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The heArT-heALThY INgreDIeNT IN reD WINe
by Franklin St. John
Years ago, heart disease was being studied in many different countries, with the united States leading the way. The researchers were trying to identify the main factors that contributed to heart disease, such as smoking, lack of exercise and excess weight. while they suspected that fat from red meat was another culprit, their research revealed a strange anomaly: The French were known to devour red meat as well as rich desserts as a regular part of their diet, yet their heart disease statistics did not match up with their consumption of these foods, as the statistics for americans did.
The only dietary difference that stuck out in the investigation was the high level of red wine consumption by the French. Could there be a direct correlation between red wine and heart health?
Further investigation indicated that, indeed, there was something in red wine that helped improve the health of French people in general, and their heart health in particular. Research proved that a specific compound in red wine, resveratrol, was responsible for this significant benefit. It seemed that simply drinking red wine regularly would enable someone to reap its health benefits. as it turned out, however, the amount of red wine required to get those benefits would have caused the drinker to be intoxicated all the time.
One fact that emerged from the research was that the French people, even children, drank red wine with most of their meals; it was evident that the general population had resveratrol in their systems practically all the time. Yet alcoholism did not appear to be a problem in France, as it would most likely be in the united States if americans started consuming red wine at the level needed to reap the heart-health benefits the French enjoyed.
and those benefits are obvious. according to the literature, resveratrol helps expand the artery walls, allowing the blood to flow more easily. This means that there is less chance for platelets to accumulate on the arterial walls and cause a stoppage of blood flow, which of course would result in a heart attack. This is not to say that simply consuming resveratrol is a sure way to prevent a heart attack, but anything that reduces the risk of having one is a positive step. Resveratrol has other positive effects on the body as well. Its characteristic of making the arterial walls more flexible can affect the blood flow to the brain, helping cut the risk of stroke. and resveratrol has also been shown to be a strong antioxidant, which means that it is an ally to the body in its constant war against free radical damage. People who are interested in their health probably are aware of the harm that free radicals can cause to the body’s organs, to DNa and even to individual cells.
because an individual cannot safely or responsibly drink enough red wine to reap the health benefits associated with resveratrol, HerbaSway developed a liquid concentrate of the compound made from extracts of giant knotweed and the skin and seeds from grapes. because these extracts are in concentrated form, they contain a level of resveratrol that far exceeds that found in red wine. One serving from a 60-serving bottle of HerbaSway Resveratrol delivers the heart-health benefits of more than a bottle of red wine.
Franklin St. John, the founder of HerbaSway Laboratories, was taught traditional Chinese herbal medicine and qigong by a Taoist master from the mountains of China. For more information, call 1-800-672-7322 or visit HerbaSway.com. See ad, page 9.

The ultimate guide to eating a Plant-based Diet
by Tina Stinson
This guide provides a step-by-step process for adopting a plant-based diet. I hope it’s helpful, and congratulations for doing something healthy for you and positive for the planet!
Stop eating animal products.
eating plant-based means avoiding all animal-based foods—and that can be challenging. It’s all about reading labels and learning what those mystery ingredients are.
Head to the fridge and the pantry.
go through everything and start reading labels. If you don’t know what it is, look it up. It’s always good to know what you’re putting in your body—you might decide you don’t want to consume it.

