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global briefs
Lyme Disease: The Great Mimicker
From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…
What’s Wrong with Me? elbows, wrists, hips and shoulders. Pain is often mild or moderMichael came into the office taking short baby steps. His ate, usually with swelling at the involved joint. In some cases, 19-year-old arms and hands were bent and twisted into a weird, Lyme disease kills. spasmodic position. His head tilted to the side, eyes nearly closed, with his face in a strange grimace. He spoke in short three- or four-word sentences. He had been suffering since he was 13 years old, and his father was ready to institutionalize him for the rest of his life. Until he became ill, he was a normal boy and a computer whiz. One day, he developed what appeared to be the flu, except it was in the summer and not the flu season. The Answer In many but not all cases, antibiotics may eliminate the infection and its symptoms, especially if the illness is treated early. Unfortunately, even when caught early, antibiotics don’t always work. Many people are allergic to the drugs needed or develop sensitivity reactions and have to stop them. Delayed or inadequate treatment (often treating for too short a period of time) can lead to the more serious sympSeveral courses of oral and intravenous antibiotics toms, which can be disabling and even harder to failed to work. His symptoms worsened over the treat—that is, unless medical ozoneis used. years, and several Lyme experts later left him in the state in which he arrived into our office. He had Over the past 22 years, intravenous medical ozone late-stage Lyme disease. has been safely and effectively used to destroy and eliminate Lyme disease, even in late-stage infections. The Cause Often when all hope is gone, even after years of sufThe disease is named after the towns of Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut, where a large number Dr. Howard Robins fering, medical ozone has proven successful. Usually in just a few weeks, symptoms begin to diminish, of cases were identified in 1975. It is a worldwide offering hope and finally giving relief. Intravenous pandemic. The infection is transmitted to humans by the bite of medical ozone when it enters the body attacks and kills all Lyme infected ticks. The ticks are extremely small and often fall off the disease-causing bacteria. It does it safely, virtually with no adbody after feeding, thus masking the fact that you’ve been bitten. verse reactions. In addition, it destroys all unwanted viruses, fungus, yeast, mold, harmful free radicles, and toxins, thus cleansing The Symptoms and the your body and boosting your own natural immune system. And did I say it does it safely and with virtually no adverse reactions?
Difficulty in Diagnosis
Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue, depresMore information about this amazing, safe and effective treatsion and a characteristic circular skin rash, which has a “bullsment is available at OzoneWithoutBorders.ngo, on my website eye” (target-like) appearance. The “bulls-eye rash” is thought to OzoneDoctor.net, and on my radio show, which is archived but live occur in only about 80 percent of infected patients, adding to each week on VoiceAmerica.com, Health and Wellness Channel, misdiagnosis. Patients often experience flu-like symptoms, such “Functional Medicine with Dr. Robins.” Or call my office at 212- as headache, muscle soreness, fever, and malaise, which can also 581-0101. See ad, page 3. confuse early diagnosis.
Lyme arthritis usually affects the knees and feet, and, in some patients, arthritis can occur in other joints, including the ankles,
Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.
Short Circuit
Electronic Waste is Out of Control A partnership formed in 2017 between the United Nations International Telecommunication Union, the International Solid Waste Association and other groups to track the accumulation of electronic debris has reported via the publication Global E-Waste Monitor 2020 that a record 53.6 million metric tons of electronics were discarded in 2019 and could likely increase to 74.7 million tons per year by 2030.
E-waste includes battery-powered and plug-in laptop computers, smartphones and televisions. Not only are people using more consumer electronics, they are not doing a good job of recycling them safely. The report found that of the e-waste generated in 2019, only 9.3 million tons, or 17.4 percent, were recycled.
Cadmium and mercury are conspicuous sources of pollution from these devices, as are refrigerant chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons that can leach into the environment. Plastic waste is another concern. The report states that e-waste contains so many valuable recoverable metals such as iron, copper and gold that it represents a prime opportunity to reclaim these raw materials instead of mining them anew.

Corporate Hero
Apple Seeks 2030 Carbon Neutrality Apple, Inc., the maker of the iPhone, iPad and Mac computers, has committed to becoming 100 percent carbon neutral overall, from its supply chain to retail outlets, by 2030. The goal is to achieve a zero net climate impact. According to BBC Science Focus Magazine, CEO Tim Cook says, “Businesses have a profound opportunity to help build a more sustainable future, one born of our common concern for the planet we share. The innovations powering our environmental journey are not only good for the planet, they’ve helped us make our products more energy-efficient and bring new sources of clean energy online around the world. Climate action can be the foundation for a new era of innovative potential, job creation and durable economic growth. With our commitment to carbon neutrality, we hope to be a ripple in the pond that creates a much larger change.” If successful, the 10-year plan will reduce carbon emissions by 75 percent and develop solutions such as the use of low carbon and recycled materials to achieve the other 25 percent.
