8x12 Eastern White Pine Log Walls Dovetail Corners Hand Hewn Finish Heavy Timber Decorative rafter tails Timber Brackets and Braces Stepped Fascia Diamond Log Railing 150 pound snow load Barn Owl model
Stepped Fascia Roof Overhangs Heavy Timber Roof Overhang Rafters Decorative Rafter Tails Board-and-Batten Siding Red Color Green Color 12-inch round half logs 16-inch round log skip-peeled posts Hand-split shake siding Cedar Frieze boards Barn Owl Garage Rear Exit
Bark Siding Bark Trim Appalachian Staked Stone Cut stone floor
The Timber Frame Building Syst
Warmth, strength and security. The hallmark of timber frame construction is the joy of homeowners. Utilizing timber post and beam, with wood joinery held in place by wooden pegs, timber frame structures are made to t last hundreds of years. Allowing the homeowner to vary the wood look throughout the home, timber frame uses a mixture of tongue & groove, drywall and other materials to create a strikingly beautiful, energy efficie building system.
Exterior Trim and Timber Accent Package: 1x12 and 1x8 stepped cedar roof fascia boards 2x6 Cedar Window Trim 2x12 Freize boards and band boards Timber brackets, braces, trusses, corbels, headers, rafter tails, etc. Wall corner treatments Shutters
Exterior Doors: Solid Doors by KML and Simpson Full Glass doors by Andersen and Simpson Garage bay doors not included
Exterior Windows: Andersen 400 Series Vinyl clad exteriors Stain-grade wood interiors Screens and grilles Locks and hardware Delivery after home is in the dry Upgrade to Eagle Windows
Exterior Siding Package: Design Services Huge portfolio of Designer Homes Free plan customization Virtual Design Center Shop drawings for factory-cut log and timber systems Full construction documents Coordinated materials Lists, packaging and labeling
Over 50 combinations of sidings and finishes Porch Roof System: Bark, shakes, board-and-batten, log Douglas Fir timber trimmed-to-fit sidings, etc. on site Structur hand-hewn, draw-knife finish, rough 8x8 posts, 4x12 plates R-24 sawn, fresh sawn, etc. 4x8 rafters, 4x12 ridge EPS o 2x6 Premium Spruce tongueDoors and-groove decking Spline 30# felt (ready for finished roofPanel Pane ing Wiring House
g o
R-30 Built-up Roof System: Alternative to SIP panels Designed to use over heavy timber framing 2x6 Premium Spruce tongue-and-groove decking 30# Felt Vapor Barrier 7-1/4-inch EPS insulation panel with molded ventilation channels 2x8 and 2x12 sub-fascia 7/16-inch OSB sheathing Installation panel screws 30# Felt (ready for finished roofing)
ral Insulated Panel (SIP) Wall System:
factory-cut SIP wall system or Urethane insulation between 2 layers OSB s and windows pre-cut with headers installed e material for joining panels l screws and sealants g channels pre-bored e wrap (ready for sidings)
Typical Package Contents depicted below. Your actual package contents may vary. Please check your Purchase Agreement for your actual package contents.
R-30 SIP Panel Roof System: Alternative to built-up roof system Designed to use over heavy timber framing 2x6 Premium Spruce tongue-and-groove decking 30# Felt Vapor Barrier EPS or Urethane insulation between two layers of OSB Installation panel screws and sealants 30# Felt (ready for finished roofing) Higher R-values available
Structural Timber Frame System: Beautiful Douglas Fir timber Mortise-and-tennon, pegged joinery Precision-cut timber systems 8x8 posts, 8x10 girts, 8x10 rafters 6x8 ridges and purlins 6x floor beams 4x8 arched braces Most timber free-of-heart Multiple bent designs Post-and-beam systems Lifetime warranty
Porch Roof System: Designed to use over heavy timber framing 2x6 Premium Spruce tongueand-groove decking 30# felt (ready for finished roofing
Deck & Porch Floor System: 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 Treated floor joists 2x Treated rim joists 2x6 Western Cedar Decking 1x12 Cedar Deck Skirt Douglas Fir Railing System
Interior Partition Walls: Engineered Wood Sub-floor System: 2x8 Treated sill plates Microlam速 LVL Grider Beams TrusJoist速 Silent Floor速 sub-floor framing Engineered Wood Product Rim-board Structurewood速 Gold sub-floor sheathing, Sub-floor adhesive
2x4 studs on 16-in. centers 2x4 top & bottom plates 2x6 for plumbing walls Wall coverings optional
The Hybrid Building System
Perhaps you prefer the simple beauty of logs for your entrance, but want the drama of timber frame in your living room. Or you have to have a stone fireplace for your outdoor living area. A combination of building techniques, and structural and decorative elements, hybrid homes appeal to homeowners looking for the best of all worlds.
