ad, page 5.
Board-Certified Gynecologist 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB 7552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre 850-916-7766 Board-Certified Gynecologist M D , o ff e r i n g f u l l G Y N services and proud to feature MonaLisa Touch Laser, a noninvasive treatment for symptoms of low hormones or menopause. Stop suffering and start living. Call for appointment. Offices in Gulf Breeze and Navarre. See ad, page 2.
THERMOGRAPHY ADVANTAGE Gulf Coast Locations from Louisiana to Florida 251-623-2225
arolyn Olson was attending a cancer prevention seminar as a nurse when she first discovered thermography. She now has a decade of experience as a certified thermographer and is the owner of Thermography Advantage, based in Mobile. “We chose thermography because it is radiation-free, non-invasive and highly effective,” says Olson, who utilizes the only thermography camera that is registered by the FDA as a medical device. This preventative and natural approach utilizes digital infrared thermal imaging to evaluate the Carolyn Olson whole body, but is most known for breast screening. Olson notes, “The benefit of breast thermography is that it offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible through breast self-examination, doctor examination or mammography alone.” The procedure takes 15 minutes and requires no compression of the breast tissue. As a test of physiology, thermography can detect subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. The results can then be used to alert the patient’s doctor so that a program of further diagnosis and/or monitoring can be laid out. Thermography Advantage serves clients in 10 locations from Louisiana to Florida and offers additional services such as electro-lymphatic therapy, biofeedback technology and infrared sauna sessions. See ad, page 55.
415 Richard Jackson Blvd, PCB 850-319-6569 Treating conditions through chiropractic, functional neurology and clinical nutrition such as fibromyalgia and thyroid issues. We treat the root causes and not just masking your symptoms. Always accepting new patients. See ad, page 3.
WHITE SANDS NATURAL HEALTH Dr. Ramona Shires, ND 2870 Gulf Breeze Pkwy 850-739-1000
Discover the big differences you can achieve with holistic healthcare. At White Sands Natural Health, we are highly educated in a holistic approach to health using naturopathic principles. Call today to start your path to natural health. See ad, page 26.
Cave, MD • Barber, MD • Janis Cook, RN 8990 Ortego Park Dr, Navarre 850-529-0770 Ageless We offer multiple techniques and programs to get you on the right track to better health and a better body. Our services include behavioral therapies, nutritional strategies, hormone replacement pellet therapy, prescription medications and, best of all, the support of a caring staff. See ad, page 30. March 2019 31
Panama City Beach’s Most Complete
Board Certified Gynecologist 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB 7552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre 850-916-7766 Board Certified Gynecologist MD, offering full GYN services and proud to feature MonaLisa Touch Laser, a non-invasive treatment for symptoms of low hormones or menopause. Stop suffering and start living. Call for appointment. Offices in Gulf Breeze and Navarre. See ad, page 2.
222 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Unit A Downtown Fort Walton Beach 850-430-9434 • Hot Yoga Om features far infrared heat, radiant heat, radiant life. Daily classes, amazing teachers, great benefits. Experience it for yourself. See ad, page 40.
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Then you will love our spiritual commUNITY We welcome ALL equally Sunday Service • 10:00 a.m. “A positive path for spiritual living.” 32
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Discover the benefits of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programmingprofessionally applied to lose weight, quit smoking, soothe anxiety, lower stress, improve relationships and manage pain. Call now to schedule your free screening. See ad, page 6.
Jamie Sanders, Minister
Michelle Spencer 700 S Palafox St, Ste 200A Pensacola • 850-347-5700
The mind is the most powerful gift we have. Using hypnosis, NLP and life coaching you can improve, change or accept anything you truly desire. Reach your full potential. Also offering certified hypnosis training program. See ad, page 38.
DR. BONNIE MCLEAN, OMD, AP Baybridge Chiropractic 107 Baybridge Dr, Gulf Breeze 850-932-1778
Author Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Heathcare found on Amazon.
Barbara Bruni, Owner 1308 Dunmire, Pensacola 850-287-5836
Our Sunlighten sauna offers the highest quality and quantity of far infrared heat. Potential benefits include lowered blood pressure, weight loss, detoxification, inflammation reduction, pain relief and more. Also included is Sound Therapy for deeper relaxation, as well as Chromotherapy which uses the full spectrum of colored lights on various energy points to help balance your body, each color of which addresses a distinct need. See ad, page 22.
MASSAGE ENVY SPA MASSAGE THERAPY 34904 Emerald Coast Pkwy, #132 BLUEWATER CHIROPRACTIC Destin • 850-650-8500 WELLNESS CENTER 99 Eglin Pkwy, #5B, Uptown Station
April Lee, DC 4400 Hwy 20 E, Niceville 850-897-1177
Sports and rehabilitation massage therapy. Natural and holistic healthcare. Chiropractic care, lumbar decompression, physical therapies, nutritional education and supplementation. Allow the body to heal the way it was designed.
BODYWORKS BY BULL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE 4 Ninth Ave, Ste B, Shalimar 850-651-2286
We’re not just a massage practice anymore. Offering massage therapy, art (active release technique) reflexology, skin care and facials, neuromuscular massage, vacuum cupping, yoga, kinesiology taping with rock tape, advanced sports massage and therapeutic pedicures performed by a certified practitioner. MM14353. See ad, page 10.
FWB • 850-301-2000 Pier Park, 15801 L C Hilton Jr Dr, #120, PCB • 850-563-0070 Looking for professional, customized massages andfacials? Our professional massage therapists and estheticians will customize massage and facial to fit your needs. Make Massage Envy your spa. Two convenient locations in Destin and Fort Walton Beach. MM#35714, 36004, 36005. See ad, page 57.
THE GOOD KEVIN MASSAGE Kevin Donovan 850-596-5621
I am a sports massage therapist. Able to help with therapeutic techniques and improve athletic performance. MPS therapy can help with scar prevention and recovery after surgery. Lic# MA44336.
Finding a Chiropractor is easy...
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Vivace is FDA-cleared for your safety. This non-surgical treatment Dr. Brett Baird DC for contouring and tightening the face, neck, and body stimulates the production of collagen and reduces fine lines and wrinkles using the most revolutionary, best-in-class equipment. Botox and fillers also available.
1796 Navarre Sound Circle, Navarre
Medical Weight Loss
Our Medical weight management and all-natural programs provide treatment in a clinical setting with a licensed healthcare professional. Our wellness programs offer services such as nutrition and physical activity counseling and behavioral therapy.
March 2019 33
MEDICAL MARIJUANA EMPATHIC PRACTICE 801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 EmpathicPractice.US
Let us guide you through the process of obtaining your card, and understanding the products available. Our holistic approach includes mindfulness coach sessions and group guided meditation sessions. See ad, page 5.
Dr. Eddie Zant, MD Offices in Ft. Walton Beach and Destin 850-243-8229
RELEAF MEDICAL MARIJUANA CLINICS 4300 Bayou Blvd, Ste 27 Pensacola • 850-361-2752
Experienced medical professionals put your healing needs first, providing a compassionate, high-quality level of customer service, as quickly as possible. Free consultations. Hassle-free process. See ad, page 39.
801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 EmpathicPractice.US Regardless of your experience, our one-on-one, or group sessions will help you to successfully implement a practice that will bring you all the benefits of meditation. See ad, page 5.
Legally certified Medical Marijuana for certain medical conditions by a certified MM Physician. Professional, private, compassionate. Call to learn more or schedule an appointment today.
801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 EmpathicPractice.US
A great way to improve your mood, change your behavior for better, and become more productive. Our coach will help you apply mindfulness to your routines. See ad, page 5.
Pilates Core Training 1308 Dunmire, Pensacola 850-287-5836
Myofascial release treats the entire myofascial mind/body complex, eliminating the pressure of the restricted myofascial system (the straight-jacket) that causes painful symptoms. LMT #MA64267. See ad, page 22.
This Medicine of the Future is Here Now! Stem Cell Therapy Stimulates Regenerative Healing Promotes Rapid Recovery and Restoration • Is a Minimally Invasive Application
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Stem Cells are cultivated from donated umbilical & placental tissue of healthy Mothers and are heavily screened for your protection.
850-936-8664 • 1796 Navarre Sound Circle, Navarre Dr. Barbara Wade MD - Medical Director/ Anna-Cherie Levert PA-C 34
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Janet Hardy, LMT Board Certified Myofascial Release Therapist Expert Level Santa Rosa Beach • 850-231-9131 In her 24 years of massage therapy, Janet has found the John F. Barnes’ Approach® to be the most effective and holistic treatment for the relief of pain and optimal health. MA17333.
Myofascial Release Massage Therapist LauraTyree Health in Hot Yoga Om (Downtown FWB) 850-642-1015 • A healing sanctuary that relieves stress and alleviates damage caused by tension and strain. Fostering physical, mental and emotional relaxation, while performing postures and breathing techniques with the underlying philosophy and relaxed attitude continuing outside of the studio into life or living yoga. Classes for all levels and private classes upon request. See ad, page 40.
2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-912-6996 Find us on Facebook & Instagram We stock organic herbs and teas, clean supplements, top brand essential oils, DIY ingredients and supplies. Join us for hands-on workshops and check out the Foot Detox and Sauna.
Aymen A Kenawy, MD 850-215-6400 3890 Jenks Ave, Lynn Haven/PC Aymen A. Kenawy, M.D., FACP, FACR, Board-Certified Rheumatologist specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, stem cell and infusion therapy. See ad, page 22.
Board-Certified Gynecologist 1118 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB 7552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre 850-916-7766 Board-Certified Gynecologist MD, offering full GYN services and proud to feature MonaLisa Touch Laser, a noninvasive treatment for symptoms of low hormones or menopause. Stop suffering and start living. Call for appointment. Offices in Gulf Breeze and Navarre. See ad, page 2.
Sheila Mohammed, MD, PhD 4507 Furling Ln, Ste 213 Destin We are a medical clinic that treats pain naturally through remedies such as prolotherapy, prolozone, ozone, platelet rich plasma and stem cell treatments. See ad, page 12.