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articulated by philosopher and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Dr. Wayne Dyer’s elaboration on this pronouncement is further instructive:
Vote Love The non-spiritual being hates evil and is determined to eradicate that which he believes to be evil. The spiritual being knows that everything that he hates and fights weakens him, and that all that he is for empowers him. The non-spiritual being knows what he hates, and much of his by Paul B. Chen energy, both mental and physical, is devoted to fighting what he perceives to be bad or evil. Spiritual beings do not
Y Y Y order their lives to be against anything. They work for what they are for rather than fighting what they’re against. (I have to say I do have a niggle with Dyer’s use of the term “nonI knew I had to write an endorsement this month, despite the fact some of us do not realize it and live accordingly.) that Natural Awakenings typically steers away from politics. I am So, with a month to go before election day, I encourage you to start under no illusion that my small but earnest publication holds any now. Generate positive feelings throughout the month, so that by sway among the Atlanta electorate, but I do believe that silence the time November 3 rolls around, perhaps we can collectively is complicity, that every voice matters, and that the “hundredth generate a tidal wave of positivity that drives more positive people monkey” is out there. to the polls. Remember: Like attracts like. If you spend October A few weeks ago, I imagined this space enumerating a long list of indictments against the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania criticizing, decrying, screaming, abhorring and hating, what type of voters do you think are going to show up in waves? Avenue and the party he represents. But I felt uneasy with that One last thought for those of you who believe that you are once idea, and just last week I realized why: The Law of Attraction. again saddled with a choice of the lesser of two evils and that you This fundamental law states that like attracts like. Yet we often find that, as much as we dislike somebody, something or some situation, we get more of it, not less. The reason is that our minds are more focused on the negative—what we don’t want—versus have to hold your nose while pulling the levers of electoral justice: Paraphrasing the advice of Abraham, when you find yourself unable to generate positive feelings for a specific thing, think in more general terms. the positive—what we do want. And negative minds attract more Finally, I also urge everyone to contemplate and meditate on negative realities. the idea of a society that is based much more upon the Divine Accordingly, my “endorsement” is to ask you to vote for what you want, not what you don’t want. In other words, the state of mind you bring to the polling booth should be one of love, not fear; of hope, not despair. Feminine than ours is now. In an interview with Bustle Digital Group, Suzanne Kingsbury said, “Consciousness is basically divided up into the masculine side and the feminine side, and we need both to achieve our highest creative potential.” She points out aspects of the Divine Feminine that I encourage you to repeat, like Whether you vote in person or by mail, I urge you to take whatever a mantra, to attract what many of us ultimately want on November time you need to generate positive feelings and not commit the 3—empathy, compassion, creativity, community and collaboration. act of voting with a negative mind. Please repeat them throughout the morning, afternoon and While I know this might be difficult to do, remember the truism evening. Then, let’s reap what we sow. spiritual being.” I believe we are all spiritual beings; it’s just that Chardin: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; Paul B. Chen is the owner and publisher of Natural Awakenings we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” in Atlanta. nycnaturalawakenings.com 23
Facing our Challenges Consciously, Together
by Michael Mongno, Ph.D.
As we find ourselves in a maelstrom unlike anything we’ve seen in recent history, we are being forced to sit up and take notice and begin a conscious awakening of mind and spirit. With the COVID pandemic vastly changing how we live, it’s more evident than ever that our planet’s survival depends on our awareness of this complex ecosystem and our willingness to be its respon- sible custodians. It’s no longer a question of our choosing to become conscious of the problem; rather, consciousness is being painfully thrust upon us every day. And the longer global leaders wait to enact real, comprehensive change, the more difficult and even dire the problem becomes for everyone—especially those who are al- ready disenfranchised.
jonanderswiken/AdobeStock.com A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD If we want to do our part, we need to take greater responsibility for ourselves, starting with our health. This is where we are be- ing forced to make difficult choices that entail putting the health of others on par with our own. For the many rugged-individualist Americans, whose ego is wired to put self above others, this feels antithetical and extremely uncomfortable. What the pandemic has made clear by leveling the playing field is that we are all vulnerable, that we all have the same needs, and that no one is different or special when it comes to nature. This virus and the ravages of climate change care nothing about our philosophical beliefs or political affiliations. This is what is deci- mating America right now, when government leaders are resistant to the stark realities of nature, and proven science plays second fiddle to politics as the West Coast burns out of control. What is happening is causing unprecedented emotional trauma to so many Americans, and on so many different levels. We are all in this together, yet the current politics of divisiveness, based on who stays in power, is pitting us against one other, against our neighbors and fellow citizens. This is madness, and it’s taking its toll day after day as the deaths from the pandemic reach stagger- ing highs. I say “madness” because so much suffering and so many deaths could have been prevented if simple precautions had been taken from the outset. The problem has been exacerbated by our inability to weed out misinformation and find the truth, so we can take care of ourselves in very basic ways.
STEPS FOR HEALING A helpful first step would be to take a pause from our thoughts, our personal narratives to which we are so wed, and from the news, which keeps us on high alert and stressed out. We must slow down and manage what we allow in, so that we can breathe and find solid ground in the present moment. This can be an antidote to the daily anxiety that so many of us feel. Another step is to reach out to others for support or consolation. The isolation we’re all enduring has torn away at the fabric of our social well-being, and we’re all feeling the traumatic effects. We need each other because we are each other. By being more aware of our sameness, by being more empathetic and compassionate, we can make a great difference to those around us. When we strive to be conscious and connected, we can tap into our collective potential and intuitive wisdom to create the multidimensional solutions we need to overcome the real obstacles we are all facing. A Course in Miracles states that there is only one of us here. You might say that the whole of humanity is like a hologram. Every part reflects the sameness of every other part that makes up the whole. If we were to think of others, our brothers, as ourselves, we could more easily look beyond the surface differences of race, religion or culture and treat each other according to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them to do onto you. This shift alone would go a long way in changing how we see each other and make it through the day—with less suffering, based on our sameness rather than difference. It recalls the Buddhist Loving Kindness Prayer: May all beings be free of suffering. May all beings be safe. May all beings be healthy. May all beings be happy. May all beings be at peace. We face some real challenges, but if we decide to face them together, for each other—not just to further our own agendas— we can create a transformed world, a place where we live in the peace of our sameness while still appreciating the differences that make up the face of humanity.
Michael Mongno, MFT, Ph.D., LP, counsels individuals and couples. His office is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan near Lincoln Center, at 100 W. 67th St., Ste. #2NE. For more information, call 212-799-0001 or visit PresentCenteredTherapies.com..
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