HBS Truss Roof System: Exterior Trim and Timber Accent Package: 1x12 and 1x8 stepped cedar roof fascia boards 2x6 Cedar Window Trim 2x12 Freize boards and band boards Timber brackets, braces, trusses, corbels, headers, rafter tails, etc. Wall corner treatments Shutters
Pre-manufactured trusses Scissor trusses, attic trusses, light storage trusses, flat trusses, vaulted trusses, etc. Roof overhang framing, sub-fascia, bracing, and ties 7/16-inch OSB sheathing 30# Felt
Exterior Wall System: 2x6 Wall Framing Engineered Wood LSL Studs for zone framing 7/16-inch OSB sheathing House wrap
Design Services Huge portfolio of Designer Homes Free plan customization Virtual Design Center Shop drawings for factory-cut log and timber systems Full construction documents Coordinated materials Lists, packaging and labeling
Exterior Doors: Exterior Siding Package: Over 50 combinations of sidings and finishes Bark, shakes, board-and-batten, log sidings, etc. hand-hewn, draw-knife finish, rough sawn, fresh sawn, etc.
Solid Doors by KML and Simpson Full Glass doors by Andersen and Simpson Garage bay doors not included
HBS Engineered Wood Roof System:
Typical Package Contents depicted below. Your actual package contents may vary. Please check your Purchase Agreement for your actual package contents.
TrusJoist® Roof Systems featuring Timberstrand® LSL, Microlam® LVL, and Parallam® PSL, Glue-lam beams and Solid-sawn Heavy Timber beams Alternative 2x12, 2x10, 2x8 Rafters Roof overhang framing, sub-fascia, Interior Partition Walls: bracing, and ties 2x4 studs on 16-in. centers 7/16-inch OSB sheathing 2x4 top & bottom plates 30# Felt 2x6 for plumbing walls Wall coverings optional
Interior Heavy Timber: Heavy Timber Factory-cut Trusses in cathedral areas Trim-to-fit Ceiling Beams over main level Trim-to-fit columns Timber Frame arched braces Many options available
Heavy Timber Porch Roof System: 8x8 posts 6x12 top plates 4x8 rafters 2x6 T&G Felt Hardware
Deck & Porch Floor System:
xterior Windows: Andersen 400 Series Vinyl clad exteriors Stain-grade wood interiors Screens and grilles Locks and hardware Delivery after home is in the dry Upgrade to Eagle Windows
Engineered Wood Sub-floor and Second Floor Systems: 2x8 Treated sill plates Microlam® LVL Grider Beams TrusJoist® Silent Floor® sub-floor framing Engineered Wood Product Rim-board Structurewood® Gold sub-floor sheathing, Sub-floor adhesive
2x8, 2x10, 2x12 Treated floor joists 2x Treated rim joists 2x6 Western Cedar Decking 1x12 Cedar Deck Skirt Douglas Fir Railing System
The Log Home Building System Time and trends mean nothing to the perennial beauty of log homes. The most basic of construction, yet the most dynamic of structures, log homes are a favorite of those people who long for simple comfort and beautiful design. Hand-crafted or milled logs of eastern white pine or other species are used with the utmost precision to create a home that uniquely fits your personality and lifestyle.