March 2019 35
PILATES STUDIO PILATES CORE TRAINING Barbara Bruni, Owner 1308 Dunmire, Pensacola 850-287-5836
Feel what it feels like to move and feel good again. From athletic training to rehab sessions, PCT can accommodate every level. We offer mat, Gyrokinesis and equipment classes. Private or group sessions available for all levels. Visit website for class schedule and pricing. See ad, page 22.
Gulf Breeze Proper 221 Gulf Breeze Pkwy • 850-932-3424 Downtown Pensacola 426 S Palafox • 850-607-2772
REFLEXOLOGY BARBARA BARROW, LMT Certified Reflexologist inside Old Thyme Remedies 2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-418-2977
Recieve a whole body tune-up, not just your muscles. With 7200 nerve endings in just our feet, applying pressure to corresponding points, we address many health issues; in many cases eliminate ailments. 10 years experience. MA81211, MM34967.
ROLFING SHARALEE HOELSCHER, RCST Certified Rolfer (MA34039) Registered Craniosacral Therapist 850-450-8508
151 Mary Esther Blvd. Ste 310A, Mary Esther • 850-226-6430
Couples counseling, anxiety Attention Deficit Disorder, grief, stress management, LGBTQ community, substance abuse, parenting issues, post traumatic stress disorder,sexual addiction and dysfunction, codependency. Appointments now available. most insurance accepted.
348 Miracle Strip Pkwy SW, Ste 26, FWB 205-718-2611 $27 spa services in Fort Walton Beach. Performed by licensed cosmetologist/esthetician instructor with 33 years experience in esthetics. Voted Destin's Best Aesthetician 2018. Where knowledge and skill meet skin, Pranic Healing sessions and aura imaging. See ad, page 53.
SP HOLISTIC SKIN CARE 4300 Bayou Blvd, Ste 22 Pensacola • 850-778-8600
Holistic Skincare with a variety of services that revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. Indulge the senses with premium all natural and organic ingredients. Free your mind, and calm your spirit. See ad, page 12.
Get out of pain once and for all. Treat the source, not the symptom. Enjoy moving freely in a more organized, comfortable and balanced body. See ad, page 45.
Join us at Pure to experience the largest Pilates studio on the coast. Variety of equipment and mat classes are offered 6 days a week. Tone your core with Pure.
Susan Blanc 400 Pickens Ave, Pensacola 850-723-8429
A Zen facial is a non-invasive skin care technique using the touch of hand to massage the face, and awaken the skins natural ability to rejuvenate. Experience this relaxing, holistic, luxurious treatment, to tighten, plump and revitalize glowing skin while you relax and rejuvenate.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Baird Chiropractic & Med Spa 1796 Navarre Sound Circle, Navarre 850-936-8664 Provides the most dramatic skin results with less pain and less downtime. The results are both immediate and improve over time with multiple treatments. See ad, page 51.
106 Wright Pkwy SW, FWB 850-243-1534
Healthy digestion, well-aligned physical structure, proper breathing and a good night's sleep begin with a healthy mouth. We treat snoring, sleep apnea and TMJ disorders, plus crowns, teeth whitening, bridges, veneers, implant restorations, aligner orthodontics, cleanings, digital X-ray imaging, CO2 laser periodontal treatment. No mercury fillings. See ads, pages 25 and 51.
Jamie Sanders, Minister 716 N 9th Ave, Pensacola 850-438-2277 •
Unity of Pensacola offers spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living. We provide philosophy that is spiritual, not religious, and love-based, not fear-based. Rev. Jamie Sanders offers spiritual counseling. See ad, page 32.
Sarah Holt, CECP, Ordained Minister 443-562-2175 Sarah@SarahHolt.Faith SarahHolt.Faith Sarah helps clients eliminate their emotional baggage without having to relive the past, so that they can increase abundance in their lives and create the life of their dreams.
1796 Navarre Sound Circle, Navarre 850-936-8664 Stem Cell therapy stimulates regenerative healing. Very safe and simple injection. No drugs, no surgery, no down time. Cultivated from donated umbilical and placental tissue of healthy mothers, heavily screened for your protection.
STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION BARBARA BRUNI Pilates Core Training 1308 Dunmire, Pensacola 850-287-5836
Ida Rolf's 10-Series is a method of bodywork which creates profound and lasting results. Structural Integration is a method of bodywork which creates profound and lasting results. Restructure your body and discover what authentic freedom of movement feels like again. Call to schedule your session today. LMT# MA64267. See ad, page 22.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ~Mahatma Gandhi
See ad, page 34.
March 2019 37
TEACHER TRAINING PILATES AND BEYOND TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOL Barbara Bruni, Owner 1308 Dunmire, Pensacola 850-287-5836
450-hour comprehensive training covering the fundamentals of movement, complete repertoire on the mat equipment, and includes modification movements for osteoporosis, knee and hip replacements and other various special needs. Registered with Pilates Method Alliance Registry of School. See ad, page 22.
THERMOGRAPHY INTEGRATIVE SOLUTIONS Dr Karen Cann, DC PT 4657 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Ste A&B 850-916-9304
Early detection for breast cancer is vital. Thermography technology can identify areas of concern and involves no radiation or bodily contact. No prescription is required for this procedure and complements conventional screenings. See ad, page 11.
ThetaHealing® Healer LauraTyree Health in Hot Yoga Om (Downtown FWB) 850-642-1015 •
222 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Unit A Downtown FWB • 850-430-9434 Hot Yoga Om features far infrared heat, radiant heat, radiant life. Daily classes, amazing teachers, great benefits. Experience it for yourself. See ad, page 40.
(Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 West Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 251-597-8787
DTMS increases the brain’s ability to regenerate and release neurotransmitters. We pair this with brain pathway correction and the nutritional program of Alzheimer’s researcher Dale Bredesen for quick and profound positive results. restoration of personality traits. See ad, page 15.
inside Old Thyme Remedies 2475 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola 850-398-7777 Certified herbalist, esthetician, and yoga teacher. She supports sustainable healing through stress management & creating a healthy lifestyle. Currently offering a yoga flow for Pain & Stress .Weds. 6-7pm only $15.
YOGA STUDIOS DRAGONFLY YOGA STUDIES 184 Brooks St, SE, Bldg 2 Downtown FWB • 850-244-0184
Serene environment for the study and practice of hatha yoga. Certified instructors. Owner/ Director Laura Tryee, E-RYT 500. See ad, page 40.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AGELESS SOLUTIONS 8990 Ortega Park Dr, Navarre 850-529-0770
More than 20 years of medical assistance with a weight loss program that helps you reach your perfect weight while maintaining your energy and health. See ad, page 30.
801 E Cervantes St, Ste C Pensacola • 850-777-3334 At Empathic Practice we focus on helping you find your own path to a more balanced life. Learn the tools and methods that can bring you peace of mind and focus, reducing emotional and physical pain. See ad, page 5.
ThetaHealing® is a meditation technique and spirituality philosophy, accepting of all religions, with the purpose of getting closer to your beliefs Creator. A holistic healing technique allowing you to clear limiting beliefs with meditation and prayer. See ad, page 40.
700 S Palafox St, Ste #200A 850-347-5700 Dump the diet –to dump the weight, for good. When you’ve gone on your last annoying diet and are open to the unique option, which tens of thousands of people like you have found, you’re ready for hypnosis. See
ad, page 6.
Deana Cooper Chapman
FREE CONSULTATION Certified Instructor LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? NGH Certified Hypnosis Classes START March 4th-12th 2019 CALL Now for RSVP and receive $200.00 off for early enrollment Limited Seating • 850-261-3596 • For more info
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March 2019 39
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Event held at: COMMUNITY
MARITIME PARK 301 W. Main Street Pensacola, FL 32502 #PensacolaVegFest
March 2019 41
Craevschii Family/
Five Strategies for Better Health
by Melinda Hemmelgarn
pringtime brings a desire to clean up our diets and refresh our plates. Here are five worthy strategies for upgrading nutrition and greeting the season with a renewed sense of well-being. n Ditch dieting. According to the Boston Medical Center, an estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year and spend more than $30 billion annually on weight-loss products. Despite this hefty investment, restrictive diets don’t work, says Sandra Aamodt, a neuroscientist based in northern California. Aamodt co-presented the Neurobiology of Dieting: Evidence for Improving Mental Health With a Self-Care Approach session at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) annual meeting last October in Washington, D.C. “Diets are not harmless,” Aamodt explains. “They create stress, persistent hunger, 42
trigger eating disorders such as binge eating and even make people fatter over time.” It’s better to take a kinder approach, says Rebecca Scritchfield, a Washington, D.C.-based registered dietitian and Aamodt’s co-presenter. Scritchfield is the author of Body Kindness: Transform Your Health From the Inside Out – and Never Say Diet Again. She teaches her clients to value their self-worth regardless of body size, practice mindful eating and focus on overall self-care: Think enjoyable physical activity, adequate sleep and positive self-talk. Mindful eating includes paying attention to thoughts and feelings that trigger eating such as hunger, but also stress, boredom and loneliness, says Californiabased registered dietitian Andrea Lieberstein, who wrote Well Nourished: Mindful Practices to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Feed Your Whole Self, and End Overeating. She encourages clients to identify voids in their lives and fill them
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
n Learn how to cook and garden. The best
dietary upgrade starts in our own kitchens, where the cook controls the ingredients. Home cooking with fresh, whole foods is at the heart of feeding ourselves well. Processed food manufacturers would like us to equate cooking with drudgery or think that cooking takes too much time, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tanmeet Sethi, an integrative physician at the Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency, in Seattle, established a culinary medicine program that includes both cooking and gardening classes. Sethi says, “Eating is sacred; it’s our connection to the earth.” She also believes there is wisdom in the way food has been traditionally cooked. Sethi recommends a Mediterranean eating pattern for
with healthy relationships and pleasurable activities, rather than food. The “health at any size” philosophy is accepted by a growing number of health and nutrition experts, including Annie Kay, a registered dietitian and registered yoga therapist at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. She’s the author of Every Bite is Divine: The Balanced Approach to Enjoying Eating, Feeling Healthy and Happy, and Getting to a Weight That’s Natural for You. Kay injects compassion into her work, promoting stress reduction, conscious eating and finding peace for individuals to reach their natural weight.
