Molly Lou Schmidt
HNS Ambassador
Molly Molly Lou Schmidt is 32 years old and she has been married to her best friend for 11years. She loves her animals, Tizzy, Carson, Murphy and Bruiser. She is an amazing hairstylist and an incredibly loving, creative, talented and beautiful woman. We are so honored to have Molly as an HNS Ambassador. Why do you believe in Healthy is the New Skinny? I am so excited that people are starting to realize that the images of these super skinny girl is not normal! It is important to start educating girls to be happy with themselves and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
If you could go back in time to bring a message to your high school self.... what would you tell her and why? Oh boy! I would tell her to be brave, that she is a wonderful person who can do anything she puts her mind to. I would tell her to take chance and don’t be afraid.
What do you want girls to know? If you can be at peace with yourself on the inside then it will come through to your outside.# .
What changes would you like to see for your generation and the next generations to come? Stop living your life through the computer and your cell phones! Get outside and live life to the fullest. Be nice to each other.#
Think of your favorite picture of you as a child.... if you could go back to that day and give yourself a message, what would that be?# Don’t ever be ashamed of your personality or goofiness, it’s one of your best traits. If people don’t like you for who you are then who cares!#
“I wish to continue to grow and learn, to be 100% in love with that person in the mirror. I wish to travel and experience life, to always be open minded and always be true to myself, my family and friends.”
What makes you laugh so hard you cry? Being silly, dancing around, and being a total spaz!
What do you love most about being a girl? Makeup, Clothes, Shoes, Painting My Nails, and gushing over hot guys (David Beckham)!!! Hehehe What does being healthy mean to you? A healthy person is not only physically healthy, but mentally healthy too. What are you passionate about and why do you feel it is so important for girls and women to find their passion? I’m passionate about stopping animal abuse! For people to realize that just because animals don’t have a voice, they still have rights. Not everyone needs or deserves to have animals. If you don’t have a passion then what’s the point in living? I believe we are all put on this earth for a reason or a task.
What is a fun fact about you? I love Disneyland more than anyplace in the world! (so far) J I love the pure joy you get when you walk through the main gates and into the park. I love the thought that one man imaged and dreamed of this spectacular place and made it come to life.
Molly Height- Tall Size- Healthy Weight- Who Cares… Career- Hairstylist
If your inner beauty sparkled, what color would it be and why?