Lifetime Warranty Pre-cut Log Wall System: (LWKHU ´' ´ URXQG RU ´[ ´ HDVWHUQ ZKLWH SLQH 24-step Quality Assurance Program Kiln-dried 3-stage curing process Grade stamped to Log Wall 40 standards TIMBOR treatment Interlocking double tongue-and-groove logs Your choice of corner joinery²saddle notch, dovetail, butt-and-pass, corner post. Pre-cut window and door openings with rough opening frames Lag screws, log insulation, dovetail splines, caulking Construction plans and erection diagrams Logs bundled and wrapped Optional nationwide construction services Many optional sizes, log styles and profiles, patterns and wood species
Interior Partition Walls: 2x4 studs on 16-in. centers 2x4 top & bottom plates 2x6 for plumbing walls Wall coverings optional
Design Services Huge portfolio of Designer Homes Free plan customization Virtual Design Center Shop drawings for factory-cut log and timber systems Full construction documents Coordinated materials Lists, packaging and labeling
Engineered Wood Sub-floor System: 2x8 Treated sill plates MicrolamÂŽ LVL Grider Beams TrusJoistÂŽ Silent FloorÂŽ sub-floor framing, rim board Pre-fabricated web trusses StructurewoodÂŽ Gold sub-floor sheathing, Sub-floor adhesive Optional Warmboard radiant heating system
Exterior Do
Solid Doo Full Glass Simpson Garage ba
House Roof System: ´[ ´ FRQYHQWLRQDO URRI IUDPLQJ IRU DOO KRXVH URRIV And/or pre-fabricated trusses ´[ ´ 'RXJODV )LU H[SRVHG FROODU EHDPV ´ 26% H[WHULRU URRI VKHDWKLQJ DQG )HOW Pine or Fir for exposed posts and beams Two-ft. roof overhangs Optional wood ceilings (many types available) Optional heavy timber roof systems
ors by KML and Simpson s doors by Andersen and
ay doors not included
Typical Package Contents depicted below. Your actual package contents may vary. Please check your Purchase Agreement for your actual package contents.
Exterior Trim and Timber Accent Package: 1x12 and 1x8 stepped cedar roof fascia boards 2x6 Cedar Window Trim 2x12 Freize boards and band boards Timber brackets, braces, trusses, corbels, headers, rafter tails, etc. Wall corner treatments Shutters
Exterior Wall System: For gable ends, dormers, etc 2x6 Wall Framing Engineered Wood LSL Studs for zone framing 7/16-inch OSB sheathing House wrap
Exterior Siding Package: For gable ends, dormers, etc Over 50 combinations of sidings and finishes Bark, shakes, board-and-batten, log sidings, etc. hand-hewn, draw-knife finish, rough sawn, fresh sawn, etc.
Porch Roof System: 6x6 or 8-in round Douglas Fir or pine posts 4x Douglas Fir top plate beam 2x6 Premium Spruce tongue-andgroove decking 30# felt (ready for finished roofing
Exterior Windows: Andersen 400 Series Vinyl clad exteriors Stain-grade wood interiors Screens and grilles Locks and hardware Delivery after home is in the dry Optional upgrade to Eagle Windows
Deck & Porch Floor System: 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 Treated floor joists 2x Treated rim joists 2x6 Western Cedar Decking 1x12 Cedar Deck Skirt Optional steps and posts to grade Optional railing in many types
1-866-618-6564 8x12 Eastern White Pine Log Walls Dovetail Corners Inset Door & Window Openings
Vintage Beams Fresh Sawn Reclaimed Beams Appalachian Stacked Stone Spruce T&G Decking
New Doug Fir beams with hand hewn finish Indigenous Fossil Stone Board & Batten Siding Contrasting Red Color Hand Hewn Log Walls Cedar Flooring