its power to reduce depression and ward off chronic diseases. She also promotes the “herb and spice pharmacy” to reduce inflammation and treat and prevent disease. For example, she says, “Ginger and turmeric both act on the same biochemical pathways as antiinflammatory medicines.” Cooking and eating together as a family has multiple benefits, too, improving children’s nutrition, self-esteem and school performance. Best of all, says Sethi, “Family meals allow us to connect with the people we love.” Put away phones, turn off screens and truly tune in to each other. Connecting to the earth through gardening also improves our health, according to both Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, a registered dietitian and associate director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Diana Dyer, a Michigan-based organic farmer, registered dietitian and author of A Dietitian’s Cancer Story: Information & Inspiration for Recovery & Healing. They promote gardening as a way to interact with nature, reduce stress and improve quality of life. With just a small patch of soil, home and community gardens provide a ready source of affordable, fresh and nutritious vegetables and herbs. n Eat to protect our planet. According to the
American Public Health Association, climate change is a major threat to our population. Droughts, fires, storms and flooding create obvious challenges to growing crops, but new research also shows how increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreases the nutritional quality of food, leading to lower levels of protein and minerals. One solution is to change the way we farm and eat. For example, Jennifer Jay, Ph.D., a professor of environmental engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California Los Angeles, calculated the carbon footprints and climate impacts of a variety of food choices. In general, she says, the fewer animal products in our diets, the lower the greenhouse gas impact. But meat and other animal products
Seventy percent of our immune system is in the lining of the gut. ~Tanmeet Sethi, an integrative physician at the Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency, in Seattle. need not be totally off the table. Simply choose smaller portions and when possible, purchase local pasture-raised products produced without antibiotics and hormones. Organic food production introduces less fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and greenhouse gases into our environment. So, what’s best for the planet is best for us. Jay provides easy, plant-based and planet-friendly recipes at n Support gut health. Around 400
B.C., Hippocrates said, “Bad digestion is the root of all evil.” Fast forward through the centuries to today, and one of the hottest areas of research in health, medicine and nutrition revolves around the microbiome; more specifically, the community of microorganisms living in the gut. “Seventy percent of our immune system is in the lining of the gut,” explains Sethi, which is why she advises,“Feed the bacteria in your gut real food.” Similarly, Teresa
Martin, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator based in Bend, Oregon, emphasizes the value of unprocessed, highfiber, organic plant foods to nourish gut bacteria and maintain microbial balance. Speaking at the same recent meeting, Martin described multiple ways gut bacteria influence our physical and mental health, including nutrient absorption, body weight and blood sugar control, bone density, inflammation and mood. Microbes in the colon digest and ferment plant fibers into short-chain fatty acids, which help ensure a thick, healthy, intestinal mucus lining. Martin notes, “When we don’t eat enough plants, we can’t make enough short-chain fatty acids,” which are key to gut-brain crosstalk and control of appetite and mood. Martin recommends eating 35 to 50 grams of fiber per day from food, not supplements. She also warns against “microbial assassins” such as antibiotics, processed meats, high-fat diets, refined carbohydrates, added sugars and artificial sweeteners, plus the emulsifiers polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose, which are commonly added to foods like ice cream and baked goods to improve texture and extend shelf life. All contribute to microbial imbalance, the loss of microbial diversity and leaky gut—the inability to keep offending food compounds like gluten and intact milk protein out of the bloodstream—leading to food intolerance, inflammation and autoimmune disorders.
Eat-Right Resources Dorothy Sears: Food Sleuth Radio interviews: “The Great Nutrient Collapse:” The Kick Diabetes Cookbook: An Action Plan and Recipes for Defeating Diabetes, by Brenda Davis. Mediterranean diet pyramid: The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less and Exercise More but Still Struggle to Lose Weight, by Bruce Blumberg Tanmeet Sethi: Whole Grain Hierarchy: Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss, by Sandra Aamodt March 2019 43
Registered dietitian Brenda Davis, of British Columbia, also recommends wholefood, plant-based diets to reverse Type 2 diabetes. She developed a “whole-grain hierarchy” to identify the most gut-friendly, least-processed grains, including cracked oats, brown rice, barley, buckwheat, sprouted grain, wheat berries and kamut. Along with beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, Davis says these foods nourish beneficial gut microbes and reduce inflammation. n Try intermittent fasting and smart meal timing. Allowing
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the body at least 12 hours without food intake benefits gut microbial diversity, says Martin. Intermittent fasting, or eating patterns in which no or few calories are consumed between 12 to 16 hours, can protect against a variety of metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, perhaps in part due to the effect on gut microbes. Dorothy Sears, associate professor of medicine and associate director of the Center for Circadian Biology at the University of California, San Diego, studied the effect of intermittent fasting, or “time-restricted feeding”, on the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In a study of more than 2,300 breast cancer survivors, Sears discovered the women that fasted for at least 13 hours a day reduced breast cancer recurrence by 36 percent, regardless of other dietary factors. Putting this into practice, if the last meal of the day ends at 6 p.m., the first meal of the next day would not begin before 7 a.m. In addition to this “prolonged nightly fasting,” Sears says that when we eat affects the way our bodies handle calories. She recommends eating during the first half of the day, when the sun is up and our enzyme and hormone systems are best able to handle calories, control blood sugar and body weight. Spring forward with these five tips and enjoy better health. Melinda Hemmelgarn, the “food sleuth”, is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer and nationally syndicated radio host based in Columbia, MO. Reach her at FoodSleuth@ Tune into Food Sleuth Radio through iTunes, Stitcher and
Quick Tips for Enjoying Good Food, Fast 1. Cook once, eat twice (or more). Smart, busy cooks use this wise, old home economics strategy. A big pot of soup, stew or chili makes many servings of easy-to-heat leftovers. Store extra servings in glass, never plastic, for quick, heat-and-serve meals. Add a side salad and fruit for dessert for a nourishing, fulfilling meal.
2. Master the omelet. Eggs, prefer-
5. Experiment with helpful cookbooks. Mark Bittman’s Kitchen
Express provides 404 seasonal dishes that can be prepared in 20 minutes or less. Betty Crocker, the renowned classic teacher, shows beginning cooks how to make standard dishes from scratch. For delicious vegetarian meals, check out Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. And to enrich children’s taste buds, invite them into the kitchen with The Kids’ Multicultural Cookbook: Food & Fun Around the World, by Deanna F. Cook.
ably free-range and organic, make fast, easy, affordable meals. Get creative with personalized omelet fillings. For example, in a tablespoon or more of olive oil, quickly sauté any combination of seasonal vegetables like potatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms, asparagus, kale or spinach. When tender, slide vegetables into a bowl. Add a few more drops of olive oil to the pan and pour in beaten eggs. When eggs are almost set, top them with sautéed vegetables and a sprinkle of cheese. Cover the pan, set heat to low and when cheese is melted, it’s time to eat. For an alternative filling, try beans, avocado, cheese, onions or peppers with a side of salsa.
ingredient labels to remove the big offenders: refined flours, sugar and substitutes, artificial colors and additives that harm gut microbes, including polysorbate 80 and carboxymethyl cellulose.
3. Use an electric pressure cooker. Say goodbye to sodium-laden,
8. Stock up with grab-and-go snacks. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, nut but-
BPA-lined cans of beans. With today’s safe and easy electric pressure cookers, a pot of un-soaked dry beans can be ready in less than an hour. Use cooked beans in a variety of quick, delicious dishes, including hummus, burritos, soups, chili and veggie burgers. For tips on vegetarian cooking and stress-free pressure cooking, visit
4. Make friends with farmers.
Find local farmers’ markets for the most flavorful, fresh, seasonal produce. For those not sure what to do with kohlrabi or a strange-looking squash, farmers and fellow shoppers will gladly provide ideas. It’s like going to a community party with fellow foodies—much more fun than a trip to the grocery store.
6. Invest in a microplane grater or handheld rasp. Add a punch
of flavor and pizzazz with this versatile kitchen tool. Use it to add freshly grated garlic, ginger and turmeric; plus lemon, lime and orange zest.
NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings is published in more than 80 U.S. markets.
7. Purge cupboards of packaged, processed foods. Read
ters and plain yogurt (sweeten to taste with local honey, seasonal fruit and cinnamon) make satisfying, high-nutrient snacks.
It is not how old you are, but how you are old. ~Jules Renard
9. Keep assorted organic herbal teas handy. Unsweetened herbal teas
make cozy companions during prolonged nighttime fasting. Staying well hydrated is key to mental performance and weight control, too. Thirst often masquerades as hunger, so drink water or tea first, then reassess appetite.
10. Put fun and pleasure back into eating. Host a potluck with
friends to share cooking and clean up, or have a picnic with kids of all ages. Put flowers or a candle on the table and play soothing music—it all enhances digestion and encourages mindful eating. Bon appétit! March 2019 45
Coming Next Month
Plus: Sustainable Living
Creative Arts Therapy
Healing From Genetically Altered Foods Another Reason to Go Organic by Marlaina Donato
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850-687-0825 46
wenty-five years As I dug deeper, I put health have ignited conago, the first the pieces together of troversy among sciengenetically moditists, consumers and even the relationship between governments. fied (GM) crop came to GMOs, gut health and market in the form of a Much of the research tomato engineered for a has been conducted in subsequent diseases. longer shelf life. Today, other countries—more ~Michelle Perro, pediatrician, as much as 80 percent of than 60 have banned author and executive director GMOs—and most food in the U.S. contains of GMO Science GMOs (as they are best studies have focused on known) and most of the world’s genetically the health effects of the glyphosate used engineered crops are treated with glyphosate on these crops, which the World Health herbicides, primarily Monsanto’s Roundup. Organization in 2015 declared a probable Unlike hybrids produced by convenhuman carcinogen. “Glyphosate adversely tional breeding, GMOs are created in a affects the mitochondria, neurotranslaboratory, often incorporating DNA from mitter production and hormones,” says other species, such as bacteria and viruses. Smith, whose recent documentary, Secret Researching the potential health effects Ingredients, presents stories of people that “must be our number one priority, because overcame chronic illnesses by eliminating GMO technology is replacing nature,” says GMOs from their diets. Jeffrey Smith, executive director of the Smith recently conducted a survey Institute for Responsible Technology, in published in the International Journal of Fairfield, Iowa. “The altered genomes are Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine passed on to future generations.” in which 3,256 respondents reported im Although U.S. regulators generally provement in a number of health problems regard these foods to be safe, the ubiquity after they switched to largely non-GMO of GMOs in the food chain and a lack of and organic diets. “Many of the conditions research on their long-term effect on human that improved in the survey participants are
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
similar to the health issues found in lab animals fed GMOs or the associated herbicide Roundup,” he wrote. More than 85 percent reported improvement from digestive disorders. It is possible that glyphosate, which is antibiotic in nature, may disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome, a community of microbes that inhabit the gut.
to Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, infertility and gastrointestinal disorders,” he says. “It is impossible in the U.S. to just eliminate GMO foods from the diet, so eating organic is the only way to guarantee avoiding GMO foods. This automatically also reduces pesticides from the diet.”
