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business spotlight
Jan Goldstoff Public Relations
T H e ‘ga L w ITH TH e g OLD e N R OLOD ex’ SPR ea DS M e SS age OF P ea C e a ND e MPO we RM e NT
In a city full of publicists, musicians, artists and healers, Jan Goldstoff stands out.
She’s a publicist for the healers of the world; a pianist and an African drummer; an artist; a professional event photographer and producer; a composer and recording artist with three songs on her website, JanGoldstoff.com; and the creator of a large networking group, the Golden Rolodex Group.
She’s known in New York as “the Gal with the Golden Rolodex,” and she’s been using her influence to spread an empowering message. “During this turbulent and challenging time, with so much division, violence, prejudice, deception and disregard for the truth, it’s critical to keep a positive mindset, maintain a strong spiritual practice, be in community, and have love and service as key motivating factors in your life,” she says. “I’m grateful for the many blessings in my life and believe one of my greatest gifts is mentoring young people and helping them discover their own special gifts. I’m happy to be a fairy godmother to many.” After a 20-year career at CBS Inc., Goldstoff formed her own PR company in 1995. Since then, she says, her primary passion has been to inspire people, shine the light on people whose products and services are healing, and bring awareness of the healing power of music. “Music can sustain you throughout life, get you through challenging times and bring you unimaginable joy,” she explains. The focus of her career shifted when she became a lightworker after receiving “the miracle of energy healing” from a renowned healer. “I promote a variety of individuals, from authors, entrepreneurs, artists, dancers and musicians to healers and other health and wellness professionals—like astrologers, mediums, psychics and acupuncturists—those whose products and services will illuminate the lives of others and bring hope, peace of mind, clarity and understanding,” she says. Among the healers Goldstoff promotes are Sheldon Greene (TigerWillowStudio.com); Hope Fitzgerald (we-Infinity.com); and artist, author and musician Edie Pijpers (EdieArt.com). “Having a strong inner spiritual guidance has given me great insights into an indi-
vidual’s essence, with a unique knowledge of how to promote their talents and who to connect them to,” she says. She calls the four healing songs she created—three of which are on her website— one of her greatest accomplishments. “The most recent, ‘One by One,’ is also an enhanced CD and is dedicated to all the children and those seeking peace in the world,” she says. “One by One” is sung by Christina Connors and Jeff Jacobs, with percussion Jan Goldstoff by Annette A Aguilar and guitar by Jeff Jacobs; produced by Steve Sandberg, who also did the piano track; and with CD cover art by Edie Pijpers. The video was created by Judith George. “‘One by One’ holds a positive vision for the bright future we all yearn for,” Sandberg says. Jacobs calls the song “a mantra to live by for peace and prosperity”.
"There's no one like Jan goldstoff in all of New York City who can bring together people for excitement, joy and networking. Her capacity to bring relevant and cutting edge material and speakers to her guests is always illuminating." ~alan Steinfeld
Lyrics by Jan Goldstoff
There’s no more room for hunger There’s no more room for strife We have to end the violence And change our mind’s insights There’s just one force that’s strong enough To end all wars around The love that is in each of us This love it must be found
Jan Goldstoff Public Relations is located at 400 Central Park West, 3K, New York, NY. To contact Jan Goldstoff, call 212-666-9413 or 917-553-0547, emailjangoldstoff@ nyc.rr.com, or visit JanGoldstoff.com or TheGalWithTheGoldenRolodex.com.
Herpes: Can It Be Cured?
From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City
Imagine . . . You’ve got that first date with him or her. You’ve got an interview for that new job you so very much need. You’re getting married today. You’re meeting that new client, the ceo of the biggest account you’ve ever had.
And you wake up in the morning with a huge, red, ugly blister on your lip.
It’s a herpes outbreak—it couldn’t have picked a worse time to appear. there’s no way to cover it up. You couldn’t be more embarrassed. Do you cancel? What do you do?
Herpes can be dangerous.
The problem isn’t complicated.
You caught a virus, the herpes virus, which comes in two varieties, Herpes type I and Herpes type II. the cDc says that more than 50 million out of 350 million Americans have it. But it appears that those numbers are really reversed. In truth maybe only 50 million Americans don’t have it, as most people aren’t blood-tested for it. stress of any kind may bring on an attack or outbreak, as your immune system weakens for the moment.
While there are many other types of herpes viruses, these two—types I and II—are the most psycho-socially embarrassing ones. they’re ugly, painful and at times dangerous. Years ago we generally ignored cold sores (or “canker sores”). that’s not the case today. Relationships have ended, or never even started, when it’s revealed or discovered that someone has herpes. While type I is Dr. Howard Robins generally considered oral and type II genital, it has been proven by testing that you can have either in both locations.
Here’s the truth about how you got it.
Believe it or not, Grandma might have given you herpes. or it might have been your best friend.
Wait, you think. How is that possible? Isn’t herpes sexually transmitted? What you don’t know could get you infected.
In truth, while herpes often is sexually transmitted, it can also be passed on by contact with silverware while dining or even sharing a water bottle at the gym. It’s that easy. one morning years ago, when she fed you your oatmeal, Grandma may have had a little brown or pink dot on her tongue—not the full-blown blister that we all recognize as an outbreak. she tested it, found it too hot, blew on it and tested it again before feeding it to you. Unfortunately, she transferred the virus to you too.
Have you ever shared food in a restaurant with a friend, a family member or that special someone? ever shared a soft drink with a friend or allowed your date to taste your cocktail? the same thing that could have happened with Grandma could have happened then. If you’re diagnosed with herpes, you may be inclined to blame the last person you were intimate with, but unless you had a blood test proving you were herpes-free right before you were with that person, you may have already been infected. As scary as this may sound, an outbreak on your lips or inside your nose can travel up your face to your eyes and literally blind you. Believe it or not, this is not an uncommon situation. Besides being painful, as it attacks the sensory nerves, and putting aside the small scar a lesion can leave (though most lesions fade away), herpes poses a specific danger during pregnancy. If a woman has it internally, it may break out during birth, causing the baby to be born blind.
How can you get rid of herpes permanently?
Please don’t believe the tV commercials that say herpes can only be suppressed. the drug manufacturers’ only interest is to keep you on expensive medication for the rest of your life. either they don’t know about the treatment I’m going to share with you, or they’ve chosen to ignore and suppress its existence. Intravenous ozone therapy uses ozone gas as a medicine, effectively destroying these dreaded viruses completely. over the past 70 years, some 45,000 physicians in more than 50 countries have safely used it for this purpose, although its use has been suppressed in this country—obviously for the financial gain of Big Pharma. In truth, herpes is a very, very hard virus to kill. the good news is that ozone used as a medicine intravenously will penetrate its defenses and completely eradicate it without the possibility of a mutated or resistant strain developing. It does this safely, with virtually no adverse reactions. Believe it or not, it’s even possible to rid your body of herpes so completely with ozone therapy that you will stop manufacturing antibodies for it (the body’s normal defense mechanism). You will test negative for it, as if you never had it. cured! More information about this amazing, safe and effective treatment is available at OzoneWithoutBorders.ngo, on my website OzoneDoctor.net, and on my radio show, “Functional Medicine with Dr. Robins,” which is archived but live each week on VoiceAmerica.com’s Health and Wellness channel. Questions? Call my office at 212-581-0101.