Custom Railing Reclaimed Logs Douglas Fir Heavy Timber Stair
Eastern Cedar Roof Brackets Antique Board Siding 1x8 Board & Batten Sidiing 4x8 Rafter Tails 4x8 Roof Overhang Rafter 2x6 Spruce T&G Decking Appalachian Stacked Stone Eagle Windows Cedar Shake Roof
2x12 White Pine Hand-Hewn Siding Hand-Drawn Edges 6x6 Hand-Hewn Corner Post 2x2 Treated Railing Treated Pine/Fir Floor
Cedar Shake Roof 8x12 Purlin Brackets with Arched Brace 4x8 Roof Overhang Rafters 2x6 Spruce T&G Decking Eagle Window Western Red Cedar Hand-split Shake Siding 2x12 Western Cedar Frieze Board Eastern Cedar Corner Posts Appalachian Stacked Stone Shadow-boxed Cedar Window Trim
50 Year Asphalt Dimensional Shingles 12-inch Round Decorative Ridge Purlin 150 Pound Snow Load Roof 3-step Fascia with Ridge Detail 1x6 Cedar T&G Soffit liner Western Red Cedar Hand-split Shake Siding Handcrafted Log Wall System Full Scribe Spruce Logs 2x12 Western Cedar Door Trim Cedar Panel Garage Doors
Heavy Timber Roof Overhang Rafters Hand-Hewn Finish Dark stain 2-step Cedar Fascia Boards Decorative Ridge Timber Arched-top Eagle Windows John Wayne (let us know if you see him) Hand-split Cedar Shake siding
Eastern Cedar Tig Railing Appalachian Stacked Stone Piers Flagstone Floor CHand-split cedar shake siding Shadow boxed cedar window trim
Timber Frame, Mortise-tennon-pegged Cathedral great room ceilings 6x8 Upper Floor Beams 2x6 Spruce T&G Decking 8x8 Support Posts 8x12 Girder Beams 4x8 arched braces
Heavy Timber Doug Fir Trusses Structural Mortise-and-tennon, pegged joinery Dark Stain The SL Show home Truss 2x6 Spruce Roof Decking
Timber Frame, Mortise-tennon-pegged Cathedral great room ceilings 6x8 Upper Floor Beams 2x6 Spruce T&G Decking 8x8 Support Posts 8x12 Girder Beams
Timber Frame, Mortise-tennon-pegged Splined joinery with oak pegs 2x6 Spruce T&G Decking
Handcrafted Douglas Fir Chinker-Style Logs Structural Log Trusses, ridges and purlins Triangular glass between logs Log Profile Window Trim Reclaimed flooring 1x6 Spruce T&G Ceiling Liner 2x10 Stick-framed roof above ceiling Wormy Chestnut Built-in cabinets
Reclaimed wood flooring Vintage Log Faces with chinking for wall covering
Reclaimed Antige Timber Frame Non-structural 1x10 Board Ceilings 2x12 Structural Framing above ceiling Reclaimed wood floors
True vintage log walls Documented Log History Chinking
Heavy Timber Doug Fir Trusses Structural Mortise-and-tennon, pegged joinery Dark Stain The SL Show home Truss 2x6 Spruce Roof Decking
Eagle Windows Cedar window trim The SL Show home Stone Corner Piers Stone skirting and ledge Heavy Timber Corner Posts 4x8 Structural Rafter Tails続no fascia Western Cedar hand-split shake siding
Standing-seam metal roof Bark-siding on gable dormers Timber railing with twigs Pyramid stone piers Eastern Cedar Peeled Posts Board-and-Batten Siding Eastern Cedar Corner Posts Heavy timber Roof System
Post-and-beam Outdoor Great Room 8x8 Posts, 8x12 Plates, 6x8 Joists Arched braces 2x6 T&G Spruce Decking for flat ceiling Stick-framed roof above Outdoor Living Kitchen Aid appliances Bark cabinets with wormy chestnut trim Tile Counter Tops Concrete floor
Post-and-beam Outdoor Great Room 8x8 Posts, 8x12 Plates, 6x8 Joists Arched braces 2x6 T&G Spruce Decking for flat ceiling Stick-framed roof above Outdoor Living Wormy chestnut cabinets, bark trim Concrete floor Mushroom colored stain
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