Roundup and Gut Health
Anecdotal Evidence
“Roundup can loosen the tight junctions between our cells,” explains Smith. “This can lead to leaky gut, which can contribute to inflammation and numerous diseases.” Dr. Akil Palanisamy, a Harvard-educated physician and author of The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease, concurs. “I do believe that the microbiome is crucial for health, and by switching to organic, we eliminate the potential microbiome-damaging effects of glyphosate.” Palanisamy, based in San Francisco, emphasizes glyphosate’s known ability to cause DNA damage and potentially induce cell death. “It may be a contributing factor
Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician, author and executive director of GMO Science, in San Rafael, California, became involved when she came across research by plant biologist Dr. Arpad Pusztai, one of the first scientists to raise concerns about the safety of genetically modified foods. “I was able to correlate his findings with the change in children’s health that I was beginning to notice in my own practice,” says Perro. “As I dug deeper, I put the pieces together of the relationship between GMOs, gut health and subsequent diseases.” Perro has seen improved health in her patients once a cleaner diet is introduced. “Parents have the ability to help
Healing Strategies
Go-to Tips
n Eat organic when possible, especially oats, wheat and other grains, soy, corn, beans and lentils. n Look for the “Non-GMO Project Verified” seal on labels.
Advice From the Experts Dr. Akil Palanisamy:
n Sweat in a sauna or steam room 15 to 20 minutes once or twice a week to stimulate toxin release (infrared saunas are a good alternative for those that can’t tolerate the heat of traditional saunas). n Take 15-minute home baths with onequarter-cup of bentonite clay.
n Eat a variety of detoxifying foods like cruciferous vegetables, ground flaxseeds, parsley, beet greens (the leafy tops of beetroot), cilantro and chia seeds.
Dr. Michelle Perro (for children): n Eat as much organic foods as possible and eliminate processed foods from a child’s diet. n Don’t drink tap water; use a quality water filter. n Strive to eliminate pesticides in the child’s environment, including at schools, playdates and homes of relatives.
n Strive to have a daily bowel movement.
n Seek a foundation of nutritional medicine and individualized treatment strategies employing nutraceuticals, herbs, homeopathy and manipulative medicine.
n Add fiber to diet such as psyllium husk or fruit pectin.
n Consider an elimination diet, beginning with dairy and gluten.
n Drink lots of purified filtered water every day.
Helpful Resources
n 2018 Journal of the American Medical Association study: n What’s Making our Children Sick?: How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It, by Dr. Michelle Perro and University of California San Francisco medical anthropologist Vincanne Adams; reverse chronic disorders plaguing their children, including asthma, eczema, food allergies and neurocognitive disorders such as autism and ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder].” Palanisamy has also seen significant changes in his patients’ health when they heed his advice and avoid GMOs. “Often, they report improvement in digestion, mood, brain fog and energy levels.” The body is designed with the innate ability to heal, says Pero. “Chronic diseases can be reversed when organic nutrition is the foundation.” The Hartman Group’s Organic & Natural 2018 report reveals that 46 percent of American shoppers now seek GMO-free food. “The tipping point here in the United States has begun,” says Smith. Marlaina Donato is the author of several books on spirituality, health and wellness and a composer. Connect at March 2019 47
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Exercise vs. Allergies All the Right Moves by Marlaina Donato
Exercising regularly rope, treadmill routines, easonal allergies plague more than 26 creates a cumulative tennis and team sports million Americans, effect in the body, helps like volleyball or basketaccording to the Asthma ball seems to offer antispeed up metabolism and Allergy Foundation allergy benefits. Vitamin and improves immunity, C can also help. Researchof America, with numbers on the rise in recent ers from the Faculty of so you could find years. This is due in part Sports Science at Chuleven less allergies to a dramatic increase in alongkorn University, in occurring over time. Bangkok, Thailand, found the amount of airborne ~Stephanie Mansour, pollen, a possible byprodthat 70 percent of particiuct of climate change. pants that took a vitamin fitness expert Environmental and lifestyle C supplement and ran for stress, inadequate nutrition and weakened half an hour experienced decreased nasal immune systems are also factors, leaving congestion and sneezing. many feeling too miserable to engage in “Exercising regularly creates a cuphysical activities. mulative effect in the body, helps speed up Yet, research shows that exercise can metabolism and improves immunity, so you help ease allergy symptoms and lessen could find even less allergies occurring over severity. A survey of 2,000 allergy suffertime,” says Stephanie Mansour, fitness expert ers sponsored by the UK National Pollen and former allergy sufferer from Chicago. and Aerobiology Research Unit showed “I used to get allergy shots for a runny nose those that exercised the most had the and headaches during certain times of the mildest symptoms. year, but personally transformed my allergies through expanding my lungs and chest and More Exercise, balancing out my nervous system.” The American Academy of OtolarLess Discomfort Boosting heart rate through aerobic acyngic Allergy recommends gentler forms tivities such as running, walking, jumping of exercise, and cautions against vigorous
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
workouts such as Crossfit or long runs that can be counterproductive and exacerbate allergy flare-ups. Mansour recommends yoga, Pilates, walking or weight training—especially when congestion is a factor.
Try Some Yoga Mansour, a certified yoga instructor, attests to the benefits of the practice. To ease the symptoms of allergies, she recommends yoga both for its physical effects and its breath benefits. “Yoga can also help bring equilibrium to the nervous system and help the body relax. When the body is in a healthy balance and relaxed, it’s more effective at warding off things like infection or allergies.” Registered nurse and yoga instructor Kristin Brien, of New York City, concurs. “A yoga practice trains and strengthens the vagal nerve, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system— rest and digest mode—and turns off the inflammatory response,” Brien says. “When we are under chronic stress, our nervous systems react as though our bodies are under constant threat, thus making some of us more susceptible to hypersensitive reactions to offending seasonal antigens like pollen and ragweed.” Yoga practitioners across the board recommend inverted poses such as the plow, shoulder stand and downward facing dog to relieve allergy-related congestion. While yoga can be beneficial, inverted poses should be avoided by anyone with high blood pressure, glaucoma or retinal issues due to increased pressure in the blood vessels of the head, and some experts emphasize that allergy sufferers and asthmatics should avoid hot yoga and other demanding forms during flare-ups. A gentle approach goes a long way. Ideally, Brien recommends asanas that anyone can do, including legs up the wall, supported bridge pose, supported reclined goddess pose and child’s pose.
Warm-Up No matter the type of exercise, warming up can play a key factor. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, stretching before activity and boosting heart rate helps to maximize exercise and its symptom-reducing effects.
Create a Healthy Space Lessening the body’s burden by making small changes in living
Helpful Links For a simple workout plan and an anti-inflammatory food guide to help combat allergies, join Stephanie Mansour’s free 21-Day Challenge (
Youtube videos:
or workout space can also optimize the benefits of exercise. Brien, an allergy sufferer and asthmatic, recommends using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to reduce circulating allergens and also wiping down all surfaces, including yoga mats, floors, window sills and vents. During drier, colder times of the year, Mansour recommends using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and improve breathing. Exercise may not cure seasonal allergies, but it can lessen related symptoms, along with effecting a more balanced nervous system and better overall health. Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer. Connect at
Helpful Workout Tips Before and After:
n Use a nasal saline spray beforehand. n Change clothes and shower after outdoor exercise; wash workout clothing exposed to pollens.
