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marK your CaleNdar
healiNg your hearT & soul group
Twice-monthly gathering with intuitive breakthrough expert Nanci deutsch
Tuesday, march 8 and Thursday, march 24
Nanci Deutsch, intuitive breakthrough expert, will share her intuitive gifts to help you heal your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Join a like-minded community of people for meditation, group messages, questions and answers, and prayer. group meeting times:
Tuesday, march 8 and Thursday, march 24 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. EST.
info: Call 877-446-2624, email nanci@nancideutsch.com or visit Nancideutsch.com
Check out the latest events at NYCNaturalawakenings.com/ Calendar
marK your CaleNdar
iN-persoN CerTified praCTiTioNer TraiNiNg program
Immerse yourself in the energies of ascension with like-minded seekers as you explore the deeper truths of humanity’s origins and your role in the shifting galactic paradigm. marconics ascension frequency will further your spiritual and integrate higher aspects of soul-self in the physical body. upcoming workshops:
level 1 marconics ‘No-Touch’ march 26-27. level 2/3 marconics ‘Integrated Chakra unification’ and marconics ‘Quantum Recalibration’ April 7-9. Location: Long Beach, NY info: Call 516 369 3653, email robinJoylandau@gmail.com, or visit marconics.com to register for a class.
marK your CaleNdar
awaKeN wellNess fair liVe!
…awaken to your Best self…
So excited to be back in person! Visit our unique Vendors, expert Speakers, intuitive Readers and gifted Healers for a day of education and inspiration! sunday, april 24 from 10am to 5pm
sleepy hollow hotel + Conference Center Tarrytown Ny 10591
The eVoluTioN of humaNiTy:
sTeppiNg iNTo our diViNiTy
Join local volunteers of Share International uSA for a thought-provoking talk based on the Ageless Wisdom, an ancient body of spiritual teachings underlying all the world’s religions and scientific, social and cultural achievements. We will explore humanity’s gradual development, where we are now, and the possibilities ahead of us. saturday, march 19 at 2pm
Quest lecture hall, 242 e 53rd st NyC admission is free
share-international.us 877-495-7744
See ad, page 17. Masks and proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required.
marK your CaleNdar
JumpsTarT your holisTiC praCTiCe / BusiNess
Carol Leitner, mBA. fridays april 1, 8, 22 & 29 noon-1pm
Carol Leitner, a marketer and certified Kripalu Yoga instructor, is accepting clients and holistic doctors/practitioners for her April program. Included is business and holistic/ spiritual coaching by Carol and her team of experts on effective marketing and use of social media (Facebook and Linkedin); networking that works; creating alternative income streams; raising the emotional temperature of potential clients; showing your value and charging appropriately, etc. Leitner will market a networking event for the client, who will then present services and products there. The client will also have the opportunity to have an article published in Natural Awakenings magazine. info: Call 516 242 8270, email carolleitner1@gmail.com
Pick up your next free print copy in one of over 420 locations throughout New York City and Long Island. Or sign up to receive a digital copy at nycnaturalawakenings.com.
Btw 2nd/3rd/57th · 3rd/87th Commack · Columbus/97th Columbus Circle · East Houston Jericho · Tribeca · Union Square • health food stores & markets • food co-ops • vitamin and herb shops • retail stores & gift shops • restaurants, cafés & coffee shops • holistic clinics & centers • practitioner offices • grand central partnership • fitness & recreational centers • spas & retreat centers • street side boxes • nonprofit organizations • schools & educational centers • bookstores & newsstands
...and many other locations