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YONKERS Cross County Shopping Center Seeks Holiday Market Vendors Cross County Shopping Center, located in Yonkers, in Westchester County, is issuing a call for vendors to participate in its upcoming 2020 Holiday Market. The market will take place on the east side of the shopping center, in the parking lot between Red Lobster and Olive Garden. Vendors have until October 16 to apply for consideration. “We are seeking vendors with products that make unique gift items and are also related to health and wellness,” says Liz Pollack, senior manager of marketing at Cross County Shopping Center. The Holiday Market will be open from Black Friday (November 27) to Christmas Eve (December 24). In addition to vendor booths, it will include food trucks, holiday decorations and festivities. Hours of operation are Mondays through Fridays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays from noon to 8 p.m., and Sundays from noon to 6 p.m. The week leading up to Christmas, hours will be extended. Cross County Shopping Center is an outdoor shopping, dining and entertainment destination that attracts over 11 million visitors each year and is currently fully open and operating. It is home to retailers such as Macy’s, Zara, Shake Shack, H&M, Pandora, Michael Kors, Starbucks and Chipotle. Parking is free year-round, and the shopping center is also located within walking distance of Metro North (25 minutes to Grand Central Station) and Westchester’s Bee Line Buses.
To apply to be a Holiday Market vendor, visit CrossCountyCenter. com. For questions, email Liz.P@marxrealty.com. See ad, page 13. DALLAS Pursue a Healthcare Career at Parker University Parker University (formerly Parker College of Chiropractic), founded in Dallas in 1982 by Dr. James William Parker, has more than 1,800 students and 34 academic programs, including its famed chiropractic program. During the COVID-19 crisis, students still deserve the best education, experience, and degree that can be earned online without compromising any parts of their educational experience. The university’s deep tradition, dedication to academic research, and integrated clinical application, positions students to become industry leaders across a broad spectrum of applied science positions. Recognizing the serious need for natural, non-invasive health and wellness programs for aspiring health care professionals, those that feel a passion for improving others’ lives can find a fulfilling, meaningful career. Parker also offers a Master of Science degree in Functional Nutrition, Strength and Human Performance, and Neuroscience and Clinical Neuroscience. Students can pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Integrative Health within its Health Sciences program. Within integrative and non-invasive health realms, Parker offers programs in massage therapy, radiologic technology, occupational therapy assistant, and diagnostic sonography. There are additional areas of study in natural, holistic, and wellness programs.

Location: 2540 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas. For more information, call 800-637- 8337, email AskParkerAdmissions@ parker.edu or visit Parker.edu. See ad, page 22.

Reiki with Kids Workshop and Coloring/Activity Manual Rickie Meryl Freedman, a full-time reiki master and teacher who has taught ReikiKids for more than 10 years, has published a Reiki Rickie Shares ReikiKids coloring/activity manual that shares the reiki story in kid-friendly language, allowing them to have an interactive learning experience. The manual is a fun, interactive way for families to learn about the benefits of reiki and to help kids learn to live with more compassion, kindness and integrity. There is now an effective template available for a fun and easy way to share reiki with children. Certified Reiki Master teachers can now easily establish classes to help kids learn to manage their energy and prepare them to be examples of positive change in the world. Virtual workshops are now available to learn how to use the format and materials. Workshop participants receive their own manual and Baby Fluffy Reiki Puppy (part of the story) prior to the class. Discounted supplies are available for conducting future kid’s classes.
For information about workshops or to order a manual, call 717-599- 2299, email Rickie@ReikiByRickie.com or visit ReikiByRickie.com. Twiceborn Tells the Story of Japan’s ‘Happy Science’ A new inspirational film from Japan, Twiceborn, will open in Manhattan on October 16. The film is based on the life of Ryuho Okawa, the founder of Happy Science, Japan’s fastestgrowing and most influential spiritual movement, which now has 12 million members across 100 countries.
Twiceborn tells the story of Satoru Ichijo, a highly successful businessman who relinquishes everything to pursue his true calling, the happiness of humankind. The film opens with Satoru lecturing to more than 50,000 people in Tokyo Dome in 1991. A flashback then covers his final months in college, where he was a top scholar and athlete and began receiving messages from the spiritual world. After college graduation, Satoru is invited to join a renowned international trading firm, where he quickly becomes very successful and is positioned for a vault to the executive suite. Meanwhile, he is spending all his leisure time reading spiritual philosophers, recording the messages and insights he is constantly receiving from his spirit guides, and coming to terms with the astounding and overwhelming message the guides have for him: “Your mission as the Buddha reborn is to save all people by spreading the Truth.”
For locations and times, visit TwicebornMovie.com.
If you’re waiting for your mind to tell you that you’re strong and confident, waiting to check off all the boxes before going after your dream job, waiting to lose 10 pounds before you ask for a promotion, waiting for someone to acknowledge your expertise and skills before you can believe in yourself—if you’re tired of waiting—this webinar is for you. We all have more power over our thoughts and feelings than we realize. Celeste DeCamps will explain the importance of how we hold our bodies when we sit, stand and walk, and demonstrate her philosophy that if the body believes, the mind will follow. The ultimate goal is to use the body to build the confidence to succeed. For more information about DeCamp’s work, visit CelesteDeCamps.com.

Live webinar
Wed, 14 October 6:30 PM EST The 1 hour interactive presentation is FREE to the first 15 readers who enroll.
Exclusive Live Webinar: Empowerment Through Movement: How to Change Your Attitude in a Split Second What are you thinking about yourself? This webinar provides valuable tools to use when you need a boost in your self-esteem, especially when you feel anxious.
Speaker: Celeste DeCamps
Enrollment Information: email publisher@na-newyorkcity.com Zoom details and class materials will be sent to confirmed attendees.
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