Consider Wearing:
n Wraparound sunglasses to avoid allergens getting into eyes n A breathable mask to filter allergens during outdoor activity
Avoid Exercising:
n In the morning when pollen and mold counts are highest n When it’s warm, dry or windy outside n On busy roads where exhaust fumes can irritate bronchial and nasal passages n When tired, sick or under significant stress; all three states prompt the immune system to react more severely to allergens
n Don’t exercise for at least two hours after an allergy shot to avoid significant side effects. March 2019 49
gorillaimages /
healthy kids
Air Care for Kids Keeping the Homefront Allergy-Free by Avery Mack
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n allergy is a dramatic overreaction of the immune system to environmental agents that are harmless to most people. Antibodies fight allergens with the release of histamines, and a runny nose, red eyes, sneezing, coughing, rash or hives can be the tangible result. Common around age 10, allergies often fade later in life, so children are often most sensitive to their causes. Outdoors, the problem could be pollen from trees or plants. Indoors, chemicals, dust mites, mold or pet dander are common culprits. An allergist can help identify them. Author of Clearing the Air One Nose at a Time: Caring for Your Personal Filter, pediatrician Hana Solomon, M.D., in Columbia, Missouri, focuses on a natural approach to prevent, rather than treat, symptoms. “Thirty years ago, we didn’t have specialty cleaning products,” she says. “Natural solutions work; sometimes just a cotton cloth and water are enough.” Frisco, Texas-based Urban Hydration uses vegan-friendly, cruelty- and glutenfree ingredients and herbal extracts to ensure their cleaning products don’t contain parabens, synthetics, polybeads and toxic chemicals. Their home and spa collections are kept as natural as possible without requiring refrigeration. Lemon extract
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and coconut oil are key ingredients in their all-purpose spray, dishwashing solution and fabric refresher. Microscopic dust mites live in upholstery, carpets and mattresses. They are the cleanup crew for the millions of dead skin cells humans shed daily. “If a child is allergic to dust mites, get rid of the carpet. Hang blinds on the windows. Vacuum heat vents,” Solomon says. “Use allergen-free pillows, no down or feathers, and a mattress cover. Wash it and bedding once a week. Reduce the number of toys and stuffed animals in use, wash [them] frequently and store others. Go unscented.” Leslie Fischer, an eco-minded mom and entrepreneur in Chicago, reviews mattresses for adults and babies at “Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) off-gas from the mattress and disrupt sleep, but also trigger allergy symptoms, asthma and hives,” she says. “An organic mattress is a better choice.” Natural fabrics are the best option for bed linens. Kathryn Kellogg, author of the Going Zero Waste blog in Vallejo, California, lists 17 sustainable and eco-friendly bedding brands. For her own use, she chose organic cotton sheets from a family-owned business (
Pajamas are also important. Look for comfy organic fibers that wick moisture, are hypoallergenic and fire-resistant. Merino wool’s millions of tiny air pockets create a micro-climate to keep sleeping kids toasty in cold weather and cool in summer heat. Pallet furniture is trendy, but keep in mind that chemical residue or insecticides may remain in the porous wood, as well as E. coli or listeria from food transports. A safety checklist can be found at Tinyurl. com/PalletSafety. Often overlooked, indoor mold can live year-round in damp places like bathrooms. A DecoLife bath mat made of natural diatomaceous earth and resilient plant-fiber is antibacterial, non-slip and contains no colorants. It dries within three minutes to prevent mold or mildew from forming. Instead of dropping wet towels and washcloths into the hamper, hang them to dry and launder weekly. Lemon juice keeps faucets sparkly clean and fresh-smelling. Vinegar cleans glass shower doors. Ditch the old shower curtain; most are made with PVC and release chemicals into the air. Install a rain showerhead to avoid water spray, and use a fast-drying hemp or organic cotton curtain. Opt for natural flooring; bamboo and cork are both sturdy and sustainable, but have a large carbon footprint due to shipping distances. Linoleum, updated and colorful, is available with marbled, stone-like, flecked and woodgrain patterns. Antistatic and antibacterial, it withstands kids and pets, requiring only a mild cleanser and damp mop to stay clean. Pets are often blamed when a child develops allergies. It’s actually their dander that causes the reaction. Rather than giving Sparky away, use pet-friendly wipes on fur and feet to remove dander and allergens carried in from outdoors. The Daily Shep offers tips at Kids bring allergens into the house, too. Leave shoes outside the door, schedule an early bath and change to indoor garb for the evening. A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter will help clean the air. Connect with freelance writer Avery Mack at
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When Allergies Put the Bite on Pets by Sandra Murphy
pringtime doesn’t just mean warmer weather, colorful flowers and greening grass. It also brings seasonal allergies. For pets, it can be a miserable time of year, because dogs and cats are lower to the ground and pick up allergens on their fur. Grass, weeds, pollen, lawn chemicals, fertilizers and fleas can trigger reactions such as itchy skin, raw paws, sneezing fits and general discomfort. Due to the warmer temperatures of the past decade, flea allergies in dogs have risen 12 percent, while cats have seen a whopping 67 percent increase. Environmental allergies are also up 30 percent for dogs and 11 percent for cats, according to the 2018 State of Pet Health Report from the Banfield Pet Hospital, in Vancouver, Washington. The most common environmental allergens include dust mites, mold, fabric, feathers and cleaning solutions.
Symptoms A dog’s itching will often manifest between the toes, on the wrists, “armpits”, groin, legs, ears, eyes and back, just in front of the tail. In the quest for relief, dogs will lick, chew, pull out hair and scratch, often leaving bare spots or open wounds that
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
may get infected. Cats will pull hair, scratch ears and develop a rash or bare spot on the stomach or inside the legs. In extreme cases, a veterinarian will give an injection to calm the itchiness before more damage is done. Owners can use that lull to investigate what is causing the allergy.
Fleas For fleas, there are more natural ways to end the cycle than using potentially toxic pet treatments. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is affordable, non-toxic and safe, made from fossils of marine life crushed into a superfine powder. Its deadly effect on insects stems from piercing their hard shells so they become dehydrated. It does not harm mammals. Be sure to buy food-grade DE, not the kind that’s designed for use in pools and gardens. Simply dust the dog to the skin with the powder and sprinkle it on bedding, rugs and carpets. Cats tend to have more favorite nap spots than dogs, so vacuum first to get rid of any flea eggs. Sprinkle the DE and leave it in place for a couple of weeks. Vacuum again. DE can be hard on regular vacuums, but a Shop-Vac is up to the task.
Susan Schmitz/
natural pet
Likely Causes and Remedies
4 A change in cleaning products. Use unscented, all-natural cleansers. Put the dog or cat in another room when vacuuming so they don’t breathe dust. A new cat litter can trigger allergic reactions. Look for unscented, dust-free litter. 4 Plastic bowls. Switch to stainless steel bowls for food and water. 4 Seasonal flowers and grasses. Pet-friendly wipes will remove excess pollen when the dog comes in after outdoor time. A twice-weekly bath during the worst of the season and weekly as blooming subsides will wash away pollens. An oatmeal shampoo is soothing; don’t use tea tree oil-based shampoos, which may further irritate skin. Be sure to dry the fur. Wet bedding can cause mold, another allergen. 4 Dust mites. Replace worn beds and bedding on a regular basis. Look for natural fabrics and fillings; no down or feathers. Wash weekly. 4 Lack of proper filtration. The air conditioner will capture incoming pollen: Be sure to change the filter often.
Be Proactive 4 Check the paw pads. If they’re irritated or red and raw, ask the vet for a salve to ease the pain while they heal. Be sure to wipe paws when coming into the house. 4 Take a look inside the ears. Allergies can lead to earaches, so watch for red, inflamed skin or black, tar-like goop. Either requires a vet visit and a prescription salve. 4 If dog walks are part of regular exercise, ask neighbors or local park employees if they’ve sprayed pesticides or treated grassy areas. 4 Add a small amount, based on weight, of Omega-3-rich fish oil to food to soothe and smooth the skin. Diligence in spotting symptoms can stop itching in its tracks when remedies are in place or at hand. Connect with Sandra Murphy at March 2019 53
TheWorld’s Healthiest Cuisines Upbeat Kids Five Steps to Positivity
Fitness in
10 Minutes
January 2014 | Location-Edition |
Feature: Strengthen Organ Vitality Plus: Healthy Homes
Feature: Heart Health Plus: Socially Conscious Investing
Feature: Nutrition Upgrades Plus: Managing Allergies
Feature: Sustainable Living Plus: Creative Arts Therapy
WOMEN’S HEALTH ISSUE Feature: Mental & Emotional Well-Being Plus: Healthy Vision
Brain Health JUNE Feature: Plus: Green Building Trends
LOCAL FOOD ISSUE Urban & Suburban Agriculture JULY Feature: Plus: Gut Health
Feature: Children’s Health Plus: Natural Pet Care
VIBRANT AT ANY AGE ISSUE Age-Defying Bodywork SEPT Feature: Plus: Yoga Therapy
March 2018 | Location-Edition |
Philippe Cousteau on the
Feature: Oral Health Plus: Chiropractic Care
by Randy Kambic
hilippe Cousteau Jr., the 39-yearold grandson of legendary undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau, is continuing a rich family legacy of sharing the wonders of the natural world with a global audience. A diver, conservationist and environmental activist, the younger Cousteau has also become an inspirational speaker, writer, social entrepreneur and producer of myriad television and film projects. Now in his fifth season of hosting the Emmy-nominated series Xploration Awesome Planet, which airs on a number of outlets, Cousteau and his wife, Ashlan, also co-host the popular Travel Channel series Caribbean Pirate Treasure, a waterborne odyssey that explores pirate legends, shipwrecks and the lore of lost treasures. His previous work has examined the fragile future of sharks, tigers, rhinos and other species nearing collapse, and their critical places in the natural order. Like his grandfather and
Feature: Natural Sleep Solutions Plus: Optimal Thyroid Function
Feature: Uplifting Humanity Plus: Earth-Friendly Holidays
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
father before him—Philippe Sr. died in a plane crash six months before his son was born—Cousteau has embraced the mission of inspiring youth to take action for a sustainable planet, launching EarthEcho International in 2005 and authoring several children’s books.
How did your grandfather inspire you?
He was a captain in the French Navy during World War II when he and an engineer invented scuba diving. It revolutionized humanity in many ways because until then, we were limited in our ability to explore the ocean. He then went on to help create underwater cameras and lights and the means to do storytelling about this wonderful world that he was exploring. It was the first time for millions of people around the world to get a glimpse of what lived in the ocean. Ted Turner called him the “father of the environmental
movement” because over time, his stories led him to a deeper understanding of the changes that were happening in the oceans and inspired him to embark on a journey not just of exploration, but of conservation. Growing up with that legacy, I was very much inspired by his work. My father was also a big part of the early Cousteau Society, and was a major driver in the early days of the conservation ethic.
How did covering the 2010 BP oil disaster for news organizations and being among the first to dive into the historic spill shape your world view?
It was a transformative experience for me, and for the country. It was a much-needed reminder of the consequences of our addiction to oil. Seeing the spill firsthand was a horrific experience. While I was already engaged and committed to conservation, it really helped [me] to double down on the urgency that I feel on these issues, because I saw not only what it did to the environment, but what it did to the communities that rely on the environment—the fishermen, the tourism operators, other people. They were all shattered and devastated by that spill. It was a powerful reminder that when we talk about conservation, we are really talking about building a world where humans can thrive as much as nature.
What are your goals in reaching out to the next generation?
A focus on environmental education is something we’ve always been doing. EarthEcho International has become one of the leading environmental education groups in the U.S. My grandfather always recognized that young people are key to building society’s ethos of environmental sustainability. We have to start with young people to grow constituencies of the older people to understand and be able to connect the dots and to care about it. Xploration Awesome Planet is targeted to the teen and tween audience, and we also have a lot of adults that watch it. It’s a great example of a program that’s all about inspiring people to not just be a passive observer of the world around them, but to be an active participant, to get engaged.