that task is a lot easier with a whole-food diet.
what’s a whole food? Food that grows from the earth. Food that’s unprocessed or minimally processed. Food that doesn’t have an ingredient list.
Eating whole foods is key.
It’s the most important step for improving health with a plant-based diet. My energy levels skyrocketed when I started eating more real food. eating whole foods is easier than you think—and you will feel so much better.
Plant-based isn’t the same as vegan.
“Plant-based” is about diet. “vegan” is about diet and lifestyle. according to the vegan Society, “veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.” For example, vegans avoid wearing leather and fur, and even eating honey.
Start with a few staple plant-based recipes.
Think of some of your favorite meals, then look online or in cookbooks for plant-based replacements. Finding recipes that are similar to ones you already like will make you more comfortable with the change. Make sure the recipes aren’t too difficult and that the ingredients are readily available. Pinterest has some great plant-based recipes.
Learn how to replace animal products.
There are so many dairy replacements in the grocery store right now. Start testing them out! keep in mind, however, that plant-based cheeses, butters and condiments can be highly processed. So if the goal is to improve your health, use those products sparingly, and consider not using them at all. n Start with plant-based dinners (or breakfasts or lunches) and transition to the other meals over time.
These are just a few ways to ease into a plant-based diet, which lets you learn and adjust. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take your time.
Replace animal-based foods gradually.
Don’t throw everything out at once and spend a fortune on new plant-based items. Replace animal-based foods as they run out. (unless you’re a “cold turkey” person—then go for it. Donate what you don’t want and go shopping!)
Find the “why.”
Figuring out your reason for going plant-based is the first step to reaching your goal. So ask yourself, why is this transition important to me? How will I feel when I get started?
Ease into the transition with these techniques:
n eat plant-based one day a week (“Meatless Mondays”). n eat plant-based Monday through Friday and take a break on the weekends. n eat plant-based for one meal a day, then add more meals over time. For more help making the switch to a plant-based diet, visit TinaStinson. com/plant-based-resources.
Tina Stinson is a certified life coach, holistic health coach and culinary nutrition instructor. For more information, or to set up a complimentary call, contact her at 315-726-0318 or visit TinaStinson. com. See ad, page 13.
The Causes of Candida
by michael Biamonte, CCN
The causes of candida are not a mystery. They are also not the same for every person. Some people develop candida due to a combination of causes. Let’s explore some of the most common ones.
1. Antibiotics: antibiotics are a common cause of candida. They destroy both harmful and good bacteria. when antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria, candida have a chance to multiply. anyone who has been treated with antibiotics for acne, major dental work or any condition for which antibiotic use has been frequent—more than one course of seven to ten days—is a prime candidate for candida.
2. Birth control pills and copper iuDs: Oral birth control pills are mostly composed of the hormone estrogen. Supplemental estrogen in the synthetic form has been found to promote the growth of yeast. Several years ago, the great Smokies Medical Lab published studies showing that hormones could affect intestinal bacteria. a common complaint of women on birth control pills is yeast infection. The copper IuD is another possible yeast promoter. Researcher David watts, Ph.D., has observed that copper promotes the growth of yeast. Often women with a copper IuD develop excessive levels of copper in their tissues. excess copper can depress the adrenal, thyroid and immune systems, making it more difficult for the body to resist yeast.
3. Chronic stress: Stress can cause yeast growth for several reasons. Stress causes the body to release cortisol, a hormone that can raise blood sugar and depress the immune system. elevated blood sugar can feed yeast cells, allowing them to grow quickly; meanwhile, depressed immune function leaves the body defenseless against the sudden growth of yeast. These two reactions tend to happen together as cortisol levels go up. That’s how stress causes candida. also, cortisol can be addicting to the body, as it raises blood sugar and relieves inflammation. a few studies have shown that the body can try to keep cortisol levels elevated. There are several simple nutrients that help lower cortisol levels back to normal by telling the nervous system to relax.
4. tap water consumption: unfiltered tap water is high in chlorine, which has been found to destroy friendly intestinal bacteria. This will allow candida to flourish.
5. Parasites and intestinal worms:
These are more common than most of us realize. Some researchers have estimated that more than 85 percent of people living in North america and Canada have parasites, which can be large and wormlike or microscopic. either way, they destroy the friendly bacteria in the intestines, making yeast overgrowth possible.
6. Constipation: Constipation can be caused by candida. However, constipation can also lead to candida. If someone does not have candida but then becomes constipated for any reason, candida may begin to grow. That’s because a slow-moving digestive tract becomes very alkaline— the environment where candida grows best. The more alkaline the digestive tract, the happier the candida.
These are just the most common causes of candida. To read the full list, or for personalized treatment visit Health-Truth.com/the-truecause-of-candida/.
Michael biamonte has a doctorate in nutripathy and is a New York State-certified clinical nutritionist. He is a professional member of the International and american association of Clinical Nutritionists and the american College of Nutrition and is a member of the Scientific advisory board for the Clinical Nutrition Certification board. See ad, page 19.

We hear a lot about detoxification this time of year, when the concept is introduced as the ultimate spring cleaning. But Vanessa Galti-Drew, founder of Cleansing Concepts, says detoxification should be an ongoing process—a lifestyle, not a seasonal ritual. For more than 10 years, Cleansing Concepts has provided a variety of detoxification modalities, like colon cleansing, ion therapy, infrared sauna therapy and living clay therapy. But as an extension of her in-studio offerings across her five locations, Galti-Drew has integrated ways for her clients to experience detoxification in between appointments. “It’s critical to counterbalance the environmental toxic load we all endure daily—sometimes even before getting out of bed, let alone throughout an entire day, week, month or year,” she says. “We can’t necessarily control what’s happening around us, but we can certainly control what we’re choosing to put in our bodies.” To that end, all Cleansing Concepts locations are offering three new “beyond the studio” detox solutions to positively impact health.
The Prove It Challenge
This detox regimen is scientifically proven to transform the user’s health in 30 days or sooner, GaltiDrew says. “It begins with a 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, which acts as a digestive reset to prepare the body to receive proper nutrition beginning on day eight and thereafter,” she says. When the weeklong cleanse is complete, advanced nutrition is incorporated by replacing one daily meal with a Life Shake and taking the Vitalizer strip—customizable for men, women and those over age 50—for clinically backed vitamins, minerals and protein. “Our bodies withstand a lot, even during detox, so foundational nutrition is critical,” Galti-Drew says. “The Prove It Challenge makes achieving optimal nutrition simple.”
The Detox Lifestyle
This patent-pending personalized nutrition system assesses more than 1,000 factors in five minutes to reveal what supplements an individual needs and why. The detailed breakdown is based on Me+ology’s focus areas and how they impact one another, Galti-Drew says. “There are two plans, Essentials and Essentials Plus, based on where you are on your health journey, and everything proposed can be easily modified. Because everybody is different,” she says.
Detox Clay
According to Galti-Drew, Cleansing Concepts Detox Clay is the world’s only source for 100 percent pure, 350screen mesh, calcium bentonite clay, which absorbs excess oil and dirt from the skin and acts like a sponge to bind and eliminate nonnutritive and harmful substances from the colon. She says “living” or “active” clays like this have the ability to adsorb and absorb—similar words that mean two different things. “Adsorption describes the process by which the charged particles of other substances combine with charged particles on the outer surface of the clay molecule,” she explains. “Absorption is a slower and more complex process: Expanded clay attracts foreign substances that are absorbed and fill the spaces between the stacked layers of clay molecules. Absorbent clay absorbs positively charged ions and impurities and ignores negatively charged nutrients. And thus, we are cleansed.” All these new offerings are designed to support people on their journey to radically transform their health, Galti-Drew says. Whichever path they choose, a laser-focused approach to reducing toxic load is critically dependent on what happens before, during and after the detoxification process.
For more information, call Cleansing Concepts at 516-640-5322 (Garden City, NY); 732-741-2444 (Red Bank, NJ); or 631-656-6313 (Smithtown, NY); or visit CleansingConceptsWorld.com. See ad, page 29. See ad, page 5.