How can parents build upon the foundational message of environmental responsibility that your work instills in kids?
They can treat their kids like the hearts and minds of these issues and recognize that they are more than vessels to be filled with information. We try to encourage them to be treated like they are agents of change, that they are creative, and give them the latitude, trust and empowerment to come up with their own ideas, to look at the world, be informed and inspired, so they can say, “Oh wow. This is an issue I really care about, and I am going to do something about it.” Randy Kambic, of Estero, Florida, is a freelance writer and editor.
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Copper in new device prevents cold and flu last holidays,” she said. “The kids had colds going around, but not me.” Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache. When her CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” Some say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.” Copper may even stop flu if used earNew research: Copper stops colds if used early. ly and for several days. Lab technicians ew research shows you can went away completely.” It worked again placed 25 million live flu viruses on a stop a cold in its tracks if you CopperZap. No viruses were found alive every time he felt a cold coming on and take one simple step with a soon after. he hasn’t had a cold since. new device when you feel a cold about People have used it on cold sores He asked relatives and friends to try to start. and say it can completely prevent ugly it. They said it worked for them, too, so Colds start when cold viruses get in outbreaks. You can also rub it gently he patented CopperZap™ and put it on your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you on wounds, cuts, or lesions to combat the market. don’t stop them early, they spread in infections. Soon hundreds of people had tried it your airways and cause misery. The handle is curved and finely texand given feedback. Nearly 100% said But scientists have found a quick tured to improve the copper stops way to kill a virus. Touch it with copper. colds if used withcontact. It kills in 3 hours after the Researchers at labs and universities germs picked up first sign. Even up agree, copper is “antimicrobial.” It kills on fingers and microbes, such as viruses and bacteria, to 2 days, if they hands to protect still get the cold it just by touch. you and your That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyp- is milder and they family. tians used copper to purify water and feel better. Copper even heal wounds. They didn’t know about Users wrote kills deadly germs Sinus trouble, stuffiness, cold sores. that have become viruses and bacteria, but now we do. things like, “It Scientists say the high conductance stopped my cold right away,” and “Is it resistant to antibiotics. If you are near of copper disrupts the electrical balsupposed to work that fast?” sick people, a moment of handling it ance in a microbe cell, destroying it in Pat McAllister, age 70, received one may keep serious infection away. It may seconds. as a gift and called it “one of the best even save a life. Tests by the Environmental Protecpresents ever. This little jewel really The EPA says copper still works tion Agency (EPA) show germs die fast works.” Now thousands of users have even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of on copper. Some hospitals tried copper stopped getting colds. different disease germs so it can prevent for surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. People often use CopperZap preserious or even fatal illness. ventively. Frequent flier Karen Gauci This cut the spread of MRSA and other CopperZap is made in the U.S. of used to get colds after crowded flights. illnesses by over half, and saved lives. pure copper. It has a 90-day full money Though skeptical, she tried it several The strong scientific evidence gave back guarantee when used as directed times a day on travel days for 2 months. inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When to stop a cold. It is $69.95. Get $10 off he felt a cold coming on he fashioned “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” each CopperZap with code NATA9. a smooth copper probe and rubbed it Businesswoman Rosaleen says when Go to or call people are sick around her she uses Cop- toll-free 1-888-411-6114. gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold perZap morning and night. “It saved me Buy once, use forever.
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March 2019 57
calendar of events NOTE: Calendar events can be posted online at to be listed in the online calendar and will be published in print if recieved must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Limited to approximately 50 words. See exact character count on website. Submit from our website at. $10 per regular listing. $50 Save-the-Date ad.
Deep Discovery – A SoulCollageƠWorkshop – 1-5pm. This introduction workshop is for those that are new to SoulCollage. Kiala Givehand presents a 4-hr journey towards self-care, self-study, and self-compassion. Through guided introspection you may discover meaningful insights and hidden gems about your most authentic self. Blending healing and creativity by creating personal guidance cards, this process is gentle, but powerful. No artistic experience necessary. $55. Healing Arts Creativity & Empowerment Studio, 875 E. Nine Mile Rd, Ste 4, Pensacola. 510-473-5602.
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Essential Oils for Everyday Life – 5:30-6:30pm. Essential oils have been used for over 6,000 years for the purpose of improving a person's health and overall mood. Come learn how to use them in your everyday life. Free. Empathic Practice, 801 E Cervantes St, Pensacola. 850-777-3334. Contact@ EmpathicPractice.US.
SATURDAY, MARCH 9 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Free Intro to Pilates Footwork Class – 9:4510:15am. The Pilates Barre Pensacola is happy to welcome Pilates, TRX, and Guided Meditation Instructor, Emily Gold, back to teaching after being away for 2 years. Mats are provided, space is limited to 6, reserve your spot by calling or texting. Free. The Pilates Barre Pensacola, 1010 N 12th Ave, Ste 121, Pensacola. 850-384-5599.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 March MATness: A Free Intro to Pilates –1:302:30pm, (also 2:30-3:30pm, 3/7, ; 12:30-1:30pm, 3/13; 11:30am-12:30pm, 3/19; 9:30-10:30am, 3/23, 3:30–4:30, 3/25; 1–2pm,3/31). Try Pilates, March is the perfect month to discover the exciting, challenging, and rewarding exercises created by Joseph Pilates. The 34 unique and graceful movements we will focus on are effective in conditioning your entire body, optimizing your flexibility, strength, coordination, endurance, and so much more. Space is limited. Reservations encouraged, call, text, or email. Free. The Pilates Barre Pensacola, 1010 North 12th Ave, Ste 121, Pensacola. 850-384-5599. Basic Pranic Healing Course – 6-9pm, Fri. 9am6pm, Sat., 2-day event. The Foundational energy healing course in the MCKS Pranic Healing Curriculum. Taught by Senior Instructor Connie Williams. Knowledge, techniques and step by step instruction to use for yourself or others. Class includes instruction and practice. Learn the Meditation on Twin Hearts. CE Hrs available for LMT and Social Work. $400.00/350.00 early registration. The Center for Pranic Healing and Wellness, 206B Center St, Gulf Breeze. 850-380-0561. PranicHealingSouth@ Naturally Simple Hormone Balance Make-NTake – 6:30-8:30pm. Discover the details of our hormones and a new approach to controlling fluctuations, imbalances, hot flashes, and chronic fatigue
naturally. Bring a friend and leave with solutions specifically for your personal hormonal concerns to begin using immediately. 8525 Gulf Blvd Unit 606, Navarre. 850-499-3670. DianaPereira@live. com.
Get Savvy – 2-4pm. Get savvy with chemical free Young Living Savvy Mineral Makeup. Experience the best non-toxic make up solutions. Learn the 5 minutes to fabulous technique, because confidence is your best accessory. Free for non-member, $5 donation for Young Living members. Dixeyland, Cantonment. 850-450-1987. Dixey@YoungLiving.Rocks.
Reflex-OIL-ogy of the Endocrine System – 7:45am-6pm. Your hormones may be speaking to you and you simply are not tuned into them. Hormones effect all aspects of our health: digestion, sleep, weight, muscle, skin and bone health, sexual function and more. Learn how to communicate with them. This new educational module, created by Executive Director, Laurie Azzarella, from Daphne, AL, is an eight-hour class about your body’s glands and how you can locate, assess and apply techniques to the reflex areas on your hands and feet using essential oils, energy centers and emotional pathways to harmonize and balance your hormones. Hosted by Carrie Glider, LMT and owner. $185.00. The Shoppe Restoration & Wellness, 4363 5th Avenue, Pace. 850-380-4943.
New Moon Meetup – 10-11am. Chant select mantras and decode mysteries of thyself, especially as it regards physical health, mental fitness, and the purpose of our lives. Ideal for anyone seriously committed to living the highest quality life possible while in pursuit of the highest truth. Free. Healing Arts Creativity & Empowerment Studio, 875 E. Nine Mile Rd, Ste 4, Pensacola. 510-394-5418.
Keep Calm and Control those Emotions – 11am– 12:30pm. Learn about how our limbic system allows essential oils to affect change quickly in our emotions, and those of our irate family members, to help us stay calm and balanced regardless of what life throws in our direction. Attendees receive a free e-book. Bring your friends and leave the event with your own personalized roller ball recipes to keep those emotions in check. Free. Ever'man Co-operative, 315 W Garden St, Pensacola. 850499-3670.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
The Art of Sensation: Nia White Belt Body and Life Training – noon–3:15pm. Embody the foundation that takes you on a journey of self-discovery by exploring the art of sensation. Beginning with the Joy of Movement, you learn 13 principles for bodycentered awareness. Each principle teaches you a variety of somatic skills for connecting to physical sensation in your body. Through the science, craft and art of sensation, you will learn Nia’s bodycentered approach to health, wellness and fitness. No experience required. For personal development or as the first step to teaching. $1,599. Communio Health & Fitness, 904 E. Scott St., Pensacola. 980475-2194. NiaNow. com/Kat-m. Native American Healing Circle – 5:15-9:45pm. A Native American tradition of being in circle together to enhance our natural energy of healing and support. Dr. Rayna Gangi introduces you to this unique cultural experience as she facilitates the evening with personal insight. Please bring a dish of food to share. All are welcome. Donations welcome. Bay Branch Estates, Daphne, AL, 28347 Turkey Branch Drive, Daphne. 251-979-0219.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Spring Essentials and Natural Gardening MakeN-Take – 6:30-8pm. Learn how essential oils can help protect your harvest from our Florida pests and how to make natural pesticides plus sunscreen, after-sun spray and other spring time essentials. Bring a friend and leave with your very own natural bug spray. Materials included. $5. 8525 Gulf Blvd, Unit 606, Navarre. 850-499-3670. DianaPereira@
SATURDAY, MARCH 16 Intro to Dance Trance – 10am-12pm. A 2-hour workshop includes a free week of classes. Grab a friend with a good sense of humor and a love of dance and come get addicted to your workout. We review the basic dance steps, techniques and concepts behind the choreography dance routines to popular music, with a variety of dance styles such as jazz, contemporary, hip hop, modern, ballet and more. No dance experience necessary. Gym shoes with a smooth sole are recommended for adequate support for the cardio and ease of movement. Communio Health & Fitness 904 E. Scott St. 904-654-5479. Drum Circle: Facilitated – 2-3pm. Explore ancient practices for healing through the DrumQuest Healing Drum Circle. Includes shamanic journeying, spiritual chant and drum grooves with voice that increases relaxation, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and can reduce mind chatter to allow for expansion of consciousness. No experience necessary, drums and percussion provided. $10 suggested love offering. Unity in Fort Walton Beach, 1797 Hurlburt Rd, FWB. 850-864-1232.
SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Workshop: Transformation Through Play with Percussion – 12:30-2pm. Everyone is born with rhythm, it’s called a heartbeat. Living in a chaotic world interferes with expressing our authentic self. Experience the joy of making music and relaxing. Be a part of the rhythm band and expect to transform the way you think about yourself and life. Drums and percussion provided. $20 suggested love offering. Unity in Fort Walton Beach, 1797 Hurlburt Road, FWB. 850-864-1232.
TUESDAY, MARCH 19 Health and Wellness Coaching Classes: 12 Steps to Better Health – 5:30-6pm. Health is a journey, not a destination. It's all about taking small attainable steps and enjoying the process. This fun class will teach you how to use 12 simple steps to improve your own health and lifestyle. Free. Empathic Practice, 801 E Cervantes St, Pensacola. 850-777-3334. EmpathicPractice.US.
SATURDAY, MARCH 23 Reflex-OIL-ogy of the Respiratory System – 7:45am-5pm. Our lungs are a detoxification system for our bodies. If you suffer with sinus congestion, allergies or breathing issues, this module will help your well-being and teach you how to help others. Understand how your respiratory system was created to function. 8 CEUS for LMT $185. Bay Branch Estates, 28347 Turkey Branch Dr, Daphne, AL. 850-380-4943.
special event 2019 Faery Festival at Stone Soup Free Admission
(Vendors charge for arts, craft and additional acivities)
March 23 • 10am-4pm Spring is here and it's time to dust off those fairy wings for a seasonal celebration. Music, food and fun for everyone, crafts for children, yoga, meditation, healing arts, intuitive, card readers, mediums, and aura photography.
Stone Soup, 700 Beal Pkwy NW, FWB.
850-533-6565 Special-Events.html
special event Pensacola Veg-Fest 2019 Free Admission March 30 • 11am-7pm Vegan Food and Dessert Vendors, Live Music, Guest Speakers, Kids Area, Face Painting, Henna, Clothing, Jewelry, Free Yoga.
Reflexology & Essential Oils – 11am-12:45pm. Discover what is the deal about applying essential oils to your hands. Learn the history of reflexology, supporting body systems with hand reflexology and getting the most out of reflexology with essential oils plus teach each other techniques to complete hand reflexology ourselves or loved ones to maximize your essential oil use. Come prepared to learn and practice together. Ever'man Co-operative, 315 W Garden St, Pensacola. 850-499-3670. FindEssentialHealth.
Penscola VegFest Community Maritime Park 301 W. Main Street, Pensacola #PensacolaVegFest
special event Pensacola Points of Light Planetary Peace Meditation Free Admission March 30 • 10am & 4pm Imagine more than a thousand people coming together to meditate and send positive energy, healing and love to Mother Earth. The power of intention paired with a beautiful guided meditation will make a difference. For more information, contact us at 850-375-8588 or Meditation service at the
Penscola VegFest Ampitheatre Community Maritime Park 301 W. Main Street, Pensacola
plan ahead special event Musical Echoes Native American Flute Festival Free Admission
April 26-28 Fri – 4-9:30pm Sat – 10am-9:30pm Sun – 10am-4pm The Landing 139 Brooks St., FWB 850-685-4428 March 2019 59
ongoing events
and IBD, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation local support group chapter meets monthly and offers an opportunity to meet others, receive educational and helpful materials, and hear about the latest in research while receiving encouragement and sympathy. Topics discussed range from food to exercise, remission to flares, treatment successes to open trials and challenges. Family members, friends, and caregivers are welcome at our meetings. Facebook/Pensacola Crohn's and Colitis Support Group.
tuesday Kundalini and Ashtanga Inspired Yoga – 8-9am 1st & 3rd Tues. 3/5, 3/19. 3 spots per week, call for sign up. 60 minutes of semi-private sessions with our certified wellness coach and yoga instructor Amanda Simmons. $20. Empathic Practice, 801 E Cervantes St, Pensacola. 850-777-3334. Contact@ EmpathicPractice.US.
A Course in Miracles Study Group – 8:30-9:30am and Wed. 6:30-7:30pm. A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. It teaches that the way to universal love and peace— or remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. Sundays’ gathering is a time to study the text. Wednesdays’ discussion is time to share our experience of embracing now a holy instant. Love Offering. Unity of Pensacola, 716 N. 9th Avenue, Pensacola. 850-438-2948.
Pilates Advanced Equipment Class – 8:30-9:30am. Mon, Wed, Fri. For those individuals who have a strong foundation in the Pilates fundamentals. Limited to 6 participants. $30/drop-in, $25/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836.
30A Farmers' Market – 9am-1pm. Find local grass fed beef, whole chickens, eggs, goat milk, cheese, produce, hydroponic lettuce, herbs, and microgreens. Local and regioal honey, including Tupelo honey, homemade from scratch breads, pies, and pastries. Pickled veggies, jams, salsa's, BBQ sauces, pesto sauce, tuna & shrimp dips, and the best Maryland Crabcakes you have ever had. In addition beautifully handcrafted soaps. Free. 28 N. Barrett Square, Rosemary Beach. 850-499-4697. 30aFarmersMarket. Unity Spiritual Service – 10am. Discover “A Positive Path for Spiritual Living.” All people have sacred worth and are welcome at Unity Pensacola. As minister, Rev. Jamie’s passion for the truth and a spirit-filled life is evident in all that he does. Charismatic and soulful, his messages are clear, relevant and enlightening. Donations Appreciated. Unity Pensacola, 716 N. 9th Avenue, Pensacoal. 850-438-2277. Transmission Group World Service Meditation – 10:30-11:30am. Simple, potent and always free. Pensacola. Ever'mans Co-operative, 315 W Garden St, Pensacola. Community Yoga Class – 4:30-5:30pm. Free yoga class to introduce our newest teachers at Dragonfly Yoga, with donations for this class going to The Southern Dog Rescue. Beginning with breath, meditation and then a multi-level Vinyasa flow, cool down and savasana. Free. Dragonfly Yoga Studio, 184 Brooks St, Ste 2, FWB.
Pilates Modified Equipment Class – 9:4510:45am. Mon,Wed,Fri. For those with conditions such as osteoporosis, disc pathologies, arthritis and joint replacements. Limited to 6 participants. $30/drop-in, $25/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Pilates Intermediate Equipment Class – noon1pm. Plus Tue &Thur-5:30pm, Sat-9am. Challenging exercises for those who have a foundation in the Pilates fundamentals. Improves strength, posture, alignment and flexibility. Limited to 6 participants. $30/drop-in, $25/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Dance Trance Pensacola – 5:30-7:30pm. A cardio dance fitness class that teaches choreographed dance routines to popular music so you feel like you are at a dance party instead of working out. You'll never be bored with a variety of dance styles such as jazz, contemporary, hip hop, modern, ballet and more. No dance experience necessary. Gym shoes with a smooth sole are recommended for adequate support for the cardio and ease of movement. Communio Health & Fitness 904 E. Scott St. 904-654-5479. Pilates Multi-Level Mat Class – 5:30-6:30pm. And Tues, 8:30am. For those who have basic understanding of fundamentals of Pilates Mat. Uses a variety of different props, ex. stability balls, rollers, rings, etc to algin, strengthen, and increase flexibility. Limited to 8 participants. $15/drop-in, $10/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Crohn's and Colitis Support Group – 6:307:30pm. Supporting those battling Crohn's, Colitis,
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Pilates Multi-level & Beginning Mat Class – 8:309:30am. Multi-Level Mat/9:45-10:45am Beginning Mat. Increase strength, flexibility, alignment, improve your posture, and love how your body feels after just one hour of corrective movement exercises! Cost $10 account rate/$15 drop-in rate. All mat classes limited to 8 participants. Call 850287-5836 or visit to register. $10 account; $15/drop-in. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-2875836. Nia: Mindful Fusion Fitness – 5:30-6:30pm Tues & Thurs. 9-10am Wed & Fri. Nia is an expressive cardio workout that blends simple, low impact moves from the Dance Arts, Martial Arts and Healing Arts, providing a whole body workout for your mind, body and spirit. Nia is effective, exhilarating and fun. First class free. Communio, 904 E. Scott St, Pensacola. 980-475-2194. MoveWithKat@gmail. com. Pilates Equipment Class – 5:30-6:30pm. Tues/ Thurs, Mon 12-1, Sat 9-10. Challenging exercises for those who have a foundation in the Pilates fundamentals. Limited to 6. $30 drop-in, $25/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Pilates Honor Military Yoga Class – 7-8:15pm. Honoring those who serve, have served, and family members holding DOD IDs – US Armed Forces welcome for free. All others may join for a drop-in fee of $12. Beginners welcome and multi-level Hatha yoga class with breath awareness, meditation, sun salutations, restorative cool down, and savasana. Come build strength, flexibility, and clarity of the mind with those that serve this country. Free w/ID or $12. Dragonfly Yoga Studio, 184 Brooks St. SE, Bldg 2, FWB. 850-218-2575.
wednesday Nia: Mindful Fusion Fitness – 9-10am Wed & Fri. 5:30-6:30pm Tues & Thurs. Nia is an expressive cardio workout that blends simple, low impact moves from the Dance Arts, Martial Arts and Healing Arts, providing a whole body workout for your mind, body and spirit. First class free. Communio, 904 E. Scott St, Pensacola. 980-475-2194. MoveWithKat@
Gyrokinesis Class – noon-1pm. This movement system allows the entire body to be worked through spinal movement. Gently works the joints and muscles through rhythmic flowing movements. Most of the exercises are performed sitting on a stool. Limited to 8. $15/drop-in, $10/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Pilates Essential Yoga for Beginners – 5:30-6:30pm. Class combines teaching beginning yoga (learning proper alignment and modifications of the poses) and exploring essential oils for a fun and exciting experience. Yoga allows us the time to tune out the world and go within, and weaving essential oils into the yoga practice can deepen and expand the yoga experience. $12. ElemenTree Yoga Studio, 8762 Ortega Park Dr, Navarre. Group Guided Meditations at Empathic Practice – 5:30-7pm. Take 30 minutes of your day to relax and bring renovating energy that will help you feel better through the rest of the week. 8 spots per week, call for sign-up. $15. Empathic Practice , 801 E Cervantes St, Pensacola. 850-777-3334. Contact@ EmpathicPractice.US. Flow Motion Meditation – 6-7pm. A breathcentric dynamic practice where coordinated movement extends from inhales/exhales. Great for all levels and newbies. Bring your yoga mat. Free. Healing Arts Creativity & Empowerment Studio, 875 E Nine Mile Rd, Ste 4, Pensacola. 510-4735602.
A Course in Miracles Study Group – 6:30-7:30pm and Sun. 8:30-9:30am. A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. It teaches that the way to universal love and peace—or remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. Wednesdays’ discussion is time to share our experience of embracing now a holy instant. Sundays’ gathering is a time to study the text. Love Offering. Unity of Pensacola, 716 N. 9th Avenue, Pensacola. 850-438-2948. Wednesday Wellness – 6:30-7:30pm. $10 suggested Donation. The Center For Pranic Healing and Wellness, 206B Center St, Gulf Breeze. 850-380-0561. Transmission Group World Service Meditation – 7:15-8:30pm. Simple, potent and always free. Pensacola. Ever'mans Co-operative, 315 W Garden St, Pensacola.
thursday Body Rolling and Myofascial Release Stretch Class – 8:30-9:30am. Specialized compression balls and foam rollers, myofascial trigger points are released and pain can be eased or eliminated. The newly elongated muscle can then be strengthened even further with greater ease. Limited to 8.
$15 drop-in, $10/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. Pilates
friday Stretch Therapy – 8-11am. Instructor Janet Hardy, LMT, BCTMB is a JF Barnes' Expert Level Myofascial Release Therapist teaches simple methods to releive aches, pain and tightness with the use of therapy balls and a chair or yoga mat. Stretch therapy helps heal from surgeries and injuries –and maintains and improves overall health. Bring a bath towel and yoga mat if available. Suggested donation of $10 or $80 for 10 classes. Magnolia Tribe Chiropractic, 17287 US Hwy. 331 S, Freeport. 850-231-9131. CaringTouch4Therapy@gmail. com. Kundalini and Ashtanga Inspired Yoga – Noon1pm. Every other Friday. 3/1, 3/15, 3/29. 3 spots per week, call for sign up. 60 minutes of semi-private sessions with our certified wellness coach and yoga instructor Amanda Simmons. $20. Empathic Practice, 801 E Cervantes St, Pensacola. 850-777-3334. EmpathicPractice.US. Relax and Unwind Yoga – 5:15-6:15pm. This class combines a gentle flow with the opening of longerheld, deeply stretching yin yoga postures. Yin yoga takes a more meditative approach, allowing the mind to go in and find stillness. A great way to release tension and unwind from the week. $5. Uru Yoga , 913 E Gulf Breeze Pkwy Ste 26A, Gulf Breeze.
Are you creative, driven and passionate about healthy living? Inspire others to make choices that benefit themselves and the world around them by owning a Natural Awakenings franchise.
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239-530-1377 Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years. This is a meaningful homebased business opportunity that provides training and ongoing support. No previous publishing experience is required. March 2019 61
Rooted and Restored (Restorative Yoga) – 6-7:15pm. Relieve stress and tension as you relax in fully supported calming poses. Aligning the physical and mental by practicing stillness and holding poses. This allows the mind and body to reconnect with the breath leaving you feeling completely restored. This class is lovingly referred to as "Adult Nap Time". Essential oils may be used during this class. ElemenTree Yoga Studio, 8762 Ortega Park Dr, Navarre, 850-374-0086.
classifieds Submit classified entries online only at The submission form is located on the Advertising web page or call 850-687-0826. $20 for 20 words, $1 per extra word, per month. Due date is the 15th of the month prior to month published.
saturday Pilates Advanced Equipment Class – 7:4511:15am. 9am-Intermediate; 10:15am-Beginners. Improve your posture, strength and flexibility. Classes use a variety of Reformers, Towers, and Wunda Chairs, along with small props to enhance the exercises. Experience what it feels like to feel good in your body. Limited to 6. $30/drop-in, $25/account rate. Pilates Core Training, 1308 Dunmire St, Pensacola. 850-287-5836. PilatesCore 30A Farmers' Market – 9am-1pm. Find local Grass-fed beef, whole chickens, eggs, goat milk, cheese, produce, hydroponic lettuce, herbs, and microgreens. Best honey, including Tupelo honey, homemade from scratch bread, pies, and pastries. Pickled veggies, jams, salsa's, BBQ sauces, pesto sauce, tuna & shrimp dips, and the best Maryland Crab cakes you have ever had. In addition, beautiful arts & crafts, including fusion glass, jewelery, handmade stationery, and beautiful soaps. Free. 30A Farmers' Market at Palm Plaza Niceville Florida 1003 John Sims Pkwy, Niceville. 850-499-4697. 30aFarmersMarket. Grand Boulevard Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. Find grass fed beef, whole chickens, eggs, goat milk, cheese, produce, hydroponic lettuce, herbs, and microgreens. Best honey, including Tupelo honey, homemade from scratch breads, pies, and pastries. Pickled veggies, jams, salsa's, BBQ sauces, pesto sauce, tuna & shrimp dips, and the best Maryland Crabcakes you have ever had. In addition beautifully handcrafted soaps. Free. Grand Boulevard at Sandestin , 600 Grand Boulevard, In Grand Park Between Tommy Bahama and Cantina Laredo, Miramar Beach. 850-499-4697. 30aFarmersMarket@ Meditation – 9am. Donation. The Center For Pranic Healing and Wellness, 206B Center St, Gulf Breeze. 850-380-0561. Saturdays Intuitive Development Series – 2-4pm. This hands-on class will assist you to develop and enhance your intuitive abilities in everyday life. Limited space. Call for details or to book individual appointments. $25. Wishful Treasures New Age Gift Store, 4622 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola. 850-9414321.
ANNOUNCEMENTS VISIT SHARE-INTERNATIONAL.ORG – Discover our views concerning the emergence of the World Teacher (aka: Christ, Maitreya Buddha, the Mahdi, Krishna) and humanity's remarkably bright future.
EVENT SPACE UNITY OF PENSACOLA FACILITY RENTAL AVAILABLE – Beautiful historical sanctuary that seats up to 300 and/or our Fellowship Hall with tables and chairs for up to 65, stage and kitchen area. Weddings, Reunions, Networking Events. For more information, call 850-438-2277.
HELP WANTED BODYWORKS BY BULL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE – Massage therapist wanted to join our team. Must have CEUs in sports/medical modalities, Experienced. Will provide everything you need. Must help with marketing. 850-6512286. COMPREHENSIVELY TRAINED PILATES INSTRUCTOR WANTED – Join Barbara Bruni’s team at her busy studio, Pilates Core Training, Pensacola. The studio encompasses a warm and caring environment for clients specializing in Pilates, Gyrotonics, Myofascial Release and Structural Integration. Minimum of three years Pilates experience required; preferably trained in Contemporary Pilates with a rehabilitation background. Must be a team player with the ability to retain and recruit new clients. Send resume to MASSAGE THERAPIST FT/PT – Flexible schedules, benefits, clean, supplied, professional environment, so you can focus on doing what you love. Massage Envy in Destin,
Intuitive Group Readings – 6:30-8:30pm. Intuitive Medium Ericka Boussarhane uses her mediumship to help others find closure and insight in the lives. As a medium, she is able to connect with loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. Call to book an appointment. $20. Wishful Treasures New Age Gift Store, 4622 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola. 850-941-4321.
Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida
Fort Walton Beach and Pier Park of Panama City Beach. Destin-850-650-8500. FWB-850301-2000 Panama City Beach-850-563-0070. MM#35714, 36004, 36005.
PRODUCTS MONTHLY YOUNG LIVING MEETINGS – Enhance your path to wellness using Young Living Essential Oils. Join us. Heather Dixey #1375075 Oily Insight. 850-450-1987. Dixey@YoungLiving.Rocks.
SERVICES MYOFASCIAL RELEASE FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH – Janet Hardy, LMT, BCTMB, John F. Barnes’ expert Myofascial Release therapist offers treatment for many womens’ health issues. For more information, please call 850-231-9131or email CaringTouch SPIRITUAL COUNSELING/COACHING – Spiritual counseling and coaching available with Rev. Jamie Sanders. Metaphysical approach, meditation and affirmative prayer. Jamie1118@ 850-438-2277.
TREATMENT ROOM RENTAL PROFESSIONAL, UPSCALE OFFICE! – Classy building with tile floors in Madison Park near Pensacola Airport and Cordova Mall has several private offices for the individual business person. Plenty of free parking, shared bathroom, kitchenette, seating area and conference room. Rooms range from cozy to spacious, some with windows, closet, cabinets, or sink. $295 - $375 including all utilities and WIFI. 850-450-8508. ROOM RENTAL – Be an integral part of a holistic healing practice with established clientele, in business more than 5 years. Currently seeking a holistic practitioner to offer complementary services such as; acupuncture, reflexology, life coaching, nutrition and wellness, or counseling. 850-261-3596.
WEDDING SERVICE BEAUTIFUL MARRIAGE CEREMONIES – Spiritual marriage ceremonies with Rev. Jamie Sanders at Unity of Pensacola or your location of choice. Packages available. For more information 850-438-2277.
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Natural Awakenings of Northwest Florida